How WiFi socket works. Should I use at home? Setting up smart socket TP-LINK HS100 Wi Fi Socket Lit

I remember, at the outcome of the last century, Intel actively broadcast us about convergence and a smart home. I mean, about mutual convergence, interpenetration of various technologies and devices, and this process allegedly had to make our life if not sweeter, it's easier. Since then, the water has flowed a lot. However, the convergence still needs to be looking for a day with a lantern. And the technologies of the "smart home" are still trampled behind the threshold of most of our dwellings. But! Since world-famous brands now were together in a trend "Internet of Things", there is hope that the process of Taki slowly went. And the change of private, incompatible, brake and buggy technologies "Smart House" will really come true something universal and worthwhile attention. It is nice that this process goes and Ukraine has not translated in our country in our country!

Meanwhile, enterprising Chinese are not waiting and have already been slightly informed with almost universally compatible equipment for smart homes. One of these solutions is the "intelligent socket" ORVIBO S20 with support for Wi-Fi technology. The product certainly deserves attention. After all, even the convergence in it is much larger than in all the press releases of Intel combined.

Nelfal retreat of functionality and accessibility

It is no secret that there are more "cool" "smart sockets" on the market. Here, for example, the stylish European beauty Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPE-101 is from Poland.

It has a lot of useful features! Conditions to control the level of energy consumption, it gives an alarm when the load level approaches the maximum permissible value or when the temperature is critical above 55 ° C, is capable of automatically detecting defective electrical appliances and turn them off to prevent short circuit, and even notifies the problem by email or SMS. This outlet is even capable of performing a nightlight feature thanks to built-in LEDs with soft white, or rather a pale blue backlight. Nothing like Chinese ORVIBO S20 does not know how! However, in order to take advantage of all the advantages of Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPE-101, you will have to post about $ 70 for the rosette itself and from $ 200 to $ 700 for the center controller of the Smart Home with the support of the Z-Wave wireless technology. At the same time, ORVIBO S20 will cost $ 32 and no longer require a penny, of course, if you already have a smartphone in your hands and Wi-Fi in the house. And in the availability of Orvibo's solutions, his huge plus: when you are with a joyful physiognomy and a socket in your hands, come home, the probability to hear how the wife says the ambiguous phrase "Well and gadgets!" Pretty little. Finally, Orvibo S20 is able to do what Fibaro Wall Plug does not dream - work on Wi-Fi. Using a wireless network, it is easy to configure the "smart socket" key function: the ability to manually remotely enable / disable devices or the automatic operation of the electrical equipment on the timer.


The Chinese, of course, are well done. Their products have long been no longer associated with the work of "self-relocile", collecting something from the remedies in a steadmate basement. ORVIBO S20 socket comes in a beautiful box attracting an inexperienced buyer. Let the packaging be poisoned in the trash on the first day after the purchase - it will perform its mission on the store window. And the first impression of the product will form a positive.

The design of the socket itself is also impeccable - not to do something, everything is adjacent and assembled perfectly. A plastic protective cap will be put on the plug. The desire of the manufacturer does not save on trifles, since recently the opposite trend has been traced everywhere.

Standard Euro-format socket. True, without grounding. But there is a protective mechanism closing the holes when the socket is not used. It is unlikely that this protection will help if children want to take advantage of the rosette, but as a "remedy for cockroaches and ants" somewhere in the country - a good solution.

A single button is visible on the outlet, under which the indicator LED is located: if it burns blue - the socket is turned on, red - turned off. Pressing the button changes the status of the socket. Easy, simple, clearly.


What is the rosette? First, it is a remote switching on / off of lighting devices or household electrical equipment with a total capacity of up to 2 kW. Secondly, the timer work scenarios are supported on both the on and on the shutdown of devices. Thirdly, it is very important - the socket allows you to remotely track your current status over the Internet and allows you to control the / off on the global network. Fourth, the outlet control is implemented easily and simply using a simple WiWo mobile application available for Android and iOS. Fifth, the connection of the outlet to the home Wi-Fi network is not too complicated. Actually, in the last two points let's stop more.

