Information logistics functions. Information logistics and its system

They are a necessary link in the overall production process. Information logistics is considered one of the main areas of their activity. This is the industry that unites all stages of production - from the supply of materials to the sale of products. Information logistics collects data that is necessary for material production.

Its main task is to collect and timely deliver information to both production departments and the company's management team. It should be borne in mind that each level of the production process should be provided only with the data necessary for its operation in the right time.

Logistics systems deliver the information needed to develop a company's strategy and policy, as well as to make decisions. The middle tier must be provided with data for successful planning and organization of the production process. Control bodies must also be provided with the necessary data.

Information logistics performs the following functions:

1. Getting data in the places where it appears.

Ensuring the possibility of reallocation of resources for the purpose of their more efficient use;

Assessment of the production process and its results;

Promoting the maximum increase in the company's profits.

In order to make the work of the logistics system efficient, various developments in the field of information technologies... This includes the creation and use of computerized networks within the company. They should combine all levels for faster delivery of information. It is also necessary to provide a system application programs which will make it possible to more efficiently carry out

Collection systems, processing and must have certain properties. First, they must be able to support a decrease or increase in the number of users. Secondly, they should enable several users to process information at once. Another important indicator is the ability for each consumer to independently customize the flow of information. The last quality is openness and the possibility of cooperation with other systems for the exchange of information.

Information logistics is an important part activities of any company.

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    Logistics information systems? Transfer the organization of management processes in the company to more high level... With the help of information systems, it becomes possible solution the following tasks:

    • - to increase the speed of information processing and, due to this, make a decision more quickly;
    • - to increase the amount of processed information and, due to this, when making a decision, to analyze large quantity options and choose the most rational solution;
    • - to minimize errors in the collection and processing of information;
    • - make informed decisions on the use of resources and determine the responsibility of performers on the basis of timely, reliable, complete and accurate information;
    • - to reduce the labor costs of managers through electronic exchange of information, minimizing the movement of paper documents.

    Means of information logistics should allow planning material flows, managing them and controlling them. Therefore, the main tasks of information logistics are:

    • - planning of logistics needs;
    • - analysis of decisions related to the promotion of material flows;
    • - management control of logistics processes;
    • - integration of participants in the supply chain.

    The main functions of information logistics:

    • 1. Collecting information in places of its origin;
    • 2. Analysis of information and its transformation;
    • 3. Accumulation of information and its storage;
    • 4. Transportation of information;
    • 5. Filtration of information flow;
    • 6. Consolidation and separation of information flows;
    • 7. Implementation of elementary informational transformations;
    • 8. Information flow management.

    Information flow is a collection of various messages that circulate within the logistics system, which circulates between this system and the external environment and is necessary for the management and control of a logistics operation.

    The main carriers of information flows:

    • 1. Various paper documents of traditional type;
    • 2. Electronic documents(punched cards, punched tapes);
    • 3. Oral messages (telephone conversations, voice information).

    The main types of information flows:

    • 1.from the type of flow-connected systems:
    • 1) horizontal
    • 2) vertical
    • 2. At the place of passage:
    • 1) external
    • 2) internal
    • 3. In relation to the logistics system:
    • 1) input logistic flow
    • 2) output logistic flow
    • 4. By urgency:
    • 1) ordinary
    • 2) urgent
    • 3) very urgent
    • 5. By the degree of confidentiality:
    • 1) ordinary
    • 2) containing commercial secrets
    • 3) containing state secrets
    • 6. By importance (for mail messages):
    • 1) simple
    • 2) customized
    • 3) valuable
    • 7. By baud rate:
    • 1) traditional (mail messages)
    • 2) fast ( Email, telegraph, telephone)
    • 8. By area of ​​coverage:
    • 1) local
    • 2) nonresident
    • 3) distant
    • 4) international

    The main indicators of the information flow:

    • 1. Source of occurrence
    • 1. Direction of flow
    • 2. Speed ​​of transmission and reception

    Main assessments of information flows:

    • 1. By source of occurrence
    • 2. By direction
    • 3. By volume
    • 4. By the order of approval
    • 3. By order of approval
    • 4. By the period of validity
    • 5. By storage order

    Information Support production is a tool for a similar combination from procurement to the distribution system. The reason for the success or failure in the external sphere of the enterprise in the market may be: operational information about an event or situation in the market, refusal or receipt of a supply request.

