MTS system is temporarily unavailable what to do. This direction is temporarily inaccessible to tele2

What can cause a situation when the service is blocked for the sender of the MTS translation? Sometimes there is no ATM or the banking department, and it is necessary to urgently reset the small amount of money on the ballane of the phone. Wife stands at the station station, and the money on her phone is over? Does the child return from school? Mother got sick, and is it extremely important for her? In such a situation, get a message about the blocking of the Death Service like.

The service is locked for the sender in a long series of reasons. First of all, you need to check if you do not fall into the category of one of them:

  • If the recipient is a subscriber of another operator or lives not in your region, the MTS translation service will not work;
  • You can translate to another account with no more than 300 rubles, while on your own account should remain our own 90 rubles. Otherwise the translation will not succeed;
  • Sum, which can be translated per day, is limited. Its maximum limited for the sender 1500 rubles;
  • The restriction applies to the recipient. The maximum amount that can be thrown on your phone is 3 000 rubles. The remaining translations will not work;
  • The transfer service is not valid for all subscribers. Unfortunately, tariffs intended for corporate use are not intended for transfers. Customers with the tariff plan under the loud title "Super Zero" cannot be implemented.

If all the conditions on the issue "Why is the service blocked for the transfer of money?" Considered, obstacles are eliminated, and the service still remains inaccessible, will have to take into account that any technique there are ones. You can also replenish through the terminal.

What if the service is blocked for the translation sender?

Of course, from any situation you can find a decent solution for exit. You can ask for the translation of acquaintances (and unfamiliar people), returning the necessary amount of cash. Or take advantage of another card of another family member (company).

If the corporate card, work with your personal subscriber card.

To eliminate the error, use the following algorithm:

  1. Dial the * 112 * command;
  2. Enter the number you want to make a translation;
  3. Specify the amount of money you want to transfer to the subscriber within 1-300 rubles;
  4. Click the call button and wait the messages than the operation you run out;
  5. If the number is the local MTS company, and the translation failed to finish, report technical service and wait until technical problems go. It usually takes little time, just 5-15 minutes.

Some outragets such a number of additional conditions, however, they are a means of protecting the company's clients from possible fraud. It became quite difficult to rob in, and it is absolutely impossible for a large amount.

Some owners of the MTS mobile operator can get SMS from an unfamiliar number 6996, which contains the details of an unknown payment, as well as the offer to send an SMS with the text to the number 6996. If you have not made any purchases on the network using your mobile number, then Judging throughout, you are dealing with fraudsters who are trying to buy a purchase for your account with the help of the MTS service "Light Plate". In this material I will tell you what is 6996, for which it is intended, and how to turn it off.

Mobile number 6996 is a special MTS service number, designed to confirm passwords and payments. When performing any payments from this number, confirmation of SMS arrive, and the user will send an SMS to confirm the payment.

Most often, this number works with the MTS service called "Light Place". This service allows you to make payments on the network using the "Personal Account" on the MTS website, and the money is written off both from your mobile account and from a bank card (if the user tied to the implementation of mobile payments).

The MTS operator takes the percentage (usually 5-10% of the amount of payment) for carrying out money through the "Light Place".

Service "Light Place" allows you to easily send money

Number 6996 and scammers

In recent years, the number 6996 has acquired bad fame, since the specificity of the "light payment" operation allows fraudsters to massively steal money from mobile user accounts. Therefore, it is very important to know what the number 6996 means and in what purposes it can be used. The fraudster introduces the details of the payment, where, among other things, indicates the human telephone number, from which the money is planned to withdraw money. Then the payment is carried out, and the number of any suspected person comes SMS from the number 6996.

Then the fraudster calls the unsuspecting citizen, and asks the code of this SMS under various pretexts (error in data entry, MTS worker, etc.). If a person dictates this password, then money from his account is written off in the account of this purchase.

Also write-off from the user's account can be caused by the presence of a viral program on a smartphone that can self-sample SMS to the desired number.

If you come to SMS from the number 6996 with the message "not enough tools", then, apparently, fraudsters want to make a purchase, the price of which is higher than the available funds in your account.

MTS "Light Plate" service is massively used by fraudsters

How to disable 6996.

