What kinds of first level domains. What are domains? Types of domains

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Hi, dear blog readers Website! Before moving to the part of the pro, I want to make a separate article in which we will analyze the types of domains, or rather what top-level domains and domain zones.

In the previous article, answering the question - we understood that the domain name consists of several areas (Domain), separated by points, and that each area is classified with levels.

By country and regions

Domain data are intended for certain languages, countries, regions and cities. They may use the symbols of national alphabets.

  • .ru - Russia,
  • .ua - Ukraine,
  • .su is the former USSR,
  • .US - USA
  • .eu is the European Union,
  • .rf - Russian Federation,
  • . Moscow - Moscow,
  • .tatar - Tatarstan,
  • .tv - Towlu or international area for TV channels. Sometimes they can intersect.

The territorial zone should be chosen if the resource audience is residents of one country or people speaking in the same language.

Creating an information portal, blog, shop, forum, company website or other in Russian, I would still recommend choosing RU. It will be not only in the correct zone, but will be more accustomed to pronunciation and memorize Russian-speaking users.


gTLD - general domains are intended for those sites that are not limited to the framework of one country, consist of two or more letters and determine the scope of the site.

  • .com - Sites of commercial organizations,
  • .NET - providers and network organizations,
  • .org - non-commercial organizations,
  • .info - for information sites,
  • .biz - for business structures,
  • .name - for personal resources,
  • .museum - portals museums,
  • .movie - Film official sites,
  • .aero - for air transport companies,
  • .pro - for professionals in their field,
  • .travel - resources of tourist organizations,
  • .jobs - sites on employee set,
  • .club - clubs,
  • .fm - radio.

More often they are chosen due to the consonance or because in the zone of the country is already employed. You can do it, but it will be wrong.

Also there are domains of limited use. They are intended only for the United States, we will not register them.

  1. .edu - for training organizations,
  2. .gov - for government structures,
  3. .mil - for military organizations,
  4. .INT - for international organizations.


There are regional-thematic domain zones (second-level domains) composed of a combination of CCTLD and GTLD. Russia is rarely found in Russia, but in other countries are more widely used.

As a rule, they divide the zones of countries on the subject of sites.

  • .com.ua - Ukraine,
  • .biz. - Germany,
  • .net.kz - Kazakhstan,
  • .club.tw - Taiwan.

Domain in such a zone should be registered if your site complies with the specific area of \u200b\u200bactivity in a separate country.


These are second-level domains that are intended for a separate region of the country.

  • .msk.ru - Moscow,
  • .perm.ru - Perm,
  • .kiev.ua - Kiev,
  • . Yalta.rf - Yalta.

If the site refers to a specific city, you can use such a zone.

What to choose?

Before choosing a zone, read my recommendations for the choice of a domain name and the basic rules.

If there are some questions or doubts, what zone to choose, then write in the comments and disassemble with you together.

Domain level - domain location in the hierarchical structure of domain names on the Internet.

Domain is the site address or zone name. All computers are defined in the network using an IP address as a sequence of numbers. For access to the server, it is important to know this address. But 1000 sites can be placed on one hosting provider server (on one IP address).

To find the desired site created a domain name system. English name - DNS or DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM. Domain names to users remember easier than the sequence of numbers.

The domain name may consist of a sequence of Latin letters or contain numbers, Cyrillic and a sign of a hyphen. The hyphen should be only in the middle of the sequence. The letters are capital or lowercase, the register does not matter.

There are 3 main types of domains. Consider who can own them, and what they differ.

The domains of the first (top) level, which they happen.

Such domains are also called the "first level" or domain zones. Such domains can not be bought. They are registered and are provided for use by ICANN. Constantly emerging new domain zones, for example.Travel

Domain zones are provided to countries:

  • .ru - Russia;
  • .de - Germany;
  • .kz - Kazakhstan.

Or denote the type of organization using the domain:

  • .com - for commercial organizations.
  • .info - information sites.
  • .edu - for educational institutions.

By them, you can determine where the site is geographically located or what tasks performs. At the same time, the site in the area is not obliged to be commercial.

Virtual hosting sites for popular CMS:

Second level domains.

Domains are registered in one of the first level zones (country or international domains). From the domain zone are separated by a point. The name must be unique within the same zone. Ownership is issued for a year, then you need to extend it for a fee.

Third level domains.

Common domains of the third level - refer to geographical regional domains. For example.msk.ru, .perm.ru. Such a domain is useful for local sites, such as news or urban portal.

The third-level domains are not affected by the geo zones like.msk.ru, spb.ru are called subdomains or subdomains. Registered with organizations that own second level domains. In one such domain there may be an unlimited number of third domains. The user can configure the subdomain in the Hosting Control Panel.

Example of domains 1, 2, 3 levels.

In the domain names, the register does not matter ..en - lead on the same site. For the same reason, you can not register an existing domain by writing it from a capital letter.

primerdomena.ru and primerdomena.info are located in different zones, both can be registered.

In the examples above, the domain zone, iPipe and PrimerDomena are the second level domain name.

