Network filter functions. How to choose a power filter for a computer? Classification of network filters by the type of fuse

The parameters of electrical networks are far from the ideal, and it is almost impossible to implement it. Equipment generators, wiring, substations are worn. When working with household appliances, we turn off and turn on them into the network, and their power is large. Even in the scope of its apartment there are voltage differences with which nothing to do. Guess when there is an increase or decrease in the voltage on the network, it is also impossible.

Old samples household appliances Did not be so sensitive to "surprises" of the catering network. Modern technique consists of sensitive electronics, which it is styled by full program. The easiest and most inexpensive method of protecting electrical disfinements from faults is to feed on them using network filters.

What do network filters need

If you do not know the tasks performed by a network filter, it is impossible to choose it correctly. There are several tasks that solves the filter and its purpose.

Protection against voltage jumps

In the passport or instructions of each device given the values \u200b\u200bof the rated voltage. Under conditions, warranty usually indicate one of the items that the warranty is maintained with high-quality network nutrition. If this is not respected, then the buyer's right to free repairs Or the replacement of the product during the warranty period is annulled.

Usually in one power line are connected to several different operating and specific operation. technical devices. It inevitably leads to jumps and network parameters. Disables and turn on refrigerators, in one entrance of the house noticeably affect the loading of the line. But after all, not only household appliances are connected on the network, there are other consumers.

Voltage filtering

This property performs the smoothing of the power supply voltage. They are invoked by connection to a network of devices of various types, damage, deterioration, electrical wiring isolation wear, short circuit. Interference is formed on the line of closely located objects, from which electromagnetic signals are coming. It is most often antenna for different purposes. No grounding also causes interference and violation of network parameters. A poor-quality grounding also does not make an ideal nutrition network.

In the house of the old building, the grounding is not started, only the phase and line are connected. The forks in the style of "Euro" are useless, since contact for the "land", which is not connected to them anywhere. Such forks are used as ordinary forks without grounding, there is no effect. Many electronic devices Household appliances often give failures, hangs, breakdowns. There is a need to additional setting or reboot parameters.

It can be concluded that the network filter is similar to the power supply, but without batteries. When the filter is turned off, the information on the computer connected to the filter will not be saved. Therefore, it is hardly worth using network filters like uninterrupted rooms.

Device and schemes

The diagram of this device is simple. For a sufficient understanding of the work of this device, you need to figure out how to extinguish interference from jumps and networks of the power supply. Take resistors. Their resistance does not have dependence on the strength of the current passing through them. Capacity and inductance depend on current. The greater the voltage and the strength of the current, the higher the reel resistance increases.

This property is used in the network filters to correct the short speed of the power supply with a large size. Install two coils in the zero and phase conductor. Their inductance can be in a very wide range: 60-200 microgenry.

1 - condenser (removes interference)
2 - balancing choke
3 - condensers (remove interference)
4 - Reusable thermal consistency
5 - inductors with cores (to filter noise and a slight decrease in voltage if necessary)
6 - varistors (absorb current jumps)

In the network filters, resistors with significant resistance cannot be used, it leads to a voltage drop. The greatest resistance is allowed to be set equal to 1 Ohm.

According to the calculations of specialists among many filter models today, LC network filters are most effective. In their designs there are capacitors and inductors. The container ranges in the range of 0.22-1 microf. It is necessary to consider that the difference in capacitor potentials should differ twice from the network voltage to the most side of the case of a large voltage drop.

L. - The coil, leveling jumps (drops) of the current.

FROM - Capacity (condenser), quenching large voltage jumps.

Consider interference from pulses. Pulses can be repayed by a varistor - semiconductor element. This is the same resistor, in the usual mode at low voltage it has high resistance, There is no current through it. When lifting the current in the power line to the nominal value of the variator, its resistance drops sharply, and it passes through itself.

Network filter scheme

As a result, the network filter for powering electronic devices should consist of:
  • Two coils (serial scheme).
  • Varistor.
  • Capacitors (parallel diagram).

All component elements are selected on the load of the network. The current nominal elements is calculated from the power of consumption of the household appliance. Who wants to assemble the network filter with their own hands, then this fact will be important.

Network filters for connecting household appliances in the apartment

Externally filters do not distinguish each other, however, the types of such devices are many.

You must decide before purchasing the filter, from which noise should the filter should protect, that is, what problem exists in this particular voltage network.

