How to open images in Camera Raw. How to open images in Camera RAW Apply Settings Camera Rav in Adobe Bridge

Who is modern people Doesn't like to take pictures? Digital images have become almost one of the most important components of our life: Mobile comfortable selfie, exquisite photo shoots and just amateur shots. People love high-quality, good photos with which they capture important events, their family, unique places. Even more to create such shots, mirror cameras are used, and all the resulting frames pass graphics.

How to open Raw in Photoshop asks many lovers to photograph and adjust the picture. It would seem that it may be easier, but in fact, this problem has several nuances.

To answer the question how to open the chamber favor in Photoshop, you initially need to figure out what kind of format is this and why is it needed? "Raw" is translated from the English language as raw, untreated, and in our case means the format of a digital photo that contains raw data. This format files are usually obtained by using mirror. digital cameras, mirrorless, semi-professional with non-free optics. Photo card processing in Risk format makes it possible to modify frame parameters: exposure, saturation, white balance, sharpness, brightness, contrast. All changes can be made before editing. This feature makes it possible to get a final photo without losing neither too dark, nor bright sections of the frame.

Format files are supported large quantity Graphic programs.

Why photoshop does not open Raw? In fact, in Photoshop, you can open the photo of the Raving format, however, it uses three programs at once in a bundle - Camera Raw Converter, Adobe Bridge Utilities, Adobe Photoshop. These utilities are related to each other and are a single mechanism for editing and processing raster images and snapshots.

How to open Camera Raw in photoshop?

Go to the Editor's Main menu, select the "File" menu and the Open command. In the window that appears, select the desired Favor file. Highlight it with the mouse and click the Open button. So the file will open immediately in the converter. This method is used to open several files at once.

Opening RAW via Adobe Bridge

How to upload one shot

To open one image in the converter, you must highlight the photo in the Adobe Bridge mini-image window using the left mouse click click, after using Ctrl + R. Either click on the thumbnail of the picture of the right, from the menu that appears, you must select the "Open in Camera Raw" command. In this case, the picture will appear in the converter window, without using photoshop, ready to transform.

Opening the photo of the Favor Format, you can further edit it and adjust the most different waysachieving the result.

How to download some pictures immediately

To download multiple images in Camera RAW, you must select them in the Adobe Bridge thumbnail window by pressing the CTRL / SHIFT keys simultaneously and highlighting the mouse using the mouse, then press Ctrl + R. After you click on the right button, you select the "Open in Camera Raw" command, you can also use the pressure icon of the diaphragm, which is under the main menu.

After performing the actions described above, you will have all the images you selected in the converter. Their reduced copies will be available on the left side of the window, which allows you to conveniently switch between pictures. If the tape thumbnails interferes to you in operation, you can move it to the left part of the editor interface, while it will turn, and the selected picture will be stretched to the whole screen.

How to close the photo after editing?

To correctly close the photo by saving all the changes and adjustments, click on the "Finish" button, which is located at the bottom of the program window. If you wish to save a snapshot without storing editing in Rav-format, you just need to select "Cancel". If you need to return to Photoshop and transferring the photo cards there with saving all the settings made, you must use the "Open Image" command.

Working with expansion files is very convenient and just with photoshop. This editor in bundle with the converter allows you to change, edit and process your photos and images to obtain the desired result, make them brighter, saturated and interesting.

Adobe Bridge CC (free of charge) includes support for the Adobe Camera RAW plugin if Photoshop CC is also activated (trial version). BRIDGE + ARC combination satisfies my need for fast setting And viewing multimedia, but it will not work without the activated version of Photoshop.

I was interested, whether the next will work trick : If I buy Photoshop Elements 15 (which can sometimes be cheap) and install it next to Bridge CC; Will the Camera RAW plugin be re-enabled in Bridge CC or will it work only from PSE?

Of course, I read that Camera RAW for PSE disables things such as gradient filters, separate tinting and removal of stains, but I do not mind; If I need more accurate editing, I can always open untreated inside Affinity photo, which is more capable.

Anyone who thinks / knows what it will work?



Shortly speaking

Can be used Adobe Camera Raw. (ACR) complete with Photoshop Elements. (PSE), as if it were almost natural for Bridge Creative Cloud. (CC) (see explanations below because there are some quirks and some things you can't do)

What works and what not

  • Adobe Camera Raw included in PSE It seems a separate instance from CC. (possibly located in another folder)
  • IN editor PSE. Opening the RAW file will open the dialog box Acr (Simplified for PSE , without extended tools supplied with the full version CC. - full list )
  • Pressing " Open in Camera Raw "in Bridge CC. You will see a message that Camera Raw Editing Is Not Enabled. However,
  • from the inside Bridge If you click on " Open with help »-\u003e Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 Editor , he actually launches Acr (version PSE; after Initialization PSE), then
    • you have the opportunity to work on Raw, as before, and either
    • click Finish (or Cancel) and return to Bridge , or
    • press OPEN image and open the image in PSE .

