Total Commander Analogs: We select the best programs. Commander One - Free Analogue Total Commander for Mac

The final result of the work depends on the convenient performance of the tool. Nimble Commander has everything in order. He fully justifies his name (translated from the English Nimble - prompt, clever), consumes the minimum amount of resources and provides an instant response, equally quickly working with one window and a dozen.

For advanced users, the file manager is not just a means of viewing documents and folders, but a whole ecosystem with which most of their work is connected. With Nimble Commander, you do not need to be distracted at all, everything is literally everything: viewer, archiver, terminal emulator, FTP / SFTP client and much more.

Almost any (if not all) actions with files and additional tools are performed using hot keys, which greatly saves time and allows you to work as in good kind times. The flexibility of Nimble Commander plays the flexibility of Nimble Commander, thanks to which everything and all set up to themselves.


For real gifts, a classic design of the design, repeating appearance Old man Norton Commander or his ideological follower Far Manager.. But do not be afraid, the support of the mouse also has: Shift + Click Allocate files, scrolling is responsible for moving on the list.

Working with files

Convenient navigation in the application is provided by several viewing modes: the number of columns, the variant of the files of files changes, not to mention the sizes of the panels. There is an integration with a Quick Look, working on a space and opening the preview window in the next panel. You can view any documents and files, including different types Archives.

Several filters are provided for search, there is integration with Spotlight. The group renaming function contains various masks and will be useful in working with large data arrays. To check the hash-sums of files no longer need to use individual utilities: everything you need in Nimble Commander. Attributes and file rights are usually rule through the "Terminal", but it can be done directly in the file manager.

Additional functions

Nimble Commander is really a comprehensive tool that copes well not only with its main, but also with additional tasks. It is implemented in it the ability to connect to remote FTP and SFTP servers to view and download files, as well as the "Terminal" emulator and the display of various system information: from the list of processes to the report "On this Mac".

There are Nimble Commander and a separate menu for creating symbolic and hard references. It is easier and more convenient than through the Terminal. Admin mode is also useful, which eliminates the need to enter the SUDO command when performing or changing system files.

That in the end

I believe that Nimble Commander turned out to be very successful. The developers did not try to please all, but clearly focused on the target audience - advanced users. Newbies The view of such a file manager can scare away, but hereby gickers who are crazy about the simplicity of Far Manager and the functionality of Total Commander, it will accurately give pleasure from work.

Nimble Commander costs 1,890 rubles, which is not expensive for a good tool. At the same time, the developer provides a 30-day trial versionTo evaluate the application. It can be downloaded from the official site or from Mac App. Store (there it is still under the old name Files).

Total Commander is one of the most famous programs To work with files. Its main features - the presence of a convenient user interface and masses useful features. IN currently The Total Commander program has decent alternatives that have already attracted the attention of many users. Here are some of these applications.

Far Manager.

Far Manager is a file manager designed to work with hot keys.

The program interface is divided into two panels, the type of which can be configured on their own. The program is also available for connecting to FTP and viewing available network resources.

In the Far Manager application, you can create, copy, rename and move files on your PC. In the program embedded text editorSupporting a variety of encodings. In addition, Far Manager allows you to work with archives. To use this feature, you must connect the Archiver Program.

Another useful option provided in the Far Manager program is macros. After performing any action, you can repeat it by pressing the key. Thus, you can rename files or replace text in different documents.


Another alternative to the popular file manager is the program FREE COMMANDER.. Its interface includes two panels in which you can copy, rename, view and move files, as well as create new files and directories.

You can rename a whole group of files for the template you specified. In the template you can indicate:
- the name of the new catalog;
- time and date of file creation;
- expansion of files;
- file owner data;
- Counter;
- Properties and images.

The Free Commander program also supports the ability to connect to the FTP server. Today, users can download this tool perfectly.

Double Commander.

Double Commander is a multiplatform file manager with two panels and a wide range of features: support tabs, group rename, advanced file search, logging of all operations, etc.

