What does the domain name look like. Domain address

Domain name or domain is the name of the site. You enter it in the browser address bar when you want to go to the site.

The address string looks like this:

Browser Cap Domain Address Row

Domain names came up to make it easier to find sites on the Internet. Previously, it was necessary to memorize the digital address of the site to open it in the browser. A digital address or IP address is a combination of four numbers separated by dots. The IP address points to the server where the site is located, and looks like this:

You can remember a couple of such numbers, but try to keep a couple of dozen ip-addresses in your head, and the numbers will begin to be confused. Computors don't care, they will remember how many numbers, and for people invented text names.

By the same logic, we do not teach by heart phone numbers, And we save them to the phone book. And B. the right moment It remains only to find the name in the phone, and the phone will understand what number to call.

Everything that goes after "http: //", and there is a domain. In our example domain - site.

For a computer, this is the same address, but it's easier to memorize letters

https: // Site

Than the domain is different from hosting

Hosting is a place where files are stored with your site. And the domain is the name of the site. So that the site worked and people it was easier to go to it, you need a domain and hosting.

Imagine that the site is a collection of paintings. Then hosting is a house where paintings are located, and the domain is the address where this house can be found.

What is the domain name

Any domain consists of levels. Domain levels are parts that share points. They are needed to systematize the work of domain names.

The first level is responsible for the registration department. It stores information about the second level. For the second and subsequent levels, the domain registrar is responsible - this is the company where you bought a domain. Such a hierarchy helps the browser faster find the right server and open the site.

By default, each domain consists of two levels, but they can be more - three, four, five, etc. Levels are taken to be right left. Let's look at them in more detail.


First domain level

. It is also called the upper level. The domain of the first level is part of the name, which is located to the right of the last point. During registration, you can not come up with your first level domain. We have to choose from existing ones.

A complete list of first level domains is stored on the website of the Office of Numbers on the Internet. Here is some of them: .com, .NET ,.org, .biz, .info, .ua, .ru, .me.

www.hostiq .ua.

Second domain level

. This level is also called basic or maternal. The second level domain is part of the name that is left of the last point. Hostiq is a second-level domain in the site name.

www. Site

Third level of domain

. It is also called a subdomain or subdomain. The third level domain is part of the name that is located on the left of the penultimate point. Subdomains use when they want to assign a unique address to different sections on the site.

Subdomains will make the structure of the site clearer. Suppose your site has two versions: Russian-language and English-speaking. Each of them can be assigned their subdomain: ru.site.com and en.Site.com. Then users will be easier to immediately go to the desired version of the site.

And the search engines have every section separately. So you can promote different sections of the site in search engines.

Suppose the company launches the blog on the site. So as not to enter first on main pageAnd then search for the "Blog" section, you can take it to a separate address: Blog .site.com. Then it will be possible to get into the blog directly, and the search engine will index the page separately.

Following the same logic, part that is located on the left of the third level domain will be the fourth level domain or sub-subdomain.

You can create subdomains until the domain belongs to you. The most common subdomain is www. Sometimes it is mistakenly considered a mandatory part of the domain. Although actually enter it optional. Here are examples of other subdomains: Account, Shop, Support.

What are domains

Domain names are divided into two groups: general and national.
Domains of different groups are distinguished by registration requirements. Consider the features of each group.


Popular common domains simply register

Common domains mean some scope of activity. For example:

COM - for commercial enterprises, abbreviated from Company;
.org - for non-commercial organizations, abbreviated from Organization;
.edu - for educational enterprises, abbreviated from Education.

Over time, the domains have become so popular that not only commercial enterprises began to register them. Therefore, this is a conditional separation. No one will forbid you register.com domain if you are not engaged in commerce.

main feature Popular common domains - simple registration. Domains .com, .NET ,.org, .biz and .info do not have registration restrictions. They can register any legal or individual. For registration do not need documents.

Registration agencies constantly add new domains top level. Now there are more than 1000. Therefore, do not be discouraged if.com is busy. Check the domain with another end, it can be free.

Most often people choose names in common areas

A beginner creator of the site, among the first, the question arises about what a domain is why it is needed, where to take it and how to choose. It is present on an absolutely any resource, it is only worth raising the eyes to the address bar of the browser. The domain name is the name of the site.

Why is it needed?

As a rule, any site is on servers of various hosting companies. These servers, like any computer, have their own unique IP address, which consists of numbers in a certain sequence. To search for the site you need to know this combination of numbers.

The problem is that on one IP address (server) there may be a thousand sites, and it is very difficult to find. For convenient navigation in the global web and invented each resource to give a unique name. Any site is assigned unique domain name. This significantly facilitates the search for the necessary resource.

Rules for creating a domain name

This is a combination of characters. There are certain rules for its creation:

  • The length should be from two to sixty three characters.
  • The domain name of the site may contain numbers from 0 to 9.
  • It may be a hyphen, but not at the beginning or end.
  • It should not contain spaces.

