How to learn how to make money in different ways. How to learn how to make money - useful tips from successful business people What you can learn to make money

How many people cannot find a job due to a variety of reasons. Unbelievable, but true - 25% of people cannot earn their living due to the fact that they do not have the opportunity to work outside the home.

There may be various reasons for this: a small child, human disabilities, studies, etc. But, as they say, there is always a way out. And in this article, we will offer you 7 alternative options for working from home. Moreover, you can work without leaving your computer in a comfortable home environment.

Will I be able to become a remote employee?

There are not so many professions on the Internet, but enough to choose your niche and start your "remote career". Below is a list of professions that are relevant today. Perhaps this article will help you decide on your future work.

Copywriters and rewriters

These people work with texts and, despite the similarity of words, these professions differ significantly from each other. Even a schoolboy can become a rewriter, you just need to redo the ready-made texts and uniqueize them with the help of special programs... The whole process is similar to retelling the text in other words, as we did it earlier in school.

Copywriter is a loose concept. He also works with texts, but the process differs in the level of complexity, so the payment for good texts is pretty decent. More often than not, copywriters have to study a lot of information before writing a text. It also happens that you have to come up with a text from "A to Z", which is difficult and better for a beginner to start with a rewrite.


You can't even imagine how the services of an interpreter are in demand now, but since it is expensive for the management to hire such a valuable staff, most often companies resort to the services of remote freelance translators. The pay is good too. Therefore, if you speak one of the foreign languages, then you can safely try yourself in this profession. Even if this language is not English, you will still find your customer.

Web Designers

If there is a special education, then it's great, if there is no such education, then it's okay. If you have even a little knowledge in website development, then this niche is for you. You can start mastering a profession with minimal knowledge and a strong desire to become a professional. On the Internet, you can find a lot of free video tutorials and after a month or two try your hand. By the way, a master of any level can find a job for himself. If you constantly improve your professionalism, then you can come out in 1-2 years for an income of up to $ 3,000. In the future, you will be able to become a professional WEB-master and make turnkey websites for very decent money.

Optimizer or SEO-shnik

The guys in this profession optimize sites for search engines to increase its positions in search engines, thus attracting new visitors and potential customers to the site. Today it is one of the most demanded professions with high level making money on the Internet. You can also learn this profession with the help of free video lessons, of which there are a great many on the open spaces of the Russian Internet.

Social media specialist

Social networks are our everything! Millions of people sit there every day, so today it is a powerful and full-fledged business tool that can and should be used. There are not so many social media specialists, and of those few, even fewer are professionals. So why don't you become that pro and offer your services to various organizations. SMMs perform a number of tasks, which include attracting customers, creating an image, promoting a brand, expanding the target audience, etc. And it's all done through social media.

Content Project Manager

This profession is something between a webmaster, designer and copywriter. You can gradually master several related professions and become a valuable content manager, namely: be able to rewrite texts, search for the necessary information, have photoshop skills, and write interesting articles on your own. Well, it won't be superfluous to know a few basics from HTML and CSS.


The profession of a directorate is one of the most popular and prestigious Internet professions today. A directologist is a contextual advertising specialist who develops and runs advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct. Every month, new companies appear on the Internet that need specialists in contextual advertising. After all, it is these people who bring traffic to the resource, and therefore the flow of customers.


Programmers are in demand today as well as directors, because his presence in the office next to the management is not at all necessary, therefore it is beneficial for organizations to cooperate with remote specialists who will also perform their work with high quality.

A programmer can perform a wide variety of tasks on the Internet. This can be software development, maintaining the operability of sites and the functioning of the entire system. A programmer's salary can range from $ 300 to $ 2,000 per month, it all depends on your level of knowledge, skills, experience and specialization. In any case, you can find a customer at any level of knowledge and gradually gain experience and improve your knowledge.

Moderator or technical support employee

This work is primitive and is suitable for those who do not have any skills and do not particularly want to learn. You just need to make sure that there is order on the forums or sites, so that there is no spam and that all visitors' discussions do not go beyond the normative vocabulary. You may need to communicate with visitors to online stores, advise those interested. This is a good income for a beginner freelancer.

We talked about just 9 professions in which you can try yourself as a beginner remote specialist. You can study these professions on our website. Just select the desired section and find suitable courses, you can start with free ones, this will be a good start in your freelance career. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the chat or write to us by mail.

Vkontakte 6

Facebook 1

Twitter 1

Psychology - 50% success!

I already wrote this on the pages of the blog, but I will repeat myself, because psychological readiness decides a lot. I always set myself up positively, every day is a new day. If you are psychologically ready to earn money, then you will earn, I mean about independent earnings. Approach everything with a warm heart, but a cold head, do not be nervous and do not worry about trifles and do not catch stars from heaven after the first victories.

You don't need a business idea! You can make money without it!

The mistake of many is that you immediately want to start a business and are looking for a business idea from scratch. This is both right and wrong. First, learn to make money, and then build a business. Just look around, there are tons of earning opportunities. Drag goods from China, resell websites or something else from message boards, create blogs and make money on advertising, write articles for money, hire a public administrator, bring clients to a business and get partner rewards, find a seller, negotiate a price reduction, and find a full-price buyer and take your markup. Spin as you can, look for every opportunity to make money.

I have never missed an opportunity to make money. I can go somewhere, look at an ad in a newspaper or on billboards and immediately think about how to make money on it. We saw that they give 1000 rubles for drawing a logo, we found a designer for 500 rubles. freelance, 500 p. yours. This is a simple example and the first one that came to mind. First a cheap job, then more and more expensive. At first, I also developed contacts and skills on small things, bought, sold, provided services for 500-1000 rubles, then 5000-10,000 rubles, then 50,000-100,000 rubles. so up to 1,000,000 p. with pennies until I have reached, the next steps will naturally be higher.

After you are already spinning in something, then it is easier for you to transfer simple earnings to a business, because you already earn money on your own!

Never Say No!

If you are asked if there is someone you know, who can do something, or sell, or something else, then never say no! There should always be an answer - I'm asking around! When there is demand, you only need to find an offer at a lower price and the difference in price is yours!

Make useful contacts!

I always try to acquire useful contacts and surround myself with people who can then become your partners, offer you a joint project, bring clients and much more! Some will become your friends, and some will simply remain good acquaintances. You should be known as a person who can do a lot! They turn to me personally for any questions and in almost everything I can find help) This reputation has been built up for more than one day or month. Earning such a reputation, you will never be left without earning!

Educate yourself!

Do you know what I like to do when I have free time? Don't just read books! I have brought up one peculiarity in myself, in my free time, when I am going somewhere or just relaxing at home, I constantly consider the profitability of any business. I don’t know how else to call it, so now I’ll give an example. I drive or walk past a vegetable kiosk or a shoe store and I am interested in calculating the difference between wholesale and retail, staff costs, rent, how one or another product or service could be presented differently, I observe the location, is it profitable or not, and much more ...

Naturally, in my head, most of the indicators are approximate, but still I'm interested in calculating the approximate profitability and so on. This turns out to be very useful for me, because when faced with a real offer, I can quickly calculate the profitability and my benefit. For some it may seem silly, but that's your opinion;)

Constantly learn from others

In any business, you are usually a beginner. Learn everything you can from more experienced people! Don't be afraid to ask more questions. When a friend of mine attracted me to monetizing content sites, I could not even trivially set up a blog, set up hosting and much more, but I saw how he did it and studied, and then came home and tried to do it, stuffing bumps! And so I do in everything, I am looking for people from whom I can learn something useful.

Look for the answers yourself

If you have a question, first look for an answer to it on the Internet, and only then ask someone else. Because sometimes you can ask very trivial questions, to which there are a lot of answers on the Internet! Do not be lazy, read blogs, websites, forums, look for answers to your questions.

read books

Books on the topic of business or making money are very motivating at first, and then they begin to give more ideas for implementation. In books, you can find answers to your questions, just learn something new and revise existing ideas! I try to read books in any free time, and a whole library has accumulated in recent years!

Life style

Business or independent activity is a lifestyle! I like to live freely and earn money on my own, I live by it, I get a thrill from every new project, from every victory and failure, I constantly do something, think about something and try something new. I love doing what I do. You can't force yourself! As Oleg Yuryevich Tinkov said, if you are a good manager and you like it, then just be a manager. Not everyone likes not to sleep until late at night, but on the contrary, they like a clear schedule from 9 to 6. For example, I do not like schedules, I plan it myself, but if the work draws me in, then why not give it half the night). Look for activities that fit your lifestyle, not the other way around!

Make mistakes

Whoever said that only fools learn from their mistakes, I will never believe. Apparently, the one who says this has remained a fool. Learning from the mistakes of others tells you that you don't need to do this, and learning from your mistakes tells you how not to do it and makes it possible to understand how to do the right thing. Because when you try and make mistakes, you see how to act differently, and when you do not try, but rely on the experience of others, then you see only failure, and further paths remain behind the scenes (.


Simple! If your eyes are shining and there is a need for your business or just for self-employment, then you will earn. Since my school years, I have tried to make some money myself, and not go and get a job. With the first money I learned something new, tried something else, and thus moved on. And when there was enough money for life, I invested it in new business projects, thereby moving from a person with free earnings closer to an entrepreneur! Everything is done gradually, but you will definitely succeed!

I look forward to comments and new subscribers;)

Hello, friends! At some point, most of the netizens ask the question “Is it possible to make money on the Internet?”. Therefore, today we will analyze in detail how to make money on the Internet! 😀

The main methods presented do not require financial investments, and thus are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and social status. Perhaps even a lazy person will be able to earn small amounts without investment.

To achieve a good income, of course, you have to try. The amount will depend only on your own efforts. If you want to make decent money, then get ready for a difficult but interesting path.

Honestly, the list of earning options turned out to be not so small - but we tried to cover all the best ways in as much detail as possible: starting from simple tasks and ending creating your own business in the Internet!

Towards the end of the article, we will also present to your attention TOP 10 sites for making money ! We are sure that everyone will choose something for themselves! ☝️

Well, make yourself comfortable, we have prepared for you the most popular types of earnings on the Internet.

Why can and should you make money on the Internet?

Did you know that huge money is spinning on the Internet - billions of dollars? 💰 You just need to make an effort and reach it!

