What does 404 NOT FOUND mean how to fix it. Computer help

This error means that the page that the page is trying to view the user is not found or does not exist. At the same time, the user himself will not affect the solution of the issue. The only thing he can do is to find similar information on the same site. For example, an error address www.example.com/not-founded-page.html replaced by www.example.com.

Why is this happening?

This is due to the fact that the user switched to the site page by incorrect link. For example, the user entered the browser (or switched to the link) http://mysite.com/rbot.html, and it was necessary - http://mysite.com/ro bot.html. Moreover, this link could be both on your site and on third-party sites. Detect such links with use Google WebMaster Tools. For this proceed to page of this service , Choose your site, and then click: Status -\u003e Scan errors and choose "not found".

Also good with this task copes free program Xenulinks, download which you can, and watch Manual -.

How to fix the error 404?

In a traditional sense, it is impossible to correct this error, because The problem lies not in the server or the engine of the site, in the fact that someone incorrectly indicated the link address. Therefore, the only way of correction can be called identifying erroneous links, and the indication of the correct address. It is also worth checking whether current page on your website? If it was removed, then take care of it appear again. If it was renamed, then you need to configure the 301-redirect from the old page address to the new one.

When the user comes to the site and sees this error Through the issuance of the server, it does not see your site (menu, navigation, design, etc.). Accordingly, with a 100% probability closes the page. This scheme works on all the default hosting. But you can program this page And show your site with it. And this means that the user seeing the main links of your site in the menu can click on them, and stay on the site. Here are examples of incorrect and proper issuance, respectively:

There are many in different ways Implement a similar scheme, but the most universal of them is to add to the file.htaccess such entry:

ErrorDocument 404 /Rror404.html.

Accordingly, the page "/RROR404.html" you need to pre-create.

Surely, many of you have come across a situation where the browser refuses to download a certain page on the Internet, withdrawing a message about some "error 404" instead of it. The reaction of users to such a message can be described in different ways: it is negative or indifferent to it, it is afraid or simply ignore. Meanwhile, not everyone knows that in honor of this error, whole Internet projects and resource catalogs are created, competitions and consultations are held, finally, they are even confess to love!

However, about everything in order.

Prose of Life

First of all, let's see what "error 404" is and in what cases it occurs. From a technical point of view, "Error 404" (or Error 404) is the HTTP protocol code title (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which is known to be something like the foundation of interaction remote computers worldwide network. When contacting a browser to a web server, the latter sends the code status of the requested document. With the correct processing of this request, the status is identical to the "200 OK" code. However, the user cannot see this message due to displaying the content of the requested website in its browser. If the browser document request is processed with errors, the user observes a message that has the status "404: NOT FOUND".

What do these mysterious numbers mean - 404? The first digit 4 indicates a client program error, i.e. browser. In this case, it is assumed that the URL of the site was applied incorrectly in the browser's address bar or no longer exists physically on the requested server. Figure 0 means a general protocol syntax error. Finally, the last four refers to a separate category 40x errors, which also includes such common statuses as "400: Bad Request" and "401: Unauthorized".

Myth errors 404.

Some foreign sources are somewhat differently interpreting the combination of digits 404. In particular, it is argued that the main database scientific Center CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) who took the most active participation in the development of the World Wide Web was on the 4th floor in room No. 404. And when the amount of data being processed exceeded certain norms that no longer allow several scientists to simultaneously apply to one and that The file, the developers allegedly decided to issue an error message of the view "Room 404: File Not Found".

However, this statement is refuted by one of the scientists belonging to the CERN Center Developer Group. According to his statement, "Room No. 404 did not exist at all in the CERN laboratory due to a completely different system numbering system, on which the first digit (approx. Author:" 4 ") meant the sequence number of the building building, and the second combination is the room number. At the same time It would be strange to talk about room number 04, given the fact that the numbering in CERN began with the number 410. "

Causes and consequences

As already mentioned above, according to the HTTP protocol specification, "Error 404" can be caused by either an incorrect address of the address (URL) of the requested site, or the absence of a document on a web server. Distribution in Russia connections to the Internet using a telephone line (Dial-Up) adds another probable cause of "error 404", namely, a bad connection with the modem bunch of the provider.

