Rooms at 495 What operator and region. Direct beautiful beelons

All Operators MGTS Rostelecom MTS Beeline Allo incognito PJSC "Central Telegraph" by Novosystems MegaFon Globus Telecom TEKHSTANDART-C »Tele2 MANGO OFFICE MATRIX MOBILE ASVT LLC" TELET TELEKOM "LLC" Time Line "number one Avenutor MTT Telemir LLC CJSC Express Telecom »Min.Forone LLC" TELL "LLC PTF (INN 7802775407) Orange Business Services Masters Telecom TZ Westcoll Telecom LLC" STK "TRANCMOBILE MCN Telecom LLC Biz Telecom Sunsim CJSC Natuan Rus Spacetel Optictelecom LLC Telecom Service "LLC" TDS Telecom "LLC Cordis Telecom LLC" TK Tel Tel Center "LLC" Telenet Solushen "LLC" Communication Systems "Reconnki Akado Telecom CJSC" Macomnet "Science-Communication of the Unittel CJSC" Rial Kom "CJSC Multyleine LLC Gazprom Communication »LLC" KloveTel "TRP-Telecom LLC" Gars Telekom - UT "Runexis Lastor Telecom Intellin Gazprom Telecom CJSC NPO Prokteh GRAVITEL LLC" Cititel "OAO Montazh LLC Business Claud LLC VILEND LLC" TK Tel »Big Telecom CJSC Massemvyaz OO LLC "SK Entel" Intercom Tehnolodzhi Miatel Liral-Telecom LLC "Lasnet" LLC Safetel LLC "Dinkor Media Group" LLC Invest Telecom Multico Group LLC Akvadras LLC Pro-Auditor LLC "Caravan Aero" OJSC " international Airport Sheremetyevo "" Guo (GL.UPP.HPAN) "" FAPSI "LLC" TELERAIT "LLC" Prima Telecom "Burane Telecom LLC" Yuteks-Telecom "LLC" Netkom-R "LLC Telecom Center LLC" Morton Telecom "ER -Telecom Metropolitan Metropolitan IP Alekin Aleksandr Nikolaevich LLC Svyaz-Holding LLC Telecom Service T LLC "Kroniks Plus" LLC "FSTKOM" LLC "Flexline-N" LLC "Mus Energy" LUKOIL-INFORM LLC Elkom »Russian railways JSC International Airport Vnukovo Intelcom-Connect LLC "Call Home" ISS JSC "MoWell" Invest Mobile LLC CJSC Connecto LLC LLC "Society-manufacturing company" Distributed Information Management Company LLC "Communication" LLC IC Sibintack Moskovsky Telecom Mostelecom INTELKOM LLC "Unswesvyaz" Teleason "Universum Telecom" LLC "Universum Bit" LLC "Rusinvesttelecom" LLC "GK Moskovy Telecom" Gripin FSUE "TTTS" Ostankino "AO Altagen Svyaztransneft JSC" SOFT "CJSC MTP communication »NetByNet GBU" FSU Moscow City Hall "JSC" Institutional telephone knot" LTD " Information Systems"LLC IRIS-TELVIO TELVIO CJSC INZHENUET JSC" Communication Tiff "Trivon LLC" Prof-Comm "LLC" Telenet "LLC" Telecommunications Smart "LLC" ANLIM-NO "LLC" Version "LLC Megazvyaz »JSC" Fortex "LLC" Kolklkiper RU "LLC" K50 "OJSC" RKK "Energia" LLC "Sipnet" LLC Stis Engineering LLC "Indic" LLC "Artagon" LLC "Natline" LLC "Odi-Telecom" LLC "IKA" Telecom "LLC" DTS "LLC" Infocom "LLC" Tel.Ru "CJSC" BEST-Telecom "LLC" Rukomteh "Omikron FSUE" Glavnivts "of the Office of the President of the President Russian Federation "LLC" TSMT "LLC" A.B.