Many people (before I was one of them) simply do not understand where such money can come from on the Internet! It's actually simple - you need to have a certain value that other people can pay you for!

For example, you can get income on the Internet in the following main ways:

  • perform certain tasks (from the simplest to the most difficult);
  • work through exchanges or directly with customers;
  • place advertisements (links) and make money on it;
  • work with affiliate programs;
  • invest money;
  • create useful YouTube channels, publics, sites and services;
  • open your business on the Internet.

Many sites for making money on the Internet offer small rewards, which will be quite enough to pay for the Internet, a mobile phone and the purchase of pleasant trifles. Usually these are boxes, questionnaires and similar resources.

But don't be limited to them. Today on the Internet there are a lot of decent options for earning money, which we will analyze in detail below. And you will find specific sites (services) for making money and their reviews a little further!

The main thing is to know that you can make money on the Internet - only your desire and aspiration is important! 😀

Option # 1: Earnings on Android and iOS mobile applications

One of the easiest and easiest ways to make money is to make money on Android and iOS apps. This method is suitable for absolutely everyone who has a phone!

What do you need to earn money?
To work, you just need to have a smartphone at hand, a stable Internet connection and a couple of free hours a week.

Most of the tasks ask the user to install certain software (applications and games) on their device, for this payment is charged. After payment, there is no need to leave the installed application on the phone - if you do not need it, you can simply uninstall it.

But in addition to downloads, many pay for reviews, app ratings, ad views, and other various actions. Usually, developers are aimed at increasing the popularity of their software, so they are ready to pay remuneration to those who contribute to this.

Option number 2: Writing texts

This method is known to almost every freelancer, and is quite in demand. Article writing is not for everyone, but anyone can try it.

All that is required of you is the ability to correctly express your thoughts, correctly draw up sentences, you also need a good knowledge of the Russian language. Also, you must have perseverance and attentiveness.

Copywriting - this is a full-fledged work, only remotely, therefore, it requires appropriate attention, but is available even to a beginner.

How it works on exchanges:
1. You are looking in the special section for the order that suits you, apply for it and after approval you can start writing the text. Expensive tasks for beginners are usually not immediately available, but it is worth trying so as not to waste time on low-paying jobs. If you have no experience, then you can try to complete a simple order for review. There are usually a lot of them on the exchanges.

2. In the text of the assignment, conditions are provided to which the result must meet. After verification by the customer, the funds are credited to your account balance. And then you can easily withdraw money to any online wallet or a bank card.

Of course, you can not use exchanges, but look for work in the vastness of the network, but then the risks will increase, since there are always enough scammers. But on the other hand, you can find higher paying orders!

The cost is mainly determined by the number of characters. For example, for beginners, this is approximately 30 rub / 1000 characters. In this case, for an article of 7000 characters, you will receive 210 rubles... With long-term work and experience, the rate increases significantly and often reaches several hundred rubles.

Option number 3: Make money on social networks

Ideal for anyone who likes to spend a lot of time in various social networks... Such earnings do not take a lot of time, but everyone can earn absolutely easily.
  • Voting.
  • Reposts.
  • Joining communities.
  • Likes and more.

In general, as you yourself understand, there are no difficulties - you click on the buttons in social networks and earn money.

The site # 1 in Runet for making money today is. Great site for beginners. Quite a few are published on it every day. a large number of assignments.

☝️It's important:
The number of tasks available to you mainly depends on the "quality" of the linked accounts, for example, the more friends you have, the more tasks will be available. Also, in order to avoid possible blockages, it is worth creating separate accounts.

You can register on VKtarget.

Large amounts It is impossible to make money in this way, but a good amount for small purchases, paying for the Internet and replenishing the balance of a mobile phone is quite possible. Here's my example:

An example of making money on social accounts using the Vctarget service

Option number 4: Earning money on simple and uncomplicated tasks

If you are looking for a simple and easy income without investment, which does not require any skills, abilities and knowledge, then surely this option is just for you! 👍

Of course, Toloka has its drawbacks, for example, it would be useful to raise the payment for completing tasks. But even despite all the shortcomings, Yandex Toloka is definitely a worthwhile resource, which for many newcomers to the Internet is a good source of income!

Option number 5: Earn money on YouTube and your video

This method is ideal for those who are fond of filming. Video hosting provides an opportunity to make good money for all users. Posted videos can generate significant income for creators, but this requires some work first.

It's not worth rushing to shoot a video and hoping to immediately earn fabulous sums. First you need to study all the subtleties on which income depends. The topic of the video can be any, the main thing is that the target audience is interested.

Here is an example of a popular YouTube channel “ Amazing facts", Which in a short time managed to gain more 2 million subscribers:

Amazing Facts channel with over 2 million subscribers

An important point is the promotion of the channel, since even a very interesting video can go unnoticed. The number of videos also affects the amount of earnings. The more interesting they are, the better the channel is.

You can monetize the channel different ways... The most demanded - Google adsense... Profit directly depends on the number of views.

You also probably noticed that even before the start of the video on YouTube, the channel owner inserts a small affiliate video, in which they offer to follow the link in the description to a site and buy something. This is also an advertisement that can bring good income !

Option number 6: How to make money on the Internet through surveys

This is another pretty popular one. online earnings on the Internet with the withdrawal of money - these are polls! To earn money on questionnaires, registration is enough, after which you will be sent to the specified mail invitations to fill out thematic questionnaires.

Option number 7: Earnings on reviews and comments

Earning money from writing comments and reviews is available to absolutely everyone, even schoolchildren. Those who like to share their impressions of goods, services and much more will be especially interested in this type of earnings.

Most webmasters pay for what the user leaves good review about a site or store, especially on a third-party resource. It turns out that you can make money on expressing your opinion , the main thing is only to learn how to formulate it correctly.

For example, the site and will help you with this (we also gave a review of it in this article)!

Earnings on a women's website with a traffic of 7000 people

How can you monetize your own website? There are several options:

  • Publishing advertising articles- in this case, you do not have to search for content, only post it on your resource.
  • contextual advertising- even sites with low traffic today can use this method. It is the most popular and is capable of generating stable income. You just paste special code on the website page and advertising is automatically selected depending on the target audience.
  • Selling links- in this case, you will have to place links to other sites on the resource. For sale and purchase, there are special exchanges that make it easier for webmasters to find such offers - for example,
  • Partnership programs - profitable and simple. Your partner will transfer funds for advertising his site on yours, including a percentage of sales, if any.

Option # 10: Trade in goods from China

Recently, this type of earnings has begun to gain popularity. Everything happens remotely, it is only important to properly organize the process and constantly monitor it. At the same time, the income is decent, besides, such a business is always profitable.

The scheme of earning is simple - I bought it cheap, sold it much more expensive. To order goods from China, you can use such online platforms as Aliexpress , Alibaba , Taobao other!

But before you start working, it is worth considering some points, namely what products you will sell and develop a sales strategy.

At one time, for example, flying toys were popular - fairies, Angry Birds, etc. Such toys cost about 250-350 rubles in purchase in China (in Russia it is a little more expensive), and they are sold for 1290-1490 rubles.

Option number 16: Earnings on a group in social networks

One of the most popular communities on Vkontakte "Laugh to Tears" - more than 10 million subscribers

First, you need to create a thematic community and start filling it with interesting content that does not contradict the rules. It is worth considering carefully what you will publish. If the group is not interesting, then it is unlikely to come out of it.

It is advisable to choose a topic that you are well versed in. Then it's worth doing the promotion. Many hire moderators for this, who guarantee a successful promotion.

About promotion!
You can promote a group both for free and for a fee - 2 excellent promotion services will help you with this: and .

After the group has gained a sufficient number of subscribers and the activity is good, advertisers may be interested in it. This is where the first earnings begin.

You can also use special services with native advertising, which provide videos with pay-per-view, or various affiliate programs. In the second case, the income depends on the number of sales / registrations / downloads ...

The main factor affecting the amount of earnings is the number of subscribers, topics and activity.

Create really interesting and high-quality communities and you will always have a lot of subscribers, and as a result, good income.

💡An example from personal experience!
So two guys from a small town have already created about 3 communities on Vkontakte, each of which has about 1 million subscribers... They have long understood how profitable this niche is and, accordingly, do not need money for a long time! 💰

Option number 17: earn money blogging

Absolutely any person, both a schoolboy and a pensioner, can create a blog now without much difficulty and difficulties!

You can write articles on almost any topic - and yet it is advisable to choose the ones that you like best!

Well, of course, you can post on the site affiliate links to useful projects, online stores and other online services! Affiliate income can sometimes even exceed total ad income!

The advantages of contextual advertising are that it is possible to customize advertising for the site design, so it does not spoil the overall appearance. Search engines treat this method well, since in most cases they fully correspond to the topic of the site.

To achieve a decent income, you need to make your blog the most interesting for the target audience, since they visit such resources mainly for reading.

This is a very real and affordable way for everyone to make money online! 👍

Option number 18: Earnings on affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a tool for earning money that generally involves sales.

The bottom line is that you must interest potential customers so that they follow the affiliate link (posted on your resource or on other sites on the Internet) and order any product, register, download something or perform another specific action.

Transcribing audio to text - examples from the freelance exchange

Now for the payment. Everything here is not so simple, it all depends on the customer, the duration and quality of the recording, etc.

But basically the price of one minute of translation fluctuatesfrom 5 to 15 rubles(average price - about7-10 rub.). So, for example, you can usually earn about 200-300 rubles for decrypting a half-hour record.

As a result, transcription can become a good temporary alternative for newbies (schoolchildren, students) who do not yet have any specialized skills (eg website creation, design development ...), but want to start making money on freelance exchanges! 🙂

Option number 22: Earnings by writing term papers

This is a type of earnings close to copywriting, in this case you can also use special exchanges (eg

Customers are usually students, so the demand for term papers, essays and theses is more seasonal. To work, you need to be a trained person with good thinking and a high level of literacy.

Cost of work

The cost depends mainly on the complexity of the task - it can fluctuate from 300 to 20,000 rubles... In some works, laboratory tests are required, respectively, their price will be much higher.

You can also place ads on various resources. Over time, with a large flow of orders, many people create entire teams.

Option number 23: Working as a designer

Designers are especially in demand all over the world. If you already have experience working as a designer, then you should not discard this option, since you can work remotely, at a time convenient for you, and get decent money.

