Skyrim Launcher does not see the game. Technical problems of the game Skyrim: the launcher does not see files, the console does not work

The universe of "ancient scrolls" conquered the players not only by a rich history, carefully developed by the world, colorful characters, but also the ability to set up the game completely under themselves. If you wish, you can make it so that the hero freezes, traveling through the snow-covered lands of Skyrim, so that he needs food and water, rest. Or maybe someone just wants to cut over the tundra on the Zaporozhet ... for every taste and color exist fashion. But sometimes the Launcher "Skyrima" does not see fashion. And it becomes very offensive, because other players can improve the game ... Why does the launcher sees fashion for Skyrima and how to fix this problem?

Possible options for the problem

There are 2 varieties of problems with the inability to connect modes for the game. Option One: In the launcher, all the inscriptions are active in addition to the "Files" tab, click on it in this case will not work. Accordingly, no modifications to the game cannot be connected. It looks like this.

Other option is possible, the "Files" tab works, but at the same time the "Skyrim" launcher does not see the fashion that opened the window in this case is simply empty or only standard additions are displayed.

It is quite realistic to solve these problems.

If the Files tab does not burn

If the "Files" tab is inactive and cannot even see which mods can be connected, then the problem is in the SkyrimPrefs.ini folder. For the correct operation of the launcher and the ability to connect modes, you need to open this document in a notepad or in a text editor, and then add in the Launcher section.

benableFileSelection \u003d 1.

How to find this file? With the standard installation of the game, the file must be in the system disk (most often this is a C: \\ disc), in the My Documents folder MY GAMES \\ Skyrim \\.

If the launcher does not see fashion

With such a situation, 2 reasons and, accordingly, 2 options for solving the problem.

Option 1. If the game sees standard supplements, and downloaded from external resources - no, check the correctness of the modification of the mods. Modifications must be installed in the DATA folder, which is located in the root directory of the game. At the same time, downloaded files must be unpaved (if they were in the archive). If there is a DATA folder in the downloaded mod folder, then you need to throw it into the folder with Skyrim (where there is a DATA folder with a subsequent association).

If there are folders with meshes and textures in the archive, as well as files with ESP and BSA extension, then the contents of such an archive must be removed to the DATA game folder.

Perhaps it is the correct installation of mods that will allow Skyrim to see the modifications.

Option 2. It is possible that the game does not see mods at all. In this case, some error occurred in combination the registry and file system. For example, the appearance of such a problem is possible if you renamed the folder with the game, moved it or simply happened some kind of failure in the registry. In this case, you need to open the registry with the Windows + R command (or execute) Write the word regedit.

It is necessary to find the following way:


In the installed path line, the wrong way to Skyrim is likely. Perhaps the Launcher "Skyrim" does not see fashion that is why. You need to specify the correct path to the game and this problem will be solved.

Whatever the problem with Skyrim modifications, it can be solved. We hope that the methods set forth in this article helped get rid of the problem when Launcher "Skyrim" does not see fashion.

Skyrim is a game that occupies a large place in the universe of ancient scrolls. Currently, this is the last game of the series, which enabling many ideas, developments and developer experience since TES: Arena. However, it does not save it from various annoying mistakes and bugs with which players often have to cope on their own. One of the similar errors is the unstable work of the launcher, which sometimes prevents the input in the settings menu or loading supplements (if the launcher does not see the files and "skyrim" runs without mods), as well as the launch of the game itself. Moreover, it can occur not only on pirated versions: the owners of licensed copies are also not insured against such situations. There are several ways to correct these errors.

Restart steam

As you know, the Steam client works in a close bundle with each game acquired through this service, carrying out the license, players statistics, updates, etc. TES V did not exception, and sometimes this interaction leads to the fact that the launcher "Skyrima "Does not see the modifications files and does not allow in the settings, and sometimes the game does not allow you to start, displaying in the main menu item" Set "instead of" game ". Pressing it usually does not lead to anything, and the game does not start anyway. The problem is solved by the banal restart of the Steam client with output from the account and the full disconnection from the network.

Running the game directly / through a third-party launcher

The previous way, unfortunately, is not always triggered. Therefore, in cases where Skyrim-launcher sees files and settings, you can run the game directly from the Skyrim.exe file. True, this method is only suitable for those who play without mods. Players who do not think the game without additions will have to use third-party programs (Wryebash, Nexus Mod Manager).

Editing game files

This method is usually applied in the case when there are no problems with the launch of the game, but addons. The SkyrimPrefs.ini file is to blame for this, "BenableFileSelection \u003d 1" configuration parameter, which is in the block. So that the situation does not happen again, the game needs to be prohibited to make changes to this file by setting the read-only attribute on it. You can find the desired file in the play folder.

It will be useful and to produce certain manipulations with the registry, running which (using the hot key Win + R and the "Regedit" command), open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section and proceed along the Software \\ Wow6432Node \\ Bethesda Softworks \\ Skyrim path. By right-clicking on the Installed Path column, select the "Change" in the context menu, after which it is in the "Value" field enter the path in the installed game.

It should be remembered that the Windows registry editor needs to be treated carefully, clearly following the instructions. Careless appeal may entail the emergence of faces in Windows or even system failure.

