Poweramp does not see the SD card. Poweramp - Leader among Music Players

In our difficult time of various technologies, it is not so difficult to search and download applications for many phones. There are so many different applications, programs and games for iOS, Android.

Of these, there are many paid and free. Advanced users want their phone more convenient to use in all respects: speed, design, multifunctionality, speaker volume on the phone and in headphones, etc.

More than 87% of smartphone users listen to music in headphones. But, to great regret, sometimes, the sound does not always please our rumor or the volume is not enough.

Now everything will change! After all, quite recently, that for many people is still, to surprise, is a secret, a unique one of its kind, the best, multifunctional player for the Android Poweramp platform has appeared.

This wonderful player is able to play a huge number of multimedia file standards: MP3, TTA, WAV, OGG, WMA, MP4, FLAC and MP4A, and Loseless Alac. The player can not use the system codecs.

With the help of an equalizer in 10 Poweramp bands, it makes it possible to enjoy the exquisite sound that every Melomanu will have to be rumored. The player also supports both foreign and Russian tags, and those and others can be edited at their discretion.

There is a unique opportunity to change the cover of the player itself and output the selected widgets on the screen of your communicator. There is an interesting opportunity to use the remote remote control In order to control the player.

With Poweramp for Android, you can easily reincarnate your smartphone into a full-fledged good music center.

The initial player will scan all memory of your phone for the presence of music files in it, and then, they will appear in the player library and folders, and in the settings you can always ask the folders you need to scan.

"All tracks" - here all compositions are displayed in the order of the alphabet, and each shows the performer, track time and album.

With a brief press on the selected track, it will be instantly reproduced, and if you holdry, the additive menu will be revealed, which will be allowed:

  • put this track in the playback queue;
  • add it to the playlist;
  • of course, remove;
  • see detailed information about this track;
  • set the selected track, and any, as ringtone, and you can choose certain subscribers to which you can attach audio recording;
  • and, of course, send the Bluetooth functions.

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Recently, the Poweramp forum and Playstore has the opportunity to download the third version of the popular audio player for Android. A fundamental difference from the second version is the new developer approach to the output of sound and extended capabilities by its settings. Let the version of everything else alpha, but it works quite consistently and pleases with high-quality sound when proper setting. So let's set this player correctly!

Recently came out updated version Poweramp v.3 Build 803/805, new version This article can be read by clicking on the link:

Before holding settings, we connect headphones and set the volume to a minimum. Similarly with headphones disconnected. Caution does not hurt.
I will demonstrate the optimal settings for smartphones Sony Xperia Z2 / Z3 / Z3 Compact and similar to them. I give explanations why one or other settings are selected, so if you have another smartphone, you can make a decision which settings need to be done in your case.

We make swipe from the left edge of the display and press settings (settings / parameters).
With the help of a gear, you can remove the side menu items unnecessary.

Click on Audio.

The new menu items are attracted immediately.

To begin with, set Replaygain. scanner. Simplified principle of work of the scanner such: maximize the level of volume without distortion and losses. This technology is relevant for lossy files. In compression formats with losses, such as MP3, AAC, OGG Vorbis. Those who at the PC installed the Foobar2000 player will certainly notice the similarity of the settings. Therefore, the principle of setting is similar. in point Replaygain. Select ApplyGain / Prevent Clipping TE. We offer a player to increase the volume, but not bringing to the clipping (distortion). In field Source (Source) exhibit Album or Track i.e. Align the volume within the album or each track.
RG Preamp / Preamp for Songs Worthout RG Info (Strengthening): Set the value in decibels, how much to increase the volume of tracks, which in the tags are the value of the REPLAYGAIN or not (respectively). Value Rg preamp It is selected experimentally, but I recommend set up as in the illustration below. This is a compromise setting.
The safest setting option is to leave 0 DB.
Value Preamp for Songs Worthout RG Info It is better to leave equal to zero.

We leave the menu. Go to the next item Resample (Resample).

We change the Type of Reempler on the Sox Resampler. The player warns us that he is the highest quality, but slower and more consumes energy.

