Examples of a second level domain name. What is the difference between second and third level domains

What is a domain? Almost every novice Internet user asks himself this question. Without going into details, the answer is pretty simple. Domain is the name of a site on the network, unique and unparalleled. View the domain on which the one you are viewing is located. this moment page, you can in the address bar of your browser .. Everything after these letters is the path to this article.

In fact, site addresses have numerical values ​​that are very difficult for users to remember. But now that the domain name system has been developed, each site creator can assign it an easily pronounced and memorable name, which makes navigation on the Internet more convenient.

Domains are usually divided into several levels. Each level is determined by how many dot-separated parts are in the name. For example, a first-level domain is nothing more than a zone on the Internet. Websites on domains of the 1st level are not located.

Examples of

  • .ru - Russian
  • .ua - Ukrainian
  • .com - Commercial
  • .org - Non-profit organizations
  • .edu - Educational Resources
  • .gov - Government
  • Other options (more than a few dozen)

Second-level domain - designates the name of a resource within one of the domain zones. For example, our Businesslike forum is now located on a second-level domain, where Businesslike is the name of the site, and.ru is the zone in which it is located.

Domain of the third level - determined by the name of a resource within a domain of the second level. Name. Second level name. Domain zone. Typically, 3rd level domains are completely free. Take, for example, Ucoz, a site builder known to many webmasters, which gives clients domain names like site.ucoz.ru; site.at.ua and the like.

Domain fourth level- a rather rare occurrence on the Internet. They are built according to absolutely the same principle as the previous levels of domains, only the name becomes even longer. For example: video.site.hosting.ru.

Which domain name to choose: 2nd or 3rd level

Now that you have got an idea of ​​what the second and third level are, you probably want to know which one is best for your future site. Let's try to figure it out.

We continue to master the concept of domains. Today we will consider a topic that is important enough for a novice webmaster from a practical point of view. However, as usual, nothing complicated. Just read the article carefully.

What are the different levels of domain names?

Domains, depending on their place in the network, are divided into levels or, in other words, domain zones.
First comes the ROOT DOMAIN - as we already know, the most important domain name level.
Then go

Top level domains.

Such as .RU, .NET, .COM, .BIZ, .ORG and others.
This domain zone includes INTERNATIONAL DOMAINS, or GENERAL TOP-LEVEL DOMAINS. The most famous of them are .COM, .ORG, .NET. If interested, read about it in additional materials.
Also in the domain zone top level includes two-letter, provided for use for a specific country.
For example, domain.RU is dedicated to Russian Federation, domain.DE - for Germany, and so on.

Note that top level domains are not for sale. They are already assigned and assigned.

Second level domains.

This is the unique part of the domain name that immediately precedes the top-level domain and is separated from it by a period. The uniqueness of a second-level domain is determined by the fact that there cannot be two identical second-level domains. When registering, a name is selected and if it is already taken, you will be refused registration.

Note. Domains site and vseohostinge.com are not the same, as they belong to different domain zones .ru and .com

Second-level domains are exactly the domains that are being sold. But we'll talk about this in another article.

Domains of the third level, they are also subdomains or subdomains.

Domains of the third level are any Domain name within a second-level domain. For example: test.site In this example, test is the third-level domain.

A third-level domain is a fairly popular thing in our country. For owners of second-level domains hosted on paid hosting, this is the ability to host as many subdomains as you want for free within the redeemed disk space, of course.

For lovers of free hosting, there are many services where you can get this hosting. But the address will be in the third-level domain.


So, let's fix that domains are subdivided into domain name levels in accordance with the hierarchy of domain zones. In practice: in articles, on the websites of hosting companies, we will most likely encounter

TOP-LEVEL DOMAINS, such as, for example: .RU .COM .РФ and many others ;

DOMAINS OF THE SECOND LEVEL, such as, for example, domains of the form DOMAIN.RU or DOMAIN.COM or DOMEN.RF;


TOP-LEVEL DOMAINS are not for sale, they are already allocated and committed. But from among them, you can choose the appropriate zone when registering a domain.