-electronics "LLC" Mosline "LLC TTK LLC RELKOM LLC" Global Line "LLC" Zumbar "LLC" Azimuth Telecom "LLC" STTS "LLC TRN-Telecom M LLC "Netfnet" LLC "INVESTRESURS" LLC "Connectic" LLC "Super Telecom" Sipout LLC "Communication" LLC "Region-Telecom" LLC "NFS Telecom" LLC "Dubrovka Telecom" LLC "Fasenet" LLC "STI AI" LLC Metrotel "LLC" Bureau of Communications "LLC" City Connect "LLC Pioneer Telenets LLC FSUE" Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering "FSUE" Central Aerohydrodinamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky "JSC" Lii them. MM Gromov "LLC" Flexible Telecom.Systems "LLC InfoSet LLC" Center for Technical Services of the FNPR "LLC" Engineering "LLC" Comfort Communication "LLC" Torell "LLC" First Telecom "LLC" Voiz Connect "LLC" Navant "LLC" RCS " "LLC" New Telecommunication Company "CJSC ISKRATELEKOM LLC" Komtelko "Economy OJSC TRANSTELECOM LLC" TK TEL REGION "LLC" Hotline "LLC Grand-Telecom LLC" Spetsvytsotstroy "LLC" Profliga "LLC" United Telecommunicaishenz " LLC "KOMITEN" LLC "FILONKO" RGUGU LLC "MAGELLAN" CJSC "City Telecom" Dijital Country Nat LLC "Int-Inform" LLC "Amt-Group Telecom LLC" Sterling Telecom LLC "Sensory systems" LLC "IFORM" LLC Svyazinform Avelacom LLC LLC "Rustel" LLC "MEDIESET" LLC "SelRegionelectrosvyaz" LLC "Sotel" LLC "El-Net" LLC "NIIR-RADIONET" LLC "Company" Komokom "Morsvyazsyputnuette LLC TTK Telecom" RELLYNE "LLC "NextTell" LLC "Extreme" LLC Telecom-Vista LLC "NTC Fiord" LLC Telecom LLC "RTEL" RETN LLC "Basis Telecom »LLC" Sottel "LLC" Svyazstro "LLC" Premium Communication "IP GORODKOV IGOR Vladimirovich CJSC Center-Telko Tediscont LLC" ISRTA "LLC" ONS "JSC" RTKOMM.RU "LLC" System Service "LLC" Company ROSSTEL "LLC "Bonkey" OJSC "G / K" Berlin "LLC" Santel "Antares Miran Skytechnlogies Continental Group LLC" Voice Services "LLC" Greenat "LLC Kraft Telecom LLC" Business Communication "LLC" M9 KOM "LLC" Diva "LLC "Capital Telecom" LLC "Secret-Communication" LLC VOKS GROUP CJSC "Art Designer" LLC "Retsentr" LLC "PROLINK M.Ru" LLC "Simlan" LLC "Front Telecom" LLC "Intelgent Line" LLC "Teletai" LLC "Academy Telecom" CJSC "Komplat-Telecom" LLC "Telemetric" LLC "Бет" Полетов "полету" потуль "PATEKTelecom LLC FGBOU in" NiU "MEI" LLC "MSN Telecom Retail" LLC Ringtel LLC Sotet + "LLC" Smartyub "CJSC" Telecom-Optim "LLC" Sintonik "LLC" STIKS-IT "LLC OJSC Complex of the Eagleok Hotel LLC Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Center LLC GRUALLINE LLC Energomash-Elekt Rosvyaz "LLC" NTSI Telecom "CJSC" Reutov-Telecom "LLC" MS Interfor "EZ Mobile LLC" OTV "LLC" Cassiopeia "FSUE" FTSDT Soyuz "ZAO" Rasla "LLC" Unilink "LLC" NETVEI "LLC" Novator " LLC "Kompan" CJSC Orelikov-5 "STROYSVYAZPROEKT LLC LLC" IPIPT "LLC" KOLKOK SPM "OJSC" SOSMOS "OJSC" Transcribe "CJSC" Eurasia Telekom Ru "OJSC Polykvart Telecom JSC" Neurok "Aurora Telecom LLC "Strethnet. KOM "LLC" Makstel "LLC" High Technologies "OJSC" Kalibr "LLC" NPP Business Communication Holding "LLC" Intelsvyaz "LLC" Telecom-Net "LLC" Network "LLC" Complex telecommunications "LLC CJSC" MC NTT "LLC" Soft "LLC" EUROKOM "LLC" BIVEG "RUT (MIIT) LLC" Legioncom "Credo-Telecom LLC TRANSK LLC National Center for Informatization LLC Plyus Telecom LLC Commaster CJSC Network and Services JSC UKSNNCS LLC IT Business LLC "Gelikon-epple" LLC "Daev Plaza" New bodies Network Comugoires LLC "Telephone Systems for Business" LLC "Arpenet" LLC "First Virtual" LLC "Zipper" LLC "Metropolitan telecommunication company" LLC "Ekoterene" "Telephone