    A complex of information support plays an important role. The connecting threads are the flows of information on which all elements of the logistics system are "put on". The creation of databases, communication within the enterprise, the presence of a number of decision-making activities presupposes an information network.

    Even in the recent past, the main problems that worried the developers of logistics systems related to the field of physical flows of goods and raw materials.

    Information support for the process of movement of goods from the supplier to the consumer was considered to be the accompanying documentation.

    With the development of logistics systems in production, the need for the development and implementation of logistics information systems that could combine all logistics subsystems into one whole began to be felt.

    The successful implementation of this concept into practice was facilitated by the awareness of the fact that information at the current level of production development is a self-sufficient production factor.

    Its potential offers great prospects for strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises. For efficient analysis information activities logistics, it is necessary to accept the entire logistics system as the base of functionally limited logistics subsystems, the work of which as a whole is provided by information logistics at the level of its own subsystems. This division is very arbitrary.


    The concept and essence of information logistics

    Logistic information systems

    Principles of building logistics information systems

    Information technology in logistics




    In recent years, new logistics technologies based on informatics have been rapidly developing, without which it is difficult to carry out activities for any enterprise.

    Any manufacturing enterprise is open system, which is connected by material and information flows with suppliers, consumers, forwarders and transport organizations. Such ties determine some failures in the implementation of activities by each of the participants in the general system of cooperation (partnership). Therefore, information support of logistics management is one of the most important and relevant areas. Thanks to the successful management of information flows, it is possible to reduce warehousing (better inventory management, consistency of actions between the supplier and the consumer, replacing the warehousing of finished products with the warehousing of semi-finished products or raw materials), as well as through the exchange of information, it is also possible to speed up transportation (consistency of all links of the transport chain).

    At the heart of the material management process is the processing of information circulating in logistics systems. A necessary condition for the coordinated work of all links of the logistics chain is the presence of information systems that, like the central nervous system, are able to quickly and economically bring the required signal to the desired point at the right moment... One of essential conditions the successful functioning of production as a whole is the presence of such a system of information that would allow to link together all activities (supply, production, transport, storage, distribution, etc.) and manage it based on the principles of a single whole.

    The concept and essence of information logistics

    Information logistics organizes the data flow accompanying the material flow, is engaged in the creation and management of information systems, which, technically and programmatically, provide for the transmission and processing of logistics information.

    The subject of the study of information logistics is the features of the construction and functioning of information systems that ensure the functioning of logistics systems. The purpose of information logistics is the construction and operation of information systems that ensure the availability of:

    1) the necessary information (for material flow management);

    2) in the right place;

    3) at the right time;

    4) the necessary content (for the person making the decision);

    5) with minimal costs.

    · Multiplicity of divisions (information providers);

    · Multiplicity of departments (consumers of information);

    · Difficult practical visibility of information flow routes;

    · A large number of units of documentation for various routes;

    · Selection of an option from the existing ones to optimize information flows.

    This reveals one of the problems of information flow management - the lack of timely information, which causes the accumulation of material, since the consumer's uncertainty, like the supplier's uncertainty, usually causes a desire to hedge.

    You can quickly and efficiently manage the information flow through the following operations:

    · Forwarding of information flow;

    · Limiting the transmission rate to the appropriate receive rate;

    · Decreasing or increasing the amount of information in certain areas of information passage;

    Limiting the volume of the flow to a value bandwidth a separate node or section of the path.

