What is Wang Drive. ONEDRIVE - What is this program and how to use it? Thus, to whom this software can come in handy

Good all the time of day, my dear friends And guest blog. I know that many of you have already heard about cloud services, and many are active users of some of them. Do you know that Microsoft has its own cloud and the name of him one Drive. Let's look more in more detail what is ondrive in 10 and what its main advantages.

OneDrive at 10 is a service that allows users to store their data on a third-party resource. This segment was present in early versions However, this version shows that the company has taken care of making this resource Useful not only to work on the PC, but also for the overall mobility of user information.

It can be said that CEPVIS remained the same, but it is only due to the similarity of the design. Among similar parameters there is integration into the service system. You can work with this resource using a standard conductor, or other file manager. The service is activated by authorizing Microsoft account.

"Cloud" brought us a few new features:

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

If you have a computer with Windows 8.1 or 10, game console Xbox one or smartphone with Windows Phone Or Windows 10 Mobile, then you probably faced such a term as "onedrive". The same is true if you use documents to work with documents Microsoft Office. 2013, 2016 or 365.

Want to know what is ondrive in Windows, what is this program, why and what is it needed for? Today we will answer all your questions!

What is this program - ONEDRIVE?

ONEDRIVE is an original service. cloud storage and sync user files on various devices. In essence, this is the usual cloud is the same as Google Drive or ICloud. However, its feature is that it is already pre-installed on most devices from the OS from Microsoft.

Also cloud are used by the devices themselves for storing and synchronizing user data. For example, Xbox One, Windows 8.1, 10 and Windows smartphones use onedrive to synchronize system parameters, interface design (topic, background, etc.) and application settings.

In addition, the browsers are part of these operating systems Internet Explorer. and Microsoft Edge. Use cloud storage to synchronize the history of visits and saved passwords.

Access to your files in ONEDRIVE can be obtained almost on any device:

Conditions for using cloud storage

Free to all users are available 5GB, this is enough for storage backups and a small colliding text document or photo. However, agree, in our time it is already not enough.

In order to get your 5 gigabytes, you just need to login or register your account microsoft recording.

How to increase accessible volume

To enlarge the size of your cloud storage, you can invite friends on a special referral link or I use for this social networks (ONEDRIVE-REFERRAL-BONUS). However, you can maximally increase the place in the cloud only at 10 GB, receiving for each invited user on 500MB.

To get the link go to the parameters and select the "Store Management" item

Also narrows 3 options for a paid "subscription":

  • Basic - 50 GB for 72 p. per month;
  • Personal - 1000 GB for 1 user for 269 p. per month + Office 365;
  • For home - 1000 GB for each of the 5 users for 339 p. per month + Office 365.

Most for permanent synchronization of photos, documents and not too voluminous files between devices are enough for the basic option. However, the "top" tariff will forever forget about the ending place on the disk most users.

As a result, it can be said that Microsoft Onedrive is a good solution to the cloud storage and synchronization of its information between various devices. Basic tariff "For the price of Hamburger," will always keep the necessary data at hand.

Excellent day!

Operating users windows systems 8.1 and Windows 10 can be seen in the system tray near the clock the program icon called Onedrive. Its few people install it specifically. Onedrive is installed automatically with the operating system, as well as during system updates. In this article you will find out what is needed onedrive, what it is and how to remove it.

ONEDRIVE icon in system tray

What does the ONEDRIVE program do?

Onedrive received such a name in 2014. Until that time, he was called SkyDrive.

Yandex and Google have their own cloud storagewhich are analogues onedrive.

This program It is a cloud storage on the Internet with a volume of 15 to 25 GB. And completely free. Speaking easier language ONEDRIVE This is a piece of personal space on the Internet on Microsoft servers, where you can copy and store your own data there.

Subsequently, it can be accessed from a smartphone or laptop, being at any point of the world in which Internet.