After we have figured out that for the number 6996, I will look now, how to prevent the stealing of money with the number 6996. I recommend to be guided by the following:

  • Never send any SMS to number 6996 if you have not performed purchases on the network;
  • Change the password to the "Personal Account" on the MTS website (if there is any);
  • Install your mobile antivirus to your phone (for example, AVG);
  • Check your PC for virus programs (will help Dr.Web Cureit!).

To disable the "Light Place" service, with which money is usually written off, do the following:


In this material I was disassembled, the value of the number is 6996, and how to turn it off. If you do not make purchases on the network using the "Light Plate" service, I recommend to completely disable this service, as well as untie your bank card from the mobile number - it will make it impossible to steal money from your account.

Content-mailing lock provides invaluable benefit to the user in the fight against paid information, due to which the money disappears from the mobile account. Remove the ban on payments MTS can be disabled this function. But to implement a similar procedure, it is necessary to study in detail the instructions for removing restrictions.

What is a ban on payments MTS

This is the installation of restrictions on the receipt of paid content to the mobile. So, the "Prohibition of Content" option allows you to turn off all sorts of paying distribution types of horoscopes, news and dating that the user did not order the phone, but the funds are removed from their account when they arrive. At the same time, this option does not allow the subscriber to send SMS and MMS-messages to paid rooms that are engaged in a similar newsletter. However, domestic services and functions remain available to use.

To use such a blocking is resorted for various reasons:

  • establishing restrictions on a child's mobile phone so that adult content is unavailable;
  • lack of all sorts of auto-plates for a random connection to the entertainment portal;
  • eradication from a unnecessary mailing mobile phone;
  • in addition, such a limitation is important for pensioners who can make erroneous subscriptions or payments.

Important! The service is connected completely free, per day for the use of payment is 1 ruble. It operates in Russia and neighboring countries.

Payment in favor of this service is not available for you: what to do

This option is an excellent controller for restrictions on any connections from paid portals, it is much more convenient to use it, rather than independently control the account and the presence of any connections. At the same time, you can connect the service in several available ways:

  • SSD command * 984 # and call button;
  • call to the help center by operator number 0890;
  • appeal to the MTS office with a passport.

If payment in favor of this service for you and your region is not available or did not work, it is necessary to use the antispam and send malware to the number 6333.

In addition to basic communication services, telecommunication operators launch a multitude of additional options and functions for mass use. Many acting subscribers are found with the question: "MTS service is included: What does this mean?". This feature is a pop-up message with a specific textual information. In this material we will look at:

  • detailed description of the service;
  • proposed features and service costs;
  • recommendations for efficient use;
  • ways to activate and deactivate the service.

"MTS service is included" - this is an effective way of presentation and dissemination of new services and additional options of the telecommunications operator. The system can send free SMS messages, or display interactive dialog boxes on modern android or iOS devices.

The advantages of the project are as follows:

  1. the opportunity in just a few clicks to activate you like the function;
  2. alert on the company's fees and innovations.

The project consistently functions both on outdated and modern devices. Its implementation is made through the "SIM program" function, which has been distributed worldwide. However, despite a number of advantages, there were also dissatisfied customers. A detailed consideration of this issue will make it possible to form a final picture and on the functioning of the service and its further use.

Service "MTS Message": paid or free

Having considered what it was and what functionality the service provides, the second most popular question among users of the MTS-message service - under what conditions access to the project is provided. Since the service is recommended for using the operator, its maintenance does not contribute to additional write-off of funds from the personal account balance. But it is only for the process of obtaining information messages.

The work with the project has a number of pitfalls that have become a reason for publishing controversial reviews from existing customers. Of negative qualities it is worth noting:

  • the activation of the proposed option is made in just a few clicks and may be accompanied by an additional write-off of funds;
  • some connected functions do not send the appropriate alert in the form of an SMS, which makes it necessary to independently control additional subscriptions;
  • the notification window pop-up mechanism is quite unpredictable, which means the risk of involuntary activation of some services.

So, working with the service should be made as careful as possible, which will guarantee the cost savings.

How to connect

If you received alert with the text "MTS Message Enabled", then the service has been added to your phone number. This method is relevant mainly for old numbers that have not previously used subscriptions to similar services. All new packets for subscribers have already received a built-in subscription, which makes the service available for use immediately after installing the SIM card.

