If the server error writes what to do. What is Server Error

Let's find out the reasons for the failures in the Google play market: there is no connection, you need to log into your account or server error. The presence of a variety of service problems, problems with the device selected for these purposes and many other reasons can lead to poor application performance. What if you can't log into your account? In this article, we will look at the main causes of failures and errors associated with Play Market and how to fix these problems.

Method 1. Restart Android

Since the system freezes quite often on Android, it is necessary to implement reboot device.

In addition, it will allow you to troubleshoot more than just work. Google play, but also with bugs of other applications.

Method 2. Reset Google Play Market settings

The play market application on the tablet may not work due to a large amount of unnecessary information, therefore, you should reset the settings by performing the following actions:

After the performed actions, it is recommended to restart the device for the system to quickly recognize the changes made.

Method 3: Removing Google Play Market Updates

As in the first method, you need to go to the settings menu, select the "Applications" or "Application Manager" section, in which click the " Remove updates", Which will lead to the start state of the play market.

Method 4. Resetting the Google Play Services application settings

In order to achieve the functioning of the play market, it is useful to reset the settings Google services Play in order to perform this operation, you must perform the following actions:

Method 5. Activating "Boot Manager"

Play Market malfunctions may occur due to the disabling of this service application. In order to activate the "Boot Manager", you must first go to the settings menu of your device, then, using a swipe, go to the "All" section, where to select the required item. When you stop the application, you should click the "Enable" button.

After the performed operations, you need to reboot the device, followed by checking the correct operation of the Play Market.

Method 6. Deleting Google Account

When performing this action, it must be borne in mind that when deleting an account, the loss of the necessary and important information... In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first synchronize the data, that is, create a backup copy. For these purposes, go to the settings menu, then select the "Accounts" section in it, after opening which, you need to select your account.

After the performed actions, the synchronization menu will be available, you just have to click on the mailbox.

After opening, you need to select the items that you need to synchronize. In most cases, users create backup copies of their personal information and "Contacts" using the selected section. To save important information on your tablet or phone, you must press the "Options" button and select " synchronize". After the steps taken, a backup copy of all applications will be created at the same time.

After synchronization, you can safely delete your Google account. When you re-enter this account, the device will prompt you to restore the backup information.

After the account has been deleted and restored again, the operation of applications should be normalized. In the event that the performance of the play market is not fully implemented, then you should use the following method.

Method 7. The presence of incompatible applications

Functioning Play Store may be violated or even blocked due to the presence of some applications that the user installed independently. Such applications exist in large numbers. Among these "pest" applications is the well-known Freedom, with the help of which the user can make in-game purchases in a free version.

Method 8. Configuring the "hosts" file

If your device is equipped with the application " Freedom", And in your opinion, it contributes to malfunctions of the play market, you need to configure the" hosts "file.

To configure this file, go to the settings menu, select the section "Application Manager" - Installed, and select "Freedom". After opening the menu of this program, you should click on the "Stop" button, and then uninstall the application. The main thing is not to neglect the rules of the proposed operation, namely: first stop, then delete.

After the device reboots, you need to check the functioning of the play market. if no changes have occurred, use the next method.

Method 9. Reset Android Settings

Despite the fact that resetting everyone existing settings is a rather radical action, it helps to solve most problems not only in the operation of applications, but also in the entire system. Going to the Android settings menu, you must select "Reset settings" in the " Recovery and Reset».

Before performing a reset, it is recommended to check once again that the necessary information has been synchronized. The data stored on the memory card will remain intact.

Method 10. Checking the Internet connection

Sometimes, it is the banal lack of connection to the Internet that causes the application to crash. After checking the connection, you should restart the router.

Method 11. Enabling Google Accounts

Malfunctions can occur due to the disabled Google account... Activating the application " Google Accounts"Occurs in a special section.

Method 12. Checking time and date

In case of constant disconnection, check if the time and date are set correctly.
If the Internet connection is connected, but the connection was still not made, you need to repeat the setting of the time zone and time by synchronizing these parameters with the network by going to the menu section “ Settings", Where by selecting" Time zone of the network "and" date and time», Mark these parameters with a tick.

Greetings! Today, immediately after iPhone updates(when trying to log in with my account) I ran into an unusual error. The phone happily informed me that this was not possible, and wrote something like the following - “Verification failed, login failed. An error occurred connecting to the Apple ID server. " The most interesting thing is that because of this, the phone actually turns into an ordinary "dialer", because it is impossible to use all Apple services - in App Store do not enter, the game or application cannot be downloaded, iCloud also cannot be activated, well, etc.

I successfully overcame this attack, which I very much wish you too. And this instruction will tell you what exactly needs to be done in in this case and in what way you can defeat the problem. Let's go!

First, I advise you to check if the Apple ID is correct and valid, that is, it is functioning in this moment... To do this, follow the link to the official website and enter your account details. If it doesn't open, then. In the case when everything is "ok", we will look for other reasons for the failure.

The error occurs on iPhone and iPad

The problem of connecting to Apple servers may already be waiting for you. And here there are only two options you can take:

  1. Try to activate through a computer using iTunes. Although difficulties may arise here too, more on that below.
  2. Just skip creating an Apple ID and do it later, after turning on the device.

In the case when it is not possible to log into your Apple ID on an already loaded device, or vice versa, you are logged in, but the App Store and other services do not work due to server failure, then you should pay attention to:

By the way, jailbreak can also cause similar problems. Therefore, if the previous methods do not help, and you still cannot log into the Apple ID, we get rid of the jail. Let me remind you that this can be done correctly only through.

On a computer using iTunes

In rare cases, server connection errors and various failures with Apple ID or App Store may occur while working with iTunes. However, they are easy enough to get rid of. For this:

  1. We make sure that the computer is connected to the Internet (it's stupid, of course, but everything can be).
  2. Antiviruses, firewalls and other defenders can block access to Apple servers. Turn them off for a while.
  3. A version of iTunes must be installed.
  4. If your Apple ID account has already been used on the computer, then we try to "unhook" it from the program. To do this, open iTunes - in the upper left corner, click on "store" - deauthorize this computer. Reboot your PC.