Default recovery settings

The method is effective, but used quite rarely - in cases where nothing helps at all. Most often, the users themselves create this problem, for one reason or another, copying a folder with ready-made salary from external sources, replacing the game settings at the same time. After that, the launch of Skyrima follows, and the launcher does not see the game files at all. There is a compatibility problem. Solution - Delete all configuration files from the folder, and then repeatedly launched the Skyrima launcher, which will automatically create them again.

Despite the impressive opportunities to play Skyrim, you want to much expand these same gaming opportunities.

Especially for this there are things like fashion. They give new opportunities and turn the game into something completely new. For those who have already passed Skyrim himself along and across the most.

However, even a newcomer is worth downloading mod

At least on improving graphics, the game is no longer new. But there are still obligatory official add-ons. And so, it seems that everything is well, the fashion of interest is found, downloaded, it seems even without viruses, unpacked as it is told on the site, and Skyrim nor a drop does not change. Do not rush disappointed in mods. Just to use them must be configured the game itself.

To configure mods in the game you need to go to the game launcher. In the menu, click Files. Here you can see a list of all available additions. If the mod worker is really correctly installed - it will be displayed in this menu. The simplest reason that the addition does not work - no tick in this menu. Remember that in front of the addition that you want to run, you need to put a tick, otherwise the program will consider that you do not need to run. The procedure for downloading additions is also very important. It can be viewed in the same menu "Files".

Supplements are loaded in the same order that and are placed in the list (reading from top to bottom). From the very top, there must be three official additions to the dragon, guard of dawn and fire of the hearth. Further to set additions to improve textures. After the location of other modes, it does not matter much, however, there are additions depending on other additions. In this case, the site should provide a list in what order they should stand. Never ignore messages of this kind.

The mod must include multiple folders and an ESP extension file. That is, after the file name, these three letters go. It is the file with such an extension that serves as an activator for the addusion itself. If this file is missing, Skyrim Launcher does not see the files of the supplement. For correct operation, all files that you downloaded must be transferred to the DATA folder. It is located in the game folder. It is very important that on the way to the folder with the game there were no folders with Russian letters - they are often incorrectly read by the program and then it cannot find anything. And in general, it is not recommended to call the folders of Cyrillic. For any program, find the file following the Russian letters is very difficult, so it is always better to call folders in English, well, or at least a trance.

There is also a problem when the "Files" button is inactive and it is impossible to enter the add-ons menu. This problem may occur in two cases - a bad pirate game assembly, or delete files from the folder with the game. If earlier this button was active, even if it fails to eliminate the problem, it is easy to reinstall the game pre-transferred all the saving to another place. Save stored on the C / Users / User Name / My Documents / My Games / Skyrim.

Just do not think to rename folders with Russian-speaking names on the S.'s disc in the memory of the computer, they are stored under other names.

However, reinstalling the game is optional. First you need to try to eliminate the problem

In the same folder where the save is stored, open the file with the name SkyrimPrefs.ini in the notepad. In the last string you need to add benablefileselection \u003d 1. If Skyrim Launcher does not see files and then - it is worth reinstalling the game. If even after reinstallation, the problem remains - find another repack, this may not be fully working.

Many Skyrim game fans are sooner or later refer to various user modifications that make one or other changes in the original gameplay. Beginners are often faced with certain difficulties, the most important of which are activation of additions in the game start-up environment, as well as working with an in-game console, sometimes with crucial for some mods.

Activation of mods in the launcher

If a situation arises, in which the "Skyrima" launcher does not see the add-on files, you can contact several ways to solve this problem.

The first way is the editing of the configuration file.

For displaying game archives in the launcher, the SkyrimPrefs.ini file is answered, located in the Windows document storage folder (the default is My Documents \\ My Games \\ Skyrim \\, but the paths can also differ depending on the individual user settings).

Usually this method is triggered to be surelessly, but sometimes it is not enough: the launcher does not see the files and Skyrim, respectively, modes do not register. In this case, editing the registry key.

In Win 7, the registry editor opens through the "Run" item, located in the "Start" menu. In Win 8 and older versions, it is easier to use a combination of Win + R.

In the opened line, you need to enter the REGEDIT, press OK, and then in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Wow6432Node / Bethesda Softworks / Skyrim (Bethesda Softworks / Skyrim / Bethesda / Softworks / Skyrim / BetheSda Path and replace the erroneous parameter of this key to the path to the current directory of the installed game. After these manipulations, the launcher will display all the game archives and will allow you to activate additions.

Using an alternative launcher

Another way to activate modes is the use of third-party programs not only to run the running game and control the installed additions, but also possessing wider and flexible functionality. The most famous of them are Nexus Mod Manager and MOD Organizer.

Console interaction

Frequently important when console teams help both when using various addons (for example, obtaining objects from the mode) and when walking around many game errors and bugs (rebooting the dockey quest, for example). But to many users of the Russian localization of Skyrim, entering console commands in English is inaccessible.

How to change the language in the console? Skyrim takes two ways:

  1. Changing the default layout of the keyboard with Russian to English. For obvious reasons, not everyone is suitable.
  2. Editing a Skyrim.ini file located in the default or user-defined document storage folder. In the file, it is necessary to replace sconsole \u003d russian on sconsole \u003d english under the string, and after saving the changes, apply the read-only attribute file.

With the subsequent launch of the game, the player will have the opportunity to introduce console commands in English.