    Logistic information systems

    A logistics system is a self-adapting feedback system that performs logistic functions or operations, consists of subsystems and has developed connections with the external environment.

    Information Systems provide preparation, input, storage, processing, control and transmission of data. They differ in a hierarchical structure. The degree of their automation is quite high. Information systems are implemented as a network of interconnected computers of various sizes and subscriber points (terminals). Their subsystems perform functions at various levels of management, usually using a common data bank. Information of an ever higher level is obtained by compressing data from a detailed database of more low levels... Detailed data is transferred to a higher level only in case of significant deviations from the required or expected state.

    Logistic information systems are information networks, which are usually divided into three groups:

    The first is information systems for making long-term decisions about structures and strategies (the so-called planning systems). They serve mainly to create and optimize the links in the supply chain. Scheduled systems are characterized by batch processing of tasks. The tasks to be solved may include the following:

    · Creation and optimization of the links of the logistics chain;

    · Management of conditionally constant, that is, little-changing data;

    · Production planning;

    · General management of stocks;

    · Management of reserves and other tasks.

    The second is information systems for making decisions in the medium and short term (the so-called dispositive or dispatch systems). They are aimed at ensuring the smooth operation of logistics systems. We are talking, for example, about the disposal (disposition) of intra-plant transport, stocks of finished products, provision of materials and contract supplies, and the launch of orders into production. Some tasks can be processed in batch mode, others require interactive processing (on-line) due to the need to use as much up-to-date data as possible. The dipositive system prepares all the initial data for decision-making and records the current state of the system in the database.

    The third is information systems for the execution of everyday affairs (the so-called executive systems). They are used mainly at the administrative and operational levels of management, but sometimes also contain some elements of a short-term disposition. Especially important for these systems is the processing speed and recording of the physical state without delay (i.e. the relevance of all data), therefore, in most cases, they work in on-line mode. We are talking, for example, about warehouse management and inventory accounting, preparation of shipment, operational management of production, management of automated equipment. Process and equipment control requires the integration of commercial information systems and automation control systems.

    Building information systems requires systems thinking. The role of the regulator in decision-making is reserved by a person, and computer technology provides him with the necessary information. Interconnection of funds computing technology on the territory of the enterprise or between several closely located parts of the enterprise (for example, in the same city), as a rule, it is implemented by a fixed line (network) intended only for this purpose. Wireless communication is used for mobile vehicles and on-board computers.

    When designing information systems, there is a danger of maintaining traditional processes, while it is necessary to achieve fundamental changes in the organization. It should be borne in mind that computing systems are not a universal cure for poorly managed operations. In addition, with the uncontrolled use of new information technologies, it is easy to spill unnecessary information and, as a result, increase the cost of data processing without a noticeable effect for the enterprise. Insufficient efficiency of information systems can have other reasons: for example, organizational barriers between enterprise departments, low quality (according to the criteria of "fidelity" and "relevance") of data, unpreparedness of enterprise departments to implement the system.

    In accordance with the concept of logistics, information systems belonging to different groups are integrated into a single information system. Distinguish between vertical and horizontal integration. Vertical integration the connection between the planned, dispositive and executive systems is considered through vertical information flows. Schematic diagram vertical information flows connecting planned, dispositive and executive systems.

    Horizontal integration the connection between individual complexes of tasks in dispositive and executive systems is considered through horizontal information flows.

    Principles of building logistics information systems

    In accordance with the principles of the systems approach, any system must first be investigated in relation to the external environment, and only then within its structure. This principle - consistent progress through the stages of publishing the system - must be observed when designing logistic information systems.

    Information support used in a small business can be divided into primary and secondary.

    Primary functions include:

    · Organization of arrays of information;

    · Organization of information flows;

    · Organization of processes and means of collecting, storing, processing and transporting information.

    When organizing arrays of information, unified documentation systems and classifiers are used, with the help of which structured arrays of data are used to organize databases.

