Arkan satellite system. Installation of satellite anti-theft system ARKAN

Security systems flagship ARKAN- professional satellite anti-theft system of the extra class ARKAN Satellite. It provides highest level safety of the car and its owner. The absolute leader in functionality, this system is intended primarily for installation on premium and business class vehicles.

The unique advantage of the ARKAN Satellite system is the presence of two redundant communication channels for transmitting alarm signals: cellular GSM networks and its own radio channel ARKAN, resistant to interference and jamming. Rapid reaction forces are immediately dispatched to the scene to apprehend the intruders.

When the car enters a high-risk area (for example, a supermarket parking), the system is transferred from normal regime to the "Super-protection" mode. After setting into the "Super-guard" mode, the subsequent engine start is possible only by the dispatcher's command. Due to the small size of the central unit of the ARKAN Satellite system and the possibility of installing additional locks (for example, a hood lock), the number of installation options increases, which means that the time that hijackers need to spend searching for system elements and breaking it increases.

System advantages:

  • Guaranteed transmission of an alarm signal via two independent communication channels - the highly secure ARKAN radio channel and cellular network GSM;
  • Determination of vehicle location using GLONASS / GPS satellite systems and ARKAN's own radio direction finder network;
  • Personal safety guarantee of the car owner (Anti-Hi-Jack function, Panic button);
  • "Super-guard" mode: engine start is possible only by the dispatcher's command;
  • Remote blocking of the engine;
  • Compatible with all standard devices car, preservation of the warranty period
  • Exclusive rates for insurance on the risk of "Hijacking" from leading insurance companies
  • Multiservice "Roadside Assistance": technical assistance, evacuation, calling the emergency commissioner, etc.
  • Complete confidentiality

The principle of operation of ARKANSatellite systems

    The ARKAN Satellite system fully monitors the condition of the vehicle. In the event of illegal actions, the system will instantly transmit an alarm signal to the ARKAN Dispatch Center via two independent communication channels. Acting according to a clearly worked out algorithm of actions, the dispatcher assesses the situation and, if necessary, directs the rapid response services to the car.

    Location determination. Determination of vehicle coordinates is carried out using satellite navigation systems GLONASS / GPS and its own network of radio direction finders. Its location is displayed with an accuracy of 3 meters on electronic map terrain (Russia, near and far abroad) in on-line mode. The owner can request the current coordinates of the car and the event feed for the desired period of time, as well as find out the history of movements.

    Owner identification. Depending on the set, the ARKAN Satellite system “recognizes” the owner either by means of a contactless key fob, which works over a secure radio channel, or by biometric data (fingerprint), and automatically turns off the “Guard” mode.

  • Driver safety. In case of a threat to personal safety, the "Panic" button will allow the car owner to transmit an emergency signal;
  • The Anti-Hi-Jack function will allow you to send an alarm in the event that the driver is forcibly forced to leave the car.
  • Control. Upon receipt of an alarm signal, the operative duty officer of the ARKAN Dispatch Center will contact the owner and make a remote blocking of the engine, which will make the further movement of the vehicle impossible. At the same time, information about the emergency is duplicated by the rapid response services, which will immediately go to the scene.

An alarm signal will be transmitted to the Dispatch Center in the following cases:

  • when an intruder tries to enter the passenger compartment, open the hood or trunk;
  • when the "Panic" button is pressed by the car owner;
  • when the battery is disconnected;
  • on impact;
  • in case of unauthorized engine start;
  • when loading a car on a tow truck or when towing.

Intelligent functions and additional features

  • automatic arming in the "Security" mode when the owner leaves the car (even if the doors are not closed to the central lock);
  • for servicing a car in a technical center or at a car wash, the equipment is switched to the "Service" mode;
  • the "Super-guard" mode is activated in the zone of increased risk of theft: the engine is blocked by a special, hidden relay, so that it can be started only by the dispatcher's command. Even if intruders get hold of the keys and the alarm tag, they will not be able to start and steal the car;
  • Automatic blocking engine in case of attempted theft and additional separate blocking of the engine at the command of the operational duty officer.

They develop in different directions, but the main thing today is the communication component. The developers of signaling systems focus their products on a more efficient connection with the user, expanding the functionality of the means wireless transmission data. It is the implementation of this component that distinguishes the Arkan satellite security system from the general range of telematic devices that support feedback.

