Head of the Information Technology Department 495. Directorate for Coordination of the Activities of Medical Organizations


Kocherov Mikhail Mikhailovich

tel .: internal: 154

e-mail: [email protected] gb.ru

For the first time, the issues of informatization in health care were highlighted in the project “Concept for the development of the health care system in Russian Federation until 2020 ”within the framework of the draft concept 2.7 and 4.2.8“ Informatization of health care ”. At the Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz by the forces of the department information technologies a huge amount of work has been done in the implementation of IT technologies. The main achievements in the work of the department can be noted:
As part of the modernization process in the healthcare sector, the Medical Information System (MIS) has been successfully implemented. This allowed the Institute to significantly accelerate and improve the quality of various processes associated with medical activities;
Participation in the program "Disaster Medicine" allows you to quickly respond to emergency calls, in order to provide advice on ophthalmology, conduct video broadcasts of unique operations throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The technical capabilities of the Institute guarantee high-quality audio and video signal transmission;
The IT department automated the Dissertation Council in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
The educational process at the Institute is provided with all the necessary equipment, software and information resources for successful completion of training by residents and graduate students;
IT department ensures uninterrupted access to all Internet resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia and other state Internet resources necessary for the functioning of the Institute;
All possible communication channels for citizens' appeals and remote appointments have been implemented;
Organized and provided protection of personal data of employees and patients;
Developed and implemented defense strategy information resources networks (databases of departments, medical information systems);
An important task of the department is the development and support of the official website of the Institute. The site fully complies with the modern requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the Internet resources of medical organizations. We strive to make the official website as functional and informative as possible, both for patients and for medical specialists.
We are always open to dialogue with all departments of the institute, patients, government agencies and contractors. We are ready to help in the implementation of IT in scientific activities, medical and educational process.

The LAN Development Group is a team of specialists dedicated to ensuring performance and intensive development corporate network MISIS. The group is tasked with:

  • Development of the cable system LAN MISIS
  • Maintenance and modernization of active network equipment
  • Maintenance and modernization of the MISiS server park
  • Operational administration of the LAN
  • Improving network reliability and resiliency
  • Expanding the list of services provided to network users
  • Ensuring information security
  • Network Needs Analysis and User Support
  • Accumulation of information about network infrastructure and connection diagram

As a state educational organization, MISIS has a high-speed Internet access channel paid for by the Ministry of Education. Each employee and student group has the right to use this channel in accordance with the curriculum. Our task is to provide stable, equitable access to this channel from anywhere in the network.

For commercial organizations located on the territory of the institute and who do not have the right to use the free educational Internet channel, there is an opportunity to connect to the paid commercial channel provided by the Metal Telecom campaign www.mtcm.ru

Get access to the institute's intranet and the Internet, you can use wireless network Wi-Fi.

If you need wired access:

  • If you are an employee of the institute and your workplace does not have a cable connection to the intranet, you need to write a memo addressed to the head of the information technology department with a request to connect your workstation or several stations located in the indicated premises to the institute's network. A floor plan with an indication of the location of the workstations must be attached to the memo.
  • If you are an employee of the institute, and at your workplace you already have cable connection to the intranet, but your computer has not been connected to the network before, you need to provide the MAC address ( physical adress) wired network adapter your computer, your full name, department name and contact information - phone number and e-mail and send them to or call +7 495 647-23-00.
  • If you are a student, you need to contact the staff of your department about the possibility of obtaining Internet access in the computer labs of the department or computer center.
  • If you are an employee of a commercial organization that is not authorized to use free channel Internet, you need to fill out an application at www.mtcm.ru

For all our users (both MISiS and Metal Telecom) we provide the opportunity to register mailbox in our domain or (by separate agreement) in the domain of your organization.

DIRECTUM support
Dear users of ESED "DIRECTUM"!

Employees of our division are engaged in service Unified System Electronic Document Management "DIRECTUM".

DIRECTUM- system electronic document management and interaction management, aimed at improving the efficiency of all employees in different areas of their joint activities. ESED corresponds to the ECM concept (Enterprise Content Management) and is a program for document flow and office automation.

DIRECTUM supports the full cycle of document management and provides workflow-based business process management.

To connect or solve problems related to the ESED "DIRECTUM" NUST "MISIS", you need to call: +7 499 236-83-50, ext. 043-50

To register a new user in the ESED, it is necessary to send a memo on DIRECTUM to the head of the Information Technology Department V.N. Prokudin.

User service computer technology

In order to improve the quality of service for users of computer technology and the network, NUST MISIS created a single service technical support UIT with a single multichannel telephone number: +7 495 647-23-00. For all questions related to malfunctions in computer equipment, electronic document, Email, local network MISIS and the Internet or Information systems MISIS, please contact this number on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00. You can also send a request for maintenance by e-mail by the address: .