State information system register of households. Where can I find information about the house in the GIS Housing and Communal Services? The fight against the "tolmuts" of notaries has begun

The system of housing and communal services (GIS HUS) has entered a phase of active work since July 2017. Despite the fact that 100% of resource supplying organizations (RSO) have already registered in it, according to the operator of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, not all have posted the necessary information in full. The system contains only about 25 million personal accounts and transmitted information about 235 million facts of payment for housing utilities.

Market participants had to collect a large amount of data and place it in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, and then regularly transfer information to the system and verify their data with federal information resources. We went to meet the market participants, decided not to arrange shock therapy and adjusted the terms.

Mikhail Evraev, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

Penalties for non-posting of information have been postponed to January 01, 2018, and there is still time to add the missing data. However, you need to hurry: by September 1, 2017, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will present new methods of economic motivation of RNO for failure to enter information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services in full.

They will be introduced in addition to administrative responsibility to replace the old norm on economic motivation, which was recognized as untenable: if the RNO has not posted information on charges for consumed energy resources in the system, the subscriber will have the right not to pay bills until the information is posted in the system. in full.

GIS Housing and Communal Services for the Republic of North Ossetia: where to start

Recall that in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 209-FZ "On the state information system of housing and communal services", within seven days from the date of the conclusion of the contract on resource supply, the authorized specialist of the RNO is obliged to place the following data in the GIS of housing and communal services:

  • on resource supply contracts;
  • about serviced residential and apartment buildings (if they are absent in the system);
  • about all rooms located in the MKD;
  • on personal accounts of energy consumers;
  • about metering devices for supplied resources, as well as their readings;
  • about charges for utilities;
  • on making payment to the cashier of the RNO;
  • on the state of settlements with consumers.

The figure below clearly shows what information needs to be entered into the GIS of housing and communal services and in what order.

The primary information for entering into the system is information about resource supply contracts and personal accounts of subscribers. If the RNO has been supplying them with energy resources for a long time, the employee responsible for entering data into the GIS of housing and communal services does not ask the question of where to get the information for placement. All of it is indicated in the contract for the supply of a utility resource itself.

To start work of a RNO employee in the Personal Account of GIS Housing and Utilities, he needs to obtain the status of "Authorized Specialist". Adding an authorized specialist is available to an employee of the RNO with the "Administrator" status.

How to add a resource supply contract to the GIS of housing and communal services: a complete step-by-step algorithm

To post information about resource supply contracts, you must log in to the Personal Account of the RSO and select the "Register of resource supply contracts" item in the "Management Objects" menu.

Step 1.

In the tab that opens, click the "Add resource supply agreement" button.

Please note that only data on apartment buildings (including all residential and non-residential premises) and individual residential buildings are subject to placement in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. You do not need to enter information about non-residential properties that are located outside residential buildings.

Step 2.

In the "Create a resource supply agreement" tab that opens, fill in all the fields in the "Agreement details" block. Check the box (٧) in the box opposite the line "The contract is public and / or is not concluded on paper (in electronic form) or is concluded in relation to non-residential premises in apartment buildings" to add an agreement regarding non-residential premises, as well as if it is public or electronically concluded.

Step 3.

Select the parties to the agreement in the appropriate block.

Step 4.

In the "Utilities Provider" block, press the "Select" button. In the "Select organization" tab that appears, specify the search parameters and press the "Find" button. Select the required organization by setting the radio button in the field with OGRN / OGRNPIP, KPP of the organization, and press the "Select" button.

Step 5.

After completing work with the block "Parties to the contract" go to the block "Subject of the contract and payment terms". Select the types of services to be supplied, and then configure the corresponding utilities. Indicate the start and end dates for the supply of each energy resource, as well as the dates for issuing payment documents and payments.

Step 6.

Fill in the fields in the "Procedure for commercial accounting of the supplied (accepted) resource" by choosing values ​​from the proposed lists.

Please note that if the parties to the contract are the RNO and the utility service provider, in this block it is necessary to indicate which of the parties carries out the commercial accounting of the supplied energy resource.

Personal accounts under such an agreement can be created only by the party that keeps commercial records of the supplied utility resources. If it produces Management Company or HOA, then RSO will not be able to create and maintain personal accounts of subscribers. And vice versa.

Step 7.

Select values ​​from the proposed list to fill in the "Basis for the conclusion of an agreement" block.

Step 8.

Press the "Add file" button in the "Resource supply agreement and annexes to the agreement" block to place an electronic copy of the resource supply agreement with all applications in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Please note that if the contract to be registered is public, concluded in electronic form or concluded in relation to non-residential premises in apartment buildings, this block can be left blank.

After downloading the selected file from your computer, wait for the notification that it has been downloaded. Repeat the procedure if you need to place several documents in the system.

Step 9.

Make sure that the entered data is correct and press the "Save" button. After that, the saved contract will receive the "Project" status. This means that it has successfully passed registration in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, and you can proceed to changing it or posting information about the personal accounts of subscribers. But only if your RNO independently maintains commercial accounting of the supplied utilities. If this task is assigned to the UO, HOA or housing cooperative, they will publish this information.

Placing personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

If you answered positively to the question of whether it is necessary for the RNO to fill in the field "Personal accounts", that is, your organization independently maintains commercial accounting of the supplied energy resources, let us proceed to the description of the sequence of actions.

In order for an authorized RSO specialist to enter these data into the system, he needs to obtain the right to maintain a register of personal accounts of serviced houses. This right can be given to him by an employee of the RNO with the status of "Administrator".

To get started, go to your Personal Account and select the "Personal Accounts" line in the "Management Objects" menu. The "Register of personal accounts" window will open.

Step 1.

On the page that opens, press the "Add personal account" button.

Step 2.

Enter the required information on the "Personal account creation" tab and press the "Save" button.

Step 3.

Press the button "Select a room" in the block "Information about houses / rooms / rooms" and select the command you want in the dropdown list.

Step 4.

Enter the data in the required fields of the "Room / block selection" tab.

  • choose from the proposed list;
  • enter data manually.

Step 5. Adding information about the payer from the proposed list.

Set the switch opposite the line "Select a payer from the list" and press the button "Select a payer". In the list that opens, select the required parameter, and in the tab that opens, select the payer. Confirm your choice by pressing the "Select" button.

If the payer you need is not in the list, add it yourself. To do this, in the "Payer" block, set the switch opposite the line "Enter information about the payer manually", and then enter the data about the payer in the fields of the dialog box.

If there is no information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the payer, you can save the personal account data without specifying the payer.

Step 6. Entering information about the passport data or SNILS of the payer.

