Electronic record. Ask a question pharmacist for free

Currently, in the city of Moscow, the order of preferential drugs for individual groups of the population, which are entitled to benefits, approved by the order of the Government of Moscow from 10.08.2005 No. 1506-RP "On the implementation of measures of social support for certain categories of citizens of the city of Moscow to provide drugs and medical products Appointments released on doctors recipes for free or 50% discount. "

The aforementioned order approved: a list of population groups, with an outpatient treatment of which drugs and medical products are released on recipes of doctors for free or with a 50% discount, and the list of categories of diseases, with the outpatient treatment of which drugs and medical products are discharged by doctors' recipes for free.

Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State social assistance"It establishes the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a collection of social services, which includes provision in accordance with the standards of medical assistance to the necessary drugs for medical applications on prescriptions for drugs, medical products for recipes for medical products, as well as specialized products of therapeutic Nutrition for children with disabilities, for certain categories of citizens specified in Articles 6.1 and 6.7 of the title federal zzakon.

Providing certain categories of citizens by drugs and medical prescription products for doctors for free or with a 50% discount is carried out through pharmacy organizations (pharmacies of various forms of ownership and pharmacy points located directly medical organizations (outpatient polyclinic institutions) in administrative districts at the place of residence). The list of pharmacy organizations is approved by the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.

Pharmaceutical organizations carrying out logistics services for drug provision of certain categories of citizens by doctors' recipes for free or with a 50% discount in Moscow:

  • Sao, Zelo, Zelo Moscow - TD Farm Center LLC
  • VAO, Svao in Moscow - GBUZ of Moscow "Center for Medicinal Support of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow"
  • Yuzao Moscow - PJSC Farmimeks
  • CAO, YUVAO, YUAO, CJSC, TNAO Moscow - GBUZ CITY MOSCOW "Center for Medicinal Support of the Moscow Department of Health."

Children from large families under the age of 18 are provided with drugs for free (these social support measures are provided with large families before reaching the younger child of the age of 16 (students in an educational institution implementing general education programs - up to 18 years) in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow 11/23/2005 No. 60 "On social support Families with children in Moscow. "

Informationon the procedure for providing citizens with a package of social services

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 6.3 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance" (as amended from 22.08.2004, December 29, 2004), the period of providing citizens a set of social services is a calendar year.

In accordance with paragraph 1.11 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 "On approval of the procedure for providing a set of social services to certain categories of citizens" Application for refusal of a set of social services for the next year is filed by a citizen to the territorial authority of the Pension Fund Russian Federation Every year on October 1 of the current year. Citizens have the right to withdraw a submitted application for refusal to obtain a set of social services (social services) for the next year until October 1 of the current year.

It is allowed to refuse to obtain a set of social services in full, refusal to obtain a social service provided for in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ (additional free help, including providing providing the necessary drug recipes, providing in the presence of medical testimony to a sanatorium-resort treatment), and a refusal to obtain a social service provided for in paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ (Providing free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back).

Information on the production of drugs of leading world brands

Official information on localization of drug production of world brands on industrial areas of Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers is published on the Internet on the following sites: https://rosminzdrav.ru, https://rg.ru, http://pharmvestnik.ru, http: //remedium.ru, http://gmpnews.ru, http://imemo.ru.

Search for medicines seized from circulation

With information about the seizure of medicines, you can find the service "Search seized from the treatment of medicines", posted on the website of the Federal Health Supervision Service. http://www.roszdravnadzor.ru/services/lssearch.

Medicinal quality control

With information relating to the quality of drugs in civil circulation, can be found on the website of the Federal Health Supervision Service section "Drugs / Medicinal Quality Control / Information Letters"

The rules of proper pharmacy practice imposed in Russia implies mandatory consulting of the buyer in the process of leave (implementation) of the pharmacy assortment goods.

The regulatory definition of the term "pharmaceutical consulting" is included in the conceptual apparatus of the rules of proper pharmacy practice of drugs for medical applications, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 647N of August 31, 2016.

Pharmaceutical consulting - access to information on the procedure for the application or use of the pharmacy assortment goods, including the rules of leave, methods of receiving, dosing modes, therapeutic action, contraindications, the interaction of drugs with simultaneous reception among themselves and (or) with food, their storage rules in Home Conditions

Subparagraph "in" clause 8 of Order No. 647n concretizes the concept of pharmaceutical consulting, imputing the duty to the head of the pharmacy organization to ensure the consumer with information "On the procedure for the use or use of pharmacy assortment goods, including the rules of leave, methods of reception, dosing modes, therapeutic action, contraindications, the interaction of drugs with simultaneous reception and (or) with food, the rules of their storage at home" .

