Not included Play Market on the phone. What to do if the Google Play Market does not open on Meizu

Most Android-devices owners use the services of the official store. Play Market. From IT Giant Google, which, in general, is not surprising. Here each user will be able to find any content to meet his needs, be it special programs, movies, music or games. However, the situation is not rare when "Google Play Market" does not work on android.

Such failures in the service can occur through the most different reasons. Now we will look at what the problem may be caused and offered the most effective methods Her elimination.

In fact, the reasons provoking such a mistake can be the most diverse, the most common it is:

  • There is no connection to and no, caused, for example, a collection of settings (smartphone, router, etc.).
  • Technical problems from the Play Market itself are quite rare, but are not excluded.
  • File problems hosts.which is edited by the system in automatic mode.
  • Conflict between any installed Annex and Google Play..
  • The parameters of Date / Time have begun.
  • Other.

First, what we have to do is just restart your smartphone. The fact is that this banal procedure can be effective decision Not only with the described problem, but in other cases of "hanging" system. If the restart of the device did not have any result, we go further.

Reset updates

Pretty effective procedure. Our actions - go to "Settings":

Open " Applications"(There may be a" application manager "), from the opening list we find Google Play., click. In the window that opens, click on the position " Delete updates"To return the Play Market to the original state:

Reboot the gadget, try to log in. What, there is no reason for joy yet? Then continue.

Resetting the settings and cleaning cache

Again through the basic settings go to " Applications", Find" Google Play."Open. First "tapa" on " Erase the data", Then" Clear cache»:

Restart, try to go to Google Play. If the question "why the playing market does not open" is still relevant, we continue "Dancing with a tambourine".

GP Services Correction

As in the third step, from "settings" go to " Applications", Find" Google services Play."I erase the data and clean the cache:

Cleaning Data and Cash "Google Services Framework"

We go on the fault path " Settings» → « Applications" In the tab " Everything»Find and open" Google Services Framework." We ereze the data and clean the cache:

Checking Google Accounts

It is possible that for some reason, this feature turned out to be disabled, which was the reason that Play Market does not work on android. Fix the situation simply. From the settings in the point " Applications»We need to open the tab" Everything", choose " Google accounts "And, if this application is really turned off, we connect, and simultaneously (if necessary), we clean the cache:

Debugging dispatcher download

Disconnecting the download manager too can be a likely problem to be excluded to be sent to " Applications", Swipe left go to" Everything"And open" Download Manager" If necessary, activate, and if the presence of cache detected, then we clean it:

Delete and restore Google account

Another an effective waywhich on our site was dedicated detailed instructions "". After the described output procedure.

Elimination of conflict of applications

As mentioned above, there are applications capable of blocking the work "Google Play". One of these programs is Freedom. Advanced gamers are certainly understood what we are talking about. The fact is that Fridom allows you to bypass the license of the Market license to purchase all sorts of paid buns in games (coins, crystals, extensions, etc.), for which the user can pay a fake card:

Inappropriate use of the application, or the wrong removal of it is one of the most common reasons for refusal google work Play Market caused by change in the file " hosts." To work with the application (installation and uninstallation). Read more about how to fix the situation, you can see in a special video:

Clearing the HOSTS file

At this moment it is worth stopping in more detail. The fact is that your Freedom application is probably not installed (see), and the problem with the file may be quite yourself, and that is why. In the Hosts file, the Android system (as well as Windows) stores the base of sites, as well as their IP addresses. And every time, opening one or another website, the system will access the "Hosts" file, and only after that the DNS server. That is, in fact, being in principle a primitive filter (firewall), Hosts may block access to any site, including Google Play.

Then the need to edit it appears. To do this, we need a file manager, for example, and (since we will deal with the system file).

Run Root Explorer, find the folder system.:

It has a folder eTC., go to it and install the rights R / W. (READ / WRITE) by clicking on the appropriate button in the upper right corner:

Support Support Support Support:

Now open hosts. And proceed to its editing. Only one line should be in it by default - Localhost.. If you see two or more lines, it means that other programs have made their changes, so we remove everything too much without pity:

Correction of date and time parameters

If failed in this position (which could also block access to Play Market), then:

  • Open " Settings»
  • In chapter " System"Find the item" date and time"Open.
  • Enter the correct data, we save the changes.