We try to log in again and, most likely, you will be able to do it!

Here are all the steps you can take to deal with the error connecting to Apple ID servers. Yes, there are not many of them, but the most important thing is that they really work!

P.S. Like it if the article was useful, and also write in the comments - what helped and what did not! Or do you have any other ways to deal with this failure? Tell us about them - other readers will be very grateful!

Most programs on your computer require many routines and drivers to run a complex system of workflows.

Failure at any stage of execution of these leads to the fact that the program does not start, about which the user is notified of a special notification.

Such notifications vary depending on the reasons that caused the failure, for example, in this article we will look at what an error means when executing a server application.


How does it manifest?

This problem occurs at the stage of opening certain files, but when launching programs, it occurs quite rarely.

Moreover, the file format, often, does not matter - it can be either a picture, or music or a video file.

The prevalence of such a problem is quite large and on some computers it can occur more or less regularly.

What is the appearance of such an error and how to find out about its appearance?

When you double click on this or that file to open or run it, nothing happens.

A few seconds later, a small window with a traditional Windows design appears, in which it is written about the problems with the execution of the server application and the address to the file, which the computer could not open.

Such a window can be closed by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner, or on the OK button in the window itself - regardless of this, the file will not start.

Sometimes the window appears in the background, at other times some initial startup symptoms appear on the screen, but after closing the error message, they disappear.

This problem can occur both simultaneously for several files (of different or of the same type), or for one - and this problem will not be eliminated by itself.

Advice! It is extremely rare that when a file is restarted after such a notification, it still occurs. This is because sometimes the system crashes temporarily or makes an error that is mistakenly recognized as a server application crashing. But in most cases, you can't count on it.

An interesting feature of this error is that although it can occur when opening files of any type, most often it can still be observed when starting a video.

And it is for those users who do not have any functional video player installed, and who use a standard one, the parameters and capabilities of which leave much to be desired.

What's happening?

What kind of processes occur in the computer when a file is launched, and a failure at what stage and of what nature can lead to the appearance of such a notification?

There are several reasons for this problem:

1 Incorrect work, which cannot play some types of video for one reason or another, including the one indicated in the notification in question;

2 Virus activity can lead to the same result, blocking some work processes on your device;

3 A conflict with one or another previously installed program can lead to such consequences;

From a technical point of view, the appearance of such a notification means that the firmware responsible for launching this file cannot receive a response from the server application, which is also responsible for launching.

Cause search algorithm

In order to fix a problem in your device, you must first accurately fix it.

This is not so easy, as there can be many reasons, but d To find the most probable one, you can follow this algorithm:

  • Run deep or full scan systems for viruses- if any virus is found in the system, then most likely the problem is in it. If the problem occurs only when opening one specific file, then it itself may be infected with a virus;
  • Please note if the problem arose after installing any program. This indicates a conflict between the application and the file. This is especially noticeable if all files have stopped opening. of this type;
  • When you are sure that updates and the program have been installed recently, and no viruses have been found, then check if there are any updates for your drivers and codecs designed to open files of this type.

Sometimes the reasons can be unforeseen errors and failures in the system. They are usually one-off and disappear on their own. But if this does not happen, then you can eliminate them using command line.

Algorithm for solving the problem

If the problem occurs when the video starts, while other types of files open normally, and the video format is not one of the most common, then it can be argued that the matter is in the player of the operating system.

In order to update the drivers, do the following:

1 Follow the path Control Panel \ Hardware and Sound \ Device Manager and open this application (you can openly press the button Start and print "Device Manager"

2 In the window that opens with a list of devices, find the section Video adapters and click on the arrow to the left of this word in order to expand the list of devices responsible for video playback on this PC;

4 In the drop-down menu that unfolds after such actions, there is an item Update driver- click on it;

5 A window will open asking you how exactly you want to search for the necessary notifications - choose automatic search;

6 Wait while the search is in progress;

7 If an update is found, it will be displayed in the window after the end of the search, and you will only need to click the button Download or Install if there are no updates, then a notification will appear informing about this;

8 After finishing the driver installation, restart your computer.

Remember that an automatic search for drivers is performed on the Internet. Therefore, before performing this procedure, make sure that your computer is connected to the network, and the created connection is sufficiently stable.

Command line

If the methods above did not help, try using the command line:

1 Simultaneously pinch Win+R;

Now the problem will no longer occur. If such an operation still did not help to solve the problem, then reopen and print one more command - sfc / scannow and press Enter. Restart your computer again.

HTTP status code(eng. HTTP status code) - part of the first line of the server response for HTTP requests. It is an integer with three decimal digits. The first digit indicates state class ... The response code is usually followed by a space-separated explanatory phrase on English language, which explains to a person the reason for just such an answer. Examples:

  • 201 Created.
  • 401 Unauthorized.
  • 507 Insufficient storage.

The client learns from the response code about the results of his request and determines what actions he should take next. The set of status codes are standard and are described in the relevant RFCs. The introduction of new codes should only be made after consultation with the IETF. However, there are two known codes in use that are not mentioned in RFC: 449 Retry With. Also mentioned is the explanatory phrase "Reply With" in the specification for WebDAV v Microsoft Developer Network introduced Microsoft and 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded introduced in cPanel.

The client may not know all the status codes, but it is the responsibility of the client to respond according to the class of the code. There are currently five classes of status codes.

Web server Internet Information Services in its log files, in addition to the standard status codes, it uses subcodes, writing them through a period after the main one. At the same time, this subcode is not placed in responses from the server - it is needed by the server administrator so that he can more accurately determine the sources of problems.

