Windows 10 pro license agreement. What is a license agreement? Terms of license agreements

Microsoft Corporation has presented a licensing agreement for the new OS, which will apply to all users without exception. Ed Bott, an American journalist and IT specialist, analyzed the main points of the presented document and concluded that the company offers acceptable conditions for cooperation and work, so numerous clients can easily switch to new version Windows.

Transferring a license to another personal computer

The user is allowed to transfer the licensed version of the OS to any other device if he removed it from the previous one. If the device has an OEM license, then the transfer is not possible. Similar rules were valid for the previous versions of the system.

Downgrade to the old version

If purchased Personal Computer with an OEM license, it is allowed to rollback the Pro version to any other OS, if it is still supported. It is worth recalling that version 7 will be available until 2020, 8.1 - until 2023. The rollback process, as Bott notes, can be significantly complicated from the programmatic side of the issue.

Security updates and changes

The terms of the agreement provide that an ordinary user has no right to refuse or postpone the installation of updates. Especially, this process will be fully automatic. The installer will check for new files on the servers and then download and install them. Once accepted, the PC owner automatically agrees that updates will take place without their knowledge. It's worth noting that updating your operating systems corporate clients will be able to manually.

Commercial use of MS Office

In some editions, 10s (most likely referring to Mobile) have MS Office programs that users can use exclusively for non-commercial purposes. If you require otherwise, you need to purchase Office 365 Business.

The American expert is convinced that Microsoft is unlikely to ever demand a fee for downloading new files: “It's hard to imagine that the corporation gives out billions of licensed copies for free, so that after that it will demand money for updates. The company has such a solid image that it’s ridiculous and impossible in principle. ”

The funded part of the pension is zero (13.08.2015). →

In October 2014, users expressed massive dissatisfaction with the Windows 10 preview license agreement, which by default had options to record data from a microphone, track keystrokes, and send it all to Microsoft servers. Time has passed, Windows 10 is no longer a test one; you can parse the license agreement of this system: within the confidential data.

As a background, I provide a number of links, one way or another related to the problems of licensing and tracking users:
- Google as a dangerous service: the same problems in the license agreement as in Windows 10;
- advertising in Skype got me: about the features of advertising in Skype. There are several articles on the site on the topic of combating advertising in this product, because when Microsoft bought it, real hell began.

And also a list of links on other copyrights:
-: on the right to works that have become the cultural heritage of various countries;
- Dedicated to developers of their own programs: about the intricacies of software development;
- licensing of a personally developed program: about the intricacies of software licensing;
- correct licensing of Visual Basic 6: how the attempt to license old software ended for me.

So, the new Windows 10 convention.

It is immediately striking that the agreement (No. 1) consists of several agreements, which you are invited to read through the links during installation product (and how can I see them without an OS?):
- (# 2): about using the Services;
- (# 3): on the collection of the user's personal data. At the same time, by accepting agreement No. 1, there is an automatic agreement with No. 2 and No. 3;
- clause 1.b.ii says that additional software can be installed, regulated only by their license agreements;
- clause 1.b.iv: Windows may contain third-party software of third parties, regulated only by their license agreements.

Interesting points in agreement # 1:
- Clause 2.a says that even officially bought Windows does not belong to you as a product, it is used only under a license (like renting an apartment by a tenant from an owner. Then the owner comes and says: "Get out of here, puppy!");
- Clause prohibits the study of Windows technology;
- clause 3 notifies that the software uses elements to send confidential data, and they can be disabled. That is, they are enabled by default;
- paragraph 6 speaks about installing updates without notifying the user (therefore, fully automatic);
- clauses 10 and 10.a allow litigation with Microsoft, but not over issues intellectual property... Why is such a restriction for the plaintiff?
- point 13.c puts the built-in antivirus from MS in a privileged position.

Regulation No. 2:
- clause 2.a: the user bears responsibility for confidential data, but the Services get the right to move and process this data somewhere - and even free of charge;
- clause 2.b: "you grant Microsoft a worldwide royalty-free license to use the intellectual property associated with your content, such as copying, storing, transferring, reformatting, displaying, and communicating your content on the Services." "For example" means the list is incomplete;

Now let’s look specifically at position # 3:
- the statement immediately goes that confidential data is collected and used, including for targeted advertising: for example, search queries Bing, Cortana voice assistant data, OneDrive section data, Cookies;
- the data may be disclosed at the request of the law, while the user's consent may not be required. Given its location, Microsoft is the CIA.

More and more software giants like Google and Microsoft are concluding licensing agreements with loopholes in the use of user personal data. I have nothing to hide from my state, but I have no desire to provide information to a third-party state. Recently, a lawsuit was filed with the prosecutor's office from some party on the same problem: Microsoft went too far with the Windows 10 license agreement, and it can be dangerous espionage even for state-owned companies.