Set the radio button opposite the line "Enter information about the payer manually" in the "Payer" block and follow the link "Specify passport data and SNILS". Fill in all the fields in the "Add information about natural person"And press the" Save "button to complete the procedure for creating a personal account.

How to quickly place information on personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

Three procedures are available for posting information about personal accounts in the GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  • Enter information manually in the Personal Account of the RSO. Quite a long and tedious procedure that requires careful checking of each step in the stated sequence of actions.
  • Load data from pre-filled Excel templates... A bit easier and faster. But you will also have to manually insert data into templates.
  • Download information through web services using programming tools, for example, in the Personal Account of the RSO, which is tied to the used data dispatching system from metering devices.

The last method is the fastest, most reliable and simplest. It is only necessary to export ready-made data obtained from meters to GIS Housing and Communal Services.

We help to automate the accounting of resources for their subsequent unloading into the GIS of housing and communal services.

Advantages of automated dispatching for RSO:

  • Formation of Excel files with hourly data on water / electricity consumption;
  • the accountant will have all the data on hand by the 25th;
  • hourly online consumption statistics - see the demo of your personal account;
  • connection of up to 2,000,000 metering devices within a radius of 10 km without the need to purchase an additional base station, repeaters and concentrators.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without concentrators and repeaters.

Wireless resource dispatch
for RSO

Continuing the article.

Regulations on the state information system "Register of households"

1. State Information system"Register of households" (hereinafter - the Register) is the state information system of the city of Moscow, containing information in electronic form on management issues apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - information), and includes:
1.1. Register of apartment buildings and management organizations (including homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization).
1.2. Register of provided legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of notifications about the beginning of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings (hereinafter - the Register of notifications).
1.3. Other information provided for by this Regulation.
2. The Register of apartment buildings and management organizations includes:
2.1. Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow (Moszhilinspektsiya), the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory” (hereinafter referred to as MosgorBTI), the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow and managing organizations in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations.
2.2. Information disclosed by management organizations, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization (hereinafter referred to as a partnership, cooperative), in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the field management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731, in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations.
3. The Register of notifications includes information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, the collection and processing of which is carried out Moscow Housing Inspection in accordance with the Rules for submitting notifications on the start of certain types of entrepreneurial activity and accounting for these notifications, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584, in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Regulations.
4. In addition to the information specified in clauses 2 and 3 of this Regulation, the Register includes other information regarding the management of apartment buildings in accordance with the list of such information approved by the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow in agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspection and the Department information technologies the city of Moscow.
5. The formation and entry of information into the Register is carried out by the owners of the specified information, which are the Moscow Housing Inspection, MosgorBTI, district administrations of the city of Moscow, managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.
6. Information entered into the Register since read officially disclosed if:
- the managing organization concluded an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this managing organization in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731, and on the work in accordance with the established procedure with comments from citizens on the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow
- the partnership, the cooperative concluded an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this partnership, cooperative in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 23 September 2010 No. 731.
7. Holders of information:
7.1. The information is entered into the Register within three working days from the moment it appears at the owner of the information.
7.2. The information entered in the Register is updated in accordance with the terms for entering this information and the updating periods specified in Appendices 1, 2, 3 to these Regulations.
7.3. Determine the persons authorized to perform operations for entering this information into the Register (hereinafter referred to as authorized persons).
7.4. Submit information about authorized persons to the Registry operator.
7.5. Organize the receipt by authorized persons of identifiers (logins) and passwords specified in clause 9 of these Regulations.
8. Authorized persons ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of the information entered into the Register, as well as the entry of this information into the Register within the time limits established in Appendices 1, 2, 3 to these Regulations.
9. The entry of information by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow, management organizations, partnerships and cooperatives for placement in the Register is carried out using specialized software of the state information system "Portal for managing apartment buildings", designed to carry out actions to enter information into the Register by the owners of such information ( hereinafter referred to as specialized software).
Information owned by MosgorBTI is entered into the Register in automatic mode from the information system MosgorBTI.
10. Access to specialized software carried out using an identifier (login) and password issued to authorized persons by the Registry operator.
11. The regulations for access to specialized software are established by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.
12. Entering information into the Register by the administrations of Moscow districts and the Moscow Housing Inspection after gaining access is carried out using specialized software by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.
13. Entering information into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives after gaining access to specialized software is carried out by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.
14. Information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives should not differ from the information posted by these organizations on the official website on the Internet, determined by the authorized federal executive body (hereinafter - the official website of the federal body).
15. When entered into the Register, information undergoes an automated formal-logical check using the means of the Register within one calendar day from the moment it is entered into the Register. The automated formal-logical check provides for checking the completeness of filling in all the necessary electronic forms of the Register.
16. If, based on the results of the check provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, violations are identified, a notification is automatically generated about the violations committed and the need to amend the information, which is sent to the owner of the information.
17. Changes in the information contained in the Register and the exclusion of information included in such information are carried out in the manner prescribed for entering information into the Register.
18. The following circumstances are grounds for excluding information from the Register:
18.1. Entry into force of legal acts of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, which changed the requirements for informing citizens on the management of apartment buildings, the composition of the mandatory disclosure of information on the management of apartment buildings.
18.2. Inaccuracy of information on the management of apartment buildings in the case when it is not possible to make changes to the information contained in the Register.
19. The basis for making changes to the information contained in the Register is the identification of violations within the framework of the automated formal-logical verification provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, as well as the inaccuracy of the information included in the information, due to the initial introduction of inaccurate information into the Register or loss of their relevance.
20. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate monitors the completeness and relevance of information entered in the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.
21. Within the framework of the control provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate exercises the following powers and (or) functions:
21.1. Checks the completeness of the information provided by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of filling in all the necessary fields of the electronic forms of the Register.
21.2. Checks the compliance of the information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives with the information at the disposal of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.
21.3. Monitors information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of the need to supplement it with new information at the disposal of the Moszhil Inspectorate, including information entered by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives on the official website of the federal body.
22. If information is found to be excluded from the Register or changed, including if errors are found in the information contained in the Register, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, within one working day from the moment of discovery of such information, notifies the owner of the information who posted such information about the need to exclude them from Registry or changes and makes the necessary changes, including fixes existing errors.
23. If information about the management of apartment buildings is discovered, posted on the official website of the federal body, but not included in the Register, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate enters such information into the Register and sends a notification to the owner of this information indicating the need for further updating of the information in accordance with this Regulation.
24. The Registry Operator performs the following functions:
24.1. Ensures the functioning and technical support operability of the Registry around the clock;
24.2. Carries out the publication of information on the management of apartment buildings in the state information system "Portal for management of apartment buildings" and provides round-the-clock access of citizens to the specified information;
24.3. Ensures the safety and invariability of information on the management of apartment buildings in the Register from the moment it is entered into this information system;
24.4. Organizes access to the Register of authorized persons of information holders and their consulting support on technical issues;
24.5. Provides recording of information about facts
access to the Register, as well as on the authorized persons of the information holders who entered the information into the Register;
24.6. Determines the technical requirements for the Registry and the rules for connecting to this information system.
25. Certain functions of the Registry operator can be transferred to an organization, including a subordinate body of the executive power of the city of Moscow government agency, by decision of the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow.