Overview list

Below is an overview list of all response codes described in this article:

Web Server Header Based Decision Diagram

Response code statistics generated by the log analyzer Webalizer

  • 1xx: Informational:
    • 100 Continue
    • 101 Switching Protocols;
    • 102 Processing.
  • 2xx: Success:
    • 200 OK ("good");
    • 201 Created;
    • 202 Accepted;
    • 203 Non-Authoritative Information;
    • 204 No Content;
    • 205 Reset Content;
    • 206 Partial Content;
    • 207 Multi-Status;
    • 226 IM Used.
  • 3xx: Redirection:
    • 300 Multiple Choices;
    • 301 Moved Permanently;
    • 302 Moved Temporarily;
    • 302 Found;
    • 303 See Other;
    • 304 Not Modified;
    • 305 Use Proxy;
    • 306 - reserved(the code was used only in the early specifications);
    • 307 Temporary Redirect.
  • 4xx: Client Error:
    • 400 Bad Request
    • 401 Unauthorized;
    • 402 Payment Required;
    • 403 Forbidden;
    • 404 Not found("not found");
    • 405 Method Not Allowed;
    • 406 Not Acceptable;
    • 407 Proxy Authentication Required;
    • 408 Request Timeout;
    • 409 Conflict ("conflict");
    • 410 Gone ("deleted");
    • 411 Length Required;
    • 412 Precondition Failed;
    • 413 Payload Too Large;
    • 414 URI Too Long;
    • 415 Unsupported Media Type;
    • 416 Range Not Satisfiable;
    • 417 Expectation Failed;
    • 418 I’m a teapot
    • 422 Unprocessable Entity;
    • 423 Locked;
    • 424 Failed Dependency;
    • 425 Unordered Collection;
    • 426 Upgrade Required;
    • 428 Precondition Required;
    • 429 Too Many Requests;
    • 431 Request Header Fields Too Large;
    • 444 Closes the connection without sending a response header. Non-standard code;
    • 449 Retry With;
    • 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
  • 5xx: Server Error:
    • 500 Internal Server Error;
    • 501 Not Implemented;
    • 502 Bad Gateway
    • 503 Service Unavailable;
    • 504 Gateway Timeout;
    • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported;
    • 506 Variant Also Negotiates;
    • 507 Insufficient Storage;
    • 508 Loop Detected;
    • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded;
    • 510 Not Extended;
    • 511 Network Authentication Required;
    • 520 Unknown Error;
    • 521 Web Server Is Down;
    • 522 Connection Timed Out;
    • 523 Origin Is Unreachable;
    • 524 A Timeout Occurred;
    • 525 SSL Handshake Failed;
    • 526 Invalid SSL Certificate.

Description of codes


This class contains codes that inform about the transmission process. When working through protocol version 1.0, messages with such codes should be ignored. In version 1.1, the client should be prepared to accept this message class as a normal response, but the server does not need to send anything. The messages from the server themselves contain only the start line of the response and, if required, a few response-specific header fields. Proxy servers should send such messages further from the server to the client.

  • 100 Continue - the server is satisfied with the initial information about the request, the client can continue to send headers. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 101 Switching Protocols - the server offers to switch to a protocol that is more suitable for the specified resource; the server must indicate the list of proposed protocols in the Upgrade header field. If the client is interested in this, then he sends a new request indicating a different protocol. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 102 Processing - the request has been accepted, but it will take a long time to process it. Used by the server to prevent the client from dropping the connection due to timeout. Upon receiving such a response, the client must reset the timer and wait for the next command in normal mode... Appeared in WebDAV.


Posts of this class inform about cases of successful acceptance and processing of the client's request. Depending on the status, the server can also transmit the headers and body of the message.

  • 200 OK - successful request. If the client has requested any data, then they are in the header and / or body of the message. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 201 Created - A new resource has been created as a result of the successful execution of the request. The server can indicate the addresses (there may be several of them) of the created resource in the body of the response, while the preferred address is indicated in the Location header. The server is recommended to indicate in the response body the characteristics of the created resource and its address; the format of the response body is determined by the Content-Type header. When processing a request, a new resource must be created before the response is sent to the client, otherwise the 202 response should be used. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 202 Accepted - the request was accepted for processing, but it was not completed. The client does not have to wait for the final transmission of the message, as a very long process can be started. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 203 Non-Authoritative Information - similar to answer 200, but in this case the transmitted information was not taken from the primary source (backup, another server, etc.) and therefore may not be up-to-date. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 204 No Content - the server successfully processed the request, but only headers without the message body were transmitted in the response. The client does not need to update the content of the document, but can apply the received metadata to it. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 205 Reset Content - the server obliges the client to reset the data entered by the user. At the same time, the server does not transmit the message body, and it is not necessary to update the document. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 206 Partial Content - The server successfully completed a partial GET request, returning only part of the message. In the Content-Range header, the server specifies the content byte ranges. Particular attention should be paid to caching when working with responses like this. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1. ( more ...)
  • 207 Multi-Status - the server transmits the results of several independent operations at once. They are placed in the message body itself as an XML document with a multistatus object. It is not recommended to place statuses from the 1xx series in this object because of its meaninglessness and redundancy. Appeared in WebDAV.
  • 226 IM Used - the A-IM header from the client was successfully received and the server returns the content with the specified parameters. Introduced in RFC 3229 to complement HTTP with delta encoding support.


The codes of this class tell the client that a different request must be made, usually at a different URI, in order to successfully complete the operation. From this class, five codes 301, 302, 303, 305 and 307 refer directly to redirects. The server specifies the address to which the client should make a request in the Location header. This allows the use of fragments in the target URI.

By latest standards the client can redirect without the user's request only if the second resource is requested by the GET or HEAD method. The previous spec said that to avoid circular jumps, the user should be asked after the 5th consecutive redirect. For all redirects, if the request method was not HEAD, then a short hypertext message with the target address should be included in the response body, so that in case of an error, the user can make the transition himself.

The HTTP developers note that many clients, when redirecting with codes 301 and 302, mistakenly apply the GET method to the second resource, despite the fact that the first request was with a different method (most often PUT). To avoid misunderstandings, in the HTTP / 1.1 version, codes 303 and 307 were introduced and it was recommended to use them instead of 302. The method should be changed only if the server responded with 303. In other cases, the next request should be made with the original method.