What works

  • Bridge can easily send multiple files in ACR PSE (which helps a little when packet editing)
  • It seems that Bridge reads new / updated XMP files as well as if they were "their"
    • preview accurate
    • there is also an icon indicating that adjustments are applied to this particular unprocessed file.
    • edited miniatures inside Bridge Instantly updated as if they were created using your own version Acr (i.e. full CC Acr).
  • inside Acr
    • You can re-edit the settings that were previously created by the full version. CC Acr And it is quite interesting
    • adjustments that are not supported here (for example, removal of stains, correction of perspective, etc.), remain, although not subject to further configuration. However
    • if you click " reset the default camera settings » These settings will also be canceled.

What does not work

main cautions

  • you can no longer use the parameters " Development » -> « Parameters in default for Camera Raw " / « Previous conversion " / « Clear settings » of Bridge so you need to do it from ACR, Which means that for batch editing you need to perform several additional steps.
  • you lose access to good tools, such as tool for removing stains , toning , prospects Correction, Correction lens , remove blur and of course, masks (full list )

minor reservations

  • ultimately you can keep a copy PSE always open as it must be started before launch Acr (Unlike version CC, which can be placed directly in Bridge)
    • Another consequence of this is that if inside Acr You click Ready or Cancel , window Acr Close, but not window pSE editor.
  • Context menu " Open in Camera Raw ... " (as well as the above development parameters) in Bridge no longer does anything useful - instead you must click " To open with" -> « Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 Editor, What is a bit more cumbersome thanks to one additional click and need to scan it in the large list (if you have multiple photo editing applications).
  • Be an independent version Acr also means you probably do not have the right to permanent updatesUnlike version CC, which is updated forever. This is just an assumption, but the compatibility list indicates that the PSE version (PSE 13) never did it to ACR 9.0 or higher)
  • after editing in Camera Raw if, instead of closing the window, you decide to click the "Open" button to edit the image inside PSE , PSE, Apparently imposes additional restrictions Compared to editing the same files inside PS. . Among other things, you are limited to 8 bits on the canal.


In general, it is quite applicable, although not supported directly.

Background (how I checked it)

in my system there is a trial bRIDGE CC 2017 version and Photoshop CC 2017. But trial version Photoshop. already expired. Since then, whenever I choose from Bridge parameter " Open in Camera Raw ... " I receive an error message (Camera Raw Editing Is Not Enabled. Camera Raw Editing Required That A Qualifying Product Has Been Launched At Least OnCe To Enable This Feature.).

  1. After downloading, installing and running Acr From the trial version PSE 15. I tested again Bridge But not lucky. Prone pSE version, I downloaded, had ACR 9,7 (or 9.6?).
  2. From the program I was given the opportunity to download more new version PSE and newer version Acr (9.8), which coincides with the version that my Bridge CC 2017. ; So I thought I could try too. It hinted on the fact that CC. and PSE have their own separate copy ACR, which requires a separate update.
  3. I installed the update, but failed to configure Bridge For proper integration with this version.


I have not tried full version Photoshop Elements. , Only trial versionand I did not delete the trial version Photoshop CC 2017. With an expired period, but I do not understand why this could lead to any other result.

copied and edited from my answer found on Adobe Support Forum


Thanks for the excellent explanation! There is another moment, which may be worth adding: When you develop a photo in ACR, everything happens in 16 bits, but when you click "Open" to make additional changes to PSE, you may be prompted to convert an image of 8 bits as PSE does not fully support editing 16 bits. For example, you can trim, adjust the levels and curves by saving a photo in 16 bits, but you cannot use layers or use the cloning tool without converting it to 8 bits.


Thanks @gerlos - a good moment! I added this - although I avoided the topic of opening a file inside PSE (or even PS) for obvious reasons, at some point you need to at least export your images and you have to use PS, PSE or third-party image editing software.

Series: Secrets Camera Raw

Like the negatives and slides, not open and untreated RAW files are only the source material for future photos. It is no coincidence that the name of the format is "Raw" in English - raw, unprocessed. In your books, at lectures, I always say that a photographer who does not know how to print his photos itself is not a photographer. In our time, "Be able to print" means competently process the scanned films or open the RAW files to subsequently prepare them to print. Sometimes when you open the RAW file in Photoshop it is clear that additional correction is not required at all. But more often it is not so - usually the RAW files need to be improved. For the correct interpretation of RAW files, there are various converters, one of which is Adobe Camera Raw (Il. 3.1).

