How many exits the Sokol station. Metro Station "Falcon" on old photos

Sokol - Moscow Metro station as part of the Zamoskvoretsky line. Located between the Airport Station and the Vookovo station. The Sokol station passes directly under the Leningrad Avenue on the interconnection site with Leningrad and Volokolamsk highway. It is north administrative District Moscow, the territory of the "Airport" and "Sokol" districts.

Station history

Build a subway line that would end in all-day, planned in the 1930s of the twentieth century. Construction was carried out open way. Started station on September 11, 1938. True, only one lobby was involved - ground, which was surrounded by ordinary rural houses. In the war years, like other metro stations, the Sokol station was bomb shelter.

After the Great Patriotic War, a western lobby was opened near the Church of All Saints. Over time, at the station, additional stairs were completed, built an exit to the underground transition, which passes under Leningradsky Avenue.

The end station "Falcon" ceased to be at the end of 1964. At the end of the twentieth century, due to the poor technical condition, the complementary ladders completely dismantled.

Name history

The name "Falcon" station received thanks to the "Falcon" district located in a semi-kilometer, which was built in the 20s of the twentieth century. It was the first cooperative residential village in Moscow. Earlier on its territory there was a large village of all-place. However, the name "All-West" for the station during the propaganda of absolute atheism was unacceptable. The idea of \u200b\u200brenaming it in the AllSwatskoye appeared only in 1992. The initiators are argued that this is a more suitable name for the station, which is located just in the center of the then village. But the idea with renaming has not yet been implemented.

Station description

The Falcon Station hall was decorated with marble called "Coele", on the way walls, too, marble, but Birobidzhansky. The floor is fascinated by granite plates of red and gray.

The station hall has two parallel arch. They are supported by side walls and the only number of columns. In the facing of the lower part of the columns and walls of the station, elements of white marble and Agamzali onyx from Armenia are used. The columns are expanding up and form the dome. In the domes there are deepening from Aghamzali Onyx, in which there are hidden lamps. With this reception, the station is illuminated exactly.

The station's hall into two equal parts is divided into a transverse bridge, from which two broad stairs lead to the platform.

It is not enough that this station is adapted in some way for the convenience of people who have limited opportunities. There are no escalators at the station. The staircase in the western lobby has a stroller descent and contrast strips for poorly seen people. However, the staircase leading to the platform, ordinary, and such devices does not have. And the staircase leading to the underground transition is equipped with strollers for strollers and carts.


The Sokol station was built on a special project, which developed architects Y. Yakovlev and K. Yakovlev. According to its design, it is uncharacter for the Moscow Metro, since it is a two-flying station of small embedding (at a depth of almost 10 meters). The station of the station hall has a dome form with deepening. Its height is 4.5 meters. The arch support columns built into one row and the walls of the tunnel.

Station "Falcon" is one of the hottest stations of the Moscow Metro. For example, in summer, the air temperature here reached 33.5 degrees Celsius.

The station has branches from the main ways. They lead to Sokol depot, which serves a Zamoskvoretsky line. In addition, these branches are sometimes used to turn around the compositions. The peculiarity of the main overpass is also the fact that on the way to "Logovskaya" after the passage of the Sokol station, he is not direct, but turns to the right. It is notepicking for the Moscow metro. But in view of the insufficient width of the station, it was so forced to arrange office ways. This can still be seen at Sokolniki and Parisanskaya stations.

Lobby and transplants

Sokol has two ground lobby. They designed their different architects, since they were built at different times.

The eastern lobby is a semiring with separate entrances and exits in the end. In the center - granite fountain. The north lobby is built in the form of the letter "P". At the beginning of the twentieth century, a shop was built in the center of the pavilion, and the building itself was adapted for people having limited opportunities. In addition, the alarm, fire extinguishing systems and alerts were upgraded.


The main attraction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "Sokol" metro is the church of all saints in all.

The stone church in the name of all saints was built in the late XVII century on the initiative of Boyarin Ivan Miloslavsky. The temple gave the official name of Selu. Later, the village became the property of the Georgian Tsarevich Alexander, with whom the only daughter of Boyharova Daria was engaged.