Reset Android Settings (or Hard Reset)

This is the last, so to speak, a control shot from our arsenal if you were convinced that there are no problems with the Internet connection, and all the methods described did not bring the expected result (I really doubt it very much). What should we do:

  • Go to " Settings"And open" Restoration and reset", Not forgetting to perform backup.
  • Select item " Reset».
  • "Tap" by field " Reset phone settings».
  • In conclusion, click Erase».

This procedure will delete all the data on the internal drive of the device, leaving information on the memory card in inviolability.

Perhaps it's all about what we wanted to tell on the topic. Maybe you had a successful experience of solving the problem not described in the article, we will be grateful if you share it with our readers. Good luck!

The question "Why doesn't Play Market work?" familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of failures in the work are a variety of technical problems, or malfunctions in the device from which you are trying to use it.

Replies to this issue Most - as the causes of the problem. Consider the most basic problems and paths, thanks to which you can find a solution.

Does not work Play Market. What to do?

Method 1. Restart Android

If the question arose in front of you, why the playing market does not work on android, first reboot the device.

Perhaps simply happened "hanging" systems with which users are often encountered Android .

And the most amazing this action It will help to find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

If after restarting the miracle did not happen, try another option to eliminate the problem.

Method 2. Relieve Google Play Market Settings

In most cases, when the problem occurs, the player does not work on the play, helps reset the application settings.

To delete all unnecessary information, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section under the name "Applications" or "Application Manager";
  • in this menu item, select;
  • when the control window opens, click on the "Clear Cache" button. In older versions, android, it can be called "erase the data".

Now you need to choose all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often make backup copies of "contacts" and personal information stored in the device.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that infa, which is available in the phone or tablet, is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "Synchronize" there, it will help to make backup All applications at the same time.

Then easily remove your Google account. When you restart it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

Returning to problems in the work of the Play Market - After performing synchronization, return to the previous menu and, instead of "synchronizing", select "Delete".

Confirm the action. Restart the device and enter the account.

Removal and recovery of the account will help with the problems associated with the work google applications.

If the playing market still does not please good work, try the next item.

Method 7. Incompatible applications

Some applications, independently installed by the user, are able to affect Play Marketa, right up to its lock.

The list of such programs is quite wide.

Most often, the "pest" turns out to be a popular Freedom, allowing to make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8. Configure the HOSTS file

If Freedom is installed on your device, and you suspect that it was it that it was the cause of failures in the work of the Play Market, then this item will be exactly interesting.

Go to the settings menu and the Application Manager section - installed, select "Freedom".

In the program menu that opens, click on the "Stop" button, and then delete the application.

Restart the device and check the "working capacity" of the playing market. Without changes? Then go to the next item of recommendations.

Method 9. Reset Android settings

Reset all settings stored in the gadget memory is a rather radical action, however, most often it helps to successfully solve many problems in the work of the applications and the system as a whole.

To do this, go to the settings menu. Android and select the "Restore and Reset" section. IN this section Confirm the "Reset Settings" action.

It is desirable, before performing this actions, make sure that data synchronization has been successful. As for information stored on a memory card, it will not suffer.

Restart the device and restore the data from the spare copy.

Method 10. Check the Internet connection

Perhaps the problems in the work of the play of the market are concluded in the banal absence of an Internet connection. Check the quality of communication. You can restart the router.

Method 11. Google Accounts Disabled

Sometimes the cause of problems lies in the fact that the Google account is disabled. Go to the menu you need if the Google Accounts application is disabled, activate it.

Method 12. Check the date and time

If there is no "connection missing" constantly jumps out, but at the same time as you are sure, check if the device is installed on the device correctly.

You can once again put the correct time and time zone. It is advisable to synchronize these parameters with the network.

To do this, go to the "Settings" → "Date and Time" menu and put a mark on the "Date and Time of Network" and "Network Time Zone".

Doesn't Play Market work ??? Solution to the problem

Why Play Market does not work (Play Market) - 12 ways to solve the problem

Most users of devices based on Android at least once come across a problem when Google Play Market for unknown reasons stopped functioning normally. Options, why does not work the playing market, a lot is quite, but they appear in different ways:

  • The utility does not start.
  • It is impossible to download programs when the online store utility issues one error after another with a different numbering.
  • Google Play Market constantly flies after a few seconds of use.
  • Downloads with download.