Surfer memo in a situation 404
  1. Step 1
Try Reload this Page. Perhaps it is just an accident.
  1. Step 2.
Look for errors in writing a URL or try to modify the extension of the downloaded document (for example, change * .htm on * .html and vice versa).
  1. Step 3.

Climb in the URL structure for one level above and from there try to find a desired document, for example:

change to

  1. Step 4.
Try searching the desired page in the search engine: unlike forgetful webmasters, spiders more responsibly refer to the content of their indexes.
  1. Step 5.
Contact the webmaster of the Internet resource on which there is no desired page, by e-mail. Surely he thanks you for finding a "bit" link.

How does the user inclined to appear the message about "error 404"? In most cases, any attempts to download the necessary document are further rejected in principle: people are accustomed to appreciate the time of their stay on the Internet and prefer to search a similar resource that meets their requirements. At the same time, not everyone knows about the third cause of the likely "error 404" - bad connection - Therefore, it will not be bored by repeated attempts to upload the desired page.

"Error 404" may arise through the fault of a network user, which inattentively recorded from the words of another address of an interesting site, or scored the URL in the address bar of the browser with grammatical errors. Also, "give Mahu" a webmaster is capable, which, when reorganizing the structure of the site or "cleaning" of the contents of the server, maybe as unnecessary (as it seems) to remove one or another document. If the latter is indexed by search engines, it is quite possible that the non-existent document will be derived in the resulting list search query User. Or a specific Internet resource was once added to the Browser Bookmark to contact him as needed in the future. There are many such cases, and they all lead to the emergence of "errors 404".

Roll for web master

The standard "error 404" message is very ascetic and strict character. But most importantly - in most cases, it does not only upset the user, but also puts it in a dead end: he does not know what to take him and ultimately, as a rule, leaves the server that gives it an incomprehensible mistake. It is a big promine web master, which thus loses its potential buyers, customers, customers, etc.

However, when accessing some web server settings, any webmaster (or system Administrator) may arrange appearance Standard Message "404: NOT FOUND". It is difficult to imagine expanses for fantasy and eloquence, which are opening in this case before developers of a particular Internet resource. Now you can send the visitor who worked in the right direction, to prompt him the desired address, finally - just sympathize and redirect for main page His site. In other words, the dialogue between the service provider (which to some extent is almost any web resource) and the user is not disturbed even if an error occurs.

  1. Use as few complex terminological expressions as possible and specific, incomprehensible simple wording user. Position the essence of the situation simply and understandable.
  2. Calm the user and always strengthen its faith in the fact that the desired document will definitely be found on your server.
  3. Sick possible reasons The occurrence of the error (technical arguments boldly replace on the assumption of incorrect writing of the URL, etc.).


  1. Always specify links leading to any of the available sections of the site (first page, site map, etc.).
  2. Enable the main navigation into the error message structure 404: So the user will be easier to navigate on your server.
  3. Specify your coordinates for communication.
  4. If possible, post on the page with an error message search on the site search.


  1. Avoid heavy, overloaded graphics filled with Flash animation and Java-applets pages with a message about "404: Not Found". This page should be boosted in seconds.
  2. Try to make the design of the page 404 not very different from the overall design of your site.

Hobbies are different ...

Some collect postage stamps, the second are fond of collecting buttons, are the third are in the eternal pursuit of rare coins. And there are people who collect a wide variety of options "Errors 404"! And there is quite a reasonable explanation: the rapid development of the Internet in general and visual arts, in particular, led to the emergence of various samples of visual interpretation of the status of the Protocol 404: Funny and sad, for children and adults, instructive and aggressive, etc.