Any name consists of several parts that are separated by points. Each part is domains. different levels. As a rule, three levels of the domain are used for the site.

Domain levels

They are determined by how many words, separated by dots, contains a name. First you need to decide on the audience of the resource and on the basis of this choose the name.

For the first level, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Domains that indicate a geographical position. They show which country belongs. For example, Domain.ru indicates that the site belongs to Russia, .ua - Ukraine ,.au - Australia, .cz - Czech Republic, and so on.
  2. Defining type of activity. Domain.org says that the site is non-profit, .info - information ,.com - created for commerce.

It is worth noting that this classification is quite conditional, to register with anyone. For example, the site, ending with NAZ, may not have any attitude to the Czech Republic, and with the name.com you can not do commerce.

The second level domain is the unique name of the site. For example, site.ru belongs to the organization or by the way, since the names should not be repeated, when registering, checking the domain name in a certain zone is necessary.

The third level - determines the resource inside the second level domain. Basically are free, but are not very popular with professional webmasters.

What level to choose a domain

If the project is long-term and is designed to make a profit, it is worth choosing a second level domain. Yes, it is paid, but it costs not so much and relieves the flaws that the third domain has. Despite the fact that it is free, has a number of minuses:

  • The name is lengthened, therefore, it is more difficult to remember.
  • As a rule, it is tied to a certain hosting, when changing the latter will have to change the domain.
  • Since all services are free, you can't demand something from host owners. With the site can happen anything, and even some complaints will be present.

The third domain level can be chosen if the resource is created in order to try its strength and gain experience.

Also, when choosing it is worth considering what an audience is the site oriented. If on the Russian-language, then you should choose a domain zone.ru. For international or multilingual projects optimal option will be.com.

How to choose a name

The domain name is the site, so you should not approach the selection after the sleeves.

Firstly, the more concise name, the better. The name must be memorable and not too long. In the title, you can designate a type of activity, such as avto.com, and it will immediately be clear which information will find a user on the page. But ivan.ru does not greatly reveal the subject of the site, only if it is not personal blog Ivan. If this is an online store, the domain must contain its name. Well the name contains the keyword.

Secondly, the name in the domain is mainly written on Latin, so it is necessary to trace it to be displayed correctly and readable. You should not count that all users know English, so there may be problems with writing letters that are missing in a foreign alphabet (h, Yu, Yu, I).

Thirdly, before use in English, it is necessary to check the correctness of their writing.

Fourth, there will be no superfluous check of a domain name for that, there is no similar name in other zones. Nothing terrible, if any, but when this is a resource-competitor, the user can mistakenly go to someone else's page.

Registration of domain name

Register the domain only needs reliable partners. It should be carefully familiar with the documentation and the possibilities of the seller. No need to save, otherwise there may be trouble. Registration of a domain that costs 99 rubles, it looks very suspicious, and in the end, having bought it, you can find that, for example, there is no administration panel. Or for resale, you will need to provide a chance of documents and perform many actions. As a result, there will be many nerves and strength.

From the author: Hello, dear reader. For the functioning of the modern web resource, there are quite a lot of things: database, engine, server, etc. But still be sure to be a domain. And what is the domain of the site? If you still do not fully understand, now I will become understandable.

The domain or the domain name is the one name for which it is available on the network .. vk.com is the domain of the most popular social. Networks in RuNet VKontakte.

And if you remember, earlier this social network was located at Vkontakte.ru. Why did the address change occurred? First, the network has long grown from rank only Russian, today there are many users from other countries. Secondly, in conversational speech they were all called social network. So that you do not think that I moved away from the topic, all this is directly related to the domains.

The name of the site plays a huge role in his perception by people. Many people even pay freelancers so that those invented a cool name for their project. Indeed, a good name already provides a certain success. This service is known as a nemine, I even met Freelance Exchange, which specialized only in providing such services.

What is the domain?

Perhaps the question is a little incorrect, but still. It consists of the name of the site and the domain zone itself. In our example, WebFormySelf is the name, A.Com - zone. There are really many such zones. Almost every country has its own. For example:

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RU - Russia

UA - Ukraine

By - Belarus

KZ - Kazakhstan

Well, so on. In addition, there are those attached even to some particular city. By the way, they appeared quite recently. For example, you have an online store only for residents of Kiev. His network address may be: internet-magazin.kiev.ua

Well, this is just an example. Large cities today have already appeared such zones. For example, Moscow and St. Petersburg, but every year more and more similar zones appear.