Why exactly SOX? Again, the resampler is well familiar on the FOOBAR2000 for a PC, tested by time, has high quality. We set up the player for the maximum sound quality, so in this case It is assumed that you are ready to sacrifice energy consumption for quality. Well, "slowness" of Reempler does not play the role, provided you have modern smartphone Not older than 3 years.

Resampler Cutoff Frequency Ratio (Cutting frequency ratio) - here you can leave both or put 95% (default in FOOBAR2000).

DITHER.(Diazering) - Needed, if you are trying to lose a music composition with a bit of 24 bit (see the very first screenshot, Poweramp Specifies the Music Blossomy window in case the bit differs from the standard 16Bit CD) and your smartphone supports the output only in 16 bit format. In other cases - the activation of this option only wishes the sound. If you are listening to only 16-bit music (and such is most of the files, all MP3, AAC files, and other), then you should also turn off dystering. Dysrying is not needed to reduce the sampling frequency, i.e. To play the MP3 16Bit 44.1 KHZ file on a smartphone that supports 16bit 48KHZ you do not need dysrying! You need only a resamplener, in our case, this is SOX. At the same time, the music in 16bit can be played without dithering on the 24bit chipset.

We set the None value (no, without dithering), as the Z2 chipset can play 24Bit 96KHz and Poweramp music supports this feature.

Now leave the menu and click on the item Output. (Sound output). The most interesting!
We offer three sound output schemes. First, how to immediately understand which of the sound output schemes are active? Very simple, the on the right appears an inscription Active (active).
In the screenshot, it is clear that Hi-Res Output is active.

We will analyze the sound conclusions on points:

Audiotrack Output (Java Based) - this is what users have nevertheless throughout early versions Adroid to some of 4.x use such a sound output is extremely recommended. Sound is controlled by a Java software with gigantic delays.

OpenSL ES Output (Native Optimized) - Accelerated with OpenSL ES Sound output. What works on most smartphones is the default output in the player. What is it so good? It is optimized for iron and low-level software, simply speaking working with smaller delays and with acceptable sound quality at the output.
If you use this output with 24bit files, it may make sense to use the dither (dystering) that's just with the 16Bit files it will need to turn off again.

Let's go to his settings. Click on this item.
What we see are: a number of switches, whose names speak for themselves: for which sources to use this output.
Wired Headsey / AUX is wired headphones, headsets or what is connected to analog headphone output, such as a mini-column or analog amplifier. In our case, this diagram of sound output for headphones is not used, but it is active for Bluetooth headphones And everything else. We still will be configured. For each device, you can configure the parameters by clicking on the gear.

Let's look at the settings on the example of wired headphones, the benefit of the settings are similar.

The player indicates that the output parameters 16 bit (for all smartphones equally) and 48KHz (for Z2, may be 44.1 for other devices).

Why, in the case of the Z2 player, set the sampling rate of 48KHz, although the parameters of the standard CD 16 bit 44.1 kHz? Yes, because Android picks up the frequency that is multiple base (i.e. native) for iron and, accordingly, for audio drivers.
Therefore, indirectly we understand that Z2 will best play music with a sampling frequency of 48KHZ and more to her. What? Multiply x2, we get ... right! Maximum 96KHz smartphone.

The No Equ / Tone item is useful in that it turns off the equalizer, the tunes of the thinpending - simply mentioning the sound unchanged. If you do not use the equalizer (and it is better not to use it!) I recommend to enable for all devices just in case. We leave the menu.

Hi-Res Output (Experimental)- Sound output high resolution Available to a number of smartphones, including Z2. Unlike the previous two, this conclusion is implemented by a smartphone manufacturer. Nevertheless, there must be support from the player.

The Variant point indicates the name of the output method implemented by the smartphone manufacturer. In the case of Z2 - Sony High Res Audio. If you have this item running switches on all outputs. We go into the headphones settings (Wired Headset) by clicking on the gear.
Sound parameters are impressive: 24 Bit 96Khz.

