What is the name of the best friend Luntka. Luntik and his friends - "Who is Pescar and why the toad is a princess?"

A child in life faces different situations. And therefore it is important for him to represent how he should behave. You can learn about this in any of the series of the popular cartoon "Luntik". The main character, the baby, born on the moon, is a company of friends. About each of them we present basic information and, of course, clarify the name of the caterpillars from Luntik.

Cartoon brief information

Acquaintance of children with the first episodes and the first stories about the baby Luntik took place in 2006. What actions can not be made towards friends? What can be done if you bring offense to a close person? How to communicate with those who surround? Why is Leng harmful? And deception is unacceptable? Young spectators with answers to these and a lot of other questions may get acquainted when watching the series.

This work is distinguished by the kindness, the practical absence of violence and the absence of black humor. Even the heroes relating to the negative, for verification - a good creature, ready for positive actions. Provided that they are subject to what proper behavior is.


On the question of the name of the caterpillars from Luntik, will be replied below, but for now, we will list other characters and briefly describe them. And let's start with Luntka.

Place of birth of the main character - the moon. For residents of the Polyana, he loved for kindness, hospitality, responsive attitude and desire to help in need. Luntik has not yet fully studied many simple things, the device of the surrounding world, but he quickly digested and strives for its improvement.

Best friends Luntika

Kuzya is the name of one of them. And what is the name of the caterpillars from the cartoon "Luntik", we will talk on. This character is curious, active, actors. Cousin curiosity causes friends to enter certain situations. It is familiar with the device of the surrounding world and does not hide these knowledge from the friendly company. Realizing that he did not understand something, always appeals for clarifications to more experienced characters.

We gradually list the names of all the heroes from Luntik, and briefly describe their characters. Mila is a close girlfriend Luntka. God's cow often needed protection, in its character - to be offended to those surrounding. Responsive, kind, fair - so you can characterize the heroine. She fully justifies his own name. Theoretically, Mila is familiar with many rules, but with practical knowledge of the case, it is worse. Mila is inclined to educate others, they are not offended at her, because the positive features of the nature of God's cows still outweigh.

We still have to find out what the calls of the caterpillars from Luntika. In the meantime, let's talk about the third friend of the main character - a young beet. Fast, active, hardworking, responsible - this character. He has time and work, and learn. Therefore, playing with friends is not frequent. But he always hurries to the rescue to them, even if they ask him to be ashamed of him.

Hooligans caterpillars

So, it came out to find out what the calls of the caterpillars from Luntika. All districts are heard about these two hooligans. Being twin brothers, they are strikingly unlike each other. One of the caterpillars is Vupsen. Such a start-up and instigator still need to search. After all, it comes up with most of the trick. The second brother is the name of the Pupsen. And he got the role of slave in a pair. Often it is he suffers for the fact that he dreamed up a push.

Dream of brothers and their differences from each other

A couple always chews something. Probably, such a non-good appetite is explained by the dream brothers to pumped up and turn into beautiful butterflies. But while the caterpillars sometimes quarrel, but still find a way to make it.

A distinctive feature of the brothers is the Apron: depicting two cherries from the Pupsen and Plums - at the woop. In addition, the headdress of the Pupsen is a cap, and the woop is a red bandage.

In general, the heroes will not attach to the discharge of bad data. Deep in the soul they are kind and responsive, ready to help. However, to these features it is not easy to reach out, first will have to get through the layers of non-competitancy and spoil. Communicating the name of two caterpillars from "Luntika", we will touch on some more

Senior generation of characters

Speaking about behalf, we are confronted with a worm that is busy exclusively because the underground moves. Difficult wisdom and prudence, he always gives young friends useful advice, but does not insist in his opinion. Miner and engineer - in such roles, he performs at the same time. Cores sometimes does not know what is happening on the surface, since a significant part of his time passes underground. The young environment towards him relates with deep respect and reverence, only push-ups and pupsens sometimes joke on it.

Spider, originally conceived as a negative character, is shiny. Very soon he switched to the discharge of positive heroes, despite the terrible appearance. Shinyuk - skillful weaver, unprofessional poet, artist and musician. Thunderstorms, thunder and lightning can be afraid, constantly writes letters with his beloved grandmother.