If Windows XP dies completely, I'll switch to Linux. Enough of fighting the windmills of software monopolies.

And gullible users have long been running to install it. Someone talks about an increase in productivity in games and programs, since the operating system code is already being disclosed to the maximum for the needs of developers. Now everything counts strengths operating systems of previous generations. The design has become light and fast, the computer thinks out almost everything for the user and helps him to make his work more comfortable. Updates are installed automatically, so you don't have to worry about fixing vulnerabilities.

But is everything so fabulous in the promises of employees Microsoft? Naturally, reading the license agreement is quite a tedious task, so consumers rarely know what they are ultimately agreeing to. But at the same time, you can write whatever you want there. Since people do not read, there is no one to control what is written. Considering that experienced lawyers can prescribe invisible loopholes in contracts, the devil will break his leg in unreadable agreements. But still, there are vigilant minds that do not disdain a huge number of words and overcome line by line. So you can try to figure out what Windows 10 is preparing for us after its installation.

Unpleasant spy surprise

This news spread long ago across the vast expanses of the Internet. and sends it to Microsoft servers. This process concerns almost everything:

  • Browser history with all pages ever visited.
  • Passwords that have ever been filled on sites.
  • The names of all Internet access points to which the user has ever connected, taking into account the passwords from them.

All of this personal data is necessarily associated with a user account on the system from Microsoft. Hack account for some advanced guys it is not difficult. Not only can attackers now find out almost everything about their victims, but also the government can request this information by court order. As a result, it turns out that a simple user digs data on himself, which will then be used against him.

Fortunately, . Microsoft has generously provided such an opportunity, only it is hidden from the eyes of typical users. Most are generally accustomed to what big companies think for them, but it is better to stop this business, because it will not lead to any good.

Insidious Cortrana

The license agreement also states that voice assistant Cortrana does not work in Russia, but it successfully collects user data. Cortrana monitors:

  • The location of your user;
  • Mail and SMS;
  • All perfect calls;
  • The calendar and the events planned in it;
  • Contacts;
  • Alarm setting time;
  • Favorite music;
  • The number and specifics of programs;
  • Search queries.

Tracking by ID

Windows 10 is distributed for free for a reason. This operating system is full of advertisements that continually attack the owner of the computer or mobile device... To get the most out of these ads, you should keep a record of all users. Naturally, like goods in a warehouse, each consumer is assigned a specific identification number. Microsoft calls this thing Advertising ID. Advertisers get access to such a number, for whom it is profitable to spin their ads and videos to the target audience, because it is she who is potentially willing to buy something. Better to deprive such Windows feature 10 and not help fool yourself for your own money.

Microsoft has a password for everyone

Often, users do not want to show some of their data, which can transfer the management of funds or devices to third parties. But, Microsoft frankly believes that it can quite safely know all this encrypted data. So access keys are stored not only by the Windows 10 user, but also by the company that developed this operating system. Naturally, a craftsman with straight arms from his shoulders and special bodies will be able to easily access such secret information of everyone. It is better in this case to install a third-party encryption program.

It was yours - it is ours

Windows 10 can use user data however it wants. This is written in the license agreement.

All personal correspondence and files can be disclosed by Microsoft at its discretion. What if she thinks that the user is hostile to others? Or maybe he's breaking the law. Or maybe he violates the author's firewood. Then try to prove that you are not a camel, when your every word is written down, ordered and systematized in a special databank.

Gamers problem

Playing on Windows 10 will also be problematic, since operating system monitors the license for the installed software... If there is no key to your favorite game, then you can solemnly say goodbye to it. And what about those who simply do not have the money to buy a certain game? After all, the most popular of them can cost several thousand rubles. Windows 10 encourages schoolchildren to save until the game is out of date. It's no secret that even in times of economic growth, it has always been a problem for Russians to buy a license. After all, the income is not very high. Now this situation is viewed even more strangely. If people don't have enough money for food and loans, then what kind of games can we talk about?

A little paranoia

You involuntarily think about films and books that talk about the future, when each person is absolutely transparent in terms of personal data. Companies know who you are, where you live, what you like, what you plan to do. Unfortunately, science fiction is becoming more and more reality. It will save the fact that there are a lot of people and there is not enough human resources to follow each one. But it's best not to give these smart guys from the computer giants an extra chance.

After all, smart people learn more and more, and stupid people are more and more led by bright pictures and words from the Internet and TV. Maybe we just lost our personal thoughts to allow ourselves to get into our lives so brazenly?

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While Microsoft's most frivolous fans are puppy-like installing Windows 10, their wiser counterparts are scrutinizing the license agreement. Let us remind you that an introductory Windows version 10 contained many unacceptable conditions for a sane person

While Microsoft's most frivolous fans are puppy-like installing Windows 10, their wiser counterparts are scrutinizing the license agreement. Recall that the trial version of Windows 10 contained many conditions that were unacceptable for a sane person. Are these points preserved in the final version?

