Information-analytical activity of differences from other types. Modern methods and technologies of information and analytical support for the activities of business organizations

For a long time, information and analytical activity has proven to be an important component of management, a function and instrument of power. Organizationally, the analyst has developed latently in power structures for many centuries, only in our time, as a result of institutionalization processes, analytical services, departments, positions were formed, whose tasks included collecting, analyzing information and developing options for management decisions (scenarios). Already today, one can state the growing role of state and administrative analytics in society and the state.

Researchers L.V. Knyazev and Є.P. Tavokin argue that information and analytical structures should provide the ability to: a) obtain regular analytical and review information from the most important aspects of the external management environment; b) preparation of analytical and forecast materials on topical problems of the state and development of the management facility; c) development of situational models for solving promising problems; d) promptly obtaining the optimal amount of information in unforeseen and emergency situations.

Among the unresolved parts common problem there are still many questions, the main one of which is that the concept of state management analytics has not been developed, its structure, functions, and directions of development have not been substantiated. The problem is exacerbated by the considerable disorder in analytical terminology. Terms such as "analysis", "analytics", "analytical activities", "types of analysis", "policy analysis", "political analysis", etc. are interpreted ambiguously. This hinders the introduction of analytics into the practice of public administration, and therefore reduces it efficiency, leads to the adoption of unreasonable decisions, for which the state has to pay with significant material and moral losses.

In recent years, government bodies have seen a significant increase in the volume of information used and the flow of management documents, an expansion of all office work. Moreover, the number of prepared documents and collected information sometimes much more is needed for management processes. At the same time, there is a lack of information that should provide an analysis of new trends and solutions to contradictions that arise in public-management relations.

In the modern world, information is a strategic national resource that plays an increasing role in the public administration system. A redistribution of real power is observed in society - from traditional structures to information management centers. According to scientific conclusions, the level of information support of state authorities significantly affects the development of the economy and the political situation in the country.

Carrying out serious social and economic transformations is impossible without a sharp increase in the quality of management, an indispensable condition for which is, first of all, the creation of an information system. In this case, it is the development of a development strategy that is important. information space, first of all, a separate region, which will be focused on the future needs of society. In this case, it is necessary to analyze modern trends in the development of the state and society, generalize world practice, which will make it possible to determine the "face" of management structures of the XXI century.

It is urgent to develop such a strategy for modernizing the information services of the state apparatus, which will seriously change the effectiveness of managerial decision-making. The creation of such services (departments) is not only technical problem the formation of appropriate computer networks and databases, this is also the training of specialists capable of competently and efficiently exploiting the corresponding resources.

The development of state administrative structures in the regions as an information and analytical system, first of all, is associated with the introduction of targeted technological management tools, which take the form of information, computer and communication technologies. The structure of such systems is effectively implemented in the class of decision support systems. As subsystems, expert systems, problem-oriented systems are used, implemented in the integrated environments MS Excel, MS Access, ORACLE, JAVA, Delphi, etc.

State bodies must constantly collect a variety of information about the life of the region in order to assess the needs and satisfy them in this moment, and in the future. In doing so, it is worth covering both actual problems and needs, as well as potential ones. Gathering information is a complex process that relies on both traditional and non-traditional methods. The information and analytical service of the local state administration should provide information to all personnel and all departments involved in the preparation and adoption of relevant decisions. On the basis of the information collected and analyzed, the administrative authorities should make appropriate adjustments to their programs of activity.

Analysis of the state of development, implementation and operation of information systems for government bodies in Ukraine shows that over the past years, significant work has been done to apply information technologies... Information support is provided in almost all government bodies. current work using personal computers with a set of standard software products. Most executive authorities use local area networks.

A unified approach to overcoming this situation is to create a state information and analytical system (GAS). The decision on its formation was made in the highest state bodies and formalized in the relevant documents. These are, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On the National Informatization Program", the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Improving Information and Analytical Support of the President of Ukraine and State Authorities", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approving the Tasks of the National Informatization Program" and other acts.

Possession of reliable and up-to-date information along with the ability to effectively apply adequate methods of collecting, analyzing and providing it, it is the basis for the successful activities of government bodies at any level.

Differentiation of demand for all types of information - scientific, technical, economic, government, meeting growing information needs is an urgent task in the field of management. Intuitive actions in this area, lack of information policy of the management body can lead to inadequate decisions and tangible socio-economic upheavals.

The subject of government, developing management decisions, transfers them to the object of management, drawing up information in the form of organizational and administrative documents (regulations, instructions, rules, orders, decisions, decisions, etc.). Often, to obtain an effective result in the management process, both oral and written interaction between the subject and the object is necessary, however, for most management processes, it is important to have information fixed on a material medium.

Thus, the result of management depends on how thoughtfully, systematically and professionally the information interaction between the subject and the object of management takes place.

An analysis of the types of management activities allows you to determine the tasks to be solved in the government body, and the performers of these tasks.

According to the degree of intelligence and complexity, the tasks can be classified:

First grade - the most simple tasks, which consist of fully formalized procedures and the implementation of which, in addition to the time spent, does not pose any difficulty for the performers. These tasks are standardized and programmed. These include control and accounting, execution of documents, their replication, distribution, etc. Such tasks are solved by almost all automated information systems.

The tasks of this class, if they are used for decision-making, are called decision-making problems under conditions of complete certainty. At the same time, there are no random and uncertain factors.

Second - more complex tasks: decision-making under conditions of risk, that is, in the case when there are random factors for which the laws of their influence are known. The formulation and solution of such problems is possible on the basis of methods of probability theory, analytical and simulation modeling.

The third class of tasks make up poorly structured tasks containing unknown or unimportant components (quantitatively not assessed). These problems are characterized by the absence of methods for solving based on direct data processing. The setting of tasks is based on decision-making under conditions of incomplete information. In a number of cases, on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets and applications of this theory, it is possible to construct formal schemes for the solution.

The fourth class of tasks constitute the tasks of decision-making in conditions of opposition or conflict. In problems of this class, there may be random factors for which the laws of their influence are unknown. The formulation and solution of such problems is possible (but not always) by methods of probability theory, fuzzy sets, and game theory.

Fifth grade - the most difficult decision-making tasks, which are characterized by the absence of the possibility of formalization through a high degree of uncertainty. These tasks include most of the problems of forecasting, long-term planning.

The main class of tasks inherent in a public administration body is management documentation. Regardless of the class of tasks, the solution to any of them involves a large amount of typical work, which includes:

Processing incoming and outgoing information: reading and responding to letters (both electronic and regular), writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include pictures and diagrams;

Collection and subsequent analysis of some data, for example, reporting for certain periods of time for various departments or organizations, which satisfies different criteria selection;

Preservation of information that has arrived, ensuring quick access to it and search for the information required at the moment.

The information component of managerial work is the collection, storage, processing and transmission of information. A large volume, variety and dynamics of information passes through the controls. One part of it is directly administrative in nature, the other expresses the relationship of the state apparatus with society, with its many manifestations and needs, the interests of citizens. Information circulating in government bodies can be defined as social and administrative information. Any type of production and economic activity is based on the appropriate information support, including economic, market, scientific and technical, review and analytical, factual and other information.

The definition of the concept of "information support" given in various scientific sources covering the purpose of information support, its object, means of implementation, procedural-activity and information-resource components:

Information Support - a set of processes for the preparation and provision of specially prepared information for solving managerial, scientific, technical and other tasks in accordance with the stages of their solution.

Information Support - a set of methods and means of documentary, factual and conceptual services used to meet information needs in a specific scientific and technical situation or in solving managerial problems.

Management information support - is the organization of targeted arrays of information and information flows, which includes the collection, storage, processing and transmission of information (including using computer information systems) in order to analyze the results obtained for the preparation, substantiation and adoption of management decisions by management bodies.

Target information support of public authorities consists in obtaining processed, generalized information on the basis of the collected initial data, which should become the basis for making management decisions. This goal is achieved by collecting primary information, storing it, distributing it between the structural divisions of the relevant state bodies and their employees, preparing for processing, processing itself, providing it to the governing body in a revised form, analyzing, providing direct and feedback in its circulation, organizing workflow, etc. ...

Most sources obtaining state-administrative information are: official publications of state authorities; statistical data; mass media; library funds; various information and reference electronic systems, in particular, regulatory and legal; special sociological surveys (to order), professional advice and expertise. In order to reasonably formulate certain conclusions, it is also necessary to ensure systematic long-term tracking of information from alternative sources.

In the total volume of information that circulates in complex social systems, the information of direct control and information of the development of the system are distinguished. Direct control information is understood as information that circulates through the channels specific system and are used to solve the problems facing this system. System development information is understood as information containing the results of scientific and technological advances that can be used for a radical restructuring of the system. The conventionality of this division is confirmed by the convergence in practice of these types of activities, which is caused by overall structure activity - an object (documentary information resource), technology and other structural components. Based on this conventional division, the activities of specialists in the field of documentary and information resources can be divided into activities in the field of documentation support of the management system, documentation of management activities and activities in the field of information and analytical support, which together are components of the information support of the institution's activities.

It is obvious that the organization information activities in state authorities and information support of management is an independent type of activity, and the information divisions of enterprises, being functionally included in the relevant organizational structures, performing specific functions of information management, system analysis of information flows and application of methods information logistics movement of these flows both within the organization and in relation to the external environment.

Management information can be roughly divided into three categories:

o information strategic planning allows top management to make decisions on setting long-term goals, accumulate resources to achieve these goals and formulate policies to achieve them (may contain perspective assessments of the environment, economic forecasts and demographic trends);

o control management information is used by middle-level managers to coordinate various activities under their control, bring resources in line with tasks and develop operational plans;

o operational information helps to carry out common day-to-day operations, payroll and financial calculations, and more.