A slow and friendly turtle is called Aunt Motya. She is raised strictly. I will not hear a lot of words from it. Speech and movement of aunt Motofi. She strives to instill with the right manners. If the danger threatens, it is quickly covered in the shell. It happens often, since Aunt Motya is a person's emphasis.

So, we found out in the cartoon "Luntik". They mentioned not all, but only the main characters. You can find out about all other (fish, ants, leeches, frog) from any series of popular animated series.

Hello everyone!
I have a younger sister who loves the cartoon "Luntik"! Yes, and I'm not an exception, I love to watch it)

The cartoon is named after the main character - Luntka. (About heroes - later)
He fell from the moon and found himself in a very unknown world!
Together with her friends, he studies a new one, helps residents on the clearing and plays with friends.

Luntik is a four-chower alien who has a non-standard pink color of his body, hatched on the moon and falling from her to the ground. Lives in Iva, in the forest glade near the pond along with other small insects.

Polyana residents were very loved by Luntka for his good temper, hospitality, responsiveness and desire to help someone who needs it. He fell in love with the butterfly Elina. The evidence is that he collects her flowers, writes poems, gives gifts.

Let's go to the heroes.

1 - Luntik

- "If you do not know what your name is, we yourself will think of you! What do you want? "
- "If I am a moon bee, then I must have a lunar"
- "So-so, now. Lunaputy, Lunatsupik, Panaluty, Lutatuk ... Ugh, tongue already broke! "
- "Kuzya, have you broke because of me language?"
- "That this is what they say! Wait, Luntik, do not bother! "
- "Luntik? And what, I like this name! Call me! "
- "Luntik!"
- "Hey Luntik!"
- "How cool, now I also have a name"

Such a dialogue happened between Luntik and his friends when they came up with the name of Luntik.

Luntik is a moon bee. It is a lilac color and look very soft and fluffy!

2 - Kuzya
Kuzya is the best friend of Luntka. Kuzya is a cheerful and mischievous grasshopper!

In this photo, they together with Luntiks tested harmful caterpillars!

3- pchlenock

Another friend of Luntik and Kuzi
The eldest of the friends of Luntik
He is already going to school and manifests a nice

4 - Mila
Ladybug - Mila, very nice.

- "It's a Mila!"
-"Very cute!"

Friends with girlfriends - butterflies and with Luntik and his friends.

5 - Baba Capa and Grand Cher

Grandmother and grandfather Luntka. From the joy that he now has a grandparents - he confused their names!

6 - Koreevich roots

This is a kind and wise worm. Lives in numerous nonorants underground.

7 - Uncle Shinyuk (Spider Shinyuk)

At first he was afraid of Luntik, but then Luntik found out that he was not angry at all, and kind.
Sheets a web, plays many tools. Previously, afraid of water, but thanks to the Luntik and his friends loved to swim and explore the sea depths. He has a grandmother.

8- Warestay and Pupsen

Caterpillars - Teens. Love the dirtiness and jumper. Brothers Gemini, love eating grass and sweets. Pupsen - in a cap and he has a sharpening cherry. Wooden - with a bandage on the head and plum on the whirlwind.

9 - Butterfly

There are only four of them: pink, blue, yellow and lilac.

Pink me, alas could not be filmed.

10 - Butterfly Elina

One of the butterflies. He has closer communication with Luntik and his friends. Lilac butterfly.

11 - Aunt Motya

The slow turtle, lives in the pond - in the house with tiles. It has a gazebo on the surface of the water, dreams of ball.

12 - Pescar Ivanovich

Watching about the order in the pond.

14 - Cancer Cancer

Pescar friend. Plays with him in chess.
Wears your shell everywhere, I tried to replace it in one of the episodes.

15 - Aunt Leech

Constantly capricious.
Luntik and his friends taught her word "Thank you"

16 - Flock

Pumps - fry, which are always trying to overturn and flip over. Love to play with Luntik.

No, no, she is not terrible. She loves to communicate, play with Luntik and his friends.
At first, Luntik's friends were afraid of her, but over time they became friends.
In one of the episodes, he learned good manners.
It was a "princess clava".

I do not know how honestly their names.

Even in the cartoon there are many different heroes that are found a little less than: Fireflies (some of them brother and sister Tim and Dina), Beetle Colorado, Brother Kuzi, other flirts and many, many others!

Be sure to look at this wonderful cartoon!

