Requirements for automation of a dhow in an organization. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Management documentation is the basis of the activities of a modern organization - up to 85% are concentrated in documents information resources virtually any management structure. In this regard, the processes of documentation and workflow have become self-sufficient and require their own automated control systems.

Over the past 10-15 years, office automation has experienced a revolution in document management. If earlier the office automation system was considered as a system for automating the activities of mainly technical personnel of offices, secretariats, archives related to the preparation, registration, movement, control of execution and search for documents, now the authors themselves are engaged in compiling and sending documents using PCs connected to the network. and executors of documents. They are now direct participants in document support technologies - from the creation of documents to control of execution and work with document archives. The automation system for documenting and workflow has become a decisive tool for increasing the efficiency of employees involved in decision-making, and, accordingly, the activities of the organization as a whole.

Currently, an organization that wants to receive modern solutions for the creation of automated technology for preschool educational institutions, has a fairly wide choice - from the acquisition of individually developed information systems in the case of large organizations to ready-made integrated systems - for small and medium-sized organizations.

Organizations that have set themselves the goal of automating office work have to solve a number of problems. Here are some of them:

Organizations often lack a clear understanding of what exactly should be automated in the technology of office processes. Affected by the lack of specialists who are at the same time versed in office work and well aware of the market and opportunities software systems in the field of automation of documentation support for management. Advertising information is poor in content and does not always correspond to the truth, the lack of a common terminology interferes with mutual understanding between the customer of the system and its manufacturer, etc .;

The organization has to develop and implement a serious set of measures to streamline management processes and reflecting their procedures for office work. It is required to streamline the distribution of responsibilities, delegation of powers, to establish clearly who solves what tasks and at what level, to determine the procedure for agreeing documents, their approval and signing, etc., that is, ultimately - to optimize the management system;

Organizations, when introducing automation of preschool educational institutions, need to decide on the choice of one of two approaches, which are conventionally called "Russian" and "Western" by document experts.

Traditionally, the Russian technology of working with documents presupposes three levels of hierarchy: the head of the organization - the office-work service - the executor. Western traditions are associated with the personal responsibility of the performer for the document and the corresponding decisions on it, therefore, they contain two levels of the hierarchy: the head of the top management level - the performer (manager).

Russian tradition presupposes compulsory registration of each document from the moment of its appearance in the organization, as well as a detailed regulated and centrally controlled "pre-archive" document flow. The preschool educational institution technology is largely enshrined in state standards, instructions and manuals. Tracking of the entire complex of work with documents in registration journals or typewritten card files is carried out.

The traditions of Western office work are associated with the personal responsibility of the manager for the document and its execution (it is characteristic that in English language the word "workflow" itself is missing). Registration of documents is carried out directly by the contractor, there is no centralized control of execution. The subject of regulation in traditional Western document management systems is the systematic storage of already executed documents (similar to domestic archival storage). It is on the basis of this tradition that the concept of Western electronic document management systems was formed. Hence the complexity of using technology electronic document management in Russian office work based on Western software systems. Appropriate adaptation of Western products to Russian conditions that have developed over the centuries is required.

When choosing an automation option for a preschool educational institution, the customer organization must make a choice between two classes of document management systems - Workflow and Groupware.

Both classes of systems are focused on the automation of teamwork in the office. At the same time, when choosing a methodology for building an automated system in a particular organization, one should take into account how much it corresponds to the style of management and management system adopted in it.

The fact is that systems of the Workflow type include systems focused on automating the work of an entire corporation (that is, on joint work several working groups), supporting a clear separation of business processes and routing of work in the network of performers. With regard to document flow, this means that the relevant documentation is rigidly tied to management procedures based on the distribution of functions among the employees of the management apparatus. Document flow in this case as if superimposed on the technological management procedures. Workflow systems are more acceptable today for large organizations and government agencies.

The Groupware type includes systems that do not have a hard-coded business scheme. - processes and which are designed to function in a small team - a working group (5-100 people). The elements of Groupware are Email, document base, collective organizer.