Connect socket

First of all, we install the Wiwo application on your smartphone. It is used to control various "smart home" from ORVIBO, including outlets.

The application itself can not be called stylish or beautiful - but functional and practical can be completely. The application will meet manual.

It can be viewed if desired, although the leadership is not too informative. You can return to viewing this manual at any time using the MORE button on the first tab of the program, the QuickStart point.

Now we connect the socket itself to the power grid - the red LED begins to flash quickly, signaling that the socket is ready to work. We also need to click on the Device label.

Now, in the Device List, click on "+", then on "S20".

We receive a request for network configuration and enter the access password to the home Wi-Fi network. In the course of the case, periodically press on the configuration, and in the end - the socket is found and connected.

If this method for any reason did not work, there is an alternative. Click the socket button for a few seconds, the LED begins to flicker blue, showing the power transition to the access point mode. Now we go on the smartphone into the Wiwo mobile application and in the More Collection tab of the AP Configuration. The application will automatically substitute to the desired SSID field of the Wi-Fi network used, and then turn off from it and connects to the wireless network of the socket named Wiwo-S20. After installing the connection, the program will need to enter a password from the home WiFi network and send these data outlet. After that, ORVIBO S20 can already connect to the desired wireless network independently and appears in the WiWo Device List Device List.

The theoretically, the Wiwo program is supported up to 150 outlets. But it is hardly possible to adequately control such a number of gadgets through a mobile application, even taking into account the fact that the outlets can be assigned unique names instead of standard "Socket".

By connecting the outlet to the home network, you can delegate control of it and other mobile devices - for this in the Wiwo application, it is enough to search the outlet.

Controlling a socket using a mobile application

The socket connected to the wireless network is visible in the WiWo Device section. Here it is immediately seen the status of the socket - it is turned on or off, and you can also change this status as desired to the opposite.

Putting your finger through the name of the socket, fall in the control menu. There is a huge switch on / off button. It takes almost the entire screen, even being in a very sober state is hardly missed. The color button displays the status of the socket - it is red when the device is turned off and green when the outlet is turned on. Green apparently selected because the shared application background and so blue.

Wrestling the screen application left, get access to the optional menu. Here we see the UID ID, which is apparently used by the Wiwo program for remote Internet access to the device, since neither a unique domain name, nor in the DMZ zone, nor even port forwarding socket for remote control does not require.

In this menu, the user is available to the timer features, including the ability to set the time of workers with daily repeats or weeks of the week.

Through the Advanced menu, it is easy to change the name of the socket and block access to the password, if you do not want to trust the control of the outlet more than anyone.

All settings are quite functional, the only observed oddity has changed to the countdown timer (Countdown Timer). For some reason, it is limited to the maximum duration of 18 hours since the purpose of activity or the power is turned on. This will not always satisfy the requests of the sophisticated user, frankly ...

Practical use

What is the "smart" and useful can be done using ORVIBO S20 socket? Well, if you think, quite a lot. The first thing that comes to mind is the ability to remotely turn on the heater. Before the arrival of home or at the cottage, the cold autumn evening included from a mobile socket - and on arrival in the room it is already warm and cozy. Conveniently? Of course! Power outlet allows you to connect heaters. Although, with the summer, I used the fan for experiments, and not the heater, the essence of the case does not change - the practical benefit from the "smart" socket is obvious. Unfortunately, this should not be done with air conditioning, after de-energization, it does not start automatically. To "wise" the air conditioner, you will need a different device from Orvibo - the controller of the "smart home" altern, - but this is a completely different story ...

When, on the parish home, the body requires hot tea / coffee / cappuccino, nothing hurts to turn on with the help of a power outlet, as in this commercial (kettle with a socket appear about the 37th second roller).

