Buffer exchange - what is it and where is it? How to clean the clipboard using a special team.

If briefly, then clipboard - This is what you just copied. Text, picture, or another object when copying is placed in a temporary storage.

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to clean the clipboard, since various viruses, type of trojan, are capable of sowing data from there, and very important. Thus, the cleaning of the clipboard is not simply carried out so, but in favor of security.

If you work for a stranger computer and copied with hot keys and moved the information somewhere, then you would surely want to remove information about your work from the clipboard.

In any case, we considered the reasons that could encourage the buffer, let's now proceed to solve the issue itself.

First option for cleaning the clipboard

The easiest I. fast option, it is copying any item that will be useless to attackers, that is, you copy the card number or password, inserted somewhere, and then quickly copied other information, for example, a set of letters from text editorTo sweep the previous information. Thus, no one recognizes a password nor the card number or any other information.

Second Cleaning Buffer Cleaning

If you do not want the information that is different from the one that is in the exchange buffer before your intervention remained there, then you can make that after the end of the work, all the contents of the buffer will return to the original state, that is, before You started working with PC. And this can be done as follows: open command line On behalf of the administrator and enter such a command:

echo Off | clip

You can use a label to clean the clipboard in a couple of seconds. Create a shortcut on the desktop. In the "Location" string, enter the following phrase:

cMD / C "ECHO OFF | Clip »

A shortcut appeared on the desktop, which will be at one action to clean the clipboard. You can put it at least in the taskbar or in the Start menu.

Good day Dear blog readers Website today I want to show you very useful utilitywhich will be very easy to simplify, and most importantly speed up the life of any copywriter, webmasters, and just a private office employee who often works with the exchange buffer. It is he who is responsible for, so that you can transfer two keys necessary information in the right place. Today we will talk about windows 10 clipboard Redstone and how to optimize it, and clean.

What is Windows 10 clipboard

Before, something to change or clean, you need to understand what it is, let's analyze the concept of the Windows 10 clipboard - this is part random access memorywhich is allocated for temporary storage of the necessary information in the operating system, in order to move it somewhere or copy it. Its principle is very simple, any new copying displaces the previous one. You probably saw that when you copied the file, and then copied a piece of text into the buffer, you no longer insert it until you copy it to the Windows buffer, you see that it's not quite convenient, I want this area to remember more values \u200b\u200bi show how to zoom history of the clipboard.

Combination of the clipboard keys

Let's remind you who do not know what shortcut keys are used to work with Windows buffer:

  • Ctrl + C\u003e Copy to Windows Buffer
  • Ctrl + V\u003e Paste the Windows buffer
  • Ctrl + A\u003e highlight all
  • Ctrl + X\u003e Cut and put in Windows buffer

How to find clipboard in windows 10

Let's play a little with you in the researchers and try to find a clipboard in Windows 10. In Windows, a regular file corresponds to a buffer storage, in whose tasks includes control and interaction buffer with RAM, it is he who stores the latest data placed in it ( this file Duplicates the contents of RAM in case of failure). With the stretch, this file can be called the CLIPBOARD database. Let me show where this sharing buffer file is physically located.

Previously, in operating systems to Windows 8.1, the exchange buffer file called clipBRD.exe. lying along the way:

C: \\ Windows \\ System32

Now it is no longer there, and so the file according to Microsoft is outdated and now this process is organized a little different. But no one bothers you to download clipbrd.exe with previous versions Windows, for example, with seven and transfer it to Windows 10, as in my example. The clipBRD file itself is freely started, and if you copy something to the buffer, then it will be displayed there.

From him to be honest, zero, since I wrote above the Windows 10 clipboard, replaces all the old values \u200b\u200bto new, as soon as you copy them. This is due exclusively with security and only with it, always for convenience you have to pay, since by increasing the number of stored records in Windows buffer, hackers will easily intercept information.

The logical next question among most users arises, which are utilities that extend the Windows 10 clipboard and how if necessary it is quickly cleaned.

