Why the laptop is noise and slows down. He began to slow down the laptop, what to do? The main causes of the slow work of the laptop

Your laptop is unbearably slows down, and you do not know what to do with it? You do not need to yell, nervous, throw a mouse or beat your hands on the keyboard. It will not help! I have more effective methods. If your laptop is right after purchase, it worked quite normally, and today it began to bite and slow down, then you will find a solution to my problem in this lesson.

How sometimes the laptop slows downFor me, I know very well. I myself have a laptop that has to be optimized from time to time to normal operation. Let's look at 8 steps, worrying which our laptops will start working well.

Overheating laptop

Today, the laptop is such a technique that most often well heats upAnd if you do not clean the device from dust for a long time, then the laptop is simply overheated and starts to slow down. The user begins to notice it in the games, and a little later, the glitches appear at every turn ( when watching video, opening a browser, launching programs and the like).

First of all, use the program Aida64.To look at the temperature of the processor and the video card. You can download it.

After installing the AIDA64 on the left, open the computer tab, and then the sensors. On the right will open the temperature. pay attention to CPU (processor) and GP (video card).

If the temperature is very high, it means that it has come to disassemble the laptop, clean it from dust and smear a new thermal path. If there is no experience in this topic, then I would certainly entrust this work by a specialist.

Viruses in the system

If the speed of the laptop has worsened not gradually, but sharply, that is, yesterday worked well, and today it is terribly tupit, then the problem may be in malicious programsoh. If you picked up somewhere, then it is because of it that can slow down a laptop.

I advise you to scan the system for malicious programs. Installed antivirus It is hardly suitable here, better download the free Cureit utility. It is free, does not require installation and always has fresh bases.

Run the downloaded file and click Complete.

At the end of the operation, neutralize the threats found and restart the laptop.

Of course not always laptop slows down Due to viruses or overheating, as to bring components to overheating, you need to try well, and the malicious software enters the system mainly at novice users. In your case, the reasons " glitches and braking"May be completely different, and let's talk about them further.

Autoload program

The more programs will be launched on a laptop, the slower it will work. Sometimes we ourselves do not pay attention to how many different applications are running. The fact is that with some of them are added to autoload, that is, it is automatically started when the laptop is turned on. These include skypes, ICQ, torrents, antiviruses, download managers and the like. Part of these programs is extremely rarely used, so why are they constantly working? Let's deal with them!

Press the keyboard Keyboard Win + R keys and in the running program Perform Enter the msconfig command.

Startup will be executed System configurationswhere you need to open the tab.

If you have Windows 7, here you will see a list of all programs that run along with a laptop. And if you have Windows 8 or 10, then you will also need to press the reference to the startup. Open Task Manager". In this window, sometimes there are several dozen programs, which are also slowing down the launch of the system, so also slow down the laptop while working. So it turns out that the laptop slows down, because of the workload random access memory and processor. Remove ticks from those programs that are not needed to work immediately after Windows startup.

Please note that there may be names and unknown programs. Do not rush to remove this program from autoload. First of all, use the search engine and read the description of this program. After that make conclusions!

After removal unnecessary programs From the startup will be left to apply the changes and restart the laptop.

Little space on the system disk

If a system Diskwhere Windows is installed, clogged under the string, it can also be the cause of the unstable work of the laptop. I advise you to free the disk space using in the following ways:

Register registry

From any rubble - an important step towards stable laptop work. If you often install and delete programs, the number of unnecessary entries in the registry is growing greatly, and this affects work. If you do not want to wonder from time to time, why the laptop slows down and what to do, I remember the purity of the registry.

Clean the registry can be pressing several buttons in free program CCleaner. Download, install and run.

Open the Registry tab and click Search for problems.

Found records need to be corrected and repeat the operation a couple of times.

6. Little RAM

Click on the computer by right-click and select Properties.

In the window that opens, locate the line Memory installed . There is a number of RAM on our computer.

If you have 2 gigabytes or even less, it may be the reason for the slow work of programs, their sudden closure or even freezes. Ideally, you need to increase the number of RAM of up to 4 gigabytes by purchasing one or two memory strips. Of course, it is not always possible to do it, so at least make sure that the system is set ( Podchock file - this is the addition of RAM due to the memory of the hard disk).

Disc Check and Defragmentation

Another step to the salvation of a laptop is a check hard disk For errors and its defragmentation. In more detail about, you can read in my friend lesson, and here I just show you how to do it correctly and thereby speed up access to the files on the hard disk.

