The procurement participant is accredited under 223 FZ. Unified accreditation

To gain access to procurement in electronic form, an organization must register in the Unified Information System (EIS) and on the ETP (electronic trading platform).

Registration consists of two stages:

  1. Registration of a new user in the system and activation of the address Email
  2. Submission of an application for accreditation of an organization on the ETP as an Organizer.
  • New User Registration.

You can register a new user from the main page of the EETP at. To do this, press the button "Registration".

Then select the section you need.
The "Add new user" form will open. You must fill in all required fields marked with an (*).

Attention! When entering the TIN, the presence of such a TIN number in the system is checked. You will be asked to choose an organization among those already registered on the ETP with this TIN or to register a new organization.

If you are registering a new user - an authorized employee with electronic signature - for an already registered organization, select this organization from the list. If you register a new organization with the same TIN that is already in the system (for example, several independent branches of the same parent organization), select the "New organization" item.

If you have an ES certificate, and workstation, with which you register, there is a corresponding software, the data about the organization can be filled in automatically using the ES certificate. To do this, click on the button "Fill in from EDS"... The system will fill in the name and details of the organization, as well as full name. the owner of the signature and the email address. The login is automatically generated from the user's initials.

A password is required. It is recommended to use a password containing upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols to prevent third parties from accessing account... You should also provide a passphrase for password recovery. If access to the personal account is lost, the user will be able to recover the password using a passphrase and login / email address. After filling in all the required fields, click the button "Registration".

Please note that access to the form for filling out an application for accreditation (or the access of the organization's administrator to considering an application for registering a power of attorney) will be open only after confirmation of the email address. The e-mail activation code will be contained in the letter that will be sent to the e-mail address specified when filling out the application for registration of the organization.

To confirm your email address, follow the activation link provided in the email with your registration information, or click on the link in the email. Then enter the activation key (code) and click the button "Activate".

Attention! If the letter containing the link and the activation code did not come to the specified e-mail (the address was incorrectly specified or for another reason), you must take the following steps: go to the ETP website, enter the login and password specified during registration in the authorization form. Since your email address has not been activated, you will be taken to an activation form. Click the button "Specify another email". In the form that appears, enter a new e-mail and click the button "OK"... The letter with registration information will be re-sent to the specified e-mail.

  • Obtaining accreditation.

To continue registration, go to the page of the closed part of the system again. In the "Login" form, enter your username and password and click the button "Entrance"... To obtain accreditation in the system, you must fill out the form shown in Fig. (fields marked with (*) are required), indicating the type of accreditation (as a customer (organizer of procedures) or as an applicant). At the same time, it is possible to apply for either one of the two types of accreditation, or both at the same time.

After completing the "Basic Information" form, you must complete the "Accreditation as a customer / applicant" tab and attach the relevant documents.

If you want to receive accreditation as a customer, then on the "Accreditation as a customer" tab, select the type of account - "Customer", that is, the organization conducts procurement procedures exclusively for itself. Or select "Specialized organization", that is, the main activity of the organization - conducting procurement procedures in electronic form.

In any case, to obtain this type of accreditation, it is necessary to attach electronic copies of the following documents to the application:

  • Copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (except for the customers of the Rosatom State Corporation section)

It is necessary to attach an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received no earlier than six months before the day of filing the application. A copy of the extract is notarized. The original statement must be stamped by the tax office. The document must be readable. To do this, it must be scanned at a resolution of 75-100dpi. It is recommended to place all scanned documents in one file in doc or docx (Word) format.

  • Copies of documents confirming the authority of the person to register on behalf of the customer - the authorized body:

It is required to attach a document confirming the person's right to accreditation at the site. If the head of the organization (owner of the electronic signature) is accredited, it is necessary to attach the decision on the appointment or election of the head to the position, according to which such a person has the right to act on behalf of the participant in the placement of the order without a power of attorney. It can be either a decision, or a protocol or an extract from the protocol.

Attention! If, on behalf of the organizer of the auction, another person is registered on the site (the contractor is the owner of the electronic signature), then a power of attorney for the contractor must also be provided to the document on the appointment of the head, indicating his right to be accredited on the electronic platform. The power of attorney must be certified by the seal of the organization and signed by the head. Also, the date of issue must be indicated in the power of attorney. If the power of attorney for the contractor was issued not by the head, but by an authorized person, then a copy of the document confirming the powers of the person who issued the power of attorney (order, decision on appointment to the position, power of attorney) must be provided to the two above documents.

