How to install 1C mobile application for Android. So why Mobile Applications "1C" is a good idea? Software setup

Development of mobile applications is always associated with the need to study additional technologies. And what if you reconsider the question and take advantage of already familiar tools?

For the first time, the company "1C" tried to enter mobile market market in 2006. At that time there was a real excitement to automate the work of remote employees using the PDA. New programs for solving such tasks appeared as mushrooms and such a vendor as "1C" with successful products for the automation of different areas of business could not miss the chance to enter a profitable market.

By mid-2006, the company presented the release of a new product with a promising title "1C: Enterprise 8. Expansion for pocket computers." The developers of 1C, who distinguished perspectives of the 8th platform, there was hope that now on one instrument without much difficulty it became possible to carry out the development under the Windows Mobile mobile operating system in those years.

In practice, everything looked much worse. Imagine original ideas This tool did not allow. Package " Extension for pocket computers»Represented soon the addition for certain typical configurations than a full-fledged development solution. Expand the configuration functionality by adding new metadata objects was not provided. Finding third-party programmers remained completely simple things: creating new forms to interact with the user, processing user events.

Yes, there were all sortspags of restrictions, but even they did not allow so much to turn around. In addition to technical restrictions, consumers felt a serious financial barrier. Companies decided to introduce a solution from "1C", it was necessary to purchase productive PDAs, acquire licenses for Windows Mobile, as well as pay "1C" for the supply of solutions and the final application.

The solution from "1C" was too expensive. Companies accustomed to save, continued to use alternative solutions. Moreover, the developers of the alternatives managed to supply their products to the functionality to interact with the 1C type solutions.

Technical restrictions, high cost did not allow the product to repeat the colossal success of the desktop platform. Idea to conquer the mobile corp market market.

applications with a crash fell.

Step forward

Loss and losses from an unsuccessful project did not put the final point on the development of a promising direction. In 2013, 1C introduced the first stable version of the new platform 8.3, which has a function of developing mobile applications.

"1C" completely rethought approach to solving the mobile "Theorem" and taking into account the errors of the previous unsuccessful product. The result was a completely new tool that has nothing to do with the predecessor and the most relevant mobile platforms - Android and iOS.

Mobile applications in 1C style

For a full acquaintance with the possibilities of development under mobile platforms, let's try to develop a small configuration. On the end-to-end example you can better estimate the available functionality and determine the possibility of using the 1C platform to solve problems.

To work, you will need the latest release of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform. The trait version of the distribution is available on the official website of 1C. To recreate an example of its capabilities more than enough.

In addition to the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" platform, we need a number of additional tools. The article will consider an example of developing an application for Android. In this regard, you will have to upload: Android SDK and the Apache Web server. The first component contains everything you need to build an application and an emulator for testing, and the Web server is useful to quickly download the application to the mobile OS.

We also need the delivery of the "Mobile Developer's Mobile Platform". It contains a configuration to simplify the assembly process of the created mobile application, as well as a mobile developer platform. It must be installed on a mobile device or emulator.

To build an application ready for distribution through Google Play, you will need to download Apacheant. and Javajdk.. This topic goes beyond the framework of the article, so you can learn the details of working with these tools and the application assembly in the appropriate section of my.

Configure tools

Platform " 1C: Enterprise 8.3"And the Apache Web server is supplied with installers and are installed in a standard way. Android SDK. You just need to unzip in a separate directory and run " sDK Manager.exe.". You will appear in front of you with the selection of available packages for installation. For testing discussed within the framework of the example article, you will need to select and install: Android SDK Tools., A. ndroid Platform Tools., SDK Platform API 17.

The last step will be the creation of a new information base. For those who are not related to the development under " 1C: Enterprise»Let me explain that any solution for this platform consists of an information base and configuration. Adding a new base is carried out by the button " Add»Starting window. After adding a database, open it in " Configurator».

First mobile configuration

In the main menu of the configurator, we find the section " Configuration"And choose the" Open Configuration "item. The configuration tree (objects from which the future will consist of the future) will be displayed in the left side of the window. Highlight the configuration root in it and press the key combination Alt + Enter." The properties editor opens on the right side of the configurator window.

Let's call the configuration " TODO."And in the" Appointment of Use "property, we point out Mobile device" Note by performing the last action, some configuration tree nodes will become inactive. Unfortunately, it will not work out all the metadata objects on the mobile platform.