Download the Defraggler program and set (free and simple).

After starting, we need to click on the disk right-click and select the items additionally - Search disk errors.

After completion of the analysis, you can proceed to defragmentation. Right-click on the disk again and select the next defragmentation item.

This procedure is not faster. It can last as a few minutes and a few hours.

Laptop is very weak

If your laptop slows down, you can accelerate it by doing all the steps described above. I immediately want to say that this not solving all problems, especially if you have the cheapest and weak laptop. Do not run a lot of programs, follow the laptop not overheated, do not tap it with a rubbish and remove viruses at the slightest danger. This will be the main rules to the less stable operation of a weak laptop.

Bonus chips!

If you do not help anything and laptop still slows down, I am extremely surprised. Usually these 8 ways solve most of the problems and the laptop begins to work much better. But in the extreme case, I have additional advice.

Installing an SSD disc

My incredibly slow laptop After installing on it SSD Disc and windows installations 10 On this disk, it began to work much shorter.
I wrote already about this in my article :. There I described all the "miracles" this type drive Unlike a classic hard disk (HDD), newest SSD. The drives are much faster, which greatly affects the launch of the system, programs and work in them.

Reinstalling Windows

I understand that it is not always possible to fork out for a new thing. In this case, perform all the above-announced laptop optimization items. Let's remind you, eight them! Well, if nothing helps, it will have to "kill" all possible system problems in order.

Buying a new laptop

Of course, if you have a laptop bought a couple of years ago, the replacement look for so far.
And if yours " friend"Already 10 years, then I think it is extremely completely outdated and remains either to compete with constant brakes and glitches, or buy a new modern laptop.

I hope my big article helped you " rare"Your laptop. I wish good luck to meet in new articles and video lessons.

IMPORTANT! P.S. Well, if your computer lags, I advise you to read a lesson: there I told some more chips, optimized.

Question from the user

Good day.

Help solve the problem: I have a very slow laptop. To install the game (SIMS, the game came out 4 years ago) - it took 4 hours! Video often slows down, sometimes there are errors from nowhere, the files are copied for a long time.

There are no viruses, checked with Dr.Web, almost everything removed in auto-launch, there are few programs installed. What can be related to brakes?

PS installed Windows 10 (initial). Laptop, though old, but before, there was never before, began to slow down recently.

Good day!

Judging by your description, I would advise first of all to pay attention to the hard drive: if you started to copy files for a long time, the game is set for hours, part of the files are not read (or read with errors)Moreover, if it appeared grinding and handling - all this may indicate the problem with HDD.

In this article, in addition to your problem, I will consider some more popular reasons because of which it can start to slow down the laptop (well, I will give them a solution to 👌).

In any case, if you even don't even think about what your device slows down, and do not know what to do, try to walk in order below-listed recommendations - be that as it may, after completing it, the laptop will work faster and responsive.

👉 To help!

If you have a stationary PC, I recommend this article here:

Causes of brakes and slow work laptop. Decision!

Problem with cooling system: overheating

In many cases, the reason for the emergence of strong brakes is overheat . It happens, most often, due to the fact that the cooling system, which, in turn, usually suffers from dust has ceased to work normally.

As it is work, for example, radiators and an impeller of the cooler "love" to accumulate dust to such an extent that over time the air ceases to circulate normally, and the temperature of the components in the laptop begins to grow. And as a result, the laptop begins to slow down, reboot, hang, etc.

Signs of overheating.

If the temperature has grown, then you may notice:

  • on laptop coolers (they will walk / noise);
  • from the side of the ventilation holes will be hot air (sometimes you can even burn);
  • the keyboard can become warm and even hot.

Theme This detailed disassembled in a couple of his articles, I recommend to get acquainted with them, references below.

👉 To help!

1) how to clean the laptop from dust: at home -

2) How to find out the temperature of the processor, video card and hard disk, what is considered the norm? Methods for reducing computer components / laptop -

Trash in the system registry and hard disk

The second, to which I recommend paying attention is to every "garbage", which in some users in Windows can be copied for years. For example, "Tails" left after removing programs, temporary files, cache programs, etc. - All this "good" does not add productivity to your laptop. From time to time, it is necessary to clean and remove similar garbage.

ADVANCED SYSTEM CARE - Sample Windows service utility

Although I can not not say that in Windows there is a built-in carter, however, its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. However, if you do not have third-party programs, you can use it ...