Thanks to the support of the WebDAV protocol, the ONEDRIVE cloudy space is easily connected to the computer and is displayed as a separate local disk in "My Computer".

ONEDRIVE disk connected by WebDAV protocol

How to delete ONEDRIVE Windows 10 completely?

If you do not plan to use free 25 GB on the Internet from Microsoft, then you simply do not need an onedrive. And it can be safely removed, because it is loaded with Windows and is constantly hanging in RAM.

To delete ONEDRIVE, you need to go to "" and find "Programs and Components" there.

By default, from the moment of purchase, a whole set of programs can be installed on your computer, the purpose of which may be unclear or may not be needed.

Such programs, besides, appear from the installation packages of various games, etc., because it is often necessary to figure out where it appeared and for what is needed on a PC one or another software.

In this material we will answer questions about Onedrive: what is this application, for which this program is needed, etc.


The developer of the OneDrive program is Microsoft. This program began to appear on our PCs together with the appearance of Windows 8 - she was present in the "eight", version 8.1 and "dozen".

Sure, similar programs were on the PC and in older operating systemsbut modern name and modern appearance This software received only starting with the "eight".

How clear from the written above is standard program Microsoft, which is pre-installed, that is, appears on the computer immediately after installation operating system, in standard basic package programs.

However, it is important to understand that strictly speaking, One Drive is not a program, but a service or service that is associated with virtual or "cloud" data warehouses on the network. It is with such storage and interacts software.

In essence, this software is just as a "cloud" data warehouse. Pit is one that the data itself is stored on the network, and not on your PC, but the service allows you to quickly and easily "contact" with the "cloud" from your computer and manage files in it.

Important! Such a service is present not only on computers, but also on tablets and smartphones on the basis of this operating system, and it is for them that it is most necessary. Similar services under other names are also implemented in Apple and Android systems.

The ONE DRIVE "cloud" itself was launched in February 2014, but in fact, it was only renaming the old similar program Sky Drive, which appeared in 2007.

But old program Relevates to the online services provided by Microsoft by Windows Windows.

Although at the initial stage of differences between these programs practically did not exist, one drive soon received some improvements.

Scope of application

Which area does this service apply, and how can it be useful?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of work and the features of the technology of "cloud" data storage.

With this technology, there is no need to take the memory of its computer large quantity Files and information.

Speaking simply, in the virtual space there is some storage to which the user can send its data - files, folders, etc., without saving them on their computer.

Technically, these files are stored on powerful servers, but the user can access them almost instantly, just using the described program.

It allows you to view, organize and move files in the "cloud", download them from there, etc.

To access the file storage, you need a password that you created at the first registration in the "cloud" or when the files are first unloading. After you entered your password in program One. DRIVE, this service is associated with the storage, requests access to it from your account, and finally presents it to you. All this is happening very quickly, although there are cases when "cloud" storages were not available due to troubleshooting on servers.

Note! Analogue of this software from Google is Google disc, also on the network is implemented, for example, Yandex disk. In this case, the information from the "cloud" is actually stored on Guga and Yandex servers, respectively. In the case of one DRIVE, it is stored on Microsoft servers, regardless of what ways (from the phone or PC) came there.

Thus, who can use this software?

It is indispensable for people working with large amounts of information - photographers, montagers, designers, designers, etc.

They can upload information to the "cloud", freeing the memory of the computer.

But the ordinary user can be needed.

In the "cloud" you can store many photos for several years, bought films, especially important informationwhich cannot be lost in the case of a hardware failure on the computer.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Freeing of the memory of the computer to speed up its operation and increase productivity;
  • The ability to not store information that is confidential on PC;
  • Reliable storage of information, the probability that it will lose, for example, as a result of a failure in the operating system or breakdown a phone or computer;
  • The ability to streamline materials, stored in the "cloud" only a specific type for quick access;
  • You can also provide other users access to specific materials or folder on the link - this allows you to not forward the files, and view them in conjunction online;
  • You can also allow editing (for example, a text document) and download files to multiple users by reference;
  • The ability to access your files from any device based on this operating system, and you can view them from any device at all.
  • To simplify and systematize file storage, it is possible to create several accounts from one or from different devices.