An organization's choice of an automated document management system should ultimately be based on the composition necessary requirements to the software products offered on the market, which can be summarized as follows:

Used technologies of office work;

Compliance with the main tasks of office work;

Functional characteristics systems (functional completeness, openness, etc.);

Software implementation (support for distributed mode, etc.);

Cost indicators.

Above, we briefly described the technologies of office work based on Russian and Western traditions. Let us briefly touch upon the characteristics of software systems in the corresponding direction.

Software systems that implement Russian technology are focused on use in government agencies and organizations, they preserve all the traditions and standards of office work adopted in a particular management structure. The task of such systems boils down to providing support for paper workflow, reducing the labor intensity of routine document processing operations. However, these systems are able to significantly expand the scope of traditional documentation and workflow processes by processing documents on a personal computer. Systems in this direction are a kind of bridges for a gradual transition from paper to paperless technologies. Automation systems for preschool educational institutions using this technology include:

DELO system (product of the company "Electronic Office Systems");

System "Cinderella - \\" 1! \ And. Official correspondence (STC IRM, Moscow).

Sub-clause 7.8.4 will present in more detail functionality systems BUSINESS.

Western direction software systems are focused on the fullest possible use electronic documents and the means of collective work of users, the absence of intermediate links, which in turn predetermines the change in the existing office work processes in the organization, their optimization, the development of new technologies for working with documents.

The main feature of the "western" technology is the modeling of specific real processes of document flow and adjustment to these models of software systems. As a rule, the system is delivered to the customer not as an autonomous, “boxed” product alienated from the developer, but as a set software tools from which a ready-made solution is assembled.

When adapting the system to the specific processes of the organization, personal computers employees (role workplace) the necessary functional components are installed that allow solving a certain range of tasks, in accordance with the role of each employee in a particular document flow procedure of the organization. The system administrator forms business functions that determine the routes of movement of documents along the structure of the organization, that is, by its divisions and individual employees.

To systems this direction in Russian Federation the following three classes of automated information systems are widely represented:

Systems developed by Russian firms based on DBMS: "Lan-Docs" - JSC "Lanit"; OPTIMA-WorkFlow - Optima company; "Codex" - State Enterprise "Center for Computer Development"; AquaDoc - Aquarius Consulting, etc .;

Systems developed by Russian firms using LotusNotes technology: CompanyMedia - Inter Trust; BOSS-Referent - IT company; "Escado" - CJSC Interprokom LAN and others:

Russified versions of popular Western systems: "Documentum 4i" - Documentum company; "DOCSOpen" - the Hummingbird company "; "LotusDomino \ Notes" - IBN corporation; DocuLive - Siemens concern; "WorkEхpeditor" - Compaq Corporation, etc.

For comparison, further in clause 7.8.4 and clause 7.8.5 are given the characteristics of two software systems - "BUSINESS" and "BOSS-Referent", oriented respectively to Russian and Western technologies of documentation and workflow.

Implementation integrated system workflow automation can be considered as a managerial innovation, which allows you to take into account the laws of the innovation process and organize it effectively.

Depending on the innovative potential, there are two main types of innovations:

o radical (basic), opening up fundamentally new opportunities, making qualitative changes in the ways of human activity;

o modifying, providing improvement existing ways and forms of work.

Radical and modifying innovations in the management process must be combined. In practice, we also have to meet with pseudo-innovations that relate only to external attributes and are dictated by considerations of prestige or advertising.

In modern conditions, the introduction of KSD and the use of electronic document management can be considered as a radical innovation.

Modifying innovations appear more often than radical ones and provide adaptation to changing conditions and tasks. For example, partial improvements in the organization of managerial work and workflow by themselves give positive results... But the possibilities of modifying innovations are limited and at a certain stage they are no longer able to compensate for the needs of the organization. And then a delay in the development and implementation of larger-scale or radical innovations (in our case, a complex automation system for a preschool educational institution) can lead to stagnation, to a decrease in management efficiency.

