Earning money on google adsense work secrets. How to make money from google adsense advertising? To help a beginner! Insufficient traffic

Tens of millions of people search for something on the Internet every day. Some people shop for goods and services online. Others just skim the cream of the web for fun. One way or another, there is a common denominator for both the former and the latter. If someone comes across a good offer, it is difficult to refuse it, people immediately jump on it. Or, at least, a person will stop and get a good look at such a high-quality offer.

For example, a person may be interested in politics, he visits political sites. Reading the news and various headlines, he notices something: an unobtrusive advertisement appears in the corner of the site. Even a few advertisements. One says, "50% off new politics books." So, the visitor clicks on the ad and immediately goes to the site with the books. But he doesn't buy anything. For the owner of a political news site, this is not important. One way or another, and he has already earned thanks to the fact that the user clicked on the ad. And no, there are no pitfalls here. He receives money for redirecting traffic to the advertiser's website. Sounds like a good deal? If so, it’s because this is a really great plan.

Welcome to the world of Adsense, Google's revolutionary Pay Per Click ad strategy that generates billions of dollars in revenue every year. And yes, a lot of that money goes straight into the pockets of the owners of the sites that host Adsense ads. Best of all, it's a simple yet profitable process that takes a few minutes to set up.

Tell me more about Adsense?

Adsense is a very attractive business marketing method. Traditionally, ads on websites are paid per impression. But with Adsense, the advertiser doesn't pay for the actual placement of the ad. The advertiser pays for clicks. Thus, we have the name Pay Per Click (PPC). Everything works very simply. The advertiser only needs to pay for those visitors who clicked on the ads. If no one clicks on the ad, no money is withdrawn. This is attracting more and more advertisers to Adsense. And because of this, the number of advertisers on Adsense is so great that you can find ads for any, absolutely any site.

For a website owner, this is a very simple process. All you need to do is copy and paste the Adsense code into your site. Ads will appear instantly. This will initially be a more general type of ad. You will often come across social advertising ads. And this is where the Adsense spiders come into play, they crawl around the site. Once they get to you, they determine what kind of site it is. And then they attach alternating ads related to the theme of the site itself. For example, if the site is about hunting and fishing, the spiders will figure this out and post hunting and fishing ads to it.

Although we say the word "site", there are a myriad of different online resources where you can host Adsense. Blogs are often used as a platform for Adsense. Social media is also suitable for this purpose. Adsense is used on resource directories as well. But the "average" person will most often place Adsense ads by running their campaign on a niche site. Therefore, we will mainly talk about using Adsense on such niche sites.

To make it clearer what this is about, take a look at this screenshot, you can see what the Adsense ad looks like on the site:

Also, you've probably come across ads when searching on Google:

The basics of a niche website

Of course, to make money with Adsense, you need a good online marketplace that attracts users. This is a niche site. As the name suggests, a niche site is a site aimed at the attention of a specific audience. By targeting and driving those visitors to your site, you will also serve them various site-related Adsense ads.

For example, many people love science fiction. This means that a niche science fiction site can attract legions of fans. They will see different Adsense ads related to their favorite collectibles, hobbies and souvenirs. After visiting your niche site, these fans will click on your Adsense ads. Here's an example site for the scrapbooking niche:

Science fiction is a pretty broad topic, and you shouldn't assume that all niche sites are centered around broad topics. Using science fiction again as an example, you can create a site dedicated to a more specific subgenre, a specific TV series or movie, or your favorite writer. And of course, the same strategy applies to whatever theme you choose for your site.

However, some may argue that niche sites promoting a product or service will be less successful than those promoting a hobby or passion. This assumption can be both true and false, depending on how the niche site itself works. If it is informative and interesting, then the visitors will be happy. This means they will stay on it for a while, and will likely click on the Adsense ads.

Also, of course, not only quality but also quantity will be useful. If one site attracts audience and profits, then two sites will give you the potential to double your income. Naturally, dozens of sites will have the potential for an endless stream of finance. After all, the more sites you have, the more Adsense ads you will have at your disposal. This will significantly increase your earning potential.

It is very important not to lose quality due to the increasing quantity. By hosting dozens of hastily made websites on the internet, you won't make money on Adsense. If it were possible, no one would need a job, and in just five minutes a primitive niche site could be created. And primitive is not the best synonym for starting any business.

Instead, take the time to build each niche site. Make sure they meet established quality standards for design and appearance... Make sure the site's content is valuable and worth reading. Your site should look professional, high quality, and not made on hastily... This should be done with every website you create. This will greatly increase your chances of success.

How to create an Adsense account

Registering an account to earn money on Adsense is a very simple process. Very often, a few minutes are enough for a person to enter the necessary data. Yes, those who register on the Adsense site must be verified. Google will need to confirm your application, as cooperation with them is not for scammers. But the criteria are not complicated at all. In addition, I recommend reading about getting started with Google Adsense.

The data filling form does not require any explanation. The first section of the site is dedicated to the type of sites on which you will be posting your ads. Note: you can embed your code on as many sites as you like. But when filling out the registration application, you need to indicate the main site that Google will consider when processing your application. Although Adsense is not available in all languages, there are quite a few languages ​​to choose from.

