Basic rules of safe work on the Internet. Basic safety rules on the Internet

Today it is difficult to imagine a child who is not an active Internet user. Year after year, we observe how Russian Internet users are getting younger. Children of our time are developing in a world that is much different from the world in which their father and mother grew up. One of the most important factors in the development of a modern child is the environment. information technologies where the internet is at the forefront. However, along with all the advantages of informatization of our world, the Internet carries a considerable danger for the younger generation. Both young children and teenagers cannot fully appreciate all the risks they face when entering the online environment. With the help of our tips, clarifications and recommendations, you will make your child's stay on the World Wide Web safe and useful.

Internet risks

Recall the times when your child "sits on the Internet." Surely you know what he does, with whom he communicates?

"It is interesting. A study conducted in , showed that although many fathers and mothers provided children with information about the need to use the Internet safely and talked about the rules for such use, still a minority of parents track their children's activities on the Internet. The majority of children stated that they do not ask their parents' permission to use the Internet, and also spend time online without restrictions.

Parents often think that the Internet does not pose any danger to children. Parents perceive the computer as a new modern means of education. They believe that if the child is at home, then there is no need to worry about them. However, this is not the case in all cases. Parents need to be aware of their child's activities on the Internet - along with interest in other areas of his activity.

Dangers on the Internet

  • malware
  • cyber fraud
  • social networks
  • blogs
  • content content
  • internet addiction

Malicious programs

Malware is a variety software deliberately designed to harm electronic devices or kidnapping information resources, data. These are viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots, surveillance programs, etc. etc. Malicious programs, getting on, help to reduce the speed of data exchange, and also use your computer as a base for spreading their malicious data. They may use your e-mail or social network profile as a spammer ("garbage"). Such dangerous files can get onto your computer in the following ways:

  • by visiting dubious websites and downloading files from them
  • from email via received spam
  • with help electronic media(CD, flash drives).

Help your child prevent the appearance of dangerous programs on the computer:

  1. Install an antivirus. Anti-virus programs will help protect your computer from suspicious files, and special mail filters will prevent spam from entering your email. Such programs stop malicious attacks.
  2. Install reliable programs. Explain to your child that licensed software or programs from trusted sources do not harm the computer, unlike the installation of "pirated" programs.
  3. Do not open attached files. Teach your child not to open attachments sent from unknown email addresses: they are often viruses.
  4. Update your antivirus. Better yet, set it to auto-update.
  5. Check your computer for viruses. Scan more often, at least once a week.
  6. Reserve. Teach kids how to make extra copies required files.
  7. Pay attention to passwords. Teach your children how to create complex, unique passwords for logging in to an email account or social network, and how to change them periodically. Make sure you don't share your password with anyone. If he became known - you need to change.
  8. Foreign devices. Tell your child that if he used someone else's computer (tablet, smartphone) to view his page on a social network, he must log out of his account at the end of work. It is impossible to save passwords on other people's devices - this can be used by attackers.

cyber fraud

One of the dangerous types of crimes is cyber fraud - theft of personal important information Internet user: passwords, codes, passport and bank card details, etc. An SMS sent to confirm the download / song / program / ringtone / book can cause a considerable amount to be withdrawn from the phone. This can be seen if you have only allocated funds to replenish your account. phone number your child, and he immediately comes up with the message that there is no more money left for talking. In this case, you need to teach the child to be careful with cyber fraud:

  1. Inform. Explain to the child that there are a lot of cases of fraud on the Internet today, give examples. Discuss together whether it is worth using certain services on the network, especially if they are paid.
  2. Understand the situation. If an incident occurs, find out from the child what site he visited, where he clicked, what he wanted, what messages he read, etc. Try to restore the entire chain of the child’s actions, save everything: this may come in handy.
  3. Watch out for bank cards. have free access to payment cards parents: so he will not be able to independently make purchases on the Internet.
  4. Check reliability. If you and your child decide to purchase a product / service, then make sure the selected resource (online store) is safe: check the availability of details, read the rules and reviews.

Social networks

Children today use both social networks intended for children (Smeshariki - "Shararam"), and intended for adults (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). By opening an account on a social network, children can communicate both with classmates and close friends, and with people living in different countries Oh.

The information available is vulnerable. How? For example, the appearance cyberbullying or grooming.