The church is built in the style of early baroque. Inside the wall of the church is completely painted. The temple icon "Cathedral of all saints" is executed in Vasnets style. It is over a carved iconostasis. Three-tier iconostasis, white-cream with gilding. At the temple there is a bell tower. It is under a five-permount inclination due to sandy soil and flowing near the river.

The church was repeatedly rebuilt and expanded. In the 20s of the twentieth century, the temple tried to close and equip the club on its territory. Although it was unfulfilled only in 1939-1945, when the iconostasis was publicly burned and a military warehouse was placed there. And in the 70s of the twentieth century, the church of all saints had the biggest parish.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the temple was renovated and completed a two-storey house where they posted a Sunday school and a church shop.

With the church of all the saints was an old cemetery, where many representatives of Georgian princely giving birth were buried. It is rumored that the body of the Georgian writer Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani is also resting here. Destroyed the cemetery at the end of the twentieth century. One of the versions - the local high-ranking residents did not like to see the cemetery from the window. Only a few tombstones are preserved.

Ground infrastructure

This area is considered one of the most prestigious in the capital, therefore, the infrastructure is well developed, and there are all the establishments necessary for a comfortable life. Near the station there are squares, parks, entertainment facilities.

Useful facts

The opening time of the Sokol station - 5:20 in the morning. The first train to the River Station station goes to 5:54. The first train in the direction of the Metro "Krasnogvardeyskaya" is moving away from Sokol at 5:28.

Station "Falcon" has a "bad place" reputation. Metro employees tell that they often feel the manifestation of some other forces. Perhaps this is because the station is built on the spot, where during the red terror was shot by a lot of people.

The subway "Sokol" also appears from time to time in the reports of Moscow incidents. Here, several people hit the train, sometimes with fatal outcome. There is also a case when in 2006 the concrete pile fell into the tunnel and damaged one of the train cars. Then people were not injured.

The Sokol station was opened on September 11, 1938 as part of the second stage of the Moscow Metro.

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Located near Leningradsky Avenue near the union with the Volokolamsky and Leningrad highway. The lobby are located on the territory of the "Falcon" and "Airport" of the Northern Administrative District of the city of Moscow.

The name received the falcon's village located nearby, which was built in the 1920s. The area in which the station is located, entered Moscow only in 1917. Previously, it was a major suburban village of Allsen, a former volost center. The construction plan of the metro line with the final stop "ALSVATI" appeared in 1933.

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Later he was repeatedly adjusted. In the framework of the General Plan of the reconstruction of Moscow, 1935, it was assumed to build a subway line with the airport and Sverdlov Square (now "theatrical"). However, due to the fact that the depot of the 2nd stage was transferred to the development area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningrad and Volokolamsk highway, another station was planned on the line. The name of the station "AllSavy", proposed in the initial project, was unacceptable from an ideological point of view.

The construction of the subway "Falcon" was carried out in an open way. The opening of the station with its eastern lobby took place on September 11, 1938. On the same day, Method-Sokol was opened, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningrad and Volokolamsk highway. Initially, the lobby of the station was surrounded by low-rise rural houses.

The eastern lobby is made in the form of a semiring with separate entrance and exit on the ends. From them stairs descend into the underground cash register. The facade of the lobby is lined with limestone near Moscow. At the site in the center of the semiring there is a small fountain of polished granite. In the walls of the pavilion - wide window peres.

Walls of aisles and lobby are seduced by ceramic tiles and mosaic from multicolored marble.

On December 21, 1949, the western lobby of the station was opened on the opposite side of the Leningrad Prospect near the temple of all saints in all.
It also has a separate entry and exit with stairs converging in the cash hall. But, unlike the eastern lobby, it has a P-shaped form. In the center of the cash hall is a massive column. In the 2000s, a store was built in the central part of the western lobby.

