Paint and Photoshop programs. How to change the size of the image without loss of quality

With the advent of photography in the first half of the 19th century, it could not have a natural desire to increase the image to the size of the artistic canvase. One of the real and most effective waysThat is still used to this day, consisted in the redrawing in the cells, but today it is rarely given such advice, because it is quite obvious that those who want to consolidate the image are interested in how to increase the size of photos on the computer.

Image size on PC monitor

Since I spoke about the PC, then let's say that on the monitor the size of images decreases / increases the Ctrl (- / + key) combination or the mouse wheel with the same pressed with the Ctrl key. And if you are online, you can influence the size of the image by changing the scale in the View tab in the browser menu. The resolution is not rebored) by calling this command by clicking the right mouse button right on the desktop.

Now, if you follow the principle of "from simple to complex", you need to figure out how to increase the size of photos in Paint, because, firstly, this is a standard graphic editor (Start\u003e All Programs\u003e Standard), which comes with the operating room windows systemAnd secondly, many people do not suspect some of his abilities, including the "Resize" button on the Home tab.

We stretch pictures in Paint

In the "Size and Tilt" dialog box, they usually put a tick in the checkbox "Save proportions" and indicate either percentage ratio or a specific value in pixels. In the second case, it is enough to specify only the desired image width (change horizontally) so that the second parameter has changed automatically.

In some Paint versions there is another "point" parameter, which allows you to enter certain image dimensions. If all OK, so tell me the editor.

Finding out how to increase most users probably do not even consider it necessary to add that without loss of quality, believing that it goes without saying. However, this silent condition is not so easy to perform, because the image in the rough approximation can be compared with a mosaic of multicolored pixels. It is not difficult to imagine how the picture will look, if it is easy to stretch, because the number of informative pixels will remain the same, and the physical size will increase.

To somehow keep the quality to a certain extent, you need to fill the "voids", taking into account the content of the surrounding pixels. Unfortunately, kind old paint copes with this far from all better, but there are many programs that, using various data interpolation algorithms between stretched pixels (resample / resample methods), can increase images with very decent quality. Most of these services, among which are particularly popular with paid Photozoom Pro, are functionally similar and easy to use, but if you simply recommend them to those who want to learn how to increase the size of photos in "Photoshop", it will be an evasive answer.

The abilities of "photoshop" in changing the size of photos

If you are going to increase the image, you should keep in mind that the result directly depends on the quality and size of the source material. After downloading the photo in "Photoshop" in the "Image" menu, select the "Image Size" command, thus opening the same window in which the dialogue with the program is conducted.

If you fully trust the program, you can only specify the width and height in the "Document Size" block fields, and the remaining parameters are left by default, including the Interpolation function (Resample Image) and the Resampling method "Biobubic Automatic" (Bicubic), which, as a rule, prefer the remaining five algorithms. Then open with the "Auto ..." (auto) button "Automatic Resolution" window, select the desired quality (default is "good") and click OK.

Note: Ressampling (Resample) is a data control function on images that change sizes or permission.

Little tricks

Perhaps not everyone knows about some well-known recommendations on how to increase the size of photos with minimal quality loss with any graphic editor with the functions of correction and resampling, but this does not have to be "photoshop".

First, it is necessary to prepare the original image, slightly increasing its scale and carefully examining the existence of noise, blurred areas (where they should not be), various stains and other probable defects. All disadvantages need to be eliminated (adjusted) and only then start changing the size.

Next, you need to increase the photo twice as many times, work with sharpness, contrast, saturation, then return to the desired size and make sure the quality remains at the proper level. Here is such a small trick, but it is not all.

To which people just do not think about the search for the original solution of how to increase the size of photos.

It turns out that the image size is 10% consolidated, visually worsening the quality will not be noticeable. It suggests an obvious conclusion: it is repeatedly increasing the size of 10%, it is possible ... Well, and then - who has some fantasy. But this method is not universal, and its illustrative use for all photographs in a row will not necessarily lead to good results, which largely depend on the various qualitative parameters of the image, including from the format. A black and white photo, for example, we manage to stretch up to 50%.

These "secret" techniques are allowed only in cases where there are no other options for some reason, and, most likely, "tricky products" will require a very serious post-processing in "Photoshop".

Specialized programs

If you need an answer to the question of how to increase the size of photos with minimal headache, use one of the specialized programs that and the interpolation algorithms are more than that of Photoshop, and their own original technologies are available. In addition to the previously mentioned Photozoom Pro, these are services: Perfect Resiz, Reshade Image Enlarger, Onone Genuine Fractals Pro V6.0, AKVIS Magnifier V3.0 and others.

