Control systems apartment house. Programs for automation of management apartment building automation system structure

Any resident of the "smart" house dreams of being energy efficient. And if the requirements of the private customer about the installation of a resource consumption control system can be implemented by an integrator, then with apartment buildings that make up the main housing and utilities fund, things are much more complicated.

Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency" requires rapid measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. At the first stage, all houses should be equipped with general-purpose counters. Then the counters will appear in each apartment. According to the legislators, the installation of accounting devices and payment of energy resources on the fact of consumption will contribute to improving the energy efficiency of the house as a whole and reduce the cost of payment by residents. In addition, the accounting system will allow to accumulate data, analyze them, planning energy saving and energy efficiency measures, as well as assess their results. At the same time, all this can be made both at the level of a separate apartment or HOA and the quarter, the neighborhood, city, the federal district and the whole country.

How to create an automated accounting system

Any urban building is connected to engineering and technical support networks and equipped with 5 main channels: electricity, gas supply, water supply, heating and hot water supply (DHW), which are of particular importance from the point of view of energy saving. Accounting for the public consumption of resources for these channels is quite simple. In the appropriate building room, the input node is formed, the counter is set to this node. It, in turn, is connected to the controller, the data from which is received by the communication node, as a rule, GSM, and is then transmitted to the server where the accounting system is installed. According to such a scheme, various automated systems of commercial accounting of electricity (ASKUE) and heating are being built.

Any urban building is connected to engineering and technical support networks.

The advantages of such systems should include their efforts and accumulated experience of their installation and operation. The minuses turn out to be much larger. As a rule, such systems are not ready for integrated accounting of all resources, and it is obvious that the creation of 4-5 essentially the same systems will always be more difficult and costly than one universal. The second minus is associated with the high cost. If the cost of the resource accounting assembly of a total apartment building in 200-300 thousand rubles. It is still justified, then for each apartment it should be significantly lower. The third negative factor is the short term of the intermediate interval, with which you can agree with regard to general-friendly, but not consuming counters. Ideally, the counter must be simple, reliable, have a long mode of operation without calibration and quickly replaced after failure.

Among other minuses of ASKUE, the lack of a sufficient regulatory framework and, accordingly, standardized solutions with a single protocol of transmission or receipt of data on central accounting servers. What can cause a heterogeneous "zoo" solutions even within one microdistrict, do not explain. In addition, so far no specialized software has been created, which would allow to take into account all resources, analyze these data and form forecasts and warnings across the house, quarter, microdistrict, district and city.

This software should solve various tasks. For example, in the peak hours of electricity consumption - to recommend measures to save it, in the event of an accident - to help solve the problem of the speedy restoration of the system and maintain heat in the residential foundation. In addition, the software or individual packages that have a common database must allow users, residents of all apartments and houses, to enter their personal resource accounting pages, for example, through a regular browser, and analyze their own consumption until daily. Note that it is based on these data that residents would like to receive unified bills for consumed resources. But the question, who exactly will form them, is also not resolved.

The latter and, perhaps, the most important thing, but not so obvious, the disadvantage is that such systems do not offer a single concept of building consignment systems, their integration and subsequent development in the direction of automation of the entire building.

All listed disadvantages allow you to create a table of requirements for automated resource accounting systems (ASOR) as a common and consumers.

Table of parameters of components Asour

Name Parameters for selection
Cost, thousand rubles. Service life, thousand hour Verification period Payback, years Notes
1 Apartment electric meter Up to 1.5 90 7-10 2-4 The three-tariff mode of operation provides the controller.
2 Water meter 1,5-2 60 5-7 Until 3 Wireless, with battery\u003e 3 years
3 He heat meter 2-3 60 5-7 2-3 Wireless, with battery\u003e 3 years
4 Counter Gaza 1,5-2,5 50 5-6 2-4 With leakage sensor
5 Controller -Ethetable calculator 6-7 > 100 - Up to 5. Standard Protocols KNX, LONTALK, MODBUS, ZIGBee
6 UPS source - Eatery 3-4 > 100 - - Ensuring work up to 12 hours.
7 Controller - the domain server 7-10 > 110 - Up to 7. Standard protocols
8 Source UPS -dom 5-7 > 110 - - Ensuring work up to 48 hours.
9 Modem 2-3 50 - 2-3 GSM, GPRS, WiMAX, 4G

The table presents the averaged requirements that are presented to systems installed in urban apartment buildings. The cost of installation and connecting one counter sensor with a comprehensive solution should be 200-300 rubles, and annual service - not exceed 50 -100 rubles. per year for one counter.