The imperfection and uncertainty of the political and economic structure of the transitional period of the country's development affects, first of all, the socio-economic and socio-political spheres of the regions' activities. The processes of preparation and adoption of effective decisions in the main areas of activity of state authorities and administration are becoming vitally important. At the same time, the quality of managerial decisions within the framework of the regional management system substantially depends on the depth of understanding the situation and possible alternative approaches to solving numerous problems, among which the main ones are distinguished, such as:

o the internal political situation in Ukraine and in the region;

o economic development of the region (budgeting, development strategy, development of foreign economic relations and attraction of investments, scientific and technological progress, ecology, etc.);

o social problems and well-being of the region's population (dynamics of the standard of living of various segments of the population, employment and wage, pensions, medical care, etc.);

o development of science and culture (including the development of education, various spheres of the cultural life of society, press, television, art, etc.);

o the state of public opinion on various aspects of the social and political life of the region;

o the current interaction of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities; work with power and management structures, administrations of all levels, regions, business entities; work with political parties, movements and public organizations.

Research, analysis and forecast of the functioning and development of such complex and weakly formalized systems, which are interconnected complexes of social, economic and socio-political spheres of the life of the regions, cannot be carried out on the basis of intuitive ideas of the governing bodies about the end result.

All this leads to an increase in understanding by regional authorities and management of the importance of information and analytical activities. Practically in all regional authorities, appropriate analytical units are being created, their organizational and methodological support is being improved, and the material and technical base is being improved. The experience of information and analytical structures at all levels has identified a whole range of problems, without the solution of which further development will be difficult.

To improve the efficiency of analytical and information technology services, well-coordinated solutions are needed both at the interregional and at the state level. The need to coordinate the further development and use of regional and state information and communication systems, which today constitute the elements of a single information and analytical space of government bodies, remains relevant. All these problems can be solved only by joint efforts of state and regional authorities.

In the management system, there is a significant number of problems characterized by information openness and uncertainty in the area of ​​problems, the uniqueness of each situation, high requirements for the promptness of decision-making with fragmentation and inconsistency of information and require information and analytical support.

The interest of management structures, methods and means of analytical work is growing, the role of various types of expertise (legal, financial, macroeconomic, international, scientific and technical, etc.) is increasing.

Providing the decision-maker with an analytical product, which is not just an ordered set of separate fragments of the problem area, but a holistic picture that reflects the control object in an easy-to-understand perspective, contains proposals for alternative behavior and possible consequences, makes it possible to perceive the object in its dynamics.

Information and analytical services of authorities and administration are designed to model sociological aspects, predict political conflicts, voting results, carry out analytical monitoring not only of obvious current problems, but also identify problem situations, conduct situational analysis and solve other problems of social, political, financial, environmental monitoring.

In general terms, information and analytical activity is defined as a set of processes of collection, analysis, synthesis, transformation, storage, search and dissemination of information, systematically carried out by various organizations. Consolidated information is a peculiar product of the IAD's activity.

Consolidated information is public knowledge that has been specially selected, analyzed, synthesized, evaluated, restructured and modified with the aim of being suitable for direct problem solving and meeting the information needs of individuals or groups of information users who otherwise would not have direct access to this knowledge and could not would be effective to use because they are scattered throughout many documents and difficult to access in their original form. Under restructuring information is understood as the processes of its presentation and analysis, which change the primary structure and form and include the synthesis of information, preparation of reviews, characterization of the current state, a simplified or popular presentation of the physical form of information (printed, graphic, audiovisual, machine-readable).

The idea of ​​consolidated information, its place and role in the IAD and the importance in the information support of government bodies and other consumers gives rice. 7, which shows an increase in the value of information for decision-making and a decrease in its volume, depending on the increase in its consolidation. The main method for preparing consolidated information is functional information synthesis (FIS) of the subject area.

To obtain consolidated information, you need to spend significant efforts throughout the information cycle - from the collection, storage, processing, dissemination and use of information. About 80% of information consolidation processes are associated with its analytical and synthetic processing. It should be noted that this is a very important stage and without it all the time, human and material costs will be in vain. Accordingly, before the quality and cost of production of about 80% are determined at the stage of research and development, and the effectiveness of information activities about 80% is determined at the stage of information consolidation.

Information and analytical activities Information and analytical activities - continuous production, collection, study, display and analysis of data on the situation (marketing, intelligence, monitoring).

About the concept of safety 2 Safety is a state of activity in which, with a certain probability, the manifestation of dangers or the absence of excessive danger is excluded. State security - protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty and integrity of the state. Life safety (life and work) - the state of protection of society, humans and the environment from excessive hazards in any living conditions and in any type of activity. Personal safety - the protection of conditions that ensure the realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual, opportunities for its development. The security of a society is a set of conditions that make it possible to realize the rights and freedoms of all groups of the population, to resist actions leading to a split in society (including on the part of the state). External security is the protection of the individual, society and the state from external threats to their sustainable, stable functioning and development. Internal security is the protection of an individual, society and the State from internal threats to their sustainable, stable functioning and development. The internal security of Russia is aimed at ensuring the stable development of the most important spheres of activity to satisfy the interests of the individual and society, which can be achieved by an effective internal policy of the state. Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation and development of citizens. Information environment systems and processes that embrace the information system.

Formation of information processes 2 BASIC PROVISIONS OF INTERPRETATION OF THE CONCEPT OF "INFORMATION" Information (translated from Latin informatio - explanation, presentation) is a key concept modern science, which is on a par with such as "substance" and "energy". There are three main interpretations of the concept of "information". Scientific interpretation. Information is an initial general scientific category that reflects the structure of matter and the methods of its cognition, irreducible to other, simpler concepts. Abstract interpretation. Information is a certain sequence of symbols, images that carry both together and separately some semantic load for the performer. Specific interpretation. In this plane, specific performers are considered, taking into account the specifics of their command systems and the semantics of the language. So, for example, for a machine, information is zeros and ones; for a person - sounds, images, etc. 1

Formation of information processes 15 Basic concepts of the concept of "information" Concept No. 1 (K. Shannon), reflecting the quantitative information approach, defines information as a measure of uncertainty (entropy) of an event. The amount of information depends on the likelihood of receiving it: the more likely a message is, the less information it contains. Concept No. 2 considers information as a property of matter and is based on the assertion that information is contained in any messages perceived by a person or devices. Substantially expressed by Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.M. Glushkov. Concept No. 3 is based on a logical-semantic (semantics - the study of a text from the point of view of meaning) approach, in which information is interpreted as knowledge that is used for active action, management and self-management. Information is an active, useful, "working" part of knowledge. The representative of this concept, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V.G. Afanasyev,

Model interpretation of the concept "INFORMATION" In cybernetics, information is understood as that part of knowledge that is used for orientation, active action, control, that is, in order to preserve, improve, and develop the system (N. Wiener). "Cybernetics" in the modern sense as a science about the general laws of control and information transfer in machines, living organisms and society was first proposed by Norbert Wiener in 1948. A cybernetic system is a set of interconnected objects (system elements) capable of perceiving, remembering and processing information and also share it. A person carries out all his actions on the basis of the model of objects of the surrounding World. (Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anokhin P.K.) He interprets knowledge about the world around as a model. According to N. Wiener, information is understood as purposeful knowledge. Consequently - activity with models and over models is an activity with information.

Content. THE CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT OF THE CONCEPT “INFORMATION PROCESS” An information process is an integral set of sequential actions performed on information in order to obtain a result. Information process - the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. State Standard of the Russian Federation “Information Protection. Creation order automated systems protected version "(GOST R 51583 2000). Most common components. formation; transmission, storage, reception, processing.

The content of the concept "information system" "Information system-information processing system (I), working in conjunction with organizational resources, such as people, technical means and financial resources, which provide and distribute I" ISO / IEC 2382 -1 "Information system-totality contained in the databases AND and providing its processing of information technologies and technical means ”. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.07.2006 No. 149-ФЗ. An information system is a holistic education, consisting of interconnected components, which has properties that are not reducible to the properties of components and cannot be derived from them and has the capabilities and mechanisms of their implementation for the formation, storage, transformation, transmission and reception of information. The Information Process is an Information System in Action

Structural diagram of the formation of the information process Human Society The condition of existence Activity Solution Management Model Basic components of the model Environment Development Information-analytical management team activity solutions Information process Information systems Public IS Biological IS Technical IS Scientific base - CYBERNETICS 15

General characteristics of work 9 Purpose of the concept. Search and substantiation of conditions for guaranteed, sustainable management of a complex system based on the use of a natural-scientific approach. The natural-scientific nature of the campaign is determined by the integration of the properties of a person's Thinking, the surrounding World and Cognition. Motivation for development Human resources, the real sector of the economy, energy supply and other indicators of a complex system do not correspond to the goals of management. And the results of the decisions made do not justify the expectations of managers. Purpose Select and substantiate the conditions for guaranteed management of the sustainable development of a false system based on the solution of the inverse problem. which will provide the conditions for transferring the control object from the present state to the required one. 3. Technological aspect - the conditions for the implementation of the process of transferring the control object from the present state to the required one.

The content of the natural science approach 1 to the development of the concept of management 03 1. An unsatisfactory result of management is justified by contradictory conclusions 2. To exclude contradictory conclusions, the axiomatic method should be used 3. The asiomatic method assumes the existence of the following elements 3. 1. Basic assumptions and assumptions, usually expressed by basic principles ... 3. 2. Basic concepts, keywords, Axioms; Withdrawal rules; Theorem 4. The process of activity involves 1. Man, his consciousness. 2. The surrounding WORLD (object). 3. Something that is given by nature and allows knowledge to be realized. (Universal connection) 5. Three-componentness is reflected in three principles.

Basic principles concepts 4 1. The principle of three-component cognition. Component A. Abstract representation (Condition for the existence of a process). (Methodology.)) Component B. Abstract-concrete representation (Causal relationships. (Methods) Component C. Concrete representation (Technologies. Algorithms.) 2. The principle of the integrity of the World. It is implemented by the law of preserving the integrity of the object. This is a stable objective repeating relationship of properties object and properties of action with a fixed purpose 3. The principle of cognizability of the World. Implemented by three methods. Decomposition. Abstraction. Aggregation.