The program is embedded in the text editor with syntax backlight. You can view files in 2 text formats: binary and hexadecimal.

Double Commander - Unicode-compatible program that interacts with many archivers. Today this application can be downloaded for free.


SpeedCommander is a popular commercial analogue of Total Commander's program, created by German developers. The program is characterized by built-in support Unicode and offers users a large number of Useful features. Here are just some of them:
- viewing several dozen text and graphic formats;
- work with the FTP client;
- Built-in text editor;
- Powerful file encryption system.

Midnight Commander.

This is a free file manager with a text interface. It has all the necessary features to work with files. You can edit text documents, perform copying and moving files, connect to fTP servers, Samba, SFTP, work with archives and catalogs.

Midnight Commander supports multilingual interface and UTF-8 encoding. Today, this application is one of best file managers For Windows system.

Directory Opus.

Directory Opus - another commercial file manager. His development was engaged in the Australian company GPSoftware. The program is stuck with all sorts of utilities and additional features. In particular, Directory Opus has filtering and data synchronization features. The exterior of the interface of this program can be changed at its discretion.

The Directory Opus application is fully compatible with Windows 7. You can only purchase it under license.

All of the above programs are a worthy replacement of Total Commander. They possess all the necessary attributes to work with files of any type.

Let's talk about the FreeCommander program. Why is it needed? I was looking for and found 7 such programs. Three I tested and tell you that FreeCommander Free Analog Total Commander (Freesoft) And a good file manager. The program weighs only 2.5 megabytes and works fast. The interface of the program is simpotichny and does not scare away! I suggest you download a program and a help file to it on this page.

Why free software is now in price. I have at work licensed programs The bosses are afraid to put. For a license you have to pay. Free Commander saves time and sews nerves. He does not compare with the favorite Total Commander. It hurts that good and unpretentious.

Immediately I want to recommend to bring to the lower part F1 F2 F3, etc. Some teams have been preserved as the Totale Commander. For example, Tab is moving around the windows. Immediately read the help file. Miscellaneous -\u003e Parameters -\u003e View -\u003e Function Key Panel.

Basic functions freeecommander

Panels interact with file operations. This means that copying and moving files affect both panels. You can easily move between the tabular tab. The display on both panels can be different, but if there is a need to position on both the same directory, it is easy to do with hot keys ALT + LEFT / ALT + RIGHT each panel has its own history opened by Alt + Down. This makes it possible to quickly move by catalogs that were not open long ago. Alt + G opens a dialog to go to the desired catalog. It will appear on the active panel. Before you select Copy, Move, view ... It is necessary to bring the cursor to at least one element on the active panel.


F3 Show selected file in the viewing window. F4 Open editor (configurable). F5 Copy selected files / directories on the opposite panel. F6 Move selected files / directories to the opposite panel. F7 Create a new directory. F8 Delete selected files / directories (with confirmation dialog, of course). Ctrl + T allows you to display a tree on the active panel.

Choose in the Russian language if you have English. Miscellaneous -\u003e Parameters -\u003e General.

Download the FreeCommander program with a help file from the official site!

Which I have been using for a lot of years. It does not like many very much, because it resembles the times of DOS. Some blue windows cause disgust. No, not functionality of the program, no possibility, but one appearance only. I fully admit that it may be to some things. Despite all the delights of such things, they can remind something that I really didn't like in the past and it was for this reason that I can refuse to use such a thing.

Today I will tell you about the free alternative to Total Commander called FreeCommander.

Freecommender externally is very similar to the famous Total Commander, but still differs both externally and in the functional plan. Externally, a program, like any other file manager, has two panels and a number of additional functional. I will not go into details, I will only describe those moments that "hooked" me.

First of all, I liked the quick filter. Allows, entering part of the file name or folder, get a list of elements that satisfy the entered characters in the list. Very comfortable thing, especially when you need to find some files and make others do not call your eyes. This thing, unfortunately, is not in Far Manager.