Problem # 1: Microsoft collects and stores the history of web pages visited by the user, passwords to sites, names of access points to which the user connected, and passwords to them. The problem is that the data is tied to a Microsoft account, the password for which can be hacked or stolen. In this case, the attacker will be able to find out literally everything about his victim. In addition, US law requires IT companies to disclose information about their clients at the request of the court and intelligence services. It turns out that in fact the user himself collects and submits a dossier that can be used against him.

Of course, data synchronization can (and should) be turned off. Microsoft decided to enable this option by default. Apparently in the hope that the majority Windows users 10 are unlikely to become interested in the details of the implementation of this so-called synchronization.

Problem # 2: the virtual assistant Cortana, which many have already called the virtual spy Cortana. Under the Windows 10 license agreement, Microsoft for the operation of Cortana has the right to collect different types user data:

  • user coordinates;
  • fragments of mail correspondence and SMS;
  • data on calls made: who called whom, how often.
  • data about scheduled events from the custom calendar;
  • data from the contact book;
  • and etc.

In addition, for the operation of the service, information about the use of your device will be collected: for how long the alarm is set, what kind of music is on the device, what programs were installed, what search queries were made, etc. Of course, the user's voice samples will also be sent to Microsoft servers for processing.

It should be noted that for Russian users, some of the functions will traditionally not work, including Cortana.

Problem # 3: Tracking users by a third party. We already know that Windows 10 will be stuffed with ads. This explains the "generosity" of Microsoft, which decided to give away Windows 10 for free. In order to inventory all advertising consumers, they will be assigned a unique advertising ID. Advertisers will have access to this number. In other words, marketers will be able to track user behavior. Like all the other "innovations" in Windows 10, user tracking by unique number was borrowed (see article "Have you already got your inventory number from Google?").

Don't forget to turn off advertising ID sharing on all your Windows 10 devices!

Problem number 4. The encryption key is also kept by Microsoft. It's amazing, but if you encrypted your data on your device with staff program BitLocker, then not only you, but also Microsoft will have the data access key. V Windows licenses 10 states that the password will be copied to the OneDrive servers controlled by Microsoft. As mentioned earlier, the company will be obliged to issue this key at the request of the authorized bodies, which makes encryption in Windows 10 completely meaningless.

Don't forget to install third party program encryption you can trust.

Problem # 5. Microsoft may control your data. This is just a marvelous clause in the Windows 10 license:

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Personal correspondence, local files and other personal information can be disclosed not only at the request of the authorities, but simply if Microsoft thinks it is necessary for some kind of protection of their customers.


August 6: fans read the agreement after lawyers computer games... They found out that Windows 10 will be released automatic updates who will clean the computer from unlicensed games. In addition, the license contains a very strange clause that gives Microsoft the right to disable certain unauthorized devices on your computer. Perhaps we are talking about computer peripherals which is not certified by Microsoft. For example, third party Xbox controllers. published by

It seems to me that this is another post for holivar. Let's see. As a big fan of Apple products, but sometimes forced to use Microsoft products at work, I can safely say: I would take a shit.

Original taken from toomth c I highly recommend reading the Windows 10 license agreement.

While Microsoft's most frivolous fans are puppy-like installing Windows 10, their wiser counterparts are scrutinizing the license agreement. Recall that the trial version of Windows 10 contained many conditions that were unacceptable for a sane person. Are these points preserved in the final version?

Problem # 1: Microsoft collects and stores the history of web pages visited by the user, passwords to sites, names of access points to which the user connected, and passwords to them. The problem is that the data is tied to a Microsoft account, the password for which can be hacked or stolen. In this case, the attacker will be able to find out literally everything about his victim. In addition, US law requires IT companies to disclose information about their clients at the request of the court and intelligence services. It turns out that in fact the user himself collects and submits a dossier that can be used against him.

Of course, data synchronization can (and should) be turned off. Microsoft decided to enable this option by default. Apparently, in the hope that most Windows 10 users are unlikely to become interested in the details of the implementation of this so-called synchronization.

Problem # 2: the virtual assistant Cortana, which many have already called the virtual spy Cortana. Under the Windows 10 license agreement, Microsoft has the right to collect various types of user data for the operation of Cortana:

user coordinates;

fragments of mail correspondence and SMS;

data on calls made: who called whom, how often.

data about scheduled events from the custom calendar;

data from the contact book;

Be sure to install a trusted third-party encryption program.

Problem # 5. Microsoft may control your data. This is just a marvelous clause in the Windows 10 license:

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Personal correspondence, local files and other personal information can be disclosed not only at the request of the authorities, but simply if Microsoft thinks it is necessary for some kind of protection of their customers.

We never gave up to anyone before. Personal information costs a lot of money today.