From the old system block case. What to do from the old computer? Make a music center out of it

Many people have old computers with which they do not know what to do. Most throw out or sell old equipment when buying new. After all, Windows is not very convenient to use on it. But instead you can turn your old computer In the file server, caching proxy server, smart TV, cloud storage, or even your own, full cloud using the Linux operating system. Special Linux distributions are undemanding to resources, and Linux opportunities are limitless in this regard.

In this article, consider eight recommendations, using an old computer with Linux. These are only eight options, but incomplete list. You can turn your old computer with Linux and for something else, as Linux allows you to make a lot. Now let's go to the list.

Linux is ideal for organizing file servers and file service. You can create network folder Using Samba or NFS, accessible to all computers on your network. At the same time, the file server does not require a computer of very serious resources, so using an old computer with Linux for this task is a great idea.

2. Synchronization server

Nowadays, many users have not only one computer. It can be laptops, workstations, tablets and smartphones. When you have a lot of devices, save same files All devices can become a difficult task.

Some will say that there is cloud services for this, such as DROPBOX or Google Drive. And they are right. But in those cloud storage You get a limited disk space, as well as a company that provides a cloud can access your files.

If you want more security to help a decentralized synchronization solution comes. You can create a synchronization server on an old machine and have access to all. the desired files From the network at any time. You are not tied with no cloud service and are limited only. hard size disk.

To do this, you can use programs such as Syncthing, Bittorrent Sync.

3. OwnCloud server

Do you need the best alternative to Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft Onedrive? You can deploy your cloud on the old computer using the OwnCloud open source project.

Unlike the previous two OwnCloud options, it is not easy file synchronization protocol. Yes, there is an application that you can install on Windows, Linux and even on Android smartphoneBut here is much more functions.

This is a complete replacement of cloud data storage services such as Google Drive or Microsoft Onedrive. During configuration, you can set a whole set of application management applications. There are so many such applications, here are the most popular:

  • Documentation
  • The calendar
  • post office
  • Contacts

Use old computers with Linux for cloud service OwnCloud maybe because the system does not consume a lot of resources.

4. NAS.

Do you need to create a system that satisfies all your data storage needs? Then you can turn the old computer in NAS. Such things are specially designed for storage. large number data.

You can implement this using a special Open Media Vault distribution. It is specifically designed to control hard disks and data, based on Debian and has a bunch of possibilities.

5. Local media center

The local media server allows you to use various types of television, for example, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV and T d. Want to try? Simply turn your old computer in the media center using a special Linux distribution.

There are many ways to implement this idea, but the easiest is to install the Kodibuntu distribution, based on Ubuntu and providing a fully configured meticenter based on KODI from the box. Just install it on the old computer. Connect to TV and enjoy.

6. Remote media server

If you cannot connect the computer directly to the TV, then this is not a problem, you can use another path. There are other media centers programs. Consider how to turn the old car in Plex or EMBY media center.

With these media services you are not limited to one screen. Instead, you can store all your media data in one place and translate them if necessary on devices from the network. Both programs have several applications and a web interface to access them. This is one of the advantages of media centers.

It should be noted that for the use of old computers with Linux for the media center requires decent equipment. Most computers of the DDR2 era can cope with such loads. But do not attempt to install Plex to your computer with Windows 95.

7. Kesching Proxy Server

Do you have a slow connection with the Internet and is there an old computer? Install the Squid proxy server on it. Why exactly Squid? This is one of the best tools for caching online traffic. This can significantly reduce the bandwidth by caching frequently opened pages.

Using a proxy server on separate computer Let you configure transparent proxing, it will give you the opportunity to skip absolutely all traffic through the proxy server.

Such things are ideal for those who use low speed Internet connections.

8. Farwall

Most effective method set up firewall reliably protecting your local network or home computer - It is used separate server.. At the same time, the firewall does not require very large computing capacities when home useTherefore, for such a task, you can use the old computer.