All sheets of documents must be legible. To do this, the document must be scanned at a resolution of 75-100dpi. It is recommended to place all scanned documents in one file in doc or docx (Word) format.

  • Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head:

It is necessary to attach an order or decision on the appointment or election of a manager to a position, according to which such a person has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney. It can be a decision, a protocol or an extract from the protocol. If another person acts on behalf of the organizer, powers of attorney issued to the holder of the electronic signature are also submitted, indicating the right to publish information about placing an order for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the organization on behalf of the customer. The powers of attorney must be certified by the seal of the organization and signed by the head or a person authorized by him. If such a power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the manager, you must provide a copy of the document confirming the authority of this person. The copy must be certified by the seal of the organization and signed by the head of the organization.

All sheets of documents must be readable. To do this, they must be scanned at a resolution of 75-100dpi. It is recommended to place all scanned documents in one file in doc or docx (Word) format. Files up to 10 MB in size are accepted in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, .7z, .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf,. jpeg, .pdf, .bmp, .gif, .djvu.

After filling in all the required fields and choosing the type of accreditation, click the button Sign and Submit. A confirmation form will open. Reread the information in the text box carefully. If you need to make corrections, return to the previous step by clicking on the "Back" button. If the specified data is correct, click on the button "Sign". Confirm your decision by clicking "Yes" in the Confirmation pop-up window.

Select the required certificate (if you have several) and click on the button "OK"... A message appears indicating that the documents and information were successfully sent. Moreover, on specified address you will receive a notification about the application for accreditation by e-mail. Within the next three working days, you will be notified of the results of the consideration of the application. In case of successful accreditation, you will have access to on-site procurement procedures.

The operator may refuse to accredit the organization if the above documents are not provided. And also in case of non-compliance of documents with legal requirements Russian Federation... In this case, in the notification of refusal, the operator indicates the grounds for refusal. After elimination of the grounds, the organization can re-accredit.

Accreditation is carried out indefinitely, for the section of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" - for a period of two years.

Please note that it is necessary to immediately notify the operator in case of changes in documents and information provided during accreditation.

The main differences between 44-FZ and 223-FZ

Any procurement method can be carried out electronically.

Algorithm for participation in tenders under 223-FZ

  • Find a procedure in the procurement plan

The customer prepares a procurement plan for 1 year, if it is planned to purchase medicines, innovative and high-tech products, then for 3 years. The plan can be changed at the customer's discretion an unlimited number of times.

  • Find a notice on

The customer has the right not to publish on the website notices related to state secrets and purchases determined separately by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the notice, it is necessary to determine the place of filing applications. It is advisable for a supplier to have accreditation at several electronic sites.

  • Apply for participation (either to the customer, or on the ETP)
  • Find protocols at

Difficulties in the process of participating in the tender under 223-FZ

  • Short term of contract execution

From time to time, customers put in the documentation the deadline for the execution of the contract 2-3 days, a month, while in fact this is done objectively over a longer period.

  • The period during which the contract must be concluded has not been determined

Law 223-FZ is procedural, according to this law, the customers themselves in the Procurement Regulations must indicate for each method of procurement in what time period they conclude a contract, who signs the contract first - the customer or supplier, what time does the supplier have to sign the contract, the contract in electronic form signed or on paper.

The listed points may not be indicated in the documentation and in the Procurement Regulations.

In this case, the supplier needs to write a clarification request to the customer. The term for writing a request for clarification must be specified in the Regulations and the customer's documentation.

  • A large number of requirements for applications

Lack of a closed list of documents that suppliers must attach to the application.

If the customer sees a strange, unusual requirement for the composition of the application, it is necessary to write a request for clarification of the documentation.

  • Different mechanism of procurement from different customers

The request for quotations may vary from customer to customer. It is necessary to read the documentation every time.

  • Complex documentation

In some cases, customers deliberately obfuscate the documentation; it can be very complex. Usually, the documentation consists of a general part, an information card, a technical task, a draft contract. Customers are obliged to attach a draft contract to each purchase.

The supplier should review all documentation without exception.

  • Short application deadline

You can track tenders manually by browsing the site All official purchases under 223-FZ must be posted on the official website

  • Large percentage of collateral for the application / contract

The percentage of securing the application / contract is not limited by anything. Purchases are often carried out without securing an order.