To solve our task, in the configuration tree, we will need to create several metadata objects:

Addressing Procedure (Task) Export Manager \u003d Create Independent Serves (); Manager test.period \u003d flowable (); Managed. Possession \u003d task; Manager site.Atatus \u003d task. Startup; Managed Manager. recruit (); Extrudresses

Listing 2. Function code "Disciped tasks ()

FUNCTIONS OFFICE ORDERSKRYATINGS () Export request \u003d new request; Request. Text \u003d "Select | Conditional Sreasuries. Communication as a task, | Conditionack-lasting. Clearing. Data perpetration as Data Performance | From | Conducting. Conducts. Transferred<> Meaning (listing. Testuszadach. Filled)) As the Supreme Sreasuries. | Sort by | Data perpetration of descending "; Request. Installation Paid (" Current Data ", Current Data ()); Returns Request. Fill (). Unload (); endfunction

With the receipt of data from the information register and their recording, they will now teach our guide to work with the register. To do this, add a common module for the configuration tree with the name " Workstands" You can do without it, but I immediately want to focus on the possibility of breaking the code by modules. Many 1C developers are still neglecting this recommendation and describe all logic in one place, thereby making it difficult for the subsequent support of the code. Create a new procedure in the module " Createnovadach"(See Listing 3).

Listing 3. Code of Procedure "Create Commitment"

Procedure Create Communication (link) Export If the link. The content then refund; Ended; Request \u003d new request; Request.text \u003d "Choose | Stronast Sreasuries. Startup | From | Registering. Conducts. Sreasuries (& PUBLET, Task \u003d & Task) as Standard Sreasuries"; Request. Installation parameter ("Current Date", currentAndata ()); Request. Install the parameter ("task", link); Result \u003d query. Fill (). Select (); If the result. Next () then if the result. Status<> Link. Topatus then registerings. Conducts. Addressing (reference); Ended; Otherwise the registributions. Conduct. Addressing (link); Ended; Extrudresses

Before creating a new record, checks for the presence of already available entries for the task. If the record already exists, then you need to compare the status of tasks. If the status from the register does not differ from the status of the recorded element, there is no need to create an additional record.

Last stroke open the form of the reference book "Tasks" and create an event handler " Postzapisinserver" We will write a challenge to the procedure described in the third listing:

Workstanding. Create-founding (current object. Link);

We work on the interface

The main functionality of the application is ready - the user can create tasks, and each new task generates an entry in the periodic information register. Now we will deal with the interface. I will give work with the tasks to the fore. After all, it is logical immediately after starting the application to display a list of not closed tasks and the ability to create a new one?

Find in the configuration tree knot " General forms"And add a new form with the name" Desktop" Open the created form in the interface constructor and add the requisite of the type " Tables" Let's call it "openzaches." The table will contain two columns - " A task"(DANDERTY TRAINUSLAND. FACE) AND" Data perpetration" (Date).

The next step by pulling the added props on the form. We must have the interface of the simplest table. We will not specify any sizes, we will leave care for scaling the platform interface.

For the created table, in the properties inspector, select the checkbox for the " Only view", And the property" Command panel position»We indicate the value" no ". We will fill in a table with dynamic information, so there is no meaning in editing from the user.

Now we describe the Event Processer "Departure" event. Add one line of code into it:

OpenFollows. Download (registers. Conducts. Conducts.

In the code we appeal to the procedure described by us " Receive the Osoknezakryzdach»And the result of its execution is placed in the table.

Let's return to the form constructor and add a group of type "Normal Panel without Display" with two buttons: " Create"And" Refresh" Property " Grouping»At the added group, set the value" horizontal ". For more expressive design of the buttons, add the image and change the default font.

Now select the button " Create"And ask her the global team" Tasks: Create" This will allow you to create tasks, bypassing the entrance to the directory itself. By pressing the second button, we will update the contents of the table with tasks. This will require you to create an additional command form.

All new form commands are created on the "tab of the" Teams" The principle is simple - add a new command, describe the action code in it and then associate the command with the interface, in our case with the button.

