How beautiful to start keeping a personal diary. How to keep a personal diary? Diary Applications

Diary maintenance is a great way to analyze your thoughts and emotions. In addition, it will help you remember your life experience. If you are ready to start, decide what kind of diary you want to lead. Then express your thoughts, impressions and ideas in diary records. To support this habit, throw yourself a challenge - make the records every day.


Part 1

Start lead a diary

    Select a notebook if you want to write by hand. If you think about the signing of the diary, you most likely come to mind a notebook and pen. You can use any notebook that you like and in which you have nice to write. Take a monophonic notebook if you want to decorate it, or a beautiful option, if you want something more stylish.

    • As budget option Look at the school supplies at a spiral or a thick notebook in the school supplier.
    • If you want a fashionable diary, visit the bookstore or stationery department at the local shopping center.

    Tip: Diary in the notebook is an excellent option if you want to personalize it with drawings, stickers and collages. You can even invest commemorative things, such as tickets to the theater!

    Choose text editorIf you prefer to keep a diary on your computer. It may be more convenient for you to make records. Use your preferred text editor to keep a diary. Create new document With installed intervals, for example, every month or year. Then save all the entries in one folder.

    • For example, you can create a new document every month. And the folder can store files under the headlines "January 2020", "February 2020", "March 2020" and so on.
    • Any text editor will suit. For example, Word, Pages or Notepad.
    • If you choose Google disk, open access to the diary from all your gadgets. Thanks to this, you can make entries from a computer, tablet or phone.
    • If you do not mind express your thoughts in public, try blogging.
  1. Decide which diary you would like to behave. Make it with your assistant by installing the goal. Think why you want to keep a diary and how it can be useful to you. Then select a diary. Here are some common options:

    • the Diary to write about everyday life, your thoughts and feelings about what is happening with you;
    • diary of gratitudeto fix things for which you feel gratitude every day;
    • diary Therapyto work out problems or find support for recovery;
    • travel Diary to document the places you attend, your travel classes and your impressions;
    • creative diarywhere you can add images, sometimes along with the text. Draw, draw and / or make collages.

    Tip: There is nothing wrong with the Creative Approach and experiment with your diary. For example, you can enable a mixture of personal entries, gratitude lists and creative works.

    Select the topic that you will write. So sad to look at the empty page without any ideas! Fortunately, you can easily find a source of inspiration to record in the diary. Write down the first thing that will come to your mind. If the head is complete emptiness, use one of the following ideas to start:

    • Describe what happens in your life. For example, you can write about the party you visited, or about the conversation that you have taken place.
    • Reflect on the memories. For example, write about the wonderful day that you spent with my grandparents, or about the time you lost a friend for which you still miss.
    • Explore your emotions or feelings. If you are worried hard, write about how sad and how do you hope to change it.
    • Write down your dreams. Suppose you dreamed that you fly. You can describe the plot of sleep, your feelings during the flight, as well as to reflect that this dream may mean.
    • List for which you are grateful. For example, you can include your cat, your family, your singing voice and your company friends.
    • Explore what scares you. For example, you can write about your fear of a closed space.
    • Use tips for writing that can be found on the Internet. Try such tips as: "Explain that your favorite film means for you," "Describe your reaction if you see a ghost", "write about your dream vacation."

    Part 2

    1. Write a date and place at the top of the page. Most likely, in the future you will return and reread some old records, and the availability of the date and location will help you understand them. Place the month, day and year in the upper corner of the page. And below them indicate your location.

      • For example: "March 10 2020, in a coffee shop."
    2. If you wish, start with the appeal (for example, "Dear Diary" or "Dear I"). This is not necessary, however, it may help you to set the rhythm of the letter. If you use the appeal, write it in the upper left corner on the first record line.

      • For example: "Dear Diary".
    3. Use the pronouns from the first person ("I") throughout the diary. Perhaps you are accustomed to avoid pronoun "I", because it does not approve in an academic letter. However, in your diary and in your records you can do anything. Use "I" to talk about myself in the diary.

      • For example: "Finally, today I visited this new coffee shop."
    4. Write in free form without editing records. When conducting a diary, write thoughts as they occur. Do not worry about the logicness of the narrative, using the right proposals or errors. Focus on what you need to say, and do not reread what has already written. Continue to write until you feel that they spoke.