DVC is ALWAYS ENABLED - means that the player directly controls the volume and cannot be turned off. Do not need!

Immediately turn on No Equ / Tone if you do not use the equalizer.

Sample Rate (sampling frequency).

Here we will exhibit the maximum for Z2 96KHZ. While choosing this output, the player writes that the beacon frequency will be aligned with the output parameters.
Those. In our case: 16bit 96KHz and 24bit 96KHZ files will be played unchanged, and all the others - through the SOX resamplener (do not forget that the resamplener spends on its work the battery power), for example, 24bit 192KHz and standard 16bit 44.1KHZ files will be given in format 24 Bit 96Khz. In the latter case, there will be UPSEMPING. We will like the sound of high permission, but only a small part of the spectrum will be involved.
Why did we do that?

Remember, we spied in the settings that Android set the sampling rate of 48KHz. So we could come! The frequency is multiple base. But! When standard files We are more likely to "fall" on the resampling 44.1 to 48. And in the case of high-resolution files, we get more often than 96 - 48 and 192 - 48. It turns out that it is easier to put the maximum for smartphone 96 and then there will be a resampling: 44,1- 96 and 192-96. Less files is translated into another format. Yes, and the format is better, less likely to error.

Option number two - if you have most of the files 24/48 and 16/48, then the frequency is better to put 48. What is quite logical. Frequencies 48 and 96 multiples and conversion from one to another occur to the highest quality. Therefore, after entering the 96KHz file, it will be qualitatively converted to 48.

There is a third option - 44.1 khz. Then the battery energy is turned off on the most common files of 16 / 44.1 resample. The sound goes directly. But!
You did not forget what kind of basic frequency is! Multiple 48. Yes, there are very expensive devices where two DAC-A are installed: multiple 44.1 and multiple 48. Relatively mass devices contain either DAC multiple 48 (such most) or multiple 44.1 kHz.
Therefore, the audio producer receiving the 24bit 44.1KHz signal will be forced to make Ap Sembamping either up to 48 or to 96khz. And how this process will happen to know only the manufacturer of the chipset. Theoretically, it is much better to entrust this process with a high-quality resamplener of SOX.

In the case of common high-resolution files, we obtain conversion:
48-44.1 or 96-44.1 or 192-44.1. And then on the side of the audio driver back to 48 or 96KHz.

How to configure the player if the base frequency is multiple 44.1? (Does not apply to xperia z2 and z3.)
Then if the Hi-Res Output is supported exhibiting 44.1 there. OpenSL ES OUTPUT must automatically tune in to display 16bit / 44.1 KHz.

See which conversions occur with the sound in the player can be on the music playback screen by making the swipe on the right and clicking on the icon with the letter I in the circle.

Poweramp. - This is the best player on Android. You can try to find a replacement, but it will not be easy.
The Poweramp audio player has a number of advantages: it is convenient, it works fast, has an excellent sound quality compared to other players, there is a whole need for "tools", you can increase the sound above the standard.

First start

When you first start you, the assistant is encountered, in the player window and in the tone / volume window. It is necessary to study them in detail to make it easier to get comfortable in Paverampe.

Library and file list

When you first start the player, the player scans the memory card for the presence of audio files.

Tip: It costs from the very beginning to save all the music in one folder. In the PoweraMP settings we specify only this folder and delete all the initial scanning data.
Settings - Folders / Libraries - Folders with Music - (Select Needed)
Otherwise, left audio files can fall. This is especially preventing if you have an application for learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith a bunch of audio.

The album tab is displayed on the entire list with covers. It is worth noting that Poweramp works very quickly with covers.
With a "long click", a list of necessary options is displayed on the album (they are shown in the screenshot), they are all signed and do not cause questions.

Music can be added to the list of files different ways. To do this, go to the "library". Everything is quite understandable. The selection of music in genres occurs with the help of tags, so if the quality of the selection of this method does not suit you - the audio files are to blame, and not the player.
It is also worth noting a convenient feature - "highly rated". A little higher than the buttons of the player there are 5 stars (on white covers they are badly visible), noting the favorite track, you can easily find it on the laying "highly rated". The function is of course comfortable, but only your works do not die in vain. It is worth keeping your favorite tracks into a separate folder, what happens to what the player or files - even tally, tell me.