    Array is a collection of homogeneous data with a single technological basis and united by a single semantic content. Data (processes, phenomena, facts, etc.) presented in a formalized form suitable for transmission via communication channels and for processing on a computer. The main elements of arrays that determine their content are records.

    The functions of organizing information flows are offered by the following management procedures:

    · Determination of sources and consumers of information in accordance with special functions and management tasks;

    · Determination of the composition of information, the frequency of its circulation and forms of presentation;

    · Development of workflow;

    · Use of a set of technical means for organizing information flows;

    · Establishment of the procedure for drawing up, drawing up, registering, agreeing and approving documents.

    Organization of the process of collecting, storing, processing and transporting information involves:

    · Provision of technological processes with the necessary technical means;

    · Distribution between departments and individual performers of tasks for the preparation and transfer of information from the place of its origin to the consumer.

    The secondary functions of the information support subsystem is to provide management personnel with scientific and technical information about the latest domestic and foreign achievements in science, technology, economics, production technology, and advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of management.

    Of course, the information support subsystem for performing the above functions must be properly organized. The specificity of the activity of the information support subsystem is that in the course of its activity it should be able to influence all functional subsystems of the organization. Thus, the question immediately arises: what place should this subsystem occupy in the enterprise hierarchy?

    Currently, there are three options for organizing the information support subsystem at enterprises:

    · Centralized;

    · Decentralized;

    · Specialized.

    With a centralized method of organization, all information technology activities are concentrated in one department (subdivision) and report directly to the top management of the company responsible for information systems and technologies.

    The advantage of the centralized method of organization is to ensure high efficiency in the implementation of new information systems and technologies. The disadvantages include the high costs of maintaining the management apparatus.

    With a decentralized method of organizing the information support subsystem, specialists from different functional units perform the functions of managing information systems, each in its own direction.

    The advantage of this method of organization is a high level of knowledge of the subject area of ​​the information systems manager, the disadvantage is the duplication of the same type of tasks and functions in different subsystems.

    With a specialized method of organization, there is no subdivision for information systems (technologies). If it is necessary to introduce an automated system, these organizations contact specialized firms and perform work on a contractual basis. This is common in small organizations that cannot have full-time IT professionals and rely on consultants.

    The advantage of this method of organizing the information support subsystem is a high level of scientific and methodological developments, the disadvantage is the complexity of taking into account all the specific features of the object.

    The choice of this or that method of organizing the information support subsystem at the enterprise depends on many factors, and, first of all, the size of the organization, the management system, the business processes existing in it, and the availability of free funds. It should only be noted that the information support subsystem has now reached such a level of specialization that it requires close attention to its organization. Modern leaders understand this, and any organization, even the smallest, has information services.

    Information technology in logistics

    The use of computer technology and modern software can significantly improve the speed and quality of management decisions. The current state of logistics and its development was largely formed due to the rapid development and implementation of information and computer technologies in all areas of business. The implementation of most logistics concepts (systems) such as SDP, JIT, DDT, and others would not be possible without the use of high-speed computers, local area networks, telecommunications systems and information software.

    Various information flows circulating within and between the elements of the logistics system, the logistics system and the external environment, form a kind of logistics information system, which can be defined as an interactive structure consisting of personnel, equipment and procedures (technologies), united by related information used by logistics management for planning, regulation, control and analysis of the functioning of the logistics system.

    If the information system carries out automated information processing, then the technical support includes computer technology and means of communication between computers.

    The widespread penetration of logistics into the field of production management is largely due to the computerization of material flow management. The computer has become an everyday tool of labor for workers of a wide variety of specialties, people have learned to handle it, they believed it. Software computers allows at each workplace to solve complex issues of information processing. This ability of microprocessor technology makes it possible to approach material flow management from a systemic point of view, ensuring the processing and mutual exchange of large amounts of information between various participants in the logistics process.