networks and communications" LLC Avtodor-Telecom LLC "Communication Industry" LLC "Moskabelmet" LLC "Pekitel" LLC Skye Engineering LLC FSUE "NPO IT" OJSC Composite CJSC Elektrosvyazstroy LLC RechSvyazservis LLC Digitel "LLC" Alternative Communication "of OJSC" Memer "LLC" Capital Telecom LLC "Grand Prix Telecom LLC" Optima Municobyeshens "LLC" Mofril + "LLC" NPO "Information Systems" LLC "NPP" Logic "JSC" Smart Engineering "CJSC" Meganet "LLC Dattelecom LLC" ZVI Telecom "LLC RM-Telecom LLC PRIMLINK telecommunications LLC Cardtel TELL LLC "NEW LINE" LLC "TVPARK" LLC " Far communication»OJSC" NIMI "GUZ" MGOB № 62 DRZ "LLC" Nekustel "LLC" Satellite-Svyatnik-Service "LLC" Slavintel "LLC" Technology of assistance "LLC" Beta VoP "LLC" INZHENET + "LLC INTELKOM - Network "LLC" Office Background "LLC" Amtel-Communication "LLC" Forecom "LLC" New Line Telecom "LLC" El Telecom "LLC" Digital Telephone Communication "LLC Joint-stock company" State Space Scientific and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev "Teleport + TV LLC Skytel CJSC Izmailovo LLC" TK "Centrosvyaz" LLC "Masternet" LLC "Zinger-Computer" LLC "Oblkom" LLC "Communication and construction" LLC "Mosinfok" LLC "Alekstel" LLC " Linkintel "LLC" New Telephone Systems "LLC" INTELECOM "LLC" KOMFINANANS "LLC" GIMETS "LLC" Cross tel "LLC" AST-Telecom "LLC" SDM-Center "LLC" Svyaz-Stroy "LLC" Neo Print "LLC" LLC "Komtelecom" LLC "VIP-TELECOM-SERVICE" LLC "LIT-TELECOM" CJSC "AKADEMINFOR" LLC "Ai Pi Technologies" CJSC "MSTN" LLC Business System Telecom CJSC "Engineer" LLC "SERVIS-AERO" LLC " Stelkominzhinirring "LLC" Fora Telecom "OKB-Telecom LLC" E-Style Ai-Es-Pi "LLC Bastion-Capital-Telecom LLC" SDK "LLC" Service Telecom "LLC" INTELLSITY "LLC Intek-Mytishchi LLC "Digital Compounds" LLC "Business Partnership" LLC RT-Telecom LLC Modern technologies"LLC" SI-AI-TIVI "LLC" GORUSSOZZ "CJSC" Tel "CJSC Soyuz - Khimki OJSC" VNIIETO "LLC" Schepkin "LLC" Technopark Bykovo "LLC" in "Zarubezhtstelmet" LLC "TRP-3" LLC " Nord-West Telecom "LLC" BusinessTelecom "FGAU" OK "Rublevo-Uspensky" LLC "Telecom-Star" LLC "Valeks F.M.Est." LLC "VEGA" LLC "MRIZ-TELECOM" LLC "MOSKOMSVYAZ" LLC "Digit-Telecom" LLC "Premierch" LLC "Telecom-Holding" LLC "Technok Group" LLC "Com-site" LLC "Integral television systems" LLC "Union of Electro "LLC" Forward Telecom LTD "CJSC" VK-Telecom "LLC" INTELNET COMMUNICATION "LLC" First Base "LLC" Summit Systems "LLC" Velesky "LLC" Moblnet "LLC" IT "LLC" Kvadro-Telecom M "AU" Audio "CJSC" Dec-Optics "LLC" VVSTEK "LLC" Internet-space "LLC" Ayty-Vega "LLC" FASHEBEEB "LLC" Tevia "LLC" Iteranet "LLC Alterlink-Telecom LLC" Educational network "LLC" Prima- Phone "LLC" MEDIA INTERNOSHNL GROUP "LLC" ASTELET "LLC Serpukhovskaya Dvor LLC" TM Operator Group "OJSC NPO" TsNIITMASH "NAO" Masarmat "Light Telecom LLC CJSC" Informatics and Telecommunications "LLC" Clene SG "LLC Fast Telecom LLC ITSC OJSC Niisa Oumo "Factory named after I.A. Likhacheva "ZAO STROYSERVIS LLC" Vyatskoye "LLC" Velles Telecom "LLC RELESOFT COMMNEYSHNS LLC" RUSNON "LLC" UNIONTEL "RASS 'CJSC STYNS ROME LLC" Bigfut Telecom LLC "ABN