The next step is to make some promises to Google. You will click on an agreement that you will not post ads on your sites asking you to click on ads from Adsense. Yes, it is indeed tempting to post a request “Please support our site by clicking on advertisements”, But this is prohibited by the Adsense service rules. The point is, Adsense only expects PPC traffic from stakeholders. They are not interested in the possibility of creating a charitable foundation for site owners. Again, Google takes this very seriously, and if they find out that you are begging for clicks, they will cancel your account and it is very unlikely that they will ever trust you again.

The next area in Google's promises section focuses on the absence of pornographic content on the site. Google wants to continue being a family-friendly company. They will never allow anything pornographic.

The next step is to indicate whether you are registering as a business or as an individual. This is necessary for tax issues.

Next, you should provide your full name and email address. Google does not use PayPal, but sends checks in the mail. Therefore, it is very important that you provide accurate information in this section. In case Adsense would like to contact you, please provide your contact phone number and email address.

Finally, three things need to be confirmed. First, you must agree not to click on your own ads. Second, you acknowledge that you have read all of the Adsense program policies. And third, you must confirm that you do not have another Adsense account.

(Terms of use Adsense)

Let's be honest: if you click on your own Adsense ads, Google will know about it and ban you forever. Many tried to somehow get around this rule, to cheat, and no one succeeded. So, avoid it, whatever the circumstances. Even by accidentally clicking on your ad, you run into serious trouble. The Adsense Code of Practice is a long document, but worth reading. They will tell you everything you need to know to stay good customer... It is very important to remain a good customer if you want to continue working with Adsense in general. Only one Adsense account can be created per person. Thus, it is much easier to maintain the honesty and openness of all members of the service.

Once you have entered all the required information, just click "confirm". Most likely, confirmation will take place in three days. After confirmation, you will receive a code that you will need to enter in the appropriate field on the site. In this case, everything depends on the site. If you are not sure where to enter the code, contact your support team. They can help you. Once you've posted the code, social ads will appear on your site. This is because the search engine spiders have not yet decided on the content of your site. Once identified, they will validate specific ads that are more relevant to your site's users.

Google Adsense May Reject Application

Google will most likely not confirm your registration if your main site is, shall we say, not valuable enough. If your site has little to do with good text content, or if it's still in development, you will be denied registration. Also, if you have an unattractive design, if the site is difficult to navigate, or it is overloaded with many technical problems, such as broken links, you will also most likely be rejected. Thus, it is very important to create a decent website before applying for an Adsense registration. If you have a really high-quality website, then the chances of receiving confirmation of registration are extremely high. Remember, Google is looking for high-quality sites for cooperation, since it is high-quality sites that attract traffic, a lot of traffic.

To reiterate this important point, if you are hoping to get an Adsense account, you need to have a decent, well-designed, Google-valued site.

How do you know if an account is registered? You will be sent a registration notification by e-mail. Just click on the link in the email and you're done. But you need to finish building your business constantly in order to generate serious profits. While there are no hard and fast rules regarding the best or worst strategy on Adsense, there are still several tried and tested methods that can prove useful. Below we will look at several of these methods.

Website design and development

Many people wonder how to design and develop a niche site to make money on Adsense if they are not familiar with website design and development. This is a legitimate concern, but it should not become a source of worry. There are many options for those looking for a website. Many have never heard of web design or website development, but once they understood the concept of niche Adsense campaigns, they have had amazing success. If it didn't become a problem for them, then it shouldn't be a problem for you either. Here are some ways to solve a design / development problem ...

The first option is to hire a designer and developer, contact a company that will handle your sites. Of course, this will cost you a certain amount. Designers and hosting companies demand money for their services. If the niche website generates significant profits, then the costs of creation will be covered.

A cheaper option would be to hire a company that provides templates for niche sites. These sites can charge low monthly usage fees and are easy to navigate. You just enter the text in your articles in the right place and click "publish".

Another option that does not require money is to create a website with your own hands. You can use a free website builder like Kompozer (www.kompozer.net).

And the last option is to create a free site on wordpress, then pick up a template, of which there are thousands of free access, and place it on a good paid hosting, for example, Beget. I posted a review of this hosting and my reviews about it.

As a basic guide, you should follow these guidelines for the look and feel of your site.

How to embed Adsense on your website

Before embedding Adsense ads on your page, you need to know where to do it:

Placement of ads

Where are these ads posted? There is a certain number of options, for which are provided different types code. Ads can be placed to the right or left, at the top or bottom of the page, or even right in the center. Also ads will be shown on all subpages of the site. And as we said, it's completely FREE for the owner. Google Adsense is completely free program... You get the code for free, add it to your site, and collect clicks. Well, yes, in this process there is a little more than what we just listed.

But at a basic level, the job of a niche Adsense site is to promote Google Adsense ads. This means that they must be clearly displayed on the site. People often post them on their page haphazardly. Often a normal location is chosen, but normal is just normal. You don’t need “okay” because it’s akin to “like everyone else”.

You shouldn't advertise “on average”. You need to do this in such a way that the success of your site increases. A great way to address this issue is to place your ads in a way that complements your site. So that she works for the design of the site, and not against it. Some designs are more suitable for placing ads at the top of the page, while in others it is better to try placing them on the side. Try different options and see which ad placement strategy works best for you.

Here's a basic guide to placing ads on Adsense:

It's time to get your Adsense ready

Entering the code into your Google Adsense account is as easy as shelling pears. You don't have to think that working with your own niche site is that difficult.

To get the Adsense code, you need to log into your account. Once you are logged in, click on "Adsense Settings" and on this page select "Adsense for Content". This is the basic and most common type of Adsense product.