Development of uniform approaches - the state problem

The federal program of increasing energy efficiency and similar regional programs, which take into account the scale of specific cities and local weather conditions, would develop their own embodiments in each city the construction of ASOR based on a single approach. Unfortunately, while this approach does not exist.

Apparently, the current situation suits all parties involved in the resource supply process. However, for ordinary citizens, HOA and other consumers, complex times are coming: there are governments about the introduction of energy-saving technologies, but impressive recommendations, how to do comprehensively and efficiently, are absent. At this time, scattered solutions prevailed on the market, which are not possible in the absence of transparent quality criteria.

Unfortunately, aware of the need to modernize production and utilities from the point of view of consumption of resources, the state did not fully come to an understanding that this requires the rules, technical regulations, GOST, on the cost of development of which Russia lags behind the same Germany 100 times.

The absence of uniform principles for the construction of modern ASOR for housing and communations is only the visible part of the iceberg problems that must be solved by all - and politicians who are not indifferent to the opinion of citizens regarding the growth of tariffs, and investors who are ready to perceive the prospects for innovative areas, and companies participating in the construction of houses and their operation.

How to automate an apartment building

Below is one of the optimal options for building ASOR in an apartment building, which takes into account not only the current tasks of energy saving and energy efficiency, but also safety issues and improve comfort when integrating with automated building management systems (ACSUs).

The accounting scheme for generalic resources (right) is almost no different from existing currently for some exceptions. First, the ASOR data data can also be transferred to a comprehensive security system (KSOB), so the server ensures their presentation in standard format and protocol, such as XML and SOAP. Secondly, to increase the reliability of the system in each house, two controllers can be used - servers, which are included in a single data exchange network. If we consider that the failure of the server controller in this system, for example, for a day, will not lead to a loss of data by floor controllers - calculators, then you can install one by one controller-server to the house, but at the same time have several pieces in the submenim fund With the possibility of operational replacement. Thirdly, to improve fault tolerance and maintaining performance, even with emergency shutdowns of external power supply, server nodes, data transmission and modems must be provided with uninterrupted power supplies (UPS).

Modern energy accounting system in an apartment building

Source: CNews Analytics, 2010

Let us consider in more detail the left part of the scheme - the consuming system. Note that not only wireless counters can be used for its operation, but also more reliable wired solutions. This will not change the presented general concept of the Asour system. But it is necessary to clearly understand that the use of wired sensors leads to the need for laying cables and trails and, accordingly, to construction work, which means that the cost of the system. Wireless counters can be of various types, the main thing is to provide nutrition using a battery and / or with a small solar battery for a period of at least 3 years.

Such modern meters can form a reconfigured dynamic network, which, with a minimum radio incidence of each transmitter, ensures the reliability of the data collection and control system. Moreover, the frequency of data transfer per day from such a meter can be different - from one-time for simple systems to transmission several times per hour in order to analyze real-time. All data collected by the meters enter the controller - a storey calculator, which is connected to all apartments on the floor and has the ability to process data with a reserve at least 10% by the number of connected meters and calculation power.

To ensure the reliability of the operation of controllers on the floors, small UPS should be used. After processing, information from each floor enters the controller that performs the functions of the domain server and ensures the desired degree of data archiving, converts them to a standard format and provides a modem control for receiving / transmitting them further to the central resource accounting servers. To ensure duplication in the annular network of the building, it is possible to include 2 or more servers. And to reduce the cost of individual units of the system, it is possible to use one server for several entrances.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of two modems that can function in a single home network, making any data from the ASOR system, even in the event of an accident with one modem, can be transmitted through another device. The functioning of modems may be different depending on the tasks set before the system. For example, to remove indications from the apartment counters just once a month to the central metering server "to call" to the domain controller - server and remove all the testimony at a time, and for the operational browse, it is enough to transmit this data to the central server several times a hour. At the same time, it is important to choose the most acceptable conditions and tariffs of telecom operators to transfer this information. In homes that are connected to the Internet, it is reasonable to transmit information with it. The same system can be used to transfer emergency to residents who are outside the house, in the form of electronic messages. Moreover, such asur may continue to be easily expanded and integrated with video surveillance, security and fire systems to ensure more secure and comfortable stay in an apartment building.