Regarding the bank guarantee and other forms of securing the execution of the contract, the customer has the right to indicate the list of banks where you can purchase a bank guarantee to conclude an agreement.

It should be borne in mind that recently, cases of license revocation from banks have become frequent.

In the event that a bank guarantee was purchased at a bank whose license was subsequently revoked, the customer has the right to write a letter to the supplier demanding that the contract security be provided in proper form and the supplier must purchase a new bank guarantee.

  • Bank guarantee requirements
  • Lack of regulation of many customer actions
  • The customer is not obliged to enter into an agreement with the winner in some procedures

ETP according to Law No. 223-FZ

Group of electronic platforms

The group of sites is a group of commercial sites where purchases take place in various directions.

The group of sites RTS tender is a group for placing state and municipal orders in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ.

Advantages of OTC-tender over other sites

1. High competition between suppliers:

  • due to lack of subscription fee;
  • a commission of 3000 rubles is taken only from the winning supplier who has entered into an agreement with the Customer.

2. Additional features:

  • unique mechanisms to ensure the reliability of supplies, a reliability rating according to the Deloitte method, automated checks against tax bases, Rosstat, bankruptcy register, registers of unscrupulous suppliers, incapacitated persons, database of mass registration addresses; guarantees for the conclusion and execution of contracts;
  • online negotiations through the platform;
  • conclusion of contracts, exchange of acts / invoices in electronic form.

Site rates

Conducting online negotiations of web conferences via ETP

  • Scheduling and timing of a virtual meeting
  • Inviting participants
  • Video and audio conferences, chat
  • Ability to exchange documents
  • "Virtual whiteboard"
  • Splitting the desktop
  • Video recording, recording of the conducted negotiations

Accreditation for suppliers at the OTC-tender site

1. Get an electronic signature.

2. Apply for accreditation, wait five days.

Debunking e-procurement myths

1. E-procurement is not necessarily an auction and selection of the lowest price supplier.

2. E-procurement is not always long. The term of the procedure is determined by the customer independently.

3. Electronic platforms are stable.

4. E-procurement is easy.

The main mistakes of the participants

In the system of the State order, there is a Register of unscrupulous suppliers under 223-FZ, which is maintained in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 1211 "On maintaining the register of unscrupulous suppliers provided for by the Federal Law" On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types legal entities”».

Limitation of customers by the prosecutor's office

For example, a customer purchased a Toyota Camry 2.5.

The prosecutor's office found that the contract was concluded in violation of the requirements of Federal Law No. 223-FZ, namely, without carrying out the procurement procedures specified in Federal Law No. 223-FZ and the Procurement Regulations.

In accordance with part 15 of article 4 of the Federal Law No. 223-FZ, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2012. No. 616 "On approval of the list of goods, works and services, the purchase of which is carried out in electronic form" MUP Housing and Communal Services of the city of Shuya, in order to purchase a car, it was necessary to purchase through an open auction in electronic form.

How to get accredited for OTC-tender

  • Fill out the accreditation form on the website
  • Select certificate
  • Attach documents
  • Fill in bank details
  • Select electronic platforms for accreditation
  • After submitting an application for accreditation, an email confirmation notification is received
  • Within 5 days, you receive a notification of successful accreditation

There are two types of OTC tender submissions on the site:

When a price offer is indicated immediately, files are attached and the customer is expected to review the application;

When no bid price is specified, only files are attached (usually in auctions) and the price is offered during online bidding.

Despite the fact that the constituent documents were provided already upon accreditation at the site, the customer is not obliged to look at them at the site. These documents must be attached additionally as part of the application.

Questions from listeners

Question: Is the payment of 1000-3000 rubles charged for the period or for each transaction?
Answer: Payment is charged for each procurement procedure that the supplier won and depends on the amount of the transaction, but not more than 3000 rubles and not less than 1000 rubles.

Question: Does the supplier pay for the OTC-tender, but must he pay at the site where the tender will be held?
Answer: The supplier pays the OTC-tender only if the tender is held at the OTC-tender site. Tariffs are different at different sites.

Question: Why does the supplier pay the collateral for the RTS-tender, and the closing documents, acts and invoice come from CJSC OTC Markets?
Answer: Answer to this question spelled out in the regulations at the OTC-tender site. An agreement has been concluded with RTS-tender that it is the operator of the virtual account of the OTC-tender site.
If you go to the OTC-tender site in the documents, in the regulations of the electronic trading platform, you can see that the operator of the virtual account is indicated there.
For more information on this, see the Warranty Agreement.
The supplier agrees to these terms when he is accredited and signs the accreditation agreement in electronic form.