File List Options

The playlist itself is extremely simple and not overloaded with superfluous buttons and information.

In the player window with a "long click" on the "Repeat" button, you can see these options to work with the file list.

  • Repeat off - after last file Playback stop.
  • Repeat a list - If you added 1 album, it will play in a circle.
  • On the trail. list - If you have added 1 album, when he loses all songs - will go to the next album.
  • Repeat track - in my opinion obviously.

Configuring random tracks (Randa, Shaffle, Shuffle) is also quite wide.

  • Off - without stirring.
  • Everything - Stirms all tracks.
  • Tracks - Stirms tracks in the album and, at the end, goes to a new album on the list.
  • Lists - Trucks in the album does not touch, but mixes lists (albums)
  • Tracks / lists - Stirms everything. And lists and files in the lists.


You can argue about the quality of sound infinitely - for each it is its own and no value that this "quality" can be measured. Personally, in my opinion, the sound in Poweramp is better than in most players that I have time to try and there are no special complaints about it.

The player has a 10-band equalizer, but only 6 bands can be seen in the "vertical screen" to see everything - use the scrolling under EQ. Although it is better to turn the screen in horizontal position, there will be about the following:

As you can see at the bottom, an amplitude curve is displayed to visually show the changes. Although there are no other sound setting functions in this position.

Also, the equalizer has a set of presets with visual examples of an amplitude curve. Preamp - Enhances the sound above the standard. The sound quality when increasing is normal, unlike other audio players Poweramp does not scribet. Although some phones scrolls, but I only have Poweramp does not distort the sound in the "Priampe". Tone - allows you to raise or lower more neatly low and high frequencies. The limit - sifts the overestimated frequencies and removes distortion. To check the work enough to set the "tone" of low on the full (or premium on some smartphones) and turn on the limit. Mono - understandably. Balance - You can change the balance of the sound to different channels (right / left headphone).

Stereo H. - Citra thing that will help make the sound more "juicier". In order to go to the "Thin Settings" you need to do a "long press" on the name of stereo x and we will fall on this screen, although there is nothing to do with the beginners). The window is so "popular" that it did not move it.


From the settings most interesting: Tags - shows the address where the audio file is stored, the format, volume well, and the tags themselves. There is also a tag editor, although you need little.

Timer sleep - After how much to turn off the player.

In the settings, change the storage folder of the audio, it was written above.

Select the topic (skins) Poweramp. Personally, me and standard skin is quite suitable. If there are few of these - you can download new on Google Play, although most of them are paid. They say, you can download paid topics for Poweramp for free - you can try my happiness there, as I told me this is not particularly interesting.

Lock screen

By default, the lock screen is disabled. For some reason. To enable the lock screen - navigating the settings - the lock screen options.

By default, the settings window looks like this. If you enable "ICS lock screen" it will look like shown in the screenshot. He is not at all interesting, and therefore go further. Also, you should not include both lock screen at the same time!

If you enable "Poweramp lock screen", then it will already look like this. Do not forget to add a clock and date - then you will get everything you need.


The minuses at Poweramp are not so much, although he may well look for. Buggy lock screen. When unlocking, Paveramp shifts on standard window Unlocking. Shutting down the screen does not immediately like for standard Screen, not for blocking - a couple of seconds. The increase and decrease in the volume is not smooth, but jumps, which is a little infuriates. Yes, and the volume increase sometimes infuriates, the slider in the middle, and the player plays anyway quietly ... More detailed FAQ can be read here and here -


This is the second part of my story about four, as I think, the best applications for the Android platform. In the last article we talked about Dodol Launcher and in general about the Lonchera. Today we will talk about musical players and the sound of smartphones.

Version: 2.09.
Weight: 5.11 MB.
Cost: 79.00 rubles.