How to open a clipboard in windows 10

I all showed you that in the Windows 10 operating system, you can only watch the buffer with additional utilities, including clipbrd.exe, but there are utilities and more comfortable. I, though safety fan, but convenience I love more. I had a task in my time, you need to find such softwarewhich would preserve a large number of Operations when sharing Windows exchange buffers, with the possibility of searching and performing their tasks, through hot keys in the system. For the past few years, I tried a very large number of programs and in each of them me, something did not suit until I discovered the clipdiary utility.

Clipdiary\u003e In my opinion the perfect program for managing the clipboard operating system Windows, it allows you to store the storage history of the memory buffer for any amount of time. From the advantages of Clipdiary, it can be noted that the program is completely free for non-commercial use, it can be downloaded for a portable form who does not know, this is a version of a program that does not require installation, downloaded it and launched on any computer, very convenient. The History of the buffer is stored in the database specifically allotted for this (normal file)

I had the case that I worked on a new article, after writing it, I copied all the text to check spelling, but did not have time to insert it in Word, suddenly the computer turned off and I caught the blue screen of death 0x00000051. After the reboot, I naturally lost my not saved post, since I have a revision on WordPress, and if I had a clipdiary buffer, there would be no saved text, I would have lost 5 hours of my work. Let's get acquainted with the clipdiary utility

Where to download clipdiary

In order to download CLIPDIARY, you need to visit their official website. At this moment actual version is 5.0 dated February 10, 2017. Choose the type of distribution you need.


The ClipDiary Installation itself is very simple, you open the downloaded file and on the first window of the NEXT.

Agree to S. license Agreement And click I AGREE.

If you wish, you can change the installation location Clipdiary

It remains to press only Install.

Leave the daw Run Clipdiary 5.0, as soon as you press the FINISH button, you will find the utility setup wizard.

The first thing you need to do is specify in which language you are more convenient to use the program.

Now you will be asked to set a combination of hot keys, with which you will copy the desired information to the Windows 10 clipboard, the default is Ctrl + D, it is more convenient to change it on Ctrl + E.

The first thing they will be asked is to click the key combination to copy the text fragment to the clipboard, after which you will see that the test clips are successfully copied.

As a result, you will have an additional window in which you will see the clipboard history.

Please note that the default utility is in advance, you will have an Evaluation license to get free license Make the following.

Press Help Menu and select Activate FREE.

You will reinforce the manufacturer's website, click the Get key button.

Now copy it.

and insert the registration form.

Clipdiary restart. As you can see serving a cache buffer windows records with her one pleasure.

After restarting the ClipDiary program, you get a fully activated version and you can safely continue to study her, as it has great opportunities. And now, with each press of hot keys, everything will fall into the buffer of the operating system. Over time, you will have a large number of entries, choosing any you can familiarize yourself with the details, understand that and when it was copied to the Windows 10 Redstone sharing buffer. Below you detect the strolling arrows between the pages. By default, one page shows 50 entries, but it can be corrected.

In order to copy the desired entry from this list, you can click on it double click Mouse or simply press the CTRL + C key combination to insert Ctrl + V, everything is standard.

By default, after each copying, the utility is folded in the Windows system tray, it is necessary to copy several values \u200b\u200bto you, here for such cases in the File menu, there is a function on top of the windows.

It is very convenient that the clipDiary is implemented to search for the exchange buffer database, for this at the bottom, enter the desired valueYou will immediately see the search results.

Let's see what are the settings from Clipdiary, for this click File\u003e Settings or Just the F4 key.

The first thing you see is the general tab, in it:

  • Display icon in the system tray
  • Minimize in tray at startup
  • Minimize in tray instead of closing
  • Run when starting the system
  • Check updates every 30 days

Immediately you can choose the program language.

On the Hot Keys tab, you can reassign the combination.

On the Database tab, you can see where all the information falls into the Windows 10 clipboard is stored. Please note that there is an opportunity to install a security password on the database, I would advise it to use it.

Two times drive the password you need.