We should also not forget that we are developing a managed application, so you need to clearly distinguish the client and server code. When you press the button will be the context " Split", And we will receive data from the base from the server. In the code it looks like this:

& Schedule Procedure UpdatePriceClocked (command) update list (); Extrudresses & Nasserver Procedure Department of Summer (Failure, Standard Processing) Open Outpackers. Zoom (registers. Conducts. Conduct. Extrudresses

Now we will define our form of desktop as the field of the elementary page. Open the configuration properties (select the topmost node and click " Alt + Enter.") And for the Property of the Initial Page Property, we will establish the value" One column", After adding our form to the list" Desktop».

The application is fully ready and time to test it in work. Try running an example and create several tasks with the status of different from " Implemented" The information register was replenished with new records (this can be viewed through the menu item " All functions") And some of them are displayed on the desktop.

Land on Android

The configuration works perfectly on the desktop, and now the time to test it on the mobile OS emulator. To prepare a new emulator, run the command interpreter ( cmd.exe.) And go to the "toos" directory of the distribution with Android SDK. Run the command " android.bat avd.", Which will run the Virtual Android Device Manager. In it, press the "CREATE" button and in the window that appears, specify the parameters of the virtual device. In its work environment, I decided to emulate Nexus S with Android version 4.2.2. (API Level 17).

After creating the device, immediately launch it. While the Android is downloaded, back to the configurator and publish our application on the Web server. In the main menu of the configurator, select the item " Configuration» -> « Mobile app» -> « Publish" In the Publication Settings window, specify the name of the application (maybe any), the Web server (in our environment it should be one) and the directory to store settings.

Specifying as name " tODO-MOBILE."The application will be available at the address -" hTTP: // Host / Todo Mobile" Click "OK" and try to contact the published application using the browser. In case of success, the server will give the XML code created configuration.

We return to the emulator and drive the application with the developer's mobile platform. The application file itself is available with the delivery of the developer's mobile platform and is called "1cem-Arm.apk". To install this application in the emulator we use the utility " adb.exe.»From the directory" platform-Tools.»: adb.exe Install -R 1cem-Arm.apk.

After a successful installation, open the application list in the emulator and launch the developer's mobile platform. In the window that opens, click " Add Application"And in the" Address "field, specify the URL to our web server. I have it Click " Add."And our configuration is successfully moved to a mobile platform. The application is ready to work. Test the result and go back to the configurator, it's time to provide applications by the "mobile functional".

Sending SMS / MMS messages

Functions for working with SMS / MMS Mobile platform messages are supported in different ways. For example, when working on Android application, the developer has the ability to subscribe to SMS and access new messages immediately after receiving. Alas, but on IOS is absent, therefore, during development, the documentation should be at hand.

For sending SMS messages provided an object SMS set. Consider an example:

& Complaint procedure Send smsMSS message (Recipient, text message) Newness \u003d New SMS (); Novosasitization.text \u003d text message; Novoissization. Prophests. Add (recipient); Means of means. SendSMSSs (newness); Extrudresses

The code is quite simple and hardly needs comments. Now let's look at the registration of the incoming messages:

& Complaint procedure ConnectingCreckingClocations () Subscribe message \u003d New descriptions ("Processing Communications", this object); MeansHonia. Enclosed forcesSMSSSSsOs (Subscribe); End Controlments & Communication Processing Procedure (Message, Optional Parameters) // Processing of the New Message //Set. Electioner, Message. Text; Extrudresses

Procedure " Processing"Will be called every time you receive a new SMS. Through the parameter " Message»The object type is transmitted SMS set"And we can easily get text messages and information about the sender.

Working with MMS messages is performed in a similar way. First we create a SMS message, and then add an attachment to it (for example, images). Such a simple action SMS turns into MMS:

Novoissization \u003d new SMS set (); Attachment \u003d new MMSTUCE; Attachment. Data \u003d picture; Attachment. Usput-containing \u003d "image / jpeg"; MMS setting. Supplements. Addly (attachment);

Making calls from your mobile application

The program of the call is carried out using the "Dissaner" method of the Global Object "Funding". Before calling the method, it is extremely desirable to check the ability to make a call:

If the means of funds. Contributor meter () then the means of heart disease. Promptomer (number telephone, calls therapist); Ended;

Parameter " Crack»It affects the execution of a dialing. When it is equal True"The number of the number is performed automatically through the standard call app. With the "Lie" value, the user will also see the standard number of the dialing application interface, but to make a call, you will need to click the " Call».