The "life cycle" of a complex automation system of a preschool educational institution as a managerial innovation includes the following stages: awareness of the need for innovation and its development; making a decision to switch to new technology, its development; stable functioning and development. An innovation will not be complete if it stops at some intermediate stage. In the end " life cycle»Any innovation re-identifies the need for partial or larger improvements.

The innovation process is primarily the result of creative solutions to emerging problems. Therefore, the stage of realizing the need for innovation and its development is at the same time the process of preparing and making managerial decisions, on the validity and timeliness of which the results of subsequent stages largely depend. The implementation of the proposed innovation depends, in particular, on what methods were used to collect and process information, analyze a problem situation, develop options and choose a solution. Moreover, the consequences of the innovation and the peculiarities of its implementation should be analyzed during the development and selection of a solution. When implementing specific measures for the implementation of management innovations in the field of workflow automation, it is assumed that the relationship between the main components of information management should be taken into account.

The stage of mastering the innovation covers the period of time required to eliminate the identified deficiencies and make the appropriate changes. At this stage, control over the activities of employees is of great importance (for example, compliance with the requirements for the technology of work in the corporate document management system). It is important that the implemented document management technology is applied daily and the possibility of returning to the previous organization of work is excluded (for example, keeping handwritten registration journals, multiple registration of documents, etc.). It requires instruction or training of employees, preparation of methodological materials (technological schemes, manuals for users and system administrators, etc.).

It is also important to pay attention to maintaining and improving the innovation. Sometimes, some time after the introduction of an innovation, there are attempts to return to the old ways of working (and not at all because of the inefficiency of the new one). The challenge at this stage is to prevent this, stabilize and support innovations, and decide whether one needs to complement or strengthen one innovation by another.

Thus, at the stages of implementation and development of a complex automation system of a preschool educational institution, there may be a period of simultaneous coexistence of a new and old technology(in those divisions of the organization that are not yet connected to the system). "Who will win?" - the result of this stage depends on the solution of a number of organizational issues, including the formation of the necessary regulatory and methodological base. In these conditions, the placement of personnel changes, the issues of organizing the system maintenance service and its administration are being addressed. The procedure for connecting users and granting them the rights to use the system is determined, issues of information protection are resolved.

At each stage of the innovation process, the circle of its participants expands. So, for example, in a large organization, the introduction of an integrated automation system for a preschool educational institution can be in the nature of a phased connection to the system, first of the office, and then of other structural divisions with a corresponding increase in the number of users. It is clear that the maximum effect from an automated system covering the document flow of the entire organization is achieved only when all the planned divisions are connected.

It is important to keep in mind that the participants in the innovation process can both show initiative in support of managerial innovation (in our case corporate system workflow automation) and counteract its success. The introduction of corporate workflow technology, which imposes new requirements on employees as users of the system (including their qualifications) and allows them to evaluate their work from a common perspective, is one of such major innovations and transformations that can cause different reactions to innovation.

The problems of introducing new technologies are not limited only to the so-called "psychological barrier" and cover the sphere of interests of the organization's employees (economic, social). If the employee assumes that the introduced innovation will reduce or even make it impossible to satisfy some of his needs, then he will speak out against the innovation. Sometimes, individual employees may deliberately speak out against an innovation in order to increase their influence over others.

Hence the need to take into account the influence of both collective and individual interests.

From this point of view, it is important for workers to realize that their benefits from the introduction of KSD and the disadvantages of rejection of the innovation outweigh the benefits of maintaining the old way of working.

When introducing KSD, aspects related to corporate culture are also manifested. For example, if the members of the organization for a long time were focused on maintaining the existing order of work, and the receptivity to innovations and the desire of employees to improve their qualifications were not a feature of the corporate culture and the system of priorities in management, then when introducing innovations, management problems may arise.

Characteristics of the series possible reasons obstacles to the introduction of an integrated automation system for a preschool educational institution are given in the well-known work of M. Sutton, which include various kinds of inconsistencies: inconsistency, indecision, mistrust, unpreparedness, bias, disorganization, lack of confidence, failure to perform functions, etc.