Cyberbullying represents the appearance of messages in in social networks containing threats, insults, intimidation or harassment. There are cases when someone's page can be hacked by posting negative content on it that humiliates and insults a person.

Probability of meeting strangers and grooming- another danger of using social networks. Adding friends to complete strangers and communicating with them, the child puts himself in danger. A naive kid can disclose information about himself and his family, be subjected to pressure, extortion and blackmail. It is not uncommon for a perpetrator, posing as a peer in an online chat, to insist on a face-to-face meeting, which can turn into violence or even kidnapping for the child.

Parents should educate their child on safe use social networking sites:

  1. Be interested in your child's virtual friends. Find out if there are any dubious personalities among his "friends" who cause concern to the child. Do not panic. Tell the child that this needs to be told, and that parents will help to cope with the problem that has arisen.
  2. Create rules. As soon as your children become independent when using the Internet, explain their simple rules: is it possible for them to create accounts with social networks, whom they can accept as friends in this case, how much time they can devote to this virtual communication etc. In case of non-compliance with the rules, remove the page from the network on your own or by contacting the administrator.
  3. Pay attention to age. Please note that most social networks do not allow children under the age of 13-14 to participate in them.
  4. Follow the content. Each social network has rules of use and restrictions regarding the content of publications. Usually, this is offensive content, etc. Familiarize your child with these rules and make sure that the young Internet user does not violate them. Get into the habit of looking at your child's page from time to time.
  5. Meeting ban. Prevent your child from meeting in person with someone they met online. Explain the real threat of such meetings. Better yet, make it a rule not to accept strangers as friends. Let the children communicate in the virtual world with real people they know.
  6. Better nickname. Tell the child that it is better not to disclose the real name and surname, but to come up with a pseudonym.
  7. Track groups. See what communities and groups your child joins, and what kind of information passes there.
  8. Follow the photo. Often, photos that a child puts on the Internet can become a source additional information about your family. Ask your child not to post a photo from which such information can be gleaned.
  9. We hold back emotions. Make sure that the child is not too emotional in social networks. Malefactors pay attention to emotionally unstable children.
  10. Internet threats. While maintaining a trusting relationship with your child, find out from him if he is receiving threats or offensive messages on social networks. If so, take action in time.


Blogging, in other words "web diaries", is very popular. Many of them keep blogs secretly from their parents. If your child is the author of a blog, then it is necessary to ensure that the young author does not post too much personal information about himself and his family to the network. Following the recommendations will help to avoid problems:

  1. Preview. Parents should first look at the content of what your son or daughter is going to publish on the blog, and only then approve or not approve the publication.
  2. Is the information adequate? If so, then such an article (photo collection) has the right to life.
  3. Checking out the blog. From time to time, get acquainted with the content of the child's blog, read the comments.
  4. We monitor. Make a selection of the best blogs and show your child a good option when some problem occurs.


What is "content risk"? This is the presence on the Internet of materials that are illegal, unethical or otherwise harmful. Such materials can be represented by texts, images, sound and video files, links and banners to third-party sites, etc. Today, the entire world wide web is a risky space. A minor citizen may encounter pornographic content, calls to use and purchase drugs, calls to participate in extremist activities. Such content can inflict on the minds of children and adolescents, change their value orientations. Sites that present ways of harming people, pain, methods of losing weight, suicide, the use of drugs, sites of misanthropic and extremist organizations, and pornographic sites are considered especially dangerous.

To prevent the impact of content risks, parents should pay attention to the following:

  1. We restrict access. Today there is software that restricts the access of an underage audience to questionable content. Use the appropriate features of your antivirus program or install the program parental control. V search engines ah activate the safe search function.
  2. We monitor activity on the network. View the history of visiting sites and search queries to ensure the security of the content.
  3. We explain. Talk with children about the fact that not everything that is on the Internet is true, virtue and benefit. Teach them to filter the information they see online.

internet addiction

A topical problem since 1996 is Internet addiction, which is an intense desire to access the Internet during its absence. Such a state though does not destroy it in a direct way. Internet addiction is similar to gambling addiction. It is also characterized by a loss of sense of time, the inability to stop in time, detachment from reality, irritability and despair due to the lack of access to the Internet.

"Good to know. More than 90% of Internet addicts use communication-related services.”