The behavior of clients with various redirects is described in the table:

Response status Caching If method is not GET or HEAD

  • 300 Multiple Choices - according to the specified URI, there are several options for providing a resource by MIME type, by language or by other characteristics. The server sends a list of alternatives with a message, giving the opportunity to make a choice to the client automatically or to the user. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 301 Moved Permanently - the requested document has been finally moved to the new URI specified in the Location header field. Some clients behave incorrectly when processing this code. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 302 Found, 302 Moved Temporarily - the requested document is temporarily available at a different URI specified in the header in the Location field. This code can be used, for example, in server-driven content negotiation. Some[ which?] clients behave incorrectly when processing this code. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 303 See Other - the document at the requested URI must be requested by the address in the Location header field using the GET method, even though the first was requested by a different method. This code was introduced along with the 307th to avoid ambiguity, so that the server can be sure that the next resource will be requested with the GET method. For example, a web page has a text entry field for quick navigation and searching. After entering the data, the browser makes a request using the POST method, including the entered text in the message body. If a document with the entered name is found, the server responds with a 303 code, indicating its permanent address in the Location header. Then the browser is guaranteed to request it using the GET method to get the content. Otherwise, the server will simply return the search results page to the client. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 304 Not Modified - the server returns this code if the client has requested a document using the GET method, has used the If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header, and the document has not changed since the specified moment. In this case, the server message should not contain a body. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 305 Use Proxy - a request to the requested resource must be made through a proxy server whose URI is specified in the Location header field. This response code can only be used by original HTTP servers (not proxies). Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 306 (Reserved) - Previously used response code, currently reserved. Mentioned in RFC 2616 (HTTP / 1.1 Update).
  • 307 Temporary Redirect - the requested resource is briefly available at a different URI specified in the Location header field. The request method (GET / POST) is not allowed to be changed. For instance, POST request should be sent to the new URI by the same POST method. This code was introduced together with 303 instead of 302 to avoid ambiguity. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP / 1.1 update).

Client error

The 4xx class of codes is intended to indicate client-side errors. When using all methods except HEAD, the server must return a hypertext explanation to the user in the body of the message.

  • 400 Bad Request - The server encountered a syntax error in the client's request. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 401 Unauthorized - Authentication is required to access the requested resource. The response header must contain the WWW-Authenticate field with a list of authentication conditions. The client can repeat the request by including the Authorization field in the message header with the data required for authentication.
  • 402 Payment Required - intended to be used in the future. Currently not used. This code is for paid custom services, not hosting companies. It means that this error will not be issued by the hosting provider in case of late payment for its services. Reserved since HTTP / 1.1.
The server returned an error 403 when trying to view the "cgi-bin" directory, access to which was denied.
  • 403 Forbidden - the server understood the request, but it refuses to fulfill it due to restrictions on the client's access to the specified resource. If HTTP authentication is required to access the resource, the server will return a 401 response, or 407 if using a proxy. Otherwise, the restrictions were set by the server administrator or the developer of the web application and can be any, depending on the capabilities of the software used. In any case, the client should be advised of the reasons for refusing to process the request. The most likely reason for the restriction may be an attempt to access the system resources of the web server (for example, .htaccess or .htpasswd files) or to files that were denied access using configuration files, the requirement for non-HTTP authentication, for example, to access the system content management or a section for registered users, or the server is not satisfied with the client's IP address, for example, during blocking. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 404 Not Found is the most common mistake when using the Internet, the main reason is a mistake in the spelling of the web page address. The server understood the request, but did not find a matching resource at the specified URL. If the server knows that there was a document at this address, then it is desirable to use the code 410. The 404 response can be used instead of 403 if you need to carefully hide certain resources from prying eyes. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - The client-specified method cannot be applied to the current resource. In the response, the server must indicate the available methods in the Allow header, separating them with a comma. The server should return this error if the method is known to it, but it is not applicable to the resource specified in the request, but if the specified method is not applicable on the entire server, then the client needs to return the code 501 (Not Implemented). Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 406 Not Acceptable - the requested URI cannot satisfy the characteristics passed in the header. If the method was not HEAD, then the server should return a list of acceptable characteristics for this resource. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 407 Proxy Authentication Required - the response is similar to the 401 code, except that authentication is performed for the proxy server. The mechanism is similar to authentication on the origin server. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 408 Request Timeout - the server has timed out for a transmission from the client. The client can repeat the request similar to the previous one at any time. For example, such a situation may arise when uploading a large file to the server using the POST or PUT method. At some point in the transfer, the data source stopped responding, for example, due to a damaged CD or loss of communication with another computer on the local network. While the client does not transmit anything, waiting for a response from him, the connection to the server is maintained. After some time, the server can close the connection from its side to allow other clients to make a request. This response is not returned when the client forcibly stopped the transfer at the user's command, or the connection was interrupted for some other reason, since the response can no longer be sent. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 409 Conflict - the request could not be completed due to a conflicting access to the resource. This is possible, for example, when two clients try to modify a resource using the PUT method. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 410 Gone - the server sends such a response if the resource was previously at the specified URL, but was deleted and is now unavailable. In this case, the server does not know the location of the alternative document (for example, a copy). If the server has a suspicion that the document can be restored in the near future, then it is better to send the 404 code to the client. Appeared in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 411 Length Required - For the specified resource, the client must specify the Content-Length in the request header. Without specifying this field, you should not make a second attempt to request the server using this URI. This response is natural for POST and PUT requests. For example, if files are uploaded at the specified URI, and there is a limit on their size on the server. Then it would be wiser to check the Content-Length header at the very beginning and immediately refuse the download than to provoke a meaningless load by breaking the connection when the client really sends an oversized message. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 412 Precondition Failed - Returned if none of the conditional header fields (If-Match and others, see RFC 7232) of the request was successful. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 413 Payload Too Large - returned if the server refuses to process the request because the request body is too large. The server MAY close the connection to stop further transmission of the request. If the problem is temporary, it is recommended to include the Retry-After header in the server response, indicating the time after which a similar request can be repeated. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1. Formerly called Request Entity Too Large.
  • 414 URI Too Long - The server cannot process the request because the specified URI is too long. Such an error can be triggered, for example, when the client tries to pass long parameters through the GET method rather than POST. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1. Formerly called Request-URI Too Long.
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type - for some reason, the server refuses to work with the specified data type with this method. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 416 Range Not Satisfiable - The Range field of the request header was specified as an out-of-resource range and the If-Range field is missing. If the client passed in a byte range, then the server MAY return the actual size in the Content-Range header field. This answer should not be used when passing multipart / byteranges [ source not specified 1964 days]. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP / 1.1 update). Formerly called Requested Range Not Satisfiable.
  • 417 Expectation Failed - for some reason the server cannot satisfy the value of the Expect field of the request header. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP / 1.1 update).
  • 418 I'm a teapot - This code was introduced in 1998 as one of the traditional IETF April Fools' jokes in RFC 2324, Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol. This code is not expected to be supported by real servers.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity - the server successfully accepted the request, it can work with the specified type of data (for example, the body of the request contains an XML document with the correct syntax), but there is some kind of logical error that makes it impossible to perform an operation on the resource. Introduced in WebDAV.
  • 423 Locked - The target resource from the request is locked from applying the specified method to it. Introduced in WebDAV.
  • 424 Failed Dependency - The implementation of the current request may depend on the success of another operation. If it has not been completed and because of this it is impossible to fulfill the current request, the server will return this code. Introduced in WebDAV.
  • 425 Unordered Collection - used in extension WebDAV Advanced Collections Protocol... Dispatched if the client has specified an item number in an unordered list, or requested multiple items in a different order from the server.
  • 426 Upgrade Required - The server instructs the client to upgrade the protocol. The response header must contain well-formed Upgrade and Connection fields. Introduced in RFC 2817 to enable migration to TLS over HTTP.
  • 428 Precondition Required - The server instructs the client to use condition headers like If-Match in the request. Introduced in RFC 6585 Draft.
  • 429 Too Many Requests - the client tried to send too many requests in a short time, which may indicate, for example, a DDoS attack attempt. May be accompanied by a Retry-After header indicating how long it takes to retry the request. Introduced in RFC 6585 Draft.
  • 431 Request Header Fields Too Large - The length of the headers has been exceeded. The server is not required to respond with this code; instead, it can simply drop the connection. Introduced in RFC 6585 Draft.
  • 434 Requested host unavailable - The requested address is not available [ source not specified 1401 days].
  • 449 Retry With - returned by the server if insufficient information was received from the client to process the request. In this case, the Ms-Echo-Request field is placed in the response header. Introduced by the corporation Microsoft for WebDAV... Currently at least used by the program Microsoft Money.
  • 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons - access to the resource is closed for legal reasons, for example, at the request of state authorities or at the request of the copyright holder in case of copyright infringement. Introduced in IETF draft by Google, with error code referring to Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. It was added to the standard on December 21, 2015.