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Morning came. The sun slowly rose due to the horizon and, illuminating the forest with his warm rays, began his work. Forest residents also began to wake up and prepare for a new day. Kuzya woke up, feeling that the sun beam shines on him. Having reluctantly opening the eye and turning away from the window so that the sun does not blind eyes, the grasshopper began to think than to do he with friends today. But there were no thoughts in the head and, having decided to think about it later, he went washed and prepare for the next meeting with Luntik, Mila and Beejnik. Ten minutes later, Kuzya was completely ready. Hearing the steps, he looked out the window and saw Luntika, Mil and Bee, talking about something. They went to the Kuzi house. -Ake, good morning! Go to us, we will play on the ball on our clearing! - said Luntik, smiling to the best friend. Kuzya smiled in response and replied: - Good morning! Now I will take my ball and go! A minute later, friends had already walked to her beloved flower glade, talking about everything in the world. Beekery as always told about what he was taught at school, Mila told how big sand castle she built yesterday, and Kuzya with Luntik shared his impressions from yesterday's carnival. Luntika really liked yesterday's contests, arranged by adults, and Kuzya all thought about what everyone was beautiful yesterday ... especially she ... that the smallest Elina, which he thought midnight, an hopeless eye. God, he could not forget how beautiful was: elegant heel shoes, a brilliant purple dress, a small golden crown on the head and overflowing a lilac-blue wings. Previously, Kuzya did not pay special attention to her, as she believed that she was imagining the most beautiful (even though she was friends with Luntik, Kuzya still remained with his opinion). But yesterday it was she who struck him with his grace, glitter and beauty. For the other three butterflies, he did not even look - they were still talking together and laughed. He looked at her all the carnival, like a confession, and she smiles only confused him. I pulled the Luntik's voice from his thoughts: -ake, we came. Let's Play! What are you so sad? - he asked. Looking his head and dropping yesterday's winning, Kuzya cheerfully replied: -All normally, Luntik. I am not sad. Let's play! - He supported Luntik and friends having fun to throw each other ball in hand. After the guys played into the ball, they began to play badminton. Friends played in pairs - Kuzya with Luntik against Mila and Bee. The game took place in a laugh and fun - everyone was in a good mood. Once Luntik hit the valaler so much that he flew away far and far to the neighboring glade. -Well you, Luntik, give! - Surprise exclaimed Kuzya. - I have never seen such a strong blow! Okay, you can then play the ball then, and I will go to look for a valench. -Good, Kuzya! Come quickly! - he told him the bee, before Kuzya disappeared into the bushes. The grasshopper quickly walked along the path, while thoroughly looked around every shrub and bush, in the hope of finding the Valench. Here, spreading, the next thickets of herbs, Kuzya saw at the end of the clearing, small wooden swings, on which Elina swung .. Seeing her, Kursi had a heart faster, breathing was frequent and some incomprehensible fluttering in his soul appeared from him. Previously, the grasshopper never felt something like that, he did not understand what was going on with him ... Looking his head, Kuzya decided to go talk to her, talk about something. Butterfly sat, looking into his favorite mirror, so she did not notice how he came to her. Going at all close to the swings, he said Friendly: -Hell, Elina! Butterfly, frightened slightly, pulled away from the mirror and replied: -Oh, it's you ... Hello, Kuzya .. - She said and lowered his eyes, barely holding back smile and blushing. - Ivini, if scared, I did not want, just you're so beautiful that I could not tear off my eyes ... - I told her Kuzya approaching her a little closer. She blushed even more, but now raised his eyes and smiled: "Yes, nothing is terrible!" Why are you alone here, where are your girlfriends? - asked his forger a grasshopper. Yes, they are always talking about any nonsense, but I don't want to discuss it with them now. I just flew here to think about my own. She answered thoughtfully. -Oh, I