Setting the package filtering on a separate machine allows you to filter absolutely all packages passing from and to your machine. In addition, it will become another protective step of your network.

Bonus. Try Linux

Want to try Linux? Learn how it works? Make your old computer machine for practice. It does not matter here if you can figure out or confuse, because it is not used as the main computer. If you are seriously configured to master Linux, then it is a good way.


Now you know how to use an old computer. Although these cars and low-rise, before and even now, with their help, you can do a lot. Media server, OwnCloud, NAS, caching server, firewall. There are so many things that can be done with using Linux And if you enable them all in this list, then it will be infinite.

A minus in the case of network storage and clouds here can only be that the computer must constantly be included, and will consume electricity.

What did you do from your old computer? Share in the comments!

Think up to buy a computer more powerful? But what to do with old equipment? We made a list of five possible options And then tell you why it is not worth sending an old computer in the pit. Agree, while it works, there is always hope to find him a good scenario of use.

For many good idea, it seems to turn a computer into a home theater, but not everyone is solved for this step. But now, when you have a "extra" computer, then why not try? It can well cope with playing video, running downloaded files and even, depending on iron, allow watching movies to DVD or Blu-ray. And if you have a projector in the hall, then the image can be displayed in even greater format. And not only for video, but also, let's say, for games.

Home broadcast

If you bought a more powerful replacement computer, then the old can be used to start games remotely. In Steam is special regimeWhen the image and sound, as well as all commands from the keyboard, mice and other controllers are broadcast via the home network from the main computer to another device. Of course, it will require a quick connection of the standard of 802.11n or 802.11ac, but you can play all the modern games on the old computer and, if it is a laptop, calmly move around the house, and not be attached only to a powerful stationarier.

Give a kid

Many parents prefer to give the child a tablet with limited accessTo protect from unwanted information on the Internet. However, now you can highlight a whole computer for the child. Why not? There are a number of operating systems designed specifically for young people with appropriate design and functionality. This is one of the most simple ways Acquire a child to high technology and help start navigating the computer world.

Web server.

If you have your own site, then why not place it on your own web server? In the presence of a free computer and permanent access On the Internet, it is not difficult to organize this option. Thus, you can significantly save on hosting costs. True, it is worth keeping in mind that if the site has a big audience of daily visitors, then your own web server, especially on the old equipment, is unlikely to be a good idea due to the generation of too much traffic.

Home Data Storage

Another scenario of using the old computer is the creation of a single server to exchange files between devices in home network. He will act as a repository role in which you can place anything: music, videos, photos and other content. As for the implementation of such an idea, that is, a considerable amount of various special software. Thus, all files will be in one place and they can be accessed from any device at home.

What kind of methods are planning to take advantage (or have already used) you? Maybe you have other options? Write in the comments.

1. Whether it in the TV tuner.

Many modern TV tuners, such as HAUPPAUGE WINTV GO-PLUS, requires only 100 MHz CPU to play a real-time TV signal. But in order for you to record a video stream need a processor more powerful - about 700 MHz. But you can save your favorite transmissions in DVD quality, and you can use the scheduled record. All tuners are provided with necessary for software record. Most likely, you want to watch TV programs not on the screen of the old monitor, but on your TV, then pay attention to TowShifter tuners (at the price of 30 pounds of sterling) and SagetV (about 40) - they are designed so that they are able to play the signal on the TV .

2. Hard to find a cure for cancer.

The distributed computing system is probably the most philanthropic method of use for the old PC. Some scientific projects require huge computer resources, Therefore, your old man due to their capabilities can help scientists analyze DNA chains to search for drugs from diseases such as cancer, or process data coming from satellites scanning space space in search of extraterrestrial life.

3. Clear it.

Old computers quickly lose their cost, so if you have something to sell, you should not delay with it. If you have a rare thing from computer internshipYou can put it on an Internet auction (for example, eBay). There is a chance to rescue for old technique Even more than it really is.