Protection levels
There are three main standard levels of protection that make distinctive design of network filters:
  • Basic level of protection . Inexpensive simple network filters.
  • Universal filters . They are acquired for household needs. The advantage of such models is a combination of the possibility of various types of protection and prices. There are no maximum opportunities, but for use in everyday life.
  • High class. Such filters are installed to connect home appliances, which is expensive, for example, a plasma TV. Such filters are used as professional devices.
The value of the compensation impulse

This value is indicated in the instructions in Kilodzhoules. The greater this value in the passport, the filter will protect the device from a larger voltage drop. For houses of garden sites, country houses, mass buildings are characterized by phase skews, so this parameter is most important for them.

Blocking from overheating

A positive torque for a network filter is the presence of a thermal relay. During an excessive load, it will turn off the power of the device, thereby preventing malfunction and failure.

Number of sockets

Many network filters have sockets for connecting consumers in an amount up to 10 pieces. Therefore, it is important before purchasing the filter, you must calculate how much and what kind of power supply you will connect to it, make a comparison with the passport data.

All connected devices can be turned on simultaneously, you need to add all the power in the amount and compare with the power filter power. When calculations, there must be a stock of about 30%. Otherwise, the nutrition wires may not withstand the load, and the insulation will melt, which will lead to a fire.

Size between sockets

It would seem that the distance between the sockets is equally in all filters. If almost all sockets will be occupied by power consumers, and you still need to connect the power supply adapter, then the outgoing cords from sockets may interfere with install adapter. For such cases, it is advisable to apply network filters with a housing enlarged in sizes. It takes more space, but needed in such cases.

Rated current

This value of the parameter depends on the power of the device. For powerful household appliances, it is better to choose a network filter with a rated current of more than 10 amps. It is easy to make a simple calculation, knowing ohm's law, Open the data in the manual, the network voltage is known to 220 volts.

Length wire

The length of the filter cord must satisfy the need for installation location so that it is enough for installation. Excess length increases the price of the device, and does not affect the work.

Auxiliary functions of network filters

Network filters may have several additional options that do not play an important role, but may someday come in handy, often found from them:
  • The microcontroller option. There is an internal timer to turn on and off voltage over time.
  • Protection on each power line separately. Such devices are expensive, opposite each socket there is a switch and a fuse. This provides protection. Such network filters are better to apply with many devices at once. of different types in different directions.
  • Protection against dust, unauthorized inclusion, etc.
  • Fixator for fixing the power cords. Connecting at one time to the filter of several instruments of equipment leads to the formation of confusing beams of wires. The retainer helps to bring order in this.
  • Mounting nests on the vertical plane.
How to choose network filters
  • Material making contacts. The quality of the product says the contact material. Contacts must be made of non-ferrous metal, you can check the magnet. The non-ferrous metal is not attracted to the magnet. If the manufacturer is unknown, then check must be necessary. The poor-quality metal will be heated, the contacts are burned, the filter housing is melted.
  • Network cable length. The conscientious manufacturer will not allow a large deviation from the sizes of the cable. According to the passport, you can check and measure its length. If the length is different, it means that the remaining parameters can also be questioned.

Correctly select the network filter is not easy. It is necessary to acquire the design of the filter at the calculation of rationality and sufficiency.

No matter how far the development in the field of electricity, still people often continue to face various problems arising from the operation of the power grid.Voltage jumps and various interference - Frequent guests of many apartments, houses, as well as administrative and office buildings. Such phenomena have a strong negative impact on the functioning of the entire equipment connected to the network, most of which differs quite high.

Today in any residential and administrative premises there is a huge number of different expensive techniques, which must be protected from unforeseen interruptions in the work of electricity to avoid large financial losses and reduce the risks of fires.

Network filters- Great way to protect equipment from probable interference. But before purchasing this device, it is necessary to deal with its features and understand the main purpose.

The role of a network filter

It is not the news that the power supply in our homes and apartments rarely coincides with those recommended by GOST, i.e. Voltage 220V (+ -10%) at a rated frequency of 50 Hz (permissible error 1 Hz). Electrical stations provide an energy of a large number of consumers, and this directly affects the increase in the load and, accordingly, the strong differences in the voltage (both up and down). In addition, the stations also change the frequency of the voltage, which is the cause of failures in computer and household appliances. Even despite the fact that modern electrical appliances are equipped with built-in protective blocks and fuses, still no full protection against voltage jumps is not performed. The most frequent consequence of such situations is the yield of the power supply system. It burns out and, accordingly, the work of electrical equipment is stopped, which is most often included.computers, Music Centers, DVD Players, Televisions . More reliable protection possessrefrigerators, freezers, washing and dishwashers, microwaves . Although, there are often cases when such household appliances instantly fails, without holding the differences in the network.