SECOND LEVEL DOMAINS need to be registered and purchased. You need to come up with a second-level domain yourself, provided that the exact same one is not already registered by another person.

DOMAINS OF THE THIRD LEVEL are overwhelmingly free. But, we can say shareware. As a rule, where serious business begins, there is always something to pay for. In addition, third-level domains are not registered for specific people, that is, you are not the full owner of such a domain. However, today is not about that. Hopefully now you don't get confused about the domain name levels.

second-level domain (SLD)) - a part of a domain name, separated by a dot from the immediately following first-level domain. For example, in the domain name wikipedia.org, the wikipedia particle is a second-level domain.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what a "second level domain name" is in other dictionaries:

    Domain name is a symbolic name used to identify areas of administrative autonomy units on the Internet as part of such a higher hierarchy. Each of these areas is called a domain. Common space ... ... Wikipedia

    Domain is the domain (branch) of the hierarchical domain name space of the Internet, which is designated by a unique domain name. Domain name is the symbolic name of the domain. Must be unique within the same domain. The full domain name consists of names ... Wikipedia

    There is a list of top-level domains. Basic information is given in the article Top Level Domain (TLD). The official list of all top-level domains is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Contents 1 General ... ... Wikipedia

    The root domain of the Internet (sometimes called a zero-level domain) is maintained by root domain name servers located in various countries around the world. In the system Every Internet application must ... ... Wikipedia

    Introduction 1992 Domain type ccTLD Status active Registrar List of accredited registrars ... Wikipedia

    CSIRO headquarters in Canberra Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Austria Wikipedia

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A second-level domain is a unique website address located in a specific domain zone (.ru, .kz, .edu, and so on).

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In the name of the google.com site, "google" will be the second level domain, but.com will be. The level represents the position in the hierarchy of all existing domain names in the global network.

To understand what a second-level domain name is, let's look at a simple real-life example. Let's imagine that the site is a living person, like me or you. When we get to know each other, I say - Philip (first name), Kirkorov (last name), and the site would say yandex.ru, where yandex is a second-level domain, .ru is a first-level domain. Roughly speaking, our surname is our first-level domain, it shows that we belong to a certain family, but the name shows that we are unique within this family.

Differences from domains of other levels

There are four levels. First-level domains are also called domain zones, they cannot be bought, they are provided by a specialized organization - ICANN. Zones are subdivided into geographic and administrative zones.

  • Geographic shows the site belongs to a certain region: .de - Germany, .fr - France, .jp - Japan, and so on.
  • Administrative designates the type of resource focus, field of activity: .info - informational, .travel - for travel, .mil - military, and so on.

However, this classification is rather arbitrary, you can register a site with the .de zone even in Russia.

Now let's take a look at what a second-level domain means. The second-level domain name must be registered within the above-described zones, it is separated by a period. If you don't know how to make a second level domain, don't worry. You need to come up with a unique name, choose a zone and buy it. When you purchase, you get a year of ownership of the site name, then you need to renew the validity period.

Domains of the third level are located within the second. As a rule, such addresses are free, they look like this: name. second level name. (vrn.site.ru).

The fourth level is even less common. Here everything is the same as with the previous one, but their address is ultimately longer (sale.vrn.site.ru).

Examples of second-level domains

The case is not important when writing. If you write yandex.ru or yandex.Ru, you will be taken to the same resource. This means that you cannot register an address that already exists by changing the letters to uppercase. But if the address yandex.ru exists, you can register yandex.kz, since it will already belong to another domain zone.

In this example ,.ru and.kz are the first level, and yandex is the second level.
If we see m.yandex.kz, this is already the third level. Moreover, m. will be a subdomain, usually it denotes, this version The internet resource is mobile.

Domain names can be short or long, there is no significant difference. However, for the convenience of users, it is better to keep them simple. Simple names are easier to remember. Subdomains (third level and fourth level) are best used for creating personal sites that are not aimed at high traffic, or for forums and auxiliary site resources.