Luntik and his friends - "who is a gudgeon and why is a toad a princess?" What are the names of the caterpillars from "Luntik" and other cartoon characters The older generation of characters

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Morning has come. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon and, illuminating the forest with its warm rays, began its work. The inhabitants of the forest also began to wake up and prepare for a new day. Kuzya woke up feeling that a ray of the sun was shining on him. Reluctantly opening his eyes and turning away from the window so that the sun would not blind his eyes, the grasshopper began to think about what to do with his friends today. But there were no thoughts in his head and, deciding to think about it later, he went to wash and prepare for the next meeting with Luntik, Mila and Bee. Ten minutes later, Kuzya was completely ready. Hearing footsteps, he looked out the window and saw in it Luntik, Mila and Bee, talking about something. They were heading towards Kuzi's house. -Kuzya, good morning! Come out to us, we'll go play ball in our clearing! - said Luntik, smiling at his best friend. Kuzya smiled back and replied: -Good morning! Now I'll take my ball and let's go! A minute later, the friends were already walking to their favorite flower meadow, talking about everything in the world. The little bee, as always, talked about what he was taught at school, Mila told what a big sand castle she had built yesterday, and Kuzya and Luntik shared their impressions of yesterday's carnival with friends. Luntik really liked yesterday's contests organized by adults, and Kuzya kept thinking about how beautiful everyone was yesterday ... She especially ... That same butterfly Elina, about which he thought about half the night, not closing his eyes. God, he could not forget how beautiful she was: elegant heels, a shiny purple dress, a small gold crown on her head, and lilac-blue wings shimmering in the world. Previously, Kuzya did not pay much attention to her, since he believed that she imagined herself to be the most beautiful (although she was friends with Luntik, Kuzya still remained unconvinced). But yesterday it was she who struck him with her grace, brilliance and beauty. He did not even look at the other three butterflies - they still chatted together and laughed. Throughout the carnival, he looked at her as if spellbound, and she only smiled at him in embarrassment. Kuzya pulled out of his thoughts the voice of Luntik: -Kuzya, we have come. Let's play! Why are you so sad? - he asked. Shaking his head and discarding yesterday's memories, Kuzya cheerfully replied: - Everything is fine, Luntik. I'm not sad. Let's play! - he supported Luntik and friends began to playfully throw the ball into each other's hands. After the guys played enough ball, they started playing badminton. Friends played in pairs - Kuzya with Luntik against Mila and Pchelenok. The game was played with laughter and fun - everyone was in a good mood. Once Luntik hit the valanchik so hard that it flew far, far away into a nearby clearing. -Well, you, Luntik, give it! - Kuzya exclaimed in surprise. -I have never seen such a strong blow! Okay, then you can play ball with the three of us, and I'll go look for a valanchik. -Okay, Kuzya! Come quickly! - the Little Bee told him, before Kuzya disappeared into the bushes. The grasshopper walked quickly along the path, while carefully examining each shrub and bush, hoping to find a small felt there. Then, pushing apart the next thickets of grass, Kuzya saw at the end of the clearing a small wooden swing on which Elina was swinging .. Seeing her, Kuzya's heart began to beat faster, his breathing quickened and some kind of incomprehensible trembling in his soul arose in him. Before the grasshopper had never felt anything like this, he did not understand what was happening to him ... Shaking his head, Kuzya decided to go and say hello to her, to talk about something. The butterfly sat looking in her favorite mirror, so she did not notice how he approached her. Approaching very close to the swing, he said friendly: -Hi, Elina! The butterfly, slightly frightened, looked up from the mirror and answered: -Oh, it's you ... Hi, Kuzya ..