      • For example, do not stop and do not reread what you have already written. It does not matter whether you made a mistake or confused in the narration. Your record in the diary should not make sense to anyone except you.
    5. If desired, show the creative approach to the format. Maintaining a magazine is an excellent opportunity to show creative. Experiment with your records to try various methods self-expression. Here are some ideas:

      • write a poem;
      • draw pictures along with the text;
      • make a list of thoughts instead of describing them;
      • turn the memory of the story;
      • write down the words songs that have a value for you now;
      • plore or put memorable things about the last day, for example a ticket to a movie or a bus, flyer or check.
    6. Ignore the grammatical and spelling rules when conducting a diary. It does not need to worry about grammatical or punctuation errors. In fact, it is normal to completely ignore punctuation! Similarly, do not stop to check spelling. Allow yourself to write in free form, not experiencing about the rules of spelling.

      • For example, you may decide to write in the stream of consciousness. In other words, write down all your thoughts, as they come to mind, without worrying about whether they are complete sentences.

      Tip: There is nothing wrong with the desire to make a diary neat and edited. The main thing first finish writing, and then go back and make edits.

    7. Turn on interesting sensory parts to make records more alive. Touch items awaken 5 feelings: vision, sound, smell, touch and taste. Adding these parts will make your recordings more interesting and help you more clearly remember the event. Look for the opportunity to include these details when describing events or memories from your life.

      • For example, suppose you went to the beach. You can include such details as: "The wind was cool when he touched my face," "I felt the taste of salt in the language," "I felt the smell of seaweed that nailed to the shore", "Gray Fog hung over the ocean, but I He could still see the boat in the distance "," the splashing waves burned me at a midday dream. "
    8. Do not worry about the length of entries. Of course, you can go wrong to make records of a certain length. Nevertheless, let yourself write as short as possible or maximally deployed. A few sentences every day better than full page, written from time to time. Write down that you came to mind, but let yourself stop if you feel that you have nothing to say anymore.

      • For example, several days you can simply digit brief listings. You can write several pages on other days. Allow yourself to show flexibility.

    Part 3.

    Get a habit to keep a diary
    1. Go to the goal Do records in the diary every day, even if very short. The best way Form a habit - do it every day. At first it can be very difficult, therefore, most likely there will be days when you will forget about the diary. Put yourself the task - write every day, be it a short list or long entry. Over time, it will go into the habit.

      • If at some day in very busy, just write 3 things that have occurred. For example: "1) I worked a lot today; 2) I visited the new Italian restaurant - it was tasty there; 3) I walked well after dinner. "
      • Nothing terrible if the records will differ from each other every day.
    2. Choose a convenient time for writing to make it part of your daily life. Most likely, you already have a lot of things, and finding time for a diary can be not easy. To stick to your habit, select the time when the diary logging will naturally fit into your schedule. Then try making records at these moments. Here are some ideas:

      • drive the diary while drinking morning coffee;
      • make records on the way to work or with work, if you are not driving;
      • write during lunch;
      • drive a diary while cook dinner;
      • write while watching TV in the evening;
      • make records right before bedtime.
    3. Wear a diary with you wherever you can. Perhaps you will be easier to stick to your habit if the diary always be with you. Thanks to this, you can pull it out and record when you have several free minutes. Wear a notebook in the bag or use a text editor that allows you to keep a diary from a phone or tablet.

      • For example, you can make records, being in line in the doctor's office or waiting for a person who is late.
      • If you are leading electronic diary, You can try this option: Print entries in the form email On the phone and send a letter to yourself. Then copy and paste the record in the created diary.
    4. Analyze past records when the time comes. One of the most wonderful things in diary is the therapeutic effect. However, it will work best if you reread old entries and reflect on them. Select a time when you feel the willingness to deal with past problems and how they still affect you.

      • For example, suppose you were hard to recover after dismissal. After you found new job, You can look back to old entries to understand that your unrest were in vain. Perhaps it will help you save greater positive and durability when you encounter a refusal again.
      • Be careful with the diary, if you are worried that someone can read it. Hide it or use the password if you lead it in electronic form.

The article will tell you about how to properly conduct a personal diary and in which way it can be decorated.