To start, it is enough to have creative streak , Internet access , laptop or computer and special software which you will need to create projects (you can download it for free).

The services of designers are in demand in many areas - from creating website projects to various fashion accessories.

The average earnings of a qualified specialist are estimated 1000 $ per month but this is not the limit.

Option number 24: Earnings on creating websites

Literally anyone can create websites! In fact, you can learn how to create simple websites with minimal training in just 2-3 days!

Option number 26: Trade through an online store or one-page websites

To make money on your online store, you first need to create it. You can try to do it yourself if you have certain site building skills, but the fastest option is to order it from specialists.

It is also possible to make an online store using the constructor yourself. in 30 minutes... For example, I can recommend one of the best builders for online stores -

If you want to create a one-page for free, then a site is suitable for these purposes - Advertising of the store is necessary, therefore, in some cases, small investments will be required, which will further compensate for the sales. Income can reach large amounts, it all depends on your approach to business.

Option # 27: Mobile Application Development

If you have developer skills and want to make a decent amount, then this is the way for you.

But it is worth considering that you need to spend a lot of time and effort on it. Compensates for the costs of the prospect of a serious and permanent income.

If an app becomes popular, then it is easy to monetize it - for example, with the same ads, offering the full version, or additional paid services.

About promoting the application!
To increase the rating, you will have to independently engage in promotion. This can also be helped by special services for promoting applications to the TOP according to requests in Google Market and App Store (for example, one of the market leaders -

Websites for Making Money Online - Top 10 Sites List

So, we have considered the ways of making money. It's time to get acquainted with those sites that have long established themselves as bona fide platforms for freelancers. We present to your attention a list of the ten best resources for making money.

Service 1: VkTarget

Provides an opportunity to earn money for everyone who is registered in social networks, such as: VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

From my own experience I can say that this is one of the best online sites for making money for beginners! Vktarget has a lot of advantages over similar sites for making money!

About tasks and their cost!
The tasks are simple and take a little time to complete. They are performed in a matter of seconds! The cost of one varies approximately from 0.20 to 1.5 rubles.

This type of earnings can be compared with bucks, only the remuneration here is an order of magnitude higher.

Tasks are different, basically you need to post an entry on your page, leave a comment, join a group or like.

The earnings are small, but the mobile phone will be enough to pay for the Internet and replenish the balance.

Those who want to receive more actively use the affiliate program and invite referrals. From their earnings are accrued 15% Basically here you can find works on writing texts, but there are also orders, according to the terms of which you should leave a review,

What schemes of making money on the Internet work in 2019? How to make money online and not fall into the clutches of scammers? On which sites can you make your first profit quickly?

Hello dear reader. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am the founder of the website, where you are now.

Using a personal example, I will show you how you can make money on the Internet from 500$ per month on the provision of services, your own website, on social networks and in other ways. It is not as easy as it seems, but I will explain complex things point by point and in simple language. Having studied the article to the end, you can immediately apply the knowledge gained and earn your first money on the Web.

I started from scratch myself, and in 5 years I came out on income in several thousand dollars a month!

I must say right away that the article turned out to be voluminous, so I recommend saving it in the bookmarks of your browser and reading it in several visits.

You are ready? Let's go then!

1. Is it realistic to make money on the Internet in 2019 or is it nonsense?

If for someone the World Wide Web today is just a hobby, a part-time job or a way to find the information they need, then for me it is the main source of income.

He allows me to support my family with two children and help relatives.

This, of course, is good - you say, but what should I do personally, where to start? Get started from studying the experience of those who already have results, and follow their tried and true advice. In addition, you can take additional training, for example, on creating websites. A resource on which attentive teachers will teach you how to create websites for free, even from scratch, and which I personally trust -.

And now - specifically and only personal experience .

Here 100% tools with which you can make money on the Internet:

  • your site (blog);
  • YouTube channel;
  • partnership programs;
  • completing assignments and providing services (freelance);
  • sale of information;
  • creating a service or application;
  • advertising in different formats.

With the help of half of these tools, I am making money on the Internet right now, and the rest are used by my friends. By the way, I also described the stories of my friends and acquaintances in this article.

Now I will show you how our "HeatherBeaver" was making money:

Below are the directions and screenshots of earnings.

1) Contextual advertising

Screenshot of income by days from Yandex contextual advertising

Screenshot of income by day from Google Adsense contextual advertising

2) Affiliate programs and direct advertisers (articles, banners, links)

Screenshot of income from our WebMoney e-wallet

Screenshot of income by days of Yandex.Money wallet

Dear friend, as you can see, our homemade site really allows you to make money on the Internet, and we created it with my friend Vitaly from scratch, investing everything in it 1,500 rubles (25$ ) and your knowledge.

So, dear reader, I can tell you with full responsibility that you can make money online. Moreover, the amounts, as you can see, are very significant: 500$ , 2 000$ , 5 000$ a month or more.

For such a level of income, some experience is needed, but you can start without any investment or any knowledge at all. This is how I and many of my acquaintances began who have now found a good income.

2. How to start making more money on the Internet than at your main job (my experience)

How to change a boring office or other job for a profitable activity on the Internet? Do you want to keep your "ass" warm, and earn the same amount or even more, without leaving home?

How do you like this idea, is it interesting? - then we continue.

Typical workshop

Five years ago, I completely switched my income online.

Example - FIRE! :)

My experience: from desire to first money on the Internet ...

At the age of 13, I began to master a computer program for designers Adobe photoshop... I practiced every day and already during my studies at school and institute could create collages, retouch photos and make designs to order for adults and youth.

At first, friends and acquaintances contacted me. Later I started working as a photo artist in a creative workshop in the city of Stavropol.

This is how I acquired skills for which they began to pay me. For student 300-400$ a month in a provincial town - that was good money a few years ago.

Later I began to practice writing articles, although I didn't really like writing essays at school. A year later, I also mastered this skill.

This is how my career as an Internet entrepreneur began in 2012. At that time, I got a job as a remote employee at the municipal institution “Center for Youth Work”.

I created a website for this organization and I myself ran it. The work took 1-2 hours a day and brought from 5000 before RUB 10,000 per month ( 150-250$ ), and my current business partner Vitaly helped me.

As time went on, the experience became more. Vitalik and I began to contact people who needed help in creating an Internet project, design, and writing texts.

We performed the work with high quality, and satisfied clients began to recommend us to their friends. So gradually we began to fulfill orders for entrepreneurs not only from our native Stavropol, but also from other cities and even countries.

A year and a half after the start of such an Internet work, my income increased by 3-4 times... Improving my design and writing skills, sometimes I was able to complete a project of everything for one day and make money on it 15,000 rubles .

At that time people earned such money in our city FOR A MONTH at a regular job ... From that moment on, I didn't even have to look for clients. Orders poured in from all directions according to recommendations. Some of them brought me 1000-2000 rubles , I made them in a few hours, and for larger ones in 10,000-20,000 rubles it took me a few days.

Here are examples of my real work as a designer and their prices:

(Design cost: 180$)

(Design cost: 250$)

(Design cost: 280$)

As you can see, starting from scratch and simply developing certain skills, you will not only start making good money on the Internet, but also make sure that this income becomes the main and exceeded the average salary In your city.

So, the surest way to make money online is as follows:

  1. Master demanded skill in the labor market and sell it remotely: design, writing texts, teaching English, programming and others.
  2. Find among your closest circle of first customers and do the job well.
  3. Receive recommendations from satisfied clients and expand your client base by developing a portfolio of finished works and demonstrating them to future customers.

By following these 3 steps sequentially, you, like me once, will make the Internet main source of income.

You can find more ways to make money on the Internet on the partner site of our company - Only effective, proven and reliable options for generating income!

And at the end of this section, I urge you to familiarize yourself with comparative table advantages of making money online over “standard” work

Comparison criterionStandard job

(office, production)

Earnings on the Internet

(freelance, own business)

1 ScheduleRegulated (-)Free (+)
2 IncomeLimited (-)Grows quickly when done correctly (+)
3 Income increase potentialShort (-)High (+)
4 Official registrationYes, in case of conclusion of an employment contract (+)Yes, in the case of registration of activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC) (+)
5 Dependence on bossesYes (±)No (±)
6 Nature of incomeProjected (±)Floating (±)
7 A responsibilityAverage (±)Mostly high (±)
8 TicketingPer process (in most situations, salary) (±)For the result (almost always) (±)
9 Difficulty getting the first moneyLow (+)High (-)
10 Ability to work from anywhere in the worldNo (-)Yes (+)

3. Working schemes for making money on the Internet in 2019

Let's move on to the schemes for making money online for beginners.

They do not require an initial investment and allow you to earn your first dollar right now.

These diagrams are:

  1. Freelance. Selling your skills, talents and skills in the form of services to clients.
  2. Your website, blog. Creation and promotion of your information site (blog), YouTube channel and earnings on it (mainly on advertising).
  3. Internet service. Creation of a service on the Internet for solving various user tasks ( way for the advanced!)
  4. Mediation. Resale of goods and services on the Internet, for example with help.
  5. Infobusiness. Sale of information in the form of trainings, training DVD-courses, subscription databases.

Let's take a closer look at these schemes.

4. Popular ways to make money on the Internet without investment

The methods described here are especially suitable for beginners and will prove the reality of earning the first money. For each of the options presented, I will write an approximate level of possible income, as well as give links to our articles, which more fully reveal the topic of earnings in a certain way.

Can't wait to give it a try? Let's go then!

Method 1. Yandex.Toloka - making money on simple tasks

The service of simple tasks from Yandex allows you to make money without experience.

Among the tasks are the following:

  • updating data about organizations;
  • classification of photos about organizations;
  • assessment of the correctness of the video;
  • assessing the accuracy of product recommendations;
  • check for duplicate ads.

Screenshot of real tasks from Yandex Toloka

The cost of tasks from 0,01 before $ 1... Of course, you cannot earn millions on Toloka, but if you are interested in the very process of getting the first money on the Internet, then this service is quite suitable.

Register and start completing paid tasks.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that some tasks Maybe exclusively with mobile phones ... So if you have an IPhone or other modern smartphone then it will be much easier for you to make money with this service.

Method 2. Earnings on clicks

A very popular destination for beginners is. There are services that help publishers to promote their projects, and users - to complete tasks and get paid for it.

These sites include:


Earnings on clicks are available on any of these sites. We withdraw funds to electronic wallets.