To start the disk cleaning wizard in Windows - open first " " (or "This computer"). Then select the desired drive (usually choose the system "C:"), Open it properties and in the tab "General" Press the button.

Next, you will see a list of files that can be deleted. An exemplary release on the disk can be seen under the list of files. In principle, it remains only to agree to clean and wait for its completion ...

Cleaning windows disk 7 (C :)

Problem with drive (hard disk)


The laptop can start hard to slow down due to the hard disk. As a rule, in this case, another series of "symptoms" arises:

  • start a long copy and read files;
  • the laptop may begin to hang;
  • Windows stops loading;
  • when accessing the disk - the computer hangs;
  • foreign noise may appear: crackling, skulling, knock, crossed, etc.

In general, I must say that those laptops often carry with them, often have similar problems with HDD: Apparently the fact is that users do not always transport the device neatly, hide, knock it - and the hard disk device is mechanical, high-precision, not Loving shaking ...

If such symptoms appear, I recommend first to make a data backup. And then proceed to the diagnosis of the drive. In some cases, it is possible to correct the problem, and the disc will serve for some time. Links to articles about checking and diagnosing a disk give below.

👉 To help!

1) Diagnostics and disk check for 5 minutes. For beginners (fast test in new Victoria 5) -

2) Hard disk slows down: loaded by 100%, everything hangs and slowly works -


The hard disk will work somewhat faster, if you spend regularly. This process allows you to optimize the storage of information on the disk in order to maximize the quick access to it. This is especially true for hard disks governed by file System FAT32.

You can perform defragmentation, both using the built-in utility in Windows and third-party programs.

In Windows to start defragmentation - open properties necessary disc (can be done through my computer) then you need to open the tab "Service" And click the button "Perform defragmentation" (See Screen below).

If you do not want To be distracted by defragmentation, you can download and install specials. Utilities that will optimize your disk automatically, imperceptibly for your eyes ...

Installing an SSD disk

It is possible to significantly increase the responsiveness and speed of the laptop using the SSD disc install. Yes, he, of course, do not force your games to "fly", but downloading Windows and the game itself, copying / reading files - will occur several times faster than on the old HDD!

Agree that all this list of tasks is performed continuously and any user, which means acceleration on the face!

In general, popular questions about SSD disk I have already disassembled in several of its previous records. I recommend links below ...

👉 To help!

1) speed difference between SSD and HDD, is it worth moving on solid-state disk -

2) How to choose a disk for a laptop, which is better: SSD Drive or HDD (hard drive) -

3) How to transfer Windows from a hard disk (HDD) on a SSD laptop drive (without reinstalling Windows) -

Little RAM (memory is occupied)

On the modern laptop (In my opinion) there must be at least 8 GB (and better more) memory. In some cases, even these 8 GB do not allow to get away from the brakes and lags due to lack of memory. By the way, in some windows cases It will pour mistakes that the memory is not enough.

How to find out how much memory is used at the moment:

  1. open Task Manager (Button Combination Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC);
  2. then open the tab "Performance" and see the use of memory.

In general, what can be advised in cases where the memory is not enough:

  1. close unused applications (By the way, not all applications are discharged from memory when you close them);
  2. do not open a lot of tabs in the browser;
  3. disable unnecessary services;
  4. configure file paging;
  5. buy an additional memory bar (in many laptops there is a place under the second bar).

If you do not know how to fulfill the above, I recommend to familiarize yourself with the pair of my articles on these topics.

👉 To help!

1) How to increase the RAM on the laptop (we put the second RAM bar) -

2) How to Clean RAM (if there is not enough memory) -

Viruses, advertising software

Where so without them?

Here I will not be original, I will only say that due to the viral and malicious software, the laptop can start wondering how much it is nowhere!

Nevertheless, if we talk seriously, then much more performance damage has advertising (rather than classic viruses). It is embedded in your browser and begins to open various tabs, sites, show you promotional materials and download them to a hard disk. Moreover, sometimes because of this flashing advertising, the computer simply freezes ...

👉 To help!

1) How to remove the virus from the browser - for 5 steps! -

2) How to remove viruses from a computer if the antivirus does not see them -

If the laptop slows down when download windowsor immediately after it (for example, it turns on for a long time)Most likely the case is in the programs that have been added to the OS autoload.

One of the most sick themes - when the UTorrent is rebooting, begins to check the hash in a number of torrents (In this case, the brakes can last long enough) ...