Personal diary is obligatory thing not only for an adult, but also for a teenage girl. This is a way to express your thoughts, draw conclusions and understand everything that happens in my head and around.

The diary is very useful for psychological health. But, except that it should be beautiful, it should be proceeded correctly. A neat diary will cause pleasant emotions from a child, will contribute to development.

Of course, at 9 years old, the child understands little in how to lead and start a diary. Parents will help this children, in particular mom. She should mark topics and headlines to help the child to send thoughts as they say, "in the right direction."

What themes can be denoted in the personal diary of the child:

  • "I and my family" - Describe all family members, their quality and features, write to what the child loves them.
  • "Me and my friends" - List all close and best friends, list all positive qualities and dating history.
  • "My achievements" - Here you can list all your victories, winnings in contests and personal achievements, talents, skills, abilities.
  • "My dreams" - Here you should list what you dream about what you want to achieve in life and what you dream of gifts.
  • "My hobbies" - This topic should list your hobbies: Sports, Music, Drawing, Poems, Collecting.
  • "Favorite films" (as well as music, cartoons, books, writers, performers and much more, depending on what kind of child likes).
What topics should be done in the diary for a child?

The best ideas for the design of the first page of the personal diary do it yourself

The design of the diary also plays a big role. A diary, whatever it (big, small, thick or thin), must cause pleasant emotions and therefore his first page should be beautifully arranged.

For decoration, you can use several techniques:

  • Scrapbooking - The most popular technique. It includes decoration by crafting paper, ribbons, bichovka, text, decorative elements, lace.
  • Applique- You can make from several types of paper or cardboard.
  • Dudeling or Zentahl- Modern detailed painting with many patterns and details.
  • Collage from the photo - His and their loved ones.
  • Cilling- Decoration with thin paper stripes, the creation of volumetric patterns.
  • Stick-based ride- You can lay out the pattern, drawing, or stuck with a solid smooth layer.
  • Printing stickers- You can buy stickers of a variety of subjects and decorate them the first page to your liking.

How to decorate a diary for a girl?

Drawings and pictures for drawing for personal diary Girls

You can decorate the diary, of course, with your personal drawings. Even if you do not have a special talent, you can use special templates that are designed to handle.


Patterns drawings on the subject of Japanese anime drawings on the theme "England" Dudling

Patterns for drawing Little drawings: Templates

Drawing on musical themes

Topic: Nature

Detailed small pictures


Subject: Space Inscription

The best poems for a personal diary for a girl

Poems for a personal diary:

Option 1

Option 2.

Option 3.

Cool ideas of pages for a personal diary for a girl 9 - 14 years old

Improve your diary can be cool ideas for the diary:

  • Pages "With the Secret" - These are pages on which one page has the ability to "open", like a door or window. In such "secrets" you can hide your secret thoughts.
  • "Built-in watch"- To do this, cut multiple pages and make a hole in them. In such a diary, you can conduct "accurate" records indicating an hour and even minutes.
  • Diary with ads- By type of disruptive ads, you can decorate some pages.
  • Come up with diary topics- Ask him a certain style you need to stick from the very beginning to the last page.
  • Volumetric drawings- Drawn or glued paper.

Ideas for a diary:

Bright and colorful diary

Diaries with secrets

Paper announcement diary

Diary with watch

Diary with clippings

Thematic diary

Light ideas for the first personal diary for beginners with their own hands

In fact, ideas to decorate and diversify your diary a lot and every depends on the hobbies, the worldview and the nature of the child. Many children love to ask their diaries a certain topic.

Ideas for a diary:

  • Mighty Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Disney Princess"
  • Rainbow Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Fixy"
  • Simpsons diary
  • Diary in the style of "Music"
  • Diary in the style of "marine"
  • Winx Fairy Diary
  • Diary in the style of "Delicious"
  • Diary in the style of "Gadgets"
  • Diary in the style of "Series"
  • Diary in the style of "film"
  • Diary in the style of "Favorite Stars" and much more!

Ideas for the topic of love for a girl: photo

The topic of "love" is the most common among girls. It allows them to decorate the pages with hearts, sparkles, drawings, photos of your favorite stars, confessions, verses, cuttings, stickers.