Annex 1

Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow, the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory", the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow and managing organizations, posted in the state information system "Register of Households"

Appendix 2
to the Regulation on state information
system "Register of households"

Information disclosed by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow on the basis of an apartment building management agreement, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization, in accordance with the Standard disclosure of information by organizations carrying out activities in the field of management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 No. 731

(... are not included on our website ...)

Appendix 3
to the Regulation on state information
system "Register of households"

Information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings

(... are not included on our website ...)

Appendix 4
to the Regulation on state information
system "Register of households"

Agreement on interaction between the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow and the management organization that carries out activities in the city of Moscow for the management of apartment buildings State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Housing Inspectorate represented by _________________, acting on the basis of _____________ and the management organization operating in the city of Moscow activities for the management of apartment buildings, hereinafter referred to as the "Management Organization", represented by _______________ acting on the basis of ____________________, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this cooperation agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.

1. Objectives of the agreement
The Parties enter into this Agreement in order to raise awareness of the residents of the city of Moscow about the activities of management organizations in the territory of the city of Moscow.
2. Obligations of the Managing Organization
To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the Managing Organization undertakes the following obligations:

2.3. Prepare responses in personal account the managing organization to the comments of users entering the portal "House of Moscow", in accordance with the Regulations for processing and publishing information on centralized Internet portals of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the Government of Moscow, approved in accordance with the established procedure.
2.4. Warn the Moscow Housing Inspectorate one month in advance about the day of termination of its participation in the Agreement.

3.1. Provide an opportunity for the Managing Organization to post information about its activities subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 dated 23.09.2010, on the Moscow House portal.
3.2. Provide appropriate information and consulting support when the Managing Organization posts information about its activities on the "House of Moscow" portal.
3.3. To bring to the notice of the Managing Organization information about the organized information and training seminars on the work of the portal "House of Moscow".
3.4. Take measures to resolve emerging conflict situations in which two or more management organizations simultaneously claim to manage one apartment building.
Signatures of the parties:

Appendix 5
to the Regulation on state information
system "Register of households"

Cooperation Agreement between the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow
and the homeowners' association (housing cooperative), the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Housing Inspection represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of ______________ and the HOA (ZhK), represented by _______________, acting on the basis of __________________________, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", concluded this cooperation agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.

1. Objectives of the agreement
The parties conclude this Agreement in order to raise awareness of the residents of the city of Moscow in the area of ​​management of apartment buildings.
2. Obligations of the HOA (LCD)
To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the HOA (LCD) assumes the following obligations:
2.1. Post information about their activities, subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 of 23.09.2010, on the website (hereinafter referred to as the portal "Houses of Moscow") in accordance with the Instruction of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for filling out the forms of reporting indicators of the managing organization, approved by order of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate of ___________ No. ____.
2.2. Be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information posted on the portal "House of Moscow", in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2.3. Warn the Moscow Housing Inspectorate one month in advance about the day of termination of its participation in the Agreement.
3. Obligations of the Moscow Housing Inspection
To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, Moszhil-Inspection assumes the following obligations:
3.1. Provide an opportunity for the HOA (LCD) to post information on their activities, subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.09.2010 No. 731, on the portal "Houses of Moscow".
3.2. Provide appropriate information and consulting support when placing HOAs (ZhK) information about their activities on the portal "House of Moscow".
3.3. To bring to the attention of the HOA (LCD) information about the organized information and training seminars on the work of the portal "House of Moscow".
Signatures of the parties:

Information disclosure ( general issues disclosures, regulations, etc.)

(c) Sergey Kryukov,

no attachments 1, 2

In order to increase the efficiency of informing citizens about the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, the Moscow Government decides:

1. To approve:

1.1. Regulations on the state information system "Register of households" (Appendix 1).

1.2. Regulations on the state information system "Portal for management of apartment buildings" (Appendix 2).

2. Establish that:

2.1. The state information system "Portal for management of apartment buildings" is the official website of the Moscow Government on the Internet, where information is published in accordance with the standard approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 N 731 "On approval of the information disclosure standard by organizations implementing activities in the field of management of apartment buildings ".

2.2. The state information system "Register of households" is:

2.2.1. Register of apartment buildings and management organizations.

2.2.2. The register of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings and the only state information system, using which in the city of Moscow in the prescribed manner reception and registration of notifications submitted by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in accordance with the established procedure on the commencement of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings is carried out.

2.3. The Moscow Department of Information Technologies is the operator and the state customer for the operation of the state information system "Register of households", as well as the state information system "Portal of apartment buildings management".

3. To recognize as invalid the order of the Moscow Government dated January 25, 2011 N 50-RP "On determining the official website for publishing information by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings."

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, A.V. Ermolaev.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

Document overview

The apartment building management portal is the official website of the Moscow Government, which publishes information about organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings. The Household Register contains information about apartment buildings and management organizations.

The operator and state customer for the operation of the Register of Households and the Portal for Management of Apartment Buildings is the Department of Information Technology.

on the state information system "Register of households"

1. The state information system "Register of households" (hereinafter - the Register) is the state information system of the city of Moscow, containing information in electronic form on the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - information), and includes:

1.1. Register of apartment buildings and management organizations (including homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization).

1.2. The register of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings (hereinafter - the Register of notifications).

1.3. Other information provided for by this Regulation.

2. The Register of apartment buildings and management organizations includes:

2.1. Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow (Moszhilinspektsiya), the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory" (hereinafter referred to as MosgorBTI), city councils of Moscow districts and managing organizations in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

2.2. Information disclosed by management organizations, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization (hereinafter referred to as the partnership, cooperative), in accordance with the standard by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 g. N 731, in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations.

3. The Register of notifications includes information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, the collection and processing of which is carried out Moscow Housing Inspection in accordance with the Rules for submitting notifications about the start of certain types of entrepreneurial activity and accounting for these notifications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584, in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Regulations.