However, on the recognition of the Chinese themselves, in this video, a smart teapot working on ZigBee technology was used. Alas, in our area such teapots are not more common than penguins. The average domestic electric kettle is quite "stupid, like boots" and the layer did not hear about the existence of some technologies there "smart home". And it turns on solely by the button manually. So can you make it an element of a smart home, as in the video? Easily! Of course, if we have such a thing as ORVIBO S20. We connect the kettle to ORVIBO S20, turn off the socket, then press the power button on the kettle - and please, the new "hardware complex" of the smart home is ready for remote inclusion and is able to prepare boiling water to the desired time. For example, he can start on the timer in the morning, or wait for the team on the inclusion in the evening, before the arrival of households from work. At the right time from the mobile, activate the socket, the kettle boils and automatically turns off. Beauty - Using the resourcefulness and smelter, we turned completely "stupid" at the first view of the household device into the element of the "smart home". And all thanks to ORVIBO S20.

And the "smart socket" is a great remedy for sclerosis. For everyone who chronically cannot remember the state of the left house, ORVIBO S20 is a real disturbing. Wave an extension cord in which the iron is usually inserted through the "smart socket". Voila - now just looking at the smartphone screen, you can find out exactly whether the iron is turned off. Or that connected through the "smart socket" the heater does not "wind" the electricity will be labeled when there is no one in the house. Etc. etc. And even if suddenly the same iron turns out to be enabled, it is easy and quickly turned off using a mobile application, and you don't need to hide home all overhead.

Will find their useful use and timer. For example, through it it is convenient to set the time for the automatic switching on the evening illumination at the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe country house or cottage. With it, it is also possible to imitate the presence of the owners in the house during holiday, periodically including light. Naturally, the socket will remotely turn on the lighting and manually when driving up to the house in the evening. Finally, you can remotely turn on or off the light when you are already completely exhausted lying face in a salad ...

And IT-Shniks will benefit from the "smart" socket. Imagine, you have entered remotely from the workplace to the home computer using the Team Viewer program, well, or what similar. To see the document not completed last night. But ... Summer, sun, heat, and the homely computer is quietly hung on happiness. What to do? The jester with him, the document, but the film was not wonderful yesterday wondering what ended? ..

ORVIBO S20 comes to revenue! After all, the "smart outlet" can be easily used for remote restart of the system unit. Turn off the power, turned on - and connected to the "smart outlet" of the PC again joyfully shutdled with coolers and earned ... True, you need to trace the Power On After Power Fail in the computer's BIOS settings, the Power On After Power Fail (ON POWER Loss), AC Power Loss Restart or Activated . Otherwise, the focus will not succeed.

As for the control using the "smart" outlet for the behavior of children - like exactly at 21:00 Turn off the cartoons / consoles, on a pot and sleep - I personally do not believe in such a script. Children will quickly contemplate that the technique you need easily connect "past" a smart outlet.


Socket with WiFi thing in household desired and useful. When you have such a socket, a stupid meaningless song "Fire, no Wi-Fi" I "acquires a deep philosophical value.


  • high-quality assembly;
  • adequate value;
  • convenient remote control;
  • timer functions;
  • it turns off after the power failure, helping to save the equipment if the electrical failures will continue;
  • settings Sockets are saved when disconnected from the power supply.


  • restriction of the countdown timer to 18 hours;
  • lack of localization of the WiWo application interface and localized user manual;
  • the direct Direct Wi-Fi device connection is not supported.

ORVIBO S20 socket specifications:

  • Connection: In the standard Euro-socket Schuko Type F (with ground) or Europlug Type with (without ground).
  • Outlet Type: Europlug Type C)
  • Case material: ABC plastic
  • Power supply: from 100V to 240V;
  • Permissible total load power: up to 2.4 kW
  • Wireless Connection: 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Network 802.11 B / G / N
  • Security: WEP / WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
  • Encryption: WEP / TKIP / AES
  • Management: via Wiwo mobile app, universal remote control ORVIBO Allone
  • Power consumption: ≤ 0.3 watts
  • Permissible ambient temperature: from -20 ° C to + 45⁰С
  • Permissible humidity: ≤ 80%
  • Dimensions: 103 x 63 x 37 mm
  • Weight: 110 g

Gratitude: Companies securiously provided ORVIBO S20 socket.