In this article, we will consider the most common reasons, as a result of which the Plaque Market is not working on android, and how these problems can be solved.

Prohibition on the update

Many inexperienced users are often found with the situation when the downloaded software ceases to be updated. It not only stops doing it in automatic mode, but also no alerts come to the device with a request for downloading new versions.

Over time, the same fate comprehends the Play Market itself, as Android ceases to support the old format of the online store, and no longer gives access to the resource.

No internet connection

Often the reason why the playing market does not open on the Android, there are problems with connecting. Sometimes the available network speed is not enough to load pages, but most often the smartphone or tablet is simply not connected to it:

  • The package of available network traffic has a mobile operator.
  • No available wireless Internet.
  • Wi-Fi velocity module.

Engineering works

Occasionally, developers are carried out on their resource technical work. As a rule, they remain unnoticed for an ordinary user. But in case Google is engaged in the global refinement and modernization of the resource, then many Google account owners have small difficulties with access to the online store.

They carry short-term character, and to solve a little wait a bit. After a few minutes (or hours), you can again download programs without any difficulties.

Incompatible applications

The owners of old smartphones also often do not correctly work the play market on android. The problem is that many modern applications (especially entertainment with high quality performance requirements) are incompatible with old phones.

On such obsolete devices, the demanding utilities simply will not be launched, which is why the developers of the playing market are limited to download, in order to avoid negative user reviews with low estimates.

Wrong time settings and dates

Viruses or system failures can sometimes be installed on smartphones wrong date, time or time zone. For security purposes when entering the account, the system checks and compares the correctness of the date and time. If it does not match, then the service does not start until the error is fixed.

Changes in Hosts File

Third-party applications (which are most often swinging in the form. Add archives from other sites) When installing, you receive full access to the change in system files. Most of them edit the HOST file in which it is stored network addresses and user domains.

Such changes entail failures in the online store program, after which the playing market is not launched on android.

What to do to solve the problem

We dealt with the reasons for termination of work, and now consider simple wayshow to restore it.

In 70% of cases, it is enough to do the first item so that the service again began to load and download utilities.

Restart the device to avoid system errors And the failures need regularly, and better - at least once a day. But many users neglect this rule until the moment when the number of errors and "lags" does not begin to interfere with the normal working process of the smartphone and the operating system.

Most of the problems arising in the process of using the phone can be solved by the usual reboot. Before proceeding with serious measures (dropping installations, removing accounts and other things), it is recommended to start simply restarting android and repeat the attempt to enter.

Check Internet connection

You can download applications from the market only if the data is enabled, so before starting downloading and working with the utility, you need to make sure that the device is connected to the Internet.

Put the date and time

Sometimes Play Market itself is notifying about the wrong time zone, which can be corrected in the smartphone settings (in the corresponding Count "Date and Time").

Application settings

One of the most popular causes of the problem in the work is in the settings fails. Try alternately repeat the four steps described below. After each stage, check if the error has not corrected.

To solve the problem, it is necessary:

  1. Go to the device settings.
  2. Select Count "Application Manager".
  3. In the list find "Play Market" and click on it.
  4. IN open window Control Click on the button "Clear Cache" or "Erase Data".

Delete updates

If the previous options did not help, you need to delete the update of the playing market and start the application again. The first three actions are similar, but in the control window you will need to click "Delete Updates". After that, the utility rolls back to the initial state.

Resetting the "Google Play Services" settings

At the last stage, go to reset system Installations Google Play services. To do this:

  1. Go to the settings, and then into the "Applications" tab.
  2. From the list, click on Google Play Services.
  3. In the Program Manager, select "Clear Cache".
  4. Try running the online store.

Configure Hosts file

After installation malicious viruses And utilities that make a change to the Hosts file, it must be adjusted correctly. First of all, you need to stop the program that harms the system (most often with such difficulties are those who downloaded Freedom for hacking games). After that it must be deleted.

It is very important to comply with the correct sequence - first stop, and then deletion. Hosts file is located on the way System / etc /, and an example of it proper setting You can see below.

Delete incompatible applications

Developers operational system It is strongly recommended to download only proven applications from Play Market, as third-party incompatible can harm its work.

Such malicious software should be immediately removed, and never download anymore.