4. In addition to the information specified in clauses 2 and this Regulation, the Register includes other information regarding the management of apartment buildings in accordance with the list of such information approved by the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow in agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspection and the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow ...

5. The formation and entry of information into the Register is carried out by the owners of the specified information, which are the Moscow Housing Inspection, MosgorBTI, district administrations of the city of Moscow, managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.

6. Information entered in the Register is considered officially disclosed if:

The management organization entered into an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this management organization in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 . N 731, and on the work in accordance with the established procedure with comments of citizens on the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow;

The partnership, the cooperative concluded an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this partnership, cooperative in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23 2010 N 731.

7. Holders of information:

7.1. The information is entered into the Register within three working days from the moment it appears at the owner of the information.

7.3. Determine the persons authorized to perform operations for entering this information into the Register (hereinafter referred to as authorized persons).

7.4. Submit information about authorized persons to the Registry operator.

7.5. Organize the receipt by authorized persons of identifiers (logins) and passwords specified in clause 9 of these Regulations.

8. Authorized persons ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of the information entered into the Register, as well as the entry of this information into the Register within the time limits established in Appendices 1 to this Regulation.

9. The entry of information by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow, management organizations, partnerships and cooperatives for placement in the Register is carried out using specialized software of the state information system "Portal for managing apartment buildings", designed to carry out actions to enter information into the Register by the owners of such information ( hereinafter referred to as specialized software).

Information owned by MosgorBTI is entered into the Register automatically from the MosgorBTI information system.

10. Access to specialized software is carried out using the identifier (login) and password issued to authorized persons by the Registry operator.

11. The regulations for access to specialized software are established by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

12. Entering information into the Register by the administrations of Moscow districts and the Moscow Housing Inspectorate after gaining access is carried out using specialized software by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

13. Entering information into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives after gaining access to specialized software is carried out by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

14. Information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives should not differ from the information posted these organizations on the official website on the Internet, determined by the authorized federal executive body (hereinafter - the official website of the federal body).

15. When entered into the Register, information undergoes an automated formal-logical check using the means of the Register within one calendar day from the moment it is entered into the Register. The automated formal-logical check provides for checking the completeness of filling in all the necessary electronic forms of the Register.

16. If, based on the results of the check provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, violations are identified, a notification is automatically generated about the violations committed and the need to amend the information, which is sent to the owner of the information.

17. Changes in the information contained in the Register and the exclusion of information included in such information are carried out in the manner prescribed for entering information into the Register.

18. The following circumstances are grounds for excluding information from the Register:

18.1. Entry into force of legal acts of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, which changed the requirements for informing citizens on the management of apartment buildings, the composition of the mandatory disclosure of information on the management of apartment buildings.

18.2. Inaccuracy of information on the management of apartment buildings in the case when it is not possible to make changes to the information contained in the Register.

19. The basis for making changes to the information contained in the Register is the identification of violations within the framework of the automated formal-logical verification provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, as well as the inaccuracy of the information included in the information, due to the initial introduction of inaccurate information into the Register or loss of their relevance.

20. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate monitors the completeness and relevance of information entered in the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.

21. Within the framework of the control provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate exercises the following powers and (or) functions:

21.1. Checks the completeness of the information provided by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of filling in all the necessary fields of the electronic forms of the Register.

21.2. Checks the compliance of the information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives with the information at the disposal of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

21.3. Monitors information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of the need to supplement it with new information at the disposal of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, including information entered by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives on the official website of the federal body.

22. If information is found to be excluded from the Register or changed, including when errors are found in the information contained in the Register, Moscow Housing Inspection # within one working day from the moment of discovery of such information notifies the owner of the information who posted such information about the need to exclude them from the Registry or changes and makes the necessary changes, including correcting existing errors.

23. If information about the management of apartment buildings is discovered, posted on the official website of the federal body, but not included in the Register, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate enters such information into the Register and sends a notification to the owner of this information indicating the need for further updating of the information in accordance with this Regulation.

24. The Registry Operator performs the following functions:

24.1. Provides the functioning and technical support of the Registry in a round-the-clock mode;

24.2. Carries out the publication of information on the management of apartment buildings in the state information system "Portal for management of apartment buildings" and provides round-the-clock access of citizens to the specified information;

24.3. Ensures the safety and invariability of information on the management of apartment buildings in the Register from the moment it is entered into this information system;

24.4. Organizes access to the Register of authorized persons of information holders and their consulting support on technical issues;

24.5. Provides the recording of information about the facts of access to the Register, as well as about the authorized persons of the information owners who entered the information into the Register;

24.6. Determines the technical requirements for the Registry and the rules for connecting to this information system.

25. Certain functions of the Registry operator may be transferred to an organization, including a government agency subordinate to the executive authority of the city of Moscow, by decision of the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow.

    Appendix 1. Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow, the state unitary enterprise "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory", district administrations of Moscow and managing organizations, posted in the state information system "Register of households" Appendix 2. Information disclosed by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings in Moscow on the basis of an apartment building management agreement, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization, in accordance with with the Standard of information disclosure by organizations carrying out activities in the field of management of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 N 731 Appendix 3. Information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings Appendix 4. Agreement on cooperation between the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow and the management organization carrying out activities on the management of apartment buildings on the territory of Moscow Appendix 5. Agreement on cooperation between the State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow and a homeowners' association (housing cooperative)

Subsystem for scheduling specialist appointments, consultations, including telemedicine, and capacity utilization medical organization, and electronic record to see a doctor

The information system provides the means of integrating existing medical information systems into a unified state information system for registering citizens for appointments, consultations and research.

The users of this information system are citizens of the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, employees of centers for processing telephone calls of citizens, employees of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of health care, employees of medical organizations of the Russian Federation, including doctors, nurses, registrars and employees of organizational and methodological departments.

Subsystem for maintaining an integrated electronic medical record and services for accessing it

The information system is designed to ensure routine (including archival) storage and provision to authorized users, software services and applications of prompt access to standardized electronic medical documents and information as part of an integrated electronic medical record.

The integrated electronic medical record accumulates medical information received from medical organizations of all levels and provided by these organizations for storage in the integrated electronic medical record.

The sources of data for the integrated electronic medical record are the medical information systems of the integrated electronic medical record of medical organizations that support the maintenance of the patient's electronic medical record, which contains personalized demographic data and information about a citizen's health, treatment plans, prescriptions and results of treatment, diagnostic, prophylactic, rehabilitation, sanitary and hygienic and other activities.