Tplink sockets are the most popular smart sockets in the world. In 2017, the HS100 received the "Product of the Year 2016" award according to the Upgrade edition.

To configure, we purchased the TP-LINK HS100 socket. Instructions for setting up the smart socket TP-LINK HS100 is also suitable for TPLINK HS110 socket. The difference between the HS100 and the HS110 is that the HS110 has monitoring of power consumption, you can view a real-time power statistics in the application and in past periods.

View detailed features, reviews or buy smart TP-LINK HS100 or TP-LINK HS110 socket in the following stores:

  • TP-LINK HS100 or TP-LINK HS110
  • Connected TP-LINK HS100 or TP-LINK HS110

How to set up a smart TP-LINK socket

After you unpacked and connect the power outlet, you need to download the mobile application "KASA" created by TP-Link to control their range of devices for. You can manage the outlet from android or iPhone.

Download the KASA application on Android 4.1, iOS 9 and higher.

This application is necessary in order to connect the socket to your home Wi-Fi network, for remote access, to adjust the on / off socket on the schedule and some other functions.

Unfortunately, the KASA application does not yet support the Russian language, so we will carry out the setting in English.

  1. After you are an application, find the "kasa" icon and click on it.
  2. The KASA application will offer you to log in using the TP-LINK account. Click "CREATE ACCOUNT" (Create Account). You can click "Skip" to skip the registration step, but we recommend sign up - then all your settings will be saved in the cloud and you will have the opportunity to associate your KASA account with accounts of other services, such as Google and Amazon.
  3. To create an account in the "Email" field, enter your email address, and for the Password field, come up and enter the password. Press "CREATE ACCOUNT".
  4. To activate the KASA account on your email that you entered in the "Email" field will come from TP-LINK. You can repeat the shipment by pressing the "Resend Email" button.
  5. Open the letter and click on the link by clicking on the "Click to Finish Registration".
  6. After you activated your account via email, return to the KASA application and click "Continue". The application will ask access to geozzy. Click "Allow".
  7. After registration, the list of devices opens. Since you entered the first time, the list will be empty and the application will prompt you to add a new device. Click on the plus icon.
  8. A list of all smart devices from the TP-LINK manufacturer will open. Select "Smart Plug" (smart socket).
  9. If the phone from which you make the setting is not connected to Wi-Fi, the application will ask you to connect. Click "OK" and connect to your home Wi-Fi network. Then choose a smart outlet again.
  10. After you have selected from the list of devices "Smart Plug" (smart socket), the application will report that you need to connect your smart to meals. Insert the outlet in the power grid. The Wi-Fi icon on the outlet must light up orange. Click "Next" (hereinafter).
  11. Wait about 15 seconds until the Wi-Fi indicator starts flashing orange and green.
  12. A smart socket will create its special Wi-Fi network. In order to continue the installation, connect to it. In our case, the service Wi-Fi network socket is called "TP_LINK_SMART_PLUG_B37A".

  13. If you have not connected too long to a wireless network that created a smart socket, the application will show you a message about it. Press "REVISIT INSTRUCTIONS" to repeat the connection process.
  14. After connecting to the service wi-fi outlet, the KASA application will prompt you to set a name for your outlet. You can use the name of the device you want to connect to a smart socket, such as a lamp or iron. Enter the name and click "Next".
  15. The application will propose to choose an icon. To do not confuse, we recommend choosing the icon as a reflective device that you configure, in our case it is just a socket. Select the appropriate icon and click "Next".
  16. From the list of available wireless networks, choose your home network. The smart TP-LINK socket supports the Wi-Fi network only with a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz.
  17. We enter the password from your Wi-Fi network, click "Next" (hereinafter).
  18. It will start synchronizing the outlet with your wireless network.
  19. Congratulations, you set up your smart TP-LINK socket! Click "Done" to exit the setup mode.

