Addurl Yandex. What is adduduclka

My dear newbie infocusinessYou have created a blog (site) and even filled with content, and search engines do not index it? The answer is simple: search engines do not yet know about the existence of your blog and they need to suggest. For this there are special service: adduunching search engine.

Adduurilka Comes from English phrase AddURL - add link. This direct link can be on your blog (site) or even on your blog article. On the jargon of Internet users, the adduchalka is called simply durilkaWhat causes a certain alertness and beginners. I want to calm down: addurilka useful tool In the promotion of the site, especially during the period when search engines have not yet learned about its existence from other sources, for example, from resources of your domain. Those. The adducerka should be used for new sites that are not yet indexed by search engines and no on them external references From other resources, in particular, from social networks.

Adduurilka This is a special search engine page on which your site URL is specified. And that's all! True, some search engines are asked to fill out the questionnaire to get acquainted with your site. To start indexing your new site is the most fast way in the Internet. But there is no guarantee! If your site is not immediately banned for some reasons, then, as a rule, during the month, the search engine robot will come to your site and indexes it.

For some reason, infobusiness novices often ask such a question: "Why doesn't my site index Yandex and Google?". But there are other search engines. They also need to know about the existence of your site. So tell me. And it will lead to your site for additional visitors, and M.B. and future your subscribers and buyers of your products (goods, services).

List of adducelock search engines

I give a list of adducelokov known to me search engines:
1. Yandex. (
Most of all Russian-speaking requests (more than 60%) falls on Yandex - search engine Russian-speaking Internet (Runet). The Yandex robot is strict enough to the selection of sites for indexing and often new sites faster fall into the Google index.

In the Western segment:
1. Google - 86.30%
2. Yahoo. - 5,30 %
3. Bing. - 3,13 %
4. Baidu. - 3,45 %
5. ASK. - 0,67 %
6. AOL. - 0,44 %
7. MSN. - 0,08 %
8. Altavista.-0,07 %
9. Excite - 0,03 %
10. Lycos. - 0,02 %
11. All The Web. - 0,01 %

Search engines Runet:
1. Yandex. (46,3 %)
2. (8,9 %)
3. Rambler. (3,3 %)
4. Nigma. (0,5 %)
5. Genon (0,1 %)
6. (<0,1 %)
7. Aport (<0,1 %)

Adduduchka which search engines and how to use you. Add Site in Adduurilka It is necessary when he acquired a working form and there is a content on it. You can give a link to the site or site site. This procedure is not mandatory, but desirable. Where to place a link: in social networks or addudux? First, in the addu into that your content does not stole to publish on the Internet, and so that you do not lose the copyright.

I look again: it should be remembered that the adduchilka must first be used for new siteswhich are not yet indexed by the search engine robot. If the site has already been indexed and has a properly generated site card for search engines in format.xml (sitemap.xml), then you can not add a link to the page (article) in the addurilka.

Practice shows that search engine robots love social networks and often attend them. The robot on your site can come earlier than with adduchilki. Choosing you, where and what links to your site publish.

ATTENTION! Adding your site to the adduril does not mean that it automatically falls into the directory of the search engine. These are two different resources. Registration in the search engine catalog requires certain actions. Before you get to the catalog, your site must be moderated by the Search Engine Administrator in manual mode. Your site should not like a robot, but a man: Your subject, content must be claimed and not to be just a copy of other sites. The site should have your face. Therefore, do not hurry to add your site to search engine directories. Patience and work your assistants!

Good luck to you, my dear newbie infocusiness, in promoting your site (blog)!

On the Internet can see such a word as adduurilkaBut do not know his designations. I remember myself as soon as I started, many not familiar terms that could not always fill. To bring a little to the case, I want to touch on the topic set out in the first sentence.

Adduduchka (Addurl) - This is a special page on which there is a form that needs to be filled in order to notify about a new website or page. As a rule, the form consists of one line in which it is necessary to enter the URL of the site or the page, after which the search engine will be notified of a new arrival and should go to visit you.

Why don't the adducelinka Yandex and Google

As Yandex., the only top in RuNet, and Google around the world, then as a rule, all sites are optimized by them. Adduduchka are needed in order to:

  1. Accelerate the resource indexation by search engines.
  2. If you bought back links to your resource, to speed up the indexation of these pages.
  3. If you put free links on sites, in directories, then not always such pages can be indexed by search robots, so it is best to take advantage of the addurilka.