What if you notice these symptoms in your child?

  1. Make contact. Find out what the child is interested in and what worries him.
  2. Don't block the internet. But set standards for use.
  3. One computer. Let one computer be connected to the Internet - it will be easier to track the activity of the child on the network. In other devices, the Internet must be disabled.
  4. Teach your child time management. So he realizes the harm of thoughtless waste of time on the Internet.
  5. Alternative. Offer your child an interesting activity, and then he will not have time to spend time at the computer / tablet / smartphone.
  6. Discuss. Talk to your child about why he cannot do without the Internet. Make it clear that nothing will happen if he leaves the network for a while.
  7. Follow our tips so you can make your children's online experience safe and teach them media literacy.

5.6.1. General rules

They may not lead to where the text information indicates.

2. Do not send sensitive personal or financial information unless it is encrypted during transmission!

Recall that regular emails are not encrypted.

3. Be careful when working with sites!

Fake websites that look like those of large companies are designed to deceive customers and collect their personal information. Please make sure that the websites you use have privacy and security statements and read them carefully.

4. Make sure the URL you need appears in the "address" or "host" field of your browser.

Some sites may look similar to the site you want, but in reality they are fake. Spend a few extra seconds, check, and if necessary, type the URL of the site you need personally.

5. When transferring confidential information, look for the padlock symbol in the lower right corner of the web page.

This symbol indicates that the site is running in secure mode. You must see it BEFORE you type. confidential information.

6. When exiting a network application, do so in accordance with established procedures.

Don't just close your browser! Follow the instructions for leaving the safe area to ensure your safety.

7. Avoid carrying out any banking transactions in places where Internet services are public,

such as an Internet cafe.

It is very difficult to determine if these computers are missing hacker programs that capture your personal information and account information. If you need to perform an operation from a public computer, be sure to

change your PIN from your computer after you have used a public computer.

This is of great importance as there is a risk that keystrokes (including numbers bank card and credit card, as well as PIN) using special programs built into a shared computer without your knowledge.

5.6.2. Basic rules for handling login and password

1. Login is your unique identifier, which, together with a password known only to you, makes it possible to prevent unauthorized access to the network under your name of another person.

Never share your password with others!

2. Use strong passwords or PINs for your online accounts.

Choose words that others will find hard to guess and use a different password for each of your accounts.

Use letters and numbers, and combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters if passwords or PINs distinguish them.

3. Be suspicious of any company or person that asks for your password, passport number, or other sensitive information.

Do not respond to emails asking for your personal information! remember, that all actions performed under your

login / password are legally considered committed by you.

5.6.3. Features of safe work in wireless networks

At wireless networks a lot in common with wired, but there are differences. In order to break into a wired network, a hacker needs to physically connect to it, and in wireless version he just needs to install the antenna in the gateway located in the coverage area of ​​the network.

Therefore, in the wireless segments of the network, the degree of threat of hacker attacks and, consequently, the risks of the whole set of security-related problems increases significantly.

For example, attackers can not only use a fake access point to distort the traffic passing through the radio channels and eavesdrop on it to extract confidential information, but also attack computers, provoking denials of service, by banal radio jamming.

5.6.4. Basic rules for fighting viruses

Computer virus is a program that violates the integrity of information on your computer, in individual cases leading even to failure of the equipment which is a part of your computer.

Today, computer viruses are an integral part of the information contained in both local and global networks.

However, the influence of viruses can be neutralized by adhering to the rules below.

1. Install only positively proven antivirus software.

In spite of big choice anti-virus systems, you should use only packages that have proven themselves in our market.

viruses is inherent in the Runet, i.e. Russian part of the Internet.

2. Periodically update your anti-virus program.

Antivirus scanners can only protect against those computer viruses, data about which are contained in the anti-virus database.

This is not enough to guarantee absolute protection, if only because new types of virus programs appear and spread very quickly. In this regard, it is necessary to update the anti-virus databases regularly. The more often this simple operation is performed, the more secure the workplace will be.

3. Be careful with files in emails.

Never open suspicious files from people you don't know.

4. Never run programs sent by an unknown person.

This rule is well known and needs no explanation. However, files received from "reliable" correspondents (acquaintances, colleagues and friends) can also be infected. Your friends may not know that letters are being sent from their computer without authorization: a virus is able to send messages on behalf of someone else without the owner of the computer noticing!