By the way, the domain given above is the so-called third-level domain, and there is still the second and fourth. What is their difference? If you say simply, then how many words are divided by a point? Second level:

Third level:


The third-level domains can specify that the site is directed only to people from a certain country or city, or say that the site is on a free hosting. In this case, the domain is free. That is, the titles of the type:

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You do not need to pay, as they are created on site constructors. For the rest of the domains, in most cases you will need to pay 1 time per year. At the moment there are about 750 domain zones, but each year it becomes more, since the Internet continues to actively develop.

How much does registration cost?

To register the site name, firstly, it should not be busy. If you try to register something like sport.ru or internet.com, then nothing will succeed, because such domain names have long been busy.

Today, it is most likely to find a beautiful name consisting of 2-3 words. The value of the domain registration depends mainly from the site recorder, as well as in which zone domain is registered.

For example, in zone.com (international commercial) will be more expensive than in Zone.ru (Global Russian). Now, in connection with the advent of new domain zones, you have great chances to find beautiful names.

As you can see, I checked the address - automotive spare parts. Moskva and it is still free. In my opinion, this is the perfect site name for the online store of the respective parts in Moscow. And it is still not occupied as hundreds of other beautiful names. Run to register?)

As you can see, the cost of registration in new zones is a bit more expensive. The largest recorders in RuNet - 2domains and reg.ru.

What to do after buying?

After buying, you can and do nothing. Just wait for the moment when you have a site of the appropriate subject, to then add it to this domain. That is, you can fine reserve the name for yourself so that others do not take it.

In most cases, the domain is purchased immediately before the start of the Internet project. To associate a domain name with a hosting, on which the site files will be stored, during registration or later you will need to specify the DNS address of your hosting provider. If what, ask him.

After that, you will remain in the server control panel to create an appropriate domain. For him to create a folder in which you already need to place the files necessary for the site.

Can a second level domain be free?

In most cases, no. But not so long ago, new domain zones appeared for some countries and registration in these zones is free. For example, in the ML zone, which represents the state of Mali, as well as the zones of some other African countries. Some registrars can purchase such domain names for free.

Here we are with you and dealt with what the domain name of the site and what is needed for what it is necessary. Nothing difficult, as you can see, no. As a person should have some kind of name and the web resource, otherwise how to contact him?

How to choose a good name?

So that you are not looking for useful online services To select a name, I will share with you a reference. Copy it and insert it into the address bar of the browser http://www.mastername.ru/namegen/

There you will see an interesting service from one registrar. Here you can enter 2-3 words and the service will automatically show you all possible combinations, and what is even more convenient, it will immediately show what is busy, and what free. In general, I myself never picked up a domain name with it, but I really liked the idea myself.

On this I say goodbye. I hope you got enough knowledge to get in the near future to get beautiful domains and use them in your online business.

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It would be terrible uncomfortable if people had appealed to each other not by name, but the number corresponding to the birthday or phone number. Therefore, if the names did not exist, they would have to come up with.

Each computer when connected to global Network The Internet is assigned its own unique number called IP ADRESS.

Each Web resource also has its IP address. At the official website of Yandex IP address This number is difficult to memorize, but if you write it in the address bar, the browser will open the website of Yandex. The domain name of this site www.yandex.ru is the corresponding IP address

The presence of a domain name, instead of a numerical equivalent, makes it possible to access the computer by name, which identifies the owner of the IP address. The domain name performs the function of a unique name on the Internet and is a simpler and, naturally, a beautiful version of this address recording.

Domain Name (Eng. Domain Name) - a unique identifier that is assigned defined IP address (two the same can not be).

Domain names are serviced and centrally administered to a set of DNS domain name servers. DNS (Domain Name Service) - Domain Name Service. Along with digital addresses, DNS allows you to use your own computers' names, so-called domain names.

All information about domain names is stored in the DNS central database, which is several powerful computersscattered around the world. This database stores information about the registration date, about the physical or legal owner of the domain name, as well as the path to the so-called name server - NameServer, which contains the information on which the domain name indicates.

Single Internet directory defining the basis of DNS is in state organization SRI International - Menlo Park, CA, US (Menlo Park, California, USA).

The domain name is the letter address of the computer.

The domain name or letter address of the computer can be:

  • the domain name of the first (top) level - First Level Domain;
  • second Level Domain Name - Second Level Domain;
  • third Level Domain domain name - Third LEVEL DOMAIN. The domain names of the first level are divided into:
Organizational domains
First-level names in the USA:
Geographic domains
First level names:
aRPA - Old Style Arpanet aF - Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
bIZ. - Businesses Firms (Commercial) cA. - Canada (Canada)
com. - COMMERCIAL (commercial) cC. - Cocos Islands (Coconut Islands)
eDU - US EDUCATIONAL (EDUCATION) dE. - Germany (Germany)
gOV. - US GoverNMENT (Government) fr. - France (France)
int. - INTERNATIONAL (international) ru - Russia (Russia)
info. - Information Services sE - Sweden (Sweden)
mil. - US MILITARY (US military) tV. - Tuvalu (Tuvalu)
nATO. - Nato Field (NATO) uk. - United Kingdom (United Kingdom)
org. - NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION zw. - Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)
net. - Network (network services) wS. - Western Samoa (Western Samoa)

The site www.nic.ru presents all geographic domain names of the first level.