server error

Example of a 502 Bad Gateway error

5xx codes are allocated for cases of unsuccessful operation due to the fault of the server. For all situations other than using the HEAD method, the server must include an explanation in the body of the message that the client will display to the user.

  • 500 Internal Server Error - Any internal server error that does not fall within the scope of the rest of the class errors. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 501 Not Implemented - The server does not support the capabilities required to process the request. Typical response for cases when the server does not understand the method specified in the request. If the method is known to the server, but it is not applicable to this resource, then you need to return a 405 response. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 502 Bad Gateway - A server acting as a gateway or proxy server received an invalid reply message from an upstream server. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 503 Service Unavailable - the server is temporarily unable to process requests for technical reasons (maintenance, overload, etc.). In the Retry-After field of the header, the server can specify the time after which the client is recommended to repeat the request. While it may seem obvious to drop the connection immediately during congestion, it may be more effective to set the Retry-After field to a large value to reduce the frequency of redundant requests. Introduced in HTTP / 1.0.
  • 504 Gateway Timeout - the server acting as a gateway or proxy server did not wait for a response from the upstream server to complete the current request. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported - the server does not support or refuses to support the version of the HTTP protocol specified in the request. Introduced in HTTP / 1.1.
  • 506 Variant Also Negotiates - An erroneous configuration causes the selected option to point to itself, which interrupts the pairing process. Experimental. Introduced in RFC 2295 to complement the HTTP protocol with technology Transparent content negotiation.
  • 507 Insufficient Storage - Insufficient space to complete the current request. The problem may be temporary. Introduced in WebDAV.
  • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded - is used when the web site exceeds the traffic consumption limit assigned to it. In this case, the site owner should contact his hosting provider. At the moment this code is not described in any RFC and is used only by the "bw / limited" module included in the hosting control panel cPanel where it was introduced.
  • 510 Not Extended - The server does not have an extension that the client wants to use. The server can additionally transmit information about the extensions available to it. Introduced in RFC 2774 to complement the HTTP protocol with support for extensions.
  • 511 Network Authentication Required - this response is not sent by the server to which the request was intended, but by an intermediary server - for example, a provider's server - in case the client must first authenticate on the network, for example, enter a password for a paid Internet access point. It is expected that the body of the response will return a Web-based authorization form or a redirect to it. Introduced in RFC 6585 Draft.
  • 520 Unknown Error, which occurs when the CDN server was unable to handle the web server error; non-standard CloudFlare code,
  • 521 Web Server Is Down, occurs when CDN connections are rejected by the web server. non-standard CloudFlare code.
  • 522 Connection Timed Out, occurs when the CDN was unable to connect to the web server; non-standard CloudFlare code.
  • 523 Origin Is Unreachable, which occurs when the web server is unreachable; non-standard CloudFlare code.
  • 524 A Timeout Occurred, occurs when the connection timeout between the CDN server and the web server has expired; non-standard CloudFlare code.
  • 525 SSL Handshake Failed, occurs when there is an SSL handshake error between the CDN server and the web server; non-standard CloudFlare code.
  • 526 Invalid SSL Certificate, which occurs when the encryption certificate of the web server cannot be verified; non-standard CloudFlare code.

Error while executing server application: reasons and remedies

Quite often, for many users on the monitor screen, when performing some operations to open files, the message "Error while executing the server application" may appear. Let's try to consider several situations and understand what it is, and how to get rid of such a misfortune.

What is an error while executing server application?

Among all situations that lead to this type of problem, the most common problem is the playback of media files. In this case, most often an error during server execution appears when trying to watch a video.

As known, standard Windows The Media Player is far from ideal and does not always work correctly as the default multimedia tool on the system. In addition, a different kind of situation may arise. This may be due, for example, to programs like "1C", the installation of MS Link Server 2013, etc. Only in this case the user receives a message like "Error while executing command".