- she said and lowered her eyes, barely holding back a smile and blushing. “Sorry, if I scared you, I didn't want to, you’re just so beautiful that I couldn’t take my eyes off you ...” Kuzya said to her, walking a little closer to her. She blushed even more, but now raised her eyes and smiled: -Yes, it's okay! -And why are you alone here, where are your friends? the grasshopper asked. -Yes, as always, they talk about all sorts of nonsense, and I don't want to discuss it with them now. I just flew here to think about mine. - she answered thoughtfully. -Oh, I see. I also like to think sometimes. Do you want me to swing you on the swing? he asked, smiling at her affectionately. “Yes, if you can,” she answered embarrassedly and smiled just as tenderly. From this smile, Kuzi's everything inside turned upside down. He slowly, coming up from behind to the butterfly, began to slowly swing the swing and at the same time he looked into her blue eyes like the sky. His soul sang. He had completely forgotten why he had come here, because Elina was nearby, that very Elina, to whom he felt something incredible for the first time in his life ... He never knew about it, never thought about it ... Now, he realized that he was in love. Very much in love. So I wanted to hug her now, kiss her and not let her go anywhere. But it’s not time yet. .. This idyll was interrupted by the cry of Vupsen and Pupsen, who came out of the side bushes and started shouting at Elina: -Hey, what are you doing here? This is our meadow! Get out of here! - shouted Vupsen rudely. -Where did you come from ?! Here is our grass! - he turned now to Kuza. - What makes you think that this is your meadow? This glade is common, everyone who wants can walk here! -I do not think so! - shouted Vupsen. -Oh, Whoopsen, look! Mirror! - exclaimed Pupsen, pointing to Elina's mirror, which she was holding in her hands. -With the help of it, you can blind anyone, reflecting the sun in it, and you can also start the sun bunnies! -Exactly! You're right! - Vupsen answered him and, coming close to the swing, pulled the mirror out of Elina's hands with force, while the butterfly, unable to keep its balance, began to fall. -Aah! she screamed, as she suddenly felt her strong hands caught her. Looking around, she saw Kuzyu, who, fully taking her in his arms, carried her to the nearest flower. -How are you? Did you hurt yourself? he asked carefully, kneeling down next to her. -It's okay, thanks. You managed to catch me, ”she said and smiled, slightly embarrassed. -But now I don't have a mirror ... - the butterfly was saddened and tears sparkled in her eyes. -Don't cry, Elina! I will definitely return your mirror to you, you'll see! I'll go get him right now! - said Kuzya confidently, encouraging the butterfly. “Thank you, Kuzya,” she whispered. He smiled at her encouragingly and galloped in the direction in which the caterpillars had gone. It didn't take much work to get Kuza's mirror, the caterpillars, having thrown it into the burdock, slept soundly nearby. Going into the bush, Kuzya took out a mirror, and at the same time he found them here with their friends. Having cleared of thorns, the grasshopper quickly galloped to the clearing, where Elina was waiting for him. -Here is your mirror, - said Kuzya holding it out to the butterfly while looking at her with tenderness. -Thank you very much, Kuzya! What would I do without you ... - Elina said and, succumbing to an incomprehensible impulse, hugged Kuzya. At first, he stood dumbfounded, and then tied her tightly to her chest, closing his eyes and not wanting to let her go. So they would have stood, hugging, if not ... -Kuzya, we finally found you! - Shouted the Little Bee, flying out from behind the bushes. Kuzya and Elina instantly moved away from each other. Fortunately, his friends did not have time to notice their embrace. - Where have you been for so long? - asked the Little Bee, dropping down next to Kuzya and Elina. -O-hello, Elina! - he smiled at the butterfly. -Hi, Little Bee! Hello Mila and Luntik! - Elina smiled at everyone. -Hey! - Luntik and Mila responded in unison. -Yes, I couldn't find a walan, then they stole a caterpillar's mirror from Elina and I helped her. And there was also a valanchik, - Kuzya answered the Bee's question. -Well, since everyone was found, let's go finish the game! - said Mila and flew back. -You go, I'll catch up with you now! - Kuzya shouted to his friends and turned to Elina. “I don’t want to leave ...” he sighed sadly, looking languidly at the butterfly. “I don’t want to either ...” she said and lowered her eyes. - Listen, I have an idea, let's meet you here at dawn? Is it going? she smiled. -Yes, of course it does! - Kuzya was delighted, and, going up to her, whispered in her ear: - I'm already looking forward to it. She blushed and turned away. -Okay, I ran, otherwise my friends will look for me! - said Kuzya, and going up to the butterfly, hugged her goodbye. - Bye, Elina! - Bye, Kuzya! - she whispered to him and with a slight smile, fluttered and flew to the other half of the forest. Kuzya looked after her for a long time ...