A resource related to buks - sites where you can make money on clicks on advertisements. Performers are rewarded for likes, reposts, joining groups, watching videos, participating in discussions. Before getting started, you need to install the application from the App Store and from Google Play. Instant withdrawal is carried out on "WebMoney". Tasks can be both penny and 100-200 rubles... You can earn an average of 500 rubles per month.

Service for promotion and promotion. Customers get subscribers, performers get a part-time job. Assignments can be taken by people who have social media accounts and many subscribers. Tasks cost 3-35 rubles. Conclusion - from 200 rubles. You can withdraw money only to Webmoney. They arrive within 2-5 days.

An advertising agency with a 10-year history. Performers receive money for actions on social networks, attracting new users, reading mailings. Earnings, as in similar boxes, are insignificant: 3-5 rubles for 30-40 minutes and 10 rubles with referrals.

Method 3. Earning on likes (classes)

To promote their offers and accounts, firms and entrepreneurs use the social activity of users.

Likes and "classes" help promote goods and services over the Internet, and you will earn money on this.

To get started, create accounts in popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Popular and proven sites for making money on likes:


Perhaps Vktarget is the most interesting service of its kind. Quick check execution of the task, withdrawal of money within 2 days, the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 25 rubles. In fact, most of the money you will receive from joining VK and OK groups or subscribing to channels on Youtube.

I personally did not try to make money in this particular way, but I know guys who received and brought their first 50-200 rubles.

Method 4. Earnings on viewing ads and videos

For example, service allows you to earn money by completing tasks, including watching videos.

Here's a relatively high pay: 1 RUB 70 kopecks. credited for viewing for viewing ads. RUB 3 50 kopecks you will be paid along with the repost. A task such as a "subscription" is paid at a price 75 kopecks .

Income will be more if you register on VKontakte and Facebook. Completing assignments using your social profiles is paid much higher.

Another service that is willing to pay you to view ads is

To get started, you need to install the extension from the site. Users receive a reward for viewing teasers - advertisers' ads (teaser ads from the service pops up even when the adblock blocker is enabled). Prices are low - RUB 0.01 for a teaser without a timer and 0.03 rubles. for a teaser with a timer of 30 seconds, that is, you cannot count on mountains of gold. But the resource has a minimum withdrawal amount - only 1 ruble. a site where you can get money for viewing ads on mobile devices and PC. To earn money, you need to install the application. On the main page, it is indicated that there are already 5 million people with "Globus" - a pretty impressive figure. Passive income on the network will not bring millions: for watching 50 videos per day, you can get an average of 2-3 rubles... That is, it turns out less than a dollar a month.

Method 5. Earn money by writing reviews and comments

  1. Working directly with the customer. There is a lot of such work on sites like or, where people are looking for performers. There are many web projects that need comments.
  2. Work through special comment exchanges. On them, you are not looking for a customer, but immediately see tasks for commenting.

Popular exchanges include:

  • is perhaps the best comment exchange. Huge selection of various tasks. High rates and big choice suitable topic.
  • - to work with comments, select "post a comment" from the list. Average pay - RUB 5 per comment, but you need to study the account requirements: there are limits for age, gender, number of friends and other parameters.

Method 6. Earnings on surveys

Paid surveys are a good way to generate income by answering questions from popular survey sites.

The survey is carried out by sociological and marketing companies in order to study public opinion about goods, services or processes occurring in society. Answering questions is also work, and it should be paid for.

Below are the popular and reliable sites on which you will earn up to RUB 100 for one completed questionnaire.


Cost of a completed application form: 50-70 rubles

The site is owned by Global Data Serviss, which has offices around the world. Upon registration, you will receive a bonus in the amount of 10 rubles .

Also here all customers are offered a "daily survey", calculated for 10 minutes and with payment 30 rubles... Participate in this survey daily if you meet the criteria for participants on the day of the survey.


Cost of a completed application form: 15-100 rubles

The site of the company "IOM Anketolog" has been operating since 2010. Here you also earn by filling out questionnaires and answering questions. In mid-2016, the Questionnaire registered more than 45,000 respondents.

Earnings - from 20 before 100 rubles in just 15-20 minutes a day. Interesting topics and questions in the questionnaires.


Cost of a completed application form: 15-500 rubles

On the questionnaire, you will earn from 15 rubles for small questionnaires and up to 500 rubles for complex polls that sometimes last a third or half a day. You will receive a bonus upon registration 5 rubles .

Withdrawal of money - to e-wallets within 3 days from the date of application.


For filling out one questionnaire, you can get 40-100 rubles.

This is one of the oldest projects, it is already 12 years old. Before starting work, you need to fill out a profile questionnaire. The more interests a participant indicates, the higher the chance to participate in the online survey. The organizers send an invitation to participate by e-mail.

You can earn money if you actively use banking services, mobile internet, own a car, keep pets, etc., but polls do not come every day, so you should not consider the "Questionnaire" as a serious way to make money. The minimum withdrawal amount - 1000 rubles - can be saved for six months or a year. Money can be withdrawn to a card, mobile account, WebMoney, Yandex.Money. The project is suitable for those who like to answer questions for a small fee.


Participants receive bonuses instead of money - 5 for a short questionnaire and 30-100 for a completely completed survey.

Another service with polls. The questionnaires are often sent by e-mail - you can receive several invitations per day. Additional points can be earned for completing mini-surveys and inviting friends. Bonuses are exchanged for prizes - goods from Aliexpress. The minimum prize price is 500 bonuses. You can earn them in 1-2 weeks of active participation. For this amount you can buy a container for storing rings, a toy for a cat, a fragrance for a car, a washcloth, etc. To get an expensive prize, such as a mountain bike or a smartphone, you will have to try and accumulate 50,000 bonuses.


The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles.

To participate in the project, you need to fill out the profile as fully as possible. Participants are assigned a trust rating, so you need to fill out the questionnaire with high quality. Superficial and contradictory answers lead to a decrease in the rating, which means that they will be invited to polls less often. You can withdraw money to your phone balance, WebMoney wallet or donate to charity. It will take about 14 days to wait for the reward after the withdrawal.

Method 7.

Online players earn up to $ 1000 per month

Many play online games, and some even manage to generate income from it.

Method 8. Earnings on file hosting

If you have files that other people need: interesting e-books, abstracts, music, make money on this through file sharing.

To do this, register on one of the popular exchange sites and upload your file there.

Per every thousand downloads your file you get from 5 before 15 dollars... It seems a little, BUT! If you actively advertise a link to an uploaded file on your website or a third-party forum, then you will easily gain hundreds and thousands of downloads per month. Earnings will increase if you place more files.

What, then, do the exchange services themselves earn? - you ask. And they receive income by providing paid or high-speed "VIP" or "Gold" access. Another income on such services comes from the abundance of ads on the file download page.

This is how users download your files and you get money.

List of popular and most profitable file hosting services:


Register and get profit!

Method 9. Earning money on photo stocks and photo banks

Photo stock is a site that contains photos and pictures for download in various areas: business, art, nature, cinema and others.

Popular Stock Photo Bank Shutterstock

The photo stock acts as an intermediary between the creator of the picture and the person who needs it. Making money on photo stocks and photo banks is a great opportunity to generate additional income for a designer or photographer.

How it works:

For example, I am a photographer, travel the world and make photo reviews of different cities.

On the Internet, every day my photos are required by web publishers, magazines, designers, and they are all willing to pay me a certain amount for a high-quality picture or photo.

So, if you took 100 pictures in some city in Europe, you have the right to sell them, say for 3 dollars /Photo.

The same is the case with pictures and "icons". Sell ​​them over the Internet an unlimited number of times. Z and once the work done, You will to receive income for months and years.

Your pictures are sold day and night to different people for different projects. At this time, you get yours and build it up. Each picture or photograph is a small and constant trickle of money into your pocket.

List of verified photobanks for making money:


5. Ways to make money on the Internet with minimal investment

Here are the methods with no or almost no cash investment.

It only takes your time and perseverance in your work.

Method 1.

Everyone knows the Avito message board, but not everyone makes money with it. This method also applies to online earnings, since high traffic to this site will help you find those who are willing to pay money.

Cleaning lady or not? An example of a creative ad on Avito

Avito's opportunities for making money:

  1. Selling unnecessary items, including other people's belongings, for a commission.
  2. Help in selling the services of your friends for a percentage.

An example of selling someone else's services for a percentage through Avito:

I personally tested this method and it works!

You find a few of your acquaintances who perform certain services with high quality, for example, create websites, make repairs in apartments, install built-in furniture, and so on.

Let the average cost of apartment renovation services for your team be 100,000 rubles, and site creation - 50,000 rubles .

Agree on a percentage of the sales of these performers' services if the client comes to them through you. Earnings from each client will be: from 10,000 rubles from one repair and from 5000 rubles from one ordered project.

To get income, you need to make good ads, publish them on Avito and others electronic platforms, receive calls and transfer contacts of potential clients to your performers.

Selling only 3-5 such services per month, you will earn from 20 000 before 100,000 rubles and more.

I have acquaintances, one is called Volodya, he is a repairman of apartments, the other is Sasha, he creates custom-made websites. For these guys, I periodically refer clients. per 10% from the cost of work, almost every month + 5-10 thousand rubles just dripping on top of me in addition to various internet earnings.

I am not specifically looking for clients for these services, but simply send everyone who needs such services to Volodya and Sasha.

As you can see, just by using such an intermediary scheme, you will receive a good additional income.

For entrepreneurs on Avito there is an opportunity to open a full-fledged online store. Start small - these skills will definitely come in handy in the future, when the scale of your business grows and the standard functionality is no longer enough.

The ability to open an online store on Avito

Method 5. Buying and selling domains (cybersquatting)

Domain is the name of a site on the Internet.

Earnings on the resale of domains cannot be classified as fast, but its value sometimes reaches truly cosmic proportions in tens of thousands of percent per annum and more.

You've probably heard that gold phone numbers like +7 999 707 77 77 are quite expensive. And if a SIM card with a regular number can be bought for 200-500 rubles, then for the "golden" number you will have to pay from 5000 before 1,000,000 rubles ... The situation is exactly the same with the "thieves" license plates. The principle is clear.

So one, one American domain with adult materials costs tens of millions of dollars. Domains like, and others are also very high in price, and once anyone could register them for symbolic money.

