Why the camera does not work on the telephone telephone. Camera does not work on android

Let's consider the most common reasons why the webcam does not work in your Windows 10 operating system. A new version The OS has a system-wide option that completely disables your webcam.

The "Parameters" appendix has several switches that disable the webcam in all applications separately in specific and for the entire device. If the switches are in an inactive position, even desktop applications will not be able to use it.

In general, the parameters of permits affect not only new windows Apps 10 from the official store (UWP), but also on some desktop. If your camera does not work, first go to the "Parameters" of the system.

This can be done in the Start button menu or by pressing a specific key combination. This is the Win + I keys, click them.

Why webcam does not work

In the upper left part of the window, make sure that the "Allow access to the camera on this device" parameter is activated. If not, click the Edit button and set the value to the Position.

In the next step, check the "Allow Application Access to Camera" parameter to be included. Without this, no applications in the system, including desktop, will not be able to see or use your webcam. This option has been changed from the moment the update is released for OS in April 2018. Previously, he only affected UWP applications and did not affect traditional desktop programs.

In the section "Select applications that can access Camera". Make sure all the necessary can access and are not disabled. Otherwise, set the "Included" position.

If all the above parameters are set correctly, the operating system should not interfere with anything. These are all traditional steps to find and eliminate the reasons why a webcam is not working.

Why the webcam does not work on the computer

In addition to the simple disconnection, you or anyone else with access may disable / enable webcam in or UEFI on some PCs or laptops. This option is most often found on laptops for enterprises, since it makes it possible to safely disable access to them.

Available and disable and in the OS device manager. If you have previously done this step, you will need to return and turn on the device again.

Operational windows system 10 Attempts to update device drivers whenever you connect them automatically. But it does not always work properly. In some cases, you may need to upload the device driver installation package from the manufacturer's official website and install it yourself.

If no applications can see the webcam, it is worth checking out the correctness of its connection. This refers to the cable. This also happens. In the case of USB, make sure the cable is connected to the USB port of your PC. Disconnect it and connect back to make sure it is securely fixed.

Some webcams have indicators. Please note whether the indicator is active after the connection. Also worth trying another USB port if available.

Other reasons

If nothing helps, all settings are activated, installed, the connection is correct, then there are two more options for solving the problem.

The first - you may need to dig in the settings of a particular application you are trying to use. This is especially true if several video capture devices are connected to the computer. Can be automatically selected incorrect.

For example, in Skype, go to the "Settings" menu, then in the "sound and video" menu and select the preferred camera from the drop-down list.

Attention! In Windows 10, the downloadable Desktop version of Skype and the preset version is almost the same, but the downloadable can see more types of webcams. This is because it is a classic desktop application, and pre-installed - UWP.

AND the last second Option - if it was not possible to find out why a webcam does not work with the help of the methods described above, maybe it simply failed. Try connecting it to other computers and look at the result. Thanks for attention!

Camera error. Could not connect to Android camera - what to do? The most reliable way to get rid of camera malfunctions - contact service center. But sometimes foreign interference and spending of solid amounts for repairs can avoid. How?

When entering the camera on the screen, the system message message can appear "failed to connect to the camera", another screen can simply be painted in black, and the application can be spontaneously closed. If collided with such a problem - to start, inspect the lens. New packaged gadgets have a chamber protected by a special film, perhaps you just didn't pay attention to it and forgot to immediately. If the gadget is at your disposal a long time ago, pay attention to the presence of pollution. A visual inspection can also detect the presence of mechanical "injuries" - this situation will not cost without paid professional intervention.

  1. Restart the phone and try to enter the camera again. Sometimes the problem disappears by itself.
  2. Run the search for malicious programs on any antivirus and delete them.

Sometimes it helps the simple cleaning of the phone from unnecessary programs and files. The clogged memory simply does not have a place to implement simple basic operations.

Think if you did not install any new components on your phone. Probably they negatively affect the camera's work. If any - delete them and check if the camera has earned.

Perhaps you recently changed something in the settings menu and accidentally disable access to the camera. Carefully review the phone settings, the problem may hide there.