Characteristics of the approach Basic method construction of the theory and practice of strategic planning of provision information security- formal axiomatic method within the framework of the cybernetic approach to solving management problems Basic elements of building theory and practice 1. The law of integrity preservation and well-constructed systems 1. Information process 2. Security 3. Management 4. Strategic planning 3

The content of the formal axiomatic method Axiomatic method, (Greek axioma-significant, accepted position) a method of constructing a scientific theory, in which it is based on some starting positions(judgments) - axioms or postulates from which all other statements of this science (theorems) must be deduced in a purely logical way, by means of proofs. The purpose of FAM is to limit the arbitrariness of accepting scientific judgments as the truths of a given theory. Comments. Building science based on FMA. usually called deductive. All concepts of deductive theory (except for a fixed number of initial ones) are introduced by means of proofs expressing (or explaining) them through previously introduced concepts. To one degree or another, the deductive proofs characteristic of FAM are used in many sciences. But, despite attempts to systematically apply the theory of mathematics to the presentation of philosophy (B. Spinoza), sociology (G. Vico), and political economy (K. Rodbertus- Yagetsov), biology (J. Woodger), and other sciences, the main area of ​​its application is still mathematics and symbolic logic, as well as some branches of physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, etc.). 4

Basic elements of the formal axiomatic method Level 0 Basic assumptions and common sense assumptions (This is usually expressed in some basic principles) Level 1. 1. 1. Basic concepts, keywords, Axioms. 1. 2. Rules of inference: - the rule of following (the formula "... if, then ...") - the rule of substitution (popularly - the "method of analogies) 1. 3. Theorems (statements following from the axioms, based on the rules of inference) 5

Basic principles of constructing reasoning Basic principles of constructing reasoning Basic premise. The principles should characterize the essence of the process with which we work. What are we doing? WE RECOGNIZE AND REALIZE the world around us. Who is involved in this? And involved: 1. Man, his consciousness. 2. The surrounding WORLD (object). 3. And something that is given by nature and allows knowledge to be realized. (Universal connection of phenomena) Accordingly, this three-component nature is reflected in three principles. 1. The principle of three-component cognition. Component A. Abstract representation (Condition for the existence of a process). Component B. Abstract-concrete representation (Causal relationships. (Methods) Component C. Concrete representation (Technologies. Algorithms) 6

Basic principles of constructing reasoning 2. The principle of the integrity of the World. It is implemented by the law of preserving the integrity of the object. It is a stable, objective, repeating relationship between the properties of an object and the properties of an action with a fixed purpose. It manifests itself in the mutual transformation of the properties of the object and the properties of its action with a fixed purpose. (Also the triple "Object" "Purpose", "Action".) 3. The principle of cognizability of the World. It is implemented by three methods of scientific knowledge. Decomposition. Abstraction. Aggregation. Also "three". (Cognition boils down to the establishment of regularities !!! This is the essence of the aggregate (aggregation). But this is possible only through decomposition and abstraction. With awareness, the reverse process is carried out. From the "Aggregate" - regularities, a specific object is already created through abstraction and decomposition.) 7

The peculiarity of cognition and awareness of the surrounding reality. Principle of three-component cognition. Principle of three-component cognition. 8 Component A. Abstract representation (Condition Abstract thinking of the existence of a process). Component B. Abstract-concrete representation (Causal relationships. (Methods) Component C. Concrete representation (Technologies. Algorithms) Until the figment of the imagination "cockroach" turns in the head Abstract-concrete Cockroach in a person into reality - a "car" a person does not thinking is capable of and is in danger of being destroyed.Loose its purpose. of the features of mental thinking of human activity The main stages of mental activity 1. 1. A person needs to make a decision 1. 2. He forms it in the "head" on the basis of personal, internal associative perception of the World, the assumption that he is right. 1. 3 . A person on the basis of these corresponding associations, the Car, respectively, forms a process with a predetermined properties. That is, the condition for the existence of the process under consideration. 1. 4. If the condition for the existence of the process is adequate to the World, then the process is realized. Otherwise, no. 1. 5. Implementation is based on the condition of transferring the object from the present state to the required one. 1. 6. On the basis of the translation conditions, the conditions of the Technology (Algorithms) for the implementation of the translation are formed and the implementation of the Methodology is already being carried out. Methods. process. The meaning of the purpose. The meaning of it. The meaning of the purpose of methods answers the question of the purpose of methods. It answers the question HOW? answers the question WHAT? WHY?

SYSTEM-FORMING PROCESS 9 FUNCTIONING OF A COMPLEX SYSTEM ∞ Integrity Preservation Law Methodology Methods Algorithms (technologies) ∞ ∞ This presentation of the process of reasoned, fairly objective development of the system's appearance and methods of application allows us to consider it as a set of ordered elements located "under the surface of the cone". The generators of the cone are "described" by the equation for the synthesis of the appearance and methods of using the system and determine the directions of concretization of the law of preserving the integrity of the synthesis equation. Usually, researchers consider the methodology as a certain set of verbal models, but in practice we get a pyramid with an “open top” and the formation of a “draft of knowledge” in this kind of wind tunnel, which does not allow obtaining adequate results. (The principle “what you put in is what you get” begins to work)

Structural diagram of the deployment of the content of the concept of "Cognition" 10 System Cognition Model Methodological level (1) What is being carried out? Reflection Subject Activity of reality Basic properties of the World Methodological level (2) Why is cognition possible? Integrity Variability Objectivity Modeling (Approximate description) Technological level (3) How is cognition carried out? Closure of models Model of an object Model of an object's action through purpose A given degree of realization of the object's capabilities In the process of cognition, reality imposes requirements on the developer, the creator of an object, which are necessary to solve an urgent problem. The developer sets a development goal, the degree of achievement of which is determined by the effectiveness of the application of the system. The measure of the conformity of the system to its intended purpose is the indicator of the effectiveness of the application of the system being developed. It is precisely the condition of the closure of the "object model" and the "action model" of this object through the purpose that determines the criterion of a correctly constructed system. (Criterion of system integrity).

Interpretation of the law of preserving the integrity of an object 11 Integrity is the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from the environment. It follows from the combination of the concepts "part and whole" Part and whole are philosophical categories that express the relationship between the totality of objects and the objective connection that unites them and leads to the emergence of new properties and patterns. This connection acts as a whole, and objects as its parts. The properties of the whole are not reducible to the properties of its parts. The law of preserving the integrity of an object (ZSCO) is a stable repeating relationship between the properties of an object and the properties of an action for a fixed purpose. ZSCO manifests itself in the mutual transformation of the properties of the object and the properties of its action with a fixed purpose Hand - R Head - G Leg - N Brush - K Object: Human - artist (HR) Model of the object - MO Model of action - MO Purpose of the object - CHA trouble happened - human lost his hands Action of the "Artist-Man" Object: Man-Artist (CH) Action of the "Artist-Man" (Modified) [CH] = [MO] [MD] = [G, T, R, N] [G, R, TO]; [CH] = [MO] * [MD] * = [Y, T, N] [Y, N, K].

Structural diagram of the connection between the basic qualities of objective reality Objective reality (OR) 12 Methodological qualities of OR Methodological level (1) What determines OR? World order Movement Object (objects and their movements) Methodological qualities of OR Methodical level (2) Why is OR determined? Structural Integrity Variability Technological qualities of OR Technological level (3) How is OR defined? Closure of models Object model Model object action and action The diagram shows that the qualities "object" and "movement" are interconnected through the quality "world order", which characterizes the universal connection of phenomena. Usually researchers consider "object" and "movement", and the third quality of objective reality is not considered, taking it for granted. Therefore, if we do not define the quality of the "world order", then we will not be able to adequately model reality. The diagram depicts the content of the concept of objective reality through the corresponding qualities of the World. Level 1 qualities set the intrinsic certainty of objective reality. Level 2 qualities set the conditions that provide an integral set of properties that determine the cause-and-effect relationships of objective reality. Level 3 qualities form an integral set of properties that determine the model interpretation of objective reality.

The main methods of cognition and awareness of the surrounding reality When carrying out systemic modeling, the methods of decomposition and aggregation occupy a central place. Decomposition is a scientific method in which the study of a system (model) as a whole is replaced by the study of its individual subsystems (submodels), carried out taking into account their mutual influence on each other, and, if possible, by a complete reflection of the integral properties of the system. Aggregation is a scientific method in which many elements (subsystems) of a model (system) are replaced by elements called aggregates, on which an aggregated model is built, which has a significantly lower dimension than the original one, but reflects the properties of the system in the main. The essence of the Aggregates is the laws and patterns To see the forest behind the trees is the ability to adequately perform decomposition and aggregation, that is, to identify the patterns of the surrounding reality Diagram of the dynamics of the manifestation of decomposition and aggregation methods On a set of points, select On a clean fragment, select points Aggregate - a circle (Aggregation) Clean fragment Decomposition y R 0 x Equation of a circle On the background of nature we identify "trees" Behind the trees "saw" a forest - UNIT 13

Structural diagram of the search for "truth" 14 KNOWLEDGE Process (cognized, studied) (Accumulation of knowledge) Technological level (3) How does it exist? Generalization Action Object object Analysis Abstraction. Objective Reality (OR) Decomposition Objectively in the form of an object and an action Methodical level (2) Why is it possible to cognize the truth? Induction By virtue of integrity Model of an object Model of action (based on integrity) The world is possible induction Methodological level (1) What have you learned? (TRUE) Synthesized aggregate Synthesis Aggregation By virtue of reflectivity, the Law of integrity preservation based on "TRUE" objectivity, integrity, variability Methodological level (2) Why is it possible to cognize the truth? Deduction By virtue of integrity Action Model Object model (based on integrity) of the World deduction is possible Technological level (3) Detailing How does it exist? Concretization Aggregation Action Object Synthesis of an object aggregate Objectively in the form of an object and an action CONSCIOUSNESS Process (conscious, created) (Application of knowledge) Part of the "Cognition" scheme is the essence of specialist training. The other part of the scheme ("Awareness") is the essence of a specialist's activity in the national economy. To realize - to fully bring to your consciousness, to understand. The intersection of the two is the Truth block. Part of the "Truth" scheme - defines the content of the fundamental training of a specialist. A large degree of fundamentality of training allows a specialist to independently carry out large quantity translations of "defaults" into "announcements".