Metro Station "Falcon" is partially adapted for people with disabilities. The western lobby staircase is equipped with wheelchair descent and contrasting stripes for visually impaired. Nevertheless, the staircase leading to the platform, such devices does not have. There are no elevators and escalators at the station.

The staircase leading from the platform to the exit to the underground transition under Leningradsky Avenue, equipped with crawlers and shopping carts.

At the end of May 2008, in connection with the construction of the Volokolamsky tunnel, the western lobby of the station was closed in the framework of the "Big Leningrad" project (by that time, the underground transition under Leningrad Prospekt was also closed). A temporary ticket office for selling tickets was attached close to the eastern lobby. For passengers, a temporary pedestrian bridge was built through Leningrad Prospect. However, a huge number of people accumulated at the peak hours on this bridge, which led to the rocking structure. In this regard, in three days, the western lobby was opened again, before the construction of an additional bridge. On December 31, 2008, a pedestrian crossing under Leningradsky Avenue was once again opened. On January 12, 2009, the western lobby was re-closed.

On December 30, 2010, the western lobby of the Sokol metro was opened after reconstruction. According to the press service of the Moscow Metro, a restoration was restored with the preservation of the initial appearance. The granite flooring of the floor and steps was replaced, the walls are lined with beige tiles. In addition, new entrance doors and turnstiles were installed.

The station is built according to an individual project, its construction is notepipic for the Moscow Metro. The type of construction is a column two-feather embossed (the depth of the embedding is 10 meters). The station hall is two parallel vaults based on the side walls and on the middle row of supports. The distance between the columns is 7.4 meters. The spills between the supports are cut by vertical cylinders, the top of which is completed by domes with niches.

These dome serve as reflectors for sources of lighting, hidden from the eye of the observer with pieces of Aghamzali Onyx. Thus, uniform lighting of the station is achieved (late for additional lighting on the columns, spotlights directed under the domes were installed). The lower parts of the columns are lined with Birobidzhan marble and are surrounded by benches. Flat sections of the side walls are also lined with marble. All the surface curves of the station hall are launched. The floor is lined with gray and pink granite.

In 1952-1953, additional staircases on the platform were built to improve the service of passengers from the central bridge, which made it possible to significantly reduce the load on the central stairs.

In December 1961 at the Sokol metro station for the first time in the Moscow Metro, the composition of the composition of the composition without the participation of locomotive brigades was tested. The Sokol Metro Station has ceased to be finite December 31, 1964, when the Zamoskvoretskaya line was extended to the River Station station.

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Connecting branches in the Falcon depot, serving a Zamoskvoretsky line, are branched off from the main paths. They are used to enter and check out the compositions from the depot and, in rare cases, for the turnover of compositions. Feature of travel development: The main station path towards the "Vojovskaya" after the station does not lead directly, but turns to the right. Directly leads the branch in the "Falcon" electrodepot. This is due to the fact that the width of the station did not allow to post office ways so that the main path is located right. Such a feature is a rarity for the Moscow Metro. A similar situation is found at Sokolniki and Parisanskaya stations.

On April 28, 1960, an additional way out to the underground transition under Leningradsky Avenue was opened.

"Caution, the doors are closed. The next station" Voikovskaya ".

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The Sokol metro station was opened on September 11, 1938 (only with the eastern lobby) and at that time was the final station of the Gorky-Zamoskvoretsky line.

The station received its name from the nearby village of Sokol, although it was located in the center of the former village of Allseni (entered Moscow in 1917). According to the initial project, the station was so called, but according to ideological reasons, they refused.

The construction used in the construction of the station is not typical for the Moscow metro. This is a column two-span station of small embedding (10 m.). Before the designers, there was a difficult task due to the peculiarities of this station. It was assumed that passenger traffic at this station will be small, in connection with this, the platform was designed a small width - only 8 m. Architects had two possible solutions Such a station: single-way or colonnade along the central axis. Brothers K.N. and Yu.N. Yakovlev have chosen on a one-column solution. However, the columns were used as the base supports under the horizontal vaults, set at a distance of 7.4 m. The result was the opposite hall, which is two parallel vaults, which are based on the central row of supports and on the side walls. Massive at the base of the column upstairs expands, and the spans between the supports turn into the dome. Such a composite solution does not divide the station into two parts, and tents combines it into one unit, makes it finished and organic.