How to view startup in windows

Power supply (low speed)

For a number of laptops, manufacturers are developed by a special software that optimizes the operation of the device, with the goal of longer work from rechargeable battery (for example, Sony, Lenovo et al.).

There is nothing wrong with that, but such a longer battery work has its own minus - more low productivity Devices, and, therefore, the possible appearance of brakes in various applications.

To check whether such saving mode is not included - open at the following address: Control Panel \\ Equipment and Sound \\ Power .

Then look at the selected power scheme. To eliminate lags and brakes (Yes, and to establish the cause, diagnosis)I recommend choosing mode high performance (In the future, adjust it "for yourself").

Also pay attention to three (Next to the clock) - most often exactly there are icons for opening specials. Utilities manufacturer of your laptop. As an example below, the utility is shown. found in lenovo laptops (It allows you to set up a laptop work in detail from the network and from the battery).

Specialist. Utility for power consumption mode

Energy Management: Balanced, from the network (max. Battery resource)

Processes and services (part can be turned off for optimization purposes)

Well, the last thing I would like to pay attention is processes and services in your Windows OS. Some of them can be disabled without harm and get a small "bonus" in performance (True, I want to immediately notice that we should not expect a greater increase from it, however, I do not advise you on old laptops!).

About what services can be turned off and how it is done, I talked in the article. I recommend to get acquainted (link below).

👉 To help!

What kind windows services 10 can be turned off to speed it up -

If there are additions on the topic - Leave a comment, thank you in advance!

Why brakes and constantly hangs mSI laptop - The question in which any owner is asked sooner or later. computer equipment. As a rule, with time, any technique begins to behave in a similar way if you do not follow it. The operating system begins to work slower, there are different kind of hanging and brakes. The masters in our service center will quickly diagnose your device, reveal the reasons why your MSI laptop hangs or brakes, and take measures to ensure that this no longer happened.

Perhaps you will need services

Why does MSI laptop hangs?

  1. If speak about software failures, it is likely that during operation with time in your operating system And its registry accumulated garbage, and some applications, the existence of which in their laptop you may not even know, began to consume more memory. Thus, Windows or Linux is experiencing a constant shortage of resources. Also, you may have viruses and malware. The specialists of our MSI service center will in this case will hold prevention, write all the garbage, delete unnecessary applications and viruses. And also will optimize the system. After that, she will inhale full of breasts, and problems with brakes on MSI will no longer disturb.
  2. The second possible option is a hardware problem when due to overheating or mechanical impact From the outside, the internal components of the laptop are damaged or disappeared. In this case, it is difficult to say exactly where the breakdown is difficult. There is a disassembly of technique and thorough diagnosis with special devices. We would not recommend doing it with our own hands, because You can lose the factory warranty, or aggravate the problem by adding a few more new.

What to do?

You can only fix only software fault types, but not the fact that you will find all the problematic places in a huge and complex system. And hardware is better not even attempting to correct. Bring your equipment to us in service center MSIOur engineers will check the laptop, find out the type of malfunction and repair. And at the end you will get official warranty up to 12 months. If you can't come to our workshop, you can call the wizard or courier to the house or office, which will work on the spot or take the device in the workshop. After that you will forever forget what constant brakes and hang on the MSI laptop.

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To understand why the computer slows down and how to fix this problem, you need to check all possible options The exclusion method is one after another. To facilitate this task, the following is a list of the main reasons why the computer or laptop slows down and how it can be accelerated.

Lack of RAM

The first and most banal reason - you have too little RAM (RAM). The problem here is that programs are constantly updated and every year "eat" more and more resources.

If a previously windows XP and OPERA 12 required a conditionally 200 MB of RAM, now for windows 10 and Google Chrome. The latest version requires about 2 GB of RAM. And this is exactly half (on many laptops installed 4 GB). Add photoshop here text editor Word, Music Player - Immediately understand why the laptop or computer slows down, freezes and slowly works.

To understand whether the reason is really in RAM or not, run the task manager by pressing Ctrl + SHIFT + DEL. Then open the "Speed" tab and see how much RAM is occupied at the moment when the PC slows down.

In the screenshot, it is clear that Windows 7 "eats" 2.2 GB of RAM. But there are 8 GB installed here, so there are no problems in this particular case.