Block diagram of the options for process 6 of the development of the System Conclusion. For the synthesis of the System (model), it is necessary and sufficient to know the regularity of the construction and functioning of the object under study

SYSTEM System - (from the Greek systёma - whole, made up of parts; compound), a holistic formation, consisting of interrelated (interacting) components (elements, parts) and possessing properties that are not reducible to the properties of these components and cannot be derived from them. Basic properties of systems Integrity. The system is an abstract entity that has integrity and is defined within its boundaries. The integrity of the system implies that, in some essential aspect, the "strength" or "value" of the connections of the elements within the system is higher than the strength or value of the connections of the elements of the system with the elements of external systems or the environment. Synergy, emergence - the appearance of a system of properties that are not inherent in the elements of the system; the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of its constituent components (non-additivity). The capabilities of the system exceed the sum of the capabilities of its constituent parts; the overall performance or functionality of the system is better than a simple sum of elements. Hierarchy - each component of the system can be considered as a system; the system itself can also be considered as an element of some supersystem (supersystem).

15 DEVELOPMENT AND JUSTIFICATION OF A MODEL OF FUNCTIONING T 0 t Tq Xq X Tq T X Xq Qq R Q R FIGURE 2: GENERAL SCHEME OF PRESENTATION OF A MODEL OF CONSTRUCTION X - a set of possible states; Xq is the set of required states; T-set of possible temporal states; Tq is the set of required temporary states; R = X x. T-set of possible space-time states of the system; Q = Xq x Tq-set of required space-time states of the system;

15 DEVELOPMENT AND JUSTIFICATION MODEL OF FUNCTIONING STATEMENT AND FORMALIZATION OF THE PROBLEM OF WORK CONTROL. Scheme of interaction of the basic elements of the process ESTIMATION MODEL OF THE EFFICIENCY OBJECT FUNCTIONAL OPERATION MODEL ((performance) (required number of required tasks) SYNTHESIS EQUATION. (r), v (r) r) is the potential of the system efficiency field (system performance, distributed in space, system model) u (r) is the control vector that implements the system's capabilities (rules for the implementation of commands and resources) v (r) -vector system capabilities r is a vector of space-time states, an element characterizing the state of the system system / time I (Q) is an indicator of the efficiency of the functioning of the system (the required number of tasks). ), it is necessary and sufficient to specify the set QR and the function (...) satisfying stealing the condition of closure


The place of the result in the logical-algebraic system concept 15 of mathematics The logical-algebraic concept of mathematics. It is known When solving modeling problems, a structure is formed - an object U = R,; where R is a non-empty set; = is the set, where is the set of algebraic operations not related to the properties of the supporting set, and is the set of predicates defined on the set R - the support of the structure. New Approach A mathematical structure with an algebraic operation related to the properties of the supporting set has been developed. The new approach made it possible to formally define the system and thereby take into account its design, application and intended purpose (EMP). New operation - f (r): QR selects elements r R that satisfy the equation for the synthesis of the appearance and methods of using the system (u (r), v (r), r) dr = I, the system Physically, this operation "filters" the elements of the set R with the purpose of choosing such elements that carry the properties of the created target system and thereby form the elements of the set Q R. The following predicates are introduced. Z (Q) - the system has the required PES Q. L () - the system has the required PES. E (I) - the system is characterized by the required EBP index I. A (Q, I) - three characteristics of the basic concepts of the system satisfy the following relationship (1.) Axiomatic theory. 1 Basic concepts. RSOU, PPE, EBP, 2 Axioms. 2. 1. Axiom of the system model. Axiom 2. 1. 1. Q (Z (Q)) & (L ()) & I (E (I)) Q I (A (Q, I)). 2. 2. Axioms of the conflict. Axiom 2. 2. 1. (Achievement of a given guaranteed result) Q B (Q, (r)) Q IА (Q, (r), I) Axiom 2. 2. 2. (Action generates reaction). QI (B (Q, (r)) А (Q, (r), I)) B (Q, (r))) M (I) Axiom 2. 2. 3. (Condition of mutual influence) QQ (P ( Q, Q)) FW (F) 3. Inference rules. 3. 1 Rule of substitution. 3. 2 Rule conclusion. 4. Groups of theorems. 4. 1. Requirements for mutual PVS C. From the opposing sides. 4. 2. Requirements for C deployment. From the sides. 4. 3. Requirements for the impact on the enemy. 4. 4. Requirements for C control. C. Basic logical rules: a) The rule of the rational mutual arrangement of the ROCS of the parties. b) The rule of complete completeness of C's actions. C. c) The rule of reciprocal (reciprocal-reciprocal) actions. d) The rule of ensuring the required degree of implementation of BC. The rules formalize certain standard logical ways of constructing a concept.

Structural diagram of the purpose of cognition within the framework of 15 social activities of a person Awareness Life activity of society Social activity (SD) Cognition What determines SD? The law of conservation Irrational knowledge Rational knowledge of integrity (Measure) (Subjective, changeable) (Objectively, constantly) Science Why is SD defined? Natural Mathematics Humanities Everyday Activities How is SD defined? System concepts of mathematics Specific Models Specific Set-theoretic natural sciences humanities Structural-mathematical Logical-algebraic Category-functor Structural scheme of the search for "TRUTH"

STATEMENT and FORMALIZATION OF THE PROBLEM FOR DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS TO ENSURE INFORMATION SECURITY Main characteristics of the situation: - average time of hazard generation ∆tav / np; - average time of hazard identification ∆ tav / ip; - average time of neutralization of the identified hazard ∆tav / np; ∆ tav / pf = f 1 (Pvn, Pvsh), where Pvn - internal factors, Pvsh - external factors; ∆ tav / u = f 2 (Pias), where Pias - characteristics of the information and analytical service to ensure the safety of the ESS; Structural diagram of the deployment of the content of the concept "Decision" ∆ tav / n = f 3 (PСи. С), where РСи. С - characteristics of forces and means. where P are indicators of the effectiveness of management decisions to prevent threats and their localization.

ANALYTICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF EVALUATING THE EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS 1 (t), 2 (t), ..., n (t) - - intensity of identification - intensity of the impact of PP by the information subsystem of hazardous PP, Structural diagram of interaction between the information security system and the external environment - intensity of the subsystem management while ensuring the elimination of the revealed facts of the PP

Development of requirements for I&C 17 Development of decision-making technology using I&C. Basic block diagram of control technology development 37

ANALYTICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF ESTIMATING THE EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS Basic assumptions and assumptions: 1. The information management system (hereinafter - IMS) is considered - the information security management system. 2. The time intervals between the moments of discovering the facts of manifestation of problems are random values. 3. The discovered facts in time form a stream that is very close to the Poisson stream. 4. The processing time for data on the required attribute is a random value. 5. The data on features processed in the system is distributed further between the allocated forces and means that solve the corresponding target tasks for ensuring information security. 6. The case is considered when the residence time of the required attributes (facts) of an attack in the area of ​​operation of the OB system is very limited and commensurate with the time it takes to identify them, as well as to process data and take adequate actions based on these attributes. 7. The developed system is designed to assess the potential capabilities of the information system's GSS, depending on the current situation.

ANALYTICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF ESTIMATING THE EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS The probabilities of the states of the system are designated: Р 00 (t) - the information system and the control system are free from servicing signs and do not manifest themselves; Р 10 (t) - the information system is busy receiving information about one feature, the control system is free of service Р 01 (t) - the information system is free, and the control system is busy processing information about the feature and making a decision on the use of forces and means Р 11 (t ) - both systems are busy Received general system differential equations describing all possible states of the information management system:

ANALYTICAL MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF ESTIMATING THE EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Solving the problem for stationary processes, it is possible to determine the probabilities of various states of the information management system: The probability that a certain impact factor will be identified and neutralized by the security system is determined as follows. ratio:. Formation of analytical dependence between basic components

Task 3: Develop the requirements for the IAS 20 BASIC RATIO OF THE PRESENTED REQUIREMENTS FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT BASED ON IAS. The theoretical basis of the technology of the SD development process - the backbone foundations of modeling are based on a stable repeating connection between the properties of an object (Environment), the properties of its action (Monitoring) and its purpose (Implementation of SD support) and manifests itself in the mutual transformation of object properties, action properties with a fixed purpose. P = f (Setting, Monitoring, Implementation of SD support). P is an indicator of the effectiveness of SD, which characterizes the probability of identifying a situation and making an adequate decision. P Management Information solution analytical work Situation Geometric interpretation of the theoretical foundations of the technology for making management decisions using the IAS: 1. The direction cosines of the vector P set the main trends in the decision maker's activity. 2. The results of the mutual influence of the characteristics of the process of developing a managerial decision more low level hierarchy than “Situation”, “Monitoring”, “Implementation of SD support” are “placed” on the surface described by the end of vector R. 3. Vector P normalizes many options for managerial decisions and requires the level of potential efficiency of the developed managerial decision.

TECHNOLOGIES OF THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS TO ENSURE INFORMATION SECURITY The probability that each threat will be identified (monitoring system) and neutralized (Forces and means of SSR) is determined by the ratio: The components of this ratio are determined based on the solution of a system of differential or algebraic equations and assumptions depending on the assumptions ... SD efficiency indicator Ensuring the decision maker of the implementation of the SBS purpose Monitoring Dependence of the efficiency indicator on the characteristics of the planner and monitoring

TECHNOLOGY OF THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT 3. 4 DECISIONS TO ENSURE INFORMATION SECURITY Stage 3. Based on the dependence of the three basic components of the management decision and the given level of the performance indicator P, a system of parametric surfaces formed by the end of the vector P of the three coordinate system "Situation", "Information and analytical work" "Providing the subject with the implementation of the purpose of the GSS in the appropriate setting" is constructed. (This paper is not considered) Stage 4 Based on the parametric representations of the management decision, formed at the third stage, requirements for monitoring, the security system and the capabilities of the decision maker are developed. (Not considered in this paper) Stage 5 The environment of socio-economic education, in which the OVOE is located, generates threats of man-made and terrorist threats with a frequency of ∆t. PF. Restrictions of the form are imposed on λ: 6 stage. The flow of man-made and terrorist threats, which characterizes the demand for the activities of the ISS, is "served" by the information management system. The information component monitors and identifies with the intensity ν 1 potential needs for the use of SSR. With restrictions on the information resource: stage 7. Based on the results of monitoring, the decision-maker, with a frequency of ∆t (with an intensity of ν 2), develops a solution to neutralize threats, which is guaranteed to be fulfilled by the GSS. With a limitation on an activity resource:

Development of information processing technology 38 Graphical interpretation of the capabilities of the Information and Control System for the coordination of the ENVIRONMENT, INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL ACTIVITIES and NEUTRALIZATION OF THE PROBLEM Environment (P) - Indicator of the effectiveness of management decisions (λ) Information and analytical work ν (1) ν Purpose implementation (2)

Objective 1: Justify the need to create a system of informational and 5 analytical support for SD. The main correlations of the formalization of IAR and team development. - where, psychophysical characteristics of the decision maker, for information and analytical work. - where, the characteristics of the technical means of equipments, which are the starting point. Diagram of temporal states corresponding to the possibilities of adequate and inadequate decision making Area of ​​possible development of decision making 1 2 3 4 Area of ​​impossible development of adequate decision making

Task 3: To develop requirements for IAS 24 Main stages of formation of requirements for IAS 1. Setting the main indicator of requirements for IAS. Management sets an indicator of management effectiveness. An indicator of management efficiency is the probability of identifying a problem that arises before a decision maker and issuing a command to solve it. 2. Allocation of basic criteria. Knowing the probability that the problem encountered by the decision maker is identified and neutralized depends on the three basic components of the management decision λ, ν 1, ν 2. Let's define them through the appropriate ratios 3. Formation of the basic requirements for technical equipment. Knowing that we also make requirements for these main components. If we know the characteristics of the human factor, then we can make requirements for the characteristics of technical equipment. 4. Formation of the basic requirements for the staff Knowing that we also impose requirements on these basic components. If we know the characteristics of the technical equipment, then we can make requirements for the required staffing.

The main stages of planning A plan is a description of an orderly, integral sequence for the implementation of the process of using information and activity resources in order to achieve a goal. Planning is an activity on the formation of an orderly, integral sequence for the implementation of the process of using information and activity resources in the interests of achieving a goal. Typification of plans № Type Purpose Comment 1. Strategic Formation of the conditions for the existence of the process of achieving the goal. 2. Medium-term Formation of conditions for the transfer of an object from the present state to the required one. 3. Current Formation of conditions for the implementation of the transfer of the object from the present to the required.

Basic planning ratios 1. Condition for the existence of a process. Where "P" is the probability that each problem is identified and neutralized. Depends on - the frequency of the problem; - frequency of problem identification; - the frequency of neutralization of the problem. 2. By setting the level of guarantee "P" and the frequency of manifestation of the problem, the possibility of coordinated planning of the activities of the "Analysis Department" and "Decisions Implementation Department" opens up. 3. Consistency of planning is ensured by the condition of the existence of the management process and the following table. Table of approvals for the duration of the work of the departments No. Analysis department Implementation department 1. OA time 2. More than OR 3. Equal 4. OA time is less than OR 5.

Information and analytical support of strategic planning tasks for the development of the region The global goal of regional management is to increase the level and improve living conditions of the population, which includes, first of all, solving the problems of ensuring social norms and living standards of the population and the complex socio-economic development of the territory. A condition for ensuring sustainable development is a well-functioning mechanism for confident management of all spheres of life in the region. The thesis of complete self-regulation in a market economy has sunk into the past. Progressive movement both in the economy and in the social sphere is unthinkable without legal, economic and administrative regulation of social and economic processes. Territory management is reduced to solving several relatively independent, but interrelated tasks: defining goals and priorities for the development of the territory; planning of social and economic development; management of the social sphere of life of the population; management (regulation) of the activities of economic entities of the territory; management of the use of resources of the territory; provision of management and development tasks.

Analysis of the peculiarities of the structure of management tasks The concept of formation of the structure - Each of the listed tasks unites in its composition a large number of dissimilar in content, complexity, nature of the subject area, efficiency of solving problems. Description of tasks. Analysis of information flows of management bodies shows that today only 10-15% of available information is used for making management decisions; planning and forecasting functions use only 6 to 16% of managerial labor costs, control functions - 25-30%. The stability of management, the stability of the development of the region presuppose, first of all, the adoption of well-grounded and timely management decisions at all levels of management, which requires a deep and comprehensive analysis of the entire volume of information on the state of processes and phenomena occurring in the territory. The latter necessitates the widespread use of the methods of system analysis and the corresponding instrumental technological means in the development of options and the adoption of the most acceptable management decisions at all levels of management. It is especially important to implement this approach when solving problems of strategic planning, when the cost of an error in decision-making

Information systems of information and analytical activities in the control loop of the region Territorial subsystems are created as part of the implemented standard automated information systems of territorial administrations of administrative districts of the city (AIS TO). By the number of regions of such systems 19. Sectoral subsystems are information (information and analytical) systems of sectoral committees and departments. In total, it is planned to operate more than 40 departmental systems of various sizes. Systems of federal structures of power. Close interaction with territorial bodies of federal structures of power and bodies of power jointly subordinate to the region is being implemented. The development and commissioning of the technological "core" of the IAO IS, which performs its functions at the city, interdepartmental level in the interests of the regional governor and members of the regional government, is carried out by consistently covering various spheres of life in the region: 1st stage - socio-economic sphere; 2nd stage socio-demographic; 3rd stage - production and economic sphere; 4th stage - socio-political and financial-credit spheres; 5th stage habitat and security sphere of the region.

Basic subsystems (SS) IS IAO 1. SS for collecting, processing and storing information. The backbone element of the subsystem is the Information Data Warehouse (IHD). The subsystem solves the problems of collecting information, checking it for reliability and correctness, subject-oriented placement of information, binding to time and data source, its Reserve copy... Information in a consistent format, in set time, depending on the technical equipment of the data sources, is supplied by e-mail, on magnetic or paper media. 2. PS of information analysis and forecasting. It is a set of software and hardware, located at the workplaces of IAC specialists for analysis and modeling. When solving these problems, mathematical and mathematical statistical methods for studying dependencies are used: factor, correlation and regression analysis, time series research, linear programming, network planning and management, etc. tasks, models of input-output balance. 3. PS for the formation of information and analytical materials (IAM). Provides the development and execution of IAM based on the results of the analysis of information. This task is implemented on software hardware that allows the design and visualization of IAM (Microsoft Power. Point, Excel, Macromedia Flash, etc.); 4. presentation of information. Provides placement and presentation of IAM to customers, as well as viewing and presentation of statistical information of IHD to users of the system based on modern information technologies.

The main problems of creating IS IAO 1. The scale of the tasks to be solved, the complexity of the simultaneous development of all spheres of life in the region. The way to solve the problem is the structuring of the socio-economic development of the region and the phased introduction of analysis systems for individual areas (directions); 2 The complexity of the integration of official information into the IAO IS and the formation of retrospective series of indicators. This is due to the reluctance of certain divisions of government bodies to share information and perform an additional amount of work in this regard. The solution to the problem is achieved on the basis of mutual interest and the conclusion of bilateral agreements, including a list of transmitted information; 3. The impossibility of concentrating in one IAC team a sufficient number of analysts specialists in all spheres and issues of the region's life. The problem is solved by attracting experts from among the employees of the branch divisions of the Administration and the scientific community of the region to solve specific analytical problems; 4. The complexity of the system analysis of the development of the region. The solution to this problem is carried out by modeling both individual processes and spheres of life of the city as a whole, including by creating a complex of analysis modules, using simulation methods and using modern information technologies for data analysis.

Characteristics of the basic elements of the IS foundation The main results of the functioning of the basic elements of the system should include: 1. Continuous filling of the Information Data Repository with official retrospective information characterizing all spheres of life in the region. 2. The collection of information is carried out on the basis of bilateral agreements between the IAC and statistics bodies, all territorial departments and most of the sectoral committees; 3. Organization (IAC) monitoring: demographic processes in the region; a comparative assessment of the socio-economic situation of the region with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation; quarterly execution of the regional budget; industry "Communication and Informatization", etc.; 4. Development of information and analytical materials on the level and quality of life of the population, demography, production and consumption of goods and services, health care and education, informatization and communications, on a complex of social issues, etc. 5. IAM are developed in the form of analytical reports, analytical reviews, express analyzes, as well as in any other form, form and volume established by the Customer.

The characteristics of the basic elements of the IAM are developed in the form of analytical reports, analytical reviews, express analyzes, as well as in any other form, form and volume specified by the Customer. Analytical note (AS) - an official document developed on an issue characterizing one or several spheres (branches) of life of the AU region should contain an assessment of the state of the issue, its legal aspects, existing problems, trends in their development, conclusions about possible consequences, generalized results of modeling and analytical processing of information. Analytical Review (AO) is an official document on the analysis of the state of several spheres of life in the region. The review contains information and analytical materials on related or interrelated issues that characterize these areas, as well as a generalizing analytical part. The generalizing analytical part of the AO includes a general formulation of problems in the considered spheres of the city's life, the existing federal and regional priorities, the results of modeling and analytical processing of information, a generalized analysis of the conclusions and proposals set out in the corresponding AS, as well as recommendations for solving problems. Express analysis (EA) is an official document developed on an issue affecting one of the problems of the region's vital activity, completed in a short time (up to 5 days). EA contains the dynamics of indicators characterizing the branch of life in the region, and a forecast of trends in its development.

On the practical use of the capabilities of the IS IAO in the process of developing projects of programs for the socio-economic development of the region. 1. In order to provide the state authorities of the region with a system of sustainable development benchmarks and a system of regional security criteria, improve the quality and validity of management decisions, the efficiency of using the Integrated System of Information and Analytical Support of the Executive Authorities of the Region, by order of the Administration, a collegially developed Temporary List of Targets and Thresholds is approved values ​​of indicators of vital activity of the region. 2. Target reference is the numerical value of the indicator characterizing the target setting for the mid-term perspective of the city's development. Targets are not targets. They serve as the basis for operational and strategic planning of socio-economic development. 3. Threshold value is an extremely critical value of the indicator, which characterizes the border between safe and dangerous areas of functioning of any sphere and signals the need for urgent intervention of public authorities to correct a dangerous situation. The thresholds act as indicators of the city's safety. 4. . The introduction of the Temporary List makes it possible to concretize the management activities of the executive branch, increase the validity of the developed recommendations for managers, and more specifically monitor the city's life processes using the IAO IS. The implementation of the project for the creation of such an information and analytical system allows at a qualitatively new level to organize a management circuit socially

About the new quality of GMU in the region New quality is achieved, first of all, due to: the validity of the decisions made (taking into account the maximum possible amount of information and existing, including hidden, causal relationships; choice optimal solution from many alternatives according to the criterion of min negative consequences, etc.); the efficiency of the decisions made; automation provides the management response in almost real time; streamlining and discipline of management activities. working out the tasks of long-term planning and solving operational analytical problems, it is advisable to create centers of analysis and forecasting (DAC) at the regional level. Output. The creation in the region of an information and analytical system in conjunction with the center for analysis and forecasting will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the management activities of public authorities, direct the vector of information and analytical support for decision-making to the leadership of the regional level.