The next step is to select the type of ad. Select "Add-Ads with Text and Images":

On the next page, you'll need to format your ad:

For best results, select borders in the same colors as the area where you placed your ad. If the area is white, then make the edges white as well.

After the formatting is complete, you need to move on to the stage where you track the performance of each ad. This is optional, but highly recommended.

To add new channel, just click "Add New Channel" and use the title so you can understand where which clicks are coming from. Also ideally you should add the position where you posted your ad. If you've added ads to the sidebar of your page, write something like "scrapbooking sidebar".

You will see the code that you need to copy and paste into your page. If you are unsure how to do this, click on the Code Injection Guide link:

Content for a website with Adsense is king

Type of content required

It is critical that the content on the page is both informative and / or entertaining. When people visit your site, you need them to stay. Or better yet, you need them to visit your site more than once. If a person visits a site, sits there for a few seconds, and then leaves, they haven't spent enough time there to click on Adsense. Of course, if your ads aren't clicked on, you simply won't get paid. Read about what content is for a site.

Returning to the previous example, about Halloween costumes, good articles on topics such as the history of Halloween, the origins of Halloween costumes, Halloween traditions in the west, the most popular Halloween movies, and many other thematic articles will be of great interest to those who come to you for the sake of information about Halloween. This means that people will stay and read the articles. If everything goes well, the person will eventually click on the ad. Who knows. Maybe after reading about popular Halloween movies, he wants to click on the Adsense ad “20% off Horror Movie DVDs!”. Yes, this is our goal, and quality content is the means to achieve it.

Of course, someone will read this and say, "Great idea, but I just can't write that well." Well, you don't have to be a writer to have quality content on your niche site. You can get original work from a variety of content writing resources (advego.ru, etxt.ru). This includes buying content from specialized companies and freelance auctions. Is it worth the money? Of course it is. However, the goal of a niche site is to make a profit. Text materials for the site can not be bought ready-made, but ordered from freelancers of copywriting exchanges. Read how to correctly draw up a technical assignment for a copywriter. True, sometimes the text has to be optimized even after an experienced copywriter. Read about this in the article. So, think about the cost of the original content, it will be a fraction of your business costs and will pay off with Adsense ads if you succeed.

Articles should be neither academic nor too poetic. They just need to be well written and also fun to read. Yes, this is a basic approach to content, but effective. Without it, your niche website won't be worth anything. This means that it will not generate profits. Conversely, a well-designed website with excellent copy will be the perfect cash flow.

Keyword basics

What are keywords? These are the words that search engines crawl to determine what your site is about. This allows search engines to match your site with the topic people are looking for on the internet. And that brings us to the next ...

Keywords are also common queries that people enter into search engines when looking for information. For example, if your Adsense site is related to the topic of Halloween costumes, you can use keywords that people commonly use when looking for costumes. Examples of such words include “Halloween costumes, children's Halloween costumes, sexy Halloween costumes, Halloween costumes large sizes", other.

But the text should not be stuffed with keywords. The search engines will notice this, and it will definitely not reflect well on your site. This means that search engines can go so far as to simply ignore your site, they can mistake it for spam. It will also turn off readers. If the text on your site is weak and overloaded with a meaningless set of keywords, visitors will not stay with you for a long time. After all, what's the point for them to read poorly written copyright?

In general, it's best to insert one keyword for every 100 words of text. Make sure the text is professionally written and engaging to read. Never sacrifice quality for keywords; it turns against you.

In addition, the presence of keywords will express the theme of your content on the site for Adsense ads. This will ensure that your Adsense ads match your site's content. If the site is poorly optimized, it can happen that the ads generated by Adsense have nothing to do with the topic of the content. It would be superfluous to say that in such a situation, your profit will turn into a real disaster.

In addition, it is useful to embed the main keywords in the titles of the pages of the site, in the headings. If your site is about Halloween costumes, then the words "Halloween costumes" should be in the title!

But what if you're not sure which keywords to use? There are services that provide you with the answers you need. These services track statistics used in search engines ah keywords. If you entered "Halloween costumes", this service would give you the most commonly used keywords related to Halloween costumes. These services are fairly inexpensive and provide you with the keywords you need to get your site fully optimized.

In Runet, there are mainly two services for the selection of keywords, google.ru/adwords and wordstat.yandex.ru

Article directories are an excellent resource and you can find absolutely any topic there. By visiting popular directories such as EzineArticles.com (a foreign resource and I go to it through the google browser, and although the built-in translator translates clumsily, the meaning is clear and you can safely rewrite the article you like and post it on your website) you can be inspired and take on some great themes for yourself. After reading a couple of articles, you will definitely be inspired for further searches. People often bang their heads against the wall in search of inspiration. This way you will get more results than if you were trying to sit down and come up with a new article topic yourself.

Your goal is to look at the material as a source of inspiration and search for your own ideas. For example, let's say you stumbled upon an article in a directory that says "5 Ways to Save Energy in Your Home." You are reading the article and disagree with it in many ways. Instead of giving up entirely, use the ideas as a basis for your article, which will consider your point of view on energy conservation in the home.

Alternatively, if you are more likely to enjoy the article, you can take one of the five tips and write a separate article on it. Indeed, there are no restrictions. It doesn't matter what kind of idea was born in your head, you can use it as a foundation for an article. Who knows? Maybe after such research articles, you come up with a dozen new ideas. All of them can become a precious basis for future texts. Just take a basic idea and expand on it. This is an excellent way to find ideas.