4. Draw it.

Why not give this PC your favorite cousin? It does not matter that he will not be able to play the video in high resolutionBut it will quite cope with web pages, displaying digital photos and will be able to run office applications. For a beginner, this is just what you need to be in the subtleties of modern technologies.

5. Release it.

According to research organizations, the manufacturer uses 240 kilograms of fossil fuels, 22 kilograms of chemicals and 1,500 liters of water! Each year in the environment is 1.8 million tons of electronic waste.

To at least somehow contribute to the protection of nature, hand over the old PC to the nearest processing center for electronic equipment.

6.Fine thief!

Put a 10-year-old, spattered coffee, yellowed from the PC time with a proud sticker on the "486" case somewhere in the most prominent place you have at home. If in your home (we hope that this will never happen, smiley) will break the thief, he first grabbing this "relic", and will not even think that he was brazenly deceived.

7.Fire from it music Center.

Even old processor It is able to play digital music in WMA or MP3 format. And even on a hard disk of a small volume, quite a lot of musical paths will fit. If you add more and powerful speakers to this, then you will receive the real music center. And if you use an ancient laptop - it is generally great. By the way, you can get the music to play in one pressing the power button. To do this, put Windows Media. Player (WMP) in autorun, create a new playlist with all the songs that is on the PC, then install WMP into an arbitrary playback mode.

8. Let me sit.

We live in the 21st century, but still have millions of children who have never seen a computer. Donate your old PC to any school, although, in principle, it does not matter where, the main thing is to use it. There are even special organizations that take old computers for charity.

9. Use it as a gaming server.

If you like to play with friends in multiplayer games, it is preferable to use your own serverThis will exclude delays in connection and evil moderators.

10. Use it as a machine for tests.

If you often meet with viral danger, then use the old PC as a test machine. It can be used as a means to download attachments of letters and programs from the Internet. You can install various programs on the old computer, it will be possible to evaluate the use of them before installing on the main PC and avoid the system toasting.

When these keys touch the hand,
Then flies from the heart of the longing.
With me, he will share and sadness, and sadness.
My old, tired piano ...
Text author (words): Ivanov D.

In a series of articles under the general name " Old laptop"(,) The possibilities of using an obsolete laptop were described. Unfortunately, the same fate can comprehend and stationary personal Computer. Let's see what to do from the old computer?

Of course, a stationary PC is easier to "upgrade" compared to a laptop, adding new devices to it, as well as replacing broken or morally obsolete devices. Many PC improvement operations can be done at home independently because of the simple.

But a similar "upgrade" PC only extends his life, gives the moment when further investments in it become meaningless. Then it is better to acquire a new PC. And what to do from the old computer?

If the computer is still alive, but it is morally outdated, then it can be used, first of all as a household device.

Modern PCs, and not very modern PCs have, as a rule, quite good sound cardto which sound speakers are connected. PC system units are also completely equipped with read / write CD / DVD devices. And it allows you to make a decent one from PC CD- / DVD player.

Only the control of such a player should be carried out not using the remote remote control, And with the manipulator, the mouse.

Not always control using the mouse is convenient, because for the mouse you need to connect to the port system Block (usually around uSB port). And this means that the mouse should not be removed from the system unit to the distance exceeding the length of the connecting wire. In addition, the mouse must "drive" on some surface that, you see, it is not always convenient to do, for example, sitting on the sofa.

To avoid these inconveniences, you can connect a remote wireless mouse to the PC system unit or an even more complex device used by the rapporteurs when demonstrating your presentations.

The wireless mouse still remains the mouse, in the sense that it is necessary to led it on some surface. But the remote control device can be used by holding it in hand, as a familiar console.

AND wireless mouse, and the remote control device consists of two blocks. One of them is stationary and connects, as a rule, to the USB port. And the second block is a device that works from batteries or batteries that the user applies to control.