Ideally, I would like to create a data collection system subordinate to the centralized urban independent organization, which, on the one hand, provides data to the consumer so that it can analyze and reduce resource consumption, and on the other hand, sends them to the resource provider for operational settlements with the consumer . In this case, the answer to the question how the user recognizes the number of resources consumed to be paid to pay, becomes obvious: all calculations are carried out by a single transaction in accordance with the data formed using the archives of the central servers.

Unfortunately, so far the companies that would be fully prepared for the transition to such a system for accounting for resource consumption does not exist, but if there is Asor, not only resource-supplying enterprises can be engaged in this, but also the HOA, and the Criminal Code. In an emergency, data can be obtained from the site organization site or directly from the LCD screen of a storey calculator after simple manipulations with the control buttons.

In Russia, about 40 million households and apartments. To equip them with a minimum set of electric meters, it will take about 1.5-1.7 billion dollars, and taking into account the creation of a control system as a whole, with the installation and setting based on about $ 100 per point of accounting, the minimum cost of the project can be 5, 5-5.7 billion dollars. Leading companies are beginning to understand the prospects of this area and try to provide their share in the developing market in advance. So, Sistema and Rosnano plan to become parties to the state program on the equipping of Russian apartments with wireless "smart" counters - a corresponding letter sent to the Government of the Russian Federation to help reform. Perhaps the active participation of the state in the introduction of energy-saving technologies will finally force this process more efficient.

Ilya Markov - [Email Protected]

Nowadays, the theme of the "Smart House" and "Internet of Things" are widely popular and discussed. However, in Russia, developers still do not take place to implement automation technologies when building apartment buildings, although interest in automated apartment will be significantly higher than to normal. The article describes the concept of introducing "smart home" technologies in apartment buildings.


"Smart Home" has many advantages, most importantly of which are comfort. Automation efficiently improves the life of the user, and the developers understand this. However, there are a number of problems. First, it is the high cost of the complex "Smart Home", which greatly increases the cost of the apartment. Secondly, it is limited: most automation systems are able to work only with devices of their manufacturer and do not support third-party devices. Such a concept creates difficulties when scaling the system, because there are no manufacturers that are strong in all areas of automation. Each specializes in its own sphere. And from the integrator, it is required not to simply install the equipment in the "smart home", but also configure the interaction of this equipment.

The problems described are stopped by the developer from the introduction of the "smart home" systems in apartment buildings.

Possible Solution

One of the possible ways to solve these problems offered by Iridium Mobile is in the phased implementation of the technologies of the Smart House. One of the standard options in apartment buildings is a doorophony. A touch panel is installed in each apartment, with which residents can see who came to communicate with him and open the access door. This is current capabilities and end. But nothing prevents the developer to introduce standard managed devices in the apartment (lighting, curtains, climate, security) and turn the intercom panel to the smart apartment control panel by installing special software (software) to manage automation systems. If this software is supported by a large number of manufacturers of automation systems and "smart" devices, it will solve the problem of limited ecosystem and make it scalable.

Back at the setup stage, the developer can "make friends" equipment in the apartment and add standard scenarios to attract the buyer. Further, when buying an apartment, the owner will be able to install additional "smart" devices in the apartment and supplement the project by the drivers to manage them.

Implementation concept

Work at the object "Apartment House" should be divided into two parts: the construction and setup stage and the stage of passing the object and the appearance of owners.

Stage of construction and configuration

At this stage, the developer pays. Therefore, everything is being implemented with regard to general-purpose tasks (video surveillance, lighting, dispatch). A stationary panel is installed in each apartment and the minimum set for light control, climate (controller, dimmers, thermostats).