For obvious reasons and because of the complexity of the work recent programs, we will not consider them, but dwell on the components responsible for the correct opening of multimedia files.

Viruses and System Restore

If the user gets a message that a server application execution error has occurred, the first thing to do is run a check computer system for the presence of viruses (some malicious programs can lead to such consequences).

If the check did not give a result even when using an independent portable antivirus with fresh databases, it is worth looking at exactly when the error appeared for the first time, and then try to roll back the system to its original state using recovery from any previous situation. control point... It may very well be that this approach will help (especially if you recently installed updates related to multimedia).

Problems with Drivers, Codecs, and DirectX Platform

On the other hand, neither viruses nor updates can have anything to do with it. If the system suddenly reports that an error of this type occurred during the operation, it is very likely that, for example, the video accelerator drivers require updating, or the codecs and decoders used in some video file have a higher version than those installed on this computer.

As already clear, these components just need to be updated. For video cards, you can use the Task Manager, download the file with the latest driver version from the manufacturer's official website manually, or update it using specialized utilities for automatic search and update.

The same is true for the codec and decoder package. Fortunately, today we can find the freshest distribution of the same K-Lite package. Codec Pack on the Internet is not difficult. The only thing you need to pay attention to is a mandatory check with antivirus software if it was downloaded from a source other than an official one.

Often, the problem when an error occurs during the execution of the server application may be related to the presence of an outdated DirectX versions... There is nothing easier than going to the official Microsoft website, downloading the latest DirectX release from there and reinstalling all its components.

Simplest Troubleshooting Commands

If the above methods do not help, and the error occurs during the execution of the server application over and over again, you will have to use the command line. You can call it from the standard Run menu by typing in the cmd field.

After a black window opens like old system DOS, you need to sequentially enter two commands regsvr32 jscript.dll and regsvr32 vbscript.dll, after each of them pressing the Enter key.

This will require a system reboot. True, in some cases this may not give the desired result. Then you need to enter additional command sfc / scannow. In theory, in combination with the two previous ones, it should save the user from further errors and failures.

Problems with Windows Media Player

Now a few words about the "native" Windows player. As a rule, the error during the execution of the server application appears in it. And this applies not even to watching streaming video online, but even to the usual opening of a video file.

The simplest solution would be to install any other player, say, VLC Media Player or something like that. If the file you are looking for opens with such a player without problems, then the problem really lies in Windows Player Media Player. You can refuse it.

But if you are already an adherent of this program and do not want to change your preferences in any way, you can apply another radical method. Apart from updating the player, you will have to turn to the installed Windows components.

To do this, you need to use the programs and components section in the "Control Panel" (in older operating systems this is the section for installing and removing programs), where there is a special menu for enabling and disabling system components. In the list of installed software we find Windows Media Player and uncheck the box next to it. We reboot the system, after which we go back to the same section and return the checkmark to its place. Reboot required again.

With a very high degree of probability, it can be argued that given error will be eliminated, although, in principle, no one can say for sure exactly how turning off and then turning on the "native" player affects the correctness of its operation. It may well be that the developers themselves are not aware of this.


So we have considered the most likely situations for the appearance of errors in the execution of the server application, and indicated the main methods for their correction. However, if an error occurred during the execution of the server application, these are far from all the methods, because sometimes in case of failures in the operating system itself, you may need to boot from installation disk or flash drives, updating other components, etc. We have given only the simplest options.

DNS error what does it mean?

If you get a DNS error while using your computer or the Internet, remember that there is a problem with the settings. If this problem is not resolved, the user will not be able to visit the desired website.

What is DNS?

For a domain, DNS will be the name of the service and will help in gaining access to resources on the Internet. The goal is to translate the address entered by the user in the browser. Translation is carried out from the used language into the language of the computer. This procedure facilitates the reading and understanding of the address by the computer in order to open access to the site passing through the server.

What is a DNS error?

This type of error for a specific website is mainly due to the lack of an active network connection. It also means that the equipment is not available to connect to the Internet in order to translate the entered address. For this reason, the computer is unable to visit the selected site.

Errors are received for specific reasons, and more often than not, they are simple enough to fix. Sometimes the device shows them only for certain resources. In this case, the address may be entered incorrectly or there is no record about it on the network.

What should you pay attention to first?

If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, there may be no problem with your computer. For this reason, you should pay attention to the recommendations presented and use them.

  • It is worth checking if there is a problem when trying to access one site or all. In the first case, the resource may undergo some changes or run into problems in operation. The user should wait or flush the DNS cache using the ipconfig / flushdns command on a special line as an administrator.
  • If possible, check if the DNS error appears on one device in use, or on others as well. If all devices are exposed to it, then the problem may be with the provider. In this case, you should wait until the problem is resolved.
  • When connecting with Wi-Fi router it must be completely shut down and restarted. The next time you try to access the site, the DNS server error will most likely go away.
  • When connecting to the Internet without using a Wi-Fi router, it is recommended to go to the list of connections on your computer. Next, you need to disable the local network and re-enable it.

It should be understood that after the manipulations carried out, the DNS error may remain. In such a situation, it is worth using other methods to correct it.

Using Google Public DNS

  • You need to go to the list of device connections. Easy way To do this, press the Win + R key combination and enter the ncpa.cpl command.
  • It is worth choosing the connection used to gain access to the Internet. It is high speed connection PPPoE, L2TP or the local network... The required element is selected and the "Properties" item is clicked.
  • Selects the TCP / IPv4 protocol among the components used by the connection.
  • If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, it is important to check what settings are in the DNS server settings. When receiving an address in automatic mode it's worth moving on to entering addresses. Then the values ​​ and are specified. Otherwise, you must first set up automatic retrieval.
  • After saving the settings, you should run the command line as administrator and execute ipconfig / flushdns.

Troubleshoot browser problems

Checking DNS connections is possible when using a different browser. To do this, download any web browser. At the moment they exist a large number of, and most of them are provided free of charge. After the browser is open, you need to connect to the Internet. If the service is not found again due to a DNS lookup error, then there are no errors in the browser. This means that there is a problem with other computer settings.