see. I also sometimes love to think. Want, I will show you on a swing? - He asked her tenderly smiling. "Yes, if you can," she answered confusedly and also smiled gently. From this smile, Kuzu turned around everything inside. He slowly, going back to the butterfly, began to slowly rock the swing and at the same time he looked into her blue, as if the sky. His soul sang. He was completely forgotten, why did he come here, because Elina was near, the same Elina, to which he felt something incredible for the first time in his life ... He never knew about it, never thought about it ... now, He realized that he was in love. Very very loved. So I wanted to hug her now, kiss and not to let go anywhere. But not the time. .. interrupted this idyll Creek Wooden and the Pupsen, which came out of the side bushes and began to scream to Eline: -We, what are you doing here? This is our Polyana! Well, go away from here! - shouted the stupid rude. -And where did you come from?! Here our grass! - He now turned to the Kuze. -What did you think that was this Polyana? This Polyana is common, everyone can walk here who wants! -I do not think so! - shouted puffy. -Oh, pushy, look! Mirror! - exclaimed the pitfall pointing on the Elina mirror, which she kept in her hands. -The help you can blind anyone, reflecting the sun in it, and you can boost solar bunnies! - even! You're right! - answered him the pubispie and, going close to the swings, snatched the mirror with the power of Elina's hands, while the butterfly, without holding the equilibrium, began to fall. -Aaa! She screamed, as suddenly felt how strong hands caught her. Looking around, she saw the Kuzu, who, fully taking her on his hands, brought it on the nearest flower. -How are you? Did not hurt? - He thoughtfully asked, squeezed next to her knees. - It's good, thanks. You managed to catch me, "she said and smiled, slightly embarrassed. "But now I don't have a mirror ..." - the butterfly was sad and tears began to be blocked. - Don't cry, Elina! I will definitely return your mirror, you will see! Right now I will go! Said Confident Kuzya, pushing the butterfly. - Thank you, Kuzya, - she whispered. He smiled encouragingly and cried in the direction in which the caterpillars were gone. Of particular difficulty, to get the mirror Koze did not need, caterpillars, throwing him into the buried slept near a strong sleep. Going to the bush, Kuzya took out the mirror, and at the same time found a Valench with friends here. Solding from the barns, the grasshopper rushed quickly into the clearing, where Elina was waiting for him. "What is your mirror," said Kuzya stretching his butterfly at the same time looking with her tenderness. - Thank you. Thank you, Kuzya! So that I did without you ... - she said Elina and, yielding to the incomprehensible gust, hugged the bit. He first stood stood first, and then firmly fed to her to his chest, covering his eyes and not wanting to let her go. So they would stand, hugging, if it were not ... - Now, we finally found you! - shouted the bee, pulling out of the bushes. Kuzya and Elina Wamg removed from each other. Fortunately, his friends did not have to notice their arms. - Where was it for so long? - asked the bee drops next to Kuzey and Elina. - Hello, Elina! - he smiled at a butterfly. - Welcome, bee! Hi Mila and Luntik! - Smiled to everyone Elina. -Hello! - Choir responded Luntik and Mila. "Yes, I couldn't find the Valanchik at all, then Elina said the caterpillar's mirror and I helped her. And there the Valench was found, "answered Kuzya to a question of the bee. - Well, since everything was found, let's go to free! - said Mila and flew back. -You go, I'll catch you now! - shouted Kuzya to friends and turned to Elina. "I don't want to leave ..." he sighed sadly, Timo looking at the butterfly. "I don't want it either ..." she said and lowered his eyes. - Listen, I have an idea, let's meet with you here at the dawn very? Goes? She smiled. Yes, of course goes! "Kuzya was delighted, and approaching her whispered to her ear:" I look forward to it. " She blushed and turned away. - I wanted, I ran, and then friends will look for me! Said Kuzya, and approaching the butterfly, hugged her for goodbye. -House, Elina! -Thow, Kuzya! She whispered to him and smiling slightly, he felt and flew to another half of the forest. Kuzya looked long ago for a long time ...


