Laptop charger from 12 volts. Modern laptop car charger

It is difficult for a modern person to do without a computer. Today people do not part with electronics even in the bathroom. What can we say about long-distance travel, in which it is necessary to look at the weather forecast, a road map on a laptop and, out of habit, be in touch in social networks... It's bad that the laptop battery is not enough for more than an hour, but you cannot directly plug it into the car's cigarette lighter socket. To power a laptop or netbook, a voltage of 19 V is required, at a current of 4-5 A.

We'll have to assemble a step-up converter from 12 to 19 volts. Since the maximum load current reaches 5 A, a low-power voltage multiplier is indispensable. Exactly powerful inductive-pulse converter 12/19 V , for example, assembled according to the diagram below, is needed to power a laptop.

Adapter details

The heart of the converter is microcircuit KR1006VI1 ... The switching frequency of 40 kHz of this RS register is set by the capacitor C3. The circuit has protection against lowering the input voltage. Since if it falls below 9 V, then the choke, trying to maintain the set voltage at the output, will work at the limit, while an emergency high current will flow through the power switch VT2.

There is also protection against overvoltage at the output over 25 V. An abnormal increase in voltage can be observed with a line break feedback in the diagram. Which is not dangerous for a laptop, but catastrophic for a converter.

Throttle L 1 with an inductance of 25 μH, you need to wind it yourself on a toroidal magnetic circuit of TN27 / 15/11 standard size. Such a reel, as in the photo, covered with a yellow plastic sheath, is available in any computer power supply.

You need to wind only 9 turns of 25 μH, when using the specified coil with a diameter of 27 mm. For winding, a PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 1 mm is ideal. It should be evenly distributed over the entire magnetic circuit.

To rectify the pulse output voltage, you need Schottky diode VD 2 and electrolytic capacitor C5 with a capacity of 100-220 μF. Out of the faulty computer unit power supply, you can borrow an assembly of two Schottky diodes of the MBR4045PT type, in which they are connected in parallel. This is a very powerful assembly, rated for currents up to 40 A at low voltages up to 45 V, so the Schottky diodes will never heat up during operation of the laptop converter.

The output switch of the converter requires a powerful field transistor VT 2 , such as in the circuit or you can remove the T60N02R from the motherboard.

All other parts of the laptop adapter can also be replaced with domestic or imported counterparts.

Converter setup

To carry out the test, a string of resistors should be connected to the output of the converter, collected in total for a resistance of 5 ohms and a power of at least 50 W. Now you can check if the circuit is holding the voltage within 17-20 V at a load current of 4-5 A.

After this setup, it will be possible to connect most LCD monitors powered by 19 volts via the adapter. In case of organizing a cinema in the car.

Assembling the device

The finished device for the car is conveniently located in the case from a faulty computer power supply. Most of the elements are placed on its circuit board. Since the source of the field-effect transistor VT2 is also its case, it should be insulated with a mica or synthetic film when installed on a radiator.

At full load, the transistor on the heatsink becomes warm. Cooling can be increased by using the fan in the computer unit. Such a cooler is connected from the factory through a thermistor installed close to the radiator. The resistance of the thermistor at room temperature is about 400 ohms, with increasing temperature it decreases, and the fan starts to rotate faster.

It remains only to connect the cigarette lighter plug to connect to the vehicle's on-board network.

The scheme is also available at // and on the author's website //

Car throttle-free PSU on IRS2153 for laptops and mobile phones External USB connector in the car radio We connect the mobile phone to the radio tape recorder DIY USB socket in the car

Modern China offers us a huge number of useful computer accessories, including numerous varieties of all kinds of chargers. Once I bought myself a charger for laptops from the on-board network of a car, the so-called "cigarette lighter charger".

The manufacturer promised good charging parameters, including a high maximum current at the charger output - about 5 Amperes. But the very first test showed that charging does not pull even by half, the maximum current instead of the declared 5 is only 3.8 Amperes, and then at long work there is a danger of burning the circuit for such a load.

Of course, I took charging purely for the sake of interest, but I prefer to assemble a charger of such a plan from scratch, especially since there are practically no costs. In general, the Chinese charging scheme is not bad, but the Chinese save on components, hence the low quality of the device.

It was Saturday evening, I decided to start assembling the charging, but I made the board for surface mounting, and not as usual, so the whole structure is slightly larger than a matchbox. The circuit is built on the basis of a 555 timer, which controls a powerful field-effect transistor IRFZ44, a choke, a diode - everything is as expected.