This is my story. Of course, pairing is unusual, and so is the idea itself. I will be very glad to embroidered reviews - write them, please! It is important for me to know your opinion on this work and whether I should write further!

Hello everyone!
I have a younger sister who is very fond of the cartoon "Luntik"! And I am no exception, I love to watch it)

The cartoon is named after the main character - Luntik. (About heroes - later)
He fell from the moon and found himself in a world completely unknown to him!
Together with his friends, he learns new things, helps residents in the meadow and plays with friends.

Luntik is a four-eared alien, which has a non-standard pink color of its body, hatched on the Moon and fell from it to Earth. Lives in a willow tree, in a forest glade near a pond, along with other small insects.

The inhabitants of the glade loved Luntik very much for his kind disposition, hospitality, responsiveness and desire to come to the aid of those who need her. He fell in love with the butterfly Elina. The evidence is that he collects flowers for her, writes poetry, gives gifts.

Let's move on to the heroes.

1 - Luntik

“If you don’t know your name, we will come up with a name for you! What do you want? "
- "If I am a moon bee, then my name should be moon"
- “Well, well, now. Lunaputik, Lunatsupik, Panalutik, Lutatutik ... Ugh, I already broke my tongue! "
- "Kuzya, did you break your tongue because of me?"
- “That is what they say! Wait, Luntik, don't bother! "
- "Luntik? And what, I like this name! Call me them! "
- "Luntik!"
- "Hey Luntik!"
- "It's great, now I also have a name."

Such a dialogue happened between Luntik and his friends when they came up with the name Luntik.

Luntik is a moon bee. It is lilac in color and looks very soft and fluffy!

2 - Kuzya
Kuzya - best friend Luntik. Kuzya is a funny and mischievous grasshopper!

In this photo, they, together with Luntiks, taught harmful caterpillars a lesson!

3- Little bee

Another friend of Luntik and Kuzi
The oldest of Luntik's friends
He already goes to school and shows sympathy for Mila.

4 - Mila
Ladybug - Mila, very sweet.

- "It's Mila!"
-"Very nice!"

Is on friendly terms with girlfriends - butterflies and with Luntik and his friends.

5 - Baba Kapa and Deda Sher

Luntik's grandmother and grandfather. From the joy that he now has a grandparent - he mixed up their names!

6 - Korney Korneevich

This is a kind and wise worm. Lives in numerous burrows underground.

7 - Uncle Shnyuk (Spider Shnyuk)

At first he scared Luntik, but then Luntik found out that he was not evil at all, but kind.
Weaves a web, plays many instruments. Previously, he was afraid of water, but thanks to Luntik and his friends, he loved to swim and explore the depths of the sea. He has a grandmother.

8- Whoopsen and Pupsen

Caterpillars are teenagers. They love to be dirty and mischievous. Twin brothers, they love to eat herbs and sweets. Pupsen is in a cap and has cherries on his bib. Whoopsen - with a bandage on his head and a plum on a bib.

9 - Butterflies

There are only four of them: pink, blue, yellow and lilac.

Unfortunately, I could not photograph the pink one.

10 - Butterfly Elina

One of the butterflies. Has closer communication with Luntik and his friends. Lilac butterfly.

11 - Aunt Motya

Slow turtle, lives in a pond - in a house with tiles. Has a gazebo on the surface of the water, dreams of a ball.