You can also use article directories as a tool to analyze what works and what doesn't work in your articles. Once you've spent enough time in directories, you'll start asking yourself, "How was this article published at all?" Yes, you can find a certain number of substandard articles. Don't ignore them completely. Look at their weak points, analyze what is wrong with them. Use this analysis to improve your own content.

And, of course, you will want to know more about the good and sometimes just great articles. Remember what you liked the most about these articles. What makes them seem so good. Use them as a guideline, a standard for articles on your niche site. This is extremely important, as high standards will be reflected in traffic.

As we mentioned, keywords are critical to body copy. But there are also other places where keywords can be embedded. These include article titles, headings, and subheadings, among others. These additional text components can also be highlighted to grab the attention of your audience.

Don't forget that search engines run on automated codes. This means they are programmed to look for certain things on your site. Headings and subheadings are especially visible to search engines. Especially if the title contains an obvious and revealing keyword. So, a good mix of distinctive headlines and keywords is a great SEO tactic. There is another advantage. Visitors love these headlines!

When people enter the site, they meet nose to nose with the monitor. They look at him from their chair, a few centimeters away. From this distance, it's not always easy to figure out what's on the screen until they look closer and read. It's good. This is because most people will first appreciate the site and then start reading. There is a great way to make sure as few people leave as possible. Yes, by adding headings with keywords, people will immediately notice them and understand what they are talking about.

How does this happen? Let's again imagine how a person is looking at a monitor at close range. A person without a specific purpose searches for different information, clicks on different links, and ends up on a page where in bold it says “WHY INVESTING IN GOLD IS SAFE INVESTING IN CURRENCY”. This is a clear heading for the article, and it says what the whole site is about. This means that a person will stay on the site a little longer and read articles if he is interested in new safe investment strategies. And, of course, headlines like this are part of the whole Adsense ad process. They will send important information Adsense spiders regarding which ads to show. The words "gold", "investment", and "currency" will serve this purpose perfectly. But headline alone isn't enough to make sure your Adsense ad headlines will display something related to gold investment. This means that by using the keyword “investing in gold” in the other two subheadings, as well as in the article itself, you will increase the chances of a good match between your content and your ad.

Now, someone might ask, is it really possible to make money from Adsense? Are they there?

Believe it or not, there are sites that invest up to $ 200,000 in Adsense every month. Yes, and there are sites that make over a million dollars a year from Adsense. If that doesn't inspire you to sign up for Adsense, then nothing will. Does this mean that all you have to do is sign up for Adsense and in the morning you can finally wake up as a millionaire? No, it doesn't. The amounts of money you will make from Adsense will be based on how much traffic your site gets. So let's get to the topic of traffic, SEO and link building.

Attracting people to your website

Your site is finally ready, how do you attract people to it? To do this, there are the following ways:

Optimizing your site for search engines

If a website is published but has little value in search engines, can it really be called a website? Yes, but it will be a site that no one visits. Needless to say, it won't do the site good, given the intention to make a profit from Adsense. First of all, a site with Adsense needs traffic, so income will be generated. If no one visits the site, then there is no one to click on the ads. While there are many ways to drive traffic, a consistent search engine presence is critical to success. This is why you should optimize your site for the search engines.

What does it mean to "optimize a site"? In simple terms, building a site in such a way that it is able to maximize the benefits of the search engines. This includes several features to help generate organic traffic from people using search engines.

Of course, the first thing you need to do is register your site on the search engines. Most people understand this. But most often they do this only with the most famous search engines: Yandex, Google, if you promote Yahoo, Google, Msn, Aol in the bourgeoisie. It is very important that you register with these sites. BUT it is also important to add your site URL to larger search engines. It's completely free and you will get additional traffic this way. So why not take advantage of this? If you are worried that you will have to spend time adding your site to these search engines, do not worry. There are several free automated services that will list your site on small search engines. Again, these services do exist. So why not take advantage of them?

Returning to the issue of website optimization

In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps and you will have a site attracting huge amounts of organic traffic. One of better ways to do this is to place a certain number of useful keywords in the text of the site.

Basic link building strategies

Most online businesses live and die based on search engine rankings, and search engine rankings are often linked to links. The reason is that every link that leads to your site is one vote for its popularity. The more popular the site from which you can follow the link, the more "significant" vote you will receive. But don't fall into the trap of going over too many link locations. While some links are more valuable than others, ALL links are important in one way or another. This idea often eludes people. Don't repeat their mistake. Post as many links as you can.

Basically, there are two types of links: reciprocal links and one-way links. Reciprocal links are those that you exchange with another site. You post a link to their site on their page, and they, in turn, post a link to you. Get in the habit of emailing sites like yours and asking if they'd like to exchange links.

Often the answer will be yes, as others also need help building links. That's good, but one-way links are valuable. One-way links are when someone on a site has a link to your page, but you don't have a reciprocal link. One-way links are usually more valuable, as it looks like your site is more important. That's why people link to you. You can buy one-way links, of course.

There are many online link buying services. Search engines are somehow expressing their dissatisfaction with this process, so you may not get as many votes as expected. But many links will affect your rankings. The purchase price of one-way links can vary from seller to seller. Some may ask for a large amount for several sites with high level traffic. Others charge little for a large number of small, low-ranking sites. Often sellers add sponsored links for you to an endless number of free blogs or use directories. And while the difference can often seem subtle, it still helps you increase your rankings.