Question: Are all trades under 223-FZ published?
Answer: All trades in 223-FZ are published on the website

Question: How to sign the application file with an electronic signature, if the customer indicated that it should be sent to him by e-mail?
Answer A: Applying for email is difficult for both the customer and the supplier.
The supplier installs an electronic signature and everything necessary on the computer.
You can copy all parts of the application into one Word document, go into it and sign the document with an electronic signature in the security properties.
You can sign inside the file. Then attach the file to email in Word Outlook and sign it in Outlook. Be sure to attach the root certificate of the vendor's CA and his personal certificate for the customer.

Question: An individual who is not an entrepreneur can be accredited at the OTC-tender site?
Answer: Yes maybe. Since the procurement under 223-FZ can be attended by both legal entities and groups of legal entities, and individuals and groups of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs and associations of individual entrepreneurs.

Question: How does the signature under 223-FZ differ from the signature under 44-FZ?
Answer: From July 1, 2013, Federal Law 63 came into force, in which an electronic signature enhanced and qualified is issued to everyone the same.
The signature is different only for customers. They receive an electronic signature at the treasury.

Question: Law 223-FZ provides for extremely limited opportunities to appeal against the actions of customers. In practice, it is possible to appeal only the violation by the customer of its own Regulation and violation information support... You are referring to an extensive practice, and this practice is according to 135-FZ?
Answer: Indeed, in 223-FZ there are only four grounds for appealing against the actions of the customer:
- if the customer has approved the Procurement Regulations and has not posted it on the website,
- if the customer has not posted the Regulations on the website and at the same time does not work in accordance with 44-FZ,
- if the customer requires something from the supplier that was not specified in the documentation,
- violation of the norms of 135-FZ.
There is extensive practice in accordance with Federal Law 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition".
Suppliers will be interested in Article 18.1, which specifies the procedure for appealing against the actions of customers for violation of 135-FZ.

Question: Is it obligatory to conclude an agreement on each invoice up to 100,000 rubles and how to report on it?
Answer: The contract does not have to be concluded for every invoice. In which case the customer decides to conclude a contract on his own every time, you can simply pay the bill and this will be considered a transaction. Accordingly, it is necessary to report at the time of payment of the invoice, if before that there was no contract or the goods were not accepted.

Question: What amount should be taken into account in the report on contracts concluded with a single supplier - a monopolist, if it is not possible to indicate a specific amount in the contract?
Answer: If the agreement does not indicate a specific amount, the total volume of the agreement, such an agreement is not considered concluded, since it does not agree on all the essential conditions. It is necessary to indicate the approximate maximum amount in such an agreement.

Question: If the customer has not completed the purchase procedure, and the security is blocked, what should the supplier do in such a situation?
Answer: Read Customer Statement. How long does it take for the customer to consider the application?
If this happens at the OTC-tender site, then the customer, when creating the procedure, sets in advance the date of consideration, summing up, i.e. these dates must match. If the customer violates these dates specified in the notice, in the Regulation, the supplier must write a request for clarification to the customer.

Question: If the procedure is declared invalid, when is the customer obliged to repeat the procedure?
Answer: It is necessary to read the statement of the customer. If the purchase is declared invalid, two options are possible.
- Customers provide for the possibility of carrying out the purchase again, the ability to change the method of purchase and conduct it, to refuse to carry out the procurement procedure altogether.
- If one application was admitted, the procedure did not take place, but the customer still has the right to conclude an agreement with the only admitted participant.
The customer is not obliged to repeat the procedure.

Question: What Regulation says that a paper application cannot be required from a supplier if the purchase is carried out on an electronic site?
Answer: In the FAS Decision.

There is 44-FZ, which regulates public procurement, and there is 223-FZ, which regulates the procurement of goods and services by companies with a state share. Today, purchases under 223-FZ are several times higher than purchases under 44-FZ.

Customers under 223-FZ:

Law 223-FZ regulates absolutely all purchases of its subjects, regardless of the source of income. There are exceptions: the purchase and sale of securities, currency values, precious metals, etc. (clause 4 of article 1 of Law 223-FZ). These purchases are not regulated by 223-FZ, they go beyond its scope. And budgetary institutions have their own characteristics.