12 - Pescar Ivanovich

Keeps the order in the pond.

14 - Cancer Chikibyaryak

Gudgeon's friend. Plays chess with him.
He wears his shell everywhere, in one of the episodes he tried to replace it.

15 - Aunt Leech

Constantly naughty.
Luntik and his friends taught her the word "Thank you"

16 - Fry

Pranksters are fry that are always trying to overturn and turn everything. They love to play with Luntik.

No, no, she's not scary at all. She loves to chat, play with Luntik and his friends.
At first, Luntik's friends were afraid of her, but over time they became friends.
In one of the episodes, she learned good manners.
Was "Princess Klava".

Honestly, I don’t know their names.

There are also many different characters in the cartoon that are a little less common: fireflies (some of them are brother and sister Tim and Dina), Colorado beetle, brother Kuzi, other bees and many, many others!

Be sure to watch this wonderful cartoon!



An unusual baby who came from the moon to Earth. The inhabitants of the glade decided that Luntik is a moon bee, which means that it is a relative of ordinary earth bees. The inhabitants of the glade fell in love with Luntik very much for his kind disposition, responsiveness and desire to come to the aid of those who need her. Luntik still does not know many simple things and does not understand how the world around him works, but he learns very quickly, he likes this world and wants to make it even better and kinder. He settled with bees. He absolutely does not know how to cheat, boast, take airs, be greedy, is simple-minded, which is why sometimes he gets into awkward situations, but, having understood with the help of friends, what is awkwardness, he always tries to smooth it out in an amicable way, so as not to offend anyone or anyone. cause harm. Luntik is very polite, always listens to the opinions of others and is not lazy to think about what he has heard, is not afraid to protect the weak and defend his opinion. He understands everything literally, once, even under the expression "throw pancakes," I realized that you need to throw real pancakes. Sympathizes with the butterfly Elina. From the first episode, we learn that Luntik hatched from an egg. And part of the shell even flew with him to Earth.

  • Voiced by: Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, in cases of substitution: Anna Slynko

A nimble, agile, very smart, resourceful and quick-witted grasshopper, a friend of Luntik. He is funny, curious and very active. It was Kuzya who became the very first friend of Luntik after he fell from the moon. Kuzya is very fond of new games and adventures. Sometimes he is a little boastful and self-confident, but he is very honest and fair. If friends have argued among themselves, he will try to figure it out and reconcile everyone, and if he himself is guilty of something, he will definitely admit it. Kuzya is very curious and easily shares his knowledge with Luntik. True, his knowledge of the world around him is not always perfect, but he, like Luntik, is always ready to listen and learn. And Kuzya is also very brave, he is not even afraid of the dark, but he is a little afraid of the spider Shnyuk and the toad Klava - but not only he alone treats these heroes with caution, but even some adult inhabitants of the meadow.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman

Sweet, kind, but sometimes capricious and touchy, the girl is a ladybug. Knows the multitude interesting games, has drawing skills, loves to make castles and cakes from sand, play "doctor". Often he teaches everyone, using the knowledge of various rules. Especially kind applies to the Little Bee. Always aching.

  • Voiced by: Julia Rudina
Little bee

Fast, small, smart, thorough, always busy, friend of Luntik. Goes to a bee school. Likes to boast of the knowledge gained there. Responsive, will not leave a friend in trouble. Mila is especially kind.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman


Funny, playful fish, have acrobatics skills. Irritate the leech and other inhabitants of the pond. They love to play with Luntik. They have good behavior, unlike swimmers.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman

A large nimble company of young swimming beetles. They live in a pond in a hollow of driftwood. Stick together. They love to play pranks.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman


Pupsen and Wupsen

Two inseparable twin brothers of the caterpillar, local bullies. By age, rather, adolescents, call Luntik and his friends "baby". Harmful, stupid, fastidious, ill-mannered, lazy, nasty, they constantly find themselves in trouble because of this. But, at the same time, they are easy-going, they are not alien to all children's aspirations and joys, in their own way, talented: they can dance well and make figures out of grass. They always like to chew grass and eat berries. They dream of becoming butterflies. The cheerleader in their pair is Vupsen, he is more assertive and aggressive. Pupsen is softer and more loyal to Wupsen, often succumbing to his influence. Often the caterpillars quarrel among themselves and even fight, but then they still reconcile. Sometimes Vupsen and Pupsen still help Luntik and his friends. According to the plot of the series, the caterpillars are butterfly larvae. However, compared to Bee and Mila, they are equivalently older and are teenagers. The little bee and Mila, though younger than the caterpillars, have already passed the larval and puppet stages.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich


baba kapa

Kind bee. Named grandmother Luntik. She loves to cook and treat, bakes delicious pies, buns, makes jam, very hospitable and generous. The ideal of a grandmother. Infinitely kind, wise and caring, sometimes shows severity, but always very tolerant of the whims and tricks of children. Has several sisters who live far away and are not shown in the cartoon.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman
Korney Korneevich

Earthworm, local engineer, miner and inventor. A great connoisseur and jack of all trades, for which he enjoys universal respect, except for Vupsen and Pupsen (they constantly tease him). It feeds exclusively on plant roots.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov
General Cher

Shershen, retired general. Named grandfather of Luntik. Loves Baba Kapu, who calls him Shershul. Keeps order in the forest through a telescope. In general, a kind, noble and brave grandfather, but at times funny and awkward, sometimes even cowardly, he loves to eat. Helpless in housekeeping. He loves Luntik very much, always protects him in difficult times. Shera has a brother - a sea-going captain, who regularly sends parcels from his places of travel.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov
spider shnyuk

A pseudo-threatening spider that simulates severity. Like a normal spider, it has 4 pairs of limbs - 2 pairs of arms and 2 pairs of legs. At heart he is kind and sentimental. Weaves cobwebs, writes poetry. He loves to draw and play musical instruments, and he can do all this with all 4 hands at the same time (in various episodes it is repeatedly shown how he draws with several brushes at once, in the final credits of each episode he plays two harmonicas at the same time). In one of the series, he demonstrated his ability to make sculptures. He loves his grandmother and regularly writes letters to her. Very afraid of thunderstorms. Spider Shnyuk in the first episodes is shown as a dangerous aggressive character. Kuzya, having got into his web, says that if he does not get out of this "brilliant beauty", then the spider Shnyuk will carry him away. But in the future, Shnyuk appears as, for the most part, a harmless creature, formidable only outwardly, he feeds on nectar. And he subsequently weaves a web only for beauty or for construction and installation work.

  • Voiced by: Anatoly Petrov

Gudgeon Ivanovich

An important sedate, well-mannered gudgeon. Keeps order and tranquility in the pond. Likes to play checkers with cancer. Dislikes fuss.

  • Voiced by: Mikhail Chernyak

The evil, screaming leech is the most negative character of the series. It is extremely rare to be kind and friendly. In some episodes, like all adult inhabitants of the pond, he loves peace. Loves to sleep.

  • Voiced by: Elena Solovyova. In the credits of the first episodes, Elena Solovyova was accidentally recorded as "Elena Solovey".
Chikibyak cancer

Cowardly hermit crab. Dislikes noise, din, vanity. He has his own shell-house in the pond, in which he hides in case of danger. Likes to play checkers. In his free time, he is engaged in cleaning the bottom of the pond. Sometimes he is grumpy.

  • Voiced by: Mikhail Chernyak
aunt Motya

Leisurely intelligent turtle. Loves holidays and knows how to hold balls. Lives under water in a large house (the first house that Luntik got into). Also has a summer house on the beach.