IMPORTANT: Love theme allows girls fully and sincerely express their feelings in writing. This is a good psychological unloading that gives pleasant emotions, good mood and calm.

Theme of love in the diary

How to keep a personal diary?

Each diary is the personal work of the child. There is no special rules for its reference, but the main thing is that you need to do - do not be afraid and do not be shy to express your secret and sincere thoughts.

How to keep a diary:

  • Use paints -for this, color handles and markers can be used to highlight important thoughts and words.
  • Draw your feelings and favorite images -it diversifies a letter and give you pleasant experiences.
  • Glue photos and clippings -to give the written text to the text.
  • It is bright to allocate the date with a large font and contrasting color -an important part of the diary.
  • Write the truthonly so you can keep a diary correctly and many years later you will be pleased to read your "real" thoughts.

How to arrange and decorate a personal diary?

For decorating and decorating a diary in almost all:

  • Feltolsters
  • Gel knots
  • Sequins
  • Stickers
  • The pencils
  • Stickers
  • Rhinestones on glue
  • Clippings from magazines
  • Personal Photos
  • Lace
  • Ribbons
  • Canvas thread
  • Kraft paper
  • Color and craft cardboard
  • Newsprint
  • Beads and beads
  • Artificial flowers
  • Buttons

Ideas for diary decor Diary with drawings Unusual diary

Kraft diary

Decor clippers

Video: "How to start to keep a personal diary?"

Have you ever heard a verbal analysis of the events of the long-lasting days? Well, you know when older generation It is trying to decompose the events on the shelves, explaining who thought he did what it turned out. Did you surprise you that over time, the evaluation of the facts and emotions is sometimes changing beyond recognition? This is especially seen if you yourself participated in the analyzed events. The fact is that such a person's nature. Opinions are changing under the influence of new information, thoughts are erased by going into non-existence. In order not to miss invaluable experience, to keep the data on the events in the original form, the idea of \u200b\u200bconducting a diary appeared and took root. This is when people write their fresh impressions, thoughts, ideas. It's useful things, sometimes it is extremely important. Just do not everyone know how a personal diary is leading. And the rules are simple. Let's get acquainted with them.

We select "physical carrier"

Now it is customary to record your thoughts "for general use", that is, on the Internet. This does not like everyone, and technically it is not always convenient. If the thoughts relate to just the fleeting events, you can lay them out in the social network. But in force why to exhibit for universal familiarization? If you are interested, as a personal diary lead, start from goal. Answer yourself to the question of what he needs, what is waiting for him, want? Save mental experiences, invaluable impressions, the excitement sensations will help the ordinary notebook. Most often take the total six sheets in ninety. Yes, and with a hard cover. The diary is often kept to deep old age. So, the carrier is needed such to survive moving, flooding and other shocks, did not crumble on leaves in a few years. People prone to drawing, acquire albums with a thick cover. Just write in them uncomfortable. The notebook is much more practical. Psychologists noticed that people live exactly how they behave a personal diary. Someone Missing records only from time to time, his way to a tortist and a thorny. Others try to regularly leave their thoughts on paper, such prone to thoughtful solutions, a stable strategy.

How to start conducting a personal diary

From the first record, the author's personality is already begins to appear. Some, not knowing how they lead a personal diary, talk about themselves. There are even official biographies. There is nothing wrong with that. This is an individual creativity. The most interesting, it seems it would be to state the reason why this notebook appeared in your life. Maybe after many years, rereading the record, you will be surprised at your thoughts or experiences. Creative personalities can make a favorite poem or storm. Sometimes just draw what's in the soul. It is recommended to dawn this significant event. You will be more interesting for you, how many interesting thought ripened. Although some people start and throwing records. Nothing wrong. If you want to know how to make a personal diary correctly, then understand, it is not a duty, but "the kettling of the heart." There are no strict canons. There is something that you personally like.

And what to write in it?

Here you can give a few tips. Regular records - Personal business.