Call log

Mobile platform allows the developer to interact with call log. For example, you can easily get a list of outgoing, missed or incoming calls. The function is supported only on Android:

Journalists \u003d means of means. Selection \u003d new selection-books; Elementotor \u003d selection. Electronts. Addly (type ("elementboratory")); Elementatub. Lowerness \u003d New Poland-shaped ("typical"); Elementator. Vidolation \u003d VictimsComponovkannovy. Elementatub. The definition \u003d Titzvonkazhranasvonkov. Published; Elementatub. Using \u003d truth; List of accountingCurdlazvonkov \u003d Nazhvonkov .NightItism (selection); // in list records will be a collection of records


Almost any modern smartphone has the function of determining geoposition. You can use this functionality from the built-in 1C language. Obtaining the current coordinates of the device can be divided into 2 stages: the selection of the geopositioning provider and the processing of the obtained coordinates:

// We will provide a choice of the provider platform perfectinger \u003d beneficial to the method. Peresamogotochnochdar (); Coordinates \u003d beneficiaries. Pouring translation of the alternateness (idealpower); // If the coordinates have received a long time ago, we update if the coordinates \u003d undefined or flowable () - coordinates. Data\u003e 3600 Then beneficiaries - renovation (idealproofer, 60); Coordinates \u003d beneficiaries. Pouring translation of the alternateness (idealpower); Ended;

Working with multimedia functions

The developer is available to take pictures, video recordings, audio records of the embedded language: Pad photography(), MadevideoPregate(), Make AudioPregate().

For what mobile OS is better to develop for 1C?

Despite my love for Apple's technique, create mobile applications using the 1C platform tools best under Android. There are several reasons here, but the most important of them is supported functions. Unfortunately, under iOS, many of the necessary things are not supported. For example, the lack of the ability to put a software subscription to SMS messages or interact with call log - can make it impossible to implement some ideas. Android in this regard is more friendly. Do not also forget about the cost of the devices themselves. Not every company will be ready to go on the purchase of Apple mobile devices.

Instead of completion

Platform " 1C: Enterprise 8"In practice, proved to be prepared for its readiness to become a simple tool for developing a corp. Applications for mobile platforms. Examples considered in the article are an extra confirmation. It is not necessary to spend the resources to study native tools if the functionality of the application is laid in the capabilities of the mobile platform and the company dominates the products of the company 1C.

Development of mobile applications on 1C platform for already trained programmers 1C working on a stationary platform requires a minimum set of skills and has a very low mowing threshold for mobile development (compared to other mobile development platforms).

In this article, I will try to describe the highlights of working with a mobile platform (something like a mini FA.Q. to start working as a mobile platform).

So, let's begin:
1. Start the stationary platform 1c, be sure to install when installing the "Web server extension modules" component.
2. Remove the APACHE 2.2 web server with default settings.
3. Creating an empty information database with default settings and open it in the configurator mode.
4. In the configurator, specify "Assigning Use" - Mobile device. You can also choose the options for a personal computer, or a hybrid version "Mobile device + personal computer". In the case of a hybrid version of the "Mobile device + personal computer", we should distinguish the code that will be performed on the PC and on the mobile device. To delimit the execution of the code, the preprocessor directives are "# If a mobile enterprise selection then" and "# If thinklient then". Preprocessor directives define the context of 1C code. It should be understood that the set of configuration objects available to use is significantly limited in a mobile platform in comparison with the stationary platform. For example, in the mobile platform, we are not available working with plans of species of characteristics, account plans, accounting registers, as well as reports (inaccessible metada branches are highlighted in gray).

5. Notify the configuration and publish on a web server.

6. We go to the browser at and see the XML file (that is, our entire published configuration is stored on a web server as an XML file).

7. Let the VMWare Workstation virtual machine (or any other). Deploy the Android operating system on the virtual machine.

P.S. It is better instead of a virtual machine to use a real Android device as a real device will always work faster and more stable than a virtual machine.
8. Remove on Android mobile platform 1c.

To transfer the mobile platform installer files on Android, it is convenient to use the Google Disc program (for this you need to put the "Google Disk" program on Android (from PlayMarket) and the program "Auto-loading and synchronization" on a personal computer). If we put the platform on the virtual machine then we need a file " 1cem-x86.apk."If we put the platform for a real mobile device running Android then we need a file" 1Cem-Arm.apk.«.