In addition to medical documents, the integrated electronic medical record contains an integral history of the patient's life, including demographic and vital information, data on visits, hospitalizations, surgical interventions, vaccinations, socially significant diseases, disabilities and other regulated information.

In order to ensure the protection of personal data from unauthorized access and the integrity of the transmitted data, the documents in the integrated electronic medical record contain the electronic signature of the medical worker and / or (depending on the regulations) of the medical organization that provided the medical document for use as part of the integrated electronic medical record.

The users of the System are:

Medical organizations, doctors (including doctors of private practice) and other medical professionals who are obliged to observe medical confidentiality and use medical information from the integrated electronic medical record in the interests of diagnosing, treating or preventing a patient (subject of an integrated electronic medical record);

Subjects of an integrated electronic medical record who have access only to their integrated electronic medical record;

Other persons and organizations to whom anonymized or aggregated information may be provided for scientific or educational work, analysis or planning of health care activities.

Identification and authentication of users of the information system is carried out using the services of the Unified System for Identification and Authentication of the E-Government Infrastructure, including the use of qualified electronic signature operating within the Common Space of Trust.

The information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is designed to collect, store and process accounting data for medical personnel in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as monitor and control the distribution and movement of medical personnel.

the information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is intended for the work of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection, subordinate federal institutions and suppliers.

The information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is designed to collect, store and process data of general and administrative information about medical institutions, conditions of accommodation and treatment, information about areas and buildings, organizational structure, personnel, equipment of institutions and performance indicators of institutions.

- to start working with the system at the user's workplace, it is necessary to have access to Internet, installed browser and software for data encryption and a USB dongle with a user certificate.

Registration of citizens in this subsystem is not provided.

The service is an expert decision support system for individual combined pharmacotherapy. He relies on information from other federal information services working with him at the same time. The state register of medicines is used as the main source of data on the nomenclature of registered medicines. The maintenance of the classifier of diseases is fully coordinated with the centralized service for maintaining normative and reference information

Description of conditions and order of access to the system- to start working with the system at the user's workplace, it is necessary to have access to the Internet, an installed browser and software for data encryption and an electronic USB key with a user certificate. Access possible through Unified system identification, authentication and authorization

the information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is designed to ensure accounting, systematization and management of normative and reference information used in the field of health care;

the information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is designed to control the implementation of state functions in the provision of high-tech medical services to the population.

Description of conditions and order of access to the system- to start working with the system at the user's workplace, it is necessary to have access to the Internet, an installed browser and software for data encryption, and an electronic USB key with a user certificate.

To track information on high-tech medical care, a special portal has been created for citizens.

Description of conditions and order of access to the system- to start working with the system at the user's workplace, it is necessary to have access to the Internet, an installed browser.

The information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of Russia is designed to provide medical and pharmaceutical workers with access to electronic documentation and other literature in the field of healthcare.

Description of conditions and order of access to the system- to start working with the system at the user's workplace, it is necessary to have access to Internet, installed browser.

Household Register Information System

and control in the field of procurement

  • Normative-methodical

    and background information

    SME Monitoring Corporation

    EIA assessing

    compliance and monitoring

    provision of government and

    suppliers (Art. 111.3, Art. 111.4

    Information system \ 'State integrated information system of public finance management "Electronic budget" \' was blocked

    Please be informed that for the period from 18:00 on 05/05/2017 to 16:00 on 05/07/2017 it is planned to carry out technical work in the GISZ NSO, in connection with which the GISZ NSO will be unavailable.

    Information system \ 'Regional information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Republic of Bashkortostan \' was blocked

    Information system \ 'Integration system software package"ACK-Municipal order" with external information systems in the field of procurement \ 'was blocked

    Information system \ 'Regional information system "Procurement of the Vologda region" \' was blocked

    Information system \ 'Municipal information system of Volgograd in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet municipal needs \' was blocked

    Information system \ 'Municipal information system of the Administration of the city of Omsk "Procurement of the city of Omsk" \' was blocked

    Information system \ 'Municipal information system "ACK-Municipal order" \' was blocked

    The information system \ 'The unified automated information system of trading of the city of Moscow \' was blocked

    Information system \ 'Information and analytical system "Nizhny Novgorod electronic commodity information system" (IAS "NETIS") \' was blocked

    Unified information system of notaries of the Russian Federation (UIS): purpose of creation, main tasks and procedure for maintaining registers

    The register of inheritance files of the unified information system of the notary (UIS) was created to implement the principles of openness and accessibility of information, the absence of bureaucratic obstacles in the performance of certain transactions.

    In this article, we will try to figure out what it is, what advantages the innovation has in comparison with the pre-existing order.

    What is a unified notarial information system for?

    One of the main tasks of creating such a system is to improve the quality of services provided by a notary.

    This should be understood as follows:

  • a simplified form of obtaining information when the actions of citizens require notarization;
  • the need to collect a huge number of documents from different authorities will disappear;
  • the presence of a single database will save time for performing certain manipulations;
  • the ability to have access to a wide range of people around the clock free of charge;
  • a unified information system will reduce the number of fraudulent schemes, allegedly with the participation of a notary. All actions to create legal entities, pledges can be tracked on the Internet.

The next step in the development of the system was the adopted Law No. 379-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated December 21, 2013. The notarial electronic database from that moment on ceased to be limited to information about notaries, but turned into a full-fledged information resource.

It stores, for example, the following data:

  • applications for the opening of an inheritance, that is, the establishment of an inheritance case;
  • any notarial actions (registration of consent, powers of attorney, marriage contracts, wills and much more);
  • information on the pledge of movable property entered in the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property.
  • Previously, all this information was kept by a notary who directly certified the transaction and kept his register. Now, in addition to formalizing his documentation, a notary enters information into a single register of notarial actions.

    The fight against the "tolmuts" of notaries has begun

    In the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 129 "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the registers of the unified information system of notaries" dated June 17, 2014, it is prescribed in detail how the work should be carried out to create information base who will do this, what information and how should be drawn up, etc.

    The legislator determined that by the beginning of 2018 a full transition to the ENI should be carried out. Starting from the second half of 2014, the following must be entered into the electronic register:

  • all information on marriage contracts;
  • information on issuing powers of attorney;
  • information on the execution of wills.
  • The notary will now provide information from the UIS, verify the authenticity of the documents provided, and enter information into electronic registers. Ordinary citizens will feel the importance of introducing such a system.

    So, now it is possible to register a legal entity within one day, bypassing the Federal Tax Service: the notary will certify the documents, scan the Charter, and send the package of documents certified by the EDS to the Federal Tax Service.