The content is also recommended to create interesting, meaningful. Most likely, a person interested in how to conduct a personal diary while internally matured before writing it. The soul still does not "ask for a pen." People who are ready for self-expression take notebook and begin to state, not particularly interested in other people's advice. But the thought process is good to develop the ability to develop. The desire and ability to express themselves, analyze events can be purchased in practice. Therefore, for starters, write bright impressions, thoughts. Some people try to set out the exciting events in detail. This is useful in order to deal with them correctly. Especially when it comes to feelings, subtle moments, extraordinary cases. The style will come later in the process of work. It can be changed. You are not controlled by writing, but to realize the classroom of their soul.

Proceed from goal. For example, your decision to keep a diary is based on the desire to record the thoughts, then to be able to deal with them. So, set out not only what comes to mind, but also the circumstances at which it happens, which affected you at that moment. It is important to describe how you see people, when communicating with which you visited these thoughts, naturally, if they are connected with them. It does not prevent a general impression from the read books, watching films or programs on its pages. Almost everything that falls in the field of our vision during the day may become the topic of a new post. In practice, you yourself will be surprised how saturated life with events and impressions. Beginner writers are encouraged to state what they hurt, excited, making emphasis on the cause of such a reaction. This will help you deeply understand yourself surrounding people.

A little about the needlework

Some people are interested in how beautiful to keep a personal diary. Philosophy and psychology can be boring for people with creative deposits. The analysis they leave those who vita in the clouds. And for yourself your loved one is looking for an interesting thing. Here to them and cards in hand.

The diary can be made by the real work of art. Naturally, it is recommended to draw it in the style that you especially touch. For example, embroidery lovers create salaries for a notebook. A charging creative process and an amazing result. You can argue, but most of the records in such a diary will be devoted to the beautiful. Now many girls are engaged in beadwork. Why not create a cover using miniature beads. "Wenniem" of them can be issued every page. It will be beautiful and original. This is only one topic. And their set. Excel from your preferences. Maybe you will not want to write, and collages in the diary form. So who interferes? The main thing, then do not forget what they mean!

Secret or not?

There is such an extremely subtle question. There are few people who are so open that any feeling is ready to throw out on others. Yes, and lead the diary, they are unlikely to become. The rest wish to keep confidential records. Therefore, the question of where to conduct a personal diary, sometimes gets up with an edge. Tip One: You wish to have a secret, do not share with anyone. What two people know is known to the whole world, so folk wisdom says.

Making another entry stands alone. First, so that no one from thought is shot down. Secondly, in order to conceal information from immodest eyes. You know, the literature describes cases of diaries with ciphers. It is hardly an ordinary person like this. First, it is a thought, then it is encrypted with a special key, then write to the notebook. It is difficult, however. Therefore, it is advisable to simply not to pace with your secret on the eyes of those from whom you want to hide it. Do not suspect yet, will not disclose the secret.

Attitude to the records

Diary as a strict controller

Sometimes the record leads with the aim of "taking yourself to the Hands of Mittens". It comes to the head of very purposeful people. Believe the one who throws the started, it is unlikely to control himself. What can I write in that case? Start with what exactly you want to achieve. For example, lose weight. Enter all the rules and restrictions. Now it remains only to state how you stick to them when and why violated.

Maintaining your own diary - the process of fascinating and extremely useful. Try, you will not regret, as they say in a famous joke. Good luck!

Almost every person comes the period when he begins to conduct a personal diary. How to do it, everyone decides himself. But there are several general recommendations that will be useful for a newcomer.

The genre of the "secret notebook" remains in demand from the 10th century (in the form of travel and autobiographical notes) until these days. Of course, today the personal diary looks completely different, right up to the electronic version.

But the reasons for the appearance of the diary remain the same:

It is not by chance that the diary is most often starting to lead in adolescence, during the period of becoming character and worldview.

From the point of view of psychology, the maintenance of a personal diary is an excellent way to preserve and strengthen the mental balance, reduce the level of stress, remove the stress accumulated per day.

This is a recognized method of psychotherapy, the effectiveness of which is proved by practice. A variety of diaries is not amenable to description.

It can be a thin notebook, a drawing album, a set of sheets, a blog on the Internet - it all depends only on the desire of the author. The same applies to the design style. This can be written by youth slang, disgraced by all the colors of the rainbow, filled with stickers and other fintiphushki teenage diary.

And maybe neat, with numbered pages, with a calendar diary of an adult pedantic person. The requirement is one thing - the owner of the diary must be comfortable.