How to use smart socket

Remote Control (Remote Control)

By default, remote access is enabled. If you have problems with the control of the outlet from the application, then check if you accidentally turned the Remote Control:

How to reset the smart TP-LINK socket settings

Reset settings on HS100 and HS110 sockets can be made a small button with the gear icon.

  1. Press and hold 10 seconds button with the gear icon. According to the flashing indicator, on the outlet, you will understand that the settings for the factory has occurred.

To reconfigure the HS100 and HS110 socket, such as another account or other Wi-Fi network, it is necessary to make a similar action as when resetting the settings.

  1. Connect the power outlet to the power supply.
  2. Press and hold 5 seconds button with the gear icon.

Configure voice control smart socket

Before setting up, make sure that your smart socket is on.

In order to link the outlet from TP-Link with Google Assistant you need an application. Below in steps we will tell you how to add voice control through another helper - Alexa in smart speakers:

  1. AMAZON ALEXA Appendix is \u200b\u200bnot yet available in Russia. We recommend configuring through the desktop version of There are other ways, but they are less comfortable. If you have Android - you can use the article. If you have iOS, then you need an account in the American App Store.
  2. In the main menu, click "SMART HOME". In the tab that opens, click "Smart Home Skills".

  3. Click "Enable Skills".

  4. Enter "kasa" in the search bar. Then click on "TP-LINK KASA".

  5. Click Enable.

  6. Log in to your KASA account and click Authorize.

  7. Close the tab.

  8. Click "Discover Devices" or use the Alexa, Discover Devices voice command. You can also add a new device on the SMART HOME tab in the Devices section by clicking "Discover".

  9. Wait for the detection of the device.

  10. Congratulations! You have completed the configuration process. All detected devices can be monitored using Amazon Echo smart speakers with the ALEXA integrated voice assistant. Try to control the socket using voice commands. For example, if the smart tp-link socket is called "Smart Plug" to enable it, you can say "Alexa, Turn On Smart Plug" and check whether the voice control via Alexa works.

Manage home comfort regardless of distances

Remote inclusion and turning off household appliances using a smartphone

If there is an Internet connection on the smartphone, you can control home appliances from anywhere wherever you are. And in conjunction with the Xiaomi router, you have access to the ability to install certain scenarios of using smart sockets. For example, before leaving your work, you can run a multicooker in advance with a smartphone, turn on the light in the hallway, air purifier or water heater, in order to return home after a difficult working day, immediately plunge into the atmosphere of heat and comfort.

Safety above all

Mobile monitoring of the status of a connected technology
Remote switching on and off

You no longer have to leave the house, worry about non-successful electrical appliances. Using the Xiaomi Smart Home application, you can check the condition of the connected device at any time and control it with power supply. This will not only reduce power consumption and ensure security, but also increase the level of comfort in your life.

Scientific approach to energy consumption

Plan your home appliances

The timer function not only reduces energy consumption, which has a positive effect on the environment, but also makes the use of household appliances even more convenient, while extending their service life. For example, you can set a timer for a heater that will automatically turn off after your work care and turn on half an hour before returning home, providing a comfortable temperature while staying at home.

Compact size for simultaneous use
at once a few sockets

Thanks to the optimized design and improved organization of the internal components of the socket, its size allows you to simultaneously connect several smart sockets to the power filter at once, which makes it possible to control remotely even more household appliances.

Complex production technologies

The housing of the socket is made of fire-resistant material capable of withstanding the temperature to 750 ° C, and is made using a wave soldering technology. The quality of the intelligent Xiaomi socket is approved by the CQC National Quality Standard. The socket has a built-in temperature sensor, which monitors the operation of high-power devices and controls the inner temperature of the socket, and with a significant increase in temperature sends the appropriate notification to the user. When overheating, the socket will automatically suspend the flow of current to avoid fire and breakage.

