Rent an empty plane for a photo shoot. Russian company leases private jets for photo shoots to make people pretend to be rich

Ever dreamed of filming on board an airplane? It sounds a little unrealistic when you think about it. But one photo studio in Moscow gives people the opportunity to organize a shoot in one of their own Gulfstream 650 jets. And the best thing about this is that you don't have to fly somewhere, which should please aerophobes. The whole point of this photo shoot is to give you the ability to fool your Instagram followers.


1. Private Jet Studio is the only studio in Moscow that allows you to fool people into thinking that you have a jet plane.
2. This plane never takes off and all the action takes place on the ground.
3. You can even take a photo of yourself as you step out of the luxury sports car you took to your private jet. 4. The whole point of this photo shoot is to give people the illusion that you are super rich.
5. The best thing about this shoot is that it will look expensive, but it won't ruin you.
6. The photo studio even has a beautiful dog that you can use in a photo shoot too. Everyone will think that you are so rich that even your dog has a private seat on the plane.
7. If you're desperate to find new fans on social media, this is a great way to do it. 8. Having a private jet as a background will make you envious.
9. The photo studio also provides makeup artist services.
10. Perhaps not yet better way attract new fans.
11. Since photographs can be falsified from using Photoshop, your envious people may ask you to provide more evidence. But for 25 thousand rubles you also get video filming.

There are many situations where a photo shoot on a private jet may be required. This is the formation of a business portfolio, a romantic date, a wedding, and much more.

An original photo session on board can be used to mark a significant family date.

The cost of a photo session with a light aircraft on the ground is about 4400 euros / hour of shooting with a Premier 1A aircraft. If you need a photo shoot in an airplane in the air, then the price of such a photo shoot will be about 8000 euros / hour on a Premier 1A airplane.

In this regard, some photo studios even offer the service of shooting in a pavilion, the interior of which imitates the salon of a business jet. But these pictures are suitable only for personal use, showing with family and close friends - knowledgeable people immediately recognize the fake. There is a more worthy alternative - renting a plane for photography from a professional airline broker company.

The cost of ordering an airplane for a photo shoot

  • The cost of a photo session with a light aircraft on the ground is about 4400 euros / hour of shooting with a Premier 1A aircraft. If you need a photo shoot in an airplane in the air, then the price of such a photo shoot will be about 8000 euros / hour on a Premier 1A airplane. It should be borne in mind that the cycle: preparation for the flight, takeoff, flight and landing of such a Premier 1A can take from 2 to 2.5 hours, which means that the cost will be about 16,000 euros.

The price of a photo shoot on an average aircraft is about 6,000 euros / hour of shooting a Hawker 750XP aircraft on the ground, and a photo session in the air inside the aircraft will cost about 10,000 euros for a Hawker 750XP. It should be borne in mind that the full cycle: preparation for the flight, takeoff, flight and landing Hawker 750XP will take 1.5-2 hours, which means it will cost about 15,000 - 20,000 euros.

Benefits of renting a plane

The decision to rent a real business jet will cost more compared to shooting in a dummy set, but it has a number of advantages:

  • air broker can offer big choice aircraft. Depending on the purpose of shooting and the number of participants, you can choose sides of different capacities and cabin layout;
  • the ability to shoot not only in the salon, but also at the airport, hangar and other locations;
  • professional training aircraft for photography. If necessary, the interior and exterior are complemented by decorative elements. For example, for a wedding photo session, these are the names of the newlyweds, garlands of flowers, balloons;
  • full consulting support for the client. All tasks and needs are taken into account as much as possible;
  • flexible pricing policy - taking into account the type of aircraft, the need to move, the route, the number of participants and other factors.

Aviation broker services

A professional aviation broker provides aircraft for rent for different types photography. The most popular and affordable is a static photo session. It implies taking pictures on the territory of the airport (including the VIP terminal), against the background of the aircraft, on the territory of the hangar, as well as directly in the cabin of a business jet. The choice of the airport is carried out at the request of the client.

Photos can be used in business purposes- to demonstrate status.

It is worth considering that the cycle: preparation for the flight, takeoff, flight and landing of such a Premier 1A can take from 2 to 2.5 hours, which means that the cost will be about 16,000 euros.

Dynamic photography involves the recording by the camera of various actions both on the site and in any other locations chosen by the client (for example, moving along the runway or flying an airplane).

You can order an aircraft rental for photography by contacting an airline broker. It is necessary to inform the planned date and time of the photo session, your requirements for its organization, the number of participants. Qualified specialists will conduct an initial consultation, in which they will acquaint the client with all the intricacies of the business aviation segment, so that the images are as natural and realistic as possible. The aircraft will be promptly prepared for the photo session and placed at the disposal of the customer.

Renting a real business jet will allow you to get unique photos that can not only be shown to friends or posted in social networks, but also used in professional activities.

Budget photo shoots in private jets, with or without a professional photographer, are becoming popular on Russian Instagram. Even professional artists like Misha Marvin do not refuse filming in business jets. However, the “dust in the eye” genre is selling well not only in Russia.

The authors of the Antiglyanets telegram channel drew attention to the new trend. Advertisements who offer to rent a private jet for a short time for a modest amount appear on Instagram. The secret is that the plane won't take off. And this is not necessary: ​​after all, you can have time to be photographed at the gangway and in an armchair on the ground.

Just sitting on an airplane costs 11 thousand rubles, and together with professional photography - 14 thousand, but there are happy days when a photo shoot from a pro with a discount will cost only 7 thousand rubles. It is cheaper than a professional studio in Moscow.

This is how luxury looks in the minds of those who offer to sit on the plane. Advertisements contain, for example, text:

The charming Christina flies into the world of dreams and magical dreams on our plane? If you have not yet flown with us, we invite you on board our plane, book by phone ...

But such frames are bought by Instagram bloggers with closed accounts... It looks quite plausible, as if the girls are flying somewhere.

The image of the dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacca is very useful here. True, after Wakki became famous for dancing on yachts with young girlfriends, he already managed to start a personal bankruptcy procedure.

Russian artists do not hesitate to use the services of a photo session in a business jet. Misha Marvin, a second row performer on the Black Star label, ordered the filming on a private jet, and then posted them on his account with a sentimental signature.

As a child, Marvin was afraid of heights, but at the same time dreamed of becoming a pilot. I didn’t become a pilot, but I earned some spectacular photos in an expensive interior.

Even though I used to be afraid of heights, I fell in love with airplanes at first sight as a child. While all my classmates dreamed of becoming astronauts, doctors and teachers, I really wanted to enter the pilot academy when I grow up. But most of all, of course, I dreamed of becoming an artist, and now, in flight, I am looking for new sounds and writing music.

The trend applies not only to Russia. An “international celebrity,” as she calls herself, and PR woman Mariam Taki is also photographed in beautiful planes and cars for Instagram.

We recently wrote about the opening of the world's first hotel in the Maldives, designed for clients who like to post photos on Instagram (well, that is, for almost everyone). The peculiarity of the hotel is that for which you will even be assigned a specially trained person.