  • Voiced by: Natalia Danilova

Mythical characters

The first episode mentions pike Kluka... Mentioned again in "What's in the Pond"

Minor characters


three colored butterfly girlfriends - noisy, fussy, cheerful, carefree, fluttering creatures that love to dress up. Curious and easy to panic. One of the few friends is Mila.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman, Yulia Rudina

butterfly Elina

The purple butterfly that Luntik loves. He is engaged in needlework. He does not really like to communicate with other fashionable butterflies, although in episode 160 "The Stranger" he looks at fashion magazines with them and participates in the discussion "which dress is more beautiful?"

toad Klava

A voracious toad with slight deviations in development. Eats everything that moves, that does not move - sets in motion and also eats. Due to its large size, it can be very clumsy, so everyone is afraid of it. One of the few friends is Luntik. Klava wears a bow and values ​​it very much. In the series "Two Toads" Vupsen and Pupsen stole a bow.

  • Voiced by: Konstantin Bronzit

the teacher

A mentor at a bee school and part-time a children's nurse. Strict and responsible middle-aged bee. She is very nearsighted and has to wear glasses.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman


A large family of medium-sized insects and several adult beetles - their parents. Basically, they create "extras" during large-scale scenes, but there are separate episodes where they are one of the main characters. Little bugs try to be brave and fearless, but they don't always succeed. Naughty bug - Bug, the youngest and one of the main bugs of the family, who gets into all sorts of different situations.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman - mother of bugs, bugs boys), Yulia Rudina - (bugs girls), Oleg Kulikovich - (bugs dad).


A family of fireflies. They are nocturnal. Brothers and sisters of the youngest Dina and Tim.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman

Tim and Dina

The youngest children in this family are friends with Luntik. However, due to the significant difference in their modes of the day, they have very little time to communicate. In some episodes, they do not sleep during the day. In Episode 43, "Bud" Dina speaks in Tim's voice and Tim in Dina's voice.

  • Voiced by: Elena Shulman


Ants- a militarized society with a strict hierarchy and discipline. Constantly busy with the procurement of supplies and the construction of an anthill.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich

young ant drummer "114th"

A hard worker ant. The drummer is in the ranks. He is friends with Luntik's company and plays sports games with them in his free time. He is like the "son of the regiment" to the ants. Besides the drum, he can play almost all percussion instruments.

  • Voiced by: Oleg Kulikovich

Other characters

Other bees

Female bees

They collect nectar, fly and look alike. By age - young. They dance to music (for example, "Waltz of Flowers"). It is easy to confuse them with Baba Kapa, ​​and especially with the bee school teacher. Silent - not voiced.


Colorado potato beetle carried by the wind, from a distant strange. Speaks a language reminiscent of Spanish.

A child in life faces different situations... And therefore it is important for him to imagine how he should behave. You can find out about this in any of the series of the popular cartoon "Luntik". The main character, a baby born on the moon, has a group of friends. We will give basic information about each of them and, of course, clarify the name of the caterpillars from "Luntik".

Brief information about the cartoon

The acquaintance of children with the first series and the first stories about baby Luntik took place in 2006. What actions should not be taken in relation to friends? What can you do if you hurt a loved one? How to communicate with those around you? Why is laziness harmful? And deception is unacceptable? Young viewers can get acquainted with the answers to these and many other questions while watching the series.

This work is distinguished by kindness, a practical absence of violence and a lack of black humor. Even heroes who are negative are, in fact, not bad creatures, ready for positive actions. Provided they are told what the right behavior is.

Characters (edit)

On the question of what the name of the caterpillars from "Luntik" is, we will answer below, but for now we will list other characters and briefly describe them. And let's start with Luntik.

The main character's birthplace is the Moon. The inhabitants of the glade fell in love with him for his kindness, hospitality, responsive attitude and desire to help those in need. Luntik has not yet fully studied many simple things, the structure of the world around him, but he quickly learns everything and strives to improve it.

