Mase repair in the scoop. Help at the right moment! Warranty from the Service Center

To fix the Meizu phone quickly and cheap, keep the guarantee and do not risk damage to other parts, it is advisable to contact professionals from a specialized service. Our masters promptly and qualitatively determine the causes of failures and will hold:

  • restoration of the user recessed by negligence or damaged due to stays in a room with high humidity;
  • replacement of microphone, dynamics, chambers, sensor, cable matrix and other devices for output, input and management information;
  • micro USB, audio connector and other ports;
  • ultrasonic cleaning of metal parts and recovery of contacts on the motherboard;
  • replacement of control buttons, cover and device housing;
  • replacing the battery, phone charging socket, charge controller and other power circuit elements.

Repairs mobile phones Inexpensive and professionally make only experienced engineers of our SC. To replace components, employees use original spare parts Meizu.. In addition to the gadgets of this brand in the company repair electronics and computer technique other manufacturers.

Diagnostics and repair of popular MEIZU phone faults

Meizu service is a range of electronics maintenance services, including installation and configuration of software, diagnostic and repair work. The reasons for many failures in the work of smartphones and cellular cannot be determined at a glance, so the masters subjected to the technique of diagnosis. To malfunctions that are explained by the causes and software, and hardware nature, we will take:

  • charging and download failures;
  • braking when you press the touchscreen and freezing when performing specific programs or commands;
  • deceleration of the device;
  • arbitrary vibration, discharge of calls and unauthorized changes in the illumination intensity;
  • black screen;
  • malfunction of mobile connectors.

Order a Life-IT operator call or immediately leave a service request phones Meizu. You can call a call to the Call Center of the company. Service center The repair of smartphones offers customers to order a service for repair at home or free shipping Techniques in the workshop. For the replacement and repair of parts in our company give a warranty for up to 3 years.

Order Professional maintenance in the Meizu Service service workshop. The company's engineering department staffed by experts with experience over five years. Qualified masters will qualitatively repair phone models: Pro, U, M. If necessary, replace parts.

To replace the faulty module, disassemble or repair mobile deviceProfessional equipment required, which have qualified engineers at their disposal. Free diagnostics is pre-carried out, during which the masters will determine the reason for the incorrect operation of the device.

Repair MEIZU phones in the Meizu Service service center

Order Maintenance of smartphones through the official website of the company to get a 15% discount. Service center departments are located near the subway. In addition, there is a free courier delivery service. Capture a cellular any model, regardless of the type of malfunction:

  • the sensitivity of the touch screen has decreased;
  • cracked rear panel;
  • the contact site of the power socket or audio connector was oxidized;
  • the image is not broadcast on the screen;
  • floor imprint scanner broke.

The cost of the inexpensive repair of smartphones MEZ depends on the specificity of the fault. Urgent orders are performed within 24 hours. The price of such a service is negotiated with each client individually. In addition, we will implement various types of scheduled maintenance, as well as eliminate the negative effects of software failures. Instead of failed components, install original spare parts that buy the manufacturer from the company.

Warranty from the service center

To clarify how much it costs to repair a faulty MEZ phone, leave an application for an outgoing call. Customer support operator will contact the client within 2-3 minutes. After that, will provide an exhaustive consultation, informatively answering the questions that arose from the user.

The service center draws up a guarantee of up to three years to installed branded hardware parts and services provided. Completed orders are additionally checked in the quality control department. Addresses of service centers are posted on the page below. We work throughout Russia, in more than 17 cities.

Fault mEIZU smartphone And their symptoms

Repair of MEIZU mobile phones requires preliminary diagnosis and detection of fault reasons.
  • The smartphone module is multi-layered. Each of the layers is responsible for a specific task. If the screen is damaged, it is sometimes possible to replace only one layer, but sometimes the full replacement of the entire screen module is also required. The problems with the screen are manifested when divorces appeared on the monitor, stains and stripes, cracks are visible, the display is divided, the touchscreen does not respond to the command or it works incorrectly.
  • The smartphone software is quite complicated, which increases the likelihood of errors - problems with firmware, non-working programs, "braking" of the phone when working. Very often, such errors occur when users are trying to reflash the gadget independently. In such cases, it is necessary to contact Meizu service center, where everything will be done professionally with a guarantee of quality.
  • Quite often, users appeal with the problems of the connectors, the charging sockets. In this case, the smartphone does not identify charger Or not charging. This happens when hitting the phone. The connector can be deformed or disconnected from the board. Sometimes the board itself is damaged.
  • Repair refers: Replacing the case, boards, dynamics, microphone, various loops.
  • Flash games can synchronize a phone with a computer using ActiveSync, install a flash player to any directory and download your favorite toys.
  • Unusual appearance You can give with fonts by creating a Fonts folder in the root disk of the phone and downloading your fonts like it. Making several changes to the smartphone registry will enjoy the new design.
  • To use Wikipedia on the smartphone just download in format mDX file. Wikipedia and install it in the Library folder in the software directory.

Any manipulation with complex technique is best to produce professionals. It will ever save you from trouble that may occur with incorrectly configuring the smartphone. Our specialists will always come to your aid, and the operation of the phone Meizu will deliver you true pleasure.

Meizu is a very popular brand now. The smartphones of this brand were conceived as an affordable analogue of the iPhone, so they are reliable and qualitatively assembled. But even good smartphone Meizu Repair sooner or later will need.

It is not always the cause of problems with the smartphone are its quality or appeal of the owner - unforeseen circumstances happen often. For example, the phone can fall to the concrete floor, or it is randomly chucking out of the hands in the subway, or in wet weather under the screen, condensate will be accumulated.

In such cases, qualified assistance is necessary. Meizu service center in St. Petersburg (SPB) can provide it. You can independently disassemble such a complex technique as a smartphone - not the best idea, it is wiser to entrust it to specialists.

What types of repair of the MEIZU smartphone provides Meizu service center in St. Petersburg (SPB)

  • replacement external parts (touchscreen, display, housing, camera);
  • replacement of internal parts (battery, microphone, power sockets, etc.);
  • restoration damaged motherboard (for example, after falling);
  • cleaning after entering the liquid;
  • repairs operating system, firmware, etc.

You can watch a complete list of services and tariffs on our website.

The procedure for rendering a service for repairing the MEIZU smartphone

Leave the application by filling out a special form on the website of the Meizu service center in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), or call the phone specified in the "Contacts" section.

Wait for the damage to our experts.

Learn the result of the diagnosis and the full cost of repair.

Pay for repair convenient for you.

Leave your feedback to improve the quality of service.

Our advantages

  • fast diagnostics: the definition of the breakage of your gadget will take no more than 15 minutes;
  • convenient payment: You can choose any method - cash or bank card;
  • urgent repairs: typical breakdowns eliminate 24 hours;
  • mEIZU branded components: We use only licensed software and spare parts;
  • courier delivery: Specifically in Moscow. Also, our specialists can repair in place.

Meizu service center in St. Petersburg (SPB) provides customers with a guarantee for all types of services provided. On our site you can calculate the cost of repairing your gadget, depending on the model.