The opposite hall is divided into two parts into the transverse bridge; It connects with the platform wide stairs.

Interesting detail: Previously, the coverage of the station took place only due to light rings of reflectors, which are located under the domes and are hidden by pieces of transparent onyx. Thus achieved uniform illumination of the station hall. Later additional searchlights were installed.

The eastern lobby is made in the form of an independent pavilion, which was supposed to take the central place of Kurdoner (opened on the street of the Parade Court), formed by the P-shaped future building. However, this project was never implemented. The Pavilion is conceived by architects Yakovlev in the form of a semiring, where separate entrance and exit are on the ends of the building. They are located stairs connecting in the underground cash chap. Then by the underpass you fall on the bridge, which is located in the station hall. Semicircular pavilion walls have large window openings.

The western lobby was opened on December 21, 1949. This is a two-story P-shaped building, also with separate entrance and exit and stairs, which converge in the cash hall. In its center there is a massive column.

During the Great Patriotic War, this metro station served a bomb shelter.

Currently, this is the identified object of cultural heritage.

Station "Sokol" was opened on September 11, 1938 as part of the second stage of the Moscow Metro. The construction plan of the metro line with the final stop "ALSVATI" appeared in 1933. Later he was repeatedly adjusted. In the framework of the General Plan of the reconstruction of Moscow, 1935, it was assumed to build a subway line with the airport and Sverdlov Square (now "theatrical"). However, due to the fact that the depot of the 2nd stage was transferred to the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of the Leningrad Ivolovolum highway, another station was scheduled for the line. Despite the fact that this station was built in the very center of the former village of Alsvatsky, she received its name from the "Falcon" cooperative village located in a semi-kilometer created in the 1920s. The name of the station proposed in the initial project was unacceptable from an ideological point of view. In 1992, a project was proposed for a change in the name of the station to "ALSWATSKY", but it was not implemented.

The Trolleybuses of EEC (England) and the New Yatb-2 at the Eastern Lob's Metro Station "Falcon". The snapshot was made between 1938-1941.

Eastern lobby of Sokol Metro Station, 1938. Photographer: E. Evserichin.

Fountain in the eastern lobby of the Sokol metro station. The snapshot was made in 1939.

Controllers at the entrance of Sokol station, 1938. Photographer: N.S. Granovsky.

The construction of the subway "Falcon" was carried out in an open way. The opening of the station with its eastern lobby took place on September 11, 1938. On the same day, Method-Sokol was opened, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningrad and Volokolamsky village district. Initially, the lobby of the station was surrounded by low-rise rural houses. It was assumed that in the future he will take the central place of Kurdonyra formed by the P-shaped building, but this project was not implemented.

Perron station "Falcon". The snapshot was made between 1940-1945.

Sokol Metro Station, 1940.

Perron station "Falcon". Photographer: Naum Granovsky, shot taken between 1938-1940.

Starting from August 1952, due to the increase in passenger traffic at the station, in order to improve the service of passengers, at the station "Falcon" carried out work on the installation of four additional march narrow stairs connecting the bridge of suitable corridors with the platform.
The first stage was commissioned on November 7, 1952, the second - January 5, 1953. The construction of additional narrow stairs made it possible to significantly reduce the load on the overloaded central wide ladders. In 1992, after the collapse of several steps of one of the stairs, the stairs were closed due to a bad technical condition. By 1994, the stairs were completely dismantled and the station acquired the initial species. The picture was made in 1993, photographer: Igor Klykov.

Clock over the platform of the Sokol metro station. The snapshot was made in 1940.

The western lobby of the Sokol metro station, opened on December 21, 1949, its architectural solution is somewhat different from the eastern lobby. The snapshot was made between 1971-1980.

At the western lobby of the subway "Falcon". The tram train 6 route coming from Zakharkovo ring. The snapshot was made between 1967-1968.

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