Before opening any file, it is necessary to check it with anti-virus tools. Naturally, good anti-virus packages check automatically.

The number of Internet users in Russia is growing every year, according to Mediascope for the period from October 2016 to March 2017, it increased by 2% and reached 87 million people, which indicates 71% of the total population of the country. At the same time, the goals of Internet users are diverse, communication in the social. networks, finding the right information, buying goods and services, selling goods and doing business.

At the same time, the number of cyber threats is also growing, with reports constantly popping up in the media about the theft of passwords from mailboxes, numbering in the millions, laying out well-known TV shows before the premiere (talking about the HBO studio series “Game of Thrones”), or interfering in the elections of different countries (for those who don’t know, Russian hackers helped Trump become President of the United States to rig voting data).

But the media only covers high-profile cyber attacks that give a great public response, bypassing everyday cybercrimes, which, according to experts, by 2018 can reach 2 trillion rubles in damages, which will affect the wallet of almost every tenth Runet user, because our users neglect elementary Internet safety rules.

To prevent users of our blog from falling into the number of these “bad” statistics, I have prepared 10 rules that must be observed and adhered to.

1. Strong password

The password is the basis of security, which most of the Runet users frankly neglect, using simple passwords or the same for all resources, mail, social networks, forums and even personal accounts of payment systems.

And if large services care about the security of their users' data, then small forums, online trackers, online stores neglect this and become a tasty morsel for hackers, because when the database is hacked, they also get access to user mail, because they have a password for everything services are the same.

On the advice of experts, the password should consist of at least eight characters, including letters in different case, numbers and special characters in a chaotic order or in an order understandable only to the user.

Passwords must be different for key services such as mailbox, Personal Area banking services, the main social network. If you have difficulty coming up with a password, use a password generator, for example,, but do not forget to write them down on paper so as not to forget.

    1Password (Mac, iOS, Android, Windows support)

    LastPass (Web, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows support)

    Dashlane (Web, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows)

    OneSafe (Mac, iOS, Android, Windows)

    iCloud Keychain (iOS, Mac)

    Splikity (iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

Do not forget to change passwords every three to six months, thereby reducing the risks of hacking, some services already have a forced password change, in certain periodicals, mainly social networks and electronic wallets.

2. Good antivirus

Do not rely on built-in protection, even if you have latest version Windows 10, experts advise installing third-party antiviruses, because they are more effective, since now there are plenty to choose from, including free versions, the most popular of which are:

    Avast Free Antivirus

    AVG Antivirus Free

    Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition

    Antivirus Kaspersky Free

    ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus+

  • Avira Free Antivirus

    Adaware Antivirus Free

    Comodo Antivirus

    Panda Free Antivirus

    Qihoo 360 Total Security

At the same time, do not forget about updates as the most operating system and third party applications, which are installed after a reboot. It is better if the Internet connection allows you to set the settings to autoload.

3. Connection security

One of critical aspects security when working on the Internet, as well as the safety of your login and password when working in various Internet services, is the use of an encrypted connection via the HTTPS protocol, which can be checked in the address bar, visually it is displayed as a padlock.

The presence or absence of this icon can signal to you that the site is secure, and also whether it is phishing, if, for example, you followed the link to Sberbank online, and ended up on an unprotected site with a similar name, as in the example in the screenshot below.

Therefore, pay attention to where you go, especially on links from SMS and messages from subscribers not from your circle or spam.

4. Binding to a phone number

Most major Internet services have additional security measures, one of which is linking your account to a mobile phone number, which is on this moment is considered the most secure of the available, for example, the same code word, which, in fact, is the second password.

Basically, this function is used in online banking and electronic wallets, because even if your login and password are captured by attackers, it will be technically difficult to intercept SMS in order to complete the transaction or action they need. Therefore, mail services and social networks now also have the ability to link to a mobile number. What I strongly recommend to use immediately in order to secure your information as much as possible.

5. Avoid Pirates

It just so happened that in our country it is not customary to pay for someone else's intellectual work and the majority prefers not to buy software, but to download it for free from various torrent trackers or other similar resources. At the same time, without suspecting that more than 76% of such software has viruses, trojans and other malicious code, with the help of which they not only steal confidential information about the user, but can also use the device without the knowledge of the owner, for example, in hacker attacks or connect to cryptocurrency mining.