LLC" Angheltel "LLC" KMK -Telecom LLC "Satellite Telecom LLC" Irirontelecom LLC "PLANFON" LLC "Information and measuring systems" LLC "Sky-Lodzhik" LLC "Mitu Telecom LLC" Optiko Span "LLC Archnius LLC" Expert-Telecom "LLC " Network technologies"LLC" ATS Telecom "LLC" Sipgeyati "LLC" Avalis "LLC" Telecom Plus "LLC" North-Telecom "LLC" Premier Telecom "LLC" Sip-Service "LLC" Greenline "LLC" Reconstruction "LLC" Talatel "LLC "My Telecom" CJSC "WIT" LLC "Connects" LLC "Tex Group" LLC "Harvestr" LLC "Technologies and Networks" LLC "Gars Telecom Riteil" LLC "Power Telecom" LLC "True Systems" LLC Domontet LLC "Transport Telecommunication company "LLC Business-Communication" OJSC "ARZ-6" OJSC "Moscow River Shipping Company" LLC "SK TELECOM" LLC "TSI" LLC "Network Communications" LLC "Mibius Telecom" LLC " NTC. Complex systems"LLC" Vesta "LLC" Horizon-Telecom LLC "Pilgrim" LLC "Woksky-Technologi" LLC "Inkom" LLC "Svyaznigagivator" LLC "Delta-Telecom" LLC "Esmark" LLC "Flagman Telecom" LLC "Inkompax" LLC " Newlylans »JSC" Mirtelecom named E.K. SERVICE "LLC" Express Line Travel "LLC" Dok.Telecom "LLC" Inter-Communication "LLC" A-Telecom "CJSC INFOTEL INFOTEH LLC" AT Telecom "LLC" Slavia "LLC" Neolink Group "LLC FGAU GNI ITT "LLC Altel LLC Rusteko LLC ZAO VNIRIT LLC" Tigok "LLC" A2 "LLC RTS Telecom LLC" Communication of the VDD "OJSC" Scientific and Production Association SEM "LLC" Delta "LLC" Finam Technology "LLC" Runet " OJSC "Research Institute" Argon "LLC ROILKOM LLC" Svyazontaktinform "LLC" Phonet Telecom LLC "Kompkk-R LLC" Telecom Tehnolodzhis "LLC" AYTI KONNEKT GROUP LLC LLC "« «Electronic shield »Globusteel Astrus Telecom LLC CJSC Socintech-Instal LLC KDL OJSC EMZ them. V.M. Meatsishchev "LLC" Dataplenet "LLC" Enter Telecom "LLC" MEDIA NET "LLC" Solist-Group "LLC" Commservis "LLC" Atlas Telecom LLC "Bis-Inform" LLC Smart Telecom Pay-Telecom LLC INKO LLC CJSC "Complex services Digital communications "CJSC" TVSKOM "JSC" Argon "LLC" Telekomproekt "OJSC" PTC Osas "LLC" Synergy "LLC" Favorit Telecom LLC "IVKOMM" LLC "APM Technology" LLC - "TzU KOM" LLC "AVGA- TERRA »LLC" E301 "LLC" ITH "LLC" N SI AI "LLC" PrombrusinessAll "Yamaltelecom LLC" INTELLEKT NET "LLC" ITELIS "LLC" Rekord "LLC" Plasinfo "LLC" Cyclone-C "LLC" Alvis-Network " Rumtel LLC LLC "Kvidex-Telecom" LLC "Region" CJSC AMTKOM "Zebra Telecom Business Communication LLC" Profit Soluezz Net Maging Telecom "Quantk LLC Resset" Yul-Comnet "LLC" Elite Telecommunications "LLC" Compass- Tel "LLC" Radionet "LLC" OPK-TEL "LLC LLC" Search-Telecom "Euroset LLC" Optimum "LLC" Treidnnet "LLC" Niz Rusprekomotnika "LLC" MP Yarmak "LLC" City Telecommunications Ltd. " O "SNRG" LLC "Company ELLAND TELEKOM" LLC "Telecom Servis M" LLC "Research and Production Association" Certificate "LLC" A.B.N. Communication "LLC" Digital Magistral "LLC" Priority "OJSC" Corporation "MontazpetsStroy" LLC "Flex" LLC NPO Energomash LLC "Enlain" LLC "High-tech Media Club" LLC "Didjital XXI" LLC "Orlan-Telecom" LLC "DIKOM" LLC Sterling Corporation LLC "Gold Telecom LLC" City Lines "LLC" SpetsSvyazstroy "LLC OKB-Telecom LLC CJSC VEB Media Service Comet