The close integration of this module with Photoshop and Bridge makes it quite convenient in operation. You can only open the Bridge program and produce it from it. necessary settings The desired images using Camera Raw, without opening Photoshop. Or vice versa, run Camera RAW from Photoshop for batch file processing, then go to Bridge and continue to work in another folder, such as analysis and selection of the necessary images.

In the Bridge program, the Camera RAW window opens when you double-click on the file miniature. Will photoshop be launched or configuring the image will be made directly in Bridge, it is determined in the Bridge Preferences window (Il. 3.2). When you activated Double-click Edits Camera Raw Settings in Bridge (with double-click settings, the Camera RAW settings are edited in Bridge), setting up RAW file processing parameters will be carried out in Bridge, when you decreased. After double clicking, Photoshop will start.

The buttons located in the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe Camera RAW window allow you to select an action that the module must execute when working with RAW files. At the same time, the buttons displays how the program is running - from Bridge or from Photoshop. If the opening of the Camera RAW was made from Bridge, the Done button will be active, and if from Photoshop - the OPEN button (Il. 3.4).

Pressing the OPTIONS (ALT) key changes the functions of the buttons (Il. 3.5). Click on the RESET button Returns to all previous settings, and click on the Open Copy button opens the current image option with changed settings, previous versions will remain unchanged. If you press the SHIFT key, the Open Image button will change to Open Object. When you click on this button, the photo will be opened in Photoshop as a smart object (Il. 3.6).

If necessary, at any time you can record the image status by creating it snapshot. Pictures stored versions of images containing a complete set of edits produced at the time of typing. Creating images images at various points in the editing process makes it easy to compare the results of various applied adjustments. In addition, if necessary, you can return to an earlier state. Another advantage of using snapshots is to work with various versions of the image without the need to duplicate the original.

Creating screenshots and managing them on the Screen Snapshots tab in the Camera RAW dialog box.

When working with snapshots, the user can perform the following steps:


If you apply screenshots in Photoshop Lightroom, you can change them in the Camera Raw dialog box (and vice versa).

Saving, Restore and Download Camera RAW Settings

You can reuse the same set of changes that applied to the image. To do this, you can save all the current Camera RAW image settings or any subset of these settings as a style or a new set of default values. Default settings apply to specific model Cameras, to a camera with a specific sequence number or to a specific ISO configuration, depending on the settings in the section Default Image Parameters Camera RAW parameters.

Style names are displayed on the "Styles" tab\u003e Develop Settings in adobe program Bridge, in the context menu of images of untreated pictures in the Adobe Bridge program and in the submenu Style application Camera RAW Setup menu Camera RAW dialog box. If the styles are not saved in the Camera RAW settings folder, they are not displayed in the above menu. However, you can use the team Download Settings To search and apply settings saved elsewhere.


To save and remove styles, serve buttons located at the bottom of the "Styles" tab.

Camera RAW Settings Storage Definition

Select a parameter to specify where the settings are stored. The use of XMP files is useful if you need to move or save the image file and desire to save the settings of the raw shot. Team Export settings It can be used to copy settings from the Camera RAW database to XMP accompanying files or the settings in the Digital Negative files (DNG).

After processing the unprocessed image file using Camera RAW, the image settings are saved either in the Camera RAW database file or in the XMP accompanying file. When processing in Camera RAW, the DNG file settings are saved in the DNG file itself, but they can also be saved in the accompanying XMP file, and not in DNG. Settings for TIFF and JPEG files are always saved in the files themselves.


When importing a sequence of raw snapshot files to the program After Effects. Settings related to the first file apply to all other files in the sequence that do not have its own accompanying XMP files. The After Effects program does not check the Camera RAW database.

You can specify a parameter to determine the storage location. When you open the unprocessed snapshot file, all the default settings take the values \u200b\u200bthat were used when last opening of this file. Image attributes (target color space profile, bit depth, pixel size and permission) are not stored with the settings.

Copying and Insert Camera Raw Settings

In Adobe Bridge, you can copy and paste the Camera RAW settings from one image file to another.

    In the Adobe Bridge application, select the file and select Edit\u003e Develop\u003e Settings\u003e Copy Camera Raw Settings.

    Select one or more files and select Edit\u003e Develop\u003e Settings Insert Camera Raw Settings.


    You can also right-click (Windows) or click, holding the "Control" key (Mac OS), on the image file to perform copying and insert using the context menu.

    In the dialog box Camera Raw Incover Settings Select the applied settings.