The most reliable option for protection against interruptions in the work of electricity isnetwork filters . It is through them that the whole technique should be connected in the apartment to smooth out the emerging interference before serving the voltage. Due to the absorption of jumps and distortions, the most optimal protection of various devices is ensured.

Construction of network filters

Varistor (variable resistor)- One of the main parts of any network filter, working simultaneously with the equipment that needs protection.Principle of operation of the varistor Next: In working condition it is an insulator, but at the time of increasing the voltage, the resistance drops, thereby converting electricity to heat, which ensures protection. In other words, the variable resistor converts the energy of short-term drops into the heat dissipating it.

Rejector - no less important component of network filters that protects equipment from high frequency interference. These interference appear if there are powerful electric motors or generators next to your home.

In addition to the varistor and the cutter in network filters builtspecial protection systemwhich is designed to stop supplying energy at the time of long-term voltage increase.

How to choose the right network filter?

Modern market is abundant various models Network filters that differ not only by the manufacturer, but also specific technical specifications. But despite the fact that a model includes one or another filter, all devices are presented by very high demands of safe operation.

Specifications that need to be considered when selecting a network filter:

  • rated voltage indicator (220-230 W). There are devices that can provide protection from loads with an indicator above 300 W;
  • the magnitude of the maximum load (kW) showing the power that the fuse can be transferred in the network filter;
  • maximum absorbable pulse emission (J). The higher this parameter, the better. This is explained by the fact that the filter will be easier to cope with strong short-term interruptions;
  • the presence of the thermal stitch - automated protection against overload and short circuits;
  • number of outlets for connecting electrical engineering. But it is worth paying attention to the maximum load limit (read a little higher). That is, the power supply and a computer monitor, and an acoustic system, etc. are also in parallel to one network filter. Also, special devices intended for the uninterrupted functioning of modems / faxes are also available. These filters include models with the presence of telephone lines;
  • performance quality and material manufacturing. It is important that the network filter is resistant to temperatures, since the varistor has a property to heat up to quite high limits. In addition, short circuits are very often caused by fires. Qualitative and reliable devices are made of non-combustible plastic, which is resistant to impacts.;
  • reliability of used wires, as well as the quality of their connections;
  • length wire It is very important because it is often a network filter applied as an extension cord for connecting different kinds of devices;
  • the presence of a convenient switch on the housingwhich helps instantly stop the supply of electricity in emergency situations;

It is worth remembering that the abundance of goods is not worits about the high quality and reliability of all the devices sold. Today the market is different as a large assortment and large quantity fakes. The big problem is that it is very difficult to distinguish a well-faked device fromquality network filter. In order to avoid acquiring a low-quality product, before purchase, you must carefully read the technical passport, and also do not save, because a reliable network filter cannot have a very low price.

Commercial network "Planet Electrician"it has a wide rangenetwork filtersas well as other electrical installation, with which you can familiarize yourself in more detail in .

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


Each house has a mass of electronics, household appliances. I want it to serve as much as possible, not suffering from sharp voltage jumps in the power grid, which happen for many reasons: the inclusion of a powerful device, short circuit on substations, atmospheric overvoltages, other complex transition processes.

Network filter - what is it

Save the technique in good condition will help the network voltage filter. This device protecting equipment from interference and voltage drops on the network. Externally, it can be like a regular extension, but the difference is that the network extension is equipped with a special unit, softening the consequences from sharp electricity surges.

What is it needed for

The passport of each household appliance indicates the frequency of input voltage according to GOST (50 Hz), but the indicators are far from the ideal. There are many consumers of electricity around us: someone makes repairs and turned on a grinder or makes welding, at the nearest factory simultaneously included production facilities, failed to substance. All this will make tension in the network unstable, and this will affect the operation of sensitive computer equipment, televisions.

Consider what a network filter is needed and what is the principle of its work on the example of mathematical functions. Change voltage frequency alternating current The network occurs according to the sinusoid (smooth arc, fluctuating repeatedly per unit of time). In addition, high-frequency (100 Hz to 100 MHz) occur (100 Hz to 100 MHz), and low-frequency pulses, voltage peaks, amplitude changes, form distortions, jumps. This is little similar to a smooth sinusoid (harmonic), and more similar to cardiograph, and moreover, such curves are simultaneously fixed by many.

For the normal operation of household appliances, it is necessary that there is one smooth sinusoid, so all other harmonics and impulse interference must be discharged and preventing the electric current receiver. All this work is performed by a extension filter, equipped with a built-in scheme, which absorbs all frequency errors. For large drops, a fuse is provided that burning during overload, dealers the devices. The filter socket is better to use together with a voltage stabilizer.