Fig. 1. Example Control Interface for Apartment: Authorization

To manage automation to the built-in panel, it can be installed according to Iridium Mobile with a template control interface for each apartment (Fig. 1 and 2). At the same time, everything is done within the framework of one license. The developer creates two interfaces (one - for dispatching, the other - to control inside the apartments). Interfaces may be greater if, for example, you have one-, two-, three-bedroom apartments, penthouses, etc. Having an IP router in each apartment, you can configure control of individually each of them (in the interface of the apartment management will be specified IP address, host router). This decision removes the limited system. The iRidium Mobile platform supports many devices of various manufacturers, and the project can be modified for new devices at any time. This gives the developer freedom to choose equipment from different manufacturers. All equipment will be managed from a single interface, and scripts and macros can be created for the convenience of working with equipment.

Fig. 2. General plan of the apartment with the state of the system

Since Iridium Server is needed for dispatching and monitoring, it will be necessary to deploy it to the operator's PC or use one of the recommended hardware platforms. In this case, the server will be needed for the entire building as a whole, and not for each apartment separately. The server function includes not only the management of apartments, but also of general functions, such as automatic collection of meter readings, transferring results to the control company, security monitoring, admission of tenants in case of emergency and others.

Stage of delivery of the object and the appearance of owners

At the second stage, the owner may want to expand the functionality (add a multizone audio, home theater, control curtains with drive, news information and weather, etc.). It will also be necessary to control the apartment not only with the built-in panel, but also from mobile devices of its tenants. Everything else, the user management interface can be made individually at the request of the client. One of the advantages is that at any time you can scale the automation project. The project modification occurs by updating the project on each panel through the Iridium cloud, which makes the "invisible" modification process for the owner. iRidium supports various equipment and allows you to create individual control interfaces.

The second stage will require additional licenses for which the owner of the housing will pay. If the client wants to use his phone / tablet as a control panel, then a basic or extended license is suitable. With a basic client, you can use five control panels and change them as much as you like (for example, if I updated the iPhone to a new model or lost / bought another, etc.). If you need more panels or new features have been added, you will need to purchase the missing functionality.

Areas of use

Examples of equipment use:

  • touch panels in apartments with iridium and intercom features;
  • wired or wireless controller any of the home automation systems;
  • set compatible with controller switches, sensors, thermostats and other control equipment;
  • IP intercom system in the house (for example, true IP, BAS IP, MOBOTIX, 2N, etc.);
  • climate building system (controlled by Modbus or other supported protocol), resource consumption data collection devices (for example, "Mercury") and a security system (for example, "car") connected to the IP network.

As a result, we get the introduction of the technologies of the Smart Home at the construction stage of the building. The system is scalable, and the owner can control devices from its mobile device. At the same time, the user is not limited to the frames of the ecosystem selected developer and can buy any "smart" devices that will be integrated into a single control interface.


When transferring homes to the self-government of citizens, it is necessary to create prerequisites for organizing professional lending home management. It also refers to the exploitation of an apartment apartment building, and outreach work directly with tenants, and contractual work with service providers and resources.

Dispatching apartment building

Resource accounting subsystem. TIME CONTENTS OF THE WEEPT

A single information and settlement center conducts a file check for compliance with the established formats and download to the software module of the "automated system of operation of the Unified Information and Establishment Center" (EIRC ACS).

The software module "Calculation of volumes" requests additional data that is necessary for calculating the volume of consumption by finite subscribers: individuals and legal entities from other software modules ACS EIRC - "Software module for calculations with individuals" and "software module for the calculation with legal entities". The monthly calculation of consumption volumes by end users is carried out according to the algorithms developed on the basis of the distribution methodology between subscribers and consumers of volumes and the cost of cold and hot water and drainage services based on the readings of the accounting devices.

The calculated volume of services consumed during the estimated period is loaded on the personal accounts in the EIRC software modules "Calculations with individuals" and "calculations with legal entities", where the formation of accruals and printing payment documents on actually consumed volumes is made.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 983-PP dated December 6, 2005, the regulations of water consumption in M \u200b\u200b3 per person per month were approved. In residential buildings, equipped with water supply, sewage, baths with central hot water supply, water consumption standard is 11.68 m 3, i.e. 384 l / day, including cold water - 6,935 m 3 (230 l / day) and hot water - 4.745 m 3 (154 l / day).

Analysis of water consumption (Fig. 7) shows that cold water consumption of 18 apartments (41%) per day does not exceed 100 liters, in 17 apartments (50%), the daily water consumption ranges from 100 to 230 liters. In 3 apartments (9%), the daily water consumption exceeds the standard.

