Information agency ak & m. Information agency ak & m Electronic signatures for work in Information agency AK&M


AK&M is an independent leading national rating agency in Russia, subsidiary information agency AK&M (CJSC Analysis, Consulting and Marketing). The rating agency assigns ratings to various banks, companies and regions, as well as carries out comprehensive analytical research. The ratings are assigned according to the national rating scale, that is, without taking into account country risks in them.


A ++ ( high level) - the minimum risk of untimely fulfillment of obligations.
A + (high level) - insignificant risk of late fulfillment of obligations.
A (high level) - low risk of late fulfillment of obligations (the probability of debt restructuring is minimal).
B ++ (satisfactory level) - high risk of late fulfillment of obligations (the probability of debt restructuring is minimal).
B + (satisfactory level) - low risk of partial or complete restructuring.
B (satisfactory level) - low risk of partial or complete restructuring.
C ++ ( low level) - a significant risk of partial or complete restructuring.
C + (low) - high risk of partial or complete restructuring.
C (low) - the risk of non-repayment of debt is extremely high.
D (unsatisfactory level).

History of AK&M

Since 2002, the direction of assigning classic credit ratings to enterprises and regions began to develop, which later became the main activity of the AK&M rating agency.
In December 2002, together with the rating agency Expert RA, the Consortium “Expert RA - AK&M” was founded. The purpose of this association was joint activities to assign credit ratings and form a credit scale, which includes the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

In February 2008, AK&M became part of the companies that comply with the Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian rating agency, approved by the Council of the Self-Regulatory Organization “National Securities Market Association”.

On April 2, 2009, the agency's ratings were approved by the Directorate of the MICEX Stock Exchange as an indicator for the selection of bonds for their further inclusion in the bases for calculating the index of municipal bonds and the index of corporate bonds.

On October 29, 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the rules regarding the proposals of banks to increase their capitalization. A bank can place preferred shares if it has a long-term credit rating assigned by the AK&M rating agency.

On February 16, 2010, the MICEX Stock Exchange began to use the ratings of the RA AK&M in order to carry out admission to the MICEX + trading modes.

Committee testimony Russian Federation on the press on registration of the mass media N 03139 of January 15, 1996

AK&M was founded in 1990 as a closed joint stock company (CJSC "AK&M") and since its inception has been one of the most famous and influential information and analytical agencies. The main specialization is economic information.

  • Disclosure in AK News Feed
  • disclosure of information on the Website on the Internet;
  • operational tape of essential facts;
  • reporting of issuing companies.

Analytical products and services:

  • bulletin "Branches of the Russian economy: production, finance, securities";
  • the bulletin "Market for mergers and acquisitions";
  • analytical research to order;
  • stock indices.
  • bank ratings;
  • enterprise ratings;
  • ratings of bond loans;
  • depository ratings;
  • ratings of management companies;
  • ratings of investment companies;
  • regional ratings;
  • service agent ratings;
  • various rankings;
  • Study of the relative creditworthiness of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Professional conferences, forums, round tables:

The agency's information and analytical products are used in their work by more than a thousand organizations and enterprises, including the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, Committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the RFBR, Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, leading Russian banks and enterprises, investment companies and funds, insurance and management organizations, consulting and appraisal structures.

AK&M has been successfully cooperating with the media for a long time. Central and regional periodicals and magazines actively cite news and publish thematic materials prepared by the agency's specialists. AK&M news covering corporate events is constantly published by such well-known newspapers as Vedomosti, Kommersant, RBC Daily, Expert, Dengi, Securities Market, Bankovskoe Delo, BDM. Banks and the Business World ”, as well as Internet portals:“ ”,“ ”,“ ”,“ ”, Cbonds, RBK and many others. The information of AK&M is quite widely quoted by the regional media.

Interested parties abroad have the opportunity to receive information from AK&M about the Russian stock market and corporate events both through the English version of the server and through partner agencies.

