How to call from Belorussia to Lithuania. Cellular operators in Lithuania

To make an international call (call another country), in addition to the subscriber number, it is also necessary to know the country code in which the called subscriber is located. Each state has its own unique phone code. According to which principle, they were heard - to say extremely difficult, but one can argue with one hundred percent confidence - not in alphabetical order. For example, telephone code of Belarus - 375, and Lithuania - 370. In addition, each city also has its own phone code, but we will talk about it further.

How to call from Belarus to Lithuania

If it happened that you need to call Lithuania from Belarus, then besides the subscriber's room, you need to know the Lithuanian code and the city in which the subscriber is located. The general rule of the telephone number of the Lithuanian subscriber is:

370 (Lithuanian code) - city code - subscriber number.

However, in fact, not everything is so simple and the rules for a set of a telephone number of the Lithuanian subscriber from Belarus directly depends on what telephone you want to make a call: stationary or mobile.

How to call to Lithuania from Belarus from a city phone

So, as we found out, the rules of the subscriber set in Lithuania from Belarus depends on the type of telephone. If you are going to call to Lithuania from a city phone, then the number set rules are as follows:

First you need to go on a long-distance line by typing eight.
Then you need to move to an international line by typing 10.
Next, type the country code - 370.
Then recruit the number of the city, for example Vilnius - 5.
And then the number of the subscriber himself.

In general, the number of the number is:

8 (beep) - 10 (beep) - 370 (beep) - city code - subscriber number

How to call to Lithuania to mobile from the city

If you need to call the Subscriber to Lithuania on a mobile phone, but at hand there is only a stationary apparatus (urban), then the number set rules are as follows:

Exit to the long-distance line - 8.
Exit to the international line - 10.
Code of the mobile operator of the Lithuanian subscriber.
Phone number.

In the general diagram of the dialing diagram looks like this:

8 (beep) - 10 (beep) - (mobile operator code) - subscriber number

How to call Lithuania from Belarus from mobile to mobile

If you need to call the Lithuanian subscriber from mobile to mobile, then it is necessary to do the following sequence of actions:

When calling from a mobile phone, the output on a long-distance line is not required. To get to the international line enough to type +.
Next, enter the Lithuanian code - 370.
Next, enter the mobile operator code and then the subscriber's mobile phone number.

In general, the mobile number will look like this:

+ 370xx (operator code) xxxxxxx (phone number)

Phone codes of Lithuanian cities

When all the nuances of the number set in Lithuania are defined, it remains only to find out the code of the Lithuanian city in which you want to call.

And b c d h i k l m n p r s t u sh

In this regard, the country differs little from neighboring Latvia - two of the three main operators are the same: Bite and Tele2. The third - Telia, which appeared as an independent company not so long ago and previously called Omnitel.

In terms of quality, it is meaningless in terms of quality, they are approximately the same on coverage of the territory. Lithuania - a small country and "white spots" on the reception map here is actually no.

Where better to buy a SIM card

SIM cards can be purchased in specialized stores of mobile communications companies, at the ticket office of all supermarkets, at gas stations or in newspaper kiosks Lietuvos Spauda.

Given that for connecting to the network, no documents are needed to connect to the prepayment rate, you can buy a SIM card independently. If the registration process arises, it is better to turn to the official. Moreover, all SMS and system messages come on Lithuanian.

Tariffs for cellular communication for tourists

As such special tourist packages, there are no operators in the country, but you can connect a special option and start calling to Russia at quite an adequate price.

For example, it is definitely the best price for the price of TELE2. The service "My Countries" costs 1.45 euros and allows you to call to Russia at 0.27 euros per minute of conversation.

The rate of Extra from Telia - 5.5 euros for connection (of which 4 is returned to the account), 1 GB of Mobile Internet is on. Calls to Russia will cost 0.6 euros (42 rubles).

Meanwhile, at the level of prices of Russian operators, though slowly, but still begins to influence the competition from foreign colleagues in the workshop - the tourist segment does not want to lose. That is why rates for roaming in the country today is no longer so high as a few years ago - for example, one of the Russian operators offers a tariff for 19 rubles per minute of calls from Lithuania. What to choose is a local SIM card or roaming - to solve only you.

How to call to Lithuania from Russia

Nothing complicated: We gain "8", connect to the line of international communication (type 10 after the beep), indicate the country code (370), settlement and city telephone number. If you call from mobile, then the call will go directly, through the national code +7.

On mobile phone


On landline phone

An example of call to Vilnius:

We also give cities codes, the most interesting to tourists:

  • Vilnius - 5;
  • Kaunas - 37;
  • Klaipeda - 46;
  • Palanga - 460;
  • Šiauliai - 41.

How to call to Russia from Lithuania

Cancel the "seven" and do not forget the code of the city in which the person you call. For mobiles, no additional actions do not need to be taken - the challenge to Russia will go directly.

On mobile phone

An example of a set when calling cells:

  • +7-910-123-45-67.

In order to call Lithuania from a landline phone need to type 8 (This suggests that the call is not local), wait for the beep, then score 10 (this suggests that the call will be international) and further - Lithuanian telephone code 370 (In order to get to the internal telephone network of Lithuania). After that, it remains only to score the city code to which you want to call, and the local phone number of the Lithuanian subscriber. When calling from a mobile phone Enough to type +370 - Lithuanian city code - subscriber phone number.

The table below shows the codes of Lithuanian cities.