Remove Google Account

This is a cardinal measure that will entail the removal of all data and downloaded extensions, but sometimes without it can not do without it. To protect your personal information, you first need to synchronize it - that is, to create a backup.

  1. In the Settings section, select Accounts.
  2. Click on the Google tab.
  3. Top will be three vertical points. You need to click on them, choose to first "synchronize" and wait for the end of the process.
  4. After that, in the same menu when you click on the point, delete the account.

Reset android settings to factory

The last most serious step is the OS rollback to an untouched state. All personal information will be deleted without recovery. Therefore, before uninstalling, create backup copies. Then you need:

  1. In the settings, select the section "Restore and Reset".
  2. Confirm reset settings.
  3. Wait to reboot the phone.
  4. Restore data from backup.


Today we have considered for what reasons are Google services on Android devices, and methods for solving these problems may not work. In practice, one of these methods solves the problem in the absolute majority of cases. We hope the article was useful for you.


Play Market (Google Play) is a convenient way to get new programs on Android devices. Like any other application, it is subject to failures and errors that violates the performance of the service. We will figure it out why the play market does not work on android, and how to solve the problem yourself.

If your phone does not enter the playing market, do not rush to delete the application or run to the service. Most often, the problem is solved by the simplest actions:

  • Check the Internet connection - Wi-Fi is connected, whether sites are loaded in the browser. In the absence of a network player, the market does not start.
  • Restart the device by turning completely and turning on. When restarting, most system errors are automatically eliminated.
  • Check the date set - when an erroneous value, the Store start is not possible.

If as a result of Play Market on android still does not open, go to the following items.

Correct applications

One of the reasons why Play Play does not work - errors in. Applications on Android are constantly assembled and saved in the memory of the device, various information that helps them work faster. Over time, the cache accumulates and errors that violate the work of programs.

To clear the saved data:

  • in the Open Applications menu;
  • the list find "Google Play" and click on it;
  • in the window, choose "Erase the data" and "Clear cache".

Restart the device and check the service. If problems appeared after installation new version Utilities, additionally select "Delete Updates". The program will be rejected to the factory state.

If the player will fly on the phone, it is additionally useful to clear the application data:

  • Google Play services.
  • Google Services Framework.

Consistently erase the cache and roll back the updates.

It is also useful to check the operation of the Downloads Manager and Google Accounts. They are responsible for receiving updates and user identification, with their failure you will see that the connection is missing or the connection error. You can find services in the overall application list - click on the name if the "Enable" button is active in the settings.

Eliminate incompatibility

Installation third-party programs - the reason why not working on play device MARKET. This applies to utilities that block Google Play to bypass its restrictions - download paid programs With fictitious payment. If you installed Freedom or its analogue - go to the playing market will not work. Changing the problem is not always possible by deleting a pest program - it leaves records in system filesFully blocking access to the store.

To solve, need root rights and any file Manager. Then act like this:

  1. Open catalog system., in it folder eTC..
  2. Look in the File List hosts., without expansion. Save your copy to another folder.
  3. Open hosts. in text editor.
  4. Leave one line in it - " LocalHost", the rest delete.
  5. Save the file, reboot.

Delete an account

When the playing market does not work on a tablet or smartphone, sometimes it is useful to re-bind an account in Google. To do not lose personal information - contacts, mail, photo and music, pre-synchronize the data by creating a backup:

  • in the menu, enter the "Accounts" section and the "Google" item;
  • click on your address mailbox;
  • mark the items to save, on the button with 3 points run "Synchronize".

When a copy is ready, select "Delete" in the same menu. Reboot and connect your Google account again across the address. email.

Drop settings

If nothing helped, you will have to implement full reset settings. The method is radical, but helps to eliminate the most serious violations in the work. The device will return to the factory parameters, all errors will be deleted - along with all user data. Therefore, pre-save the photo, video and music to the memory card or PC, so as not to lose them, synchronize the account data of Google.

For full cleaning:

  • in the menu, find "Restore and Reset";
  • activate "Reset Settings";
  • confirm the operation and wait for it.

After rebooting, tie a re-profile in Google to the device, fill the back saved data.