Sections: School administration

Methodological and scientific-experimental work at school is a social complex of practical measures based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical experience and aimed at a comprehensive increase in the competence and professional skills of each teacher. This complex is focused primarily on increasing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole, and ultimately on improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process: increasing the level of education, upbringing and development of students.

When organizing methodological work in an educational institution, the foreground is the forms that may turn out to be more effective for a particular educational institution.

Effective forms of methodological work include a system of information and analytical support (in other words, monitoring), thanks to which school leaders can receive information about the state and development of those processes in the subsystems for which they are responsible and for which they are called upon to exert managerial influence.

Where the analytic penetration of the leader into the essence of this or that pedagogical phenomenon begins, the foundation is laid for a scientific approach to school management.

Scientific understanding of the educational process is always an understanding of the hidden dependencies that make up the internal mechanism of the school's activity. To penetrate into this “mechanism”, to make it work clearly, rhythmically, is possible only with the help of pedagogical analysis.

The deputy director (for scientific and methodological, educational and methodological work) in the new conditions becomes a researcher, diagnostician, analyst, who is well versed not only in pedagogy, but also in psychology, philosophy, statistics, informatics and computerization. The main directions in his work are as follows:

  1. information and analytical direction- provision in an educational institution of conditions for the introduction of pedagogical technologies, the organization of the teacher's innovative activities, conditions under which a deep analysis of their own activities becomes a perceived need;
  2. advisory - information direction- study of documents on education, school development. Assisting teachers in planning material, developing lessons, technologizing the learning process, modular training, drawing up flow charts with predicting the desired results, teaching teachers how to carry out diagnostics;
  3. diagnostic and analytical direction- implementation of monitoring - the basis of the foundations in the management of the educational process. Constant monitoring of the level of ZUN in order to identify compliance with the requirements and the desired result, the study of psychophysical, individual, age characteristics of the student's personality, analysis and assessment of the information received with subsequent forecasting;
  4. statistical and analytical direction- creation and testing of forms that allow observation, analysis and forecasting.

The criterional properties of the school model that serves as our guideline include the real continuity and continuity of the educational process, the growth of education, and continuous monitoring of the state of the educational process.

Monitoring is presented to us in the form of such a scheme: selection of monitoring components (i.e., the quality of training of students in the school) - selection of a set of assessment indicators for each component - selection of technologies for the performance of each indicator - determination of objects, place and time of information retrieval - determination of the person in whose functional responsibilities include the removal and processing of information, - drawing up an approximate plan for the analysis of information - making management decisions. Monitoring of student learning in subjects is the main, the main one in a number of objects being analyzed. Monitoring is carried out by conducting zero, intermediate and final sections and analyzing their results.

Zero (entrance diagnostics) is carried out at the beginning of the school year by subject teachers in writing according to assignments drawn up by teachers and agreed at meetings of the Moscow Region.

Intermediate diagnostics are carried out in order to assess the success of the advancement of students in the subject area and enable the teacher to assess the success of the choice of teaching methods.

Final diagnostics - final tests and tests are carried out two weeks before the end of the academic year and final certification of graduates.

Diagnostic results are entered into diagnostic charts, presented in the form of graphs, tables of summary data. Information is summarized at meetings of the Moscow Region, communicated to students and parents, the teacher adjusts the work program, and an individual strategy for correcting the student is developed. At the administration level, a management decision is made. This can be a change in the curriculum, the introduction of new courses, the introduction of a number of subjects for the test week, etc.

After tracking the results of the starting tests in mathematics and the Russian language in 5th grade and finding that the quality indicators are lower than at the graduation from elementary school, the issue of continuity, the issue of teaching the Russian language in primary grades, was put under control.

The quality of knowledge is assessed for those positions -

  1. the level of compulsory knowledge and skills; application of knowledge in standard situations, the ability to apply knowledge in new non-standard situations - and is tested in different ways;
  2. at the intermediate attestation of 10th grade students, which is carried out in the form of testing and credits, criteria for assessing the answer are preliminarily developed, the wording of the questions helps the student not only reproduce knowledge, but also analyze the material, give an assessment, show the ability to work with sources of information;
  3. during the final certification - through special drafting of ticket texts, various forms of passing exams, collecting and processing information certificates during exams presented by examination commissions.

Thus, the monitoring technology allows you to get an objective picture of the quality of student learning, which allows the administration to plan its activities to manage the quality of learning and simulate the educational process of the school.

Monitoring as a form of analytical activity is also successfully used in the study of the work of educational institutions with gifted children in the section “Olympic movement”. We found out that for the last 5 years teachers of the Ministry of Education of the Humanities cycle have been achieving good results in regional Olympiads. With the help of diagrams, the stability and decline of prizes by years in each MO, the effectiveness of the training of prize-winners of each teacher is traced, the reasons for the discrepancy between the planned and actual results are revealed. The reasons may be:

  1. low level of teaching
  2. the school olympiad is held at a low level
  3. lack of in-depth study of subjects
  4. reluctance of students
  5. inconsistency of the content of the task with the time of studying the material
  6. teacher overload, illness
  7. change of frames.

Thanks to the monitoring technology, a real picture of the analysis of the result of passing the USE for 4 years in subjects was obtained, the results of academic performance for 13 years for each year and comparative results for the class, the results of the transfer exams and final certification, the staff by age, education, experience, categorization, results admission of graduates to universities, Susa, employment, etc.

Pedagogical analysis is often carried out in our school in the form of a teacher's council. We analyze each area of ​​work in comparison with the indicators of the last three years, which allows us to trace the dynamics of the development of students, the growth of professional qualifications of teachers, the success of the main tasks of the school, i.e. effectiveness or deficiencies of management. Each member of the pedagogical team knows how he improved his teaching and educational activities, how it differs from the work of previous years. This is very important for motivating self-education, for critical self-esteem.

The results of their work are presented by the structural units of the methodological service in creative reports. The pedagogical products of teachers are also presented: visual aids, handouts, development of lessons, extracurricular activities, creative work of students, diagrams of the quantitative characteristics of schoolchildren's training in subjects and, as a result, the quality of the teacher's work, his promotion, and professional competence are determined.

Methodical weeks at school also became analytical. Their goal is to deeply and comprehensively consider a certain problem of education and upbringing both in theory and in practice, to compare how things were in the recent past, what has changed. These materials will then help with certification.

Considering that the teacher's attitude to renewed education is manifested in the lesson, open lessons are held within the week, each of which has its own purpose.

In the academic year before last, the lessons were conducted with the following methodological purpose - to show the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process, in the last academic year - the use of computer technologies in the classroom.

As a result of establishing a reliable picture of knowledge, the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, their general development, an objective assessment of the quality of teaching, the organization of the learning process, it becomes possible to determine the main directions of the MSC, a system of organizational measures to further improve the educational process.

The vast majority of modern schools strive to make fuller use of the information and analytical network (diagnostics, monitoring). Managers must deeply, comprehensively know the object they are managing. That is why we need diagnostic laboratories, information and analytical centers, we need training of diagnostic technologists. In the meantime, the school is managed by the forces of deputy directors for OIA, UMR, and teachers of informatics.

The transition from conceptual and hypothetical thinking of school leaders and teachers to diagnostic and technological thinking is inevitable. Only he will allow you to study patterns and, on this basis, make effective management decisions.

Information - this is information about significant facts (persons, actions, organizations, events), which serve as the basis for making decisions on the conduct of administrative, organizational measures, as well as for preparing proposals and recommendations. In the philosophical understanding, information provides a reduction or removal of the uncertainty of our ideas about the studied phenomena (processes) as a result of receiving a message (sign).

Information work - activities to provide officials with the information necessary to solve the tasks assigned to them.

Funds information work Is a collection of documentary, technical and other devices intended for the accumulation, processing, systematization, storage and issuance of information.

Forms of information work - features of documentation, accumulation, saving, integration of information data in various parts of the management system for the rational and effective implementation of management activities.

Information work process is a sequential set of operations (registration, transfer, accumulation, storage, processing, issuance of information), which allows you to quickly find in full necessary information requested by specific consumers.

Quality of information - This is the degree of development of the properties of information, which determines its practical suitability for research. The quality of information depends on the following characteristics:





Selection of information - this is the result of viewing materials and documents, clarifying, supplementing and formalizing information.

Accumulation of information is the result of integration, systematization, clarification and accounting of information in certain systems.

Data storage is the result of centralization, correction, updating and saving of data banks.

Data processing is the result of converting (sorting, grouping, enriching, comparing, etc.) into forms that are easy to work with.

Issuance of information is the transfer of information to the consumer in the signaling mode or in accordance with the program specified in the request.

Selection methods and scope of information retrieval are determined taking into account:

the structure and content of the problem under study with the allocation of specific tasks to be analyzed;

the presence of related areas and problems in which the necessary information may be located;

the depth of retrospective search;

types of documentary sources required for research.

Data processing -ordering the collected materials by organizing them with the aim of making them visible, compact, suitable for analysis, that is, bringing them to a form when the factual data begins to "speak".

Selection and processing of materials on the research topic - this is the preparatory stage of the process of analytical work, at which the search for information is carried out, verification of its qualitative characteristics, as well as its processing in order to create conditions for the correct assessment of the facts, events and phenomena under study.

Documenting is a form of information work used to consolidate the results obtained in the process of managing activities (certificates, resolutions, plans, etc.).