If you have already done deactivation of the service, it can be reused with:

  1. sending the appropriate USSD request to the operator service number;
  2. use user control panel;
  3. direct reference to qualified maintenance service specialists.

Service "MTS Message" is included - what to do?

If you received the appropriate alert, restart your phone. After re-sync, you can take advantage of the full functionality of the service. For maximum benefit and efficiency recommended:

  • carefully explore information about the services offered. Many services allow you to get a significant discount on basic communication rates;
  • pay attention to reading news information;
  • periodically check the list of activated options. If some functions have been connected by chance - this will adversely affect the final balance of your personal account.

How to disable "MTS service message included"

If you do not want to use the service and do not need information about additional services - it is recommended to disable subscription. If you have a symbol of an outdated format, or a simple mobile phone - to solve the problem will help send a simple USSD request * 111 * 1212 * 2 #.

On android

The process for the owners of android devices is slightly different:

  1. Go to the phone menu;
  2. Find MTS Services item;
  3. Click on the "Notifications" button;
  4. Select "Disable" and confirm your actions.

On iOS.

The owners of "apple" devices should follow such a procedure:

  • Menu "Settings";
  • Select the "Phone" item;
  • Go to the "SIM-Software" section;
  • Find the required service and deactivate it.

If everything is done correctly, in all the above cases you will receive the appropriate alert.

Are you tired of constant debugging cash from your mobile phone? Tired of news subscriptions and entertainment of the type "Jokes" or "Humor"? - You are invited to disable all existing services on a paid basis in your mobile phone, in order to save significant amounts of money for mobile payment.

To get rid of yourself from paid options and services on MTS, you can:

  1. Call the Total MTS number 0890. Here you can follow the instruction manual, or contact the operator;
  2. Disable all services in the personal cabin through the Internet assistant;
  3. Contact the MTS salon with a passport.

List of paid options and disabling methods see below.

If you want to learn how to disable paid MTS services, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the information below, which will help each concerned to the visitor in solving these problems. The site portal has created detailed descriptions of effective ways, with which you can always disable paid subscriptions on your cellular.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that over time, the information may be outdated, so it will not always be possible to solve the problems with the ways described below. That is why you are invited to contact the official portal of MTS LLC for the most recent information if you have visited our project after the data has become irrelevant.

How to delete paid services MTS: Detailed ways to solve the problem

To date, Mobile operator No. 1 in Russia offers each subscriber a few possible and equally effective ways with which you can deactivate all paid subscriptions on your phone.

  • Call to technical support. Perhaps this option will be one of the most reliable, because what is called "on the spot" the telecom operator will always be able to solve business faster than you to try to speak yourself through the deactivation of paid services. So, dial the number "0890" + "0" view on your phone and wait for the operator's response.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that, as a rule, the dial time is very long, because thousands of subscribers can dial up to the operator simultaneously with you. Take care of patience, wait. You will be answered and will help solve the problem.

  • You can check paid services through work with the autoinformer. Dial the number "0890" on the phone. As soon as the information robot is answered, get ready to listen to all the commands available in the system. Among them, you will hear what numbers must be typed in order to check the status of paid subscriptions. At the same time, you can determine what you need to click in order to disable paid subscriptions on your phone.
  • Appeal to the office of MTS LLC. This option, like Embodiment No. 1, will also be extremely effective, as employees will always come to the assistance to the subscriber interested in solving the problem. Remember that before going out of the house, you need to take a passport or driver's license with you, because "on the spot" you will be asked to present any document confirming the identity. As soon as the necessary nuances are settled, you will be removed all the necessary paid subscriptions on the phone.
  • You can remove paid services through the "Internet Assistant" system. To do this, you need to go to the official portal of MTS LLC, where at the top to enter a login and password (issued during registration). After you get on the page page. Next, you choose "Services and Services", following "Managing Services and Services" and cancel all paid or free subscriptions that are present at your personal room.
  • You can cancel paid services to MTS using the sending of the required SMS message to the number "8111" with the text of the type "1" - to obtain information about paid subscriptions in your number. "0" - for information on the status of free subscriptions on your phone.
  • And finally, we approached the final option of disabling services called "USSD request". Below we give a detailed list of key combinations options that will help each subscriber to refuse to provide a particular option on a fee:

Remove connected paid services - it means saving money

Of course, on time to refuse to use paid services on your mobile phone - this means to significantly save your money resources. Agree, for what purposes you need "Jokes" or "Humor", if you do not read them? Perhaps in Moscow - the city overcrowded and scored public transport - such services are beneficial in the form of distraction from constant fuss and "tool", but in smaller cities such services are extremely impractical.