Luntik's best friends

Kuzya is the name of one of them. And what is the name of the caterpillars from the cartoon "Luntik", we'll talk further. This character is curious, active, active. Cousin's curiosity causes friends to get into certain situations. He is well acquainted with the structure of the world around him and does not hide this knowledge from a friendly company. Realizing that he does not understand something, he always turns to more experienced characters for explanations.

We are gradually listing the names of all the heroes from "Luntik" and briefly describe their characters. Mila is a close friend of Luntik. The ladybug often needs protection, it is in her nature to take offense at others for no reason. Responsive, kind, fair - this is how you can characterize the heroine. She fully lives up to her own name. In theory, Mila is familiar with many rules, but with practical knowledge, her situation is worse. Mila is inclined to teach others, they do not take offense at her, because the positive traits of the ladybug's character still outweigh.

We have yet to find out what the name of the caterpillars from "Luntik" is. In the meantime, let's talk about the third friend of the protagonist - the young Pchelenka. Fast, active, hardworking, responsible - this is this character. He manages to work and study. Therefore, it is not often possible to play with friends. But he always rushes to their aid, even if they were ashamed to ask him about it.

Hooligan caterpillars

So, it's time to find out what the name of the caterpillars from "Luntik" is. The whole district has heard about these two hooligans. As twin brothers, they are strikingly different from each other. One of the caterpillars is named Vupsen. Such a ringleader and instigator still needs to be looked for. After all, it is he who comes up with most of the tricks. The second brother's name is Pupsen. And he got the role of a follower in a pair. Often it is he who suffers for what Vupsen invented.

Brothers dream and how they differ from each other

The couple are always chewing something. Probably, such a remarkable appetite is explained by the brothers' dream to pupate and turn into beautiful butterflies. But while it is the Caterpillars, they sometimes quarrel, but they still find a way to make peace.

A distinctive feature of the brothers is an apron: with the image of two cherries at Pupsen and a plum at Vupsen. In addition, Pupsen's headdress is a cap, and Vupsen's is a red headband.

In general, you cannot refer to the category of bad heroes. Deep in their hearts, they are kind and helpful, ready to help. Nevertheless, these traits are not easy to reach, for a start you have to get through layers of bad manners and spoiledness. Having figured out the names of the two caterpillars from "Luntik" together, let's touch on some more

Older generation of characters

Speaking of the name, we are faced with a worm, which is exclusively engaged in digging underground passages. Distinguished by wisdom and prudence, he always gives young friends useful tips, but does not insist on his opinion. A miner and an engineer - he plays such roles at the same time. Root sometimes does not know what is happening on the surface, since a significant part of his time passes underground. The young entourage treats him with deep respect and reverence, only Vupsen and Pupsen sometimes joke about him.

The spider, originally conceived as a negative character, is called Shnyuk. Very soon he passed into the category of goodies, despite his scary appearance. Shnyuk is a skilled weaver, non-professional poet, artist and musician. He may be afraid of thunderstorms, thunder and lightning, he constantly writes letters to his beloved grandmother.

The sluggish and benevolent turtle is called Aunt Motya. She was brought up strictly. You won't hear many words from her. Aunt Moti's speech and movements are unhurried. Seeks to instill the correct manners in the younger generation. If danger threatens, it quickly takes cover in the shell. This happens often, since Aunt Motya is a shy person.

So, we found out in the cartoon "Luntik". Not all were mentioned, but only the main characters. You can find out about everyone else (fish, ants, leech, frog) from any episode of the popular animated series.

Luntik and Kuzya were just heading to the river when they met the butterfly Elina. She was sitting on a pebble, her head propping up on her paws and sighing heavily.
- What's happened? - Luntik asked the butterfly. - Why you so sad?
- My girlfriends are playing a fashion show. And they don't take me with them. They say that I have no taste at all.
- That's how it is ... - Luntik and Kuzya exchanged glances. - Well, do you want us to play with you?
- You do not know how ... - the butterfly replied sobbing.
- So teach us! - Kuzya exclaimed happily.