9. Next, connect the application published on the web server on our mobile device.
To find out the computer's IP address on which the Apache web server is installed enough to type the command on the command prompt ipconfig(or to look in the information about the network connection). If you have an error when connected, try to disable antivirus and firewall.

If we are in the mobile application, we will put the "restart from the configurator" flag, then each time you start a mobile application, you will search for an updated mobile application on a stationary computer if the update is found then at startup will be updated mobile application on your mobile device.

10. Will our first application "Hello Peace !!!".

To do this, perform the following steps:

10.1. Create a general form and place on it scenery.

10.2. The work area of \u200b\u200bthe elementary page and add a common form created in step 10.1.

Also as a template of the initial page, we indicate - one column (only 1 column is available in the mobile application).

10.3. We will write our mobile app and see the inscription "Hello Peace !!!".

11. When creating forms of documents, reference books I.T.D. You should consider the size of the screen of the mobile device and not to absorb a large number of elements on the form, otherwise we will be lost in usability. On the form, only those elements that will actually apply the user should be placed. To save space in the table parts of documents, you can use no columns, but groups of columns. It is necessary to optimize the use of space in forms.

Create reference books "Nomenclature", "Specifications of the Nomenclature", "Counterparties" and the document "Receipt of goods" and see how they are displayed in a mobile platform.

Below in screenshots are the forms of lists of reference books "Nomenclature" and "Counterparties".

Form of the document "Arrival of goods":

As can be seen from the screenshot in the table part, a group of speakers are used to optimize space.

The form of entering a new line in the table part of the goods:

Form of the list of documents "Receipt of goods":

Thus, we have 2 configurations - the configuration of a mobile device with a limited set of objects and configuration of a stationary computer that exchange.
It should be understood that the mobile Internet bandwidth is quite low and the transfer of large data volumes between the mobile device and the stationary computer takes up a large amount of time.

In this article, we used a platform for the developer and 2 configurations (configuration of a mobile device with a limited set of objects and a stationary computer configuration). Such an approach is needed only when developing an application, in real practice we compile. Appendix mobile application file and drive it into PlayMarket. The user will download the APK file, install it on the mobile device and use the fully autonomous mobile application.

Also on the mobile platform, the functions of making calls and sending SMS messages, barcode scanning, audio and video records, geopositioning functions, and working with web services. To be continued…

Good afternoon, dear readers, we bring to your attention a small article on creating a simple mobile application based on 1C mobile platform: enterprises under Android without compiling in APK file.

To begin with, briefly will be determined with the basic concepts and software that we need to develop.

1. Basic concepts

Mobile platform- A tool that allows you to implement applications that function on mobile devices running IOS operating systems, Android, Windows Phone.

Mobile app -is the final development result . Installed on a mobile device and has the ability to exchange information with the main application in OFF-LINE mode. The following information feedback channels are available for exchange: File Exchange, Email, Web Services, etc.

As a development environment, a configurator acts, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is: not all configuration objects and system mechanisms are supported by mobile application.

2. Increased software

2.1 InstallationWeb. server

To begin with, install a WEB server. Work is possible Internet information services. from Microsoft and with Apache.. In our example we will consider Apache. Since it is simpler in the setting and stable in operation.

With the key " Next » Go to the next window:

In the field Network Domain and SERVER NAME We will impose localhost."(Or This means that the server will work on the local computer.

In field « Administrator.s. Email Address» We specify the mailing address, server responses will come to it.

Default Apache. Works with 80 port. With the same port, the default has many popular programs, such as TeamViewer., SKYP.e.which will not last to run Apache.. There are 2 options for solving this problem, disable the use of this port in these programs, or change the port Apache..

To find out which programs occupy 80 ports You must run cmd.exe (press Start - to drive into the CMD search - you right-click "Run on the name of the administrator") in the window that appears to enter the command netstat -ab..

In the screenshot we see that the 80th port is busy Skype.

Let us leave the default port 80. Click " Next » Select a typical installation. Click " Next » , change the installation directory if you need, in the next window, click " Install, after which the installation process starts.

After the installation is completed, an icon appears in the system tray if you click on it two times, the following window will open:

If you still have problems with the standard port, it can always be changed manually, for this you need to go to the folder where Apache., choose a folder " cONF », Open file " httpd.conf." In it to find a parameter "LISTEN" and change its values \u200b\u200bto the port you need, for example 8080.

After changing the port number, save the file and restart Apache.. For this in the tray click on the icon

the left mouse button in the menu that appears is chosen " Restart.».