Play, you see, not everyone read and watch movies too, and the music listened to the majority. In this regard, I decided to present to your attention a music player. Poweramp has already tested a lot of people (this once again proves its popularity), but I will try to further add the image of this player by my review. This player from the MAX MP developers was created in 2010. As I remember, then he was almost no analogues. Today, in the market you can find quite a lot of alternatives, in terms of the quality of almost the same and even, perhaps something is better than Poweramp, but main feature This player is "all the best in one." Poweramp, I assure you, you need to download at least once. The player has a huge number of settings, topics, widgets and functions. The survey hero is positioned not otherwise as a powerful player. Such formats are supported as: MP4, M4A, TTA, FLAC, OGG, MPC, AIFF, not to mention the standard MP3, WAV and WMA. I wrote WAV and immediately remembered the times when there was little memory on the phones and all the music was in this format. Nostalgia.

The developers thought that a flexible customizable equalizer in Poweramp would not be superfluous. It must be said that if you spend a couple of minutes, the sound will become noticeably better, it is necessary to configure your phone and headphones, because on different headsets, a different range and you need to manually add certain bands. I do not constantly lack medium frequencies, it is necessary to twist them. Then save presets for further use it. The number of strips of the equalizer reaches ten. The rating of the player reaches 4.5 points. The number of downloads exceeds 10,000,000 (!!!). Random access memory It takes 9-16 megabytes.

Official description

  • "Plays MP3 / MP4 / M4A (incl. Lossless Alac) / FLAC / OGG / WAV / TTA / WMA * / APE / WV / MPC / AIFF (some WMA Pro files may require NEON support);
  • optimized 10-band graph. Equalizer for all formats, separate tone control, presets (presets) of the equalizer, the ability to edit and add presets, destination for songs / audio outputs;
  • separate low and high frequency regulators;
  • plays folders and system library;
  • support files.cue;
  • dynamic queue;
  • view and tag editor;
  • automatically downloads covers for songs;
  • many settings. "
  • Helpful advice

    To change for free trial version For permanent, you need to perform the following manipulations: go to settings \u003d\u003e Applications \u003d\u003e Power AMP \u003d\u003e Clear data \u003d\u003e Restart the application. But keep in mind - such actions must be repeated every two weeks.

    Another useful advice

    To get the best sound you need to download Viper4Android. Root rights are needed.

    If we talk about root rights, I myself could not get them for a long time. Installed different programsbut only one helped me - Kingo Android root.. To use the program, the USB debug must be enabled. Installed on PC.


    Excellent player with a bunch of settings.

    Let's go to the review

    I became very nice when the tips jumped up, I would have figured out myself, but how it was nice that the developer took care of it. Tips "accompanied" the entire player, from the menu to settings.

    Click on settings.

    "Interface": selecting the initial screen when starting the player, the screen orientation, tuning the toolbar with the menu buttons.

    "Lock Screen Options": Lock Screen Settings.

    "Miscellane": Settings for some firmware and disabling the collection and sending anonymous statistics.

    "Headset / Bluetooth": setting up a headset.

    "Folders / Library": setting up the display of folders and albums, scan music.

    About Equalizer:

    From above we see 10 frequency control strips. There are already installations here. Now, in fact, about the main thing about the sound. Here the main thing is not to overdo it. On the left below we see the "Equalizer" button (Turning on / off), "Tone", "Limit" (frequency control limiter), the "Preset" button (presets), from the bottom right of the large "low" and "high" frequencies buttons, the "Reset" button ".

    At the very bottom of the "equalizer" and "tone / GRMK.", Click on the last one.

    At the top of the "mono" button, "Balance" (sound offset to the right or left), "Stereo x" and "loud" sliders.

    The lower high and lower frequencies remain.

    Equalizer itself:

    Here, frequencies: 31, 62, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 4k, 16k.

    Everything is very flexible here, many settings, it is in this plus. Big and greasy plus. Of course, in sound, everything does not depend on the player, but much can be changed in a positive side. Poweramp makes the sound pleasant low frequencies Clearly clearly. Under your device you will need to configure everything manually, in order to improve the sound of the phone. A huge advantage, of course, is the availability of a high-quality audio account in the phone, which can achieve the highest possible result on various headsets, well, for example, like Meizu MX3, which has gained respect for all music lovers. But if you are not the best audio chip, you have to cope with your own: you can improve the sound using the equalizer setting or using the program that I wrote above.

