In the manifest, the wrong structure is indicated. General structure of Manifesta

Non-working store in Windows 10 - a very unpleasant problem, because everything new applications Available in the store. Fortunately, there are several actual ways To restore its performance.

First of all, it is worth understanding that if your windows version 10 has a poor quality assembly and was not received via the update center, but by another method - the listed ways will not help you. If you received it officially and faced the fact that the click on the tempting icon of the store does not cause operating system No reaction - for you there are several ways to solve the problem.

Cleaning cache

Often the store does not work because of the crowded cache. To clean it, we turn on the next way:

C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ APPDATA \\ Local \\ Packages \\ Microsoft.Windowsstore_8Wekyb3d8bbwe \\ localcache

Going to the folder with the name of the user, you can not find the AppData directory. In this case, you can:

So, we went to the end directory - the Localcache folder. If any files are contained in it - we delete all its contents and try to start the store. If a this method It did not help (for example, the folder is initially empty) will have to go to the next one.

If you can't find the right catalog, you can go on another way and clean the cache windows Store 10 special Team.

    1. Use the keyboard key + r.
    2. In the window that opens, write wsreset.exe and click OK.

Keep in mind that Cash Cleaning A special command is an unreliable way, because, in the system, access to this folder is blocked, and the alerts about the unsuccessful execution may not come.

Enable W3Time service

Very effective and easy to perform a way. Microsoft Store. (Shop) requires a good windows work Time Service for which the W3Time service is responsible. Sometimes, to restore the work of the store it is enough to include this service. For this:

Ready. You can check whether the store earned.

When viewing a video on the network, or when starting (work) any program, the user may encounter an error and corresponding message "Manifesto load error" ("The manifest file is missing or unavailable to read", "Unable to Load Manifest File" and others). Usually there are no direct guilt of the user in this problem. Therefore, in most cases, it will be necessary to show a bit of patience, waiting for the moment when the site administration correlates the occurring dysfunction. In this material, I will tell you what to do if you encountered a "error of the manifest", what are the causes of this phenomenon, and how to fix the error of loading the manifest on your PC.

MP4 loading error Manifest What does this mean?

File with the title "Manifest" (English - "Manifest") It is usually text file With the extension.txt, which contains a number of system settings (or any program). In particular, when playing video in HTML5 ( this language Used to represent the contents of web pages), in the manifest.txt file there may be a list of files that need to be kept.

When damaged (deletion) this file On any Internet resource (or in the program body), the system will give you the message "Manifesto load error".

In most cases, when there is a similar problem on any Internet resource, there is no direct guilt of the user in this (the problem must be solved by the site administration). In the remainder cases, the cause of the error may be the following:

How to fix the error loading manifest

After we found out what "Manifesto load error" means, let's get rid of the options for how to get rid of the manifesto load error on your computer. I recommend to perform the following:

  1. Wait for a while. If the problem arose on any Internet resource, then, usually, there is no of your guilt. I can advise to show patience and exposure, for one or two days (and even earlier) the situation is normalized;
  2. Write a letter to technical support for the Internet resource (perhaps they simply do not know the problem);

    Pay attention technical support on the appearance of the error

  3. Check if any of the extensions (additions) is for your browser cause a manifest load error. To implement it, I recommend using the "incognito" mode in Google Chrom. If the error does not occur in this mode, then turn off the extensions to identify the immediate perpetrator of the problem. In the other browsers, turn off (or delete) external extensions (additions) of your web navigator to reveal possible cause dysfunction;
  4. Check your computer for virus programs. (help Dr.Web Cureit!, ADWCLEANER, MalwareBytes Anti-Malware and a number of other analogues);

    Use ADWCleaner to work with malware

  5. Reinstall the problem program. If the "Manifest Load Error" originated during the operation of some program - try installing its fresh version. If this is a repack - try installing another author's repack;
  6. Use another browser (if you use "Chrome" - then use "Firefox" and vice versa);
  7. Turn off the "Turbo" mode in your browser (relevant for the "Opera" browsers, "yandex" and others);

    Deactivate the "Turbo" mode of your browser

  8. Run your browser on behalf of the administrator (Move the mouse over the browser shortcut, right-click, and select "Run from the administrator");
  9. Try running your browser in compatibility mode with an earlier OS. To do this, hover over the browser icon, right-click, select "Properties" in the menu that appears. In the window that opens, go to the Compatibility tab, check the box next to the "Run a program in compatibility mode" option and select an earlier OS. Then click on "OK", start the browser, and try to open a problem page;
  10. Roll back the system to an earlier condition. If a problematic program has previously worked stable, then press the "Start" button, enter the RSTRUI in the search bar, and press Enter. Find a stable recovery point, and roll back the system to the specified stable state.