Blogging and forums as link building strategies

There are also ways to create links yourself. For example, do you read any blogs or forums? If so, add a link to your page in your signature on blogs and forums. No, this does not mean that you need to spam. But if you are an active member of one such forum or blog, you can safely comment on something and leave a link in the signature. (The owners of such sites usually do not prohibit regular users from doing this). In addition to the benefits of this search engine strategy, you will receive direct traffic from those who also read these blogs and forums.

Using article directories to build links

Article directories are another delightful forum for link building. Article directories are simple. You submit an article on any topic you want and include links to your site in it. If the article is published, the article and link become part of the article directory network. Such articles can later be read by visitors to these directories. This way you can generate serious volumes of traffic to your website with Adsense. And of course, links in articles will be checked by search engine spiders and add votes to your search engine placement.

There is another advantage. The subpages on which the article appears will be checked by spiders and ranked as individual pages in the search engines. If you write an article about superhero movies and place the keywords related to such movies correctly, someone scouring the internet for this type of entertainment might stumble upon your article. This means you will receive more and more traffic! Yes, article directories are a very valuable resource, they provide higher rankings as well as opportunities for direct traffic. Of course, all this targeted traffic will lead to improved conversion rates on your site. Well, at least that's the plan.

Using social media to your advantage

Social media, without a doubt, offers endless potential for those looking to quickly accelerate the growth of their Adsense campaign. Social media is a virtual treasure trove filled with people who are often interested in information, and their topics of interest may overlap with the topics of your sites. Also, there are many ways to use

social networks as a promotional platform to generate traffic on your website and to build links. Done right, social media can really push your Adsense campaign to incredible speeds.

Let's take a look at a few options on how to do this.

No one ever imagined how popular social media could become. Originally created as a means of communication between musicians and artists, as well as a means of communication between classmates, social networks have outgrown and began to be used by absolutely all types of people. Social media is the best way to help a business get promoted, and this has become the norm. In other words, if you present yourself with a good online side, you can promote your sites with Adsense without any problem. And of course, you can promote your Adsense sites that will be truly interested in the subject matter of your content.

And this is where this well-known main advantage comes into play. Social media is completely free and easy to use. Let's get to the heart of using social media to promote your website. And don't forget that you can create profiles on as many social networks as you like. The main strategy will remain the same.

Basically, you need to create a profile that will be associated with your site. For example, if your Adsense site is about football, you should create a social media profile that is filled with images from the football league. This will make the profile important to those who will be on it. If he's outwardly attractive, people will want to get to know him better.

Of course, you will want the main site title and tagline to reflect your Adsense page. So people will be able to subscribe to your profile on the social network and go to the promoted site. The goal here is to use social media as an intermediary to transfer users to your site.

It is very important to add as many friends as possible. The main way to do this is to send requests to everyone you see. Naturally, you will want to add as friends those who are interested in the main theme of your site. But it doesn't cost anything to accept friendship requests from all users. When you become friends with others, go to their pages and comment. Thus, those who appear on the pages of your friends will see your comments. And hopefully this will start their journey to your Adsense site.

Social media has several other positive properties as well. Blogging and newsletters are two of the most useful. You can blog on multiple topics at once by posting once or twice a week. Include links in your posts to help boost your rankings and provide a gateway for direct traffic to those who read your blog.

Newsletters are massive public messages to everyone who is your friend. You can send these messages as often as you like. Whatever you send, make sure that the message contains a link to the site. Remember, you have to promote multiple links at once and expand your direct traffic opportunities. The more traffic your sites get, the higher your earning potential. In fact, there are no restrictions, you can use social media to build links and direct traffic as you please. If you are promoting an Adsense site, explore the options available through social network would be a very wise move.


In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that developing a niche site to make money from Adsense is a great idea. In fact, she has a great chance of being extremely profitable. There have been many examples of people taking the simple concept of placing Adsense ads on a website and making large sums of money. Yes, there were those who earned six and seven figures from this.

The main thing is to create several sources of income, and for this you need to create several niche sites with Adsense. You will not only receive money from one site, you will receive from a dozen.

Of course, you ask, "If it's so easy, why isn't everyone else doing it?" The answer is: it's not easy. But it is possible. It takes time and effort, and results will follow. At times it may seem that everything is too difficult, but you need to pull yourself together in order to achieve the desired result. Listen, if you spend a certain number of hours in order to become successful, then success will come over time, whatever one may say.

Every effort will have to be made when difficult times are on the horizon, and this will have to be done with some consistency. If you start and give up everything, you will not achieve anything. Yes, there are difficulties in life, and sometimes it seems too difficult to achieve your goal. But if you get back on your feet as soon as possible, everything will work out. You should not complain about the time spent or possible difficulties. Just do what you do best. This is a great formula for success.

What makes betting on your success a lot easier is the fact that there is no specific, specific model of success. In other words, if you want to develop a niche website that generates Adsense profits, just use the basic method to achieve that goal. Correctly write original content, add good keywords, optimize your niche site for search engines. It doesn't matter what type of site you promote, these aspects never change. If you follow these tips, you will be on the right path to designing and building a successful Adsense business.

It will come as a surprise to few that sites on the Internet are profitable not only when they sell something. Just as often (and maybe more often), resources allow you to get income from the placement of advertisements.

One of the leading services used for this purpose is Google Adsense. How much can you earn on using it? How to increase your earnings? Our material will answer these and many other questions.

What is Google Adsense?