What they write in LD

Diary - portrait of his owner. And the contents of the diary reflects the inner world of who leads it.

What can contain diary pages:

  1. Chronology:

  1. Analysis of the day:
  • analysis of the incidents of the events;
  • thinking about what happened, its assessment, personal emotions;
  • interesting thoughts that appeared during the day;
  • personal achievements;
  • dreams and plans for the future.
  1. Self-education and self-improvement:
  • interesting quotes;
  • favorite poems and songs;
  • notes on favorite books and films;
  • impressions from visiting performances, exhibitions, excursions.
  1. Hobbies, hobbies:
  • culinary recipes;
  • sketches of outfits;
  • schemes for knitting;
  • tips for housekeeping, gardening, gardening;
  1. Creation:
  • their poems;
  • their drawings, sketches;
  • clippings from magazines, stickers, postcards, etc.
  1. Memo:
  • especially memorable photos;
  • bullets about exhibitions, excursions;
  • interesting letters, romantic notes.

For younger students who are only going to keep a diary, it is interesting and useful will start it with the description of family members, friends, hobbies, favorite games, books and films, etc.

Diary of notebook

There are many options how to make a personal diary. Diary format each chooses for itself. Thin notebook is suitable for rare episodic records. For constant diary maintaining, it is better to immediately buy a thick notebook, which is enough for records for a long period. So that the diary served for a long time, it is better to buy a high-quality notebook with tight paper.

It can be improved:

  • the cover is additionally strengthened by lining with a cloth or cardboard. For decoration, you can add stickers, drawings, embroidery, etc.;
  • to give strength, the notebook is stitched;
  • for convenience, you can make bookmarks;
  • records can be further protected. To do this, the pipple pierces through the hole in which the lock is made.

Diary from Notepad

Practical option - diary from notepad. Better to purchase notepad with large quantity Sheets bonded by a spiral.

To give the originality of the standard notepad, you can:

  • It is unusual to make a cover, saving it with a cloth or paper. Beautiful neat pasting will not only decorate the cover, but also give her strength. You can additionally decorate the cover with decorative elements;
  • For additional protection, you can do in a notebook through a hole through all pages and to turn to it lock;
  • The spiral can be replaced with a beautiful lace, ribbon, braid. But removing the spiral and to be replaced by its cord should be very neat.

Diary from album

For those who fill out a personal diary with their sketches, optimally use the album for drawing. This option is more suitable for both applications, scrapbooking and other creative techniques. Large-format thick paper is perfect for drawing (fine-tetraphic paint paper or felt-tip-tapes. Drag through) and working with glue.

When creating a diary from a drawing album, you can:

  • strengthen and decorate the cover, gently pasteing the layer of fabric or tight paper from above;
  • protect the records to extended through labor lists lock;
  • you can additionally sew album sheets so that they do not disintegrate when large quantities Volumetric Appliques.


You can not buy a ready-made notebook or notebook, but make the original diary folder using the scattered sheets:

Diary of office paper

Another way to create a diary from separate sheets - Stack of pile of office paper rings:

  • from thick paper made upper and lower covers;
  • between the covers of a flat stack of folding the pages of the future diary. They can be multicolored, beautiful shape (for example, with patterned edges or rounded corners), of various densities for different sections;
  • on the left side to do a hole in the top and below two through holes passing through the entire stack;
  • turn the connecting rings into the holes.

Old Book - Original LD \u200b\u200bBase

Creative person will want to have a special personal diary. How to make a diary creative, tells the old, already unnecessary book. Creating a personal diary based on it gives unlimited exposure of fantasy and creativity. The cover decorates according to the taste of the hostess. Part of the pages can be removed, you can glue with each other, you can glue pictures, etc.

And in order to keep records, the typographic font will have to paint, or shock the proofreader, or flush fine paper. In a word, such a diary will require additional efforts to solve emerging problems. The more interesting it will be the process of filling it - just for extraordinary natures.

Leather Cover Diary

For the diaries of large volumes that will be used for a long time, it will be necessary to make a solid cover. One of better options - Leather.