If the above manipulations did not turn out to be effective with your problem, only a specialist will discern. For competent diagnostics and quality repairs Tell everyone important moments About the work of your gadget, list the recent events that probably influenced his work.

Does not turn on the camera on android

When the camera does not work on android system, as a rule, signals the special system messages. It can be "Unable to connect to the camera", "Camera error" or a set of code symbols. Try to switch the camera mode with frontal to the main and back. If the system warning is displayed only in one mode - most likely on the hardware level everything is fine, and one of the lenses or related parts needs to be repaired.

It also happens that the camera turns on, displays an image from the lens to the screen, reacts to the display buttons, but the images and the video does not save. Try to delete unnecessary from the phone's memory, perhaps the device simply lacks a free space to save. The problem may also hide in the settings where the application is simply not allowed to save files on this device.

With problems when using the camera, users are often faced by users of inexpensive devices for the production of small companies.

Why can't connect to the camera on the phone

We'll figure it out for the reasons why the camera stops working:

  1. One of the reasons is the firmware update. If the camera refused after updating the version of the Android, the operating system should be returned and updated.
  2. Damage to the camera setup modules. To such a result lead serious mechanical impact on the apparatus, corrosion of the internals due to fluid ingress, fatigue destruction on units of old technology.
  3. Viral programs. Knock the correct operation of the camera capable malicious programswhich easily fall into the computer of the device with antivirus applications.
  4. Cache module clogged.

How to solve this problem

You can try ways:

  • Clear cache. In the settings, locate the camera application, erase the data and cache.
  • Update the camera application. Perhaps his version is outdated and not combined with current firmware Your phone.
  • Try setting any other photo and video app. For example, Camera Zoom FX. If it does not work, at least you definitely decide that the problem is technical and not a software.

The camera is a very important element of a modern mobile device. It is also needed for entertainment, and to preserve memorable moments, and many helps to facilitate and speed up working processes daily. That is why such a lot of attention is paid to the quality of the camera in smartphones, both budget and flagship models.

It is not surprising that in cases where the camera does not work, the owner of the phone begins to feel discomfort. We want to describe several ways to self-diagnose camera breakdown in the smartphone and its repair.

  • Camera conflict with updated firmware. Although new firmware It is intended to improve the operation of the phone, sometimes updating the software can lead to some faults. If your Android camera does not work, it's worth "reset" to the default settings. Perhaps the firmware conflict is not with the camera itself, but with some of the custom settings. If these actions do not help, the most obvious will "roll back" the system to the old workable version. If you do not know how to do it yourself - contact our service center.
  • Infection with viruses. Another popular cause of the camera malfunction may be on the virus telephone. Installing antivirus programs on mobile devices Not yet received universal popularity. Mostly people learned to protect only their computers and laptops. Therefore, if any antivirus is installed on your smartphone - do it immediately. If the self-cleaning of the phone does not lead to the proper result, you will have to contact the service center, where qualified employees using special skills and software will be able to heal the phone from any virus.
  • Mechanical damage to the smartphone. When strikes and drops, the camera or one of its parts can crash or can move the contacts of the connector. Therefore, after strikes and falls, you will most likely have to carry a smartphone straight to the service.
  • Camera conflict with Skype app. The reason for the non-working chamber in Skype is most often related to the wrong settings, so in this case It is worth worrying. Check the camera settings in application Skype. and the parameters of the camera itself. Surely, after that everything will work, as it should be.
  • It is also not rarely the cause of the camera's failure can be fluid, condensate. In this case, do not do without anti-corrosion cleaning in the terms of service. Primitive "dry" does not help here.

Cameras modern smartphones They are a complex optical device, and if you fear to take responsibility and climb inside the phone, and even more so if the phone is under warranty from the manufacturer better contact the service center.

Today, even on inexpensive smartphones, professional photo models are installed, which are no longer inferior to popular "soap boxes". With help mobile gadgets Any user can feel like a novice photographer. And if you install special program For the camera on Android, you can play with the effects and give pictures of an additional charm.