In only one licensed Windows XP specialists found up to 63 various viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious code. At the same time, when downloading and installing such a “pirate”, anti-virus programs do not see most of the malicious code, so if you still use unlicensed software, you are at risk.

6. Filter your information

With the advent of social networks, publicity has become commonplace, many without thinking about the consequences openly share information that attackers can use for their own purposes, from the year and date of birth, full name, nicknames, ending with the nickname of their beloved dog, which, as inopportunely, is also a password in Classmates.

The collection of information about the user is carried out to apply social engineering methods to him, when, based on the data, scammers can slip you a phishing site or send you a letter from your boss (from a similar mailbox) with a link to a Trojan, which will subsequently result in some damage or simply they will guess the password to your mailbox and from there to all the services where you are registered, and all because of the nickname of your favorite dog ...

7. Free Wi-Fi Danger

When using dots Wi-Fi access in public places, be careful, although few people think about this and the word free Wi-Fi is delightful, it still increases the risk of losing your personal data.

Therefore, before connecting, make sure that the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) belongs to a valid source. Do not connect to random insecure WiFi networks. If possible, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPN allows you to work in a separate, secure private network, even with a public connection. Or you can use an app like Hotspot Shield that sets up the VPN automatically.

Compliance with the above rules will significantly reduce the risk of losing your personal data or reduce it to zero. But the main thing is to be more careful, because according to surveys, most users become victims of scammers due to their inattention.

For example, in an online survey conducted by the Mail.Ru Group, which was attended by 1,783 people aged 15 to 64 who live in cities with a population of over 100 thousand people and access the Internet at least once a week, users became victims of fraud for three reasons: they used simple passwords, they downloaded viruses, they switched to fraudulent sites.

Hello dear friends!

We use the Internet every day. Everyone is already accustomed to his existence, to the fact that he is.

This technological progress that has given us helps us stay up to date with all the events in the world, helps us find necessary information, watch movies online and a host of other benefits.

And the most important and important thing, in my opinion, is that with the help of special programs, we can be closer to each other, regardless of the distance.

It's all wonderful. But, the Internet is not as harmless at first glance as it might seem.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the Internet is huge world and not always on the way there are only kind and honest people.

There are enough evil trolls, and just not good people.

So let's talk a little today about how to make sure that our life on the Internet does not suddenly turn from a fun, carefree trip into a scary reality with elements of a horror movie from modern reality and subsequently, into a headache.

To do this, you need to develop habits and rules on the way to secure internet and understand:

There is even a holiday on the Internet - Safe Internet Day:

Safer Internet Day.

It has been celebrated since 2004. And it was created in order to draw the attention of users to this problem.

The Internet also has its own laws, but in general, chaos reigns here and there, in which it is very easy to get lost.

Complete security on the Internet, of course, is not realistic.

Write in the comments how you protect yourself on the Internet and whether you consider this problem relevant and I hope that mine will be useful to you:

Golden Rules for Internet Safety.


Sincerely, Larisa Mazurova.

| Personal security on the Internet

Lesson 33
Personal security on the Internet

Memo on the safety of schoolchildren on the Internet

From the blog of Tatyana Vladimirovna Orlova

Every year there are more young people on the Internet, and schoolchildren are among the most active users of Runet. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of opportunities, the Internet also brings problems. This memo is to help you stay safe online.

Computer viruses

Computer virus- is a variety computer programs, a distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce. In addition to this, viruses can damage or completely destroy all files and data controlled by the user on whose behalf the infected program was launched, as well as damage or even destroy the operating system with all files in general. In most cases, viruses are spread via the Internet.

Methods of protection against malware:

Use modern operating systems with a serious level of protection against malware;
Constantly install patches (digital patches that are automatically installed to improve the program) and other updates to your operating system. Download them only from the official website of the OS developer. If there is an automatic update mode, turn it on;
limit physical access to a computer for unauthorized persons;
Use external media, such as a flash drive, disk or file from the Internet, only from qualified sources;
Work on your computer as a user, not an administrator. This will prevent most malware from installing on your personal computer;
Use antivirus software products well-known manufacturers, automatic update bases;
Do not open computer files received from unreliable sources. Even those files that your friend sent. Better ask him if he sent them to you.