As a result of the inspection, it was established that in three apartments owners are not registered, but the apartment metering device shows water consumption. When calculating the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device, this situation could be problematic, because the invisible owners are not accrued for water.

In the unknown apartment, the counter showed water consumption, which allowed the management company to establish and eliminate leakage.

On the fact of significant recalculation, a check was carried out, which established that 1 person was registered with a separate apartment, and in fact 4 people live.

In fig. 8. Presented the structure of hot water consumption according to the readings of apartment metering. Consumption of hot water in 14 apartments (32%) does not exceed 100 l / day., In 13 apartments (36%) - water consumption ranges from 100 to 154 l / day. In 11 apartments (32%), the daily water consumption exceeds the standard. When checking, a non-compliance with the temperature standards supplied by hot water residents is established.

When organizing settlements on the readings of apartment departments, the most difficult is the most complex submitted reprimanding and transferring them to a single information and settlement center for the formation of a single payment document. With this task, only modern electronics can cope with this task. Thus, the management company approached the third stage - equipping a residential building by the system of automated resource accounting (SURA). The system is designed for automated readings, control of current temperature tests, pressure, the amount of resources provided.

In 2006, the residential building was equipped with the following systems:

- dispatching of elevators (control and control functions);

- recording of negotiations in the archive in compressed format MP3;

- security alarm system of machinery of elevators, attics, basements, office premises;

- fire alarm of technical premises;

- video surveillance over the lifting areas, entrances, elevator cabins, as well as inputs in the technical premises of the house;

- control system and accounting for the service personnel in the machine room of elevators;

- control and control of lighting in manual and automatic modes;

- control of flooding of basements;

- monitoring of the parameters of the heat generation of the house;

- a system of commercial consumption of water and power consumption;

- a system of commercial metering of the household consumption of water and heat with the formation of monthly reports based on the archival data of the heat transfer;

- monitoring the power supply parameters of the house;

- a system of commercial metering of household electricity consumption with the formation of monthly reports;

- Passport information storage system.

The intelligent system is a multi-level hardware and software complex, which includes general aware equipment for collecting data from all engineering systems of the house, data network, tools for storing and processing received information, automated dispatcher workplace.

- elevator idle time;

- the efficiency of dispatchers;

- troubleshooting speed of operational organizations;

- daily and monthly dynamics of equipment failures;

- daily and monthly dynamics of unauthorized penetration;

- quality of heat, water, power supply of residential fund.

Additional equipment of a residential building at Denisovsky per., 22, six transmitting television cameras, nine automatic detectors, blocks of tariff counters and dispatching of elevators, emergency devices, etc. allows you to successfully solve the following tasks:

- ensuring the safety of residents, rapid response to the events of criminal nature, monitoring the status of objects of improvement, removal of MSW, compliance with the environmental regime, the frequency and quality of cleaning the territory and premises;

- protection against unauthorized penetration of buildings of the building, control of the implementation of planned inspections of the building and applications of residents, the fact of regulatory work, the work of the brigad;

- operational response in case of emergency and freelance situations, including the detection of increased gas data;

- remote read information, accumulation of the archive to the database of up to 10 years, the ability to analyze the consumption, the possibility of multi-tariff calculations, the automation of calculations in the ERC;

- control of the operation of the accounting, technical and qualitative parameters, the smoothness of resource filing, the definition of real consumption, leaks and excessive resource consumption;

- lighting control and other power equipment in public areas;

- optimization of the exploitation of elevator farm, the prevention of vandalism, increasing the efficiency of the technical service;

- Formation of an informational and analytical framework.

The GUP Management Company "Dez Basmanny District" noted the positive results of the implementation of activities implemented in a residential building at Denisovsky Pereulok, 22: Monitoring the state of domestic engineering communications of the building, equipment, purchase territory, operational informing about exceeding standards in the work of life support systems, the possibility Prevention of emergency situations, current monitoring of operational work, control and regulation of energy consumption, creating a transparent payment scheme for consumed resources, optimization of work on the inhabitants, the establishment of feedback from the inhabitants.

Thus, when implementing targeted safety programs, the creation of a system of security video surveillance, accounting for resources and settlements for utilities, a basis has been created for the organization of effective management of the residential foundation and the development of dispatching systems.