How to Clean Windows 10 Exchange Buffer

I told you where Windows 10 sharing buffer is stored, but I have not yet told how to clean it, it happens and such a job, to perform which you can different ways. I will give a simple example. You have a computer, it installed 4 GB of RAM, you copy a 500 MB file, it enters the Windows buffer and continues to lie there while it does not interfere, agree that it is not very rational, since At this point, memory may be required elsewhere.

Some devices, be something computer or smartphone, force us as we use to get acquainted with different kinds of concepts. So, the question of how to clean the clipboard, can make a deadlock. But if you understand everything in succession, it turns out that there is nothing difficult in this process in this process.


Before you know where he and how to clean it, find out what it is. So, the clipboard is a conditional storage for information. But unlike flash drive drives, then the data is not on an ongoing basis. This is an intermediate sector that gives any software.

It is necessary in order to transfer or copy fragments between applications. The transport process itself is carried out familiar to all operations: copying, cutting or insert.

general information

Before you understand how to clean the clipboard, you need to find out the basic information about this storage. The activation of the buffer corresponds to the operating system or another similar environment through the desired interface. There are applications that have their own storage, where time information is saved.

The program can memorize data and send them to the buffer using several formats. The most important of them is placed first, and then there are least necessary. During transport, the most informative version that has recognized software is used.

For example, if the text processor uses a buffer for copying text, then the RTF format is applied if the image is WMF. Such a text element is placed in any other application with its markup and formatting.


It is important to understand before seeking where the clipboard is that an element from there can be inserted an unlimited number of times. If you copy a new item, the previous one is removed. Although there is a set of operations that make it possible to put several elements in the storage and choose the desired list.

What for?

Those who simply decided to get acquainted with the theme, rarely understand what to understand how to clean the clipboard. In general, there may be a lot of reasons. Usually it happens in a pair of cases. For example, you use the PC with the whole family, but do not want parents to track what you did.

You may have copied the password or login to enter social networksAnd after you will have a third-party user and can learn personal data. There is an option that the copying item is too voluminous. In this case, the operational memory overload may be observed. In order not to turn off the PC or restart your smartphone, you can simply delete the contents of the buffer.

Operational cleansing

Options of how to clean the clipboard may be a lot. But there is as always the simplest way. If you copied the password, but immediately want to delete it, copy any other item. Your data will disappear from the buffer.

To do this, you need to highlight any word and click on the "Copy" button, or use the CTRL + C key combination. So all data from the repository will be replaced with new ones.

You can, for example, copy any shortcut from the desktop. It takes very little space, so it will not load RAM. Either to extremely make a screenshot of the desktop screen. This will also remove the previous materials from the buffer and will replace them with the image of the screen. But such a copied element weighs a lot, as this is an image.

Command line

To clear the Windows 7 clipboard, you can apply the command line. Before this version of the operating system, the service can be called in several ways, but the simplest was the use of the "Win + R" combination. After the window that appears, you need to enter "clipbrd.exe".

Now use the command line. To run it, go to "Start". Next, you can find the "Command Line" search, and you can go to "All Programs" and click "Standard". The list will appear in the list.

Now enter "ECHO OFF | CLIP. After pressing "ENTER". But as you understand, this cleansing occupies a lot of time, so it can be automated.

To do this, do not need to search where the clipboard, and save the shortcut with the team. It can stay on the desktop or settled on the taskbar. To do this, click on the PCM on the desktop, select Create a shortcut and in the Object field you need to enter "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Cmd.exe / C" ECHO OFF | CLIP "" without quotes.

Do not forget to give the name of the file to understand its task.


The clipboard on the "Android" is also not easy, like on PC. Therefore, you should immediately understand that separate file. With temporary data in the system not found. In the smartphone, this storage is an integral part of RAM. In fact, there is the same self-cleaning, as well as on the computer. To delete previous data, copy new, less important to you.

There are some models of phones that make it possible to clean the clipboard. "Android" usually keeps several fragments in such devices, and after it proposes to insert the desired fragment. In this case, it will be enough to simply perform a long press touchscreen. In addition to "Insert" or "Copy" options, you will have a "clipboard".