The butterfly thought about it. But after a moment her face lit up with a perky light!
And what?! Indeed, in fact - she, together with Luntik and Kuzey, will be able to organize her own fashion show. Even better than her friends. Then everyone will see who has the most refined taste.

But there was so much to be done at the same time! Choose models, sew dresses, figure out where the stage will be located, decorate everything ...
- So, first, we need materials for dresses, - Elina commanded. - Bring everything you can sew!

Luntik and Kuzya went in search. And this is what they found: bell petals, two abandoned ant wings, pieces of the finest cobweb, dandelion fluffs, a soft marigold leaf and tiny shells of mollusks. Also, Baba Kapa gave them one of her painted handkerchiefs.

It was with this good that Luntik and Kuzya returned to the butterfly Elina.
“Very good,” she said. - Now, let's think about where to arrange the fashion show itself. I will sew dresses, and you prepare the stage.

While Elina was busy with the materials, combining them to her liking, Luntik and Kuzya thought. Suddenly, the ground under their feet stirred and the head of the worm Korney Korneevich appeared on the surface:
- Kh, kh, - he cleared his throat dully, squinting from the bright sun - hello youth!
- Hello, Korney Korneevich! - Kuzya and Luntik responded in unison.
- Well, how are things going with the younger generation?
“Not really,” the friends admitted honestly.

And they told the experienced excavator-engineer about their problem. He listened carefully to them, and then said:
“You don’t need to think about it here.” Organize everything on a branch. Only so that it is not high above the ground. Seats for spectators can be located below, and models will walk along the branch and show off their outfits so that everyone can clearly see them.
- Wow! - Kuzya exclaimed. - You are so inventive, Korney Korneevich! - We ourselves would never have thought of it!
- Learn, youth, - the worm winked at them and crawled back into the ground.

Yes, I almost forgot, - Korney Korneevich's head appeared above the ground again, - you can take these idlers, Pupsen and Vupsen in the model for your show. They will benefit from this business.

When Luntik and Kuzya told about the advice of Korney Korneevich to the butterfly Elina, she was very happy: After all, Vupsen and Pupsen were alike, and as you know, real models on the catwalk are always the same. All that remained was to convince them to participate in the show of caterpillars, and it was not so easy. But Luntik came up with something.

Vupsen and Pupsen threw stones at Peskar Ivanovich (but, fortunately, they missed each time) on the bank of the pond when Luntik and Kuzya found them.

Friends, as if not noticing the caterpillars, started a casual conversation:
- Oh, it's great that you and I will be models in the show of Elina's butterfly, - said Luntik.
- Yes, - agreed Kuzya, - everyone would be glad to take part in such an interesting business. But, they only called you and me.
Hearing these words, Pupsen said displeasedly to Wupsen:
- Hey! Why weren't you and me invited!
- Hey! - repeated Vupsen, already addressing Luntik, - why didn't they call us? We want to be models too!

Luntik and Kuzya shrugged their shoulders:
- Only two models can participate in the show. Do you want to take our seats?
“That’s what we’re going to do!” - Reported Vupsen and, together with Pupsen, went to the butterfly Elina.
So the friends outwitted the unsuspecting caterpillars.

At the appointed time, under the branch on which the show was to take place, a great many insects gathered. Even butterflies - Elina's friends, who did not take her to their fashion show, could not resist, watched with curiosity what was happening.

When the crowd died down, the bell rang and Elina appeared. Pearl pollen flew from her wings everywhere. She greeted the guests and the show began.

Vupsen and Pupsen held on very importantly, but they did an excellent job with the task. Butterfly Elina turned out to be a great fashion designer. From the materials that Luntik and Kuzya brought her, she built unimaginable outfits, decorated them with small shells and pearl pollen, and now the audience sighed and gasped every time the models appeared in a new image.

After the show, Elina warmly thanked her friends. And the butterflies, her girlfriends, bowed their heads and apologized. But Elina was not offended. She herself could not believe that she had revealed her real talent.