As for the most, now many who do not use adDurlSince there are social networks with which you can accelerate the indexation of the site to a tremendously small time. Especially use Twitter, on which robots are sitting on days and nights and with it you can achieve excellent results. Create yourself an account on Twitter and develop it, a multifunctional tool.

Endurilka Yandex and Google

Let's go directly to business. To add a website or page in adduunchulka Yandex You must follow the link:

If everything is done correctly, you will receive a message that the address is added and will be viewed by a robot as you receive.

Now go to Google. To add address to Adduurilka Google You must go to the page:

After moving repeated the same procedure. In the field I enter the address of the page or site and enter the captcha.

At the end, if everything is right, and I think there should be no problems, get a message that the request is received and will be processed soon.

So you just can achieve good results in speeding up the resource indexation. I recommend using on young sites, which only launched, as they are less authoritative and are not popular with search engines.

When people first meet with the phrase "Adduduchka Yandex and Google," Naturally, they treat it with irony. And all because this word is the thought of Yandex and Google is a funny name similar to our crucial word. But I assure you, nothing to do with them is even close.

In English, it sounds like EDD-Vyklilka. Under this name, there are services in Yandex and Google. These services are intended to report the readiness of the article on your resource. And to inform the robots to come to your site and add this article to indexing the search engine.

  • Adduduveka Google
  • Endurilka Yandex -

Thus, it turns out that these services are very useful and necessary. These services allow you to declare the rights to your site. That is, it is already on legal grounds. Moreover, these services help promote young sites. Now you will be completely different to these respected services.

How to use

To confirm your rights to the site, the Yandex service will be offered to create a TXT text document. You need to copy the code offered by the service and place this document in the root folder on the hosting. This document on hosting will be kept constantly, and you are not needed, return to it.

Endurilka Yandex and Google, as you have now understood, exists for bloggers, helping them in many issues. In addition to the total Yandex you make it possible to confirm your rights to the site in three ways.

This is all described in detail in the service itself. When this procedure is executed, the service will write you that the right to the site is confirmed. Now you are boldly, each newly written article can be added to this service to accelerate its indexation.

Addudulka Google also your reliable assistant

Similarly, the adducelka google works. You need to go to Google Webmasters Center. Here you need to register and click the "Add Site" button. Google will also offer you to confirm the right to the site. But Google, unlike Yandex, will create an HTML file itself.

This file is placed in the root folder on the hosting. Next, the actions are exactly the same, as in the case of the Yandex service. Next, Google congratulates you with a successful confirmation of your right to your site. But with this service you will work much less.

The fact is that Google indexes sites literally in minutes, unlike Yandex, which is significantly less likely to index.

Hello dear readers! Timely indexation of the site by search engines is the most important factor in its promotion and development. If the site pages do not fall into the search engine index, then the content on them is at risk to be stolen - and as a result of this theft you can simply stop being the owner of your content (from the point of view of search engines).

How does the site indexing occurs? By default, this happens like this: if the site is already in the database, then the search engine robot simply checks it for new content (the check frequency depends on many factors - attendance of the site, positions in the search for the search, the regularity of the new content, the availability of the site in the aggregator Search engine news and so on). If there is no site in the database, it may be natural, it can come there from the outside - simply speaking, according to the link with the page indexed. This is how the World Wide Web.

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About "adduce"

But, of course, if it were the only ways to get to the PS index, the modern web would be very different from what we see (and far from at the better). For webmasters and website owners, search engines have developed convenient tools that facilitate many processes performed when search engine optimization. One of these tools is the fact that we are just interested - is the so-called "adducer". Name This comes from the English Add URL - "Add URL", and it is needed as it is clear from the title, in order to add the URL of your site to the search engine index. "Endurilka" is also Yandex, and the Google, and all other search engines.

No, by the way, no point in adding each page of your site (fresh or existing) separately. You need to add only the title page to the adduril - and together with the next update of the search base (Yandex, for example, this happens in a few days), "ap.", all (or almost all) the pages of your site available for the search robot will turn out to be in search of. In any case, wait for a long time - Yandex, as already mentioned above, will add your site into the search for two or three days, and Google "updates" several times a day (not a fact, right that your page will have time to get to the index on the first day).