For example, a reference catalog of one of the most authoritative resources dedicated to "error 404", "404 Research Lab", there are over 20 different thematic categories containing many display options "Errors 404": "Funny", "Friendly", "for adults "," Useful "," philosophical "," shocking "," unexpected ", etc. In another directory - 404lounge.net is one of the largest galleries" Errors 404 ", which includes more than 700 different variations of the message output" 404: Not Found " .

I loved you, what is more? ...

Opening of the "Errors 404" catalogs and thematic rubricators, news feeds of events in the world "404: not found" and creative delights of webmasters of numerous error messages for designing an error message - this is still somehow you can understand and logically explain. And how do you look at the writing of the praise and love dedications in honor of "404 errors"? Surprised? Do not believe? Completely in vain, in proof of which the progenic masterpiece called "404: Purgatory: a love dedication of the error 404" ("404 Purgatory: A Loving Tribute to 404 Not Found"):

"It happened! You have learned the secret power of 404. You wander around the internet shorts all night long, you bought a new modem and a fashionable ergonomic mouse. They will be useful to you. You with the dexterity of the juggler operating the seven browser windows at the same time and suddenly - 404. You do not believe your Eyes, because this site opened last week. You press Refresh, with a fading heart waiting for a miracle. Oh, no! How could you betray these dishonest browser bookmarks? ... "

"Why do we leave 404 so quickly? We do not understand that 404 is an oasis of the Internet. She's as a dong of debt and exhaustive way of web surfer, like a sip of a life-giving moisture in the midst of the awesome desert ... Error 404 is full of riddles and intrigues. What we are waiting for Browser? What joy we have to know? Can we again and again come back here? 404 Silently keeps this secret, and it makes people go back here in order to know something new and unusual every time ... "

"Where there was darkness, now the error is 404. And with the world everything is in order."

Of course, you should not treat such an interpretation of the entity of the "error 404" seriously: it's just a joke, good irony in relation to the usual life phenomenon. And the next time, when you will see "404: not found" on the screen of your monitor, do not be discouraged and do not intersect it with a nerasoretic web master: just smile, remembering the lines of this "love dedication".

Often, in the process of using the YouTube service, the audience occurs ←

For more, they are associated with:

  1. internet connection instability
  2. incompatibility in
  3. and hosting problems.

Especially for our readers, we were systematized - popular errors on YouTube, as well as tell about the ways to eliminate them ↓↓↓

Main types of problems

Let's start with the fact that there are a wide variety of reasons why YouTube issues various failures. In turn, the error is a technical or software malfunction that violates the work of certain services or functions .......

Most faults occur from the user side: ↓↓↓

  • low speed Internet connections;
  • outdated software;
  • weak device performance;
  • incompatible video format and much more.

YouTube writes a mistake with any of the reasons described above, based on which their types can be distinguished:

  1. playback errors on YouTube;
  2. application errors;
  3. errors when downloading video;
  4. translation errors and others.

Below we will look at the most popular failures, as well as methods for correction.

1) → Network error in YouTube on Android - there is a solution !!!

More and more on the forums users mobile gadgets Complaints about malfunctions when using YouTube services.

Most often, the owner of the phone sees various dialog boxes:

In this case, the problem can be eliminated very quickly:

  • connect to a high-speed point of access;
  • perform a restart of the application;
  • download updated version applications or OS;
  • repeat the roller play later.

In some cases, you may notice that there is access to the network, but the application shows an error 400.

→ In this case, it is necessary to proceed to applications and clean the cache in YouTube.

Usually, this allows you to fix a malfunction.which occurs very often when updates

Please note that such connection errors are associated with a low Internet speed and youTube is not tolerable here!

You can easily make sure that the problem arises from you if you test the service from another gadget and at another point of access.

2) → Error in the Utuba application - detailed instructions, what to do

Also, users of phones complain that an application error occurred on YouTube. This problem occurs very often and is a dialog box in which there is an inscription "An error occurred in the appendix".

This window can appear:

  1. when launching a phone
  2. or while using the application.

The main reason for such a malfunction is one of the services to which the application refers is disabled.