    When implementing logistics functions at the enterprise, the main directions of the work program are:

    · Determine the technical means for the implementation of the program task;

    · Requirements for quality characteristics are drawn up and the required amount of financial and labor resources is determined;

    · Definition of basic methods for the formation of program tasks;

    · The choice of the organizational form for the implementation of program tasks;

    · Drawing up a network model for the implementation of stages and works;

    · Development of a system of evaluation criteria and motivation for action;

    · Organization of control, accounting and evaluation of work progress.

    A logical system in production is only effective when conditions are created for its integration into current production and commercial processes. This problem is solved by creating an information basis of the appropriate this kind production and its volume and other characteristics of the production structure of enterprises. This also includes "up-to-date reviews" of funds (availability of actual and planned orders, maintenance of production main and intermediate warehouses) and deadlines (delivery, processing, waiting, downtime, meeting deadlines). To collect this data, the manufacturing system throughout the plant has “sensors and gauges” that monitor the volume and timing of ongoing processes.

    Currently, paperless information exchange technologies are widely spread between partners. In transport, instead of numerous documents accompanying the cargo (especially in international traffic) via communication channels (Internet), information is transmitted synchronously with the cargo, containing all the characteristics of the goods and details necessary for it about each unit shipped. With such a system, on all sections of the route, at any time, you can get comprehensive information about the cargo and, on the basis of this, make management decisions. The logistics system allows the shipper to get access to files reflecting the state of transport services and transport load.

    An automatic documentary exchange between manufacturers of goods and large stores is possible, including the exchange of invoices and shipping offices when goods are sent directly from the manufacturer to the buyer. With the help of paperless communication technology, the buyer can place purchase orders directly.

    Electronic data exchange is a process that allows using computers to establish communication between companies, to conclude a deal using global and local computer networks, which directly organize interaction between computers of various companies. To realize these opportunities, companies conclude standard exchange protocols and conclude agreements with each other.


    Undoubtedly, the use of information logistics made it possible to establish effective communication between the participants in the management process, although this entailed some problems, for example, a lack of receiving and processing data, the problem of researching operations in the management of material and information flows, the problem of supply management, etc. To manage information flows and organize electronic data transfer between enterprises, it is necessary, first of all, to achieve compatibility of hardware and software.

    Currently, these problems are at the stage of solution, since the role of information support for logistics management is increasing every day, acquiring massive proportions, thereby accelerating the process of forming information technologies in logistics.

    With regard to specifically automated systems, then of course we cannot do without them, if we want to speed up and facilitate communications between partners along supply chains, since every movement of materials is associated with the transfer of information.


    1. Kozlovsky, V.A. Production and operational management: workshop / V. A. Kozlovsky, T. V. Markina, V. A. Makarov. - SPb .: Special literature, 1998 .-- 216 p.

    2. Logistics: Textbook / Edited by B.А. Anikina. - M: INFRA-M, 1997 .-- 327 p.

    3. Logistics: textbook. allowance / BA Anikin [and others]; ed. B. A. Anikina, T. A. Rodkina. - M .: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing House, 2007 .-- 408 p.

    4. Fundamentals of logistics: a textbook for university students studying in the specialties 080506 "Logistics", 080111 "Marketing", 080301 "Commerce (trade)" / Yu. A. Shcherbanin. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2007 .-- 320 p.

    5. Basics of logistics: textbook / Ed. L. B. Mirotin and V.I.Sergeev. - M .: INFRA-M, 1999 .-- 200 p.

    6. Rodnikov, A.N. Logistics: terminological dictionary / A.N. Rodnikov. - M: Economics, 1995 .-- 251 p.

    8. Semenenko A.I. Entrepreneurial logistics. - SPb .: "Polytechnic", 1997. - 349 p.

    9. Efficient logistics. / L.B. Mirotin, I.E. Tashbaev, O. G. Poroshina - Moscow: Exam Publishing House, 2003. - 160 p.

    1. Information in the logistic system of an enterprise is of key importance, since the process of material flow management is based on the processing of information that accompanies them. In connection with this, one of the key concepts of logistics is the concept of information flow.