I also liked the launch function of your favorite programs directly from the manager. You can install all associated programs, configure their correct start and run as needed directly from the file manager. This will free the place on the panel. quickly launch and desktop (if these programs are run preferably after or while using the file manager). I really liked working with tabs on the panels. You can take only one panel and work with it by adding several tabs. But you can use two panels, each and which have several tabs. Very convenient when you use some single folders and you need to switch between them. For example, I open a few copies of Far Manager in order to create several pairs of folders with which I need to work. Sometimes it takes out - the windows button on the taskbar look the same, you often confuse them when switching. Immediately you can create several tabs and switch between them - all names are clearly visible in the header of the FreeCommander window tab.

You can add to the display in the form of the table your own columns, have them in the desired order and indicate even the width of these very columns. Such properties, unfortunately, does not boast Far Manager. In addition, Freecommander has such a wonderful thing as a custom external editor. For each type of file, I can configure my editor that I used to use.

It is worth noting that there is a number of inconvenience with which I encountered. Faced as a Far Manager user. Most likely, it's just a matter of habit and after a couple of months I will not even think about them. First of all, it is a toolbar with a large bunch of buttons. I, confess, did not even understand what is there and why all this should be - small pictures, choose something even laziness among them. I use the habit when working with such programs only the keyboard. I can do everything in the mouse and in the explorer with larger buttons on the toolbar. Pleases the fact that I can just cut off all these panels. But I still have to spend some time on adaptation to the program, because the program from the keyboard is a little different from Far Manager. Something makes themselves, but in FreeCommander it simply does not pass for the simple reason that these keys are placed another, or nothing is done.

In any case, use or not to use her personal matter. My business to tell about the program that I did.

To manage files on a Windows operating computer, traditionally use Explorer or Total Commander. However, these programs are not always convenient, moreover, excellent analogues have long been developed for a long time. About them and talk.

1. Mucommander: Free alternative to Total Commander

Mucommander - Universal File Manager

Promises clear work at the same time in two windows. You can easily compare or move content using the mouse. Additional bookmark manager provides a good review. However, one of the program launch conditions will be on your computer. installing Java. Runtimes.

Mucommander creates virtual file System. It supports, among other things, local partitions, such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, or HTTP, and also allows you to create, view and pack such directories such as ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, ISO / NRG, AR / DEB and LST.

Cost: Is free

2. Directory Opus: Alternative to Total Commander with many features

Directory Opus - Data Management with many additional features

If you decide to bring order in your data, the Directory Opus Client will be the most universal assistant, without which it is not necessary. After all, it combines functions Windows Explorer With the FTP client and the music player, and also offers the ability to convert photos to many formats.

FTP client is built into Directory Opus, music player and file packer. You can also convert images to other formats.
Advanced functions, such as the search for duplicate files, modifying MP3 tags and a very convenient and powerful search function, a very diverse menu of the manager.

Cost: from 49 euros

3. FreeCommander: Progressive Explorer

FreeCommander - Progressive Explorer

This program allows you to manage data simultaneously in two windows, so you can move files by simply dragging them from the directory to the directory. In addition to viewing images and video, FreeCommander allows you to manage the directories of ZIP, RAR and CAP.

Cost: free

4. Xplorer 2 Lite: simultaneous work

Xplore2 Lite - Synchronous Work

Xplorer2 Lite provides all the possibilities. windows ExplorerBut, in addition, it also offers the option of work in two windows, which greatly simplifies moving and copy files from one directory to another. At the same time, you can always view the entire root directory.

Cost: free

5. Far Manager: easy to manage

Far Manager - Easy without problems

With this file Manager In retro-style you get a comfortable software To manage data. Thanks simple design And control with Far Manager you will quickly figure out what and where it lies on your computer, and the possibility of simultaneously viewing two directories will allow you to easily move your files.

Cost: free