  • Lack of access to the service due to technical problems on servers;
  • Common open access to materials due to incorrect access settings installed by the user;
  • Hacking password and getting confidential information From the cloud in other people's hands;
  • Lack of file access in the case when there is no connection to the Internet;
  • There is no search function on the disk that the program is very complicated when a lot of documents are loaded into it.
  • In addition, the size of the memory "Clouds" is limited depending on the type of account. That is, with time the place on it can end, the additional will be provided for a fee.

<Рис. 3 Принцип>

Initially, the service gave access to 7 GB of memory, then this volume was reduced to 1 GB. But then it began to issue 15 GB on remote serverAnd users who have a Microsoft account - 25 GB. Currently, dozens users seem access to 50 GB of virtual disk space.


According to functional this service Looks like all similar.

It allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Download data and files of any format to the server;
  • Work with documents online /, including collective work;
  • Very simple and fast procedure for downloading files to the server - a distinctive feature of this particular service - just drag the files to the corresponding window in the explorer;
  • The ability to exchange documents between users, the combined network, then making documents from the disk to the disk;
  • View text documents and tracking their editing;
  • Creating office documents online and providing other users with access to them;
  • Synchronization with the HOTMAIL system, which is the Microsoft Mailing System;
  • Sync S. search engine Bing (for example, you can even save the history of your search in this search engine).

An interesting distinguishing feature of this program is that access to the disk can be obtained not only from the computer, but also with Windows Phone, devices based on Android and Apple operating systems, and even with the Xbox game console.

The only thing to be done to have access to the service from these devices is to download a special customer. After that, to enter the "cloud" you will need only enter your password and login that will work on all devices. It is clear that the Internet also needs the Internet.

<Рис. 5 Особенности>

Download and install

The program is not required to download and install. It is present by default on all Windows-based operating devices.

You only need to open the program and go through a short registration procedure.

In order to access this repository with mobile devices On other operating systems, you need to download additional applications. Users of devices based on android will be able to download one DRIVE Google Play, Apple iTunes.

The program is downloaded and installed as a regular application - an executive file is simply launched. Then you need to register or enter the program using your username and password.

<Рис. 6 Логотип>


The program can be Russified or not Russified depending on the version of the operating system.

But even if the service menu is not translated into Russian, it is easy to understand the management of them quite easily, since there are few functions in it and it is sufficiently simple.

The main window of the application is divided into two fields. In the left part of it on a blue background, the main sections are listed.

When you click on the section, in the right part of the window, on a white background custom parameters appear:

  • File Storage - when you click on this section, you can directly see your downloaded files, as well as download new, by dragging them into this part of the program window;
  • Camera Roll - function and settings for work directly with the connected camera, that is, the photos are loaded from it immediately into the "cloud";
  • Synk Setting. - In this section, the basic settings required by the user are collected - synchronization with PC, display format starting screen programs, visual design and design for greater aesthetics and convenience;
  • Metered Connection. - Settings for interaction and access to the "cloud".

In most cases, the ordinary user is enough to partition File Storage for a comfortable use of the program. And the settings set by the default are quite suitable.

<Рис. 7 Меню>

Disconnection and deletion

In fact, the service has many advantages and a wide range of users.

But not all users like it, for example, a significant drawback is that the process is always hanging in autoload.

And therefore has an unnecessary load on cPU, memory and generally hardware computer.

Turn off the service is almost impossible. Even in the off state, it constantly synchronizes folders and files.

ONEDRIVE - Built-in Windows Client cloud service from Microsoft. The thing seems to be important, useful, but why many users have an insurmountable desire to divert it with the root after 15 minutes dating?