    Click on the top button similar to the folder.

    We get into the "folders" menu, everything is clear here, press the "Library" button.

    We see the following items: "All tracks", "albums", "performers", "genres", "playlists", "queue", "highly appreciated".

    We go out in the menu, see the playlist control buttons.

    After clicking on the left sketeral button, the Android appears herein.

    There are the following items here: "Words" (display of track text), "Search", "playlist", "info", "Tags", there is even a "sleep timer", turn on, fall asleep, the player itself turns off. Conveniently.

    After pressing the "call", the track is placed on the ringtone.

    This is how the sleep timer is turned on.

    Title, performer and album.

    Video review. Palagias are due to video recording.

    Let's go to the settings.

    Not all users make up with how their phone sounds. The openness of the "robot" allows you to configure everything for yourself, including the sound of the phone. Among the applications there is a huge number of music players that will seriously configure the sound of your phone. You can configure the foundations using Poweramp, and supplement and adjust the little things - using Viper4Android. With these two applications, you can achieve a good sound, you just need to spend half an hour to set up.

    You can retertain folders. To update music located in the phone.

    You can close unnecessary folders. Poweramp opens all folders, including game, i.e. Folders are opening in which there are sounds of applications and games. By pressing closing unnecessary folders, and they no longer interfere with us. Again, we see how everything is worked out to the smallest detail.

    Personal opinion

    Excellent player, just excellent. Sound at a very good level; If there are no high-quality "plugs", then this application will help achieve and squeeze the maximum of your headphones.

    I have not been observed any rolleries, I didn't have any other flaws. Yes, they complain about bad updates, but I try not to update it.

    The main plus, probably, is that you can configure the displayed folders. For people who listen to tracks separately, no problem is that some folders are not displayed in the player menu, but for those who listen to immediately albums, such a solution is a huge plus, because some albums are simply not displayed as one, And they are lost among other files, so that they will not find them, of course, if you have a huge collection of music files. I myself have over thousands of tracks, and all tracks are combined into albums, so it is so convenient for me and that's why I consider it a huge plus.

    The second dignity can be called the equalizer. This is a real powerful equalizer: add low frequencies, the sound really comes out bass and rather quality (of course, with good headphones). The next day I decided to see how other players cope with this: I downloaded the Stellio, lowered low frequencies there, and the sound was, I must say, much worse, I downloaded Jetaudio, and there is about the same sound quality, like Stellio.

    Conclusion: on the two most important, as I think, this player wins the criteria from competitors.

    The impressions of using this music player are exceptionally positive. None of the downloaded player did not like me so much. Settings are really a lot. So much that mostly I did not use. I did not have any lags and miscarriages. All overflows occur very smoothly. Equalizer? I do not know, I did not see it better. Fair. If you work with the settings, the sound becomes much better: becks and bass sound many distinct. Each individual sound in the track sounds like private tool. He is very clearly audible and played music that I heard repeatedly sounds completely different. After the sample of this player, I do not install others anymore ... 9 points.

    In the player, several widgets that can be thrown onto the desktop for more convenient use. You can configure the transparency of the background, shadow transparency, you can change the text display information about the track.

    In terms of design, Poweramp offers a huge number of covers, which, as I wrote, are made by users, so they are actually a huge amount. You can download from third-party sites, you can from the market. Personally, I do not really like all these third-party covers, and I always have a standard one.

    A huge number of cover settings from transparency to the background intensity. Well, as we see, a huge number of all sorts of ticks.

    In the "Interface" section, you can change covers. Covers, as I wrote earlier, a lot, because the users themselves create them and lay out. I do not know if everything is possible to try them. I also want to say, the lock screen is available in the market. Try.

    Setting the lock screen. Setting the display of covers on the lock screen.