Google adsense Is a service that allows site owners to earn money by placing contextual advertising. This project (which is quite obvious) is the development of Google.

How does this scheme work? You post on your resource a script sent to you by Google Adsense employees after registering with the service. What is a script? In simple words, this is a kind of internal command that is included in the page code. In this situation, its task is to generate the necessary ads.

It turns out that a mark is put in the code that there should be an ad unit, and as a result, the desired ad is displayed in this place. What does the right mean? The fact is that - the one that will adapt to the theme of the project or story search queries visitor.

That is, if the site is dedicated to healthy eating and sports, then all commercial offers will be related to this topic. And if before that the visitor was choosing which hotel to stay at during the trip, then an advertising block dedicated to the rental of rooms may appear.

The very scheme of making money is even simpler: for each click on an advertisement (link), the owner of the portal receives money on the account.

Who can become a Google Adsense member?

It is important to understand that such a serious company as Google will not cooperate with anyone. A resource that claims to use Google Adsense will have to be manually verified.

Only those whose site is constantly updated, has a consistently large number of visitors, and unique content will be able to make money on Adsense.

Create a resource that is useful to your visitors and pay attention to it regularly. Then you will work with Google without any problems and you will be able to earn a lot.

Google Adsense - How Much Can You Really Earn?

“A lot” is, of course, good. But exactly how much can you make from Adsense?

Let's say right away: you shouldn't count on large sums on Google AdSense alone. According to the owners of Russian portals, who created their resource for making money, you can get from 15 to 30 thousand rubles a month.

It is important to understand: no one will give a specific answer, since there is no fixed cost per click + each site has its own indicators (traffic, usefulness).

Those who create websites on English language... Their income starts from 80 thousand rubles. Why does a site with the ending ".com" earn many times more?

The first thing that needs to be clarified: the very idea of ​​the project was originally created for English-speaking citizens. After the popularity of earning on clicks, Google opened access to the resource in many countries of the world.

Each state has its own methods and rules, how and as much as possible. Let's take the USA and Russia for comparison. In America, in order to earn something, traffic must exceed 300 people. There are no such requirements for Russian webmasters, sites have the right to try to earn money immediately after creation.

Although there are no official requirements, real experience indicates that with an attendance of up to 100 people per day, one should not hope to earn more or less significant amounts.

How much you can earn on clicks in Russia is greatly influenced by the level of demand for contextual advertising... In our country, these figures are ten times lower than in America and Europe. Relying on such figures, the price per click will also be significantly underestimated.

Example of calculating profit from Google Adsense:

On average, a Russian site on Google Adsense can earn from $ 0.1 to $ 14 per click. Prices for English-language resources are higher: from $ 0.25 to $ 120 per click. The most expensive commercial offers come from Forex.

There is no specific figure for how much you can earn, because the price per click depends on many factors, which we will discuss below.

3 Factors Affecting Google Adsense CPC

A number of nuances exist in the question of how much money can be made by clicking on links from ad units. We will tell you about the most important factors that affect pricing.

# 1. The popularity of the resource (how many people visit it)

Of course, the more traffic, the higher the likelihood that there will be a maximum number of clicks on the link. To achieve this, the webmaster must add such content so that the person not only goes to the main page and exits, but also looks through the entire resource menu.

No. 2. Thematic focus

In AdSense, even the subject of the resource itself affects earnings.

Most Popular and Highest Paid Topics:

  • Work,
  • real estate,
  • Forex,
  • medicine and health,
  • loans.

If your project is related to the above topics, then in one click you can earn from $ 1.

No. 3. Location of the announcement on the page

If the ad unit is incorrectly placed on the site, then even a large traffic will not help the webmaster to make money. Blocks are best placed at the top and sides of each page.

The scheme for a successful block placement looks like this:

The optimal number of contextual blocks on one page of the site is 3 pieces. This is the norm set by the Adsense developers.

Top 8 tips for those who started working and making money with Google Adsense

Cooperation with Google AdSense attracts many newbies who are just starting to promote a project on the Internet. Many of them make fatal mistakes at the very start, while losing earnings.

We will give a few useful tips to help avoid gross violations:

    Please read the terms of use for this program before you start partnering with AdSense. If you violate at least one point, the company may terminate cooperation with you.

  1. Never click on the ad units on your forum on your own, because every transition is monitored. If the developers see that the publisher is trying to increase earnings in this way, then your profile in the Google Adsense program will be banned.
  2. When the number of regular visitors exceeds 300, then proceed to placing commercial offers.

  3. There shouldn't be too many context blocks. This spoils the experience of visitors, even if the rest of the content is of very high quality.
  4. To place ads, the Google Adsense administration sends an ad code. Remember: it cannot be changed, because it will knock all the settings.
  5. Ads should be located where, in your opinion, the most visitors are sharpening their attention.
  6. At the bottom of the page or after the end of the article, it is good to place large contextual advertising in the form of a bright picture. Otherwise, this is one of the most unfortunate places.
  7. it is not recommended to use adsense. After all, the program may offer you to place a competitor's ad, and thereby divert potential buyers from the online store.

This simple earnings on your own portal will help you achieve great financial heights, if you do everything according to the rules, and do not forget to surprise your visitors with unique content.

To earn with Google Adsense, you need to register.

This video will tell you how to do it correctly and quickly:

How much can you earn from Google Adsense on your website, you can only learn in a practical way. However, if you believe the reviews of experienced people, this amount will definitely not disappoint you.