Locality Telephone code Dialing a number
Name in Russian Name in Lithuanian
Abyng ABLINGA. 46 8-10-370-46-XX-XX-XX
AMEAN Akmenė. 425 8-10-370-425-X-XX-XX
Alitus Alytus. 315 8-10-370-315-X-XX-XX
Anikishyi Anykščiai. 381 8-10-370-381-X-XX-XX
Birja Biržai. 450 8-10-370-450-X-XX-XX
Birstonas Birštonas. 319 8-10-370-319-X-XX-XX
Varna Varėna. 310 8-10-370-310-X-XX-XX
Vilnius Vilnius. 5 8-10-370-5-XXX-XX-XX
Villyaviskis Vilkaviškis 342 8-10-370-342-X-XX-XX
Visaginas Visaginas. 386 8-10-370-386-X-XX-XX
Gargendy Gargždai. 6 8-10-370-6-XX-XX-XX
Druskininkai Druskininkai. 313 8-10-370-313-X-XX-XX
Zarasai Zarasai. 385 8-10-370-385-X-XX-XX
Ignalina Ignalina. 386 8-10-370-386-X-XX-XX
Ionava Jonava. 349 8-10-370-349-X-XX-XX
Ionishkis Joniškis 426 8-10-370-426-X-XX-XX
Kayshidoris Kaišiadorys. 346 8-10-370-346-X-XX-XX
Kaunas Kaunas. 37 8-10-370-37-XX-XX-XX
Kedainay Kėdainiai. 347 8-10-370-347-X-XX-XX
Kelme. Kelmė. 427 8-10-370-427-X-XX-XX
Klaipeda Klaipėda. 46 8-10-370-46-XX-XX-XX
Creting Kretinga. 445 8-10-370-445-X-XX-XX
Cupiskis Kupiškis 459 8-10-370-459-X-XX-XX
Lazdiy Lazdijai. 318 8-10-370-318-X-XX-XX
Majikei Mažeikiai. 443 8-10-370-443-X-XX-XX
Marijampole Marijampolė. 343 8-10-370-343-X-XX-XX
Moletai Molėtai. 383 8-10-370-383-X-XX-XX
Naujoi-Akhmen Naujoji Akmenė. 95 8-10-370-95-XX-XX-XX
Nida Nida. 469 8-10-370-469-X-XX-XX
Neurrega Neringa. 469 8-10-370-469-X-XX-XX
Pacruauis Pakruojis 421 8-10-370-421-X-XX-XX
Palanga Palanga. 460 8-10-370-460-X-XX-XX
Panevezys. Panevėžys 45 8-10-370-45-XX-XX-XX
Passed Pasvalys. 451 8-10-370-451-X-XX-XX
Plunge Plungė. 448 8-10-370-448-X-XX-XX
Preni Prienai. 319 8-10-370-319-X-XX-XX
Radviliškis Radviliškis 422 8-10-370-422-X-XX-XX
RESINAY Raseiniai. 428 8-10-370-428-X-XX-XX
Rokyskis Rokiškis 458 8-10-370-458-X-XX-XX
Skodas Skuodas. 440 8-10-370-440-X-XX-XX
Taurage Tauragė. 446 8-10-370-446-X-XX-XX
Telshya Telšiai. 444 8-10-370-444-X-XX-XX
Trakai Trakai. 528 8-10-370-528-X-XX-XX
Ukmerge Ukmergė. 340 8-10-370-340-X-XX-XX
Rayna UTena. 389 8-10-370-389-X-XX-XX
Shakiai Šakiai. 345 8-10-370-345-X-XX-XX
Salchininkai Šalčininkai. 380 8-10-370-380-X-XX-XX
Siaulia Šiauliai. 41 8-10-370-41-XX-XX-XX
Schwechenis Švenčionys. 387 8-10-370-387-X-XX-XX
Shilala Šilalė 449 8-10-370-449-X-XX-XX
Silute Šilutė. 441 8-10-370-441-X-XX-XX
Shirvintos Širvintos 382 8-10-370-382-X-XX-XX
Electrine Elektrėnai. 528 8-10-370-528-X-XX-XX
Yurbarkas Jurbarkas. 447 8-10-370-447-X-XX-XX

For call from one city of Lithuania to another (for example, to the resort) type 8 - the city code or the mobile operator - the subscriber number. For call from Lithuania to Belarus You must dial 00 - 375 - the code of the Belarusian city - the subscriber's telephone. For call from Lithuania abroad Dial 00 - country code - city code or mobile operator - subscriber number. For call from mobile phone abroad You need to dial "+, country code, city code or mobile operator code, subscriber number (for example, for call to Minsk: + 375 17 - XXXXXXX).

Emergency phones:

Fire assistance ― 101;
Police ― 102;
Ambulance ― 103;
Gas service ― 104;
reference Information - 09, 118 - Call Paid; 117 - Free Call;
Single telephone emergency services - 112 (available both from stationary and from a mobile phone, free call);
Technical assistance on the road ― (8-800) 00000, (8-22) 262-252.
Call to emergency services are free.

You can call on the phone in Lithuania from telephone machines on cards that are sold in the mail, in stores, newsstands and gas stations. On weekends and festive days, as well as on weekdays from 22.00 to 06.00 there are 30% discount on all international telephone calls. For calls for Lithuania and abroad, you can also use cards of mobile operators with prepayments that are sold in mobile telecommunications, newspaper kiosks and Lithuanian hypermarkets.

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