    There is a huge number of covers. Fans tried.


    Video review:


    Summing up, I want to say that this application For Android really deserves respect. You can not immediately buy at once, the benefit of this is a 2-week test period. The price is small.

    Poweramp supports everything android versionstarting with 1.6. It is not demanding to resources, consumes a small amount of energy, has a large number of Chips, settings and additions. One of the best players at the moment.

    We must admit, there is, of course, there are players who overtake him on some aspects, but he seems to me the most successful and balanced from all. I myself used the Stellio before that, but the sound there was an order of magnitude worse and functional below. The settings in Stellio is much less than that of the hero of the review, but it must be said that there is one function, with which you can overclock the tracks by shaking the phone. A very convenient option in order not to press the lock button a hundred times when you want to switch the song. In Poweramp, I have not found such a function. In general, the player reads all the necessary file formats, has large quantity Settings, chips and a bunch of beautiful topics that are not only developers, but also the fans of the program.

    I am glad and simplicity interface, nothing superfluous: playback control buttons, library buttons and equalizer keys. In the use of Poweramp I have already changed, I'm not going to change it. In the near future, I think, finally, I will finally buy it to not suffer with these deadlines. For these 79 rubles, we get a completely high-quality music player, which reproduces all the necessary formats and even more.

    From the minuses, I will sing out that there is no function of switching tracks like a volume, as well as shaking the phone. When connecting to the Internet, the application happens, crashes. There are, of course, there are some kind of shoals after updates, but then it all corrects.

    It should be understood that all one player can not please and therefore you need to download different players, maybe you will pick up your own, for your phone and headset that will be suitable for you.

    Conclusion One: Swing.

    General description of the application

    Poweramp appeared in the store Play Market. At the end of 2010. Then it was the first version containing shortcomings and minor problems. A feature is that the creator of the famous application is our compatriot Maxim. He managed to do what was not able to make anyone - he created the first multifunctional audio player, who was simply not competitors at that time. The application had the largest interface, a 10-band graphic equalizer, a multimedia's own library and a huge number of functions. At the first stages of development, the program was free, and each update could be used over two weeks. During this time, the developer listened to every wish, corrected all sorts of bugs and shortcomings found at various devices. In general, the player developed directly before our eyes, in accordance with our wants. Version 1.x.x became very popular in the markete, and by mid-2011 the number of purchases turned over a hundred thousand. By this time, decent competitors began to appear, but they all did not reach the incredible functionality and the sound quality of Poweramp.

    Today actual version The applications have the first digit 2, this suggests that the player suffered major changes and became ideal for all users. The cost in the market is noticeably decreased, and the convenience and functionality increased. You can download the 2-week trial version from our site or from the Application Store. But we advise you in the future still to buy a license, since the application is worth your small money.

    Let's look at the main advantages of Poweramp player:

    • very beautiful I. convenient interface with support for additional decorations
    • play all audio formats: MP3, MP4 / M4A (including Loseless Alac), FLAC, OGG, WAV, TTA, WMA, APE / WV
    • own library Multimedia
    • the ability to play folders
    • qualitative sound
    • 10-Layer Equalizer with Additional Effects
    • the ability to output the sound directly (not supported by all models)
    • file Support. Cue.
    • built-in editor tagov
    • automatic Album Cover Download
    • widgets of different sizes on the working screen
    • lockscreen management support
    • and much more

    Work with the application

    So let's get acquainted closer with this mandatory for each application.

    As soon as you install and run Poweramp.A few prompts will appear before you, and then you will fall on the library's initial window, which consists of the following items:

    • All tracks
    • Albums
    • Performers
    • Genres
    • Playlists
    • Queue
    • High rated
    • Recently added

    At the bottom, three buttons are also displayed: folders, library and the Poweramp icon, which opens the playback window.

    Initially, the player scans all the phone's memory for music files, which will later be displayed in the library and folders, but in the settings you can specify specific folders for scanning. How to do this, Consider later.

    Now let's see more about what the library points are consisting of and from what.