WI-FI networks

WiFi- this is not a type of data transmission, not a technology, but just a brand, a brand. Back in 1991, the Dutch company registered the brand "WECA", which meant the phrase "Wireless Fidelity", which translates as "wireless precision". Another abbreviation has reached our time, which is the same technology. It is an abbreviation for Wi-Fi. This name was given with an allusion to the Hi-Fi standard of the highest sound technology, which means “high fidelity” in translation.

Yes, free Internet access in cafes, hotels and airports is a great opportunity to get online. But many experts believe that public Wi-Fi networks are not secure.

Security Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Networks:

Do not share your personal information over public Wi-Fi networks. When working in them, it is advisable not to enter access passwords, logins and some numbers;
Use and update your antivirus software and firewall. Thus, you will protect yourself from downloading a virus to your device;
At using Wi-Fi turn off the function General access to files and printers. This function closed by default, but some users activate it for ease of use at work or school;
Do not use public WI-FI to transfer personal data, for example, to access social networks or e-mail;
Use only a secure connection via HTTPS, not HTTP, ie. when typing a web address, enter exactly “https://”;
Turn off "Connect to Wi-Fi automatically" on your mobile phone. Don't let automatic connection devices to Wi-Fi networks without your consent.

Social networks are actively entering our lives, many people work and live there permanently, and a billion people are already registered on Facebook, which is one seventh of all the inhabitants of the planet. Many users do not realize that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including not necessarily with good intentions.

Limit your friends list. You should not have random and unfamiliar people in your friends;
Protect your privacy. Do not provide passwords, phone numbers, addresses, your date of birth or other personal information. Attackers can even use information about how you and your parents plan to spend your holidays;
Protect your reputation - keep it clean and ask yourself: would you like other users to see what you upload? Think before you post, write and upload;
If you are talking to people you do not know, do not use your real name and other personal information: name, place of residence, place of study, etc.;
Avoid posting photos on the Internet that show you in an area that can be used to determine your location;
When registering on a social network, you must use complex passwords consisting of letters and numbers and with at least 8 characters;
You must use different passwords for the social network, mail, and other sites. Then if you get hacked, then the attackers will only get access to one place, and not all at once.

Electronic money

Electronic money- this is a very convenient payment method, but there are scammers who want to get this money.

Electronic money appeared quite recently and it is because of this that in many states it is still not spelled out about them in the laws. In Russia, they function and they are already spelled out in the law, where they are divided into several types - anonymous and not anonymous. The difference is that anonymous ones are those in which it is allowed to carry out transactions without user identification, while in non-anonymous user identification is mandatory.

It is also necessary to distinguish between electronic fiat money (equal to state currencies) and electronic non-fiat money (not equal to state currencies).

Basic tips for safe work with electronic money:

Link to account mobile phone. This is the most convenient and quick way restore access to the account. The linked phone will help if you forget your payment password or access the site from an unfamiliar device;
Use one-time passwords. After switching to enhanced authorization, you will no longer be in danger of theft or interception of your payment password;
Choose a complex password. It will not be easy for criminals to guess a complex password. Strong passwords are passwords that are at least 8 characters long and include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and multiple symbols such as the dollar sign, pound sign, Exclamation point etc. For example, $tR0ng!;;
Do not enter your personal data on sites you do not trust.


Email is a technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages, which are distributed in computer network. Typically, an e-mail box looks like this: user_name@domain_name. Also, apart from the transfer plain text, it is possible to transfer files.

Basic email security tips:

You need to choose the right postal service. There is a huge selection of free email services on the Internet, but it is better to trust those you know and who are the first in the ranking;
Do not point to personal mail personal information. For example, it's better to select "music_fan@" or "rock2013" instead of "theme13";
Use two-step authorization. This is when, in addition to the password, you need to enter a code sent via SMS;
Choose a complex password. Each mailbox must have its own strong, hack-resistant password;
If possible, write your own personal question, use this opportunity;
Use multiple mailboxes. The first one is for private correspondence with recipients you trust. This email address do not use when registering on forums and sites;
Do not open files and other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. Better ask them if they sent you these files;
After finishing work on mail service Before closing the tab with the site, do not forget to click on "Exit".