How it works:

You find free sonorous and beautiful domain names and register them for yourself. The number of domains is not limited, register at least a thousand. Next, you create groups on social networks or a separate site where you offer to buy these domains at a higher price.

Another way to find a customer for a domain is to create a contact page on that domain. Place your other domain offers on the same page.

And if buying a domain will cost you 100-700 rubles, then your clients will sometimes be willing to pay for such a domain 10 000-50 000 or even 500,000 rubles... It turns out that one good deal on domain speculation is capable of generating income comparable to the size of the annual salary in an average Russian city.

We recently wanted to buy a domain, and the owner requested for it 7000 euros .

Response to a request to buy a domain

Check the availability of domains and purchase them on the popular domain registrar website

Method 6. Earnings on sports betting

Sports betting has been a popular topic in recent years. Here you can really make a lot of money without leaving your home.

There are two ways to make profitable bets:

  1. Be a fan of sports events and follow all the key sports games and sports stars. The method is reliable, but not everyone has the time and desire to constantly “stew” in the world of sports events. Then it's worth going the other way.
  2. Use mathematical and probabilistic approaches to the results of sports games. This approach to making money on bets is available to any person.

Here's an example:

Usually, everyone bets on the favorites of sporting events, the same Chelsea football club, which almost always wins. However, your earnings with such a win will be the maximum 5-10% of the bet amount.

On the contrary, if you are betting thoughtfully on teams whose chances of winning are small, and suddenly such a team “shoots”, then you will double, triple, or even tenfold your initial bet. This approach is called value betting - bets on underestimated events (teams, players).

We have described these and other strategies in the article "". Be sure to read this article if you want to receive a stable income from sports betting for a long time.

Method 7. Traffic arbitration

Traffic arbitrage is earning money by reselling traffic that you buy from various sources.

Sources of customer acquisition:

  • teaser advertising;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • banner networks.

Example of a landing page - Fake blog by Polina Gagarina

If you want to dive into this topic of making money, I recommend you an article about. From the article you will learn everything about making money on traffic and where a beginner should start.

6. TOP-9 popular sites for making money

Here I have described some excellent sites for generating income.

On some of them, you will make a profit today from scratch, while others are suitable for freelancers with basic knowledge and skills, for example, in the field of design or copywriting.

1) - reviews site

Reviewer is a popular and reliable web resource that consistently pays everyone who leaves reviews on it. Payment is made for the number of reviews viewed by site visitors. It is ideal if your review contains personal experience of using a product, service, service or company. A big plus is high-quality photos and videos.

For example, I saw a review where a girl describes an elephant nursery in Sri Lanka. The review consists not only of interesting text - descriptions of all places, excursions and prices, but also their detailed photo report. In the photo, the heroine of the excursion herself walks with elephants and local residents.

"Otzovik" pays up to RUB 500 per 1000 views your feedback. How more reviews leave and the more good comments, views and likes on them, the more income you will receive.

2) - an Internet service for the exchange of experience

The top reviews on this site also contain a large number of original photos the author.

After registration, your account is credited with 50 rubles, new review is worth up to 100 rubles and for every 1000 views of your review, you get +50 rubles.

An important point!

Choosing a subject for writing reviews directly affects the size of your income... The most popular topics for female audience there will be: beauty, health, diet and weight loss, and for men - cars and technology.

3) - freelance exchange in the field of IT is the most famous website for remote employees and freelancers on the Russian Internet. Here you will find dozens of areas within which you can provide services. By the way, we often turn to him if we need services for the modernization of "Bobra" or the search for employees.

Experienced performers sit on this exchange and each of them has a rating that directly affects his chances of getting an order. For example, when a customer chooses a contractor for an expensive and serious project, he ticks the box “Only with PRO account”.

An example of our tasks on the website

4) - remote work exchange

Workzilla is great for earning the first money on small orders for 200 , 500 or 1000 rubles .

The advantage of this service is a large number of tasks for beginners with no experience: translating audio into text, sorting products for online stores, writing simple texts, a call to the company.

I specifically registered on this site to show it to you. The requirements for performers are quite high here.

View of the personal account of the site

The exchange allows you to choose the specialization in which you want to provide services, for example, "design", "texts" or others.


When registering, you will have to pay 340 rubles- registration fee , confirm your contact information and pass several tests for knowledge of the rules of the service.

This is what the quest list looks like on Workzilla.

Some of my acquaintances work exclusively at Workzilla, receiving from 10 000 before RUB 40,000 per month. For some it is just a side job on the Internet, for others it is the main source of income.

5) - content for websites

The content exchange is one of the oldest and leading in the Russian Internet. Here they earn by writing texts (copywriting, rewriting). Among the customers there are both one-time and regular customers. If they like you, they will provide you with a steady stream of orders.

At the first stage, you can write here articles on topics of interest to you and put up texts for sale. These items will sell on their own and you will be charged on your internal balance.

With the acquisition of experience, you will first receive one-time orders on a specific topic, and then, having developed a portfolio, you will also receive permanent remote work in the field of copywriting.

6) - copywriting exchange is another platform for making money by writing texts. This exchange has a rating of copywriters who pass preliminary tests in the Russian language, as well as optimize texts for search engines.

So potential customers will see that you are working on your professionalism, and will give you more expensive and voluminous orders.

It was on this exchange that we found many regular authors for our site -


An exchange for freelancers: designers, marketers, translators, copywriters. There is a rating system, which is influenced by many factors: customer reviews, refusals to work, making edits. For a closed order, the exchange takes 20% of the commission. The site can be seen as a start to gain experience and understand what customers want.


A copywriting exchange where you earn by writing articles. To receive an order, you need to select the theme you like from the list and submit an application. The performer may be refused, therefore, at first, the rating is hammered on low-paid jobs. There is a store of ready-made content where you can add your articles. The average cost is 40-45 rubles per 1000 characters.


A popular copywriting and rewriting exchange. The off-the-shelf article store has closed, so you need to apply to receive your order. The higher the rating, the more chances you have to win the tender. 100% literacy is a must. You can earn both 5,000 and 30,000 rubles a month, depending on the author's activity.

7. Freelance and remote work - TOP-10 in-demand professions in 2019

Freelance is the execution of tasks for different customers via the Internet for a fee.

It allows everyone who has certain skills and knowledge in the demanded online areas to earn money: website development, advertising, technical and information services. Several years ago I myself was doing freelancing in the field of design and writing, and by my own calculations I earned about 500,000 rubles (10,000 dollars ).

Remote work - this is almost the same as freelancing, only here you work with one permanent employer, do not go to the office or to production, and all the work takes place via the Internet.

The money earned through remote work, you withdraw to your e-wallets or current account in case of official registration of yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

Below I have described in detail the most popular and profitable areas of earning money on the Internet, presenting them in the form of 10 in-demand professions. For each profession, he indicated the level of income, the minimum level of which is typical for beginners in this business, and the maximum for professionals with several years of experience.

Remote work - isn't it cool ?!

Moving on to an overview of popular online professions.

Profession "The Best". Internet marketer

I'll start with perhaps the most promising and highly paid profession of the 21st century on the Internet. This is an "internet marketer".

This specialist helps to promote and sell goods, services and events (events) on the Internet

This specialist receives on the market from 50 000 before 150,000 rubles and more as a full-time employee according to the and portals. Moreover, you can work remotely from anywhere in the world.

I wrote that 50-150 tr.- this is the income of a STAFF employee, that is, if you work for a company, this will be your salary, possibly with a bonus part.

But there is another way to make money in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

For example, you know how to find clients for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet, and then you can ask the organizers for a percentage of each ticket sold.

If the volume of ticket sales through you went to 1,500,000 rubles then you can negotiate from 25% of your commission. What in in this case will be 375,000 rubles from one project.

How to learn this profession?

Dmitry created a remote business to promote on the Internet, in 2 years he visited 32 countries and is successfully developing his project with a team without reference to the place.

Do you want it too? Start by studying this course and who knows, maybe in a couple of months or in a year you will open your own online promotion company.

Profession 1. Skype tutor

Income level: 200-1500 rubles per hour

A popular profession for people with good knowledge in any of the in-demand areas and teaching skills.

An example from my life

My friend Alexey and his wife Marina have been teaching English to children and adults for several years. Their cost of a lesson varies from 500 before 800 rubles in one hour of face-to-face training.

I cite them as an example, since I myself studied English from them from scratch and learned the language to a conversational level in 1 year. Here is the address of their project:

Therefore, if you are a teacher at a school, institute or other educational institution, feel free to install skype program, buy a video camera for your computer and recruit yourself students.

As an expert in any field, just consult people on Skype - this will be a great opportunity for you to make money on the Internet. Lawyers, accountants, business consultants - Skype will help all these people to profitably sell their consultations.

Another example from personal experience

Recently, a guy who was interested in the topic of earning money on his website contacted us at the Bobra support service. He wrote that he was ready to pay me for consultations via Skype.

We agreed that he would pay me for 2 hours of consultations 2000 rubles, that is, by 1000 in an hour. Then they contacted, and I gave him comprehensive information, answered all his questions.

And you know what is most interesting, what exactly he offered me in a letter to consult him for a fee, I did not look for clients for this, he found me himself! My interlocutor was very pleased with the quality of the information provided.

So it will be with you when you start to immerse yourself professionally in any topic: people will find you and offer you money.

Another popular Skype profession is a psychologist. These specialists advise people not only when they meet in the psychological office, but also remotely.

Many psychologists are now looking for a part-time job on the Internet. In fact, this is not difficult, since the profession involves only communication with a person. Look for clients using your personal business card website, describing your experience, services and prices.

An even easier way to make yourself known on the Web is to add information, reviews and portfolios to profile directory sites. By the way, the same can be done for tutors.

Or create a YouTube channel and promote yourself as a specialist by telling interesting things and filming your work. Receive money for services to electronic systems or a bank account, if.

By consulting people on Skype or organizing group training webinars over the Internet, a specialist in the field of psychological counseling can easily create additional income on the Internet or make it the main one.

An hour of consultation with a psychologist costs from 300 rubles and more depending on his experience and "promotion" in the professional market.

Profession 2. Copywriter

A copywriter is a copywriter. These people write texts for web portals and advertising materials. They work via the Internet as freelancers or remote employees of various projects: media, Internet portals, advertising agencies.