    Thus, the unified information system of the notary will significantly reduce the time for performing notarial actions, and will contribute to a qualitative improvement in the work of the notary as a whole.

    Watch an overview video about the electronic notary system:

    Regulations on the state information system Register of households

    to the resolution of the Moscow Government

    Regulations on the state information system "Register of households"

    1. The state information system "Register of households" (hereinafter - the Register) is the state information system of the city of Moscow, containing information in electronic form on the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - information), and includes:

    1.1. Register of apartment buildings and management organizations (including homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization).

    1.2. The register of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings (hereinafter - the Register of notifications).

    1.3. Other information provided for by this Regulation.

    2. The Register of apartment buildings and management organizations includes:

    2.1. Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow (Moszhilinspektsiya), the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory” (hereinafter referred to as MosgorBTI), the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow and managing organizations in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

    2.2. Information disclosed by management organizations, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization (hereinafter referred to as a partnership, cooperative), in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the field management of apartment buildings, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 No. 731, in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations.

    3. The Register of notifications includes information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, the collection and processing of which is carried out Moscow Housing Inspection in accordance with the Rules for submitting notifications on the start of certain types of entrepreneurial activity and accounting for these notifications, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584, in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Regulations.

    4. In addition to the information specified in clauses 2 and 3 of this Regulation, the Register includes other information regarding the management of apartment buildings in accordance with the list of such information approved by the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow in agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspection and the Department of Information Technologies of the city Moscow.

    5. The formation and entry of information into the Register is carried out by the owners of the specified information, which are the Moscow Housing Inspection, MosgorBTI, district administrations of the city of Moscow, managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.

    6. Information entered into the Register since read officially disclosed if:

    The management organization entered into an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspection (in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this management organization in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 No. 731, and on work in accordance with the established procedure with comments from citizens on the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow;

    The partnership, the cooperative entered into an agreement with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to this Regulation) on the disclosure of information on the activities of this partnership, cooperative in accordance with the information disclosure standard by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23 2010 No. 731.

    7. Holders of information:

    7.1. The information is entered into the Register within three working days from the moment it appears at the owner of the information.

    7.2. The information entered in the Register is updated in accordance with the terms for entering this information and the updating periods specified in Appendices 1, 2, 3 to these Regulations.

    7.3. Determine the persons authorized to perform operations for entering this information into the Register (hereinafter referred to as authorized persons).

    7.4. Submit information about authorized persons to the Registry operator.

    7.5. Organize the receipt by authorized persons of identifiers (logins) and passwords specified in clause 9 of these Regulations.

    8. Authorized persons ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of the information entered into the Register, as well as the entry of this information into the Register within the time limits established in Appendices 1, 2, 3 to these Regulations.

    9. The entry of information by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow, management organizations, partnerships and cooperatives for placement in the Register is carried out using specialized software of the state information system "Portal for managing apartment buildings", designed to carry out actions to enter information into the Register by the owners of such information ( hereinafter referred to as specialized software).

    Information owned by MosgorBTI is entered into the Register automatically from the MosgorBTI information system.

    10. Access to specialized software is carried out using the identifier (login) and password issued to authorized persons by the Registry operator.

    11. The regulations for access to specialized software are established by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

    12. Entering information into the Register by the administrations of Moscow districts and the Moscow Housing Inspection after gaining access is carried out using specialized software by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies.

    13. Entering information into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives after gaining access to specialized software is carried out by filling out electronic forms of the Register in accordance with the instructions approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

    14. Information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives should not differ from the information posted by these organizations on the official website on the Internet, determined by the authorized federal executive body (hereinafter - the official website of the federal body).

    15. When entered into the Register, information undergoes an automated formal-logical check using the means of the Register within one calendar day from the moment it is entered into the Register. The automated formal-logical check provides for checking the completeness of filling in all the necessary electronic forms of the Register.

    16. If, based on the results of the check provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, violations are identified, a notification is automatically generated about the violations committed and the need to amend the information, which is sent to the owner of the information.

    17. Changes in the information contained in the Register and the exclusion of information included in such information are carried out in the manner prescribed for entering information into the Register.

    18. The following circumstances are grounds for excluding information from the Register:

    18.1. Entry into force of legal acts of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, which changed the requirements for informing citizens on the management of apartment buildings, the composition of the mandatory disclosure of information on the management of apartment buildings.

    18.2. Inaccuracy of information on the management of apartment buildings in the case when it is not possible to make changes to the information contained in the Register.

    19. The basis for making changes to the information contained in the Register is the identification of violations within the framework of the automated formal-logical verification provided for in paragraph 14 of this Regulation, as well as the inaccuracy of the information included in the information, due to the initial introduction of inaccurate information into the Register or loss of their relevance.

    20. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate monitors the completeness and relevance of information entered in the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives.

    21. Within the framework of the control provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate exercises the following powers and (or) functions:

    21.1. Checks the completeness of the information provided by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of filling in all the necessary fields of the electronic forms of the Register.

    21.2. Checks the compliance of the information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives with the information at the disposal of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

    21.3. Monitors information entered into the Register by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives in terms of the need to supplement it with new information at the disposal of the Moszhil Inspectorate, including information entered by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives on the official website of the federal body.

    22. If information is found to be excluded from the Register or changed, including if errors are found in the information contained in the Register, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, within one working day from the moment of discovery of such information, notifies the owner of the information who posted such information about the need to exclude them from Registry or changes and makes the necessary changes, including fixes existing errors.

    23. If information about the management of apartment buildings is discovered, posted on the official website of the federal body, but not included in the Register, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate enters such information into the Register and sends a notification to the owner of this information indicating the need for further updating of the information in accordance with this Regulation.

    24. The Registry Operator performs the following functions:

    24.1. Provides the functioning and technical support of the Registry in a round-the-clock mode;

    24.2. Carries out the publication of information on the management of apartment buildings in the state information system "Portal for management of apartment buildings" and provides round-the-clock access of citizens to the specified information;

    24.3. Ensures the safety and invariability of information on the management of apartment buildings in the Register from the moment it is entered into this information system;

    24.4. Organizes access to the Register of authorized persons of information holders and their consulting support on technical issues;

    24.5. Provides recording of information about facts

    access to the Register, as well as on the authorized persons of the information holders who entered the information into the Register;

    24.6. Determines the technical requirements for the Registry and the rules for connecting to this information system.

    25. Certain functions of the Registry operator may be transferred to an organization, including a government agency subordinate to the executive authority of the city of Moscow, by decision of the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow.