We make sure that web server's performance, let's enter the browser and in the address input field, specify http: // Localhost: 8080 / (where the 8080 port that we installed) the following page should appear on the screen:

2.2 Platform Setup

For successful work it is necessary that the following components would be installed:

2.3 Mobile Platform Installation

Download a mobile platform from the site 1C Our example uses version

The downloaded platform is an archive that consists of the following folders:

  1. Android - contains files for the assembly under Android;
  2. iOS. - contains files for assembling under iPhone;
  3. Windows - contains files for assembling under Windows Phone;
  4. MobileAppmaker. - contains the configuration files "Application Collector".

Because the development of the application we will lead to the device under the control of the Android OS, then we are interested in the first directory.

Let's see its contents:

  • 1cem-Arm.apk - Mobile Developer's Mobile Platform for Arm Architecture, most commonly used;
  • 1cem-x86.apk - Mobile Developer's Mobile Platform for the X86 architecture, is used for processors from Intel;
  • is a mobile platform intended for assembling mobile applications (for Arm architecture);
  • is a mobile platform for assembling mobile applications (for x86 architecture).

We will install a mobile platform on the device, for this copy the file "1cem-Arm.apk" to the phone or if your device uses the Intel processor, "1cem-x86.apk".

Go to the File Manager on your mobile device, find our file and start it

Installation may occur on the blocking of applications that are not received from the Play Store.

In this case, you need to click " Settings"And in the window that appears, select the checkbox" unknown sources»

and repeat the installation.

2.4 Configuration setting

After all the software is configured to proceed to develop our mobile application. Create a new information base and go to it in configuration mode.
Go to the menu Service -\u003e Parameters And put the checkbox as shown in the screenshot:

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Next, call the properties of the root configuration node and set the "Purpose of Use" as the "Mobile Device" parameter, the "Personal Computer" flag is removed. After that, mobile application objects will be available. Part of the configuration objects will be unavailable.

2.5 Publication of Application Configuration

The next step is to transfer the configuration to the phone. For this, first create a directory, the path to this directory should be short, do not contain spaces and consist only from Latin, for example C: \\ MobileApp. Further come in the configuration -\u003e Mobile application -\u003e Publish . In the window that appears, fill the parameters:

  • Name - Mobile App Name. The name should not coincide with the name of the Publication of the base for a subtle client.
  • Update Mobile Application - If this option is set, then configuration on the device will automatically be updated with each configuration update.
  • The directory is the path to the folder where the mobile application files will be stored.

Make sure everything works, go to the browser at http: // localhost: 8080 / mobapp /, we must see the following XML file:

In the Address field, enter the IP of the computer on which the configuration and the name of the publication itself is published through the slash. In our example, not a standard port is used, so the address will have the following form:

Click the download button, after downloading the following settings window should appear:

Install the parameters:

  • « Restart from configurator"The application will automatically update when the XML configuration file is updated on the XML web server.
  • « Debugging allowed»- Possible step-by-step debugging application on a mobile device from the configurator on the developer's computer. Press the button " OK.».

In case, after pressing the button " Download»A similar error will arise:

Now our base is added on your mobile device, and we can run it, click on it in the database selection list. The empty window that appears, since we have not yet added a single metadata object. We will proceed to develop.

  1. Setting the exchange between the Central Bank and the mobile application

Suppose we have a certain base source that contains only one directory: "Nomenclature". And it must exchange information with our mobile application.

Let us turn into a mobile application configurator, create a hierarchical directory called "Nomenclature". Add a list form.

Let's go to the workshop of the elementary page and add the "Nomenclature" directory list there, the "Start page" parameter set as "one column".

Click the button " Refresh"The application in the phone should be updated automatically. If not, we display the button on the panel and press it. The following window should appear on the screen:

The next step will create a new IB. In her, add a Handbook "Nomenclature", the structure of which will be completely repeated by the Handbook "Nomenclature" of the mobile application. This base will act as a source.

Create a new Web service, let's call it "MobileExchange". In the properties set the URI namespace "MobileExchange". In this Web service, add a new operation and call it "downloads"

Now write the code that will return a list of products from the source base as an XML file. Let's go to the properties of the "Downloads" operation and create a new feature from the field " Method name" In the feed function, the following code:

We will publish a Web service for this, let's go Administration -\u003e Publication on Web. Server . In the window that appears, set the name of the Web service "MobileExchange" and remove the tick "Publish a thin client and Web client." After that, press the button " Publish».