Also on sale televisioninstalled inside the PC system unit. The TV tuners include a television board for installation inside the PC system unit, remote controls and other attributes allowing to control software PC, sitting from him on a decent distance. Thus, from the old computer you can do television.

By the way, internal television cards called otherwise "internal TV tuner" may have in their composition and FM radio. This allows you to use PCs as modern FM receiver.

In addition, internal FM tuners, expanding PC capabilities for receiving and listening (as well as needed, then for recording) of radio transmissions in the FM range, are sold and separate from TV tuners.

If a morally obsolete computer is absolutely old and, for example, does not have USB ports in principle, then an old television TV tuners can be searched for such a computer, which can also include remote controls. The receiving part of such consoles works when connecting to COM ports or special on the TV tuner card itself.

The headache turns into operation and leisure for each user when its computer is old - unable to work with a new operating system or updated software, including games. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this, and there are many ways to fix the current situation. True, it will be necessary to make minor investments. From this article, the User learns about the many methods of how to make the morally obsolete electronic friend work faster.

Secrets that hide the processor

First, we are talking about crystals that have a unlocked multiplier, otherwise the kernel's performance is hardly able to increase someone. Any operating room windows system For old computers, whether it is the 7th, 8th or 10th version, require that the processor frequency is not lower than 2 GHz for single-core systems and 1.2 GHz for chips with several nuclei. Therefore, you need to focus on these indicators.

The processor acceleration is better to start with the BIOS interface, because it has ready and free snap. Turning to the bookmark " Power Bios. Features "and finding the" CPU Configuration "menu, you can step by step to increase the frequency of the CPU Clock processor. You need to start with a small - 33 MHz in one step is a serious increase for any processor. You can play with a multiplier (if its menu is actively). Naturally, this parameter must be changed step by step (in one unit).

There is also a set of utilities for overclocking. They can be found on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard. However, their effectiveness is often reduced to zero due to the impossibility of determining the installed processor, because, by the measurements of the manufacturer, the crystal is morally outdated and not supported by software.

Source of RAM

Many Internet publications note that for windows installations 7 On the old computer enough and two gigabytes of RAM, but few clarifies that all this resource is needed only for stable operation of the system itself. Nothing remains for his programs and games (even the usual antivirus will not be fully functional). Focusing the owner of the PC needs at least 3-4 GB.

It is possible to determine the ability to improve the ability to programmatically, without disassembled the system unit. You will need a specialized program (AIDA, SISOFT SANDRA, etc.). By running the application and turning into the "Total Information" menu, the user will be able to find out how much it has slots for RAM, the number of modules installed, their capacity and the capabilities of the motherboard at the maximum amount of memory support. Based on the received data, the owner will understand whether he has the opportunity to increase the RAM resource.

Weak link of any productive system

For many it may seem strange, but it is a hard drive able to slow down the work of any PC, especially if the computer is old. The solution here is one: replace the hard drive to a more productive device. In most cases, judging by numerous user reviews, the problem is solved by installing an SSD drive.

True, for mounting solid-state drive need to worry about the possibility of connection, because the device works on interface SATA II / III. If there is only an IDE connector in the old computer, then you can forget about the upgrade. Many specialists assure that the PCIEX1 slot is present on the motherboards of the old sample, but the drive with such an interface is comparable at cost with such a new computer. By the way, with the disassembly of the body you need to be extremely careful and memorized what and where it is connected, otherwise the owner will appear new problem - How to connect the old computer again to earn it. This is many inexperienced users forget.


In addition to the hardware, the problem with braking system can be solved without replacing computer parts. Very often, users complain about slow job Surfing programs on the Internet either when communicating on social networks. There are really many such appeals, and only a browser for old computers can solve the question. Not bad applied by QTWEB, BROWZAR and K-MELEON.

The only negative, which is often found in user feedback, is the absence of forms to save passwords. As a result, each time entering the page social networks A person needs to constantly enter a login and password. But it is still better to work comfortably, rather than wait for updating each page for a few minutes.