No matter how well the gadgets did not work, some people face that the photomoduiler of the device ceases to work without visible reasons. Let's try to figure it out in this problem.

Probable reasons

If the camera on android does not work, then there may be a number of grounds for this. For example, in the process of updating the phone, a failure occurred, which entailed a violation of the work of the photo module. In addition, some users are trying to reflash gadgets independently, which is also fraught with consequences. Viruses I. malicious files There may also be the reason that there is a shutdown of the application for the camera on android.

And, of course, the smartphone may fail due to a mechanical strike. The most common problems and methods for their solutions are presented.

Software errors

  • Viruses. In order to get rid of malicious codewho could interrupt the work of the camera application on android, you need to install good antivirus. And check the system.
  • Lack of free space. If on the memory card or on the phone itself everything is clogged under the urban, it can provoke a failure of the photo module. To solve this problem, it is enough to clear the phone's memory and delete all unnecessary or unused files.
  • "Scored" cache. Temporary files are constantly digging on smartphones. If the cache is filled, it may well cause an error. Therefore, it is enough to simply delete all temporary data.

  • Incorrect settings. If the snapshot was made on the memory card, which was further extracted from the smartphone, then you just need to restart the phone.

If, after these manipulations, the camera on android does not work, then problems can be more global.

Physical malfunctions

Before you go to the service center, it is worth checking everything. possible reasons breakdowns. Even if they sound absurd.

If the camera does not work on the android phone, then you need to check whether the place is Micro SD card. Very often on smartphones, photographs are not on the device itself, but to a miniature drive. If it is not inserted into the phone, the camera will be inactive.

The second most typical reason for the camera on android does not work, lies in a contaminated lens. Very often, users buy unusual covers for smartphones, dust and dirt successfully accumulate. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, it is worth checking if the miniature photo of the photo modulus was not polluted.

If the camera works with interruptions and periodically turns off right during the shooting process, then it is necessary to re-configure it, following the correct sequence of actions.

How to configure the photo module

If the camera on android does not work or periodically fail, then you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Reset smartphone settings to factory. Usually for this you need to go to the Gadget menu and find the "Backup" run. After that, you need to select "Reset Factory Settings". Before this, it is better to save all the important data and transfer contacts from the notebook to the memory card.
  • Download and install antivirus (before that you should not go to other sites). After that, you need to clean the system. Download antivirus programs Recommended only in Google Play.This can be guaranteed from malicious files.
  • Clear cache. This operation is performed immediately after the test was performed by antivirus. To clean up, you need to go to "Applications" and find there "Camera". In the same menu there will be a "Clear cache" button.
  • Thoroughly wipe the lens lens using a special napkin for optics.

If the pictures still fail to do, you can try to install another camera application. There are a huge amount of such utilities. There are paid I. free programs, more functional and those that allow only to photograph.

If nothing helped, then it remains only to contact the service center.

. "Failed to connect to the camera": Such an error message is displayed on the screen if there is a problem with access to the Android device - smartphone camera or tablet computer. More and more users are reported that they are faced with this error. The complexity is that there is no problem of solving a problem, as it can be equal to probability with knitting like softwarem and with hardware device.

It all starts with the fact that when trying to use the Android device camera, you first see a blank screen with the camera icon in the center, and then you get the message "Failed to connect to the camera". Sometimes it is possible to use the camera after restarting the device, but, as a rule, the error frequency increases, and soon use the photo module to make a couple of photos, it becomes simply impossible. Many users also complain that a similar error message they get when trying to shoot video with minimal resolution (240p). Is it possible to somehow correct the situation? Let's try to deal together in what is happening and finding available ways to solve the problem.

1. Available methods

Users are reported, the camera begins to work after rebooting the Android device. Sometimes you have to restart the gadget several times to achieve the desired result. In any case, it makes sense to try this elementary way - to turn off and turn on your smartphone or tablet again.