After publishing a Web service, we turn to the mobile platform configuration, open the list of the Handbook of the "Nomenclature" directory and add a new "Update Nomenclature" command to the command panel. Before that, it is recommended to remove the checkbox Autocomplete»In this panel.

Create a new action from the command "Update a nomenclature" and write the following code:

We update the configuration.

This is completed on this. Go to the user mode of the source configuration and fill the nomenclature directory randomly

Go to your mobile device, run the application, and click the "Update Nomenclature" button. If everything is done correctly, the data should appear on the screen:


We will summarize our work - we have turned out from scratch to configure and develop a mobile application and configure its exchange with a different base. It is worth noting that the 1C mobile platform allows you to do it quickly and conveniently.

More recently, the mobile platform 1c enterprise 8.3 was distributed by 1C company only among paid subscribers. But not so long ago, the company 1C revised its policy on this issue and now the electronic version of the mobile platform is distributed free of charge together with.

What is 1C 8.3 mobile platform?

It is possible that you already know that the 1c platform in itself is an enterprise 8.3 allows you to develop mobile applications. At the same time, the development of a mobile application is carried out in the same way as the development of a "normal" configuration. But how to start the configuration in this way on a smartphone or tablet? For these purposes, we will need a mobile platform 1c enterprise 8.3.

Mobile platform 1c enterprise 8.3- This is a combination of programs that allow you to install and run configurations (applications) on smartphones and tablets running Google Android or Apple iOS.

The most important advantage of the 1C mobile platform is that the application (configuration) is developed immediately for both mobile operating systems, and then simply installed in the mobile device. Thus, by writing a mobile application for 1C, we can immediately establish it to all company employees regardless of which operating system (Android or iOS) their phone or tablet works.

Important! To develop mobile applications, we strongly recommend using the 1C version of platform. Educational version of the 1c platform enterprise is included in this 1C mobile platform distribution. Read the limitations of the training version of the platform

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That is why if you implement it in manual mode, then the likelihood of any errors is great.

Software product 1C: The company avoids this and receive all the necessary information directly to the smartphone screen or other similar device.

What you need to know

The 1C platform: Enterprise 8 is a powerful software product, which through the use of a large number of applications allows you to form reporting and keep records automatically.

In fact, this application represents a software membrane for a database with the creators of work algorithms embedded in it.

All operations are mandatory under the current legislation.

1C: The company is a fairly powerful software environment that includes the following applied solutions, configurations:

  1. Accounting.
  2. Trade and warehouse.
  3. Salary and footage.
  4. Production, services.

There are also different, less universal configurations, which are separate working components of the applied solutions indicated above.

To date, the 1C platform: the company is ported to personal computers equipped with the following operating systems:

  • Windows;
  • Linux.

Relatively recently produced special versions of the application under consideration for mobile devices.

Supported work with the following architectures:

  • Android;

The software installed on a smartphone or tablet software software in its functionality is practically not inferior to similar products for ordinary computers.

And all sorts of mobile devices support functions that are simply not available for conventional PCs:

  • geopositioning;
  • multimedia capabilities;
  • barcode scanning;
  • local notifications;
  • post office;
  • SMS / MMS messages.

Everyone who is different is related to the use of mobile version 1C: an enterprise must necessarily deal with the following important issues:

  • basic concepts;
  • who can be the user?
  • legal grounds.

Basic concepts

To figure out what it is - Mobile platform 1C: Enterprise - it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the basic concepts associated with the functioning of the system under consideration.

Basic terms are the following:

  • applied solutions;
  • component system;
  • capabilities of a specific configuration;
  • licensing.

Under the application solution means a certain configuration that performs those or other objectives in production.

In fact, the configuration is one of the components of the 1C software product: an enterprise. It performs certain functions embedded in her creators.

Component system - a system formed by the supplier inside a specific applied solution.

For example, one of the 1C configurations: an enterprise called Accounting can perform in addition to its main tasks (accounting, reporting formation) more specific:

For each configuration, the components are purely individual. Configuration capabilities - a specific set of functions, allowing to implement a large number of various tasks.

Most often they have any basic, specific purpose. In 1C: The company includes many configurations.

In fact, this product is a compilation of all programms developed by this manufacturer.