Typically, the problems of the "Manifest load error" are the problems in the manifest.txt file (or similar by the title), which is or on an external Internet resource, or in the body of the program installed on a user PC. In the first case, this is the problem of the site administration, in the last case, often the cause of viral programs that must be removed from the computer using the appropriate toolkit (for example, AdWCleaner). Use the advice-listed by me - and you will be able to pofiss a "error loading manifest" on your PC.

File Manifesta encapsulates the entire Android architecture, its functionality and configuration. In the process of developing the application, you will have to constantly edit the file by changing its structure and complementing it with new elements and attributes as the application being developed is complicated, so it is important to navigate to navigate in the internal structure of the manifest and assigning it elements and attributes.

The figure shows the overall structure of the manifest file and the elements that are contained in it, and the purpose of each of the elements.

The order of the elements on the same level is arbitrary. All values \u200b\u200bare installed through the attributes of the elements. Element is the main element of the manifest and contains many daughter elementsdefining the structure and operation of the application. Elements , and are mandatory. Other elements are used as needed.

Element It is the root element of the AndroidManifest.xml file. By default, the creation wizard android project Eclipse creates an element with four attributes:


  • xMLNS: Android- Defines Android namespace. This value is always invariably for all applications;
  • package. - determines the name of the application package that you have identified when creating an application;
  • android: Versioncode. - Indicates the internal version number;
  • android: VersionName.- Specifies the user version number. This attribute can be set as a string or as a link to a string resource.

Element Announces a resolution that is used to limit access to certain components or the functionality of this application. This section describes the rights to request other applications to gain access to your application.

The application can also protect your own components (activities, services, broadcast intentions and content providers) permissions. It can use any of the system permissions of Android ( listed in Android.manifest. permission) or declared by other applications, and can also determine your own permissions. New permission must be announced in the Android attribute: Name element in the following way:

Permission Android: name \u003d "com.samples.custom_permission"

In addition, additional attributes are used:

  • android: Label - the name of the user displayed;
  • android: Description. - Description;
  • android: icon - icon representing permission;
  • android: PermissionGroup- determines the belonging to the group of permits;
  • android: ProtectionLel - Level of protection.

Element requests permission that the application must be provided by the system for its normal functioning. Permissions are provided during the installation of the application, and not during its operation.

This element has a single attribute with the permission name - Android: Name. It can be a permit defined in the element This application, permission defined in another application or one of the standard system permissions, for example:

Android: name \u003d "" or Android: name \u003d "" "Android.permission.Read_Contacts"

Element Announces a basic name for the resolution tree. This element announces not the permission itself, but only the namespace in which further permissions can be placed.

Element Specifies the name for a set of logically related permits. It can be as declared in the same manifest with an element Permits and declared elsewhere. This element does not declare permission directly, only the category in which permissions can be placed. Permission can be placed in a group by assigning the group name in the PermissionGroup attribute of the element .

Element announces an Instrumentation object that allows you to control the interaction of the application with the system. Usually used when debugging and testing the application and deletes from the application operation.

Element Allows you to declare the compatibility of the application with the specified version (or newer versions of the API) Android platform. The level of the API declared an application is compared with the level of the system API mobile devicewhich is installed this application.

The main used in the attribute element is RNINSDKVERSion, which defines the minimum level of the API required for the application. The Android system will prevent the user to install the application if the System API level is lower than the value defined in this attribute. You must always declare this attribute, for example:

Android: rninsdkversion \u003d "3"

Element Specifies the hardware and software configuration of the mobile device for the application. For example, the application could determine the requirements of the mandatory availability on the device physical keyboard or USBport. The specification is used to avoid installing applications on devices that do not support the desired configuration.

If the application can work with various device configurations, you must enable in the manifest separate elements For each configuration.

Element Announces a specific functionality required to operate the application. Thus, the application will not be installed on devices that do not have the required functionality.

For example, the application could determine that it requires a chamber with autofocus. If the device does not have an embedded camera with autofocus, the applications will not be installed.

Element Determines the screen resolution required for the operation of the device (for old versions of Android devices). In addition, the modern application with the API level 4 or above supports all screen sizes and should ignore this element.