As often, looking through photos on the computer, we threw cool frames, because they were too small in size and poor-quality. But with help special programs You can save almost any image!

Improving image quality is a very voluminous topic. To improve the quality of the photo in Photoshop, color correction, increasing sharpness, retouching and many other operations can be used. All of them require certain skills and possession of special techniques.

But there are less complex ways when the image increases simply without loss of quality. Below we will look at the example, how to improve the quality of the photo if you need to increase the photo without loss of quality.

How to enlarge photos without loss of quality

Everyone had to face the image of a small size of a low quality. In such pictures, the pixels, points from which are built are strongly visible. raster image.

An increase in the image by stretching it with free transformation will only worsen the position.

In this lesson, work will be held in Photoshop CC 2017. But first we will look at the method for others, older, versions Photoshop.. And then we show how Photoshop CC 2017 can make the entire procedure automatically.

Open the image in Photoshop. Now we will gradually increase it in several goals. It is worth noting that you can increase the photo and raise quality, but with a limit in size.

Press the keyboard key Alt + Ctrl + I. We will have a window "Image size". Need to be between "Width" / width and "Height" / Height Click was pressed. Then width and height will vary proportionally.

Running the image twice, each time by 20%. For this in the drop-down list opposite "Width" We change pixels percentage (Pixel / Percent), and a numerical value from 100% by 120% and click OK.. Then we call the image size window again ( Alt + Ctrl + I) and increase by 20%.

We increased image size from 950x632 pixels up to 1368x910 pixels.

For a visual comparison, get the original image (950x632 pix.) And the resulting (1368x910 pix.).

We increased the image almost one and a half times and even improved quality. As can be seen, pixelization is less noticeable if closer image.

It remains to refine the result. Apply filter "Smart Sharpen" to the resulting image.

We go: "Filters" / "Strengthening" / Smart Sharpness / Filter / Sharpen / Smart Sharpen. By moving the slider, select suitable sharpness. If in a small preview window on the image to click the left mouse button and hold, you can see the picture before applying the effect. The difference is noticeable. Especially noticeable smooth transition Colors (without cubes) on glasses lenses. We completely removed the noise, shifting the slider to the end to the right. The radius of sharpness took 0.3 pixels, the effect was applied by 79%.

Once again, compare the results.

On the left - the original image, in the center - after increasing the size, on the right - using "Smart sharpness".

After use "Smart sharpness" In the photo noise went, the image became cleaner.

Here is our result.

And now we will increase the photo and improve its quality with automatic tools Photoshop 2017.

Open an image in Photoshop, press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + I. We will have a window "Image Size" / Image Size. Pay attention to the item "Fit under" / dimensions. Expand this list. In it, you will see the blanks of the options for increasing / decreasing the image without loss of quality. We use the automatic selection (second point in the list). In the window that opens, select the item "Good" and click OK.. It is not worth the best to choose because the original picture is too low quality, and it makes no sense to increase it.

Please note if we managed to enlarge the image from 950x632 pixels and a resolution of 96 pixes / inch to 1368x910 pixels with the same permission, the program made an increase of up to 1969x1310 pixels with a resolution of 199 pix / inches.

Apply "smart sharpness."

Now you yourself were convinced that you can enlarge the picture without loss of quality, and at the same time even improve the quality of the photo.

It is worth noting that this method can be useful not only to increase and improve small photos. For example, you need to provide a photo for an Internet resource or for printing in publishing. Your photo is excellent quality and large size, but for the publisher is needed even more. Applying the described method of increasing the picture and improve its quality, you will get an excellent result. After all, photo large sizes from good quality It will take this procedure much easier.

The procedure is extremely simple. Do not put a cross in small pictures. Give them a second chance.

Hello, my readers!

Changing the size of the image is a fairly important operation not only for someone who creates and fills its own, but also for everyday use, starting with social networks And ending with chats and forums.

Exists a large number of programs that will allow you to change the resolution of the picture. But how to make it so that with such an editing photo not lost the quality of the display?

That's what I would like to talk to you today. If you are interested in how to change the size of the image without loss of quality, then you are at.


First of all, I would like to talk about the standard Paint photo editor. A set of functions of this utility is not big, but the main features are inherent.

We launch the Paint program on your PC, in the "File" tab, select "Open". In the window that appears, we find the desired image by specifying the path to it by the sequential opening of the desired folders.

The program navigation is very simple: you can find the "Change Size" function near the pictogram "Select", choose it.

The window of the image editor itself appeared before us. Change the size we can in two parameters: interest and pixels. We choose the pixels and put a tick on "save proportions", it will give the opportunity to save the picture itself, which will not allow to reduce the display quality. When saving proportions, you need to enter only one parameter (width or length), and the second will select automatically. In fact, it is quite simple, isn't it?

