Anonymous blog personal diary to create. Which diary - paper or electronic - should you start?

Aaaah! Ekaterina, can you imagine, my salary was increased by two thousand! The amount is not impressive, but a fact! Wow!
Marathon "Changing poverty for wealth - 1" >>
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06-04-2017. Tatyana
The marathon is simply magnificent)) Thanks to our sorceresses for it, thanks for your work, attention, instructions, for such a positive. The assignments were very interesting. All tasks are easy, and most importantly very effective. Indeed, miracles happened every day. At first glance, such a simple method, but the results are simply amazing. Magic is present every day, the foundation is laid, now it all depends on you, create and receive gifts, money, surprises. The most important thing is that there was confidence in their abilities and faith in the fulfillment of the most incredible desires. Thanks to the marathon, I believe in miracles even more!!! Thanks to all the participants, working in a group with reports helps a lot, it was interesting to communicate, read reports, results, feel support, share your successes. Svetlana's recommendations and inspiring articles are especially helpful, which are directed to right direction. I would definitely recommend this marathon to everyone. Once again, I thank the sorceresses of this marathon, good luck, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment of desires and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmagic!!!
Course of miracles "Magic for every day" >>
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28-08-2019. Firefly
I am 100% satisfied with the course. Indeed, a lot of pleasant things were noticed (or appeared?) During this time. And in combination with the magic of gratitude, the course is a bomb! The universe didn’t offend me before, but now it’s just generally good: what you don’t want happens right there (not yacht-airplanes, of course, but also very nice): parking places are located from the 1st time; bosses at work went to a meeting; I won a lottery ticket (100 rubles, but I’m glad), the turbulence on the plane passed by (although they already announced that it would happen now, and the toilets were closed, and everyone was dispersed to their places, but in the end it didn’t even shake))) And this is only part of all miracles! Even my skeptical relatives are now writing together with me pieces of paper "Universe, manifest!", Because it works! And if you rejoice in the little things, then you will be lucky in a big way! Sincere thanks to Svetlana and Ekaterina!

Do you want to create a personal diary on the Internet, post entries and share them with other users? A huge number of services provide functionality for creating a personal diary.

You've probably heard the word like A blog is a personal diary of an Internet user. This type sites are now actively used, and from personal diaries, such projects are turning into large informational resources.

How to create a personal diary on the Internet? As already mentioned, special platforms have been created for this, you can use them even if you do not know HTML language. In this article, we will look at the most simple services for free creation personal diary.

Where to create a personal diary?

  1. Livejournal is the most common personal diary platform on the internet. Immediately after registering on the site, you can add new entries to your diary, for this you do not need to create a site, configure any settings, etc. The address of your diary will be like Quite a few interesting blogs have been created through this service, you can replenish their number.
  2. LiveInternet - the next project also offers the creation of a diary in a few minutes. After going to the site on the right upper corner click "Create a diary", fill out the registration form and confirm your mail, after that you will receive a ready-made diary in which you can immediately add new entries.
  3. Ya ru - the next project is provided by the Runet search engine Yandex. If you are registered with Yandex, then you just need to go to and click "Write down a thought". Like a simple blog, your entries will be posted in a diary.
  4. Blogger - through this service you can create a pretty attractive blog, there are several templates to choose from. If you are registered with Google, no registration is required, go to, click "new blog", fill out a special form and in a minute you can add your first entry.
  5. - also popular service to create a personal diary on the Internet. Registration is simple, as is the site interface. The diaries are not very colorful, but on the other hand, there is no extra functionality, so even beginners will not get confused by the buttons.

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that almost every woman at the time of her youth kept a diary. I was no exception. I bought my first notebook for these purposes when I was in the 7th grade. last record in another notebook, 159 in a row, was made at the moment when the young man I loved left me in the third month of pregnancy.

At that time I was 25 years old. I didn't try to keep a diary anymore. Although today it is tempting to start writing about your life not on paper, but on the Internet, since you can find more than a dozen such sites in Runet.

But is it worth it?

Personal diary on the Internet and its advantages

Let's start with the good. What are the advantages of a personal diary that people keep on the Internet?

1. It is not forbidden to ask for help.

2. You are allowed to talk about your personal experience.

3. You are allowed to post photos of your travels and surprise readers.

4. You can find a life partner.

A lot of things are allowed. Such recordings are especially helpful at the moment when cats are scratching their hearts, and there is no one nearby to complain and cry to.

Then we turn on the computer (laptop), go to the pages of the diary and splash out the accumulated negative emotions. The Internet will endure everything.

And most importantly, we get the support of those people who read the written words and left a comment.

And just typing helps to cope with the blues and bad mood. And even if no one sees what is written, that is, it is not intended for public viewing, it already becomes easier on the soul.

Yes, a private diary on the Internet has many advantages. And most importantly - it does not need to be constantly hidden from prying eyes either under the bed, or in the closet behind books, or in another secluded place. It is enough to come up with a more confusing password. And everything...

You can write about your exploits, and about love affairs, and about conquered hearts, and about a grumpy mother-in-law, and about everything in the world! And no one will read these records without your knowledge.

Well, except for the moderator of the site on which your diary lies ... And the administrator of the same site. And the owner, of course.

Personal diary on the Internet and its disadvantages

The biggest disadvantage of a personal diary on the World Wide Web is that it can be easily read by the owners of the site and those who serve it.