Caching problems

Sometimes, in order for the browser for old computers to work more effectively, it is necessary to disable the indexing of hard drives in addition. Make it just:

  • open "My Computer";
  • put the cursor on system disk (by default "C");
  • press the alternative mouse button (right for right);
  • select "Properties";
  • at the bottom of the window that opened the window, uncheck the box opposite the inscription: "Allow index";
  • press the "OK" button.

On slow computers, the index cancellation procedure may take more than one hour, but the result is noticeable after disconnecting the function. Also to improve performance hard disk It is recommended to perform a constant cleaning of the system from unnecessary files - The CD "C" should have a lot of free space (the fifth of the total capacity of exactly). It does not interfere with the user and defragmentation, which can be performed using the same menu where the media index was disconnected. The "Service" tab is just a useful feature.

System Block Nutrition Problems

Often with the upgrade system, especially when adding new components, the old is not able to submit the required voltage. The best option The owner will acquire a more powerful BP, but sometimes the problem is solved a little different way. In can be connected to power Unused components: cooling system fan, FDD magnetic drive, non-working CD-ROM, sound card, TV-TUNER - anything.

Naturally, the user has to be solved, from which component he needs to get rid of. The FDD drive in the last decade has lost attention to himself, it needs to be disconnected first. With additional fans in the case, if there is no desire to disable them, you can do otherwise: switch the consumption of the cooler with 12 by 5 volts. Make it easy: the red cable from the fan is needed in the terminal to install opposite the red wire of the connector running from BP (the default contact is made with a yellow cable).

Quite all bad?

Many owners in thoughts about where to pass the old computer are missing one interesting feature from the type - the cost of working elements for old PCs, even if used, in the secondary market is quite high (for example, for the operational memory of the old sample, many sellers ask as much How much is modern). it main feature The secondary market, because many owners are easier to buy one spare part, rather than spending on the purchase of a whole system unit.

Therefore, before giving your morally obsolete PC for a scentual, many professionals are recommended to read ads in the media ("buy"). Perhaps it will be possible to prompt its "iron friend" in parts. Much value has motherboard with a processor installed, rAM, discrete AGP video adapter and hDD with IDE interface. Naturally, all listed elements must be in working condition.

Specialized firms

If the user is interested in where to hand over the old computer, the specialized workshop or a similar store, which in each city of our country, there are countless, enters the recommendation. However, before going to such a company, the owner needs to learn some of the features of such organizations.

  1. If we are talking only about the sale of an old computer, then you should not count on a large amount. In fact, such a solution will be completely unfavorable for the user.
  2. In workshops engaged in improving weak Computer, things are better. The user will install a more productive item with a deduction of the value of the old. Sometimes in the workshops offer the same bu parts. It is not necessary to refuse if the seller gives a guarantee for at least 1 month.
  3. There are still organizations that take spare parts for implementation (commission stores). By ignorance (either by reluctance to read the contract) Many owners simply give their computer an old company. After all, for renting the shelves in such stores you have to pay the user, and the cost is withdrawn from the price of spare parts.

can not be

To send a PC to the dump, which is not even interesting to specialized organizations, is not worth it, because there are many interesting decisions that prompted what to do from the old computer. First of all, the steel block of the system unit (without spare parts) is actively used by the owners as a home mantal (you can even fix the bowler). The valuable materials in the block are a bit, but gram 200-300 aluminum or copper will succeed. There is use in everyday life and working fans. You can come up with anything: an aquarium, a terrarium, a cage for rodents, a bedside table - options.


If the computer is old - this is not a sentence, but rather, the appearance of a new and interesting hobby, which many owners are just lacking in life. Would be fantasy, and everyone can find the use of a favorite PC and without assistance. Better, of course, that the computer does not break and was always in working condition. The main thing is that the reader realized that there were no hopeless situations.