    Information about apartment buildings owned by the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow, the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory", the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow and managing organizations, posted in the state information system "Register of Households"

    Information disclosed by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow on the basis of an apartment building management agreement, as well as by homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding an agreement with the management organization, in accordance with The standard of information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731

    (. is not included on our website.)

    Information on the registration of notifications provided by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about the start of activities for the management of apartment buildings and activities for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings

    Agreement on interaction between the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow and the management organization that carries out activities in the city of Moscow for the management of apartment buildings State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Housing Inspectorate represented by _________________, acting on the basis of _____________ and the management organization operating in the city of Moscow activities for the management of apartment buildings, hereinafter referred to as the "Management Organization", represented by _______________ acting on the basis of ____________________, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this cooperation agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.

    The Parties enter into this Agreement in order to raise awareness of the residents of the city of Moscow about the activities of management organizations in the territory of the city of Moscow.

    2. Obligations of the Managing Organization

    To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the Managing Organization undertakes the following obligations:

    2.1. Post information about their activities, subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 of 23.09.2010, on the website (hereinafter referred to as the portal "Houses of Moscow") in accordance with the Instruction of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for filling out the forms of reporting indicators of the managing organization, approved by order of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate of ___________ No. ____.

    2.2. Be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information posted on the portal "House of Moscow", in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.3. Prepare responses in the personal account of the managing organization to the comments of users entering the portal "House of Moscow" in accordance with the Regulations for processing and publishing information on centralized Internet portals of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the Government of Moscow, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

    2.4. Warn the Moscow Housing Inspectorate one month in advance about the day of termination of its participation in the Agreement.

    3. Obligations of the Moscow Housing Inspection

    To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, Moszhil-Inspection assumes the following obligations:

    3.1. Provide an opportunity for the Managing Organization to post information about its activities subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 731 dated 23.09.2010, on the Moscow House portal.

    3.2. Provide appropriate information and consulting support when the Managing Organization posts information about its activities on the "House of Moscow" portal.

    3.3. To bring to the notice of the Managing Organization information about the organized information and training seminars on the work of the portal "House of Moscow".

    3.4. Take measures to resolve emerging conflict situations in which two or more management organizations simultaneously claim to manage one apartment building.

    to the Regulation on state information

    system "Register of households"

    Cooperation Agreement between the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow

    and the homeowners' association (housing cooperative), the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Housing Inspection represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of ______________ and the HOA (ZhK), represented by _______________, acting on the basis of __________________________, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", concluded this cooperation agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.

    The parties conclude this Agreement in order to raise awareness of the residents of the city of Moscow in the area of ​​management of apartment buildings.

    2. Obligations of the HOA (LCD)

    To achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the HOA (LCD) assumes the following obligations:

    2.3. Warn the Moscow Housing Inspectorate one month in advance about the day of termination of its participation in the Agreement.

    3.1. Provide an opportunity for the HOA (LCD) to post information on their activities, subject to disclosure in accordance with the Information Disclosure Standard by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.09.2010 No. 731, on the portal "Houses of Moscow".

    3.2. Provide appropriate information and consulting support when placing HOAs (ZhK) information about their activities on the portal "House of Moscow".

    3.3. To bring to the attention of the HOA (LCD) information about the organized information and training seminars on the work of the portal "House of Moscow".

    Disclosure of information (general disclosure issues, regulations, etc.)

    List of information systems

    Placing information on the activities of the executive body of state power of the Astrakhan region, information platform for agricultural producers

    Management of public procurement and control provided for by part 5 of article 99 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

    Ensuring access of citizens and organizations to information of a genealogical nature

    Providing access for citizens and organizations to information on the activities of the Agency for Archives of the Astrakhan Region

    general purpose system

    Official source on the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Astrakhan province

    Official source of information about the representative mark of the Astrakhan region

    Formation and maintenance of a trade register of economic entities engaged in trade activities and supply of goods in the territory of the Astrakhan region. Contains generalized information about business entities carrying out trade activities and supply of goods in the territory of the Astrakhan region, and about trade objects of business entities carrying out trade activities and supply of goods in the territory of the Astrakhan region.

    The automated system for the personified registration of children is intended for comprehensive information and analytical support of the interaction of a regional (municipal) authorized organization carrying out financial settlements, state (municipal), non-state educational organizations implementing additional education programs in the Astrakhan region (hereinafter - organizations implementing additional education programs) including teachers, an organization-operator of personalized registration of children, parents or other legal representatives of children and an organization-operator for an independent assessment of the quality of education.

    system of financial and economic activities

    GIS Housing and Communal Services -

    State information system of housing and communal services

    GIS housing and communal services - official site

    GIS Housing and Communal Services is a state information system for housing and communal services. In order to make it convenient for users to use, this single portal was created, which offers various functions for interacting with management companies, HOAs and authorities.

    On the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, everyone can register and create their own personal account. Through his personal account, a citizen can view charges for housing and communal services, for major repairs, pay for services, and submit meter readings.

    GIS housing and communal services. Official site.

    The state information portal has its own official website, located at Its main page looks like this:

    This is a full-fledged information resource that contains all the information you need. On the site you will find a lot of useful information and training materials.

    Section "Regulations and instructions"

    This section is located in the top horizontal menu. Click on it and select the point of interest.

    Regulations and instructions

    After selecting the desired item, you will see a list of documents for this group. This list includes user guides that allow you to familiarize yourself with the work on the portal in detail, documents, training materials and other documents.

    Instructions and other documents

    In order to find the required document, you can use the search. Set all the necessary parameters for the search and click Find. The necessary information will be displayed in front of you.

    Section "Frequently asked questions"

    The title of the section speaks for itself.

    V this section provides a list of frequently asked questions with answers to them.


    To quickly jump to the section of interest, click on the item of the upper horizontal menu map of site... A page with the structure of the GIS Housing and Communal Services website will be displayed.

    Section "Catalog of state sites"

    To go to this section, in the upper right corner, click on the icon consisting of three horizontal stripes.

    State catalog sites

    You will see a list of government sites.

    Horizontal navigation menu

    This menu is highlighted in blue on the site and also consists of several sections, which we will now consider in more detail.

    Section "Educational materials"

    This section contains training materials: tutorials and videos.

    To select a section of interest, just click on it.

    Section "Programs in the field of housing and communal services"

    This section contains registers of programs:

  • Register of programs in the field of housing and communal services
  • Capital repair program register
  • Register of programs for the relocation of citizens from emergency housing stock
  • Priority project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment"
  • Programs in the field of housing and communal services

    To go to the register of interest, click on the required item.