The user should troubleshoot the old browser if it is completely straightforward. Quite often, they arise due to proxy settings. Accordingly, it is necessary to change them.

DNS purge and change

First of all, if a DNS error appears, it is worth clearing the cache manually, as the setting will become outdated over time. This can be done from the command line. This procedure is simple, but it can be inactive. If the DNS connection error persists, it is worth changing the service.

The user has the ability to independently enter alternate DNS server to connect. To do this, go to the ncpa.cpl section and select active connection and then go to Properties. Find the TCP / IPv4 network protocol entry under the Networking tab. Then the properties and the option to go to the server address are selected. In the Preferred DNS server field, the user must enter Then, in the Alternate DNS server field, you need to enter Newly created DNS servers will be open source.

Slow server response when using Google

In this case, a DNS server lookup error means that Googlebot is unable to contact it. This is because it is not working or there is a DNS routing problem for the user's domain. Most of the warnings and errors do not affect the functioning of the robot. Their occurrence can also be explained by a long reaction, which is an unpleasant moment for users.

Initially, you should make sure that Google is crawling the site. To do this, you should use the tool for the main resource page. Google will have access to the site if the user returns the content without flaws. DNS service can be provided by your web hosting provider or another company. It is worth contacting if the DNS probe finished error code or others appear.

The server can be configured for the site using wildcards so that it starts responding to requests for subdomains. This approach will be successful if the content of the resource can be created by users, and at the same time a separate domain is provided for each personal page. It is worth noting that in some situations this can lead to duplicate content on hosts with different names. In most cases, this interferes with the crawling of the resource by the Googlebot.

Scanning your computer for viruses

The methods discussed earlier may not help. If the DNS error still appears on the screen and it is not caused by external factors affecting the computer, then you should perform a virus scan. The user may already have an antivirus installed on the device. Recommended to apply Kaspersky program, and its free is suitable trial version... Bitdefender in a similar design is also a great option.

The level of detection and the ability to effectively eliminate viruses, while restoring the parameters of the system, is rather high in these antiviruses than in their counterparts. In this case, it is worth using a full system scan. Application this method can be really useful if you can't get rid of the problem in the browser itself.

Malfunctioning antivirus

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the antivirus itself, in some cases, can cause problems with the Internet connection. This is also a real fix. To carry out the procedure, “ Safe mode". In this case, the computer restarts, during which only the files necessary for the operating system will be loaded. This will help determine if antivirus or another program is causing the problem. To verify this, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do is turn off your antivirus. If there are no connection errors, you should uninstall the antivirus and install a new one.
  • Next, you need to reboot the device. At the time of its loading, hold down the F8 key.
  • Select "Safe Mode with Networking" among the options.
  • Then the connection check is checked. With a successful connection to the network, we can conclude that the problem lies in the program that is currently running on the computer.

It is necessary to carefully examine the startup files and disable programs until the faulty one is found.


If the server is not found due to a DNS lookup error, it is worth trying the router again. Restarting it may not help in this case. In some situations, settings are damaged. The most correct and fastest solution is to reset the device to default settings. As a result, the parameters will be reset. wireless network... Together with them, the information that is transmitted through the port will disappear.

To complete the procedure, press and hold the Reset button located on the rear panel of the device. In this case, you may need a pointed object such as a paper clip. Then you need to reconfigure the router. After resetting the device, change the parameters of the wireless network, if it is used by the user. This will reset all Accounts and administrator passwords. Making adjustments is a simple procedure, however, it requires care and correct actions. If the problem was in the router, then after the work done, it should be completely resolved.

In addition, there is a chance that the router is completely faulty. If you cannot reset its settings and reinstall it, you should contact your Internet service provider. In this case, it will be possible to determine the cause of the difficulty in connecting to the network. In addition, the procedure will be performed by a specialist.

The need to specify the DNS of your hosting in the domain records

The name server is designed to assist in finding information about a particular site. By filling out an entry in their domain, the user will provide the Internet audience with information about the right direction, which will lead to the right place.

If you leave the data of the previous provider in the domain record, the user will go to the server that no longer has a site. In this case, it will be impossible to gain access to the site, since the provider has deleted the resource record from the DNS. Correctness of implementation is quite important, and non-observance of the recommendations can lead to difficulties.

You should follow the steps described in the material if the server is not found due to a DNS error. The presented tips will be useful, because they help determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in a timely manner. The information indicated above will become relevant for Internet users, since many of them face the described difficulty. In addition, you can contact the specialists if you cannot get rid of the problem with gaining access to the sites with your own hands. This will be the most correct decision in this case.

What is an internal server error?

Vladislav !!!

An error is a discrepancy between two groups of objects, one of which is a standard (a grammatical rule, a correct answer to a problem, a solution that would lead to the desired result), and the second is something that takes place in reality. Errors are found in all spheres of human activity. Probability theory and statistics have been developed to analyze measurement errors (errors). Inaccuracy of measurements in the microworld is one of the principles of quantum mechanics. There are many historical examples in which mistakes led to catastrophic consequences. Many aphorisms are devoted to errors, they are interpreted by philosophers, poets, writers, historians and representatives of many other disciplines. Thus, many dialytic philosophers agree with the statement "learn from mistakes". Skeptics and agnostics alike believe that all of our ideas are most likely wrong.
It depends on what kind of server error ...
404 (Not Found or No Resource)
Means that there is no resource at the given address.
405 (Method Not Allowed)
Means that there is no request method for this address.
406 (Not Acceptable or Invalid Request)
Indicates that there are no content objects matched with the response in the request.
407 (Proxy Authentication Required or Registration is required on the proxy server)
Indicates that the client must be authenticated. Proxy-Authorization and Proxy-Authenticate are used.
408 (Request Timeout)
Means that the request was not made at the time set by the server.
409 (Conflict or Conflict)
Indicates that there was a conflict between the request and the state of the resource at the moment.
410 (Gone or Resource removed permanently)
Means that the resource has been permanently deleted.
411 (Length Required or Length Required)
Indicates that the server will not accept a request with an unspecified Content-Length. You must specify the correct Content-Length in the request header.
412 (Precondition Failed)
Means that the server refuses to process the request due to exceeding its volume limit.
413 (Request Entity Too Large)
Means that the server will not process the request due to its large volume.
414 (Request-URI Too Long or Resource ID in request exceeds maximum length)
Indicates that the requested address exceeds the maximum length.
415 (Unsupported Media Type or this device type is not supported)
Indicates that the request object has a different format than the request format.
500 (Internal Server Error)
Indicates that an internal server failure occurred while processing the request.
501 (Not Implemented)
Indicates that the function requested by the client is not supported by the server, or the server cannot recognize the request method.
502 (Bad Gateway)
Indicates that a failure has occurred on the server that is being used as a gateway.
503 (Service Unavailable)
Means that any of the server services are currently unavailable.
504 (Gateway Timeout or Gateway Timeout)
Means that the gateway has exceeded the maximum allotted time limit.
505 (HTTP Version Not Supported or This version HTTP is not supported)
Indicates that the HTTP version specified in the request is not supported by the server.