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 403N dated July 11, 2017 "On approval of the rules of drugs of drugs" specifies the requirements for counseling upon vacation of the LS. According to paragraph 16 of the order, the pharmaceuticalist must inform the buyer of the drug "On the mode and doses of its admission, the rules of storage at home, on interaction with other drugs." This brief list and should be guided by farmspeitialists.

The order repeats the requirements for counseling. Now pharmaceutical consulting is an integral part of the functional job descriptions of the pharmaceutical worker, because in the professional standard there is a requirement that all pharmacematic workers have incl. Access to information and rules for the use of the drug.

The necessary information must be provided to the consumer, but if he does not want to listen, it is necessary to warn you about the need to get acquainted with the instructions, about the dosing mode, the storage of the drug at home in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations specified on the package.

Order No. 647N also includes pharmaceutical advice in the program of actual knowledge for newly accepted pharmacists and pharmacists (PP. "In" p. 14) and refers it to the main production functions of pharmaceutical workers (PP. "B" p. 15). When drawing up job descriptions of pharmaceutical workers, this provision must be included in the section "Responsibilities".

To provide pharmaceutical consulting services in a pharmacy, a special zone may be allocated, including with the installation of seats (clause 53). In addition, when implementing drugs, the pharmacy worker is prohibited from hiding information from the buyer about the presence of other drugs with similar MNN, as well as the ratio of prices for these drugs (p. 54).

Consulting zone in a pharmacy with setting seats

A pharmaceutical range includes not only medicines and medical products, but also other goods that can be reserved by specialists without pharmaceutical education. Legislation does not prohibit hiring consultants who do not qualify for the provisions or pharmacist, the solution to the issue of the feasibility of such a personnel decision remains at the discretion of the management of pharmacies.

Products that are not drugs and medical products, from the point of view of profits, they are as a rule, a secondary role. To implement them, special training is not required, the horizons and professional knowledge The first timberists will definitely allow them to successfully cope with this function.

In the absence of pharmacy organizations in the settlements of the countryside, the pharmaceutical consulting is carried out by medical personnel of ambulatory, Feldscher-Okushetsky points, centers (branches) of the general medical (family) practice subject to the availability of appropriate training.

The duration of consulting and the amount of information provided depends on specific queries Buyer, his educational and cultural level. Particular attention should be paid to the storage conditions of the released drug at home, despite the presence or absence of appropriate warnings and inscriptions on the package or in the instructions for use. Consultation is carried out taking into account the dosage form, packaging features, air temperature at different times of the year, protected from exposure to sunlight, humidity, etc.

Pharmaceutical Consulting Requirements

  1. Professionalism.
  2. Safety.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Personal approach, accessibility for the patient.
  5. Adequacy.
  6. Rationality.
  7. The need to mention consultation with the doctor.
  8. Using an urgent regulatory framework.
  9. Proposal purchase of the drug.

The main aspects of pharmaceutical counseling

  1. Determine the need for special provisions of LP leave.
  2. Designate the need for prescription leave of LP.
  3. Determine the visitor's problem, ask clarifying questions.
  4. Specify on the need for a mandatory visit to the specialist.
  5. Specify the special characteristics of the patient (age, pregnancy, chronic diseases, receptions of drugs, etc.).
  6. Name the pharmacotherapeutic group and the effect of the drug.
  7. Suggest preparations as an alternative and justify their suggestions.
  8. Inform about the rules of admission, therapy course.
  9. Inform about interaction with food and drug interactions.
  10. Inform about storage rules at home.
  11. Inform about side effects.

The Regulations on the licensing of pharmaceutical activities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1081, includes the fulfillment of pharmacy organizations compliance with the rules of proper pharmacy practice (PP. "G", paragraph 5).

Clause 6 of this provision refers to non-compliance with this requirement for gross violations, qualified in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 14.1 Code of Administrative Code and inhabit:

  • For people who carry out entrepreneurial activities without the formation of a legal entity, a penalty of 4 to 8 thousand rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days
  • For officials - a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • For legal entities - Fine from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Pharmaceutical consulting is carried out within the educational level of the pharmaceuticalist and in no case should not submit the recommendations of the attending physician. The violation of this principle can lead to an unintentional harm to the health of the visitor, which entails civil or criminal liability. The consequences depend on the degree of harm caused to health (light, medium or severe, are established by forensic medical examination), as well as the circumstances of the offense.

The doctor is a pharmacist.