Three simple steps to use

With the help of the Xiaomi Smart Home mobile application, you can easily and simply control the smart Xiaomi outlet

In the age of information technology, when spaceships are furious to the galaxy expanses, and bloggers send cameras into space, I finally decided to try part of the ecosystem under the general name of the smart home. Today I will introduce you to the WiFi outlet from Itead Studio, the Sonoff S26F model with a European fork, published in the summer of this year.

The main purpose of this socket is remote control of consumers. Management is carried out due to the WiFi network to which the device is connected and authorized. For the truth, it is necessary to download the application for a mobile phone where you can set the necessary scenarios, set the timers of the reference, or to "share" the powers of controlling the socket among proxies. Now you are familiar with the basics of this outlet, everything else is in order. Let's start!

This parcel delivered a courier, which apparently kicking her feet all 9000km while she drove to me. The rosette itself got a bit. There is no particular useful information on the box itself, there is a standard place on the sticker with the device model (the sticker changes depending on the type of fork)

Inside us is awaiting Sonoff S26F socket. The housing is made of white glossy fireproof plastic, the socket has a type - EU. Shutters are provided for protection, as well as grounding contacts. The entire outlet is pretty light and compact. The control body is only one and it serves to enforce the device, as well as to authorize the outlet on the network. At night, it glows not very bright, but the eye will attract.

The kit also includes instructions in Chinese and English. There is detailed about the method of connecting the socket to a staffing application and WiFi network. I spent a lot of time to the first connection until I roll back to the previous version of the Ewelink application.

Maximum power outlet - 2.2kw / 10a. Therefore, make sure that the loads with these values. Otherwise you have to change the fuse, it is at best.

To disassemble the socket, you need to unscrew the 3 screws on the reverse side. Next, extracts all collapsible parts, namely the management fee and the nest itself. On the back of the nest can be seen protection against children in the form of a curtain. If you wish, you can remove.

The control board is soldered to a fork with copper stranded wires. Marking is absent, but looks like AWG26. The only information is the compliance with the GB5023.3-1997 certificate. The board provides a fuse, which, if necessary, can be easily dropped.

The fee is clean, the traces of free soldering are not found. Voltage regulator - AMS1117 by 3.3V. We are necessary for further work WiFi fees. There is also a power knot with a galvanic interchange from the network. There are even cuts in the board.

The Office is built on the Fanhar DC5V - 10A250VAC electromagnetic relay. This relay is calculated for 1000000 triggered.

For the wireless connection corresponds to a separate fee soldered directly to the main board. Board manufacturing date January 2018 year, board is used on all S26 socket models. As a WiFi microcontroller, ESP8266 is used. This controller serves as the starting point in most domestic crafts. Here you can see the contacts to connect the converter.

After reading the inner world, we turn to management. To begin with, we will understand with the connection to the EWLINK application. First you start downloading it from Google Play or App Story. After starting, you need to add a new device, select the appropriate item and follow the instructions on the screen. Namely, the correspondence of the blinking point (the number of blinks and the period) in the appendix and on the rosette itself. To transfer the device to the pairing mode, it is necessary to press the button for 5 seconds, after which the flashing should be the same and when you click further, the application will prompt about the device found. The next step is to connect to the operating WiFi network. After entering the password, you must give the name of our outlet.

And now we have the main menu of the application with the ability to select mode. Also, on the main menu, it is possible to enable or turn off the socket completely, without further turn on the schedule.

Consider each mode closer.
Timer. Allows you to draw up a socket operation program.
Countdown. Very convenient way to put the time before turning off the night light, for example.
Cyclic timer. This item appeared already in the new version of the application, allows you to more flexibly configure the timer.

Nowhere is the standard feature for Sonoff devices, namely delegation of socket management to other users. Just enter the account name and select which functions will be able to be used.

In the settings of the device itself, you can see the response time and by whom it was done. There is also a firmware version and the ability to enable notifications. If you want to rename the device again, it is also performed in this menu.