If you unexpectedly encountered the problem of blocking the number, you should not panic immediately. In general, you can call the MTS hotline by calling 0890 and find out why the subscriber is blocked in MTS.

Usually subscribers come into a strong confusion when incoming calls are blocked. Yes, it can really be - in many packages incoming calls are free, but only within the framework of the tariff plan. If you have not paid for the service, respectively, it turns off access to options.

Lock provider

If you have crushed the payment, I did not replenished the bill for a long time, the provider really can completely block the number. What to do in this and the following cases when you stayed without communication and how to restore it?

The subscriber is temporarily blocked - what it means, options:

  1. The subscriber is blocked by the operator: after the expiration of the package, in the presence of debt or a long unused number.
  2. The blocking occurs automatically by the system, to unlock, as a rule, you need to fulfill the financial requirements of the provider and replenish the account to obtain new services.

Please note that almost all operators include incoming calls - already paid, but they, as a rule, are included in the framework of an additional free service in the tariff plan. When disconnected from the plan, the user turns off from the input calls.

Voluntary blocking

It is worth checking out other blocking options:

  • voluntary lock installed from your account or using the command on the phone. This can be done by chance children or relatives;
  • if you are in a situation when you use a number registered on another person, it can freely block your phone as temporary and constantly (voluntary transmission of numbers between the subscribers of the provider is not provided).

If you hit one of the situations, it should be borne in mind that to unlock the temporary shutdown of the services you need to deactivate the service in your personal account or go to the communication salon. This can be done when accessing the account of my MTS, as well as, having documents about ownership, in the cabin, and, responding to test questions, through support service.

Call in those. MTS support

Restoration of a constantly blocked room

If the number is locked constantly, then this means that the owner of the number broke the contract with MTS and services cannot be restored. If you have fallen into such a situation, being the owner of the number, in now we advise you to not give access to the personal account of the outsider. In this case, you have the opportunity to purchase the "old" number and conclude a new contract, but only if there is a technical capabilities of the provider.

How to block the incoming number on MTS?

Subject to the difficulty of the dialing to the selected subscriber number, please note that the owner of the number can add your number to the "black list" of your phone. Also, this feature is available in my MTS interface. In this case, the dialing to the selected number blocks the provider, you can try to get through from another phone number.

In MTS, you can block the subscriber number from the Self-Service Office Interface "My MTS":

  1. Go and log in to the site MTS.RU (if you did not use such an opportunity, log in using SMS code);
  2. Subject to the list of unwanted numbers is possible using the Black List service (not available for Connect Tariffs, Online, MTS iPad) - Go to the "Tariffs and Services" menu, then in the "Service Management" menu, then connect "Black list" (service is paid);
  3. You can dial the * 111 * 442 # command to connect or send an SMS to the number with the text 442 * 1;
  4. Make a number to the list of prohibited numbers using a free SMS to number 4424 text 22 * \u200b\u200bAn unwanted number or using the * 442 # command;
  5. Make a number through your personal account on BL.MTS.RU.

When a service is connected using the command or SMS, take into account its paid character, the billing occurs daily. In the absence of funds on the account, the number will be available for the dialing of those subscribers whose calls you would like to limit.

Exterior of the main page of the personal account MTS

Description of the service "Blacklist"

If you are no longer interested in the question to MTS, how to block the subscriber's phone number, you can exclude the phone from the list of unwanted or in principle to disable the service. Please note that sometimes the numbers fall into the blacklist by mistake, so if your acquaintances told about the difficulties of access to your number, as well as what information was looking for information, how to call the MTS locked subscriber, check the blacklist list. This recommendation, of course, concerns only those subscribers who are provided with the provider of the entire amount of services without restrictions (in the absence of claims and active account).