The AK&M agency carried out a lot of explanatory work in order to form a positive attitude towards information disclosure processes among Russian securities issuing companies. Its result was a serious expansion of data sets on Russian companies, as well as the formation of stable partnerships with a significant number of companies representing all sectors of the Russian economy.

Since 2001, AK&M has been an organization authorized by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia to disclose information on the securities market. Within the framework of these powers, the agency has created and maintains the System of Disclosure of Information on the Securities Market - DISCLOSURE.

AK&M DISCLOSURE SYSTEM is an integral part of the FEDERAL DISCLOSURE SYSTEM in the securities market and provides the following features:

  • disclose information by publishing it in the AK&M Newsfeed to issuers of equity securities, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of mutual investment funds (PIFs);
  • create and maintain pages of issuers of equity securities for the further placement of their reporting documents.

The system accumulates all up-to-date information on issuing companies registered in Russia, including quarterly reports and significant events of issuers, information on securities issues, lists of affiliates and other information.

To work on the portal, an electronic signature must be issued on entity.

The ability to work on this ETP or IS is paid separately and is not included in base cost electronic signature certificate.

Electronic signatures for work in AK&M News Agency

  • For issuers arr Electronic signature certificate for use on information disclosure portals by securities issuers 3400 per year for the basic version
    and add. services
  • Qualified Classic arr Electronic signature for basic business tasks: interactions with government systems, delivery of reports, registration of online cash desks, receipt of financial services. 4000 per year for the basic version
  • Electronic signature 3.0 arr 5 portals for information disclosure Universal signature for advanced trading. Suitable for work for suppliers under 44-FZ, customers and suppliers - for trading under 223-ФЗ, commercial auctions and auctions of bankruptcy property. 6200 per year for the basic version
  • Rosreestr arr Disclosure portals Certificate for electronic portal Rosreestr will allow you to quickly send requests and receive the necessary data in electronic form. 4400 per year for the basic version

Certificate of the Press Committee of the Russian Federation on registration of mass media N 03139 dated January 15, 1996

AK&M was founded in 1990 as a closed joint stock company (CJSC "AK&M") and since its inception has been one of the most famous and influential information and analytical agencies. The main specialization is economic information.

  • Disclosure in AK News Feed
  • disclosure of information on the Website on the Internet;
  • operational tape of essential facts;
  • reporting of issuing companies.

Analytical products and services:

  • bulletin "Branches of the Russian economy: production, finance, securities";
  • the bulletin "Market for mergers and acquisitions";
  • analytical research to order;
  • stock indices.
  • bank ratings;
  • enterprise ratings;
  • ratings of bond loans;
  • depository ratings;
  • ratings of management companies;
  • ratings of investment companies;
  • regional ratings;
  • service agent ratings;
  • various rankings;
  • Study of the relative creditworthiness of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Professional conferences, forums, round tables:

The agency's information and analytical products are used in their work by more than a thousand organizations and enterprises, including the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, Committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the RFBR, Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, leading Russian banks and enterprises, investment companies and funds, insurance and management organizations, consulting and appraisal structures.

AK&M has been successfully cooperating with the media for a long time. Central and regional periodicals and magazines actively cite news and publish thematic materials prepared by the agency's specialists. AK&M news covering corporate events is constantly published by such well-known newspapers as Vedomosti, Kommersant, RBC Daily, Expert, Dengi, Securities Market, Bankovskoe Delo, BDM. Banks and the Business World ”, as well as Internet portals:“ ”,“ ”,“ ”,“ ”, Cbonds, RBK and many others. The information of AK&M is quite widely quoted by the regional media.

Interested persons abroad have the opportunity to receive information from AK&M about the Russian stock market and corporate events both through the English-language version of the www server.

The AK&M agency carried out a lot of explanatory work in order to form a positive attitude towards information disclosure processes among Russian securities issuing companies. It resulted in a significant expansion of data sets on Russian companies, as well as the formation of stable partnerships with a significant number of companies representing all sectors of the Russian economy.