For its manufacture:

  • The dense cardboard base is glued with leather workpiece. Leather flap must be greater than the basis so that the allowances can be beaten and glued to the inside of the cover. Used resistant glue type "Moment";
  • When gluing the skin, it is necessary to smooth well and very tightly press to the base;
  • Then it is also tightly glued in the opposite side;
  • For a better result, the cover is placed under the press.

Diary on the Internet

The most modern version of the personal diary is an electronic version.

Two options are possible:

Cover manufacturing

The diary begins with the cover, which should attract and configure positive.

What can be advised by design:

Origami for the cover

Origami technique is indispensable when drawing a diary - both covers and internal pages. Intly folded figures will become a real "highlight" of the diary, you only need to choose suitable options. Large volumetric figures will not suit, but origami offers many different "flat" crafts of the minimum height: frames, silhouettes, bows, intricate envelopes.

To learn how to fold the origami figures is not difficult, especially since the diary does not need ultra-empty compositions - a simple fan, inserted between two pages, looks very impressive.

Registration of the first page

A special relationship deserves the first page. For its aesthetic design, you can use the same techniques and rules as for the cover. But its content should be thought out.

On the first page you can place:

Calendar in diary

The diary implies an indication of the calendar data of each record. You can simply specify the number at the beginning of the record, and you can brightly allocate the date using color ink, special font, etc.

If the diary is provided for the diary functions (a plan for every day, notes, reminders, daily analysis, etc.), it is convenient to immediately take a certain number of pages for a diary, creating an "attached calendar". For example, take a separate page for each day.

Then you can specify the number, month, the day of the week on each page.

For convenience, page can be issued outside the sheets of stickers, on which the date is indicated. Another option: cut down the "steps" pages and specify the date on them.

Internal decoration of pages

How to design domestic PagesTo make them interesting, solve only the author of a personal diary. It is important that they cause positive emotions and the desire to fill them.

Several tips:

Envelopes, secret pockets, tricks in LD

Often in diaries are stored memorable things: tickets for events, booklets, notes, small souvenirs, letters. To do this, it is convenient to use special pockets and envelopes. Climbing pockets for memorable trifles or secret information can be made from differently folded or glued diary among themselves. Also for this purpose you can use tape.

Pockets can be made separately, and then incur in the diary. They are made of paper, fabrics, foils, plastic, and then decorate pictures, stickers, patterns, rhinestones, etc. Even simple pockets made from folded in half a leaf of beautiful paper bonded around the edges of decorative scotch, will look beautiful.

Envelopes can be purchased ready, you can make it easily - for example, in the origami technique.

If the envelope is stored relative to bulk things (for example, several photos), it is better to attach it to a tight cover. But pockets for one special note or a commemorative dry flower can be glued to the page. It is very convenient and aesthetically used for fastening small pockets to use decorative tape.

Text Decoration, Patterns, Edging by Cells

To decorate text, multicolored handles and markers are used. For this purpose, an unusual location of records is suitable for this purpose - for example, in several columns, or blocks in different places of the page. You can diversify the pages with a beautiful ornament on the edges of the sheet, a variety of frames, both drawn and pasted. To create a similar edging, it is very convenient to use templates.

With their help, even those who do not know how to draw, can very beautifully place a sheet of a diary. Another excellent opportunity for those who do not paint very well - drawing through the cells. It is enough to find the picture you like and transfer it to your diary in the cells. On the Internet it is easy to find entire selections of such drawings.

Pictures for LD.

You can decorate the diary with the help of finished drawings. It may be pictures from magazines - for example, photos of a beloved singer or artist. Sold whole sets of thematic stickers (Cotes, Princesses, etc.), which look beautifully in the text.

Your picture you can find on the Internet and print on a color printer. Beautiful candy candies, greeting cards, brands, etc. come true.

Inscriptions and clippings from magazines in diary

In glossy magazines, you can find not only pictures, but also interesting quotes, sayings, beautiful headlines. They can also be used to design a diary. If you break down such cuttings with a frame or allocate in another way, they will immediately attract attention.

last page

The page that finishes the personal diary, as well as the first, can also be made special. Maybe thoughts will be collected on it, which especially struck the owner of the diary. Or plans for the future. And you can simply draw the door leading in the "beautiful far".

Envelope for LD.