Here is my story. Of course, Pyring is unusual, and the idea herself too. I will be very happy with the reviews - write them, please! It is important for me to know your opinion from this work and whether I have to write further!

Luntik and Kuzey just went to the river, when Elina met the butterfly. She was sitting on the pebble, put the head and sigh heavily pawed.
- What happened? - asked Luntik butterfly. - Why you so sad?
- My girlfriends play the fashion show. And I do not take with me. It is said that I have no taste.
- That's how things are ... - Luntik with Kuzezi surrendered. - Well, do you want to play with you?
"You can't ..." The butterfly answered sobbing.
- So teach us! - happily exclaimed Kuzya.

Butterfly thought. But after a moment, his face was lit up with a perky light!
What?! After all, in fact, she together with Luntik and Kuzey can organize his own fashion show. Even better than her girlfriends. Then everyone will see who has the most refined taste.

But it was necessary to make so many at the same time! Choose models, sew dresses, come up with where the scene will be located, decorate everything ...
"So, first, we need materials for dresses," Ealina commanded. - Carry all of what you can sew!

Luntik and Kuzya went to search. And that's what they found: the petals of the bell, two abandoned ant wings, pieces of the finest cobwebs, dandelion guns, mild leaves of velvet and tiny shellfish shells. And also, Baba Kapa gave them one of his painted handkerchiefs.

So with this good and returned Luntik with Kuzya to the butterfly Elina.
"Very good," she said. - And now, let's think about where to arrange the fashion show itself. I will sew dresses, and you cook the scene.

While Elina jumped with materials, combining them to their taste, Luntik and Kuzya thought. Suddenly, the earth under their legs began to move and the head of the worm of the root of Korneyevich appeared on the surface:
"Kh, kh," he chuckled deeply, burning from the bright sun - hello youth!
- Hello Koreevich roots! - Kozya and Luntik recalled the chorus.
- Well, how are things going with the younger generation?
"Not very," friends honestly admitted.

And they told the experienced excavator engineer about his problem. He listened carefully, and then said:
- So here it is not necessary to think. Organize everything on the branch. Only that it is low above the ground. Places for viewers can be positioned below, and the models will walk on the branch and demonstrate their outfits so that they will be clearly visible.
- Wow! - exclaimed Kuzya. - What are you inventive, Koreevich roots! - We would not have thought for anything!
"Learn, youth," the worm winked and climbed under the ground.

Yes, I almost forgot, - the head of Kornea Korneyevich appeared again above the ground, - in the model for its show can take these loafers, the BUPSENE and the puff. They will benefit them.

When Luntik and Kuzya told about the root of Korneyevich's roots of the butterfly, she was very happy: after all, the pupils and the pupselen were similar to each other, and as you know, the real models on the podium are always the same. It remained only to convince participating in the caterpillance, and it was not so easy. But Luntik, something invented.

Putsente and Pupsen threw the stones in Pescar Ivanovich (but fortunately, every time they wondered) on the shore of the pond, when Luntik and Kuzya found them.

Friends seem to not notice the caterpillars, started a relaxed conversation:
"Oh, how cool that we will be models in the show of Elina butterfly," said Luntik.
"Yes," Kuzya agreed, "everyone would be happy to participate in such an interesting business. But, only called us with you.
Hearing these words, the Pupsen said displeasure to Putsenue:
- Hey! Why didn't you call you!
- Hey! - Repeated the stupid, already referring to the Luntik, - why didn't they call us? We also want to be models!

Luntik and Kuzya shrugged:
- Only two models can participate in the show. Do not you want to pick up our places?
- That is what we are going to do! - I wrote off the pupsession and, together with the Pupsen, headed for the butterfly Elina.
So friends ranged anyone suspects of caterpillars.

At the appointed time, under the branch on which the show was to take place, a great many insects gathered. Even the butterfly - girlfriends of Elina, who did not take it into their show, without keeping, was observed with curiosity for what was happening.

When the crowd stood, the bell rang and Ealina appeared. A pearl pollen flew through her wings everywhere. She greeted guests and began showing.

Putsen and the Pupsen kept very important, but perfectly coped with the task. Butterfly Ealina turned out to be a great fashion designer. Of those materials that Luntik and Kuzya brought her, she built unimaginable outfits, decorated them with small sinks and pearl pollen, and now the public was Okhala and Ahala every time the models appeared in a new image.

After the show, Elina is hotly thanked his friends. And butterflies, her girlfriends, bowing the head apologized. But Elina did not take offense. She herself could not believe what opened his real talent.



Unusual kid who fell from the Moon to Earth. Polyana residents decided that Luntik was a lunar bee, which means a relative of ordinary earthly bees. Polyana residents were very loved by Luntka for his good temper, responsiveness and desire to help someone who needs it. Luntik still does not know many simple things and does not understand how the world around him is arranged, but he learns very quickly, he likes this world and he wants to make it even better and kinder. He settled at the bee. He does not know how to cherish, boast, it is easy to greedy, because of what it sometimes falls into awkward situations, but, by having understood with the help of friends, something awkwardness, it is definitely trying to upload it in a good way to not offend anyone and no one cause evil. Luntik is very polite, always listens to the opinions of others and not being lazy to think about the heard, is not afraid to protect the weak and defend his opinion. Everything understands literally, one day, even under the expression, "throw pancakes" realized that you need to throw real pancakes. Sympathizes the butterfly eline. From the first series, we learn that Luntik hatched out of the egg. And part of the shell even flew to Earth with him.