The principle of the complex

The system is based on the means of interaction between the car and depending on the modification of the alarm, it can be GPS, GLONASS or both services in one package. This connection allows you to continuously track the coordinates of the machine. The second important element of the system is represented by radio modules and a GSM receiver, through which communication with the user and other subscribers is organized. The satellite security system "Arkan" operates on the basis of these communication points. The description of the principle of its operation can be presented as follows: access control sensors record the fact of penetration or theft, after which the corresponding signal is sent to the central unit, which, in turn, forwards the alarm message to the owner or security structures. Subscribers also receive information about the location of the car, data about which are sent by satellite services GPS and GLONASS.

Functional content

The complex provides powerful communication modules, but this is not the only toolkit of the system. Like all modern alarms, this product provides means for mechanical protection with control controllers, sensors for fixing the fact of intrusion, as well as an autostart module. The developers paid special attention to the automation of control processes. For example, the same engine can be programmed to turn on when a certain temperature is reached - the corresponding sensor continuously transmits information about the readings to the control relay, which is also connected to the power unit. Provided in the satellite security system "Arkan" and anti-jamming means. The radio modules are protected from jammers and code grabbers, leaving the possibility of secure communication as if cellular and via satellite navigation channels.

System features

The main distinguishing feature of the systems of this line is the proprietary support by the monitoring service. When an alarm signal is generated, a message in traditional telematics systems is sent via two subscriber channels - directly to the user and to the security service. However, the satellite security system "Arkan" orients its alarms and links with its own dispatch center for processing messages.

At the moment of receiving a notification about the fact of theft or penetration, the operators of the monitoring panel contact the user and give him instructions on further actions. In parallel with this, a message is automatically sent to law enforcement agencies. Again, this communication channel of the Arkan satellite security system has several levels of protection, which leave no chance for attackers to suppress it.

Arkan Spy Package

It is a basic security platform with a minimal set of control options. In particular, the owner of this complex gets the opportunity to monitor the location of the car around the clock, channel GSM communication and can count on hijacking search through the dispatch center. It makes sense to install this Arkan satellite alarm on a car if an anti-theft system is already provided to provide physical access control. In this case, the "Spy" package will act as an addition as a communication tool for interacting with the user and third-party security services.

Arkan Control package

Extended offer of the security and alarm system, which includes standard set options and services. In this package, the owner receives protection for the trunk, doors and hood, as well as mechanical engine protection. It is worth noting a wide range of modes, which include the Anti-Hi-Jack system. With its help, the alarm can record situations when the driver is forced to leave the car. The system automatically sends a message to the control panel. But this is not all the capabilities of the satellite signaling "Arkan Control". Reviews appreciate this complex for the functions of controlling the muffler and turning off the power. This toolkit is not directly related to the risks of breaking into or stealing a car, but it can be used to operate a car more energy efficient.

Arkan Comfort package

The most functional and technologically advanced complex, offering all of the above means of protection, but also endowed with a number of auxiliary control modes. For example, the Arkan satellite security system in this version allows you to use the manufacturer's own communication channel and, if necessary, determine the location of the transport over the network. As for additional modes, the driver will have the services "Panic" and "Free hands". The first allows, by pressing a button, to alert the entire complex of protective equipment, and the second saves the owner from unnecessary manipulations when using the central lock. As the radio tag approaches the car, the sensitive module automatically removes the alarm from the security mode.

This system also includes a modern CAN interface. It provides the possibility of organizing electrical wiring in the cabin, through which the components of the satellite signaling "Arkan Comfort" are introduced into the infrastructure of the standard equipment. This pairing increases the reliability and efficiency of the device's interaction with the on-board network.

One of the most reliable systems that help save your property from threat is the Arkan security system. The modern market offers a wide range of different systems. A distinctive feature of this system is that it is a satellite security system that does not require a wired connection. A few years ago it was a dream, but now it is available to everyone who wants to protect their home, summer cottage, garage, office or car.

What are GSM security systems?

The user got acquainted with this type of security systems relatively recently. Previously, the more familiar option for everyone was standard alarms that connected and responded by wire... GSM alarm systems have their own module as main element... This module is in principle similar to an ordinary telephone, but the screen and buttons have been replaced with various connectors. It is they who help to connect the sensors. Another advantage is that the module is very compact and easy to install. The satellite security system is easy to use, anyone can handle this task. The growing popularity of such systems speaks for itself, and customer reviews only confirm their advantages. The knowledge that the house and other property is safe and under constant control allows a person to work calmly, relax and spend time without worrying about anything.