You can additionally protect the diary - and from wear, and from too much attention. For this, an additional envelope case for storing a personal diary is mastered. To create a simple envelope, a sheet of paper is taken and consisted three times so that the diary is placed in most, and the smaller the remaining part is the valve for the envelope. The side bends are fasten with glue or scotch.

Beautiful paper and decorative tape will make such an envelope even without additional jewelry.

You can make a fabric case on the same principle. The valve is easy to make a button-fastened on the button or on the "velcro".

Diary is a very personal matter. And everyone decides himself how to behave.

A personal diary is able to become a true friend who helps to understand how to build their lives, how to make it harmonious and filled. This is a unique opportunity to remember your past and evaluate it, already matured.

Video: how to make a personal diary

How to make a personal diary from the notebook, watch a video clip:

How to arrange a personal diary, look in the video:

Why keep a personal diary

So what is a personal diary? This is the place where it is written not only the most intimate or, if you say more precisely, this may not be there. Personal diary contains information important to its owner, and what exactly will it be - to solve only him. However, if we talk about adults, then the diary can be a very useful occupation and that's why:

Completing the selection of reasons why you should keep your personal diary I want to say another interesting thing. By keeping recordings of this kind, you have the opportunity to create the history of your life. People like to read the biographies of other personalities, to observe how they went to their success, with which they encountered on this path, and why not create such for themselves. In the process of living, much is forgotten, but the personal diary does not allow this. Moreover, if you wish, you can transfer it to your descendants so that those not knowing personally could build a right impression about you - it's so interesting! Yes, and himself, after dozen years, look into our past, smile and remember what you were once a long time ...

How to arrange a personal diary

Previously, the personal diaries were led solely in the handwritten version, since there was no other possibility. Now, when computers have entered the appeal, you can pour your thoughts printed in any text format. Moreover, especially courageous personalities are driving out records in the global world network, organizing sites and blogs. How exactly will you place your diary - to solve only you, but you think about it well.

Working with a computer and even more so with the Internet risky in the sense that it is very unreliable. First, it is not at all personal, as the computer can hack, and on the Internet, the content is available to other users. Secondly, the computer can break and all records will be lost. There is, of course, the option, store a text document on a flash map, but still there is no romance. Positive sides - Wide accessibility. That is, if something unexpectedly occurred to you, you can always start writing records, because modern man Always at hand or laptop, or smartphone.

Nevertheless, the maintenance of a diary in handwritten format is the most reliable in terms of preservation. Everything remains on your conscience. It, of course, can be lost, but it will only depend on you, but to control myself easier than the "soulless piece of iron." It is also necessary to store such records too well, because the password will not put it on it, which means you can read it anyone who will fall under hand. Treat those details and proceed to records.

How to decorate a personal diary

The maintenance of a personal diary is not just a "dry" process of presenting your own thoughts is real creativity. A decent "writer" he will always be decorated and supplemented interesting details. All this, of course, the case of a personal taste, there is no compulsory rules for design, you can generally lead it as a simple diary, the main thing is that it suits you. And you can complement the entries with various images, cuttings and parts that are connected with written.

For creative personalities, the option of making a personal diary in the style of scrapbooking. It will not only be beautiful, but also romantic, and original. For decoration, you can buy various stickers and stickers, they will revive the image of the diary and give him a charm. If you don't care how your diary it will look, then for inspiration we offer interesting options.

What to write in a personal diary

Personal diary is personal that everyone itself decides for what to behave. It can fix interesting things that happened to you per day, you can share experiences, building plans for the future. If you go further, then in it, as we have already said, you can write not only about the intimate and secret. A good idea - Make a thematic personal diary.

For example, you have some kind of purpose, can global, and maybe not very, so devote the diary to her. Want to lose weight? Write about your routine of the day - Tell us about what you are well done that you didn't eat a cake, although I wanted so much, write about the first dropped kilogram, about the victories over your laziness and the bottom at the gym. Want to grow by career stairs? Start your personal diary called "My Personal Growth". Write down the steps that you need to make and move to them every day, recording your own, even the smallest, victory. Do you like to travel? Then lead the diary on the appropriate topic.

What would you choose the topic - it should bring you pleasure. And this required condition, and everything else does not matter. Personal diary is your space, your small, but an intimate world in which there is only you and more than anyone. Use it with benefits and be happy!