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Today, almost every user of the World Wide Web has their own Google account. It can be used for completely different purposes, since google system provides tons of services and tools - email, maps, YouTube, cloud drive and more.

But what can I say, if you are the owner of a smartphone on the Android operating system, registering a Gmail account is simply a necessary process. Without it, you will not be able to use many smartphone services, for example, Play Market’Ohm.

You may be surprised, but on the Internet there is even earnings for Google accounts, which, moreover, can be implemented in several ways. And so that you can see this for yourself, in this article I will tell you how and how much you can earn using Google, as well as share a specially selected list of verified sites for making money.

Creating Google Accounts for Earning - detailed instructions

This completes the registration procedure. Agree, the whole process takes no more than 1-2 minutes. With this knowledge, you can go directly to the question of making money on Google accounts.

How to make money on Google accounts: proven and working ways to make money

1. Earnings on registration (creation) and sale of Google accounts

There are many users on the Internet who use Google profiles in huge numbers to achieve their goals. In order not to waste precious time on their creation, they use special services for their sale. As a rule, the purchase and sale of accounts is carried out on postal services, boxes and other similar projects.

It is with the help of these services that you will be able to sell Google accounts. To do this, you need to register on and create a Gmail mail for money to sell. Payment for them occurs by completing specific tasks - you provide the customer with a login and password from the Google account, and as soon as he is sure that it is available and working, you will immediately receive payment to your account.

Here is an example for you, the availability of such tasks and the amount of reward for their execution on a well-known dollar:

Well, here are the sites themselves where you can sell Google accounts without any problems:

  • WMmail;
  • SEOsprint;
  • ProfiTCentR;
  • Socpublic;
  • Seo-Fast;
  • WMRFast;
  • Wmzona;
  • AVISO;
  • WMRok.

Many people will probably have a question - why does anyone even buy Google accounts in large quantities? Many people think that the advertisers in the buxes are doing this for the purpose of resale at a higher price. However, I have my own theory about this. In fact, everything is extremely simple - they buy them in order to conduct a more profitable advertising campaign in the future. Google AdWords, well, or to provide services to increase the advertising budget in Google (there are simply heaps of such offers on the popular ones).

The thing is that when you register a new advertising account in Google AdWords, you are provided with a coupon of 3000 rubles for advertising. So it turns out that customers (advertisers) buy accounts at a cheap price and earn big money on such bonuses from the system. But this is how I described everything in a nutshell. In fact, everything is more complicated there, but it's worth it, and those who are spinning in this topic know firsthand that this can bring good money.

2. Monetizing Google Accounts with Cheat Services

The next way to make money is not selling Google accounts, but their active use... As mentioned above, by registering one profile, you get access to various social Google services. For example, YouTube and Google+.

So on the Internet there are special and. And all that you need to do on them to receive payment -, and.

The following best, in my opinion, services for earning money will help you realize this earnings:

  • VKTarget;
  • LikesRock;
  • forumOK;
  • V-Like;
  • Prospero;
  • CashBox;
  • QComment;
  • ProfitTask;
  • VkMyMarket;
  • SocialTools;
  • Teaser.

3. Earn money on registrations on sites using gmail mail

The final option for making money on Gmail accounts is also related to their use. Once you've created a mailing address, you can go through. You can implement it with the help of all the same mailers mentioned in the paragraph about making money selling Google accounts.

In this case, registrations can be with or without activity. And the more actions you need to do, the higher you get paid. Why do customers need it? In this way, they recruit referrals to various projects and receive a certain income for the actions you performed.

4. Earnings on installing applications from the Play Market

You can even make money using Google on mobile phone which is operated operating system Android. There are through which you will install games and applications from the Play Market for money. The best ones are:

  • WHAFF - enter the code "AE70921" at launch and get automatically $ 0.3 to your account.
  • AdvertApp - in the same way, if you enter the code "7c3ba", you will be guaranteed to receive 5 rubles to your account in this application.
  • AppCoins - if you wish, you can specify the code "rdwb" when you first start the application, for which you will receive 3 bonus rubles to your account.
  • AppBonus - gives a bonus of 3 rubles for entering the code "V3THB3" at the initial launch of the application.
  • GoAppCash (project closed) - when you first start the application, if you enter the code "q0XE", you can count on a bonus of 2 rubles.

How much can you earn with Google accounts

You should understand that making money from creating Google accounts can be perceived solely as additional. Account cost, i.e. full transfer of data to the new owner is about 5-10 rubles.

You can earn on Google Adsense the amount much more than the average on the network. Recently Google has officially announced a tool - AdSense Section Targeting for earnings.

Google adsense

It is a tool for placing contextual ad units from Google. This service automatically inserts text and image advertisements on websites that are relevant to the content. The owners of the sites where ads are placed are paid income for clicks to the advertiser's website and impressions.

This contextual tool is primarily suitable for making money on small Internet sites that are not able to develop on their own due to limited financial resources.

With the help of interactive accounts, publishers at any time can monitor such indicators of their site as the number of visitors, the number of clicks, the rating of sites, as well as the dynamics of their own current ad revenues from AdSense Google.

Google AdSense service has such tools as:

  1. Filtering competitive ads. That is, the webmaster can block the display of competitors' ads.
  2. Ad views. Study ads for a number of characteristics.
  3. Filtering context. It is possible to prohibit the display of ads that do not fit certain criteria for a particular site or are undesirable.
  4. Setting personal priorities for ad impressions. In cases where automatic selection by Google does not satisfy the site owner, he has the ability to independently determine the desired advertising from Google.