If the gene flow passing through the resistors does not affect their resistance, the capacitive and inductive resistance are directly dependent on the frequency of the current. The greater the frequency of the current, the greater the resistance of the induction coil. Such an inductance is applied in the device to smooth out high-frequency interference (sinusoids with small periods). For this, the load is placed in zero and phase conductor two coils with inductance from 60 to 200 μg each.

Low frequency interference is extinguished by the resistance of induction coils or resistor with no more than 1 ohm resistance, located sequentially. LC filters, which consist not only of induction coils, can be filled more efficiently, but also supplemented with a capacitor (capacity 0.22-1.0μF), connected in parallel load. The voltage of this capacitor is selected so that it exceeds the network voltage at least twice, given the possible differences.

Credit with pulse short-term interference will help a semiconductor element - a varistor. If the voltage is low, then the varistor acts as a resistor of greater resistance and does not skip the current. With an increase in the voltage to the nominal varistor (470 volts), the resistance of the semiconductor decreases, and current pulses pass through it. It means that if the varistor is included in parallel load, then high voltage pulses will be absorbed, temporarily smoothing their impact.

The present socket filter should consist of:

  • two coils with inductance from 60 to 200 μH, consistently load;
  • 470 volt varistor included parallel to load;
  • capacitor 0.22-0.1 μF included parallel to load;
  • 1 ohm resistor to suppress low frequency interference (if necessary).

Most cheap options in practice are not. They consist only of varistor and bimetallic contact for maximum protection. However, it is easy to assemble the LC-contour with your own hands and it will work not worse than the factory. Although if there are only ordinary powerful household appliances in the house, they do not need filters, because the quality of electricity does not affect them, but electronics (computer, TV, music Center) Consume a small amount of energy and it is quite suitable for a filter extension with a nominal value of current in several amps.

Network filter - buy

A sophisticated modern consumer before choosing in a photo catalog and buy a network filter, carefully examines the ratings and customer reviews. Buy in the online store Any product is now simply, since each seller cares about the maximum provision of information on the characteristics of each position of its range. Presented to your attention short review Popular devices of world manufacturers.

With USB

When overheating and short circuit, the device works on automatic shutdown, Warning electric device breakdowns and the emergence of a fire. Network S. USB portmI provides protection against overvoltages and high-frequency interference of several devices at the same time. Big advantage - there are on the case USB ports To charge tablets and smartphones.

  1. Price - 2800 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Total power - up to 2.3 kW, there are two USB ports on the housing (2.4 A) to charge tablets and smartphones. The LED indicator on the housing will warn on the electrical output or damage to the fuse. 2 meter cable. White body.
  3. Pros: design, does not occupy a lot of space, three outlets on two sides of the instrument, type-ethnicard with grounding, the presence of USB.
  4. Cons: not discovered.


  1. Price - 990 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Equipped with standard outlets at 220 V in the amount of six pieces. One USB current of 1 amp strength 1 and the second port for 2.1 amperes is used to recharging mobile gadgets. Length of 5 meters cord, white body.
  3. Pros: Narrow, does not occupy a lot of space, EU sockets with grounding on one side of the device, the presence of USB, inexpensive.
  4. Cons: not discovered.


When overheating and short circuit, the device works on an automatic shutdown, warning the power failure and the emergence of a fire. Network for the UPS applies to connect household and electronic equipment to the source uninterrupted power. The running time depends on the battery capacity of the UPS embedded in the device.

Exegate SPU-5-0.5B:

  1. Price - 172 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: The length of the cord is 0.5 m, the black body is designed for 5 sockets with grounding. It is used to connect household and electronic technology to an uninterruptible power supply, which is equipped with a C13 connector.
  3. Pros: Rated voltage - 220 V, maximum pulse - 90 J, the total load capacity is 10 amps, a small cost.
  4. Cons: not discovered.

Garison EHW-0:

  1. Price - 200 rubles.
  2. Features: White body, cord length 0.5 m, There are 6 EU Sockets with a grounding. Equipped with C14 connector, power switch with light indicator. The housing provides a hole for mounting to the wall in a vertical position.
  3. Pluses: Rated voltage - 220 V, total load capacity - 2.2 kW, rated current - 10 amps, maximum impulse - 90 J, withstanding current interference - 2.5 ka, small cost.
  4. Cons: not discovered.

For computer

All connectors with grounding, the length of the cord varies depending on the model. Network filters for a computer from Pilot are characterized by the thoughtful functionality. They have a socket of Eurostright and one Soviet sample. The pilot for the computer is also suitable for household appliances. The LED button turns off all the instruments from the power. When overheating and short circuit, the device works on an automatic shutdown, warning the power failure and the emergence of the fire.