User deleted

500. Internal Server Error - any internal server error that does not fall within the scope of other 5xx class errors. The server is unable to fulfill a valid request, or does not support requests of the specified type.
Look at: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_404#404

What does it mean: Error: HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error?

I can't get to the site. The browser shows:

Error: HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

What does it mean? Is this the end of the site's existence?

Galina vasilna

Codes starting with 5XX mean that the request was completed correctly, but the server is currently not coping. When you are not opened for a while, the browser should respond. Each browser responds differently. I have a Yandex browser, which most often asks whether to wait or close? But sometimes it shows "error No. ..."

There are many server response codes, their meanings are different. The simplest thing is to try to refresh the page by pressing F5. Quite often, this solves the issue. You can ask what this or that code means, it is here

You can try to solve the issue in this way:

Or here's another way of explaining which one is more suitable for whom:


This is an internal server problem, and you will definitely not solve it from the side of an ordinary third-party user. It is worth waiting a little, for example about half an hour, doing other things, and then trying to contact the server again later.

Error 500 (Internal Server Error) is quite common on the Internet and is, for the most part, internal. Often this problem causes inconvenience to users who try to enter the Gosuslugi.ru website. Especially, this happens at a time of a massive influx of users trying to use the State Service portal, with completely different everyday issues (enrolling a child in a school / clinic, paying traffic fines, getting a passport, paying taxes, etc.).

Causes of Error 500

To fix this internal server 500 error, you first need to find it, and then get ready to fix the problem. Error 500 itself indicates that the requests were processed incorrectly... At the same time, internal problems prevent requests from being read and processed correctly, but the software is fully functional and works correctly.

It is important to remember that error 500 is internal, and if it occurs on a specific site, and does not apply to all portals, be sure that you have no right to change anything with your own hands. The only correct solution is to wait for the administrator to fix all the problems.

There are also such reasons for this problem:

  • Incorrectly written cgi scripts;
  • Using DNS, VPN, proxy server;
  • Using plugins and extensions;
  • Long-term script work;
  • Open or incorrect access rights;
  • Htaccess problems;
  • There is not enough memory for the code to run;
  • Trouble with WordPress;
  • Problems with Joomla and other CMS.

Fixing error 500 if you are a regular user

If you go to the State Service website and see an error 500 in front of you, do not be discouraged. Most likely, this is an internal temporary server failure and very soon the administrator will fix the difficulties. But, sometimes the problem may be in your computer (browser, Internet connection or software). Try the following to troubleshoot:

  1. Refresh the page (CTRL + F5);
  2. Disable or reinstall plugins and installed extensions in the browser.
  3. Disable the web browser theme, or complete reinstallation browser (deleting cache, cookies, etc.). The CCleaner program will help.
  4. Change the country in the browser settings.
  5. Use a proxy server or VPN.
  6. Check the DNS settings set by your ISP, or if you are using online DNS, check them for viruses.
  7. Wait for the technical work to be completed on the State Service website. This site is public, so you can call technical support.
  8. Try to enter the portal through mobile app Public services available for both Android and Apple.

It is worth noting that individual sections of the portal can issue Internal Server Error 500, or during registration / recording. In this case, be sure to write to the chat located in the lower right corner.

Online support - chat

What to do site administrators

Of course, further advice on fixing will not be needed by the administrators of the State Services, but simple owners of web resources will be helped. For advanced users (administrators):

  1. You need to find the file in the root folder of the system "Error log" and check it for operability. Also, you can try to set access rights to codes cgi - 0755.
  2. There are limitations on the response time from the server, during which the script must have time to do some work and complete it. We advise you to set a larger interval for the server. Use the necessary programs that tend to find slowed down sections of code in the script.
  3. If incorrect values ​​are set for scripts and their access rights, the server will block them. Use software that allows you to change the rights to certain folders. For scripts, the most optimal value is 600. All other files must have 644 and directories must have 755.
  4. File ".Htaccess", in case of violation of the structure, tends to issue incorrect (erroneous) directives.

To fix this problem, you need to find ".htaccess" in the system. After finding the file, you need to move it (preferably to another disk), or use the backup and delete the file.

  • During the massive influx of users to the State Services website, hosting noticed that some scripts wanted to use too much memory. Therefore, for such accounts, access was blocked and gave an error 500. There is one way to fix this - check the code for operability, due to which the script consumes a huge amount of memory.
  • The easiest and most extreme measure is to disable WordPress. But, this measure, nevertheless, is temporary, since when you disable WordPress, some plugins may be "lost".
  • This problem is common among administrators who try to log into their profile on the Joomla admin panel. We advise you to go to the error log ("logs") and look for "error.php". Need to check this file for performance. Also, we recommend setting the access rights to 777. If all else fails, it is recommended to disable all existing plugins one by one.
  • Order a virus scan of your files on the hosting from the masters. This happens very often - viruses simply "eat" some files.

If you cannot solve this problem on your own, we advise you to contact the support service.


Usually, the 500 error is internal, and a regular Internet user cannot do anything. All that remains is to wait for the troubleshooting to be fixed. Such technical difficulties on the State Services website are often eliminated rather quickly (within one day).