Affairs - a form of informational work, intended for the systematization of documentary materials.

Analytical work

Analytical work - an integral part of creative activity. It is designed to evaluate information and prepare decision-making. It is the main content of the daily work of every manager and employee.

Analytical work, as a process of cognizing objective reality, is carried out according to the laws of dialectics, formal logic, using general scientific research methods.

Purpose of the study - the general focus of the study, the expected end result. The purpose of the research indicates the nature of the research tasks and is achieved through their solution.

Research objectives - a set of target settings, in which the basic requirements for the analysis and solution of the problem under study are formulated.

Object of study - the area of ​​practical activity to which the research process is directed. The choice of the object of research determines the boundaries of the application of the results obtained.

Subject of study - the essential properties of the research object, the knowledge of which is necessary to solve the problem, within which the object is studied in this particular research.

Topical research -organizational form of analytical monitoring of the state and development of the situation, within the framework of which its elements are studied in order to develop tactical tasks for practical activity.

Research in daily activities is carried out as problems accumulate. Are investigated: relevance, importance, objectivity, prospects. The subject of research is events and processes, the development of which can affect the choice of forms and methods of activity in a certain area and at a certain time.

Analytical tools - these are the laws and methods of mental activity, as well as other technical means, on the basis and with the help of which the processing of factual data with a higher quality is carried out, allowing to extract from it everything that it can give.

Forms of analytical work - organizational features of the implementation of analytical work, due to the goals, means and results of its implementation, forming a system of analytical tracking of the state and development of the situation.

Analytical work process - a set of mental operations carried out in a certain sequence using analytical tools, leading to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the study.

Analytical technology - obtaining new knowledge (output information), providing a complex research process that has a certain logical sequence.

Research is understood as a system of interrelated work operations that form a technological cycle of selection, grouping of facts about events, phenomena, processes, where each fact takes its place and is associated with previous and subsequent circumstances in space-time and cause-and-effect relationship.

The generalization of the facts, their scientifically grounded systematization allows one to give a correct assessment of both the entire set of facts, and each of them separately.

Exercise - a legal document defining the composition, rights and obligations of the team of authors in obtaining information on the topic of research, consultations with specialists, implementation of the results, as well as goals and objectives, object and subject, information base, terms and forms of preparation of output documents.

Plan - an organizational document that establishes the sequence for the implementation of the research stages, concretized by executors, terms, forms of preparation of output documents.

Research methodology -organizational document, which describes the system of logical and methodological rules for conducting research as a whole, and within its individual areas.

Statement of the problem and its preliminary study - the initial stage of the analytical work process, at which the goals, objectives, subject, objects and information base research, the main results, methods and forms of implementation are predicted.

Research problem - a kind of question, the answer to which is not contained in the accumulated knowledge, and its search requires analytical actions, other than information retrieval.

Conditions for posing problems:

when operational results do not meet the desired objectives;

when previously proven methods of solving problems cannot be used or do not give the desired effect in new conditions;

when facts are discovered that do not fit into the framework of existing theoretical concepts;

when one of the particular theories of analytic activity conflicts with a more general theory of this activity.

Understanding the research problem - an integral part of the preliminary study of the problem, within the framework of which the conditions and prerequisites for the successful conduct of the study are identified: the validity of the statement of the problem; the relevance and feasibility of its development; the possibility of implementing the results into practice, as well as certainty in the goals, objectives, subject, object and boundaries of the study.

Research information base - an integral part of the preliminary study of the problem, within the framework of which the sufficiency of information materials, ways and methods of obtaining it are revealed, a bibliography is compiled by sources.

Analysis of the collected materials in accordance with the goals and objectives of the study - this is the main stage of analytical work, at which the comprehension of the material is carried out, the development of new output information, the formation of proposals for their practical application and documentation of the research results.

Analysis of information - a set of methods for the formation of factual data, ensuring their comparability (comparability), an objective assessment and the development of new output information.

Generation of new information is the extraction of content from the entire mass of initial data, the search for cause-and-effect and spatio-temporal connections and relationships between the compared information.

Documenting research results - fixation in the established order of the research results using a notation system that gives the description a strict form, clarity, consistency, brevity, clarity and meets the goals and objectives of the research.

Testing the research results - a verification procedure aimed at clarifying the qualitative characteristics of research results, the possibilities of their implementation and their implementation into practice.

Approval of research results - an agreement procedure by which the analytical document acquires the qualities of suitability and binding for use in all interested areas.

Implementation of research results is the transfer of research results in a form convenient for implementation into the practice of the work of stakeholders, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of their activities.

Review, approval and implementation of the results of analytical work - this is the final stage of the research process, at which shortcomings in analytical work are identified, they are eliminated and the quality of the results obtained is assessed.

The main stages of information and analytical work

Stage 1. General acquaintance with the problem. Familiarization with the problem as a whole, as well as with related issues, the study of which may be useful; drawing up a general work plan indicating the deadline, executors and main sources that can be expected to be used.

In order to successfully cope with the task, it is very important at the beginning, with a general acquaintance with the problem and drawing up a plan, to act competently, deliberately and judiciously.

Stage 2. Definition of the terms and concepts used. It is necessary to define and explain a particular term or concept so that it is clear to ourselves, to those who control our work, and to those who use our information. "Defining concepts" is one of the nine principles of communication.

Stage 3. Collecting facts.

Stage 4. Interpretation of facts. So briefly can be called the process of studying and processing facts in order to squeeze out of them all that they mean. This stage includes assessment, classification, analysis and factual clarification.

Stage 5. Constructing a hypothesis. The working hypotheses put forward at this stage are usually related to some specific questions, by answering which you can test the hypotheses themselves. Many consider hypothesis building the most important moment any research in the field of natural or social sciences, and in the field of information and analytical work. As we study this stage, we discover more and more useful aspects of the working hypothesis.

A hypothesis can be viewed as a position. Three useful aspects of the hypothesis are commonly noted:

- firstly, this facilitates the clarification of the problem. The position is an excellent memory aid. We can have considerable knowledge, remembering a certain scientific position and not overloading ourselves with individual facts;

- secondly, the scientific position is the basis for clarifying individual facts or phenomena, as it reveals the connection between them. We can comprehend the essence of new phenomena if we express it in terms familiar to us;

- thirdly, an acceptable scientific position always contains some points that go beyond its framework and form a reasonable and fruitful basis for anticipating new facts and phenomena. In short, an acceptable position (or theory) helps to mobilize our knowledge for use in the field of not only pure, but also "applied science."

All that has been said can be summarized as follows: "There is nothing more practical than a good theory."

The construction of a hypothesis, taken in a broad sense, is always inherent in any research work... At the very beginning of the study, when the general plan is developed, we proceed from certain assumptions (or hypotheses) about which factors may play an important role and which are almost certainly irrelevant. We are guided by similar hypotheses when collecting and interpreting facts, formulating conclusions and presentations.

Hypothesis - a term firmly established in the scientific literature. Scouts often use the term "integration" to refer to the stage in question, although the two terms do not have exactly the same meaning.

Stage 6. Conclusions. At this stage, the research required to prove or disprove the working hypotheses put forward in stage 5 is carried out, and the final conclusions are formulated, which are the soul of almost any information document. (“Conclusions” is the last of the nine principles of communication.)

Stage 7. Presentation. Drawing up a document, completing the work. The writer of the white paper should not only have a clear idea of ​​what he is writing about, but also be able to express his thoughts in a clear manner.

The credibility of each statement must be indicated. The scientific personnel report should probably contain tables and charts. It is difficult to compare correctly the situation existing in different countries. However, in the example we are considering, the piece of information that compares the situation with scientific personnel may be the most valuable.

The described stages of the scientific research method in relation to information work are very similar to those stages into which analysts usually divide their work.

The main differences between them are as follows:

1. Evaluation is necessary for information work dealing mainly with unverified primary data.

2. The term "hypothesis construction" is especially widely used in scientific literature.

Therefore, it is better to proceed from the recognition of the differences noted and not try to artificially squeeze two completely dissimilar lists of research stages into a single framework.

The work done at each stage is considered preliminary, and changes can be made depending on new data obtained as the study continues in subsequent stages. For example, gathering facts cannot be done straight away and completed in one go.

After collecting some of the facts, their interpretation will undoubtedly show on what issues additional facts are required to be collected, and thereby give direction to subsequent research work.

The situation is exactly the same at other stages. For example, the general work plan is preliminary at the time of its development. We must be ready to receive it in must be equally willing to come back and to make changes to our preliminary plan whenever the need arises in the light of new data.

Applying the method of the reverse sequence of stages, we expand our knowledge on the studied issue in accordance with the principle of compound interest, receiving interest on interest.

Constructing a hypothesis. Finally, it should be noted the prominent place occupied by the stage of "hypothesis building" in the entire process (or cycle) of information work.

We have seen that all preliminary planning of work on the fulfillment of the task assigned to us is subconsciously based on assumptions and guesses that are relevant to the problem being studied.

In fact, without hypotheses, we cannot even think about researching any issue. Sometimes, by listing these hypotheses and critically assessing the correctness of each of them, we discover some old mistakes and find a more successful method of solving the problems before us. A large number of assumptions put forward in the course of research work are rarely confirmed or it turns out that some of them contain serious errors.

Of all the stages of information work, the construction of a hypothesis is most associated with the process of pure thinking. The construction of a hypothesis can practically be considered as critical stage research cycle, and all other main stages - as auxiliary.

Analogy as a method. Known to unknown

Analogy is one of the most useful information work methods. We often use analogy in our daily life.

Sometimes we fail to use all the possibilities of this method. Often, arguing by analogy, we do not notice the many hidden dangers and make mistakes. To the best way use the method of analogy, as well as other methods of information work, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Reasoning by analogy, we start with a phenomenon about which we want to get additional information (for example, we want to know how hot it will be in August of this year). In search of additional information, we turn to a similar phenomenon that took place in the past, about which we already know something (in this case, we are considering the temperature in August last year).

We believe that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the unknown is likely to be about the same as the known. Except for physical phenomena, practically no other phenomena can be exactly the same. We cannot know all the determining factors, so we usually say “probably”, “about the same,” etc.