Why "Arkan"

The name of the company and the security system "Arkan" have proven themselves in the security systems market for a long time. Sixteen years of work and improvement did not go unnoticed and brought the company on a par with the world's leading companies. The main goal of the company is to provide security for the client's property. The assortment of the company has a very wide selection of products, among which you can find what the client needs individually. The main advantages of the Arkan security system are:

  • constant monitoring of the object under protection;
  • sending a report on the state of the object;
  • sending an alarm automatically;
  • prompt response to the signal.

The awards received by the company for achievements in its work indicate that security systems for home and cars are successful:

  • for the current approach in 2007;
  • award for complex in 2009;
  • award for professionalism in 2010

Home protection

Security systems for the house of the company "Arkan" have the second name " smart home". This unique system is considered a real boon for any family. The system is suitable for installation in any room that needs protection and supervision. This could be:

  • apartment;
  • private house;
  • dacha;
  • office space of any nature (warehouse, store, basement, etc.).

Why is the system good? It will help not only to protect your property from illegal intrusion, but also reliably protect against such dangers as gas leakage, fire, flooding. Having instantly identified the type of signal and threat, the operator will immediately let you know the service you want hazard response.

The system itself consists of the following components:

  • control panel;
  • a sensor that reacts to the opening of the door;
  • motion sensor;
  • key fob for the client to enable and disable the system;
  • sensors (up to 30 pieces), installed at the request of the client in the necessary places.

Security system "Arkan" performs the following main functions:

  • response emergency service on the signal;
  • assistance to operators in an emergency;
  • constant monitoring 24 hours a day;
  • client;
  • protection of real estate from intrusion;
  • technical support 24 hours a day,

Additional features include:

  • protection against water leakage;
  • control of room ignition;
  • gas;
  • temperature control of the room.

Business protection

It becomes much easier to protect your business using a security system. In addition to the protection of the premises, the complex protection of such objects as a car park or a garage with cars is also added. Thanks to the installation of the system, the owner gets the opportunity to increase the efficiency of both the transport and the team, and also implements security measures for the business. Complex systems are widespread among businessmen. What it is? This is the installation of all possible security add-ons. Such systems guarantee:

  • safety of material assets;
  • protection of workers who are on the territory of the facility;
  • organization of order in the protected area;
  • control of all premises, internal perimeter, external perimeter, as well as the entire territory;
  • automatic response to a threat depending on the type of danger (start of video recording, shutdown of the ventilation system, etc.).

Auto protection

Recently, the owners are seriously concerned about the safety of their cars. Many of them found a way out in the "Arkan" car alarm installation. The basic principle of the system is to signal an attempt to steal a car and then determine the place where it is. The work is based on GPS navigation. The presence of its own network of the company gives a guarantee of success in the search. Modern technologies enable thieves to jam the navigation signal to avoid being detected, but they are unable to jam the direction finding signal by the company's network. Systems "Arkan" are considered intelligent and balanced, helping to quickly respond to theft of a car, with the ability to customize.

The advantages of car alarms:

  • arming and disarming;
  • transition to service mode;
  • determination of the location of the car;
  • alarm when attempting to steal or pressing the "panic" button;
  • switching to energy saving mode when the battery is discharged;
  • remote control.

Differences between systems

There are three complete sets of alarm systems. They differ in the principle of action when arming and disarming the vehicle:

  1. Universal configuration - the client uses a standard key fob.
  2. Comfortable package - the client uses a contactless smart card.
  3. Personal configuration - the client controls the system using a fingerprint.

The rest of the functions do not differ from each other and ensure the complete safety of the vehicle.

Installing the system

Installation of security systems is carried out by the company's employees, who are professionals in their field. By entrusting the installation to incompetent workers, the client risks not only disrupting the operation of the system, but also loses the security guarantee. Entrust the installation to those who know the specifics of the system. Having chosen the necessary equipment and having settled all the questions, you can choose any time convenient for you for the work of specialists. The company also offers insurance services for those who wish.

"Arkan" (satellite security system): reviews

After examining the feedback from users of the system, we can say with confidence that the overwhelming majority of them are positive. Of course, there is no 100% success. There are clients who are dissatisfied with some nuances, but most of them are people who have neglected the rules for using the equipment. The rest are grateful to the company for its significant contribution to the work on ensuring the safety of human property.

The purpose of our new material is to reveal the features automotive systems protection ARKAN. You will also learn what satellite car alarms are in general.

Satellite security complex ARKAN: what it is and how it works

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Satellite security complex ARKANE offers the following functionality:

  • Complex of protective and navigation type ARKAN Satellite;
  • The presence of peripheral stationary points that are connected with the ARKAN ground-type direction finding system;
  • The presence of the centralized control panel (centralized observation) of the ARKAN dispatching service center.