Payment methods

The Google AdSense service transfers money automatically, monthly, upon reaching the minimum withdrawal amount equal to one hundred US dollars. Depending on the specific country where the program participant lives, there are different ways cash withdrawal: it can be a check, or electronic payment directly on bank card Western Union or Rapid. For users who live in Russia and the CIS countries, in banking institutions and some payment systems.

However, it is worth mentioning that Google sometimes detects invalid clicks according to its own software algorithms. And if the program made a decision that there is "inappropriate activity" on your site, then such AdSense accounts are blocked and the funds earned from clicks and clicks on advertisements are not paid.

How can you make money with Google AdSense?

Most SEOs use advertising from. It's actually quite acceptable and doesn't require any special skills. It is enough to register, install the code on the site and the service starts functioning and earning you money.

But what to do when this income is absolutely not enough for anything? Or are you satisfied with the profit, but you want to increase it?

You can make much larger amounts of money on Google.

Recently, Google officially announced a tool that helps site owners increase their profits from Adsense.

This tool is quite simple and effective.

First you need to understand the Adsense advertising algorithm. How exactly does the service work?

After placing the program code in the template, they enter each page, where they find it and "read" it. After scanning, robots identify relevant ads and publish them. At this stage, the service may face the problem of choosing truly relevant ads. For what reason? In the process of monitoring pages, robots come across navigation titles, search tags, and a lot of all sorts of useless content that is not directly related to the content and topics of the site itself. Because of a large number and diversity navigation tools on portals, search engines are not always able to adequately identify content and filter out various secondary texts. Because of this, robots, as a rule, "read" the accompanying information and form the base of the context according to the "total mass". Then they publish ad units, which, accordingly, are not at all optimal relevance. The bottom line: your readers are not interested in these ads, no one clicks on them, and of course they do not make money.

How is this problem solved?

Which portals have navigation titles and?

On all large, visited and highlighted sites.

Is it possible to develop such codes so that they are guaranteed to cope with the definition of the semantic essence of the site?

It is impossible to develop such a script. Since the structures of sites change regularly, it is almost impossible to track such a chaotic situation.

Who is most familiar with the structure of their Internet site and is able to understand it in detail?

Naturally, site owners. Then they are in the hands of the cards. Or rather, the required codes!

The situation is corrected as follows.

Google has developed a program code to highlight the "correct" parts of your site's content.

At the beginning of the "necessary" part of the content of the article, the following line is inserted

At the end, a line is inserted

That's all the wisdom.

This code appeared in Google Adsense tools in the summer of 2008. And there are practically no articles on this topic on the net. Although those lucky ones who know about this code and were able to use it, already receive a very tangible increase in profit, due to such relevance of the context on their sites. After all, now, in fact, robots - search engines "read" only that part of your content that you yourself "defined" for them and in accordance with the "read" - give out only advertisements that are interesting to your visitors. And, consequently, the probability of clicks on such ads and your income increases significantly.

If you have questions about the application and placement of this code, then it is worth reading a guide from Google itself on the AdSense Section Targeting page.

Good afternoon, friends, probably many webmasters and novice bloggers, are interested in the question of monetizing his brainchild, or rather how much he can earn on it. Imagine a plumber Vasya or Alyoshka, who, realizing that he is not enough to live on now, and seeing that someone is cutting money on the Internet, decides for himself to become bloggers, he also has such a wealth of experience. Vasya began to think what could help me, like there is a blog, there is a bit of traffic, but no one takes his site, oh, there is Google Adsense, and how much I can earn on it, let's try.

Advertising from google adsense

Google has a very rich affiliate advertising network, the largest in the world, especially in the states and Canada, all the money is spinning there, in the rest of the world except Europe, clicks are several times cheaper, you need to understand this before creating a resource, since the target audience is you will be exactly tailored to your site.

Earlier I already talked about some examples. using google adsense on its own example and on the work of my friend:

Your earnings, of course, will depend on how many times the ad is shown on your site and how many times it is poked at it. I will immediately warn especially young sites that if you click yourself, then you will be banned and the money will not be given back. Believe in Google, it's not fools who work, and the guys and robots watching the traffic are smarter than you. Do not make 100 people look at you per day and among them there are 50 clicks, this never happens.

I will give you a screen found on the Internet how much money per click can really give. There was just one click from the USA and it cost $ 5.44 and if you consider that Google took another 20 percent for itself. And estimate 62 clicks from Russia and only 3.95. Of course, everything still depends on the topic of the site, but you should understand that in the bourgeois (this, the USA, Germany and all that) they pay many times more.

A well-known overseas SEO company ClickZ conducted a study that resulted in a list of the most expensive keywords in the United States.

Someone may ask, what does Water Damage do in this company? In fact, there is a lot of advertising money in this industry, after the floods in the United States, related to damages, repair costs, and the like.

If desired, a complete list of the most expensive keywords in the US can be found here. It seems that this information may be very useful for those domestic webmasters who monetize Burjunet.

In Russia, you can find this on one site with a visit of a couple of thousand unique users per day, the data is provided by my friend from one tourist site. 121 dollars per month, at the current exchange rate, it is quite good, and so here are 10 such sites for riveting and a gadget in your pocket, for most people in Russia, 60,000 rubles is a scribe of money, who works for half a year for this.