  1. Price - 1200 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: 5 m long cord can serve as a regular extension cord, rated voltage - 220-230 V, the total load power is 10 amps, 6 sockets, including one old sample.
  3. Pros: Comfortable, Functional.
  4. Cons: not found.
  1. Price - 2300 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: The length of the cord is 1.8 m, the rated voltage is 220 V, the total load power is 2.2 kW, the rated current is 10 amps.
  3. Pros: the original design in the form of a gray trapezoid, resembling a fantastic spacecraft, 6 sockets, including one old sample.
  4. Cons: not found.

For washing machine

A washing machine-machine of a modern sample, especially its electronic part is very sensitive to interference on the network, so they need protection. Network filters for household appliances reliably protect all home appliances from overheating and short circuit. There is no need for these purposes to buy large filters, compact models submitted by the following names are suitable.

  1. Price - 1240 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: A small ergonomic housing is equipped with a single outlet of the European standard, the cord is missing, the rated voltage is 220 V, the total load power is 2.2 kW, the rated current is 10 amps.
  3. Pros: models are distinguished by a compact design, you can take them on a trip.
  4. Cons: stationary without a cord.

Inter-Step SP-one (1140J):

  1. Price - 555 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: stationary for washing machine without a cord, maximum interference voltage - 220/240 V, nominal frequency - 50 Hz, total load - 350 kW, maximum load current - 16A, maximum pulsed interference current - 1950 ka, maximum dispel energy - 1140 J , Color - White, Additional features - Protection against thunderstorms. A small body is equipped with one EU rosette.
  3. Pros: Compact size.
  4. Cons: not discovered.

With switch to each rosette

The device guarantees protection against pulsed overvoltages and high-frequency interference of several devices simultaneously. A network filter with a switch to each socket is good because you can control the power supply to each instrument included. When overheating and short circuit, the fuse is triggered to automatically shut down, warning the power failure and the occurrence of the fire.

MOST ERG in the White Corps:

  1. Price - 1030 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Rated voltage - 220 V, rated current - 10 amps, total load power - 2.2 kW, 5 eneous sockets with grounding, cord length - 5 m, 5 buttons with lED backlight For each and one common, turning off the power in the entire device.
  3. Cons: No found.

MOST EHV in black case:

  1. Price - 1250 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Rated voltage - 220 V, rated current - 10 amps, total load power - 2.2 kW, 5 euro-shape sockets with grounding, cord length - 2 m, 5 buttons with LED backlit for each socket and one common, turning off the power in All device.
  3. Pros: Convenient control of the operation of each individual instrument.
  4. Cons: No found.


The device guarantees protection against pulsed overvoltages and high-frequency interference of several devices simultaneously. Network filter for TV LCD protects against short circuit and high-frequency interference video equipment, telephone lines, local networks. With overheating and short circuit, it works on an automatic shutdown, warning the power failure and the emergence of a fire.

  1. Price - 3000 rubles.
  2. CHARACTERISTICS: Maximum connector and RJ-11, LED indicator, output power - 2,3 kW, Max load current - 10 amp, output voltage - 230 V, 8 ground sockets, located with two sidewabel 2 m long, protection of the antenna television entry , Separate switch for each socket so that you can control the power supply to each instrument turned on, and one common switch.
  3. Pros: a beveled plug for the location of the filter in a narrow space between furniture.
  4. Cons: not found.
  1. Price - 1000 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: LED indicator. Output power - 2.3 kW, Max load current - 10 A, output voltage - 230 V, 5 Sockets with a grounding, a cable with a length of 5 m, a separate switch for each outlet so that you can control the power to each device, and one common switch.
  3. Pros: Outlets are located on one side at an angle of 45 degrees for the convenience of connection.
  4. Cons: not found.

With grounding

Grounding is the main condition for the safe use of sockets. Network filter with grounding guarantees protection against pulse overvoltages and high-frequency noise of six instruments at the same time, these are the main advantages. When overheating and short closure, the filter works on an automatic shutdown, warning the breakage of the electrical appliances and the emergence of the fire.

Defender DFS 805:

  1. Price - 1200 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Output Power - 2,3 kW, Max load current - 10 A, Output voltage - 230 V, 6 Sockets with a ground, 5 m cable, one common switch with LED indicator.
  3. Pros: modern design and security.
  4. Cons: not found.
  1. Price - 2350 rubles.
  2. Characteristics: Sockets are protected by curtains, two USB ports, cord length - 1.83 m, output power - 2,3 kW, Max load current - 10 amp, output voltage - 230 V.
  3. Pros: The device is equipped with 5 sockets, one of which is located at a remote distance to enable massive power supplies.
  4. Cons: not found.