Oleg Birulya, an expert on tenders, comments: “Budgetary institutions are organizations that work within the framework of 44-FZ. Under 44-FZ, they spend government money. But these organizations have such financial resources that come in the form additional earnings... For example, in the form of grants. Or from the lease of space - these are their extra-budgetary funds. There is another case: when a budgetary institution itself is a contractor. In these cases, budgetary institutions instead of 44-FZ can apply 223-FZ. But there are some peculiarities: this year a public sector employee can work under 223-FZ only if he created a procurement regulation and placed it before the beginning of the year. If the regulation is created and not posted before the beginning of the year, the state employee is not entitled to carry out procurement activities within the framework of 223-FZ. "

This rule is common to all subjects of 223-FZ. If the procurement regulations are not accepted and placed on time, they are sent to 44-FZ. That is, the question is not whether I want or don’t want to live under 223-FZ, but whether I want to live under 223 or 44? 44-ФЗ is applied by default.

Suppliers under 223-FZ. How to find orders

Any legal entity or individual, including an individual entrepreneur (IE), can be a procurement participant. Do you recognize? We already talked about this, above in the article.

On the official website (Procurement Portal) there is a register of procurement regulations for customers who operate under 223-FZ. Information about purchases is also posted here. For small businesses (SMEs), a list of goods, works and services has been published on the official resource that customers are required to purchase under 223-FZ from small and medium-sized enterprises.

Document flow in the procurement system under 223-FZ

Customer documentation (must develop and publish):

We recommend video recording of the webinar "" if you are a customer and you need to understand how to develop a procurement regulation, make changes to it, what information to enter into the register of contracts under 223-FZ, how to draw up a procurement plan and other documentation under 223-FZ. You will also learn how and in what time frame to post information about the procurement on the Official Website.

There is also a Register of contracts under 223-FZ (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2014 No. 1132 "On approval of the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of a purchase") - common for customers of "All Russia", the register is maintained by the Treasury. A similar register is in public procurement under 44-FZ. A supplier who can read will find there a lot of interesting and useful information about the activities of the customer.

Provisions on procurement under 223-FZ

By itself, the Federal Law of 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ contains only eight articles. By and large, the work on 223-FZ is regulated by the Procurement Regulations, which the customer creates himself and in the future, according to this provision, conducts his activities.

Provisions on procurement - this document begins the procurement activity of the customer, for him it is his own "law". And for suppliers who want to take part in the procurement of this customer - also the law.

Customer actions:

Procurement regulations are also created by budgetary organizations that work together under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

The customer has the right to amend the procurement regulations as many times as he wants. When making changes on the official website, the customer must publish 2 documents:

If the customer does not apply either the procurement regulation or the norms of 44-FZ, there will be a fine (part 3 of article 7.32.3 of the Administrative Code):

In this video advice, Oksana Shipunova, a procurement specialist under 223-FZ, talks about administrative responsibility if the requirements for the formation of the procurement regulation and its placement on the official website are not met, and if the regulation was not applied during the procurement.

You will hear interesting comments about the practice of applying Part 3 of Art. 7.32.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, on the position of the FAS. For example, according to the FAS, even one purchase without a provision is a reason to hand over the materials to the prosecutor. This will entail an unscheduled check, in which fines will be imposed for all such identified cases of procurement not according to the rules:

Participant application

There is no clear list of requirements for the application, the customer has the right to form the requirements himself.

The supplier should carefully look at the documentation, study the requirements for the application presented by the customer, and, in accordance with these requirements, draw up his application.

The customer has the right to establish requirements for procurement participants:

Provisions on procurement under 223-FZ: what should it contain?

223-FZ: electronic signature

The customer cannot work at all without electronic signature(EP). Because you need to publish documents and place purchases in a single information system. The supplier can find and read the Procurement Regulations, other documents, and in fact, any purchases, but without an electronic signature he will not be able to take part in them if the purchases are carried out electronically.

Order Electronic signature. It is accepted at more than 150 sites: under 223-FZ, at all state sites, at commercial sites.