Regularly on our mobile phones come from different phones, including stationary. Some people prefer not to respond to calls coming from unknown numbers. Want to know "7 495" What city code? Now we will tell about it.

general information

Moscow - the capital of Russia and its largest city. To date, over 12 million people live in it. Only in Moscow there are two telephone code, and in other Russian cities one.


Previously, many of us knew that for a call to Moscow, a stationary telephone should be dialing "095". But times are changing. Telephone communications develops. A few years ago, the rooms were changed. "495" - the code of the city of Moscow, which is valid now. Signatures decided to abandon the figure "0", as it was used for international calls.

Now the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine must recruit +7 (495) and the number of their Moscow relatives or friends. The connection will occur at the same moment. Calls are charged in accordance with the rates of companies providing telephone communications.

From January 2012, the codes "495", "498" and "499" were combined into one group. All of them belong to the metropolitan region. For residents of Moscow and Moscow region, it is very convenient and profitable. After all, calls within this group today are charged as locally. Rates you can learn from your operator.

How to call Moscow from a mobile phone?

Every year more and more Russians refuse stationary phones and only use cellular. But what to do if your friend or relative lives in Moscow, and you know only his city number. In this case, the call must be made in such format: +7 (499/498/497/496/495) - yyy- yy-yy. That is, choose the desired code (for example, "495) and gain landline number Subscriber.


Remember the city code "495". What city is this - you now know. On how to call the capital from the stationary and mobile phone, we told.

* The subscription fee for the first 3 months from the moment of activation is 490 rubles per month. Further, starting from the 4th month, the subscription fee will be 390 rubles per month. The specified price is 1.90 rubles / min on international directions valid when calls to the rooms of India and China. Full list of countries with indication of challenges, specified in the International Calls section of this tariff plan. When connecting the number of category "Bronze" as part of the action "Number 495 of the Bronze category - free" The Subscriber replenishes the balance of the amount equal to the cost of the category "Bronze". Cash for category numbers are not written off. Cash can be spent on any communication services Tariffs are valid from 01/01/2019. Not subject to VAT. Tariffing services commemorated from the 1st second of the conversation. Calls for less than 3 seconds are not charged. The subscription fee for the first 3 months from the moment of activation is 490 rubles per month. Further, starting from the 4th month, the subscription fee will be 390 rubles per month. The subscription fee on the tariff plan is completely charged in the first month on the day of activation of the tariff plan. Starting from the second month - write-off subscription fee daily suit; The daily subscription fee is proportional to the number of days in the current month; In the current day from 12-00 to 24-00, the subscription fee over the next day is written off. The daily write-off of the subscription fee begins per day before: the day of activation of the tariff plan, if such a day exists in the month following the month of activation. The last day of the month, if there is no such day in the month following the month of activation. The subscription fee is allowed below the shutdown threshold for an amount not exceeding one subscription fee completely per calendar month for using communication services. If the subscriber is not in the financial blocking, the subscriber is not in financial blocking and has a positive balance, but less than the amount sufficient to write off, then the write-off of the subscription fee can occur and communication services will be blocked until the balance is sufficient to unlock the balance. Turning off the incoming bond when the zero or negative balance is formed in 7 days from the moment of the occurrence of debt. Calls to the number of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea from the Ukrainian numbering plan are charged as international challenges to Ukraine. Attention! Challenges for special numbers ( satellite connectionpremium numbers paid services, various kinds of service numbers, etc.) and the numbers of some countries belong to premium directions and are charged at the prices indicated in a separate section of premium directions. SMS and MMS on the number of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea from the Ukrainian numbering plan are charged as international SMS and MMS to the rooms of Ukraine, respectively. When finding out home network in Russia or in international Roaming Mobile communication network tariffs MegaFon with a 20% markdown The number definition in code 495 is not guaranteed technical features networks of operators. On a mobile or urban phone of the subscriber who is performed outgoing callmay decide the federal or additional urban number. In the details of the call subscriber, incoming calls will be displayed from the federal number.