Add a site to Yandex

Add a site in the adduril is simpler simple: that Yandex is that Google is that any other search engine. You should not use all sorts of automatic services - if, of course, you do not have a thousand new sites: on the Yandex addurilka page, it is directly said that the rules of the service are not allowed to use "automatic systems". Well, let's start adding a site just from Yandex. Link to the adduril here:

Adjusting the simplest: field for reference to the main page of the site added and captcha. URLs on Cyrillic can be specified "as is" or how you please: in any case are converted to PUNYCODE and will be correctly perceived by the system. So, fill in all fields, click "Add" - and everything, no more actions on your part required.

The Google Adduduchka has almost the same. Complication is exactly one - you will need to register if you have not yet done this. Link to the service itself Here: After logging in, enter the URL of the title page, enter the captcha and add your site to the Google index by clicking on the "Send Inquiry" button.

Other services

In principle, it would be possible to finish this, if the adducelinki were only Yandex and Google. But they have Binga, Males, in Yahu and hundreds of others, far smaller search engines. Who and why use these search engines? Well, firstly, some PS (like the same Bing) are completely unpopular from us, but have the success of "abroad." Secondly, the downloadable software can change the presets of the browser: some users, establishing any program, forget to remove extra checkboxes - and, in principle, not noticing special differences, begin to use the new search engine. As in the case of Yandex and Google, it is not difficult to find these services: it is enough to look for the desired link on the search page of the search engine.

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Adduurilka is a search engine page. It contains the form in which addresses of new resources and pages add the search engine to find out about them and indexed them as soon as possible. The word "addurilka" moved to Slang Cees from English. This is a flooring from phrases - add URL.

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Add a new site in the search engine is how to get a birth certificate. You declare that we have created a new resource, and give him the status of a full-fledged member of the Internet community.

For what you should add the URL to Google

Manually add the URL to the search is not necessarily, but useful. The bots go on the links themselves, and sooner or later get to your resource. But how much time will need the system to go to your site and no one knows him. When you independently add a link to your site with an addurla, you help search robots find you and you can be sure that the search engine knows about you.

Addurl performs several functions, list them:

Increases indexing speed

The adduchilka is needed so that search bots pay attention to a young site or a new page and faster performed indexation. If you do not work first to work with different search engines, you know that in the same situation they function unequal. In Yandex, indexing occurs very slowly. Especially long he reacts to new sites. Yandex does not know that the site is created, and before he notice it and indexes the materials on it, it can pass a lot of time. With ADDURL, you will speed up this process, the Yandex bots will easier to find your site and index his pages.

Google bots work faster and promptly respond to new sites even without applying adduce. But you can still progress and take advantage of Adduurl.

Does not give other resources to steal your materials

You have recently created the site and filled it with excellent articles. But your positions do not grow, or even worse - you fall under search engine filters. You are in despair and do not understand what is the matter. Try to insert a fragment of your article in the search engine and look at the results of issuing. Most likely your materials stole another resource. The search engine indexed it earlier, and now believes for the original source, and your site regards as a copyampaster. All search engines do not like plagiarism, do not allow them to get into the top, are fined, sent to the filters and impose sanctions. You can read more about this in our articles:

If the material on your site will not be indexed first, you will not be able to prove that the author is you. Therefore, so that young sites do not fall into such situations, it is better to make sure that the search engine knows about your resource. For this, you need an addurilka. The indexing process takes less time, and during this period other sites do not have time to steal your content and get the status of the original source in the eyes of the search engine.

Addurl Google: How to tell Botam Google about the new site

Add a manually link to your materials is easy. Each search engine has a special form to add an URL. In Google To take advantage of the adduril, you need to go at this address and register. Next, you see this form:

After you did, on the page pops up "Your request is received and will soon be processed." No more action is required of you. All you need is to wait until the system processes your request.

The process takes about 2-3 weeks. After that, the page of your resource will begin to gradually appear in the search. To speed up the indexing process, you can place the link of your resource on other sites. Then search engines will still be able to recognize information about new materials on your site.

You can also ask if there is an addurilka at Rambler. Of course, he does not bring many visitors to the site, but you do not want to neglect traffic from it. There is no more addurla at Rambler. He worked before, but now the system has united with Yandex. Therefore, to add a link to Rambler, it suffices to use the addurilka Yandex.