Why the file does not open in Photoshop. Unable to request problems with JPEG data interpretation.

Updated to Windows 10 faced a problem - the files in Photoshop stopped dragging! You have to open the file through the menu, which is very uncomfortable and long.

Searches for solving led to the results that I want to share with you. Take it, come in handy.

First, simple solution:

If the files are not dragged into photoshop, you need to check the access rights. To do this, click on the program shortcut right mouse button and go to the "Properties" tab where we put a tick "Perform this program on behalf of the administrator".

Immediately I say, this method did not help me, in this case there is a second solution:

1. Go to the start and in local line Below insert the command: regedit
2. Next We go on: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\u003e Software\u003e Microsoft\u003e Windows\u003e Currentversion\u003e Policies\u003e System
3. Find the EnableLua section. Open it double click And change the variable from 1 to 0. We save. The computer will ask for a reboot. We agree or reboot manually. We rejoice - now the files are dragged into Photoshop.

Verified personally on:
1. Windows 10 Photoshop CS6 x64
2. Windows 8 Photoshop CS6 X64
3. Windows 7 Photoshop CS6 X64

Updated 01/27/2019

Thanks to our user named ARTEM, another solution was found:

In Win10 Eng, only one way is helped by only one way - we go to the Propirties label in the Compatibility tab (compatibility) Go down Go to Change Settings for All Users Remove the daw with Run This Program AS An Administrator Press Apply - and all the files are dragged. And all these your Anable Loua is a hat, after a change on 0, photos, music, video, skype and other windows scales will not work. Do you need it?

Photoshop, being universal editor Photos, allows us to handle directly digital negatives obtained after shooting. The program has a module called " Camera Raw.", While handle such files without the need for their conversion.

Today we will talk about the reasons and solving one very common problem with digital negatives.

Often, when trying to open the RAW format file, Photoshop does not want to take it, issuing something like this window (in different versions There may be different messages):

This causes well-known discomfort and irritation.

Causes of the problem

The situation in which this problem occurs, standard: after purchase new camera And an excellent first photo session, you are trying to edit the pictures obtained, but Photoshop meets the window shown above.

The reason here is one: the files that your camera produce when shooting are incompatible with the version of the Camera RAW module installed in Photoshop. In addition, the program itself itself may be incompatible with the version of the module that these files are able to process. For example, some NEF files are supported only in Camera RAW contained in PS CS6 or younger.

Options solving the problem

  1. The most obvious solution is to establish more new version Photoshop. If this option is not suitable, then go to the next item.
  2. Update an existing module. You can do this on the official Adobe website by downloading the installation distribution kit that corresponds to your PS edition.

    Please note that on this page there are packages only for versions of CS6 and younger.

  3. If you have photoshop CS5 or older, the update may not bring the result. In this case, the only output will be using Adobe Digital Negative Converter. This program It is free and performs one function: converts RAVA into DNG format, which is supported by the old versions of the Camera RAW module.

    This method is universal and is suitable in all cases described above, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions on the download page (it is in Russian).

On this solutions to the problem with the opening of RAW files in Photoshop exhausted. This is usually enough, otherwise, it may be more serious problems in the program itself.

    there is special programs Just for "broken" photos. They restore the picture on a specific algorithm.
    But by experience I can say that it turns out to restore interest 10-15, no more.

    well, then it's easier to go to the bank and there to arrange calmly and without any mistakes

    Just eating the letter E in expansion jPEG file. And you will be happy.

    is there any difference? just in writing there, but the format is the same

    I imagine you free program To convert RAW in JPG, as well as to view detailed pictures (EXIF) - ShowExif v0.06-16beta.

    In fact, this is the same format.
    Its full name is Joint Photographic Experts Group - JPEG reduction.
    But in older operating systems File expansion could not be more than 3 letters. Therefore, the expansion of the files of this format has reduced to 3 letters JPG.
    And in other operating systems this restriction is not, therefore the expansion has not been reduced.
    So there are parallel two extension standards for the same format of the Falov.


    If you think only about changing the format, then Paint is the easiest solution.

    Well, or instead .jpeg Write.jpg

    No different. JPG is an abbreviated JPEG. Expert group by photography :)

    How to make JPG from JPEG? Win + r write word cmd. , click approx. Write dir folder where photos. Write ren * .jpeg * .jpg. All pictures will become YPG.

    he speaks:
    No different. JPG is an abbreviated JPEG. Expert group by photography :)

    How to make JPG from JPEG? Win + R Write the word CMD, click OK. Write dir folder where photos. Write Ren * .jpeg * .jpg. All pictures will become YPG.

    Surely many of us working in the program Adobe Photoshop., faced with the inability to fulfill the query due to the problems encountered with the interpretation of JPEG data. It occurs when processing photos. You are trying to open an image downloaded from the Internet or taken with hard disk, in photoshop, and see before your eyes a population message about this error. In this article, we will talk about why it is impossible to fulfill the request, because of what problems arise with the interpretation of JPEG data, and what needs to be done to get rid of this error.

    Unable to request problems with JPEG data interpretation.

    Why does an error occur in photoshop?

    Among possible causes Departure errors when executing a query due to problems with the interpretation of JPEG data are:

    • image damage as a result viral attackwhich only sees photoshop, possessing a more advanced method of verifying files for integrity;
    • error in the Adobe Photoshop module, which downloads photos in jPEG format In memory - it may incorrectly read the data or not take into account any nuances;
    • too great permit File in JPEG format.

    Not knowing the true cause of the releasing error with a message about the refusal to perform a request, it is necessary to take the following steps to disappear problems with the jpeg data interpretation. At any stage, the error should be corrected. As a result - the desired file. Correctly opens and you can continue to work with it.

    Methods for eliminating the error when executing a query due to problems with the interpretation of JPEG data

    If the file was damaged as a result of the attack of viruses, the system scanning the installed system will help antivirus programwhich will find and deeperate malicious code. Antivirus itself is desirable to put into regular scanning mode, but when you depart any errors, you must include an emergency check.

    Most often it is impossible to query because of problems with JPEG when processing a photo in the specified format in Adobe Photoshop.

    Error message in Adobe Photoshop

    What to do when playing pictures

    If you download the image editor, and it is not necessary to work with it, then you need to take the following:

    • open photos in a simpler editor that plays minimum requirements to image quality (for example, in the system Paint);
    • play photos in another format - for this you need to click on the word "file" in the upper left corner of the editor, to bring the cursor to "save both" and select PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF or Other extensions;

    Paint format selection
    • you can not hover the cursor, but click on "Save As", then the save menu will be released, where the file type is selected in the drop-down list;

    Format selection in the drop-down list in Paint
    • then you need to go to photoshop again and open the saved image.

    If the problem of the jpeg data interpretation occurred at this stage, it will be solved using this method.

    Method of image compression

    You can also try to squeeze the image while maintaining its quality. This is done using online services such as Web Resizer, Image Optimizer, Punypng and other comfortable tools, and programs - Paint and Adobe Photoshop.

    Consider an example on the standard Paint:

    1. open the image in the editor;
    2. click "Change Size";
    3. by default, the fields "interest" and "save proportions" will be highlighted;
    4. in the "Interest" field, enter the desired number (in our case 70%).
    5. click OK - photo in the desired size is ready.

    How to resize image in Paint

    As an option, try reinstalling Adobe Photoshop or update it to latest version. Perhaps the outdated version of the program does not cope with the functions and causes an error when executing a query due to problems with the interpretation of JPEG data.