When introducing an integrated automation system for a preschool educational institution, it is important to take into account that the attitude to the innovations being introduced largely depends on the following characteristics:

o relative profitability(how much the proposed innovation is more beneficial in socio-economic terms than the existing work procedure, how much it contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals);

o compatibility(how much this innovation is compatible with the views and experience of employees - it depends on whether it will be more difficult or easier to accept);

o difficulties(how difficult it is to understand, use in work and adapt to the proposed innovation);

o stages(innovations that can be implemented in stages or with experimental verification will be better received).

From the organization information support, formal and informal communications between employees on the implementation of innovations largely depends on its success. When implementing the system, it is important to provide employees with information about the benefits of the new technology (for an organization, department, individual employee), think over the training system and outline the implementation stages.

It can be psychologically challenging for employees to quickly adapt to new technology, especially if there are a lot of changes in the way they work at the same time. Therefore, the more novelty the system being introduced is, the more attentive it is to involve personnel in the process of its implementation, explain the new capabilities of the system and overcome the psychological barrier among some employees. It is necessary to plan the time required to familiarize employees, and then the duration of mastering the new technology of work. The haste to implement creates difficulties associated with the fact that the employees of the organization cannot adapt immediately to a large number of changes. Excessive delay in this process can significantly reduce the effect of the innovation and even cause disappointment in it. Taking these circumstances into account, it is important, when introducing an integrated automation system for a preschool educational institution, to develop and approve with the head of the organization a schedule for connecting the divisions.

The success of the implementation of a workflow automation system designed to ensure the functioning of the organization as a whole depends on the depth of elaboration and the timeliness of solving organizational issues at the appropriate levels of management. The fundamental role is played by the support of the implementation of the system by the organization's management (“the first person principle”). In the absence of such support, the system is unlikely to be implemented in all departments. For operational regulation of the system implementation process, it may be necessary to create a permanent body (for example, a commission or working group from representatives of departments responsible for various aspects of implementation - organizational, technological, software and hardware, personnel, as well as information protection). The tasks of the preschool educational institution include solving cardinal technological issues, coordinating the interests of departments as users of the system, preparing the necessary regulatory and methodological documents, developing a classification of documents and maintaining system directories.

When introducing an integrated automation system for a preschool educational institution and expanding the number of users of the system, connecting new divisions, the following approaches can be useful:

o start with the most psychologically ready and qualified employees, using their example, experience and skills while mastering the technology by other employees;

o introduce new technology, first of all, in departments where the urgent need and effect of implementation are most obvious.

It is important to note that in modern conditions it is hardly possible to immediately implement a multifunctional automated system for a large organization. A more acceptable option seems to be its gradual development. Otherwise, the development and implementation of the system may be delayed for a long period, and the initial requirements may even become outdated.

At any of these stages, work can be carried out to improve the technology of document management (both traditional and automated), i.e. apply modifying innovations.

Both traditional (paper) and automated workflow require constant attention to the issues of its optimization, taking into account:

o ongoing changes in the organizational structure of management, the need to combine traditional and automated technologies;

o providing organizational and methodological guidance and control over compliance with established work procedures;

o development of the system and refinement of its individual functions, taking into account new software and hardware capabilities.

Therefore, the problems of information management are not exhausted even after the implementation of the appropriate computer system.

One of the means of implementing an integrated management system for an organization, optimizing its internal business processes is the automation of documentation support for management, which makes it possible to identify competitors when making both operational and strategic decisions. The effectiveness of documentation support for management largely affects the success of management processes. As a result, there is a need to improve the forms and methods of working with documents.

Under automation

in a broad sense, the use of automatic devices operating on a given program and partially or completely replacing a person in any field of activity.

Under management documentation automation system


should be understood as any automated system designed to solve documentation problems, organize work with documents and workflow, regardless of the automation object, be it a government body, a commercial bank, a trading company or any other organization. It is important that management in this organization is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and methodological documents.

There are three main ways to implement the automation system of a preschool educational institution

) development original system automation of the preschool educational institution;

) installation of a standard automation system for a preschool educational institution;

) setting tools automation of preschool educational institutions.