When you go to this menu, all saved options will be available, you can clear everything.


Both on the computer and on the smartphone there are special programs that help clean the clipboard. For example, you can download CLIPTTL on the PC. The software is engaged in automatic cleaning of the clipboard once in 20 seconds.

Clipdiary has broader functions. For example, it controls all the contents of the buffer and supports the use of hot keys.

For the smartphone there is a good application "Exchange buffer" application. It helps to easily manage all temporarily saved data and release the RAM.

Surely many of the users have already met with the clipboard. One part of users has long been using this comfortable tool, The other part is quite vaguely realizing what it is, what is its purpose and basic functions. This material is intended to remove "Dark Spots" from this topic, below I will tell you in detail what it is a clipboard, where the clipboard is on your phone, and what is its main functions.

Location of clipboard

The clipboard in the smartphone is a small part of the phone's memory, in which any data is temporarily stored. These may be texts or cuts from them, music files, photos and so on, which will later be moved from it to another place on your device.

That is, the clipboard is a kind of "transshipment item" created to facilitate copying information from one side of the phone to another.

Most often clipboard (in English. " clipboard.») Used to transfer links and pieces of text necessary to the user (for example, a link using the clipboard can be easily copied to" Notes "and vice versa). Next, I will tell you where the clipboard is located in your mobile device.

The combination of the "Copy" keys "(buffer) and" insert "(from buffer) and" insert "(from buffer) are consistent with the exchange buffer and" insert "(from buffer), and the corresponding Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V keys are also involved. On the mobile devices A slightly different specificity of working with a buffer is applied, which I will talk about just below.

Key combinations - copy, paste and cut

How to find clipboard in phone and tablet

When answering these questions, I will immediately prevent the reader that the operating system (in our case, the Android OS) does not exist a clear address of the exchange buffer location. In fact, the clipboard is a virtual space in your phone's memory reserved to transfer data from one place of the device to another.

If you are interested in the question "how to open a clipboard" and the ability to work with its contents, then there are two main ways:

1. Work with exchanging buffer using the functional of modern phones. If you have a modern smartphone model (you work well with a smartphone exchange buffer from "Samsung" and "lg") with the same modern OS, then you can view its contents and carry out a number of actions with it.

  1. To implement this, perform a long press (without pressing) on \u200b\u200bany box to insert (for example, in the "Notes" application you need to first press the plus card for creating a new note.
  2. And then perform a long press from scratch in new note), after which the "Paste" and "clipboard" buttons will appear.
  3. By clicking on the "Exchange Buffer", you will get access to its contents and you can spend a number of actions with the last.
  4. For example, if you have some text there, then we perform a long press on this text, and in the menu that appears, choose what to do with this text (delete, block in the exchange buffer, etc.).

2. Land the exchange buffer with special programs (Clipper level). This program Allows you to access the contents of the clipboard, and perform various manipulations with it (edit, group, delete, share with friends and so on). Just download and install this application, Run it, go to the Buffer Buffer and select the function you need.

How to work with the data storage android

If you have some text, some of which you want to copy to the buffer, then open it, perform a long press on its site until two limiters appear. Let these limiters mark the text area you want to copy, and then click on "Copy" (Copy), after which the marked fragment will be placed in the clipboard.

Then go to where you need to insert this text (for example, in the SMS creation mode), and in the string for the SMS text set, perform a long press until the "Paste" button appears. Click on this button, and the text from the clipboard will appear in this row.

Such operations can be carried out with files that mobile file managers. At the same time, the algorithm of work here is the same as with the text - copy the desired file. In the buffer, go to the directory you need to insert, and click on the "Paste" button.


Where is the clipboard in my phone? When responding to this question It should be noted that there is no specially selected physical memory in the phone, in which the clipboard is obliged. The system simply reserves a free section of memory for the functions of the clipboard, and performs the necessary operations with it. In this case, its use can be relevant when working with various texts - due to several tapam, the desired text segment is quickly transferred from one place of your device to another.

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