After the manipulations made, save the file in the format convenient for you.

Still in Paint manual editing available. To do this, you need to highlight the entire image (pressing Ctrl + A), after which you bring the cursor to the bottom right corner of the picture and move it into the upper left, the size will change.

After you have achieved the desired result, click on the unredened area with the left button, and the working path of the program is pigeoning under the picture. Unfortunately, in manual mode Save the proportion is very difficult.

It should be noted that with the help of Paint you can enlarge and reduce the size of any picture.

Adobe Photoshop.

If you want to master all the capabilities of this program, then I recommend you to go through the course " Photoshop from A to Z in video format" After passing the course, you can work wonders along with this software even if you don't know how practically nothing.

Resize and weight photos with this software - It is considered a universal method. Despite the entire range of possibilities, editing of this nature in Photoshop is very simple.

To start you, in fact, it is necessary that the photoshop program will be installed on your computer. If on PC software Already installed, click on the photo with the right mouse button and select the option "Open with", among the entire list, find Photoshop and select it.

Or first start the program, and then go to the "File" menu - "Open".

On the toolbar you will see the "Image" section, select it. In the menu select "Size ...", after which the image editing means will be launched.

After these manipulations, save files in BMP format. In this case, the difference between the original and the reduced copy is not found. Or leave jPG formatBut when saving in the "Image quality" in the block, instead of the figure 8 put 10, it will allow you to give the maximum quality picture.

If you retain a picture in order to further place it on the Internet, for example, on your blog, it is better to save it differently (so that it is less weighed). See screenshots below:

In addition to these options on the Internet there are still hundreds of types softwarethat perform similar functions. You can also use the online services, they also cope with their responsibilities, as a rule, everyone has detailed instructions.

Yours faithfully! Abdullin Ruslan

It is clear that not all modern mobile gadgets Or digital cameras have a fairly powerful matrix to take photos in a large amount, which could be shown on innovative television panels or ultra-high resolution monitors. This is where the question arises about how to increase the photo without loss of quality.

Backgrounds to enlarge photos

As already understandable, not every photo or image may be increased conservation initial level Quality. Apparently, it is very resourceful that it is the question of how to increase the size of a photo without loss of quality, because the reverse reducing process, on the contrary, the quality only increases.

It is worth paying attention to that not all applications, programs or applets are designed to perform such operations. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the type of file and graphics, in it present. If the file is converted and saved using conversion to a raster image, you can not even try to produce similar actions. The question is how to increase the photo without loss of quality and will remain unanswered.

Another thing, if you mean a simple zoom increase when viewing. There is nothing complicated here.

Initial image characteristics

To begin with, refer to standard graphic viewers.

As a rule, each software product of this type allows you to solve the problem of how to increase the scale of the photo without loss of quality, using the standard zoom slider or (as in the case of a standard Windows viewer or some other programs) of a special tool in the form of a plus card inside the icon.

Some details

True, there are nuances here. For example, in Windows (regarding the question of how to increase the size of the photo without loss of quality in terms of normal scaling), such actions can be made to a certain limit. It is clear that not all photos even with the original (standard) resolution of 72 points per inch can be increased to infinity.

It is worth adding to add that the problem is how to increase the photo without loss of quality, directly depends on what is the initial size, resolution, or even the depth of the color image of the original one. Probably, many are already clear that the smaller the initial picture, the harder it will be to convert it in terms of resizing or permission to the whole side. You can, of course, try, but, as a rule, nothing good does not work out.

How to enlarge photo without loss of quality: algorithm

Now a few words about how to happen this process. In principle, algorithms that make it possible to understand or at least imagine how to enlarge photos without loss of quality are reduced to several main aspects.

First of all, this is a definition of image type. In the case of raster pictures, the magnification will occur only in terms of pixel grid. This is not suitable for us. IN vector graphics All otherwise. By offset or removal of layers, it is possible to achieve a much better result. But that's not all.

Some programs like Asampoo Photo Optimizer come somewhat differently. They first produce color-modotics, then change the blackness or illumination of the image along the edges and inside, after which the improvement in the quality of the photo is built by stretching the overall histogram.

Naturally, for the tasks associated with how to increase the photo without loss of quality, you can also apply universal packages like Adobe Photoshop.which, by the way, is absolutely indifferent, which type of graphics is currently used.

What program to increase the photo without loss of quality

As for programs for processing photos in this perspective, you can not go far. Conventional applications such as Paint or "Pictures Manager" included in standard installation windows packages and Microsoft Office. Any versions will cope with this without any difficulty. Another thing is that an increase in this case Can be made to certain limits.