ARKAN Satellite System works according to the following principles:

What are ARKAN satellite security systems

Security systems are designed in such a way that they have two main parts: satellite and radio search. The satellite has a GPS module that allows determining the location of the vehicle, as well as a GSM module that sends coordinate data to the dispatch center. If mobile communication is present in any region, then the satellite system works smoothly.

The radio search part (which is an ordinary beacon) operates exclusively in the territories of large cities, as well as in their suburbs.

How is the system deactivated?

In the arsenal of ARKANA there are 2 methods of deactivation: by entering a special code using the keyboard, or by performing specific actions. For example, you can turn on the low beam, press the brake pedal, and remove the lock from the door lock. These operations do not carry certain difficulties and are quite understandable for any car owner. Such actions can play a useful role for an attacker who, having learned the way to deactivate the security, can easily get into the vehicle and make theft.

The Arkan security system is a modern multifunctional one that allows you to effectively protect your property from the penetration of burglars, as well as from emergency situations that occur during the breakdown of technological communications at the facility. Arkan satellite alarm provides continuous monitoring of the control zones of the facility and the transmission of an alarm signal to the central control panel of the security company. If an alarm signal is transmitted by the alarm, a team of professional security guards will immediately arrive at the protected object - this will happen at any time of the day. Thanks to a quick response, it will be possible to quickly neutralize burglars, ensuring the safety of both the owners of the house and the property stored inside.

Application area

Due to its great functionality, the Arkan system has received wide practical application to protect:

  • apartments in multi-storey buildings;
  • private houses;
  • country houses and country cottages;
  • office premises, business objects;
  • shopping centers, shops and warehouses;
  • road transport.

The use of satellite systems will allow you to instantly react to intrusion into the protected object by calling the security service and warning the owners about the incident.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Arkan alarm include:

  • continuous tracking of the controlled object;
  • support up to 40 various devices, including both security and functional sensors;
  • a special system for transmitting an alarm signal through a channel, communication, which cannot be drowned out by special devices;
  • the presence of constant communication with the central console of the monitoring center, which provides support on a 24/7 basis;
  • fixed payment for the use of the alarm, regardless of the number of installed sensors;
  • quick response to an incoming alarm - the security service arrives at the scene in 5 ... 10 minutes;
  • the ability to control the alarm using an application installed on a mobile device;
  • the ability to connect SMS-informing the owner about alarm triggers.

The disadvantages of such systems include:

  • the need for a monthly payment for the use of the alarm;
  • for the use of SMS informing you should pay an additional fee;
  • there is no possibility to independently change the operating configuration of the alarm - this can only be done by specialists of the security service.

Alarm modifications

For the protection of real estate objects, the Arkan satellite alarm can be offered as a complete set for an apartment or for a house. These kits are divided into three more groups, differing in the range of functions offered. The user will be able to order a set of equipment in the following configurations:

  1. "Standard";
  2. "Optimal";
  3. "Professional".

The offered equipment provides:

  • penetration control;
  • panic button support;
  • using the built-in siren;
  • support for security and functional sensors;
  • control of up to 32 security zones;
  • opportunity autonomous work within 24 hours;
  • the ability to use the voice notification function with the ability to record the transmitted message.

Why choose Arkan?

The Arkan security system is a multifunctional complex that will allow you to create a multi-level protection of your home from thieves and intruders. Thanks to the support of various functional sensors, the system allows you to additionally monitor such factors as gas, water or power outages. This will allow you to react in time to an emergency situation, eliminating damage to material assets from an accident, which can happen at any time at the facility.


Arkan systems use a unique transmission technology satellite signal, thanks to which it cannot be blocked by intruders using special electronic devices. Even in the absence of electricity at the facility, the system will give an alarm and a message about a power outage for 24 hours.

Due to the use of wireless sensors, during the installation of the alarm there will be no need to conduct additional work on laying switching cables. This will preserve the former attractiveness of the house, save the owner money on installation and subsequent renovation of premises, and also reduce the time for installing an alarm at the facility.

Arkan satellite alarm uses special motion sensors that are insensitive to the presence of pets in the protected premises. This minimizes the number of false alarms and “idle” visits by guards to the facility.


Arkan's innovative security complexes will reliably protect property located on various real estate objects, leaving no chance for the attacker to steal or damage it. Thanks to the different configurations that offer signaling to end users, everyone can choose their own the best option equipment and size subscription fee, which should be paid monthly to guarantee yourself and your property the maximum level of security.