Good copywriters make money online more than 100,000 rubles... Usually they start with rewriting - rewriting other people's texts and selling them through content exchanges, such as the above-described "Advego" and "Contentmonster".

Profession 3. Designer

Income level: $ 100-4000 per month

Since I know this profession firsthand, I will briefly tell you what it takes to master it, and how a novice designer can increase his earnings on the Internet if he already works for a company.

As a home designer, you can perform several areas of work - creating 3D interiors, design for websites, advertising or photo retouching. Start by studying online tutorials in programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 3D-max, Adobe flash, Corel Draw.

Depending on your specialization, study the required program (we), do some work for clients for free in order to build the necessary portfolio. After your portfolio is complete, start advertising your services in large quantities to acquaintances, social media, and telecommuting services. Of these sites, I recommend the same and

This will gradually move you from a low-paid hobbyist designer to a high-paid freelancer with a consistent high income. And then you can think about opening your own design studio or creative agency.

Profession 4. Web developer

Income level: $ 500-5000 per month

A web developer is engaged in the development of internet sites. Most often they mean a programmer or layout designer. Sometimes almost all specialists in the field of creating and promoting projects on the Internet are referred to as web developers: designers, Internet marketers, seo specialists and even copywriters.

If you want to become a professional web developer, start by learning the basics of building sites: Hypertext Markup Language HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.

It is also good to know the basics of the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop and understand what domain and hosting are.

Below I have posted these free lessons from popular author Evgeny Popov to help you master basic web developer skills:

HTML & CSS Tutorials

Tutorials on Adobe Photoshop, Domain and Hosting

Profession 5. Site administrator (project manager)

Income level: $ 300-3000 per month

The site administrator is a specialist who is engaged in technical support, finalizes its project functionality and corrects technical errors that arise. Such a "techie" does not get too much, usually before 300-500$ per month. It can often work remotely over the Internet.

The project manager is another matter. This is already a specialist with advanced management skills. The project manager determines the strategy for the development of the site, manages the team, sets tasks, monitors the progress of their implementation.

You can say that I am the manager of my brainchild,, as I take part in the formation and management of the team, the development of the further project strategy.

Therefore, if necessary, I can safely go to work as a manager of a certain direction of a large Internet project or its leader with the acquired skills at Beaver.

Profession 6. Video editor

Income level: $ 100-2000 per month

On the Internet, you can make money on video editing. This includes creating video intros for various projects and products, editing wedding videos, creating promotional videos.

Start with simple programs e.g. with Windows Movie maker which is included in the list standard programs for the Windows operating system.

Your customers will be people who provide wedding videography services, creative and advertising agencies, as well as video production studios.

On average, for one well-edited video with a duration of 1-10 minutes, the video editor receives from 2000 before 5000 rubles or 30-80 dollars .

Profession 7. Translator

Aladee English language? Use your knowledge to translate texts. You can easily find your first customers on online sites for remote employees. It is necessary to translate instructions for household appliances, texts from English-language resources, literary works and more.

If you specialize in one topic, your skill will grow, and your circle of clients will expand.

My friend's example:

One of my friends, his name is Dmitry, works three days later at his main job, and in his free time he translates technical texts, earning a few thousand extra thousand to his basic salary.

Profession 8. Call center specialist

Income level: $ 150-1000 per month

This specialist takes incoming calls and makes outgoing calls, working for a specific company in the contact center. Many organizations that sell something or work with clients have such centers: online stores, mobile operators, banks, airlines, travel agencies.

In order to reduce the cost of maintaining a workplace, many companies are now transferring the work of their employees to the “ home Office”. The phone support specialist also has a specific work schedule, customer base, and call plan. Only he does not work from the office of the company, but from home. Which is very convenient for everyone.

I have 2 acquaintances, girls Angela and Marina, who have a fairly large positive experience of working on the Internet from home as a remote call center specialist.

The first KOL-center appeared 500 years ago :)

Profession 9. Directorate (specialist in contextual advertising)

Income level: $ 150-2000 per month

Tens of thousands of entrepreneurs today are promoting their products and services online. How to attract customers to the site, preferably as quickly as possible?

The answer is simple - find a good director. The name of this profession comes from the popular contextual advertising service Yandex.Direct.

The director works not only with Yandex.Direct, but also with Google Edwards, being a highly specialized Internet marketer.

For training in this profession, there are paid and free materials on the Web and in particular on YouTube.

Profession 10. SMM specialist

Income level: $ 100-900 per month

An SMM specialist promotes companies, goods and services in social networks, creating groups, pages and events in VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, and attracts the audience to them with various methods.

His responsibilities include the creation and publication of content: text, photos, videos and analysis of the effectiveness of the results. The result is assessed according to social and economic criteria: the number of likes, reposts, posted materials, attracted visitors, the number of purchases and their average price.

That is, an SMM specialist is a marketer in the field social advancement... He can work both privately, finding direct clients and providing them services through the same remote work sites, and in SMM agencies remotely.

8. Earnings in social networks

1. Earnings on VKontakte

Vkontakte allows you to make money, for example, by creating public pages and monetizing them. That is, you create a public page, add users, regularly post interesting content there. After a while, the "snowball" effect is triggered, that is, now it is not you who are trying to attract people to the public, but they themselves connect to your page.

This is achieved through interesting and useful material that users share, like and "repost" posts on their pages. Then, when the public is typing from 10 000 subscribers, you start accepting applications for ad placement in it.

The cost of posts in popular public pages reaches 30,000 rubles for one placement... Imagine if at least once a day you place advertisers for such a price! Here are the real earnings in million rubles a month!

Of course, such publics have hundreds of thousands and millions of subscribers, but after all, everything once started small - perhaps a couple of years ago these publics were taken 200-300 rubles for placing an advertising post.


Since 2017, VKontakte allows users open an online store here... Sell ​​your goods and services on this social network, or enter into partnership agreements with suppliers or your friends, selling their offers for a commission percentage.

Example of goods from the VKontakte online store

2. Make money on Twitter

There are 5 main ways to generate income on Twitter:

  • on advertising;
  • on affiliate links;
  • the launch of a commercial microblogging;
  • profile picture monetization;
  • creating backgrounds for your account and plugins.

3. Earnings on Instagram

On Instagram, as in any other popular social network with a large audience, you can earn money.

I have identified 7 main ways:

  • advertising;
  • selling your own pictures;
  • sale of goods;
  • promotion of your own services;
  • printing user photos;
  • partnership programs.

Let me tell you how Andrey, my friend, makes a profit on Instagram:

He agreed with furniture makers on cooperation, which produce wardrobes and kitchens to order. Cooperation lies in the fact that my acquaintance throws off the contacts of potential customers to his furniture partners and receives 10-15% of the cost actually completed order.

Before that, Andrei collected many photographs of his contractors' furniture and posted them on Instagram. He began to promote the account and gain subscribers.

People began to write to him directly in the comments to the photographs that they wanted to order such furniture for themselves. He found out the phone number and the name of the person concerned, and then simply gave his contacts to the manager of the furniture company.

Now comes the fun part! The average cost of a furniture order was 35,000 rubles... That is 3500 rubles our reseller received for his services after a certain time, which was required for the production and installation of this piece of furniture.

Considering that almost every day someone wrote to him that he wanted to buy such and such a wardrobe or kitchen, my friend received daily from 3500 rubles... Now he has more per month 100,000 rubles... And that's just for attracting customers from Instagram.

By the same principle, you can become an intermediary in absolutely any market niche. All that remains is to choose a contractor and agree with him about the percentage of the clients you refer.

4. Earnings on Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki are famous for their target audience. These are people over 30, with children, mostly women.

Why do you think some users create accounts here with names like Marina Platieva or Anton Mebelny? - Right! These enterprising guys make money by promoting certain proposals with their "surname".

There is a lot of room here for those who sell services and goods for such "mothers". In classmates, people make good money who paint portraits to order, do various kinds of crafts with their own hands, the so-called "hand made", and all those who are engaged in household business.

Kitchens and sliding wardrobes, cornices, curtains, apartment renovations. Surely you have seen a lot of similar proposals on your classmates. But daring auto tuning or expensive watches are sold here much worse.

In classmates, they also make money on the groups they visit through advertising, on affiliate networks, which allow them to receive part of the income from the sale of products of various brands and companies. Designers and copywriters often generate income by designing groups and creating compelling product descriptions on this social network.

Now the "shops" function is also available in classmates.

Anyone can sell their goods and services here in a convenient way. To do this, you need to create a group on and find the "Create store" button there.

Hello everyone!

The Internet is more and more confidently entering our life. Nowadays nobody can be surprised by booking hotels, buying tickets, purchasing goods through the network. Just a few years ago, such actions were considered something incredible, which only the most advanced representatives of the era, the "programmers", are capable of.

The same thing happens gradually with work. Many people, especially representatives of older generations, still believe that work is certainly an office (well, or an institution, a factory - it doesn't matter), where you need to be five times a week from 9 to 18. A person who “sits at home”, in their opinion - a bum, living on what is unknown; by definition, he cannot work seriously.

But, as you know, being determines consciousness: the Internet captures more and more areas of our life and offers more and more opportunities to make money and have a good income for people who see these very opportunities. As a result, a person working from home, “for himself,” over time will cause less and less surprise and will become in the mass consciousness the same ordinary worker as an office worker.

How this will affect the infrastructure of the economy, people, their relationships and way of life is perhaps the topic of a separate article; now I want to go through the types and methods of making money on the worldwide network, available today.

We will consider making money via the Internet, which does not require large investments: firstly, a beginner may not have a lot of money, and secondly, there is a great risk of running into scammers who will simply rob a novice entrepreneur.

Making money online can be divided into two main types:

  1. Unskilled labor;
  2. Work that requires certain knowledge.

Well, let's start with the first point, and then take a closer look at the methods related to the second.

So, let's start with the simplest way:

Earning money on the Internet without investment by unskilled labor

Schoolchildren, retirees, and other people who have a lot of time, little money, but lack the knowledge, experience and skills for serious work in the network: are they really deprived of the opportunity to earn money? No matter how it is. There are many types of work in Runet, for which no special knowledge is required, only time is needed, well, a little more skill to find the necessary information online and use the services.

Of course, there is no need to talk about large and permanent income in this case, but it is quite possible to pay for the provision of communication services and other minor expenses.