Everyone knows about the electronic signature in public procurement. From EP to 223-FZ, everything is both simpler and more complicated at the same time. It is simpler, because there are no strict requirements for an electronic signature certificate (as in public procurement, where the requirements of 63-FZ and 44-FZ converge, and where there are different signatures for customers and for suppliers). To participate in purchases under 223-FZ and to organize such purchases, you just need a qualified certificate. It is more difficult, because there are no strict requirements for an electronic signature certificate and each customer, generally speaking, has the right to create his own electronic platform, to develop his own requirements for participants in electronic procurement. Including the requirements for the certificate with which you can enter this site. And each site on which purchases under 223-FZ take place also has the right to its opinion on the certificates.

Therefore, when contacting the certification center for the purchase of an electronic signature certificate, be sure to inform the manager on which sites you are going to work. And then, having bought a certificate for a specific site, find out where else your certificate will be accepted. Perhaps, at the same time, you will find new purchases.

Online course “. An additional professional advanced training program was developed based on the requirements of the professional standard "Procurement Specialist". Further training (72 hours)

  1. State corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopoly entities,<…>, as well as business companies, in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation is more than 50%. Simply put, if the state owns more than 50% of the organization, this organization operates within the framework of 223-FZ. Note, not 49% or even 50%, but more than 50%.
  2. Subsidiaries, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% belongs to the same organizations, in which more than 50% is owned by the state. In practice, they are simply called "daughters".
  3. Subsidiaries of subsidiaries<…>... And these are already "granddaughters".
  4. Budgetary institutions:
    • through grants, subsidies;
    • as a contractor under a contract in the event that other persons are involved on the basis of a contract during the execution of this contract for the supply of GWS;
    • at the expense of funds received in the implementation of other income-generating activities (for details about customers under 223-FZ, see paragraph 2 of article 1 of Law 223-FZ).
  • Procurement Regulations.
  • Procurement plan.
  • Purchase notice.
  • Procurement documentation (terms of reference, requirements for the content, form, design and composition of the application, instructions for filling out the application by procurement participants, etc.).
  1. Develop and approve the Procurement Regulations. It must necessarily describe in detail: procurement methods, the procedure for preparing and conducting procurement, the procedure for concluding and executing contracts, as well as a list of GWS purchased from small businesses.
  2. Publish the Procurement Regulations at
  3. a new edition of the procurement regulation;
  4. a document containing a list of the changes made.
  • for legal entities - 50,000 - 100,000 rubles;
  • for officials - 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. Officials are understood to be any persons who carry out the function of organizing and conducting the procurement procedure. And the customer must determine for himself what specific staff units and officials will be responsible for a particular composition of the Administrative Code. By and large, these are the persons approving the procurement documentation or members of the procurement commission.
  • lack of information about the procurement participants in the RNP under 223-FZ;
  • lack of information about the procurement participants in the RNP under 44-FZ.

Participants in competitive procurement with the participation of only SMEs are accredited in accordance with the procedure established by 44-FZ. The accreditation of such Participants for the ES of the RTS-tender is carried out after registration in the EIS in accordance with Art. 24.2 44-FZ.

Before starting registration at the electronic site, complete the installation and configuration software(see article Computer settings ).

Applying for initial accreditation for Customers and Participants (excluding Participants in competitive procurement among SMEs)

1. Enter the home page RTS tender;

2. In the right upper corner click "Login to the LC";

3. Select the subsection "Purchases under 223-FZ, commercial purchases, 615-PP RF";

4. Click the "Accreditation" button;

5. Fill out the "Initial accreditation" form:

. Select a certificate. The data specified in the certificate will automatically fill in a number of fields in the "Primary accreditation" form;

. In the field "Roles of the organization in procurement" indicate who you will be working on the site: the Customer, the Supplier or the Customer and the Supplier;

. Fill in the required fields marked with "*";

. Attach documents, required fields are marked with "*";

6. Click the "Apply for Accreditation" button.

After the application for accreditation has been sent, you need to confirm the email address specified in the application as the main one in order to receive further notifications from the site.

Email verification

Within an hour after sending the application for accreditation, a letter with a link will be sent to the email address specified when filling out the application for accreditation. To confirm your email address, follow the link provided in the received letter. If the email address was entered incorrectly when filling out the accreditation application, confirmation of the email address is impossible, but the application will be considered by the Operator of the electronic platform.

The term for consideration of an application for accreditation cannot exceed 5 working days from the date of its submission (in accordance with the ES Regulations).

Checking the status of the application

Information about the status of the application is sent to your email address. You can track the status of your accreditation application by keeping a link to the completed form.

Accelerated consideration of an application for accreditation on the electronic platform "RTS-tender" for corporate purchases is not provided.

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