What is needed onedrive and why he infuriates users so much

ONEDRIVE cloud storage exists for more than 10 years, but part of the operating system it has become only with the advent of Windows 8. The component is designed for synchronization custom files On devices running Windows (computers, Xbox), as well as on mobile devices based on iOS, Android and some other platforms.

Without nowhere, and the idea to equip the system with one of them, you can not say anything, good. But, as it happens with many Microsoft products, led sales. According to many windows, the ONEDRIVE service turned out to be dull, unsuccessful, obsessive and extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, despite the seeming utility, it does not have more users than internet browser Explorer.

Below is a list of ONEDRIVE qualities that cause maximum discontent:

  • Brakes. Shipping data 5-10 times slower than.
  • Censorship. There are cases of removal from the repository (password protected!) Non-license and unethical, according to Microsoft, user content.
  • Delete data from a computer. When the user disables the synchronization with the storage, data from the desktop, from folders documents, images, etc. can remain only in oneDrive.
  • Frequent synchronization failures that are inaccessible to files in opening time, as well as to disrupt the changes made.
  • Limiting the volume of one file with 2 gigabytes.
  • The client application ONEDRIVE is constantly hanging in the system tray, we have resources. When closing, strives to climb there again.

In short, ONEDRIVE is simply created for those who are looking for problems.

The only plus program is integrating with a M $ Office package and an enlarged storage amount on separate tariff plans. The rest are unprivileged windows users 10 Total 5 GB of disk space is obtained.

How to disable ONEDRIVE

The client application of our miracle clouds by default is loaded with Windows. To stop it disgrace, open the mouse with the right click on the "Couple of Clouds" icon in the tray of its context and select " Parameters».

Remove the checkbox Automatically start at the entrance to windows».

To untie oneDrive from your Microsoft account and stop the file synchronization, go to the tab " Account "And click" Remove communication with computer».

After once again confirm the consent to this action.

To disable file synchronization software package M $ Office 2016 Open the tab " Office"And remove the checkbox with the setting shown in the screenshot below.

In professional and corporate edits, Windows, the same can be done via editing tool. group Policy Gpedit.msc (most conveniently opened through a system search). The settings we need are in the section " Computer configuration» -> « Administrative templates» -> « Components windows» -> « Onedrive.».

Here you can prohibit saving documents in One Drive by default or activate the ban on its use to store files.

To change the setting, click 2 times on the desired row in the right half of the editor. In the window that opens next, mark " Included" or " Disabled"And click OK.

How to delete ONEDRIVE

Full removal from computer Microsoft cloud, unfortunately, not all support versions of Windows. If you are lucky, whose system allows you to do it, you just have to open " Applications and opportunities" or " Programs and components", Find the desired (more precisely, unnecessary) element and click the button" Delete».

Those who are not lucky in this regard can do as follows:

  • Run the ONEDRIVE installer with the -Ninstall parameter.
  • Delete an application with third-party default programs.

Both are unsafe. Uninstalling ONEDRIVE where it is not provided may disrupt the operating system functions. Therefore, all further actions are your fear and risk.

Starting the installer - file Onedrivesetup.exe.with a key uninstallis performed in the command console with admin rights. Insert the instruction in it with the appropriate version and press ENTER:

% Windir% \\ System32 \\ OneDrivesetUp.exe -uninstall :: For 32-bit windows.


Before executing the command, the ONEDRIVE application must be closed. Deleting happens without any requests and warnings. After it, the contents of the folder and the cloud installer remain in place.

Removing ONEDRIVE with third-party default programs is performed by methods, usual for these programs. For example, in RevounInStaller - through forced uninstallation by the name of the application or the path to the executable file (folder).

If after deleting you want to install ondrive again, it is enough to run enough command line Installator Onedrivesetup.exe.(The instruction is emphasized by an orange line on the screenshot of the console). But this time without parameters.

More online:

ONEDRIVE Like a red rag: what is this program and how to remove it Updated: April 11, 2018 by the author: Johnny Mnemonic