Now let's consider one of the ways to help eliminate this malfunction:

  • go to "Settings" and Item "Applications" on your mobile phone;
  • find the disabled applications at the end of the list and click;
  • select "Enable";
  • most often about google services, fonts and other utilities;
  • when the procedure is completed, restart the device.

That's all - ready

→ If the problem is not gone, then try to do a similar procedure, open your YouTube application and clean it cache. In some cases, it helps the restart of the device or full reset Data !!!

3) → Repeat error later - the best way solutions

This problem occurs with the same frequency on phones and computers. Most often it happens during the playback of any roller.

So, the playback is interrupted and the notification appears "An error occurred Repeat the attempt later."

As experience shows, such a problem is most often observed in Firefox.

If, for example, play video on another gadget, then the video is played normally.

There are several methods as you can eliminate it. ↓↓↓

1. Reinstall Flash player:

Well, or here you are a video instruction ↓

2. You can still find information that this error occurs due to changing the playback identifier.

→ So, such a video error on YouTube can be eliminated very simply - it is necessary to put on a computer right time and date !!! Thus, you can eliminate the error of the identifier just a few clicks.

3. Other popular ways to solve error are also given on the forums. Repeat. In particular, you can go to privacy settings, after which it is possible to remove cache and cookies.

→ Some users when you find an inscription "An error occurred to repeat" helps the method of reinstalling the browser.

But it is already worth using all the methods in series until you achieve normal playback.

4) → 404 error on YouTube - is it possible to solve the problem

Each user has ever seen the headline "404" - this means that there is no similar page on this domain !!!

Also, such a picture may occur on YouTube:

  1. Sometimes the user is mistaken when entering the address
  2. and in other cases, the problem appears when the software is incompatibilities.

Most often you can trace the malfunction from users of mobile devices.

If you saw a 404 error on YouTube, we recommend such a solution:

Now you can go through the browser on M.Youtube.com and make sure that the problems are no longer observed.

5) → Broadcast errors on YouTube - simple advice

→ Most often a malfunction occurs only by one user, which speaks of low speed and other problems that are not related to the service.

→ Group problems are less likely - there are probably faults on the line.

In turn, when there are mass failures, it is worth thinking about the decoder and follow such instructions:

Thus, in this article we reviewed the main problems as well simple ways solutions.

We released a new book "Content Marketing in social networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand. "


Error 404 is the most recognizable and widespread error of hypertext documents. She reports that at the specified page address does not exist. In fact, we are talking about the absence of an HTML file for the specified document, so the site returns an error.

To deal with the question more, as well as with a number of service files that each resource has, you need to study the moment associated with hypertext presentation of pages using hTML language (Hypertext Markup Language - "Hypertext Marking Language"), and the HTTP protocol by which access is available. Despite the fact that you have to deal with the programming language, the form of its presentation is so simple that any person can understand it.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

Hypertext pages and their features

The Internet was born at that moment when English Engineer Timoti John Berners-Lee came up with a hypertext form of submission of text pages on the network and described the principle of access to them by the HTTP application protocol. According to the general idea, the user from its device, namely, the browser makes a network request for a certain resource. At this point, the session opens on the server to which access is accomplished. An HTML page is returned as an answer.

Of course, in our time more complex access algorithms and "swaps" of pages are used. large sizes, but general principle It remains the same. Need to access the resource domain name and IP address. Only under the condition that these criteria are made and the resource is in working condition, "ERROR 404 NOT FOUND" will be returned to the missing document.

What does it look like page 404 by default

The site can have an "HTTP 404 NOT FOUND", and may not be. The user with a small experience, as a rule, is quite nervous when it receives and believes that it exists in it. In fact, everything is much simpler, the answer follows from the foregoing.

The error code 404 in the form of a separate decorated site design page is returned only if there is a 404 file on the site. HTML. It is usually placed in the root directory. Otherwise, this error message will give a browser together with the absence of access. And it usually looks like a white sheet with an error message.