Megatool..ru, (domain zone RU) - is an example of a third level domain.

m.Habrahabr.Ru - The owner of the site has placed on the subdomain mobile version Site.

Domain names do not have to be short, but they should just remember. Subdomains will be suitable for individuals who do not chase thousands of attendance, or to place the forum or additional service Online.

For organizations, commercial or non-commercial, it is better to use second-level domains. They cause more confidence in users and are easier to remember.

Top-level domains: general and limited use

Popular general-purpose top-level domains


State or territory


for the subjects of the air transport industry


only commercial organizations


to use the Catalan linguistic and cultural community


Commercial organizations (without restrictions)




higher educational establishmentsrecognized as such as the US Department of Education


Information resources (without restrictions)


recruitment agencies


for sellers and mobile content and service providers associated with mobile communications






Organizations related to the functioning of the Internet (without restrictions)


Non-commercial organizations (without restrictions)


Certified Professionals and Related Topics


services that include communication between telephone network and the Internet (added March 2, 2007)


for travel business subjects

Examples of top-level domains of limited use


Who is used

.gov. uS government
.Int. interstate organizations (except .TPC.INT)
.mil US Army
.arpa. internet infrastructure and, earlier, addresses in a closed (military) part of the US Internet network.
.root the domain is registered in the root DNS servers controlled by Verisign, but its appointment has never been commented. Used only for internal purposes.

Read more:

    http://www.icann.org (eng.)

    http://www.iana.org (eng.)

Root domain (English root domain) - the highest level domain in any domain name system.

Root domain of the Internet ( zero level domain) Services are serviced by root servers of the domain name system, which are located in different countries of the world.

In the Internet DNS system, the root domain is indicated empty (i.e., not containing any characters) name.

When writing a domain name, each domain is separated by a point.

At the end of the name, a point may be present that separates the empty name corresponding to the root domain. If this point is (for example, "www.set."), The domain name is considered complete (absolute).

If there are no points at the end of the name ("www.antula" or "www ..

Each Internet application (browser) must correctly process the final point. But most of them allow you to enter a domain name without a point at the end. Processing such names depends on the implementation. In the simplest case (if, for example, in context this application It is impossible to determine the address of which basic domain is the address set) to the address will be added to the final point and it will be treated as absolute.

Sometimes to get a full domain name local software (Operating system, application, etc.) can attach a certain default domain to the relative name, which is determined by the domain name of the computer, or can be specified in the settings.

Sometimes in the settings there may be set to several such domains that are shifted in turn, until the name existing in the DNS is found.

For reference

ISO 3166 - International ISO Standard, which defines the code designations of states and dependent territories, as well as the main administrative entities within the states. Consists of the following parts:

ISO 3166-1 - codes of states and dependent territories.

    ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 - two-letter.

    ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 - Tri-bouquet.

    ISO 3166-1 Numeric - digital.

ISO 3166-2 - Administrative codes within states (regions, states, provinces, etc.)
ISO 3166-3 - codes of non-existent states (association, separation, title change, etc.)
Two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 codes are used by ICANN to assign national domain over-level domain names.

Choosing a name for the site, users are confronted with one new concept - the level of the domain. Some say that the third level is bad, others are confused first with the second. How to define levels correctly, and which domain does not like to search engines? We will analyze the highlights.

Comething is the following classification of domains:

    First level - these are domains attached to the territory ( rF, RU, UA) or theme ( oRG, BIZ, INFO). These domains are not sold, as they are distributed among certain zones in which you can register the site.

    Second level - A unique part of the address that stands in front of the first level domain and separated from it the point. In the addresses website The second level domain is the name " konstruktorysajtov." The uniqueness is that the second level domain is registered on one web resource and cannot be used on another site.

    Third level - Resource inside the second level domain. site.ucoz.ru. - Example of the third level domain.

Usually the third level is used when creating a web resource on the site constructor or place individual sites inside a large portal - for example, forum.site.ru.. Strictly speaking, www.site.ru. - This is also a third level domain; The second level will be site.ru.. Therefore, optimizers advise to indicate when registering in directories, the address without Wwwsince technically www.site.ru. It is a subdomain site.ru..

In the definition of the third level domain there are several features. In some countries of the second level domains, it was not possible by definition formerly: for example, in the UK until 2014 domain names used in this form: org.uk, com.uk. etc., that is, it is technically the third level. In this case, the classification is shifted by one level: forum.site.com.uk. It will be a fourth order domain.

Is the third level so bad?

The third level domains are not in the staff at the webmasters, but there are no facts proving their inconsistency when promoting the site. Search engines Do not pay attention to the level of the domain. If the site meets certain requirements (there is no domain level among them) and contains a unique, interesting content, then search engines will issue the pages of your site in the search results, regardless of the second level of the domain or the third.

Website visitors The level of the domain is not interested at all - the main thing is that the address can be remembered and reproduced. But the third level domains are also different. It's one thing if you have site.org.ru. - No one and attention will not pay that there are some extra words in the address. Another thing if you created a site on a free type designer