How to choose a network filter

The selection of the mains filter is based on the following instrument characteristics:

  1. Permissible load power.
  2. The number and type of sockets.
  3. Network cord length.
  4. Presence of fuses.
  5. The presence of the light indicator (backlight button).
  6. The presence of a USB connector.

Home Electrical Appliances Easily protect the filter having a rated current of the load current in 10 A. If an office device is connected, then the load capacity of the load will be completely different (16 A-20 A). The higher the maximum pulse load indicator, the large fluctuations in the network will withstand the device. Some models are able to withstand even the effects of lightning strike.

By the number of devices that are planned to connect to the extension filter, determine the number of outlets in it. If it is an extension for a computer, it is reasonable to assume that you need to connect system unit, acoustic system, monitor, printer, voltage stabilizer, router and other devices, so you need to select a device with five or six sockets. The sockets should be euro standard with grounding.

As for the length of the cord, everything is individually here. As a rule, for the home there is enough 1.8 meters, but there are cords for 3 and 5 meters. In any case, it is better to take with a margin, suddenly want to make at home a permutation. Important moment When choosing - the presence of fuses and their type. Some manufacturers provide devices with multiple fuses - fuse, thermal and high-speed. Most devices are equipped with a device function indicator. The difference is that the LED is immediately disconnected when one of the protective elements of the instrument has become unusable.

The best network filters today are recognized as the following brands:

  • Vektor;
  • Defender;
  • Pilot;
  • Buro;

These firms produce devices:

  • simple, the purpose of which basic protection (Essential);
  • optimal with advanced (notew / office) protection and ratio of price and quality work;
  • with professional (performance) protection of expensive equipment.
  1. You can not connect the filters to each other, as this will lead to an increase in the current on the land phase.
  2. You can not connect devices with high input voltage (refrigerator, air conditioning, vacuum cleaner, heating appliances).
  3. It is undesirable to connect the device to a uninterruptible power supply - damage the protective schemes.

Today, connecting complex electrical appliances to the network, it is recommended to install network filters. This guarantees the stable operation of the instruments. What is a network filter? Consider more.

Why do you need a network filter. The input voltage characteristic is typically written on electrical appliances labels. For example, on the computer's power supply or on the monitor, on other electrical appliances, the values \u200b\u200bof 220-230 V with a frequency of 50 to 60 hertz indicates. At the same time, the rated voltage of the network is 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. However, the actual parameters of electric power differ from the standards provided by the standards. Since the network is connected a large number of Consumers, among which are large, then any connection or disabling them from the network leads to voltage jumps - both up and down. Also, voltage bursts can be recorded within the same apartment if you turn on or turn off certain devices or several of them immediately (for example, air conditioning or washing machine). If the equipment fails occurs on the substation, this leads to a change in the voltage frequency, and this also negatively affects computer technician.

Voltage pulses can also occur - sharp and short voltage increase. There are such impulses that last to the shares of microseconds can from lightning strikes with a faulty grounding of the system.

Oddly enough, the network filters are also fighting with noise noise - so called radio frequency or electromagnetic interference, which can arise due to the non-reach of radio stations or household appliances.

To prevent damage to electrical equipment due to voltage drops, it is recommended to install network filters. They seem to be "smoothed" all interference network. Special schemes are installed in such filters that absorb voltage jumps and normalize the frequency. If the interference is excessive, then the fuse is triggered, which turn off the filter, as a result of which the electricity supply will be stopped.

Properties of network filters. The usual compensation scheme is built into all filters, but they are not the same in all filters, but have certain differences that affect the capabilities of the device and the price. Consider the main differences of filters.

First. The number of outlets in the network filter. The more sockets, the more appliances can be connected to one filter. Today, filters are from one to eight outlets. However, it is necessary to understand that when connecting to one filter, several devices can lead to its disconnection in the event of overload. Therefore, filters have such a parameter as the maximum load that is measured in kW or V.A.

Second. Filters can also protect the telephone line. In the telephone line, the voltage can constantly change, since the load on the general telephone network constantly changing. Therefore, some filters have a diagram for smoothing distortions arising from the telephone line, so that the modem and fax work without interruptions.

Third. In addition to the above, the filters have the ability to filter interference arising directly in computer networkIf cables connecting network equipment, too long, or poor quality network devices. Voltage jumps can also occur in the computer network if the hubs of this network are used in the building where the power supply is unstable.

Fourth. In addition, the filters provide the maximum absorbable impulsive emission (measured in Joules (J)). The greater the parameter, the more serious deviations (as we have already set up above, the pulse is a short-term deviation) can be compensated by a filter.