    Logistic information is purposefully collected information necessary to support the process of managing the logistics system of an enterprise.

    Information flow is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for the management and control of logistics operations. Information support of logistics at an enterprise is an activity on forecasting, processing, accounting and analysis of information and is an integral tool for systemic management of elements of a logistics system.

    The information flows are classified as follows.

    1. In relation to the logistics system:

    A) internal;

    B) external;

    B) horizontal;

    D) vertical;

    D) input;

    E) weekend;

    2. According to the purpose of the information:

    A) directive;

    B) normative - reference;

    C) accounting and analytical;

    D) auxiliary.

    3. By the time of occurrence and frequency of use:

    A) regular;

    B) periodic;

    C) operational;

    4. By the degree of openness and level of significance:

    A) open;

    B) closed;

    C) commercial;

    D) secret;

    E) simple and customized.

    5. By the type of media:

    A) on paper;

    B) on magnetic media;

    C) electronic;

    D) others.

    6. By data transfer method:

    A) to the courier; by mail;

    B) by telephone, telegraph, teletype;

    C) on radio, television;

    D) by e-mail;

    E) by facsimile network;

    E) over telecommunication networks.

    Lack of necessary logistic information, the use of inaccurate or irrelevant data can cause serious economic miscalculations. There is no one-to-one correspondence and synchronicity in the time of occurrence between the information and material flow. This means that the information flow is either ahead of the material flow or lagging behind it.

    Information flows, as a rule, accompany material flows in all directions, that is, they can be directed both in one direction with the material, and in the opposite direction:

    1. Advance information flow in the opposite direction contains information about the order, contract and supply of products;

    2. advanced information flow in the forward direction - these are preliminary messages about the upcoming arrival of cargo, information about transport forwarders, carriers, delivery times;

    3. Simultaneously with the material then there is information in the forward direction about the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the material flow;

    4. Following the material flow in the opposite direction, information on the results of cargo acceptance in terms of quantity or quality, various claims, confirmations can pass.

    The route of movement of the information flow - the path of movement of the document in the process of its processing; an ordered list of participants in the movement of the material flow, which the document "bypasses" during its information life cycle.

    Information readiness is determined by the ability of the enterprise to provide the data requested by the participants in the movement of the material flow at all stages of its transformation.

    The information flow is measured by the amount of processed or transmitted information per unit of time. When using electronic computers, information is measured in bytes, consisting of 8 bits.

    2. Just like any other system, an information system should consist of orderly - interconnected elements and have a certain set of integrative qualities. Most often, information systems are subdivided into de subsystems:


    2. providing.

    The functional subsystem consists of a set of tasks to be solved, grouped according to the commonality of the goal. The supporting subsystem, in turn, includes the following elements: technical support.

    Information support, which includes various reference books, classifiers, codifiers, software, i.e. a set of methods for solving functional problems.

    An information system is an interactive structure consisting of personnel, equipment and procedures, combined, linked by information used by the logistics management to plan, regulate, control and analyze the functioning of the logistics system. The structure of the logistics information system can be represented in the form of a diagram.

    The main tasks of the functioning of logistics information systems:

    1.continuous provision of the management bodies of the logistics system with reliable, relevant, adequate information about the movement of the order;

    2. continuous provision of employees of the functional divisions of the enterprise with adequate information and the movement of products along the supply chain in real time;

    3. implementation of the system of operational management of the enterprise according to key indicators (cost, cost structure, level of profitability);

    Fig. 3 Organizational structure of the logistics information system

    4. ensuring transparency of information for strategic planning;

    5. providing information for strategic planning, etc.