Each Android device has a function of downloading in the "Safe Mode" function, that is, you reboot the phone and turn it on by activating only the main applications and a limited number of available functions. Safe mode is great for troubleshooting, since the downloaded applications will be disabled, and you will be able to determine whether there is a conflict between different third-party software and system software that has a touch formation.

To restart in safe mode:

If the camera works normally in safe mode, then you narrowed the circle of searching for the error. The problem is to conflict third-party applications with system software. It is because of them that you cannot connect to the camera. Your following actions:

C.) Delete conflicting third-party applications
Try to remove third-party applications related to the camera. These are applications that in the process of their work can take pictures. For example: Snapchat, WhatsApp, etc. Surely on your smartphone or tablet there will be programs with which you can take photos directly from the application and share them. Delete such programs sequentially, one by another, checking after each removal, did the error disappear. If you managed to connect to the camera, you found a conflicting with system software third-party application. And also: do not forget to switch between video, panoramic shooting and other modes during the inspection - the problem may manifest itself in any of them, and it is important for us to restore the full functionality of the chamber.

D.) Try to use the third-party camera application.

If the system application is the only program that has access to the camera on your Android device, and you received a message "Failed to connect to the camera", you should try to work with it using a third-party application. The Google Play store presents a lot of programs suitable for this purpose. Use the search feature and find applications in the Camera category. Stop your choice on one of the most popular applications - such as: Candy Camera, Open Camera, Camera 360, Camera MX or Camera for Android. Download and install the application, run it.

If a third-party application downloaded from Google Play, you managed to run the camera, then the problem lies in the official system Appendix for her. Try in the following way:

2. Methods of the average complexity

These are standard steps that can be done in the case when the application shows an error message "Failed to connect to the camera". Try to use them all - should help. And do not forget to stop the application of the application and restart it before each new attempt to connect the camera. The ways of correcting the error "failed to connect to the camera" do not carry the loss of saved photos and videos.

A.) Cleaning cache and data

B.) Delete and reuse updates
Go to the same settings of the camera application, as shown above. If there is the ability to delete updates, then do it. But remember that you should not use old versions of applications, so you have to visit Play Market.To update the camera application again.

B.) Check access rights (Android Marshm only)
Android Marshmallow has a personalized access authorization system to the main applications. You must confirm that your camera application has permission to access the chamber. Usually, if the required resolution is absent, it is requested during the launch of the application.

  • Go to "Settings" -\u003e "Applications" -\u003e "Cameras".
  • Click on "Permissions".
  • Make sure the camera resolution slider is shifted to the right. You can turn it off and turn it on again.

3. Methods for eliminating an error for advanced users

Attention: These error correction methods "failed to connect to the camera" when used entails the loss of data stored on the Android device. So as not to lose contacts, photo gallery, games, music and other content, you need to perform backup. Save photos, information about account and backup Applications in your google account. All this will be re-installed after adding the same Google account to the device.

BUT) Cleaning cache
This action allows you to clear the system of the device from temporary data - outdated and only cluttering memory. This option is activated in recovery modewhich becomes available after restarting the phone using the bootloader.

To clear the cache, follow these steps:

After cleaning the cache completes successfully, restart your phone and try the camera app once again. Please note that in your Android device there may be a different combination of buttons to access the maintenance and recovery mode.

B.) Reset to factory settings
Reset settings is considered the most radical way to solve problems, as it entails the full data loss. But if no other methods help, then you will be just forced to use it. However, the data to save will help back up, and repeat the device will only secure the skills of working with Android devices. Let us give two ways using which you can reset the phone or tablet to factory settings.

Method I: From the recovery menu

Method II: from system settings

If none of these methods have worked, the problem is most likely lies in the hardware of the Android device. You can return the phone whether the tablet is back to the seller if the warranty period has not yet expired. Otherwise, you will have to contact the authorized service of the gadget company, or choose a repair workshop with a good reputation, whose specialists will be able to understand the malfunction of the device. However, if you are not sure that the reason for the error is "failed to connect to the chamber" does not depend on the "iron", then you can wait for the next update operating system. Sometimes after the update, some problems are solved by themselves. It is a pity that it happens is extremely rare.