Conscientious manufacturers of goods and services need feedback from their consumers to improve the quality of their products. For this, manufacturers order surveys from marketing companies. There are many resources involved in conducting surveys, both by filling out questionnaires and by personal or telephone conversations:

  • Paid online surveys. The service promises to pay an average of 50 rubles for a completed questionnaire;
  • voprosnik.rupaid polls, with the withdrawal of money from 100 rubles;
  • also polls, but points are awarded for them, which can be exchanged for goods;
  • paid surveys, they promise 50-200 rubles per survey;
  • online surveys, telephone and face-to-face surveys in Moscow;
  • the same in St. Petersburg.

By the way, for participation in a face-to-face survey, you can get 2-3 thousand rubles. Where else can you earn so much a day, for example, for a pensioner?

Earnings on Internet surfing and clicks

Perhaps the easiest way to make money on the Internet: watching ads and videos, clicks on banners, joining social media communities, reposts and likes. The amounts are small: from a few kopecks to a few rubles per action. Here are some services:

  • a resource that allows you to make money on clicks, reading mailings, clicking on advertising links;
  • about the same functionality;
  • Is a popular service for "boosting" likes and subscribers on social networks. You can earn money by joining communities, likes, posting, and so on.

About how to make money on the Internet on clicks, I have.

Selling things through message boards

It's also very simple. The successful implementation of their unnecessary things many lead to the idea that selling things through the network can be a good way of income. You can order things from Chinese online stores and sell them, or provide intermediary services for a certain percentage to those who have no time to sell themselves. Popular services ads:

  • From hand to hand

On some freelance exchanges, for example,, you can find orders for simple services that do not require special knowledge: call the customer base, find information, photograph a product in a store, print text from a photo, calculate something in Excel, fill in data to the database and even take the girl a bouquet of flowers. In general, errands for every taste. You may have to spend a little beforehand: some exchanges require payment to subscribe.

Reviews and comments

Another way to make money on the Internet, however, is rather dubious: to write positive reviews of products and services to order. Literacy and pen skills are not required here, on the contrary, you need to write as "naturally" as possible. Orders - for the same. There are orders for video reviews, they are paid better, but here the performer needs to think about whether it is worth embarrassing the entire network for the sake of 500-1000 rubles.

Comments are in demand too: many bloggers, store owners, various services need to fill their resource, including comments, not necessarily laudatory. Questions and active discussions of the content are encouraged.

Let's move on to methods that require knowledge.

Earning money with your website.

A competently created and promoted site can bring its owner a very good income: tens of thousands of rubles a month is not the limit. The best part is that this income is passive: your project will work, and you will rest at this time. The blue dream of all newbies! Of course, to achieve such results, you will have to work and spend money.

What do you need to do in order to successfully earn money on your website?

  • determine what your project will be written in - in what CMS or in what language;
  • come up with and register a domain name;
  • choose and pay for hosting;
  • start creating.

I recommend starting the study of this issue and my video lessons.

  1. Think over a promotion strategy and decide on the investments that will be needed for the successful promotion of your project. Perhaps you will use paid methods, such as advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.
  2. To achieve attendance of at least 1000 people a day - to become a thousand-year-old.

Yes, all this is not easy. But there is nothing incredible, even for a person far from web technologies, there is nothing here. The monetary investments that you will need are the costs of domain registration and payment for hosting (if paid for a year, you can keep within 2 thousand rubles). Of course, if you do not make the site yourself, but contact a web studio or a master, the costs will increase many times over. Here I am about how much and what you have to pay for when creating a website.

Let's say the site has been created, certain traffic goes to it. How to make money on it? Here are some ways:

  1. The most obvious thing: you can sell your services. Are you a photographer, designer, copywriter, seamstress, freelance clown? Make yourself a business card site and advertise your services on it.
  2. Contextual advertising - displaying advertisements on your resource, while the content of the ads corresponds to its subject. To place such advertisements, special search engine services are used:
  • Yandex - Yandex Advertising Network (YAN)
  • Google - Google Adsense
  1. Banner advertising is the placement of specific ads that advertise a product or service. To search for such banners, you can:
  • Contact banner advertising exchanges, for example:,
  • Contact the advertiser directly. Let's say you have a blog dedicated to fishing: it would be logical to suggest that a store that sells goods for fishermen place their ad with you.
  1. Teaser advertising - blocks with a picture and enticing text, encouraging the visitor to click on them and "Find out what secret Pugacheva keeps ...", for example. The placement of such ads is carried out by teaser ad networks... If you are not afraid to give your resource a yellowish tint, you can join such a network, for example,,,
  2. Advertising in mailing lists. If you have a decent subscriber base, you can use this channel.
  3. Placing paid content, such as advertising articles. It may be more useful for an advertiser to tell in detail about himself and about his services on your project than just placing his banner.

There is also a way to make money on your resource, but we will consider it separately, since it is not limited only to the site. Let's move on to it:

Affiliate earnings

Affiliate programs (affiliate programs) are cooperation between the manufacturer (or seller) of a product or service and its partners, i.e. distributor sellers. The essence of making money on these programs is transferring you a certain percentage of the value of the product, if the buyer purchased it by going to the selling resource using your affiliate (referral) link. Less often, payment is made not for the purchase of a product, but for some action, for example, registration on a service.

A referral is a user who followed your link and performed a targeted action: purchase, registration, etc. Attracting referrals is the task of an affiliate program participant.

In order to receive your affiliate earnings, you do not need to have your own website; however, having it can help a lot, especially if it's getting good traffic.

Where can I get affiliate programs?

  1. A huge number of different services, online stores, banks, hosting sites, portals have their own partner programs: this is a kind of viral advertising of their services. Very often, affiliate programs are offered by info businessmen - people selling their courses, books, training videos, etc. on the Internet. You can easily find links to affiliate programs on the corresponding services.
  2. Affiliate program aggregators:,, and many others. These are the resources on which many partners are collected. You can choose a suitable program from them (or maybe several at once).

Let's consider how you can organize a stable Internet earnings on affiliate programs.

  1. You need to determine which affiliate programs, which direction you will promote:
  • If you have a website, the theme of the affiliate program should correspond to the theme of your resource. If it's about renovation, and the affiliate product is a home manicure course, you're unlikely to get a lot of referrals.
  • If you don't have a website, choose a program that is “close to you in spirit” so that you yourself would be pleased to recommend this product to people.
  1. Be sure to check the quality of the product as much as possible. Probably, you will be slightly uncomfortable if the course you are promoting turns out to be another scam? Therefore, collect reviews, if possible, talk to the seller. Also, make sure that you will receive your affiliate royalties in full, without cheating.
  2. Register in the affiliate program and get a referral link. Now you will need to distribute this link in all available ways:
  • On your site. You will be provided with a banner that you can place wherever you see fit.
  • On thematic forums (after making sure that you do not break the rules).
  • With the help of advertising - contextual or teaser, leading through your affiliate link to the service where the product is being sold.
  • On social networks - using targeted advertising.

Some of these ways, as you may have noticed, are with investments: advertising costs money. This raises the question: how much can you earn on affiliate programs?

The amount of affiliate deductions for some types of products can exceed 50%. If you find a successful affiliate program, choose the target audience wisely and decide on the traffic source - you can earn tens of thousands of rubles a month, and this income is passive earnings on the Internet without a website. Pretty good, right?


I never tire of repeating that our time is truly amazing: with the help of the Internet, you can monetize a variety of skills and abilities, even very unexpected ones.

For example, you like to go hiking, you know what you need to take with you, what you can do without, what food and how much you need. You can profit from this knowledge: compose a step-by-step detailed guide, with diagrams and pictures, and sell it to novice hikers. Do you think there are such instructions in bulk on the net? Analyze the articles and videos given by the search engine for suitable keywords, and create a product that combines all the advantages of these instructions, there are no drawbacks and adds your own unique experience.

Yes, it's work. But the end result is an astounding thing: your own information product that generates good income.

Info products - books, video and audio courses, training programs, webinars, i.e. useful information that can be obtained over the network. Infobusiness is accordingly engaged in the creation and sale of these products.

As an example of an information product, I can cite my book. Please note that along with the book, the buyer receives a bonus - this is a very common technique in the sale of information products.

How to create a high-quality and well-selling information product? Of course, in many ways it is akin to art. But at least the following points need to be worked out:

  • - how interested she is in your course or book;
  • Competitors - what products on similar topics are on the market;
  • Who will create and promote the product: are you on your own "inside and out" on your resource or do you need co-authors? Perhaps it would be wise to instruct a copywriter to write some texts, order the design from a designer, and entrust advertising and distribution to a professional salesperson?

And another very important question: what price should I set? There are information products on the market both at a symbolic price of 300 rubles and for tens of thousands. The following is worth analyzing here:

  • How much labor has been put into the product? How big is it? It is clear that a small video instruction cannot cost as much as a detailed course of ten lessons.
  • How much do similar products cost?
  • How solvent is the target audience?
  • How much money was spent on the creation and how much more will it take to promote the product?

A few words about the ways to "promote" an information product:

  • Usually, for the sale of each product, a one-page site (landing) is created, which is "chased" by traffic from social networks and with the help of contextual advertising;
  • The user who visits the landing page is often asked to receive a small free course or video related to the main product by e-mail: in this way, a subscriber base is created.
  • Even if a person is not yet ready to purchase, he will periodically receive information from the information businessman about new versions, about other products: customer loyalty increases, and perhaps sooner or later he will make a purchase.

If you want to make money with an info business, be prepared for hard work, but you can also get excellent income.

- a romantic word from the medieval vocabulary - the first thing that comes to most people mind when they hear the expression "making money on the Internet." Freelancer, with a spear, or rather, with a keyboard at the ready, hunched over at the monitor ... What does he do?

Let's first be a little clear and separate the concepts "" and "", otherwise they are often confused.

A freelancer is a person who performs custom work on the Internet. Such work can be:

  • Website development;
  • Web design;
  • Creation of programs;
  • Graphic design;
  • Writing articles;
  • Translations and so on.

A teleworker is a full-time employee of a company that differs from ordinary employees in a place of work: a home instead of an office. More and more organizations find it profitable to hire remote workers and thus save money on organizing a workplace and part of the rent for an office. Indeed, does it really matter where the programmer will work if he is required not to be in the office, but to write code?