Licensing is understood to be the need to make sure to use the officially acquired version. In the installation process, integration, or after, you must enter a special electronic key.

In no case should not be used by various kinds of emulators and other pirated methods of using this product, since this act is criminalized.

Who can be the user?

Users of both the mobile version and complete can be employees of an enterprise in various positions.

In most cases, they are:

Also, all the designated configurations for analyzing the activities of the enterprise and the adoption of any important decisions, the executive or general director uses the further economic strategy.

Since Product 1C: The company allows you to obtain consolidated information from all working applied solutions.

If necessary, you can quickly and easily build graphs of various types, get all the necessary data in a tabular form.

Legal grounds

The most important advantage of the type of type under consideration is that all calculations, the formation of reporting and other proceeding operations are carried out only within the framework of the current legislation.

What is especially convenient, since the probability of an error assumes with proper use and entering accurate data is completely absent.

This makes it possible to spend the minimum amount of time to study legislation. In addition, 1C: The company is updated in automatic mode - if this option has been included in the specific delivery.

But at the same time it must be remembered that it is necessary to know the legislative framework with this programmatic environment. This avoids the errors in the work of the program and shortcomings.

At the same time, for each individual configuration / applied solution 1C: Enterprise Legislative base is purely individual:

It is also possible to closely monitor the relevant updates of legislation on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and other resources.

Even programs should also be mistaken, the work is always necessary to control it in mandatory.

Mobile platform 1C: Enterprise and Managing Trade

You can install both separate applied solutions on the mobile platform and all of their complex - 1C: enterprises. It also concerns the configuration of trade management.

But before use, it is necessary to deal with the following important issues:

  • where does the mobile platform work?
  • capabilities of the platform;
  • where you can install;
  • what problems may arise.

Where does the mobile platform work?

The 1c mobile platform can work almost on any devices where IOS operating systems or Android are installed.

Photo: Mobile platform speed

These operating systems are a convenient environment for porting the type of type under consideration. It is especially convenient to work with this application on tablets with a large screen.

The requirements of the mobile platform of this type to the performance of the device hardware are minimal.

In most cases there will be 512 MB of RAM and the simplest processor with a clock frequency of 1 GHz.

Today, almost all devices have a similar set of characteristics on their "board". That is why the mobile platform will work almost everywhere, to acquire a separate unit for this will not need.

Platform capabilities

The list of mobile platform features is limited to the functionality of the device itself to which it is installed.

One of the most convenient features is to scan barcodes using the camera - it is especially convenient and in demand for people engaged in the purchase of goods by procurement.

An excellent addition to this is geopositioning - using it, you can define the address, zip code in automatic mode and link it to specific data.

Video: Update 1C platform: Enterprise

If necessary, you can also add to the database:

  • video;
  • audio;
  • photo.

The possibilities of the mobile platform are only a little inferior to the versions installed on the usual, stationary PC.

The navigation bar is present (work begins with it), all data are submitted in a tabular format.

If necessary, you can edit them, changes can be synchronized with bases located in the office.

How can I install

The installation procedure of this application is extremely simple. It does not require the help of people involved in implementing.

The installation procedure itself depends on what kind of platform software will be used:

  • Android;

In the first case, you will need to visit the 1C section in the Google Play Store. Only the presence of a stable Internet connection is sufficiently enough, as well as free space on the device.

Installation itself is performed automatically. If the mobile platform must be installed on the IOS operating system, you should visit the App Store application store.

To install, it will also require a sufficiently fast Internet connection, as well as free space in the device's memory.

What problems may arise

In the process of operation of the type of type under consideration, there are some features that need to be considered.

The most important is the following:

  • you must appropriately configure the server to collaborate with the application under consideration;
  • only current versions of 1C should be used.

One of the most frequent problems is the impossibility of synchronization with the base base located on servers of enterprises.

Most often, this kind of problem occurs due to the presence of inappropriate settings. Before using the mobile platform, enter the corresponding parameters.

It is also necessary to use only current versions of applications for 1C, as some latter are not always compatible with previous one.

Today is the mobile platform 1c: the company is a great way with minimal time costs to get all the necessary information about the company's activities of any scale.

This product has a large number of advantages and does not have drawbacks.


  • In connection with frequent changes in the legislation, information sometimes becomes faster than we have time to update it on the site.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on the set of factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your problems.