Error codes

If Play Market When opening gives an error with the code, it can be safely guessed about the necessary actions to eliminate:

  • malfunctions error code 504: Loading failed, Clean the cache;
  • 491: Remove and tie your Google account again;
  • 919: Lack of place in memory, delete any files or applications;
  • 927: There is a store update, wait for it to end;
  • 941: occurs when updating, delete google data Play.

Meizu features

MEIZU holders It is worth acting a little differently. The developers of these gadgets included a special installer to work with Google utilities. For the initial installation, act in this way:

  • on the main screen, go to the "Best" folder;
  • from the selection of applications, install "Google Services", you will need to connect to the Internet;
  • restart the phone, Play Market will appear on the screen.

The system will remain the Google Installer installer icon - you can delete it or leave it to use in the future to eliminate possible service errors.

If the MEIZU has a problem with Google Play, it is enough to reinstall the store. If you delete Google Installer, download it from the "Best" folder. Run the installer, click below on Uninstall to erase the market. Then re-install the application and tie Google account to it,


We figured out that it can cause a crash and error of the playing market. Usually to eliminate errors, it is enough to restart the smartphone, in the absence of the result, clean the saved data and the cache of all system utilities of Google. In the most difficult case, a complete reset will help - the device will completely return to the factory settings, getting rid of the accumulated information debris.

Like any other application, Google Play is not protected from crashing. It may not open, do not upload content, hang or fly with an error. Everything happens infrequently, but if it happened, then you need to know how to quickly eliminate the problem. Depending on the situation, solutions may be different. Let's start with the simplest.

1. Make sure the problem is on the user side

The first thing to do with problems with Google Play is to check the operation of the service on other devices. You can start the store in the browser on the PC or ask to ask someone from your loved ones to open the application on your smartphone.

If the problem is observed not only on your gadget, you should not do anything. Most likely, there was some kind of failure on the side, and soon it will be eliminated. If the store does not open or work incorrectly only you have, you need to perform one or more actions from the list below.

2. Close Google Play forcibly

In many cases, it helps the usual restart of the application. You can close it in the list of active processes or through the application settings section. There is a search for "Google Play Market" and click "Stop" or "Close".

3. Restart Wi-Fi

It is possible that the problem lies in network connection. To exclude this option, it is worth trying to restart on the smartphone, as well as check the availability of a problem when connecting to a mobile operator network.

If the smartphone does not enter the network at all, but it shows a stable connection via Wi-Fi, it is worth reloading home.

4. Turn on the flight mode

Often send Google Play in the right direction It allows a simple transition to flight mode and output from it in a few minutes. It's amazing, but it really helps, especially if the application store hung during some kind of loading.

You can start the flight mode or "on the aircraft" from system or settings in the Wireless Networks section.

5. Restart the smartphone

In the event of problems in the work of Android applications, a simple reboot of the smartphone will never be extended. Complexity with Google Play is no exception.

6. Delete the cache and Google Play data

Quite often, the problem lies in the accumulation of irrelevant and temporary data of the Google Play application. To get rid of them. You need to open "applications" in the smartphone settings, go to Google Play and there in the "Memory" section to choose a reset and cleaning.

It is worth considering that when you delete the application data for you upon subsequent opening Google Play will need to be updated. If it does not help, perform the identical cleaning of the Google Play Services application.

7. Check the date and time settings.

The cause of failures in the application store can be problems with the synchronization of the date and time. You can check the effect of this factor by simply turning on or disabling the use of the network time. You can do this through the system settings in the Date and Time section.

8. Delete Google Play updates

Delete Google Play app standard method It is impossible, but it is possible to get rid of updates loaded for it. This will roll back to old version Programs that may be more efficient.

You can delete updates through the Application Settings section, where you need to select "Google Play Market" and click "Delete Updates". Depending on the system, this button can be in view and hide in additional menu in the upper right corner.

9. Update Google Play manually

If all of the above methods did not allow to reanimate the application store, then you should try to install a more recent or even the same google version Play manually. In both cases, the application will simply update the current version.

For manual update You will need to download the Google Play APK file to set it from the smartphone memory. In the settings you will need to allow the installation of unknown applications, what the system will ask you automatically.

10. Delete Google Account and re-log in

Sometimes it allows you to restore the operation of Google applications to the smartphone. To implement it, you need to open the "Users and Accounts" section in the Smartphone settings, select account Google and remove it from the device.