Now a couple of examples of my use. How could you see from the title of the socket - the "Aquarium socket", use the device to turn on the backlight in the aquarium. It is enough to set the time of turning on, turning off and enjoy the automatic operation of the device.

It was also very convenient to use when connecting a night light in a child's room. If your child cannot fall asleep without a small light source, and you do not want to walk and check, you can set it off until shutting down.

Both scenarios can be performed without smart devices, but then there will be control of what is happening.

And now the most interesting, answers to questions for further operation.
1. If the socket connects to WiFi network only to control, where are all the timers stored? And they are stored in the rosette itself, but the Internet connection is necessary to synchronize the current time. Therefore, in the absence of the Internet, the socket will work with the current program (if you have a cycled timer)
2. What happens to the timers when rebooting the router? They will be saved in pension outlet and will be executed strictly to write out. But if the light is turned off and the loading of the router will take longer than usual, the timers will not be loaded. Apparently the outlet has a certain spelling trim.
3. Applicated support for Google Home and Amazon Alexa, what is the essence? Both devices are a switch in the form of an external column that can control the outlet while in one WiFi network. Enough to say "OK, Google turn on aquarium outlet / turn off aquarium socket". But with Amazon Alexa will have to learn English, as in Russian Alyosha does not understand. Those if there are several "smart devices" in your house, they can be managed without opening the application on the phone.

And now the question is on the backfill. Is it possible to untie the rosette from the cloud and save control over it?! It is possible, but with the transition to the third-party firmware. This requires an interface converter, soldering iron, PC and firmware. For those who wish to read more detail the profile theme on the forum.

What I see minuses for myself. First, there is no possibility to see the power consumed through the application or something else. It would be useful for tests of low-power electrical appliances. The second, it is a rather difficult transition to management bypassing the cloud. And thirdly, there is no support for WiFi networks of 5GHz, but only 2.4 GHz. The rest is quite a suitable device that fully performs its functions.

Wi-Fi socket is a very convenient device. It is easy to install: just insert into the outlet, install a mobile application and tie them with each other. And easy to use: You can enable or disable one click. But before you buy this outlet, pay attention to two points.

It will not work if the Internet will disappear

Wi-Fi socket is entirely dependent on Wi-Fi. If the Internet you suddenly disappear at home, the socket will stop working. You will not be able to control it from a smartphone, she will not be able to work on the scheduled scheduled.

Alternative is a smart socket running through the Z-Wave or ZigBee controller. The essence here is that the conditions for switching on and off the socket are not stored on cloud servers, to communicate with which Wi-Fi is needed, and on the controller - the control device you have at home.

If the Internet turns off, the ability to control the Z-Wave / Zigbee socket from the smartphone will also disappear. But she will still be able to work on a schedule. In addition, such outlets can be configured to automatically turn on and off when sensors are triggered, change in temperature or humidity and so on.

It will not interact with smart light

Wi-Fi socket is controlled directly through an independent application, only an Internet router needs to communicate between them. The reverse side is that the intelligent devices of other manufacturers cannot be connected to this system. And in some cases it is impossible to connect anything other than certain sockets.

This significantly narrows the possibility of managing household appliances from a smartphone and home automation. Some manufacturers that offer several different devices (for example, smart sockets and kettles) make it possible to manage these different devices from one application, but it will not work out for these limits. You will not be able to disconnect the socket and light or adjust the disconnection of the washing machine during leakage.

Really wide features give cross-platform automation when you can combine different devices from different manufacturers into a single network: motion sensors or light, smart switches and locks, automatic thermostats and so on.

To control such a system, the controller is just used. On the one hand, the installation of the controller is another (along with the Internet router) intermediary devices along with additional money and time. From each other, it is it that allows you to link many different devices, set up their automatic interaction and ensure work regardless of the Internet connection.

In addition, the modern controller supports usually several different communication standards, and besides Z-Wave or Zigbee devices to it, you can connect the same Wi-Fi outlets if you have already bought them.