Disable the "Black List" service

Continuing the topic of a black list of subscribers, which can create (for a fee) each user of MTS services, it is worth emphasizing attention to the disabling options:

  • The "black list" is a service that can connect and disconnect within the tariff plan. This is done on a fee basis. If you have no funds in the account, the service is automatically disabled, and when replenished it is automatically connected.
  • you can disable the service using the "Personal Cabinet" - in the "Tariffs and Services" menu and subsection "Service / Black List" subsection;
  • turn off the service using the command: * 111 * 442 * 2 #;
  • disconnect with free SMS to a number with the text 442 * 2.

Please note that this service is not available to subscribers with the Connect and Online tariff plan, namely those who use the Internet. In this case, all users can block not only the calls of subscribers, and the annoying SMS. This is done using "SMS Pro", the service is free when used in conjunction with the "Black List" option. Basically, SMS lock may be required to eliminate free advertising mailing.

At the same time, please note that more often these services are provided precisely. For this reason, they can be disabled in the "Tariffs and Services" menu and subsection "My subscription", since the number blocking will save you from unnecessary messages, but you will pay for the provision of subscription services from this number.

Cost of the service "Blacklist"

The cost of the "Black List" service today is 45 rubles for the month of service. Pay attention that the option is available in three versions (each is paid separately) - "Black List", "Black List (Child)," Black List (Parent) ", taking into account specific access settings to the phone number.

Subscriber is temporarily blocked on MTS

If you are calling the MTS number and hear the message about the time locking of the subscriber, this is possible in the following cases:

  • with the negative balance of the subscriber and forced blocking from the provider;
  • when voluntarily blocking on the provision of all communication services by number, for example, when the user went abroad, to rest or simply stopped using the phone;
  • when claiming third parties to use the number belonging to other owners (for example, if the subscriber bought a SIM card at the subway and did not ask who he was registered).

It is with the third problem that subscribers are facing, which even when a set of MTS team combinations can receive a message " Error Code 1165 Subscriber blocked MTS" In general, it is so possible to check from the phone it is blocked or not. For blocked MTS numbers, any services are not provided, including access to MTS Service.

What in this case do - for subscribers there are several outlets from the situation:

  • check the voluntary lock connection in the MTS personal account;
  • check the balance, there is no negative balance;
  • check the official owner of the number.

If you hit this situation when you do not understand why the number is blocked - call the MTS support service (it may not be available from the number when the contract breaks and complete irrevocable blocking) or go to the Salon Provider shop.

If the contract for your room is broken by you or another subscriber-owner, try to find out the technical possibility of buying a room.

Voluntary blocking in MTS

To save all the settings of your phone account and not pay for the service a certain period of time, you can use the "Voluntary Lock" option. To do this, you do not need to call the operator or go to the office (although you can turn on the service in the cabin, if there are no other features). It is enough to choose one of the ways to connect: using the My MTS application on the site, code or SMS. In the Personal Accaster you can specify the date with which the sim card temporarily blocked.

At the same time, all subscribers who will call the number will not be able to reach. Simultaneously with the blocking of the room, all types of services are blocked, respectively, and the "black list". Without an exception, the incoming call kit will be blocked with the issuance of a voice message that the subscriber is temporarily blocked.

Please note that the voluntary lock service is paid from 15 days of use, its cost is 1.5 rubles a day with daily removal of funds. In this situation, you need to follow the money to be money, otherwise the blocking service will be disabled, and the phone can already be blocked by a forcibly operator for other reasons.

  1. Including "Voluntary Lock", replenish an account for removing funds from 15 days of use until the time you are going to block the phone.
  2. If you have not done this, then by returning your number can be blocked by the operator on the non-payment of accrued services (after disconnecting the lock). In this case, you will need to pay off debt.
  3. Financial blocking

Financial blocking is possible in cases where you have a negative balance for the services provided on your personal account. In case of financial lock:

  • first, the services provided to you within the service package due to non-payment are blocked;
  • secondly, the number is blocked due to uncovered debt.

Exit the situation: pay off debt, make an application for connection, pay new services.

Forced blocking

The phone may be subjected to forced blocking from the operator. This blocking does not apply to the "Black List" service that the subscriber connects. In this case, MTS services are blocked due to the subscriber's debt. In fact, the operator temporarily ceases to provide all communication services, including blocking incoming calls. In the usual case, your mobile will be unlocked after replenishing an account for the amount of debt and is connected to the services when paying the tariff.