What if the computer is very tupit because of the RAM? There are several options here:

Weak processor

Another reason is too weak processor. In essence, this problem crosses closely with the previous one. If you enable multiple programs simultaneously - the processor may not cope with such a load.

To check this, run the task manager and open the "Speed" tab. Here is the percentage of processor workload.

If it is too high, you have two options. First - buy new processor. And the second is to try to reduce the number of simultaneously included programs to a minimum.

Viruses and Malware

If the computer or laptop began to slow down with anyone with this - the likelihood you caught the virus. Unfortunately, today to catch infection on the Internet is easier than simple. But find it and delete is already a problem.

There are a lot of viruses today. There are miners who download Windows 100%, as a result of which the PC or laptop slows down very much. So much that it is impossible to work at all - the mouse reacts to pressing after 30-60 seconds.

To check whether a laptop or computer really began to play due to viruses, you need to check the antivirus and utility to remove malicious programs.

Computer slows down due to hard disk

If a PC or laptop works slowly and tupits, although it used to be fine, then perhaps the problem is in the hard disk.

There may be several reasons here:

Overheating of components

Another popular reason why the computer is tupit - overheating of the components. This is especially true of laptops. If the laptop began to slow down after a certain time (and immediately, it worked normally when turned on), then surely the problem in overheating.

You need to constantly monitor this, because due to the high temperature there are not only the brakes - sooner or later it can burn something or fail.

Small swap file

This problem is directly related to the lack of RAM. After all, the paging file is a virtual memory that is activated if not enough standard. This problem is often observed in gamers.

Due to the insufficient volume of the paging file, the computer starts lagging. And not immediately, but after a while. As a result, even on powerful computer Lags CS Go, Warface, tanks and other not very demanding games.

This, of course, not the only reasonon which may occur this problemBut try still worth it. Fully correct this problem is easy.

Too many garbage files

Another reason, because of which the computer began to shy, lies right on the surface. The problem here in a large number of "garbage": temporary files, old entries in the registry, accumulated cache in the browser, etc.

Fix it is very simple:

  • delete programs that are not used for a long time;
  • put in order the desktop (delete everything that is not needed);
  • clean the basket (it also takes place);
  • remove the browser cache.
  • clean the registry and temporary files.

Many programs in autoload

If the computer slows down at startup, then the reason is obvious here - you have added too many programs in the startup. After all, they all need time to boot. In the meantime, they will turn on, it can pass for 5 minutes. It is because of this that the computer loads for a long time and slows down.

In the future, they can also interfere with you. You will run a browser or toy, and all programs from autoload will remain on! Do not be surprised that with such a situation, even on a productive computer, games or programs are braking.

In general, if you have a hardware stupid, clean the startup. This will help speed up Windows and relieve brakes.

Computer slows down due to browser

Very often it happens that the browser brakes the computer. Yes, he eats a lot. And if only 2 or 4 GB of RAM is installed - this is a problem. Here even one browser is able to fully load your PC.

Also, the computer can be bugged due to the fact that you have:

  • installed old version browser;
  • there are too many tabs;
  • launched video in Full HD quality.

Correct this problem in several ways:

  1. Install last version browser.
  2. Try to close all unnecessary tabs - it will reduce the load.
  3. Check the browser for viruses and delete them (if any).

Problems with driver

To start, check if you installed drivers at all. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager and Look, Are Yellow Exclamation Icons there. Their presence talks about the problems with the drivers and the need to reinstall them.

Too much dust

How long have you been cleaned by a systemaker or a laptop from dust? But from this he can warm. Dust disrupts normal air circulation, and then you break the head, why the laptop slows down and what to do.

This procedure must be performed at least once a year. And if you do not know how to contact the service center, this service is not so expensive.

Lag games on computer

There can be a lot of reasons here. After all, in addition to standard windows optimization, it is necessary that you have powerful laptopwho would suit the recommended system requirements. But if Dota 2, Warface or CS GO lags, then this is a problem. It can be corrected by changing the settings in the game, the parameters of the video card, etc.

Visual effects

If you have an old laptop or PC, then it can brake due to visual effects or large number gadgets. What do you need more: a beautiful desktop or the ability to work normally at the computer? In the latter case, you can set a simpler topic by turning off unnecessary effects.

Instead of conclusions

Now you know why the laptop slows down and how to speed up his work. These tips are universal and suitable for all PCs and laptops running on Windows. Therefore, if the computer or laptop is tupit and slowly works, try speeding up its work in the ways described above.