Pharmacology ("Farmakon" - Medicine and "Logos" - doctrine) is a science that studies the effect of drugs to the human body and animals.

The first systematized information on pharmacology was found in the ancient Egyptian papyrus, hippocratic records, etc. philosophers. In the XVI century, the concept of drug dosage was ordered. Modern pharmacology requires a pharmacist knowledge of not only the common properties of the drug, but also the mechanisms of its action, pharmacokinetics (science on the paths of administration, distribution and release of medication from the body) and pharmacodynamics (science on the types and mechanisms of the drug, its pharmacological effect).

Pharmacist is a specialist studying drugs, the effects of drugs on the body, as well as seeking new drugs (which are used for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease).

The dominant activities of the pharmacist are:

"Development of new and improving existing drugs;
"Preparation of drugs (pills, medicines, powders, ointments, balms, etc.);
"Storage of drugs;
"Vacation of drugs in pharmacies people and clarifying the rules of admission;
"Informing medical institutions and the public about the action of certain drugs coming on sale;
"Monitoring the quality and shelf life of drugs;
"Reception of recipes in the population in pharmacies and preparation of drugs.

Pharmacists should distinguish such abilities and personal qualities as:

- well-developed long-term memory (the ability to store the necessary information in memory);
- excellent shaped memory (ability to memorize and reproduce the taste, color, smell, etc. parameters of substances);
- developed tactile and motor memory;
- sleight of hand;
- a tendency to analyze and mathematical abilities;
- attentiveness, collens, accuracy, tact, high self-control.

In his work, the pharmacist strictly observes the rules for drug leave, carefully monitors the storage conditions of drugs.

Any weapon (including against illness) requires the correct handling of it. "Skll" to handle drugs should all participants in therapeutic process - a doctor, pharmacist, and, of course, the patient himself. The pharmacist here acts as an intermediary, a doctor's assistant and a patient consultant. The patient should strictly perform instructions on the use of medication, do not stop the doctor without the knowledge of the doctor and not begin to be treated with some other drug. Violation of dosage and reception rules can adversely affect the state of health.

Only cooperation in this "Union" of the doctor, pharmacist and patient is the main condition for the safe and efficient use of drugs with the greatest benefit for each particular patient.

On the this moment Received a consultation of pharmacist people from: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chita, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ryazan, Kaliningrad, Izhevsk, Tula, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Blagoveshchensk, Stavropol, Tambov, South - Sakhalinsk, Kaluga, Kazan, Ufa, Ivanov, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Samara, Nizhnya Saratov, Novgorod, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Orenburg, Barnaul, Vladimir, Tyumen, Tomsk, Perm, Vladivostok, Belgorod, Cheboksary, Mineral Waters, Magadan , Maikop, Lipetsk, Nalchik, Ulan-Ude, Tolyatti, Surgut, Khabarovsk, Tver, Petrozavodsk, Salekhard, Astrakhan, Kurgan, Eagle, Omsk, Yaroslavl, Gorno-Altaisk, Murmansk ... as well as other large and small cities of the Russian Federation.

A modern pharmacy is not limited to selling medicines. In the pharmaceutical business, tough competition reigns, and the company wins the company that was able to organize a service on high level, provide customers with additional services, conquer the loyalty of the consumer with the help of discount programs and free consultations of specialists. The easiest and most affordable way of development additional service In the pharmacy - the organization of consulting consumers by phone.

It all starts with the most ordinary telephone - it is used in business processes for almost a hundred years, since in 1927 the first commercial telephone call Between London and New York on the transatlantic cable. For decades, the technique was improved, and today the pharmacy has several options for organizing consultation by phone.

First, decide on the phone number. Well, if it consists of a minimum number of numbers in a convenient combination. Beautiful room The phone is easy to remember for rumor, he is a kind of indicator of the organization's solidity. Located on a business card, on a signboard, on an advertising sheet, on a packaging bag, on a discount card, the room rushes into the eyes and, after seeing several times, the buyer will definitely remember him. You can get a prestigious number when concluding a contract with a local PBX or a commercial telecommunications operator.

Phone at the workplace of the first timeline

If there are no permanent queues in the pharmacy, it is enough to equip for consultation telephone workplace Pharmacist. Why do you need it? Of course, to conquer the loyalty of buyers! As often happens that coming home with a purchase, a person, far from medicine, forgets how to take medicine correctly. And not everyone can independently deal with annotation to the drug - after all, the information provided there is intended primarily for specialists. The easiest way to solve the problem is a call to the pharmacy and refinement of the dosing regime, a combination of several drugs.