Fifth. Wire length. The network filter can be used immediately as an extension cord, thanks to which you can connect all computer equipment.

IMPORTANT! Network filters will protect computer equipment from breakdowns to which voltage differences can cause. However, they do not provide the safety of the information with which you at the time of turning off the filter are working.

Types of network filters

The appearance of the network filters is actually the same, but the level of protection provided by them is different. From of this level The type of electrical engineering, with which one or another type of filters can work.

Basic Protection (Essential). This is the simplest view of network filters, but should not be biased. Such filters will be ideal for inexpensive, simple household appliances.

Advanced protection (note / Office). Optimal view Network filters in terms of price / quality ratio. They are ideal for most homemade household appliances.

Professional protection (Performance). Such filters must be installed if you use expensive electrical equipment, which is particularly sensitive to power supply and the slightest drops on the network. Such equipment belongs to example, home theaters.

Naturally, best features Filters have a higher class. So, they can absorb higher energy bursts. If the average base filter has about 960 Joule (J), then a professional filter has at least 2500 joules. That is, the latter easily cope with much powerful interference. It is worth remembering that the stated filter characteristics can only be achieved if the outlets to which they are connected are grounded. Therefore, the effectiveness of protection in old houses is somewhat decreased, since grounding is not provided in their networks. But this does not mean that the filters will be completely inelective - they will still be able to provide certain protection and in any case, it is better than leaving expensive technique completely without protection.

What to pay attention to when choosing

This is the case when the size matters. To small models should be cautious. Carefully learn the documentation that is applied to the device. The protective properties of the model must be clearly described in the papers. specifications. If all this is described in the documentation, and the brand logo is known - then the probability of fakes to strive for zero.

Before you go to the store, definitely decide where you will use a filter and how many instruments will be connected to it. So, one models are suitable for the house, for the office - others are necessary. When you select the device, pay attention to this indicator, which maximum pulse load can withstand the device. The higher this indicator, the much higher voltage fluctuations can absorb the filter. Separate models easily endure even the consequences arising online from the lightning strike.

Do not forget about the length of the wire. Usually, the length of the standard wires of the network filter is 1.8 meters. Often, this length is enough for home use. However, there are a lot of models with a longer wire - for example, up to 5 meters. Such a filter is ideal for large rooms - domestic or office.

When choosing a filter, pay attention to the fuse, since this is the key item of any device. Look, what type of fuse is used in this filter and how many of them are installed there. So, individual manufacturers set several fuses. As the main, fusible is used, in addition to it, heat and high-speed fuses are provided.

In some cases, the device performance indicator is provided. Most often it is a conventional LED, which glows, in the case when the filter is included in the network and completely corrected. If some protective element of the filter is inoperable, the LED is automatically turned off. This option is extremely important, since another possibility to check at home is operational filter is operational, no.

Carefully inspect the filter sockets. In high-quality, reliable filters, 4-6 outlets are installed. Remember only what they are more, the device will be more expensive, but in any case it is better to choose with a reserve. Sockets should be euro standard.

Options for using network filters

Also, the choice of a network filter depends on which devices to it will be connected, with which devices it will work. Consider various options for using network filters.

For home. This device combines small sizes and good technical capabilities. They easily cope with voltage drops, which at home extremely rarely reaches peak values. It is desirable that he had several outlets.

For offices and powerful computers. Several basic requirements are presented to network filters that are used in offices. The first is a large number of outlets. The second is the ability to cope with significant interference and voltage drops that occur in the network. On network filters for the office, it is better not to save, because the failure of the equipment due to the voltage drop can be critical for the company.

For office, a network filter of the APC SurgearRest Essential model with five sockets is suitable. This device, in addition to voltage drops, effectively copes with interference in telephone cables, thus ensuing reliable protection for phones and faxes. The length of the cables of this device is 1.8 meters, because it is ideal for small rooms.

For large offices, use Pilot Pro network filters. The length of the cable in these models reaches seven meters. They are equipped with five sockets of Eurostandard and one universal, not having ground cable. In the filters of this type there are two fuses - heat melting and bimetallic. The maximum energy level that they can absorb is 400 Joule. Several overall complex of this device should not be confused - in the big office room This is not critical.

One more good model For large offices - Pilot X-Pro. The difference consists not only in the form, but also in technical indicators. Thus, this model is able to absorb up to 650 joule energy, and therefore such a network filter is quite effective for large loads on the network.

In the APC SurgearRest PH6VT3-RS model, in addition to six sockets, connectors for fax, usual and DSL modem are provided.