The development of an original automation system for a preschool educational institution implies the involvement of a staff of programmers and the development of an automated system "from scratch" for a specific organization. At the same time, the peculiarities of this organization are taken into account as much as possible, which makes new system convenient to use. True, the programming process in this case has a number of disadvantages. It is long and expensive, and also has a tendency to lose controllability, which is why, spending a lot of time and money, you can find out that the developed system does not meet the requirements and you need to start all over again.

The installation of a typical automation system for a preschool educational institution is in this sense the complete opposite of the development of the original system. Companies - manufacturers of automation systems for preschool educational institutions develop standard software products that can be used in different organizations with minimal adaptation. Such systems implement a certain general set of functions for working with documents, are inexpensive and are implemented in the shortest possible time. This seems like a very convenient approach, but it also has its drawbacks. The fact is that although the requirements for the organization of preschool educational institutions are the same throughout the Republic of Belarus, they are very consolidated, and the methods of implementation vary significantly. In this regard, it becomes necessary to expand the set of functions, which in a typical system is not easy, and often impossible to do.

Setting up automation tools for a preschool educational institution is intermediate option between the above two ways of solving the problem. On the one hand, within the framework of this method, a certain standard system is introduced that implements a certain set of functions (as in the second case), and on the other, it is built on the basis of industrial tools that can be used to adapt it to the needs of a particular organization. Such adaptation allows taking into account the peculiarities of a particular organization (as in the first case).

Stages of implementation of automated technologies for processing, creating, using and storing documents. The evolution of these technologies and their impact on documenting processes. Study of the features and patterns of work with documents recorded on new media (machine-readable documents, electronic documents).

Creation of a nationwide system for collecting and processing information for accounting, planning and management of the national economy (OGAS), automated sectoral control systems (ACS). Typical management documentation system (TSDS). Creation of automated information retrieval systems for accounting and statistical documentation, automated document execution control systems (ASKID).

Topic 2. Normative-legal and normative-methodical base, regulating the problems of implementation and use of information technologies in preschool educational institutions. International and national standards.

International legal acts. 2000 Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society Declaration of the World Summit on the highest level on the Information Society from 2003 (as amended and supplemented). International legal acts.

Legislative and by-laws of the Russian Federation. Law of the Russian Federation dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signatures". Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". RF Codes.

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal and regional programs, concepts. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2012 No. 890 "On measures to improve electronic document management in government bodies." Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 "On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management". Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2011 No. 751 "On Amendments to the Rules of Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies". Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477 "On approval of the Rules of office work in federal executive bodies". Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2007 No. 931 "On some measures to ensure information interaction between state bodies and local self-government bodies in the provision of public services to citizens and organizations." Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2002 No. 65 "On the federal target program" Electronic Russia (2002-2010) "(as amended, and supplemented, dated August 15, 2006). Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815 "On the State Program of the Russian Federation" Information Society (2011-2020) ". Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 2299-r "On the plan for the transition of federal executive bodies and federal budgetary institutions to the use of free software." Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12

2011 № 176-r "On approval of the action plan for the transition of federal executive bodies to paperless document flow in the organization of internal activities." Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 No. 632-r "On Approval of the Concept of Forming Electronic Government in the Russian Federation by 2010". Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2006 No. 1024-r "On the Concept of Regional Informatization until 2010". Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2004 No. 1244-r "On the Concept of using information technologies in the activities of federal government bodies until 2010 ”.

The strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on February 7, 2008, No. Pr - 212).

Information Security Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory and methodological documents and standards. GOST 34.03-90. "Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Terms and definitions ", GOST 34.601-90. "Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Stages of creation ”. National standards developed on the basis of international ISO standards (GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 "SIBID. Document management. General requirements"; GOST R ISO 23081-1-2008 "SIBID. Document management processes. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles "), GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010" Information technology. Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v. 1.0 ", etc.

International standards ISO and IEC. (ISO 26300, ISO 29500, ISO 19005, ISO 16175, ISO 13008, ISO 13028, ISO 30300 series, IEC 82045, etc.); MoReq 2, MoReq 10, etc.