Many buyers acquired medicines discharged by a doctor, bypass several pharmacies and compare prices. Knowing the phone number of the pharmacy, you can clarify the presence of the desired drug and its price, without spending time on a visit to several pharmacies. Quite often, on the phone, the schedule of the pharmacy is also asked. The main thing is to remember: this service is important to buyers, and everything that you do for its organization is done not in vain!

The time of the pharmacy employee is limited, and its main responsibility is still servicing visitors who came to the pharmacy. On the phone, the first-timer will not be able to give deployed consultations - it is not enough time to get enough time, visitors will begin to be nervous, to hurry a pharmacy employee, to express fair comments and demand attention. In fact, this is a consultation "on the run" - an answer to 1-2 questions and a polite farewell with the resulting.

The main topics of brief consultations

  1. The mode of operation of the pharmacy.
  2. The presence of a medicine.
  3. Prices of medicines.
  4. The drug prescription is released or is located in a free sale.
  5. When, to whom and under what conditions discounts are provided.

Answer calls briefly not only the first-timer. Any employee can tell about the work of the pharmacy, and it is necessary to provide information about the presence of a medicine and its price, and a pharmacy manager, and a student-trainee.

Dedicated specialist for telephone consulting

If the first table employee does not cope with the flow of calls without prejudice to the main work, it is worth thinking about the expansion of the state of the pharmacy and invite a specialist to communicate with customers by phone. This may be not only a pharmacist or a pharmacist for education, but also a doctor - the practice of a specialist doctor is most popular among pharmacy customers.

The doctor can advise the visitors to the pharmacies at certain hours and by telephone, and personally - such consultations are perfectly affected by sales, increasing the average cost of buying at times. A typical example is the consultation of the phlebologist in the pharmacy: it can not only explore the patient's viciously, but also recommend correctional pillows for night rest, pick up a compression knitwear, assign additional drugs for receiving in a complex with the main therapy.

Often pharmacies, in order to save wages, attract to work on the phone students of medical educational institutions - universities and colleges, as well as student trains during practice. Key employee skills on the phone: sociability, goodwill, competent speech, clear diction, ability to build a conversation, ability to listen to the buyer, understand it and attract purchases exactly in this pharmacy. Naturally, the main requirement is knowledge in the field of pharmacology.

For a full-fledged work, the consultant "On the phone" will require a premises - a separate office or a dedicated area in the trading room, as well as a computer with access to information about the product pharmacy and prices of goods available.

The main topics of detailed consultations

  1. Selection of a drug of a non-receptible vacation.
  2. Refinement of the drug intake mode.
  3. Clarification and discussion of undesirable admission effects.
  4. Issues of replacement of drugs for synonyms and analogues.
  5. The combination of several drugs in the treatment of basic and accompanying diseases.
  6. Complaints on poor-quality goods and other claims.
  7. Order of medicines from a warehouse wholesale company.

Sometimes the topics of consultation affects not only the issues of buying and receiving medicines, but goes beyond the framework of pharmaceutical activities. It is important to clearly understand the main ethical principle of work of any physician - do not harm! If the caller, listens to the symptoms, requires it to make it a diagnosis and prescribe medicines, it's not about him professionally. Your sacred duty is to send a patient to your doctor. The correct diagnosis can be delivered only after full diagnostics and a personal inspection by a doctor, and the help on the phone may not be a saving, but destructive. Consultation on phone is somewhat expanded if it provides a specialist doctor, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, etc.

Hot line based on pharmacy

If there are many calls and patients complain that it is difficult to get through to your pharmacy, it is worth thinking about the organization hot line On the database of the pharmacy. To do this, you will need a multi-channel phone or a multichannel number - several (depending on technical equipment - from five to infinity) can simultaneously reach it. None of them will hear the "busy" signal, and you will need additional employees for call answers.

Questions come on the phone hotline are very diverse. They may require a brief response or deployed consultation, so predict the time spent by the employee to one telephone conversation is impossible. It is important to have enough resources to meet the need for consultation of all callers - this is the technique, and staff, and information Support operators. In fact, this is a complete call center, and developing its activity on the basis of the pharmacy is not always rational and cost-effective. For the organization and maintenance of the hotline, specialists can be involved outside the pharmacy.

When does a pharmacy need a hotline? First of all, during advertising actions to stimulate demand. It is impossible to actively develop without a hotline network pharmacies - most pharmacy Networks Use the capabilities of call-centers a hundred percent. It is important to ensure a quick response to all incoming calls - the potential buyer should not wait. An employee in a pharmacy or operator in the call-center should have the maximum information on the pharmacy activities and be able to answer any matter of caller.