Apply the saved Camera Raw settings

Export Camera RAW settings and DNG images for preview

If file settings are stored in the Camera RAW database, you can use the command Export settings in XMPTo copy settings to XMP accompanying files or implement them into DNG files. This allows you to attach image settings to Camera RAW files when moving them.

It is also possible to update images preview JPEG embedded in DNG files.

Setting the parameters of the workflow Camera RAW

The workflow parameters allow you to set settings for files exported from the Camera RAW external module, including the color depth, color space, output sharpness and sizes in pixels. The workflow parameters determine the method of opening these files in the Photoshop application, but do not affect how the unprocessed snapshot file is imported into the After Effects application. The settings of the working process parameters do not affect the data of the raw shot.

Settings of the workflow parameters can be set by clicking the underlined text at the bottom of the Camera RAW dialog box.


Specifies the target color profile. As a rule, as the "Space" parameter, you should specify the color profile used for the Photoshop RGB workspace. The source profile for the unprocessed image file is usually its own color space of the chamber. The profiles listed in the "Space" menu are built into external module Camera Raw. If there is a need to use the color space that is missing in the "Space" menu, select the "Prophoto RGB" item, and then convert it to the necessary working environment by opening the file in the Photoshop program.


Specifies whether to open the file as an image from a color depth of 8 or 16 in PHOTOSHOP.

The size

Indicates the size of the image in pixels when importing into the Photoshop application. By default, sizes are used in pixels that were used when shooting an image. To interpore the image, select the Size of the Crimping.

When using chambers with square pixels, the size of the size smaller than its own, allows you to speed up the processing if it is planned to obtain a smaller final image. The selection of larger size is similar to increasing image sizes in Photoshop.

When using chambers with non-square pixels, its own size is such a size that contributes to the most complete preservation of the total number of pixels. The choice of other size allows you to minimize the interpolation performed in Camera RAW, which leads to a minor image quality improvement. In the "Size" menu, the size that allows you to get best qualityIt is indicated by an asterisk (*).

Note. You can always resize the image in pixels after opening it in the Photoshop application.

AND Glossy paper. When applying output sharpness, you can change the value in the "sum" drop-down menu to "high" or "low" to increase or decrease the degree of sharpness applied. In most cases, you can leave the value "amount" parameter specified by default is "standard".

Open in Photoshop as smart objects

After installing this parameter, when you press the Open button, the Camera RAW images open in Photoshop as a layer of a smart object, and not a background layer. To change this setting for the selected images, hold the "SHIFT" key when you click the Open button.

In a standard converter that is part of Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw, it is possible to create custom presets with various settings Processing. These presets are called presets, as well as in Lightroom.

In essence, the preserved preset is text file in format Xmp With the values \u200b\u200bof the converter parameters marked in it Camera Raw.. If desired, the file opens with a conventional notepad or free program NotePad ++.

When clicking on the appropriate saved preset, the converter reads the parameter values \u200b\u200band applies them to the RAW file.

What are presets for? First of all, for batch processing large number images when you need to make a series in a single tonal and color solution. Also in presets retain the most successful treatments to then apply them if desired to other photos.

There are presets in the tab PRESETS (PRESETS). You can switch to it with a mouse or press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + 9.

By default, there are no presets there, that is, the tab will be empty. What you see in the figure above are previously created presets.

In order to create presets, you need to click on the sheet icon with a curved corner at the bottom of the tab, or click the key combination SHIFT + CTRL + P.

The New Preset dialog box opens.

By default, it includes record all image processing settings. If you wish, you can turn off or include certain settings sets, choosing them from the subset drop-down list. It is also desirable to ask a meaningful name for presets so that in the future you could easily remember what it does. Record only the settings that are necessary. For example, write white balance settings undesirable, since the white balance from the series to the series is always different.

In order to remove an unnecessary preset, click on the basket icon at the bottom of the tab Sets.

Stored presets in the system folder C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Adobe \\ Cameraraw \\ Settings For Windows I. Users \\ UserName \\ Libraries \\ Application Support \\ Adobe \\ Cameraraw \\ Settings For Mac. When placed there presets, they appear in Camera Raw when restarted. Also, if you need to remove many presets, it is better to do it in the folder itself.

If you do not have this folder, it means that you need to enable the visibility of hidden and system folders In the operating system settings.

Presets can be used packet through Adobe Bridge.. To do this, select the images to which the settings need to be applied. Selection is made standard, as in any program, using the ship key and click the mouse, if you need to highlight the images in a row, and with clamped with the Ctrl keyIf the selection needs to be produced in an arbitrary order.

Then, through the right mouse button on the selected images, call the context menu and select it in it. Settings Module Develop. Then in the drop-down list click on the required preset. It applies to all selected images.

You can get more detailed information about working in Camera Raw from