Please note that when blocking does not send a message, the provider alerts are carried out only with requests to pay debt.

Actions Callets when blocking numbers

MTS subscribers are sometimes asked to clarify how to determine, the subscriber is blocked or the caller hit the blacklist. In the simplest case, you need to try to call an unfamiliar room. If the call passed, then you got into the "black list".

At the same time, among the blocking often come across, those who as a result turn out to be blocked themselves, since subscribers often forget to pay the service - the function is not free, in this case they turn out to be in a non-serving list due to non-payment for services. The free period is 14 days, then a fee is charged at 1.5 rubles / day. Such an order takes place in a number of companies and is used as a means of combating non-payers.

If the number is locked in one way or another, you need to look for other ways to communicate. Please note that if your relative number is inactive, you can no longer connect it to communication, since the phone is simply not working and is not serviced, the phone data cannot be obtained using the code. To solve the problem, you need to go to the office, disable the service in your personal account or call the support service.

What you can hear with a blocked phone from the answering machine

The fact is that when you arrive in the "black list", the subscriber can choose the type of voice message that will be issued to the list of:

  • * 442 * 21 * Blocked number # - Set the beep is occupied with each number of numbers.
  • * 442 * 22 * \u200b\u200bBlocked number # - a message will be issued that the subscriber is offline.

For example, when a user who calls on a balance account has formed a debt for voluntary and forced blocking the caller reported that the "number is temporarily blocked." If some kind of communication is not paid by the subscriber, then the voice informant will tell you the phrase "This type of communication is not available to the subscriber." You may be able to send SMS. Usually this "means of illness" helps when the subscriber abroad.

The opportunities provided, as they say, are compensated by the disadvantages faced by the Subscriber in the process of using MTS telecommunication services. What again pushes to the fact that with its mobile personal account you need to use meaningfully by controlling its parameters. To date, there is no problem with information to get a complete understanding, with which the blocking is connected.

"Locks" from fraudsters

It should be in conclusion to note the methods of SMS fraud, and how it can be avoided by limiting access to the provision of services. Usually, to get rid of an annoying informant, you need to send a response message with the STOP text or stop or disable subscription through your personal account. At the same time, some messages can be sent as a result of attempts by fraudulent actions, a hidden paid subscription is just the top of Iceberg. Services are uncomfortable, but they can always be disabled.

The standard message about the subscriber's inaccessibility is "The subscriber's device is turned off or outside the network area". However, sometimes you can hear another message: "The subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later.". Many subscribers have a question that the difference between these two messages.

In fact, they mean the same thing: at the moment, the network does not register the device on which the SIM card with the called number is active. But there are some differences:

  • The message "Subscriber's device is turned off" It sounds if the phone was properly turned off (that is, the power off button) or is missing on the network for a long time. As a rule, this message is reproduced almost immediately after the number dialing, as the network already "knows" that the subscriber is not active, and immediately reports it. In addition, this postback signal sounds if your number is blacklisted.
  • Message "Subscriber is temporarily unavailable" It sounds if the phone was recently recently on the network, but at the moment it cannot be "reaching out" at the same time. As a rule, this message sounds after some pause: you dial the number, we are waiting a little, and only then hear the message. This means that the network "was looking for" the subscriber, and his absence became a "surprise".

Under what circumstances a message is temporarily unavailable?

Most often, we hear the notification that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable in the following situations:

  • The person is in the zone of unsure reception, and the connection on his phone is disappeared, it appears. Accordingly, even from the change of wind direction, or from moving to a meter deep into the building, may depend, whether a person will be in touch.
  • The subscriber uses a telephone with two (or more) SIM cards in alternating mode. It becomes "temporarily inaccessible" for the operator, during a conversation on other phones. In this case, this message can be regarded as "busy".
  • The subscriber was discharged the phone, and the device turned off. Accordingly, it can be assumed that the device turned off relatively recently.
  • A person moves on the subway or is in a semi-basement room, where due to the poor quality of the signal, the connection disappeared.

However, these are the most common causes of such a message. But there are other reasons.