The domain name of the first level looks like this - www.ru (Russian internet zone)

So the domain name of the second level is written - www.site

The domain name of the third level consists of a second-level domain to which the subdomain is added to the left. For example - Noyabrask.ur.ru ("Noyabrsk.ru" - site of the city of Noyabrsk)

What is the domain name of the site?

This site identifier (address) on the Internet, which definitely identifies the site for both the user and search engines.

Domain names are divided into domain zoneswhich are national, international or thematic. Inside each country there is a licensed recorder company, which within the country manages the creation and registration of domain names.

Registration of domain names within the country In addition to companies of registrators, which are usually no more than 3-5 pcs. ).

One of the main recorders in the domain zone.ru is.

National domain zone - This is a domain zone related to a particular country and is usually popular only within the country, both for users and search engines.

For example:
- Russia: .ru, .rf, .su, .moscow ,.Moscow;
- USA: .us;
- Australia :.au;
- Kazakhstan: .kz;
- Ukraine: .ua.

National search engines are mainly well indexing sites in their national domain zone and can not always find a site in the national domain zone of another state.

International domain zone - The domain zone is equally popular in several countries. The name of the site based on a common domain zone is usually equally seen by most search engines.

For example: .com, .net, .org, .iz .info, .pro, .tel.

Domain name levels

Each of the levels of domain names has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:

  • Domain Names of the 2nd level:
    yandex.ru, E1.ru, kupit-slona.com.Always paid, this is better ranked search engines.
  • Domain names of the 3rd level:
    Sitename.ucoz.ru, site.narod.ru, name.by.ru, moloko.ru.com. Most often, free, you can create as much as possible as part of your domain name, wherein, there may be less weight for the search engine than the level names.

Representatives of the search engine Yandex argue that in terms of search engine optimization Domains.ru I.RF is the same, but the experience of many SEO companies says that it is much more difficult to promote the site in the area. RF is much more complicated, which is more expensive.

When choosing a site name, you should be guided by the following ordinary rules:

  • Domain name must be simple and excluding disruption during pronunciation;
  • The name of the site should coincide with the name of the company or should contain the main activity of the company. For example: rospotrebnadzor.ru or mosokna.ru;
  • Sites in zone.ru are moving easier than in the area. RF;
  • If you have found a suitable name for the site, check if there is analogue with a hyphen, permutation of words and accurate coincidence in the area. If there are such names - register everything at once. At the cost of the site name 450-600 rubles / year it will eliminate you from possible competitors, different from your site a hyphen or a simple permutation of words;
  • Domain name 2nd level perceived search engines it is better, therefore, preference should be given to them;
  • Site name in zone. RF (especially short) is well suited for use in outdoor advertising.

Even if you registered 3 and more domain names they will not disappear.
For example, one of the names can be made by the main mirror and use when promoting or promoting the site, one use in outdoor advertising, and from all the others to put redirects to the main site, thereby eliminating the loss of clients entering the site address directly in the browser's address bar.

Together with the domain name you get mail domainwhere you can create the necessary you mailboxes (E-mail) for use for your business. The E-mail address uses the full name of the site as the end after @.

For example: the site siteActive.ru e-mail will be [Email Protected], [Email Protected], [Email Protected] etc.

Features of the domain name registration

Site name is the property of the site owner or individual And it is important to take into account the following features of the domain name registration:

  • the costs of registration and the annual extension of the domain name can be carried out by accounting, so it is better to register a domain at once on entity;
  • the owner of the site should have an enterprise itself, and not a website developer company, a relative or freelancer, in the future it will save you a lot of money, nerves and will make the whole company less dependent on the official owner of the name, which at any time maybe just the abyss Or require a round sum for making a domain name to your company.
  • promotion of the site, whose name is made not to the Company itself or its director is not advisable (see paragraph above);
  • the domain name is registered and paid exactly per year, after which you are given about a month of stock for its extension. If you did not extend it and did not pay the next year - the domain name is set onto the auction and can buy it anyone.
  • when registering a domain name, you must specify the real and most frequently used e-mail. Notifications about the end of the paid period will come to him, together with the score for the next year. Do not extend the site name on time - just lose it.
  • the domain name registration is best to carry out the registrar's partner company, which usually prejudices and hosting for your site. Often, when paying hosting, for example, immediately for a year, you can get a name for the site for free, and pay 1 account instead of 2 easier and more convenient.
  • we recommend working with well-known and proven hosting providers, which usually possess flexible tariffs, operational and impressive technical support and high-quality "hardware".