    All tracks - all compositions are displayed immediately in alphabetical order, and each indicates the performer, album and track time. If you briefly press the track, it will be immediately played, and if you make a long tap - an additional context menu will open, which will allow: to put the track to the playback queue; Add to playlist; remove; find out more information; Install the track as a call; and send by Bluetooth protocol.

    Albums - This item displays all albums in the form of sketches of covers, with the title and performer. If you quickly press it - a list of tracks will open, and if you hold a little, it will also appear extra menu, allowing you to put the album in the play queue, mix the tracks before listening, add to the playlist you created and remove the entire album.

    Performers - Displays performers found throughout the phone's memory or specified folders. Here we see the total number of performers and the list of performers with the number of tracks in each. Fir choose artist - a list of its albums will open, and if you hold, a menu similar to the previous one will appear. From the albums, we respectively fall to the tracks. Return to the up level is carried out by the back or arrow at the top of the screen.

    Genres - this item makes sorting compositions by genre, which is read from ID3 tags.

    Playlists - here you can create your own playlists, fill them with the necessary songs.

    Queue - the tracks you are assigned to the playback queue are displayed. The queue begins to lose depending on settings installed In the application setup menu, however, it starts after the end of the track played.

    High rated - When playing a song, you can put a rating, increasing asterisks. Just, the compositions with the highest rating and are displayed in this paragraph.

    Recently added - There are tracks that you recently downloaded in the phone's memory or on an SD card. The selection criterion is set in the settings.

    This screen (library) can be edited: remove or add items, how to do this later when we study the settings.

    When you select the "folder" item, you will find a list of destination folders in which music files are directly located. This item will be useful to those who do not follow the tags of their files, because of which the library turns into a "trash" in which it is problematic to find one or another composition. With folders, you can make all the same actions as with albums, performers.

    Now let's see what the playback screen looks like and what it consists of.

    First of all, I want to note how many different information, functions and buttons on it are located. A huge cover, track name, album and artist, buttons for switching tracks, albums, convenient progress bar with time and more.

    Let's look at them in more detail.

    At the top of the screen Three covers are 3 light buttons. First - Folders with a violin key, opens initial screen Player: library or folder, depending on which display settings you have installed. Second Opens graphic equalizer and frequency adjustment. Third - Adjusting additional effects, balance and frequency.

    At the bottom of the cover There are buttons that still perform the function of repeat indicators and mixing playback.

    Repeat button It has 4 modes: 1) without repeat; 2) Repeat a list (at the end of the playlist or album, it begins to play again); 3) to the following list: This function, on the contrary, turns on the transition to the next album or list after playing the current (default when the list ends, the player stops playing); 4) Repetition of one track (when the track is completed, the track is reproduced again).

    Stirring button Has 5 modes: 1) Stirring is disabled; 2) enabled mixing of all tracks on the phone; 3) mixing tracks, lists in turn (this mode mixes first tracks in the album, after its completion moves to the next album and mixes the tracks in it); 4) Mixes lists, tracks (in this mode, stirring the tracks is turned off, and only lists are mixed); 5) mixing tracks, mixing lists (mixed as lists and tracks). It should be noted that in the library of tracks and lists, there are no places, but simply turns on by random playback.

    If a little time to hold the data of the buttons, the context menu will appear with all the modes.

    Then the composition is coming. in boldas well as performer and album. On the right counter tracks, which is turned off or turn on in the settings. If you press the track with information about the track - the current playlist will open. In the case of a long tad, a small menu will appear with all the parent categories.

    At the very bottom there is a progress bar, which has passed and the total playback time, as well as information about audio quality. Displays the sampling frequency, bit rate and track format. This field is edited in the settings, it can be delivered to it for display and other information, for example, the next track.

    It should be noted that if you click on the cover, a strip with asterisks will appear, with which the rating is specified for the track. You can set any value up to five. Tracks that have the highest ratings will be displayed at the "highly appreciated" main menu.

    Version: 2.0.8-Build-525
    The official website of the developers: http://powerampapp.com/
    Russian language
    Distribution conditions: trial
    Format: APK.