Exotic causes of errors "Subscriber is temporarily unavailable"

  • Incoming calls may be prohibited for the phone. For example, if a person is in roaming, and does not want to pay for incoming calls, he can prohibit them. In this case, it will become "temporarily unavailable" for all subscribers.
  • The phone may have redirection to another phone number, which for some reason does not work. In this case, the message will also sound that the subscriber is temporarily unavailable.
  • On the smartphone, various programs blocking calls can work. This means that the phone has become a victim of the virus or you were blocked.

In addition, it is important to ensure that there is no fixed connection (whether few seconds are not considered). Since the same time in Moscow was distributed fraud: an ad with a very attractive vacancy was given in the newspaper and a paid premium number was indicated. After that, the fraudsters included the message "Subscriber is temporarily unavailable" when calling. As a result, people who called for this number several times were paid for the connection and over the time listening to this message.

Use the service alert service

Mobile operators offer services that are automatically sent to SMS as soon as the subscriber that has been temporarily unavailable appears on the network. This is a convenient way to track the appearance of the desired subscriber, and the simplest solution to the problem of communication conversion.

Modern life is pamping us. Everyone has already developed a habit that you can contact a person at any moment on a mobile phone. Therefore, when the device meets us that the subscriber is outside the network area, comes the moment of confusion, disorder and even anger. The room is not available, which means not everyone knows from MegaFon.

The reasons

When autoinframes report that the subscriber is not available, it can be caused by problems with the phone or network. Here is a more detailed list of reasons for the absence of cellular communication:

  1. None of the operator has a 100% coating zone. The network may not catch in certain places: metro, basement, underground transitions, airplane.
  2. There are rooms equipped with special screens. This is done so that in this zone does not catch a connection. Examples of such places may be theaters or concert halls.
  3. The concentration of the step is not so high - this means that the signal may be interrupted, and in some areas there is even absent.
  4. Line overload can also be an interference to communicate with the subscriber. This phenomenon is observed on holidays or traffic jams.

Read also How to find out the number of SMS MegaFon Center

And now we will find out what problems with the phone can be an obstacle to communication:

  1. No SIM card.
  2. The device was discharged.
  3. The device was breaking, due to the blow or water from entering.

Template of action

There are several behavioral scenarios if you reported to you that the subscriber is currently not affordable:

  1. Try calling back to this number later. There is a high probability that the subscriber will return to the network zone or charge the phone.
  2. Send an SMS message. It will notify the user that you called him, and the contents of the message will help navigate the goal of the call.
  3. Leave a message on the answering machine.

Voice mail

Those who want to be always in touch regardless of circumstances can connect an additional service from MegaFon - "voice mail". Its action resembles a regular mailbox. Subscribers who could not get through, have the opportunity to leave you a voice message. Such messages will be collected, and stored until you listen to them. You can connect this option completely free. The daily fee for use is 1.7 rubles.

Surely many of us had previously had to deal with the situation when, when you call another person, we hear a message that he was unavailable. So, what does it mean "the subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable"And what are the reasons for this? Let's figure it out in this matter, noting at once: it's not a fact at all, it will later get through, may turn out.

The phone of another subscriber is temporarily unavailable: what does this mean?

Most often, we hear a message that the user is unavailable, by quite a banal reason. For example, another subscriber could simply disable its phone, or be out of the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe cellular network. The latter situation is possible somewhere in the remote area, as well as in the subway, basement, elevator, airplane, abroad, etc. Often the user simply discharges the battery, and the mobile device is turned off. In any case, as soon as the device is enabled, this subscriber will receive a message about the missed call.

So now we know what the subscriber's phone is temporarily unavailable. Such a situation can occur in a variety of reasons. It happens that the mobile apparatus of another subscriber is simply lost, or someone stole him. What reasons are most common?

The phone of another subscriber is temporarily unavailable: the most common causes

So, if the mobile device of another person is temporarily unavailable, most likely, it is simply discharged, and there is no possibility to recharge it at the moment. Of course, the role in this could not play. Often the subscriber is really there where the cellular network signal is extremely weak or not at all.

Often, base stations are overloaded, and we simply cannot contact immediately with several customers of a particular operator. This can be observed on holidays. Sometimes the malfunction can be caused by even adverse weather conditions - for example, snowfall or heavy rain, in which digital transport channels are damaged.

Oddly enough, the above situation is not less common, in which the subscriber itself turns off its mobile device. Causes can only be known to him alone; One way or another, its number becomes temporarily inaccessible, and no one can reach him.