  • Voiced: Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, In cases of substitution: Anna Slyanko

Yurky, mobile, very smart, resourceful and wonderful grasshopper, a friend of Luntik. He is funny, curious and very active. It was Kuzya who became the very first friend of Luntik after he fell from the moon. Kuzya loves new games and adventures. Sometimes it happens a little glance and self-confident, but it is very honest and fair. If friends argue among themselves, he will try to figure out and reconcile everyone, and if something hesitated himself, it is definitely admitted. Kuzya is very inquisitive and with ease sharing his knowledge with Luntik. True, his knowledge of the environment is not always perfect, but he, just like Luntik, is always ready to listen and learn. And Kuzya is very bold, even darkness is not afraid, and a little spider shiny and toads are afraid - but not only he is one of these heroes with caution, but even some adults of Polyana.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman

Cute, kind, but sometimes a capricious and touching, the girl is a ladybug. He knows a lot of interesting games, has drawing skills, it loves to make castles and sand tumbers, play "Doctors". Often everyone says, using the knowledge of a variety of rules. Especially good refers to a bee. Always more.

  • Voiced: Julia Rudina

Fast, small, clever, thorough, forever busy, friend Luntik. Going to a bee school. He likes to boast the knowledge gained there. Responsive, will not quit a friend in trouble. Especially good refers to Mile.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman


Merry, playful fish, possess the skill of acrobatics. Annoying leech and other pond people. Love to play with Luntik. They have good behavior, in contrast to the female.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman

Large smoking company of young boobs-payment. Live in a pond in Doupel Koryagi. Hold together. Love to fool.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman


Pupsen and Putsen

Two durable twin brothers caterpillar, local hooligans. By age, rather, adolescents are called Luntik and his friends "Malyshchy". Harmful, stupid, picky, uncompatible, lazy, packs, constantly because of this find people. But, at the same time, they are departed, they are not alien to all children's aspirations and joy, in their own way, talented: they know how to dance well and make figures from the grass. Always love to chew grass and there are berries. Dreaming become butterflies. Waved in their pair - push, it is more energetic and aggressive. Pupsen softer and loyal puspsya, often gives him influence. Often the caterpillars quarrel with each other and even fight, but then it will still be laid. Sometimes, the pupsess is still helping Luntik and his friends. The caterpillars in the plot of the series are larvae of butterflies. However, compared to beery and cute, they are equivalent to older and are teenagers. Beekery and sweet, albeit younger caterpillars, but the larval and puppet stage they have already passed.

  • Voiced: Oleg Kulikovich


baba Capa

Good bee. Named grandmother Luntka. He likes to cook and treat, bakes delicious pies, buns, cooks jam, very welcoming and generous. Ideal grandmother. Infinitely good, wise and caring, sometimes exhibits rigor, but always very tolerant refers to the whims of children. He has several sisters that live far and not shown in the cartoon.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman
Koreneevich roots

Rainworm, local engineer, miner and inventor. The great connoisseur and master of all hands, for which he enjoys universal respect, except for the pupsens and Pupsen (they constantly tease him). Feels exclusively roots of plants.

  • Voiced: Anatoly Petrov
general Sher

Horsen, General, resigning. Named grandfather Luntka. Loves Babu Kapu, who calls his Shershul. Worst for the order in the forest through the pylon tube. In general, kind, noble and brave grandfather, but at times ridiculous and clumsy, it can even be coward, likes to eat. Hardware is helpless. Lovely loves Luntka, always protects him in a difficult moment. Sheru has a brother - a long-range captain, which regularly sends parcels from its places.