Although there alternative way diary here. If, of course, you really want to. It can be kept in Word, and so that no one can read the records, you need to set a password. Again, more authentic and more confusing. Here is how much fantasy is enough.

Another obvious disadvantage is the possibility of losing your memoirs.

Circumstances may turn out so that the owner of the diary site simply forgets or does not want to pay for hosting anymore, which means that the site will disappear from the World Wide Web forever.

But it will not just disappear, but will capture “into the other world” your records, which are undoubtedly valuable and dear to the heart.

Is there an alternative to this grief? There is. You can start a personal blog. And already on it to write your thoughts, memories, and again love affairs. Unless, of course, there is no desire to write the same thing in a notebook.

So is it worth it to start a private diary on the Internet? To answer this question, I decided to visit one site that stores diaries. Its address is Do not be lazy, visit it and you.

I really didn't like this site. And I would not want my notes, my personal diary with words dear to my heart, to be on such a resource. As a result, I did not dare to start keeping my personal diary again ...

Now imagine that your young man accidentally found out that you are keeping an Internet diary. He will do everything to hack and read it.

And he won't be ashamed of it. And if in these notes there is something that he strongly dislikes? I think that showdowns are simply unavoidable here. Yes, breakups can happen.

So is it worth it to start a personal diary on the Internet?

If there is still such a desire, then the first thing to do here is to think about everything and weigh the positive and negative points.

And already from the one whose side will win, and make a decision.

Although who in our life is thinking about something? We make most decisions at the call of our souls and hearts, and only then, after some time, we begin to understand what a mistake we have made.

Hello friends!

After some torment, I finally decided to start a personal diary. The most that neither is, secret and closed. In my case it is the best choice- I will write everything that the soul lies to, and then it will be seen, put it in general access or not, anonymous or not.

Then got up new question: where to keep this very diary (the paper version was swept away almost immediately, as I wrote about in the last article). Thanks to Vyacheslav, who in the comments to the previous post gave a link to a good one. Got a lot of useful information, especially from the comments.

Many services for keeping personal diaries were discussed, including:

  • day one
  • Evernote
  • RainbowNote
  • Awesome note

To be honest, I got acquainted with the majority on top, as they seemed to be of the same type. downloaded for testing free version Evernote. But even in it, the head immediately went round from the abundance of possibilities.

Yes - cool, yes - a bunch of chips and settings. But ... why is it necessary in a personal diary? Perhaps I am too old-fashioned or used to ordinary paper diaries, but all these labels-atlases-sections completely discourage writing something personal and intimate. If I were a target person, I would keep a business diary there - with task plans, goals, etc. etc. But not secret sensual notes.

Personal diary at

It works like this: every day you receive a letter in the mail with the question: “How are you?”. You answer it like any other, and the program does the rest itself - inserts it into your blog on in the right order and with the appropriate dates.

Update1 You can make new entries directly on the site, and not just by replying to letters. You can edit previously created ones. And also export all posts to a txt file. Very comfortably.

And another moment. Letters come once a day (you set the time yourself). So, if you want to make several entries in a day, you will have to answer the same last letter. The posts will be merged into one post.

For this reason, I advise you to set the morning departure time. Otherwise, it may turn out like mine: I set it to 9 pm, and today I felt like making a record in the morning (this afternoon, of course). I had to go to the settings, correct the time and wait for the changes to take effect. Haemorrhoids.

Otherwise, everything is perfect and most close to real diaries. Reading it later is a pleasure. So I advise everyone.

update2. I forgot to clarify that the ohlife diary is visible only to the author himself. And this is not the same as maintaining, for example, a closed blog (with “personal” posts). Even if you wish, you will not be able to give anyone a link to your posts - there is simply no public address :-)

Read your texts out loud!

Speaking aloud, you will hear its sound, rhythm and easily remove the out-of-print words, correct unevenly constructed phrases. Applicable to any text - from serious prose to posts, tales and even letters.
Thanks for the recommendation to the leaders of the courses " Master of Text", which I have already written about more than once)

The Diary- a very useful thing. Every great person had a diary. Maybe that's why they became great? The diary is a means of self-control. It helps to streamline your thoughts and ideas, analyze actions ... Let's discard philosophy and standard phrases. You will feel the full value of keeping a personal diary (namely, you will feel it with every cell of the body) in years to come. It's like a photo album of your life, only hundreds of times more powerful. Get out an old, family photo or some thing, a trifle from the past. Yeah, do you feel it? Do you want to intensify this feeling many times over? To tears? Surely you tried to start a personal diary once - find it !!!

Over the years, memories are erased, only fragments remain. We are unable to remember everything. The diary will help us. Mankind has not yet come up with another way to save thoughts and feelings. First love, first kiss, first disappointment, resentment, hopes, fears... - all this will save your personal diary. You will be touched by your naivety, cry and laugh. What about your baby's first steps? Personal victories? Persuaded to start a diary?

It's never too late to do this. At any age. I know it's hard to force yourself, but you have to. Then thank yourself.

Today you have a huge advantage over the past. Agree, few people want their personal diary to fall into the wrong hands. But there is nothing easier. Get it on your computer. Close the password and that's it - no problem. This is where you will need the program "Diary".

It is simple, easy and free program in Russian. You can add photos, pictures and music to your diary. Emphasize emotions with live emoticons. Everything is convenient and with tips. Forward!