    To effectively solve the indicated tasks of the logistics information system, the following rules should be laid in the basis of its construction:

    1. relevance of information;

    2. the reliability of the data;

    3. the relevance of the data will allow you to receive information in strict accordance with the formulated requirements and avoid working with unnecessary data;

    4. accuracy;

    5. completeness and suitability of the information for the user;

    6. purposefulness and data orientation;

    7. timeliness;

    8. consistency and informational unity;

    9. flexibility.

    3. Information flows accompanying individual logistics functions, for example, operational production procedures, transportation, inventory and order management, can be very complex and rich in terms of workflow schemes, the number of documents and details. When performing, for example, mixed rail-sea international cargo transportation, up to 60 original documents, thousands of details are used, and interaction on information flows is carried out between two dozen logistics intermediaries.

    The need to process a huge number of documents accompanying material flows leads to the need to reduce paper workflow due to electronic data processing, simplification of workflow flowsheets, implementation of international standards for electronic transmission and processing of information logistics flows.

    There are the following types of basic information technologies:

    1. microelectronic components;

    2. technical support;

    3. software;

    4. telecommunications.

    The complexity, large dimension and the presence of a huge number of documents used in the management of material flows in logistics systems have caused the emergence of the concept of "Electronic Data Interchange" - EDI ("electronic data interchange") abroad. Increased productivity is achieved due to the rapid transfer and processing of information, and the accuracy and reliability of data - due to a decrease in the number of paper documents and the possibility of data entry errors. Reducing logistics costs is achieved by reducing the share of labor and material costs associated with printing, mail, paperwork procedures; reduction of telephone, telex and facsimile communications; decrease in administrative costs.

    4. Diversity and a large number of parameters characterizing material flows in logistics (nomenclature of material resources, finished products, assortment, dimensional and weight characteristics, etc.) necessitate automatic identification of products, containers, packaging, cargo units, etc., which is currently in the logistics information system carried out by scanning barcodes.

    Machine readable barcode- this is a certain combination of dark and light stripes, which makes it possible to encode, read and decrypt information about a product using computer technology.

    According to the estimates of Western experts in the field of international trade, the costs associated with the processing of paper documents currently range from 3.5 to 15% of the price of the goods. The introduction of automated indication systems based on barcode scanning can reduce these costs by up to 0.5-3%.

    In 1977, first on the European continent, and then on others, the European coding system - EAN (European Article Numbering) was established. Currently, many Kazakhstani enterprises have already become users of the EAN code. Experts' estimates show that only the use of bar codes on the packaging of goods reduces costs by 10 - 15% of its cost. The last, thirteenth digit of the code is the control one, which ensures the reliable operation of the bar code and is a guarantee of the stability and reliability of the entire system.

    Studies have shown that manual product data entered from a computer keyboard contain, on average, one error for every 300 characters entered. When using bar codes, this figure is reduced to one error per 3 million characters. The barcode is an alternation of light and dark stripes of different widths, built in accordance with certain rules. The image of the bar code is applied to the object, which is the object of control in the system. To register this item, a scanning operation is performed.

    The thirteen-digit number is only the address of the memory cell in the computer, which contains all the information about this product that is necessary for the formation of machine-readable documents. The combination of this information forms the so-called product database. A product database is formed at the manufacturer during the period of launching products into production and assigning an EAN code to it. For the finished product different ways a bar code corresponding to the digital code is applied. Exists different technologies bar code printing, including masterfilm (film templates), offset lithography.

    At the consignee's warehouse, during the acceptance of goods, a bar code is scanned using a special device. When selling a product in a store, the cashier reads the barcode from the product selected by the buyer. It takes about two seconds to scan the product and identify its product code. After that, the cash register computer, having found the price and other necessary details of the product in its memory, displays them on the screen and prints a receipt. At the time the check is issued by the cash register computer main computer section takes into its memory the information that this item sold. Thus, the system permanently provides not only total, but quantitative accounting of goods, which is impossible to organize without coding the goods.