It is better to use universal utility Benvista photozoom. Although she is a nervous of the same "Photoshop", nevertheless, in some functions, it "overmines." In "Photoshop", an image without loss of quality is recommended no more than 10%. The same program involves a solution to the problem, how to increase the photo without loss of quality using an indicator that gives up to 50%, that is, almost one and a half times from the source size.

Actually, in the work, the application looks much easier than many professional utilities, and the question of how to increase the photo without loss of quality, solves simply elementary. The advantage of this utility consists not only that it can convert dimensions without loss of quality, but also that there are two main windows, in one of which shows the preview, and in the second the photo is displayed in its real size (or part of the size apparently on the screen). This is convenient in the sense that you can always consider an increase in detail, and if necessary, change the parameters.

Interestingly, in scaling, the indicator can reach 400%, but the original settings will be used while saving. If you wish, you can choose the image change algorithm, but, as practice shows, the built-in S-Spline Max system gives the most tangible and high-quality result.


In principle, when using any method, you can go to its parameters and choose those that match the process that is supposed to be run. Even standard set Offers any joomer of the elementary level or a professional quite a spacious list of features. Naturally, for those who are somewhat disassembled in editing photos or graphic images, there is enough flexible system Change settings, applying custom filters, finally full failure from automation with necessary parameters And settings in manual mode. In general, it is working on what.

You can, of course, use and online services, but, it seems, the expected result will mostly not be given.

Imagine that the question of how was the question of how change the size of the picture without photoshop? You are on the Internet, and you need to trim a photo or picture for the questionnaire. You actually do if sitting at the computer, or with a tablet, or with a smartphone in your hands, go to the site.

After all, on this resource you can use the attachment application photo online. Please note that the application supports GIF, BMP, JPG, PNG formats. It is in the "Working with Images" block called "Printing Images".

And performing simple operations here, we change the size of the image. After all, as well as all other through the service, this application Very easy to use. It provides an opportunity to get a qualitative result very quickly.

We with it change the size of the photo. We cut it. And for this you need to load the desired image to be loaded, select the fragment you want to trim and press the Cut key, after receiving information about the size of the future picture. That is, the process provides percentage increase or decrease in the image. There is always the opportunity to see how you cut the photo, and then save it.

What other opportunities is provided by the application

When we change the size of the photo online, it does not mean that the whole process that takes a few seconds is to just trim the picture online.

The one who works with the image can still spend additionally (but literally read) seconds so that, if necessary, turn the photo or reflect it mirror. But this is not at all limited. You can also add beautiful effects or frame. And just need to do a few clicks.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that users of the site are people of various professions, age and even hobbies. All because some prefer not to look for the application you need on different Internet resources. And the specified online service is good for many that most different, but frequently used applications are concentrated.

And many of those who spend the mass of time in the world cobweb (including in order to change photos), comes to the site quite natural. Be he designer or webmaster, journalist or motorist. After all, many references on the Internet are conducted here, and the service is available to everyone without registration.

Service is also free. It can be used when preparing photos and music for blogs and sites. There is no need to download files, installing and subsequent updating programs.

This positively appreciates the one who is engaged in professional photography, and the one for whom to spend time with the camera is just a great passion. After all, the site has a suitable application for them. For example, for the one who is tormented by the question, how to resize image?

Why do such a function need

The reason why a particular Internet user is forced to search for a photo editor online can be different. But, as experience shows, it is usually caused by the need for quickly change the size of the photo.

And it usually happens. Suppose someone needs to download the editable image to the site. For example, as Avatar "VKontakte". As a rule, in most resources in global Network For images that pour into service, limit on its dimensions is provided. And this in a concrete case means you need to change the size of the photo online.

Without it, you can not do. However, the restriction is provided not only for dimensions. The restriction also applies to the weight of the image. That is, the problem requires such a solution when you need to reduce the photo. And it is very easy to do using the photo editor online.

But to the "Enlarge photo" functions, it is resorted when you need to increase the size of the image. As well as a decrease in the photo, this function finds use when someone often processes the image.

For more detailed characteristics popular service It should be mentioned about such a "chip" as Instagram photos. That is, with this case, the service provides an opportunity not only resize, but also give the desired type of photos. And we talk about those cases when you have no mobile device And account in instagram.

We assure that personal Computer It is much more convenient to engage in photography photos. The function "Instagram's photo style" acts just like pruning photos online. This means the following: you need to upload a photo, impose effects and then save to your computer. So, in particular, you can make an effect. old photo From an ordinary picture.