  • Voiced: Anatoly Petrov
spider Shinyuk

Pseudogrozny spider, simulating the severity. As with the ordinary spider, he has 4 pairs of limbs - 2 pairs of hands and 2 pairs of legs. In the depths of the soul, kind and sentimental. Weave web, writes poems. He likes to draw and play musical instruments, and can simultaneously do all this with all 4 hands (in different series it has been repeatedly shown, as he draws at once a few brushes, in the final titers of each series, it plays simultaneously on two accordions). In one of the series, demonstrated his ability to make sculptures. He loves her grandmother and regularly writes her letters. The thunderstorm is very afraid. Spider Shinyok in the first series is shown as a dangerous aggressive character. Kuzya, hitting his web, says that if he is not chosen from this "brilliant beauty," the Spider shiny will be dragged. But in the future, Shinych appears as, for the most part, a harmless creature, Grozny only externally, it feeds on nectar. And the web he subsequently spins only for beauty or for construction and installation work.

  • Voiced: Anatoly Petrov

Pescar Ivanovich

Important power, brought-up sand. Watch out for the order and calm in the pond. Loves to play checkers with cancer. Does not love fuss.

  • Voiced: Mikhail Chernyak

The evil, screaming leech is the most negative character of the series. It is extremely rarely good and friendly. In some series he loves, like all adults of the pond, peace. He likes to sleep.

  • Voiced: Elena Solovyova. In the titers of the first episodes, Elena Solovyov was accidentally recorded as "Elena Solovy".
cykryak Cancer

Cowardish washer. Does not like noise, gams, bustle. He has its own sink in the pond, in which it hides in the case of danger. Loves to play checkers. In his free time, cleaning the bottom of the pond. Sometimes having grown.

  • Voiced: Mikhail Chernyak
aunt Motya.

Leisurely intelligent turtle. He loves holidays and knows how to hold balls. Lives underwater in a big house (the first house in which Luntik got). Also has a summer house on the shore.

  • Voiced: Natalia Danilova

Mythical characters

In the first series mentioned pike Key. Once again mentioned in the series "What's in the pond"

Minor characters


three colored girlfriends butterflies are noisy, fussy, funny, carefree, loving to dress up fluttering creation. Curious, easy to panic. One of the few friends is Mila.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman, Julia Rudina

butterfly Elina

Purple butterfly, which Luntik loves. Engaged in needlework. Does not really like to communicate with the other fashionable butterflies, although in the series 160 "Stranger" along with them considers fashion magazines and participates in the discussion "What dress is more beautiful?"

toad Klava

Wheeling toad with small deviations in development. Eats everything that is moving, which is not moving - leads in motion and eats too. Because of its large size, it is very clumsy, so everyone fears. One of the few friends is Luntik. Klava carries a bow and very valuable to them. In the series "Two toads", the stripper and the bippes kidnapped a bow.

  • Voiced: Konstantin Bronzite


Mentor in a bees school and part-time children's nurse. Strict and responsible middle-aged bee. Very shortcut and forced to wear glasses.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman


A large family of small insects and several adult beetles are their parents. Basically create "extras" during large-scale scenes, but there are separate series, where they are some of the main characters. Small bugs try to be brave and fearless, but they do not always work. Naughty bug - Bug, Junior and one of the main bugs of the family, falling into all sorts of different situations.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman - Mom Bug, boys bugs), Julia Rudida - (girls-bugs), Oleg Kulikovich - (Pope Zhumov).


Family family. Lead a nightlife. Brothers and sisters of the youngest Dina and Tim.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman

Tim and Dina

The youngest children in this family are friends with Luntik. However, due to the essential difference in their time time modes, they have very little to communicate. In some series they do not sleep. In the 43 bouton series, Dina tells Tim's voice, and Tim Dina's voice.

  • Voiced: Elena Schulman


Ants - militarized society with a strict hierarchy and discipline. Constantly occupied by the preparation of supplies and the construction of an anthill.

  • Voiced: Oleg Kulikovich

young ant-drummer "114th"

Harvesting ants. Drummer in the ranks. Friends with Luntika and in his spare time playing with them in sports games. In ants, he is like "Son Shelf." In addition to the drum, he knows how to play almost all shock tools.

  • Voiced: Oleg Kulikovich

The rest of the characters

Other bees

Women's bees

Collect nectar, fly and look like each other. By age - young. To the music (for example, "Waltz Flowers") Dance. Easy to confuse them with a baboophy of a cap, and especially with a teacher of a bee school. Silent - not voiced.


The colorado beetle brought by the wind, from distant strange. Speaks in the language resembling Spanish.