The original form of the Network Filter Vector Max is not the only advantage over the rest. Six sockets in this device are sequentially located. This filter model is designed for office computers and other office equipment. The filter copes well with interference, protects equipment not only from short circuits, as well as from pulses and high-frequency interference.

Operating Rules

Network filters, like other electrically appliances, must be properly operated by observing safety equipment. First of all, network filters cannot be connected to each other - it is strictly prohibited, because it may lead to an increase in the current indicators in the land phase. Network filters cannot include electrical appliances having high starting currents: for example, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners or air conditioners. It is also to relate to heating devices. The network filter is undesirable to connect to uninterrupted power sources, because it may cause damage to protective circuits.


From all of the above, you can make a logical output - the network filter is useful and necessary. Repair and replacing the equipment spoiled from the voltage drops will cost much more than the cost of the filter. At the same time, you do not need to overestimate the capabilities of network filters. Filters are well protected by equipment from voltage jumps, but not from complete power outage.

We wish you a good choice!

With the development of technologies, the number of useful devices is growing, without which it is already difficult to present their lives. Today, all household appliances and gadgets must be connected to the power grid for permanent operation or recharging, so the need for a large number of sockets is constantly growing. Network filters are equipped with short-circuit protection, individual or common switches. In addition, advanced and dear models Filter high-frequency interference, which are formed due to the large number of instruments connected to the electrical network and poor, old wiring.

How it works?

Network filter, depending on the cost, performs the following functions:

1. Protection against short circuit;

2. Filtering high-frequency interference;

3. Protection against short-term voltage pulses.

Short circuit - the state of the electrical circuit, when the phase and zero are connected directly without load. Those. If somewhere open the wire, if something in some kind of device is closed, the network filter must be cut down and protect the remaining equipment.

Interference - the consequence of the operations connected to the network. Almost all electronics are now on pulse power sources - televisions, computers, etc. Pulse power supplies inevitably give interference to the network. In addition to them, there is no interference with inductive load devices, such as a refrigerator.

High-frequency interference is not harmful by electronics, but they affect her work. For example, in audio engineering may appear outsided sounds, on the analog TV or ripple monitor and distortion monitor.

Voltage pulses arise due to connecting to the network of any reactive load, again the refrigerator, welding machines, and so on. So that it is not burned by anything, the Network filters put the Barrots that absorb these Imuls. But from the long exposure to high voltage, they rarely protect.

Types of network filters

For example: when connected to a PC and peripherals to the network filter, it will work without complaints, since the power of consumption in these devices is low. But if you plan to use a network filter in the kitchen, connect an electric kettle, plate, water heater simultaneously, then with simultaneous operation of all devices, the filter will turn off.

Protection levels

According to the degree of protection, network filters can be divided into:

1. Basic protection level (Essential). Such filters have the simplest (basic) protection. With voltage pulses, they take a blow to themselves, are characterized by no high cost and simplicity in the design. Apply them better with inexpensive and low-power equipment. Serve an alternative to ordinary extension cords.

2. Advanced protection level (Home / Office). Suitable for most instruments in the house and office, are presented on the market with a wide range near and loyal value in relation to quality.

3. Professional protection level (Performance). It gives almost all interference, it is recommended to purchase for an expensive interference technique. Network filters with a professional level of protection are more expensive at cost, in contrast to the previous ones, but their reliability is completely paying for costs.

Protection against short-term jumps / voltage pulses - Almost all filters are equipped with this function, the principle of its action lies in the absorption of short-term freaky impulses. From a long high voltage, it does not protect. If in your house most of the time is increased or reduced voltage, then it is better to give preference to the stabilizer, since the network filter will be useless.

Turning off when overheating - The overheating sensor is responsible for shutdown, with an increase in temperature above the maximum allowable network filter is de-energized. When using a filter near the heating devices or at maximum power consumption, the overheating sensor helps to avoid damage or the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Interference - In Russia, the electricity supply frequency is 50 Hz, but also there are additional high-frequency harmonics on the network. The filter eliminates high-frequency "dirt", reduces it to a minimum, thereby leaving a clean 50 Hz sinus without unnecessary harmonics.


Network filters are equipped with a switch to constantly not pull the plug from the socket, the switch protects the time and is safe to use.

Switches are found in several types:

Extra features

Indicator - informs about the inclusion of the network filter, is often combined with the switch button. Depending on the model, it may be common or individual for each network filter outlet.

Mounting on the wall - Some filters are equipped with loops on the reverse side. This supplement is designed to reduce the risk of damage to the wires, simplify cleaning. Network filter is conveniently fixed to the wall or to the inside computer table., Wires will not interfere under their feet.

Fastening for wires - You need if a large number of devices are connected to the filter, prevents the wire of the wire.