You can purchase direct urban boulders in Moscow with code 495 on our site in a matter of minutes. With this number you can make calls in Russia and anywhere in the world. You will often call it more often, because the number of numbers necessary for memorization and set is less than in the federal. The direct number causes more customer confidence, because it makes it clear that the company is reliable and has its own office. In addition, when a call to such a number is known in advance, the cost of the conversation is known.

How much is the direct city number Beeline?

The cost of Beeline's rooms with code 495 varies from 0 to 2000 rubles. Several dozen positions are available for you for free on the promotion conditions. Previously, they cost 300-500 rubles. In total there is about hundreds of positions to order online.

How to choose and order direct city boulders with code 495?

  1. Among the filters, mark "straight" numbers and add the appropriate option to the basket. Then make and pay for the order. We will contact you in the near future to the contacts you specify.
  2. You can buy direct boulders with code 495 with delivery in Moscow and MO for two or three hours or to the time specified in the application. The shipping cost is from 100 to 300 rubles.
  3. You can also choose a mask and enter numbers from which the desired number should be. You can also choose a number at its cost.
  4. You can pay for a direct number upon receipt, non-cash payment or webmoney. We accept credit card only in the office.

What do you order with us with urban rooms Beeline?

Together with a direct urban number, order the optimal one. For selection available

495 – telephone code, officially represented in two regions of the Russian Federation, but serviced by 600 mobile and urban telecommunications operators. According to statistics, more than 8 million subscribers communicate and make calls using numbers starting with the combination +7 (495).

What operators belong to the code

Databases are associated with code 495 more than 600 operators. Some, like MGTS and Rostelecom work with urban phones, others - MTS, Beeline and Tele2 offer the same numbers, but with the calculation on mobile communications. Coverage from operators is different - MGTS serves more than 3 million rooms, and MTS and Beeline together have not been reached and half a million.

In which regions are the numbers with this code

The code 495 is though distributed from the operators, but from the point of view of geography is valid solely in Moscow and the Moscow region. Rooms starting with +7 (495) have long been a business card of these regions, and therefore additional investigations will not be useful - even without databases, the regional coating of the code is known in advance.

How to find out who is calling from number 495

If, besides the region, it is important to get about the room and additional informationIn addition to the one that is associated with the region, the search is worth starting on the official databases, where many aspects, such as reputation, reviews and statistics, are described in detail. As an option, it is worth contacting the service, and, using a special text field, enter the number.

Immediately after appeal to local lineThe service will issue exhaustive information on the added combination, will show the approximate location of the caller, and also will try to demonstrate the reviews. However, it is pointless to count on a negative reputation of numbers with code 495 meaningless: most of the combinations belong to subscribers using stationary phones For communication across the city. Moreover, the code 495 is enshrined in many shops and entertainment centers, clubs and other public leisure meals.

Without exception, of course, it was not cost - a percentage of 10% of the subscribers talk about fraudsters, calling those who fall at hand with the sole purpose - to force to make a purchase, call back or - translate money.

Oddly enough, but sometimes the listed methods are triggered. Therefore, it is worth acting carefully and to the callback to check the database information.