Cyberbullying or virtual bullying

Cyberbullying- harassment with messages containing insults, aggression, intimidation; hooliganism; social boycott through various Internet services.

Key tips for dealing with cyberbullying:

Don't jump into the fight. The best way: consult how to behave and, if there is no one to whom you can turn, then first calm down. If you begin to respond with insults for insults, you will only ignite the conflict even more;
Manage your cyber reputation;
Anonymity in the network imaginary. There are ways to find out who is behind an anonymous account;
You should not lead a hooligan image of a virtual life. The Internet captures all your actions and saves them. It will be extremely difficult to remove them;
Respect your virtual honor from a young age;
Ignore a single negative. One-time offensive messages are best ignored. Usually aggression stops at the initial stage;
Ban the aggressor. In exchange programs instant messaging, in social networks it is possible to block sending messages from certain addresses;
If you are a witness to cyberbullying. Your actions: to speak out against the stalker, show him that his actions are evaluated negatively, support the victim who needs psychological help, inform adults about the fact of aggressive behavior on the network.

Mobile phone

Modern smartphones and tablets contain quite adult functionality, and now they can compete with stationary computers. However, remedies for similar devices so far very little. Testing and searching for vulnerabilities in them is not as intensive as for PCs, the same applies to mobile applications. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but the expansion of functionality entails more complexity and less security. Not all manufacturers release updates that cover critical vulnerabilities for their devices.

Basic tips for mobile phone security:

Nothing is truly free. Be careful, because when you are offered free content, it may contain some paid services;
Think before you send SMS, photo or video. Do you know exactly where they will end up?
You need to update the operating system of your smartphone;
Use anti-virus programs for mobile phones;
Do not download applications from an unknown source, as they may contain malicious software;
After you leave the site where you entered personal information, go to your browser settings and delete cookies;
Periodically check which paid services are activated on your number;
Give your mobile phone number only to people you know and trust;
Bluetooth must be turned off when you are not using it. Don't forget to check it sometimes.

Online games

Modern Online Games is a colorful, exciting entertainment that unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players explore the world given to them, communicate with each other, complete tasks, fight monsters and gain experience. They pay for pleasure: they buy a disc, pay for a subscription, or purchase some options.

All these funds are spent on maintaining and developing the game, as well as on security itself: authorization systems are being improved, new patches are being released (digital patches for programs), server vulnerabilities are being closed. In such games, it is not so much your rivals that you should be afraid of, but the theft of your password, on which the authorization system of most games is based.

Basic tips for the security of your gaming account:

If another player behaves badly or creates trouble for you, block him in the list of players;
Complain to the game administrators about the bad behavior of this player, it is advisable to attach some evidence in the form of screenshots;
Do not provide personal information in the game profile;
Respect other participants in the game;
Do not install unofficial patches and mods;
Use complex and different passwords;
Even during the game, do not turn off the antivirus. While you are playing, your computer may be infected.

Phishing or identity theft

The usual theft of money and documents today is no surprise to anyone, but with the development of Internet technologies, attackers have moved to the Internet and continue to do their “favorite” business. Thus, a new threat appeared: Internet fraud or phishing, the main purpose of which is to obtain confidential user data - logins and passwords. On the English language phishing reads like phishing (from fishing - fishing, password - password).

Top tips for fighting phishing:

Follow your account. If you suspect that your profile has been hacked, then you need to block it and inform the resource administrators about it as soon as possible;
Use secure websites, including online stores and search engines;
Use complex and different passwords. Thus, if you are hacked, then the attackers will have access to only one of your profiles on the network, and not to all;
If you have been hacked, then you need to warn all your friends who are added to your friends that you have been hacked and, possibly, spam and links to phishing sites will be sent on your behalf;
Install strong password(PIN) to a mobile phone;
Disable password saving in the browser;
Do not open files and other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. Better check with them if they sent you these files.

Digital Reputation

Digital Reputation- this is negative or positive information on the network about you. Compromising information posted on the Internet can seriously affect your real life. "Digital reputation" is your image, which is formed from information about you on the Internet. Your place of residence, studies, your financial situation, character traits and stories about loved ones - all this accumulates in the network.

Many teens are flippant about posting personal information online without understanding possible consequences. You will not even be able to guess that a photo posted 5 years ago was the reason for not hiring you.