But freelancing is fully earnings through the Internet: employers and freelancers meet on special services, performers do the work and receive payment also through the network, later with withdrawal to a bank card or any payment system.

What websites for making money on the Internet are suitable for freelancers?

Of course, these are freelance exchanges. The principle of their work is as follows: the customer publishes the task and the price for its implementation, freelancers are invited to complete it, the customer chooses the performer. Many exchanges have implemented safe system payment: the contractor will not receive money until the customer confirms the completion of the task. I had a review, you can read which exchanges I highlight and why. Briefly:

  • a new format exchange, where freelancers themselves offer their services at a fixed price.
  • a convenient and safe exchange, suitable for a beginner freelancer;

A freelancer is required, in addition to professionalism in his field, also discipline, efficiency, the ability to organize the work process at home. It is not easy, and the payment at first is not impressive: the income per day can be 200-300 rubles. In addition, this work often turns out to be with investments: you need to pay for a subscription on the exchanges.

In the future, the freelancer either moves to the "premium" segment, becomes a well-known and expensive specialist, or finds another real income on the Internet.

Group administrator, content manager

One of the new professions that the Internet has endowed those who decide on the choice of life path is the administrator of social networks.

Who is that? Nowadays, social media cannot be ignored by any of the thoughtful businessmen and entrepreneurs. Social networks are a traffic provider, a source of new buyers. Therefore, the attitude towards maintaining the relevant groups and pages is serious.

The community must be active, constantly updated with new content, and attract new members. The administrator must organize all this: post pictures, conduct polls, preferably - write interesting articles... You usually need to be active several times a day. You can read more about this type of activity in the article "".

Sites - gaming, news, entertainment portals, blogs - can also have the position of an administrator, who is more often called a content manager. His job is similar: to deliver new content.

Often it is the administrator's responsibility to write a content plan and outsource it, such as freelancers. The administrator himself may not write anything, only control the activities of employees. It all depends on the agreements with the owner of the resource. By the way, the administrator is often a remote (and sometimes quite office) employee, roughly speaking, on the staff of the company.

Sale of domains and sites

This is not to say that business on domains and websites is a quick way to make money on the Internet. As income grows with experience and the number of registered domain names, it will be difficult for a beginner to compete with experienced players in this market. But the chances of making good money are, and not bad.

Why would people even buy domain names? Everyone can come up with and register a domain name on any registration service. The cost of this procedure depends on the domain zone and the registrar company and starts at about 100 rubles per year. But:

  1. The required domain zone may not contain a free domain with the required name - for example, a company named Mir is unlikely to be able to register the mir domain in any zone.
  2. If the buyer wants to start making money on his resource right away, it will make sense for him to buy a domain that already has a site with a similar theme. If this resource has good TIC indicators (thematic citation index - Yandex's criterion, depending on the "trust" of links leading to the resource) and traffic - for many companies and individuals it will be preferable to buy it and adapt it to their needs rather than starting from scratch.

There are many exchanges for buying and selling domains and websites. About one of them,, I told you where you can buy a ready-made website with income or sell your own. You can walk around this exchange, see which sites and domains, with what indicators, with what profitability and for how much they are selling. Here is a video tutorial from my school about this exchange:

It is unlikely that newcomers to the online business, for whom this article was mainly written, have many (well, or at least one) sites for sale. So let's focus on selling domains for now. How can you make money on this?

Of course, this business is with investments, you will have to first become the owner of domains in order to then sell them profitably. As I said above, the cost of a domain is from 100 rubles, it is in the .ru and.rf zones. The .com zone is more expensive, but domains in it on the "secondary market" can be much higher. The essence of this way to make money is in the registration of names and their further sale.

What domain names should I register? Here are tips to help you navigate the selection of successful options:

  1. It makes sense to track trends online and offline. What products are selling successfully? What services are in demand? If you manage to “catch” a new trend - a new product, a new service, a new direction in travel, for example, and come up with several relevant domain names, then there is a high probability that you will be able to sell them profitably.
  2. Media events: films, games, competitions, and so on. The same thing: register domain names associated with these projects.
  3. Simple and understandable names. It's as simple as that, but it might work. Names like parfume, textil, mebel - it is clear that most of these have been long and firmly occupied. The more valuable your purchase will be if you can find a free domain.
  4. Sometimes it is advisable to register misspelled names. People get to such a domain by trying to type the name of some popular resource in the address bar of a search engine: instead of But it is doubtful that such names will be very popular, since the owner of the resource under which you "fake", especially if it is a powerful company, like Facebook, may well arrange tangible troubles for the owner of such a project.

What else can you pay attention to with this type of business:

  • Sometimes, for some reason, domain owners do not pay for a domain for the next year. After a while, such a domain goes on sale. You can buy it and either resell it to the former owner who has come to his senses, or put it on the exchange.
  • If you have already accumulated a considerable number of domains, then, taking into account the need for annual payment, you can use the domain parking service. What it is? In a few words - placing a "stub" on the domain with advertising, from which you will receive a certain income.

Sale of goods

Online stores are no longer news for the Russian Internet, many products are successfully sold in this way. But for a beginner, who is not an entrepreneur, who has never traded offline, the creation and use of this resource is extremely difficult. Of course, a traditional online store requires knowledge and trading experience; you need a staff and a warehouse. However, there are trading schemes that even inexperienced users can master.

Sale of Chinese goods

Why Chinese goods? The fact is that in recent years the quality of these goods has become much more acceptable than a few years ago, and prices are still low.

The usual trading formula "buy cheaper - sell more expensive" in the case of selling Chinese goods in the Russian Internet works not for 100, but 200 and more %%! These are the values ​​that the margin can reach.

Sales organization procedure:

  1. Determine what you want to trade: the product must be clear to you and, preferably, attractive. Conduct marketing research: what product is being sold according to a similar scheme, for how much.
  2. Purchase a batch of the selected product on Aliexpress is convenient for several reasons:
  • More or less Russified, prices are in rubles;
  • In case of receiving a defective product or not receiving an order, there is a money-back guarantee;
  • You can pay for your order by credit card.
  1. Be sure to check that the delivery is free and that the seller has positive reviews.

    While the goods are on the way, make your own one-page page. Of course, you can sell without it: on Avito, through social networks. But if you are seriously going to do this business, you cannot do without a website. I will not go into details of how to do it: you can contact the freelance exchange, you can assemble it yourself in some landing page builder, for example, Lpgenerator.
  2. Create groups on social networks and advertise yours.
  3. Accept orders and send the goods.

What products are selling well on RuNet?

  • Mobile phones
  • Headphones
  • Watches - including replicas of well-known manufacturers
  • Toys
  • Decorations

To start this business, you may need 5-10 thousand rubles: for the purchase of goods, a one-page page and advertising. And how much you earn depends on the success of your advertising campaign, but you are quite capable of “recouping” the amount spent and getting income.


The second selling scheme is dropshipping. You open your online store, but you are just an intermediary between the supplier and the buyer:

  1. Find a dropshipping seller and negotiate cooperation with him;
  2. Submit your product to your online store. You set the prices yourself.
  3. Send incoming orders to the supplier
  4. The supplier will arrange for the delivery of the goods.
  5. You make a profit - the difference between your price and the supplier's price.

This scheme is for you if you are interested in making money on the Internet without investments (well, almost without investments - you will have to spend a little money on an online store):

  • You do not need to purchase a product in advance;
  • There is no risk of being left with unsold goods;
  • No warehouse needed;
  • You can easily change suppliers and assortments.

The benefits are clear, but there are risks. The quality of the product, its packaging and the speed of delivery do not depend on you: your reputation may suffer for reasons beyond your control.

Or maybe you will be lucky enough to find a manufacturer in Russia who makes a really high-quality product, and team up with him for joint fruitful work?

Here is the product we sold:.

Earnings on YouTube

If a person needs to solve any specific problem on his resource - for example, check a WordPress template for left links, SEO-optimize content or increase traffic - then it would be wise to contact a consultant who will conduct all these activities and give the necessary recommendations. I am just engaged in the provision of such services: on mistakes that interfere with promotion.

Thus, if you feel you have the potential to teach and lead, welcome to coaches. Of course, this is a big responsibility and serious work, but perhaps this is your calling?

And if you are ready to provide services, advise on solving specific problems, and help people improve their projects - engage in consulting.

These methods of making money on the Internet with practically no cash investment - of course, with the exception of the costs of your selling website, but with a huge investment of your time, work and patience. Income with a competent organization of the case will also be quite large.


Another tool for making money online, and quite controversial, is in the international currency market Forex. Forex - From Foreign Exchange.

In this market, currencies and securities of different countries are sold and bought; the income of the participants (traders) is formed from the difference in the buy and sell rates.

As soon as I started to “play” in Forex, I won 1,000 in a week with $ 100. I was delighted, relaxed and eventually lost this deposit and lost another 1,000 bucks on top. Not immediately, of course - it lasted for several years: intrigues on the world market, charts of currency quotes and the RBK channel, which was on all day long. It was interesting, reckless, but by and large a waste of time. Basically, I get on my nerves - you start to freak out, take risks and fuck you.

How many texts and sites I could have done during this time. I would have made a lot more than I lost. I do not recommend this way of earning money. But in principle, if you have eggs of steel, nerves of iron, an analytical mindset and an economic education, then you can try - suddenly it's yours. For 2 years I have learned a lot from the world of the foreign exchange market and wrote cool articles on this topic.

I'll tell you briefly about Forex

For example, here is the euro / dollar quote - Eur / usd = 1.0489. Today you can buy 1 euro for 1.04 dollars. And tomorrow this quotation may become Eur / usd = 1.2 - that is, for that euro you can now sell for 1.2 bucks. Accordingly, a gain of 0.16 dollars is from one euro, but if you buy 100 euros? Income is a hundred times higher.

It would seem that everything is simple, but the euro may fall ... ...

I have considered far from all types of earnings on the Internet - there are many of them, and new ones are constantly appearing, moreover, it often happens to draw a clear line between different kinds for example info business and coaching, YouTube business and affiliate programs. Everything is quite closely intertwined with each other, and you seem to be planning to start some one job - and suddenly you find yourself doing something completely different.

Maybe this is not bad? At least, it is clear that making money on the Internet is real, you just need to not be lazy and find a suitable business.

What types of earnings do you like, why, justify?

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