When developing sites, sites management systems are used. They contain a page 404 indicating in functional files Ways to her. Usually such a page contains a message about a non-existent address and a link to the main page of the site. The page 404 page can be changed at its discretion, as this is the page of your site that you can use, as you wish.

In order to redo the template, the HTML knowledge will be required to mark up the file. Please note that in some cases The file with the page can be another name - ERR404. HTML, 404.PHP. The difference from the standard is most often associated with wider functionality, as well as the characteristics of the system. For example, in WordPress, the document can be found in the 404.php directory. In the address string "Error 404 Page not found" will be displayed something like this: Domain.ru / 404 /.

We adapt the standard page 404 under your goals

To improve the usability (acceptability for users) of the site, of course, you need to make a page that will attract the visitor to your site and will help continue viewing. What is necessary to take into account when writing code:

  • A significant part of visitors who face non-existent pages go to the site from search engines or by links on forums, websites and social networks, that is, from there, where old links can be located on long-existent pages.
  • Users are looking for not your website, and the information you are interested in keyword, That is, in the absence of the desired, the visitor leaves the site and rarely looks at it.

That is, you must understand that there will be no such visitors to keep such visitors, but it is possible!

Take a standard template available on the Internet, or make your own, given the above features:

  1. Briefly explain to the person what happened and why he does not see what he was looking for. Specify it options for further actions that will help to find the desired.
  2. Display on page 404 search stringSo that the visitor can immediately find the desired.
  3. Be sure to display the menu of your site here, with which a person will be able to understand where to go.
  4. Make so that the page attracts the user, and he wanted to find information on your resource. Use colorful and interesting textual visual solutions.

To the page with the server error message 404 has become attractive to the user, it is enough to cause his smile or interest. Therefore, try to work on the originality of the idea for such a partition of your resource.

Edit page 404.

You can edit the file from the Management Site system directly, for this you need to add the desired markup and image.
When it is created, refer to the fact that the information should open quickly and without delays. The page should be "easy" (occupy little space), useful and offering alternatives to the search for a non-existent document.

  • transition to the main;
  • list of rating pages of the site;
  • transition to a resource card;
  • the administration message button on the "bit" link on a specific source.

The rest of the best assistant will be fantasy, corporate standards and original idea designer.


NOT FOUND page 404 is a service file that can be changed and supplemented to attract more visitors to the site. This file is required, since otherwise the browser will issue an error message after which a chance to lure a person to you will be zero. Try to fill it with colorful images and even a light humor.

Many Internet users are often faced with such a problem as "404 not Found." This error appears in the event that the requested site page (address) has been removed, moved either never existed. Error 404 has several reasons with which it is easy to figure out.

An error message "404 Not Found" is a standard server response, meaning no information (file or page) upon request of the user. In other words, this answer shows that the requested page in this moment Unavailable.

Causes of errors 404.

The 404 NOT FOUND error occurs for many reasons. The most common among them are the following:

  • Incorrect Introduction Page Address
  • Changing the address of the page (Page transfer to another address)
  • Failure in the site or server

Additional reasons

This problem often occurs for other reasons. So, the error 404 may appear in the absence of a connection (or by an unstable connection) of the device to the Internet. therefore junk page is not downloading. Also, an error message 404 may be displayed when the antivirus page is blocked.

Solution to the problem

Work on the problem of error 404 depends on the cause of its occurrence. Most often, in case of this error, the following actions are recommended:

  • Check the address writing
  • Reboot the page (click on the "Update" or F5 button)
  • Appeal to the site support service, on the page of which an error occurred
  • Checking the connection device to the Internet
  • Check Anti-Virus Settings (or Browser)

What does "404 NOT FOUND" mean

Thus, the 404 NOT FOUND error occurs in case of incorrect operation of the site, posting the page to another address and incorrect address administration. In addition, this problem often indicates a weak (or absent) connection to the Internet.

Error 404 may appear when blocking the requested page by antivirus or browser. This problem It should be solved depending on the cause of the occurrence. If the desired page still shows an error response 404, then the page does not exist.