    This section contains registers of housing stock, information providers, checks, information on readiness for the heating season, licenses, disqualified persons, administrative offenses, etc.

    Section "Analytics and reports"

    This section contains analytical and statistical reports.

    Section "Information for Citizens"

    This section contains information on tariffs, measures social support, regulations in the field of housing and communal services.

    To go to viewing the information of interest, click on the desired item:

  • Residential and utility bills
  • Indices of changes in payments of citizens for housing and communal services
  • Social support measures
  • Utilities Consumption Standards
  • Information about standards
  • Register of public housing control measures
  • GIS housing and communal services registration and entrance

    In order to gain access to the capabilities of your personal account, you need to register. To do this, on the main page of the GIS Housing and Communal Services website in the right upper corner Press Register now.

    After that, a registration window will open for you.

    Registration is carried out through the ESIA portal.

    Registration through ESIA

    After going through all the registration steps, you will have access to your personal account with a huge number of functions that will definitely be useful to you.

    We draw your attention to the fact that the functionality and information content of your personal account depends on the managing organization (MA) with which the contract for house maintenance has been concluded, since the managing organization posts information on each of the houses and is engaged in connecting personal accounts.

    From January 1, 2018, all managing organizations are required to provide information and services in the system in full for residents of all regions of the Russian Federation. The exception is federal cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol. In these entities, the obligation to post information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services begins on July 1, 2019.

    To enter your personal account, you need to click in the upper right corner on the button entrance... Then enter your username and password. After that you will be redirected to the main page of the personal account of the GIS Housing and Utilities portal.

    Personal account of GIS Housing and Communal Services

    In the personal account, everything is arranged quite conveniently for the user. Here you will find information about the premises you own: area, year of construction, year of delivery, condition of the house, information about major repairs, and so on.

    If you click on the name of the service organization, then full information about it will be released, including the data of TIN, PSRN, KPP, registration date, including addresses and contact details.

    Through your personal account, you can pay for housing and communal services on any personal account, transfer readings on the meters, as well as ask questions to the authorities and managing organizations.

    If you have any questions about working on the portal, you can contact the support service.

    Benefits of a personal account

    After registering in your personal account, the following options will be available to you:

  • checking the correctness of charges for housing and communal services and their payment;
  • transmission of meter readings in electronic form;
  • the ability to find out information about jobs and services around the house and communicate with neighbors;
  • sending complaints and appeals in electronic form.
  • GIS housing and communal services in social networks

    In addition to the official website, GIS Housing and Communal Services can be found in social networks... To do this, follow the links.

    Unified Information System (UIS,

    The official website for public procurement, abbreviated as EIS (Unified Information System) or OOS (All-Russian Official Website), is located at, therefore it is sometimes called “Procurement” or “Procurement”.

    The CAB is intended to provide free and free access to a reliable and complete database, including for the formation, processing, storage of information about the contractual system in the field of procurement, in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 - FZ and 223-FZ.

    What information can be found in the eis?

    After updating the site, home page the portal has become more structured and informative and contains:

    • plan - schedules, procurement plans, information on their implementation
    • procurement information, contract performance reports
    • register of concluded contracts
    • bank guarantee register
    • register of unscrupulous suppliers
    • information on monitoring and control in the field of procurement under 44-FZ
    • customer reports as well as procurement documentation
    • regulations governing procurement relations
    • news and announcements, procurement statistics, and links to electronic platforms, forums, tutorials and other resources
    • How can a customer work with the EIS?

      Registration is not required to work in the open part of the site, all information can be obtained in the public domain.

      To work in the closed part of the site, you must go through the registration procedure, create a personal account and fill out the registration data of the organization.

      The closed part of the public procurement website contains a schedule, a procurement plan, procurement notices, contains all information about the concluded and planned contracts of the customer, documentation, reports on the performance of the contract and other information.

      The procedure for posting information in the personal account of the EIS is regulated by 44-FZ and 223-FZ. In the personal account, the customer has the opportunity to create layouts for future publications. For example, draft contract, draft notice, report on the performance of the contract. Before publication, they can be edited in the public domain, if necessary, deleted, which allows you to avoid mistakes and post all the necessary information within the time frame established by law. After the publication of the document, it is possible to make changes to it, or to invalidate the information, but this requires justification. When filling out the form of any document, the site checks them for violations. There are violations that allow publication, others do not allow publication of the document. Placing information on the OOS is a legally significant action for which the contractor is responsible, therefore, it is necessary to follow the Guidelines on the procedure for use, which is posted in the unified information system, Federal Laws No. 44-FZ and 223-FZ, as well as follow the innovations in the legislation.

      How to get free materials on 44-FZ?

      To obtain useful information, as well as receive useful materials on 44-FZ and the public procurement system every two weeks, subscribe to the newsletter. It's free.

      Immediately after filling out the form, you will receive materials that will help you prepare a procurement plan and schedule taking into account all the nuances.

      Fill out the form below and get:

    • A cheat sheet on the formation, approval and placement of the procurement plan and schedule.
    • Recordings of webinars on the formation of a procurement plan and a schedule, where the topic of legislation as of June 2017 was raised, the filling of the GHG and PP was considered, and especially frequent violations were discussed.
    • Why does the site sometimes not work?

      It is bad if the EIS does not work, when the customer needs to place information on the site, and the posting period is coming to an end. In such cases, experts recommend taking screenshots of an inoperative site so that the customer can protect himself from administrative liability.

      This may happen due to an update old version portal. Sometimes the site is closed at nights and holidays. If you have any problems, you should contact the support service at the number indicated on the official website.

      It also happens that the site stops working due to a very high load. For example, when at the end of the year all customers form their schedules and carry out the remaining purchases, and many suppliers are looking for interesting tenders on the site, the site may break. Practice shows that at the end of the year, customers often have to work at night or on weekends to post information on without interference.

      What other nuances should be taken into account when working on the official website?

    1. The EIS does not warn about errors related to restrictions and preferences. Those. does not check the compliance of the purchased goods, works, services under the Resolutions No. 2019-r, 341, 656, 155, 649, 791, 102.
    2. Customers are often dissatisfied with the work of the OKPD and OKVED (OKPD2 and OKVED2) directories on the Official Website, because it can be difficult to find purchased GWS in them.

    Are there any alternatives to the ENI?

    Yes, there are alternatives to working on the official website:

  • Offline client for the Official site. It allows you to carry out procurement planning and the formation of a schedule without the need to enter the EIS. You can sign up for a demonstration of the UIS offline client here.
  • Several paid, but very useful programs replacing the EIS.