The similarity of the phenomena, which directly facilitates our task, may turn out to be outwardly so significant that there is a danger of extending the reasoning by analogy and the conclusions following from them far beyond really justified limits. The gains made in the beginning by applying the analogy method make us less careful and lead to negative consequences.

Let's now approach the issue in a positive way and see what can be done to get the most out of the use of analogy in information work.

To effectively use the analogy method, the following conditions must usually be met:

1. Preliminary study the problem posed sufficiently to be able to clearly identify elements similar to those with which we are going to compare them.

2. Find among the known phenomena similar to the studied one. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the most important elements of the studied phenomena have sufficient similarity with the corresponding elements of the studied phenomenon, without which the analogy will be unjustified. The elements of both phenomena that are most important for solving the problem should not differ sharply from each other, since in this case the use of the analogy method will not bring any benefit.

3. Study an unknown phenomenon, comparing it with a known analogous one. In this case, it is necessary to establish both the features of similarity and the differences between them. Then they can be compared and weighed. It is always helpful to identify the features that distinguish different phenomena from each other.

When applying the method of analogy, it is more useful to study the features of the difference, rather than the similarities of similar phenomena.

Analogies play a crucial role in hypothesis building. It is also obvious that if we find several similar phenomena, our reasoning will receive a more solid foundation than reasoning using one analogy.

Analogy. Percentage method

A well-known way of simplifying the use of the analogy method is the percentage method.

Starting from known information, for example, about trade, prices, production for the current year, we determine the corresponding figures for the next year, establishing that they will be 90 or 150% or even some percent of the indicators of the current year.

Using it, we, of course, must understand the entire totality of the phenomena involved. We must definitely understand the differences between compared similar phenomena in order to draw correct conclusions.

In conditions when rather scant information comes from abroad, the use of the analogy method is often the best, and sometimes the only method, with the help of which it is possible to form a more or less accurate idea of ​​some aspects of the phenomenon under study from the life of a foreign state.

Analogy. Typical example

One of the very few studies with the main goal of improving methods information work, such as intelligence, was carried out in connection with the study of the issue of the release of certain products in one foreign state.

Information officers on this assignment were faced with a common occurrence - very scant information. They were so fragmentary that it was difficult or even impossible to formulate any definite idea. The situation seemed so hopeless that nothing was done to find a way out of it.

Analysts believed that they were faced with two separate tasks. First, get more information. Second, make the most of the information you have. They focused their efforts on the second task. All this was precisely the meaning of information work. Thus, it allowed for clearer guidance to specialists working in this field.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important tasks of the information worker is to provide useful guidance to analysts mining on the spot. These indications can be expressed in clear and definite requests for necessary information, in the highlighting of information that is of decisive importance, in the expressed assumptions about where it can be found.

In the course of the assignment that we are describing, after the analysts on the spot received more accurate requests, they were able to obtain additional data. The new facts brought greater clarity to the issue under study, since the analysts-researchers had a good idea of ​​the entire production process in this area, having directly studied it in their own country.

The example under consideration shows that the benefit brought by the analogy method lies at least in the fact that we start working on the task with significant knowledge in this area.

Check by analogy

The analogy method can be used as an effective means of verifying the correctness of the developed methods of assessing the situation in the country.

In some cases, when the situation in a foreign country differs sharply from the situation in the country, the described method may not give decisive results or even be unacceptable. However, the social scientist is in most cases free to choose the method. He can decide in advance what role he will be assigned to statistical analysis, study individual cases and other methods.

In information and analytical work, the situation is different. Here you often have to be content with the available material and it is highly desirable to use both methods.

The study of individual cases is a way of systematizing sociological material that allows you to preserve the integrity of a social phenomenon - the object of research. In other words, it is a method in which any social unit is taken as a whole and is almost always studied in its development. An individual, family or other social group, a set of social relations or processes ... or even the entire society can act as such a unit.

The method of studying individual cases takes into account the development of the phenomenon, or, in other words, allows you to show them in dynamics, and this is how it differs from the statistical approach.

The description of individual cases, if done accurately, much more accurately reflects reality, while statistical generalizations, with the exception of those cases when all phenomena subjected to statistical analysis are characterized each separately, are only abstractions approaching reality.

The case study method is more useful in the early stages of work, in preliminary studies, than in subsequent stages.

The weaknesses of this method and the dangers arising from them are mainly due to two reasons. The first reason is that, in fact, a study can only cover a small number of cases.

Even if a researcher describes hundreds of individual cases in his work, the reader will be able to keep in his head only a few of them. When do we base research on analysis? small amount cases, there is always a danger that the sources of information used may turn out to be biased or unreliable.

This can happen even if each selected case has been correctly assessed and accurately described. The analysis of a small number of cases can give a correct idea of ​​the whole people or any significant part of the people only if the entire population or relevant part populations are homogeneous in composition.

Persons reading the works of the researcher tend to exaggerate the significance of the cases he has selected and believe that these cases necessarily correctly reflect general position... Associated with this danger is another - the exaggeration of the significance of atypical phenomena.

The reason for the second danger arising from the use of the method of studying individual cases is that it is difficult for the researcher to give an objective assessment of these cases, since he is directly and closely related to the subject of study.

The measures to be taken to avoid these hazards are summarized as follows:

1. Be clear about the existing dangers and be ready to vigorously overcome them.

2. Carefully select cases for investigation that adequately reflect all important aspects the phenomenon under study, paying special attention to ensuring that views that run counter to the point of view of the researcher himself are fully reflected.

3. Diligently identify and discard information from untrustworthy sources.

4. Provide criticism of the positions put forward by the researcher, and especially the first version of his work, from colleagues who, like himself, are not under the impression of direct contact with the object of study, which exerts a certain influence on him.

The information officer faces particular difficulties in this case. The fact is that he may have information about a very small number of "cases", which, moreover, are by no means typical.

Despite all their shortcomings, a deep study of these, possibly biased data on individual cases, will allow him to write a certain part of the document being prepared and thus reveal some one side of the phenomenon under study, which cannot be obtained in any other way.

Such information should not be neglected, despite their indicated shortcomings. When drafting a document, the author must first clearly imagine the positive and negative aspects of individual cases and then bring this to the attention of the persons for whom he is preparing the information document.

Study of individual cases as a method of information and analytical work

Social science research often employs two completely opposite methods: the statistical analysis method and the case study method. These methods are different, but they complement each other, helping each in his own way to establish the truth. Every study is more likely to be successful if applied individual elements both of these methods.

One of the benefits method of statistical analysis is that it allows you to cover a large number of studied objects.

So statistical analysis and generalizations are useful. However, it is highly desirable supplement them with the study of individual cases, giving concrete examples of the situation of individuals, social groups, etc., telling about the past, present and future of these people, about their successes and failures - in a word, showing them alive, full-blooded. Thus, we will add the most important element to the analytical information - the very life.

Information Security. Lecture course Artyomov A.V.

Question 1. The concept of information and analytical work

Analytical information processing methods are very important and are successfully used by most firms. Last but not least, the information received and used by the security service of the company needs analytical processing. Such information is fragmentary, contradictory, often unreliable, but it is on their basis that decisions that are vital for the company are made. The information and analytical activities of the security service of a company is a systematic receipt, analysis and accumulation of information with elements of forecasting on issues related to the security of the company, and on this basis, consulting and preparation of recommendations for management on legal protection against unlawful encroachments. The security service conducts analytical work not only to prevent the loss of its own information, but also to obtain information about competitors. As the core of such a concept as "business intelligence", analytical information processing allows to obtain, according to various estimates, from 80 to 90% of the necessary information using only open sources.

The head of each firm has his own view of the structure, directions of work and the structure of the information and analytical service (IAS). On the basis of many years of experience in this area, both domestic and foreign experts have formed the opinion that, for certain reasons, such services function most effectively as the core of the security service. This is primarily due to the fact that the main consumer of analytically processed data is the security service itself, as a department in greatest need of analytically processed data, working to anticipate and predict events. In addition, in the course of analytical work, confidential information is very often used (or may be obtained), which also confirms the rationality of placing IAS in the security service. Even analytically processed data that is not confidential are the most valuable information resources of a company.

Currently, the IAS of the company is considered as the main supplier of analytically processed information for the needs of all divisions of the company. The main task of the IAS is to provide information and analytical support for decision-making on issues, first of all, on the main activity. Thus, employees of the company or its divisions can order an analytical report on the issue of interest to make a more rational and balanced decision. In this regard, ensuring the information security of analytically processed data, which is a valuable information resource of a company, along with other confidential information, becomes a very important problem. The process of ordering an analytical report should be clearly regulated so that only employees of a certain level have the right to give assignments to the IAS of the company. All orders for analytical research should be recorded, and research topics and authors of orders for them should be carefully regulated. Access to analytically processed data should be strictly limited.

The protection of information inside the IAS is an extremely difficult task, since the specifics of analytical work in a number of cases directly contradict the norms of information protection. For example, the provision of such an important principle as the fragmentation of information in the work of real IAS, in most cases, is practically impossible, since this slows down the operation of the entire IAS system, where employees must have an idea of ​​the whole picture of events. Hiding any information from the IAS employees can lead them to false conclusions, and the firm - to make wrong decisions, and, consequently, to losses. IAS, being the core of the company's security service, does not and should not have power functions. This situation excludes the deliberate distortion of the processed information and allows you to work "at the junctions" on border issues.

IAS functions:

Ensure timely receipt of reliable and comprehensive information on issues of interest;

Describe the scenarios of actions of competitors that may affect the current interests of the firm;

To carry out constant monitoring of events in the external competitive environment and in the market, which may be important for the interests of the company;

Ensure the security of your own information resources;

Ensure efficiency and avoid duplication in the collection, analysis and dissemination of information.

Conclusion: IAS is increasingly becoming an important and functionally capacious division of any company and, as a rule, is part of the security service. Recently, experts increasingly agree that all work on forecasting situations, as well as the formation of appropriate information systems necessary for effective and balanced decision-making, should be concentrated in the IAS.

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8.2.3. INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS To successfully perform combat missions, a ship must know its position in space, the situation around itself and beyond the horizon, have reliable communication with the command post and reliable weapon control systems.