The circuit does not have a transformer, the conversion takes place due to the self-induction of the choke, the high-frequency pulsations are rectified, smoothed by a capacitor. An important point- stabilization of the output voltage, which is present in our circuit. The output voltage is set by a zener diode, it is desirable to take it at 1 or 1.2 watts.

The field-effect transistor is not critical, it is selected based on the operating voltage and current, of course, an N-channel one is needed. The dual diode at the output was taken from a computer power supply, in a TO 220 case, but it is not critical either, although it is advisable to install Schottky diodes with a current of 10 and higher amperes. The field device and the diode need cooling, it is convenient to use an aluminum case for the device, which will simultaneously play the role of a radiator.

All other components are small things and lie under the feet of any radio amateur.

The choke is wound with a millimeter wire (ideally 1.2-1.5mm), the number of turns is 20-25. The ring can be taken from the output filter of a computer power supply - any. Such rings have a characteristic yellow-white or white-green color. In my version, the ring was removed from a non-working Chinese DC-DC converter module.

In addition, a few more words about voltage stabilization. The output voltage depends on a particular laptop, this parameter can be viewed on the native adapter. For many laptops, this is 18 Volts or 19 Volts - pay attention to this point.

In the end, what do we have? The step-up DC-DC converter 12-19Volts, works stably with significantly serious input voltage fluctuations, provides a maximum output current of up to 5 Amperes (depending on the diode, field controller and choke) and will always help out in difficult times. Significantly better than unnamed Chinese chargers.

The efficiency of the circuit is 85-87% due to the pulse circuit, heating at currents of 1-2 Amperes is almost invisible.

At one time, more than a dozen such schemes were made, for commercial purposes, once they were in great demand, before the Chinese did not offer low-quality analogues for a penny, but I am sure that many motorists will be interested in this topic.

And I also want to note one point, if you need to meet or escort someone to the Domodedovo airport, then you need to immediately think about the parking space of the car parking near the Domodedovo airport, they will come to your aid, call and make an agreement.

The number of users of electronic gadgets is increasing every year. V modern world it is quite rare to find a person who does not have at least one electronic device... Most often, the user has much more of such gadgets. But since all these devices are powered by rechargeable batteries, which allows the user to work on it almost anywhere, often charging is enough for a short time. How is this problem solved?

Solving the problem for motorists

A person buys a laptop or other gadget in order to have the freedom to move around the city, while simultaneously doing this or that work. Quite often you have to travel by car. Having a special device, you can recharge your gadget at any time. And although car charger laptop is not included in the accessories sold with the vehicle, however it is readily available.

Thus, with the help of the charger, the laptop user can freely perform the necessary work anywhere in the city by connecting his gadget to the vehicle's on-board network.

Types of existing chargers

Of course, the easiest way is to buy such a device. Now there are a lot of different copies of chargers, so choosing the right model is not so easy. What laptop car charger do you need? They can be divided into two categories.

  1. The first category includes devices, the principle of which is based on the stabilization of the vehicle's on-board voltage. The maximum voltage at the output of such an adapter does not exceed the power of the vehicle's network.
  2. The second category includes a universal car charger for a laptop, the output voltage of which is 220 volts. At the heart of the functioning of this charging is a converter that produces an output AC voltage the same as in the home network.

Each of these types of charging has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Making a charger with your own hands

But sometimes there are times when an ordinary charger is not enough. Since some laptops consume a lot of electricity, the output voltage of such a device should be at least 18-19 volts. In this case, the voltage of the on-board network is not enough for the normal functioning of the laptop. Therefore, some ask this question: "How to make a car charger for a laptop?". Usually the problem is solved with a voltage converter. A device is being assembled that converts the constant voltage of the on-board network into an alternating voltage with an indicator of 220 volts. The laptop is connected to the product in the same way as to an electrical outlet in an apartment. A diagram of such a device is shown in the figure.

Assembling a homemade charger begins with the selection of radio components shown in the diagram.

  • The main part that determines the quality of the converter's work is the high-frequency transformer. It is with him that the selection of radio components begins.
  • Then you should pay attention to the diodes, the reverse voltage of which at the junction should not exceed 100 volts.
  • The key element of the circuit is the thyristor.
  • Then a high current transfer transistor is selected.
  • Finally, the resistors must be purchased exactly at their rating and power, otherwise the converter will not start.

After all the parts are purchased, you can start installing the charging. But it is important to remember that such a do-it-yourself car charger for a laptop will require not only a complete set of radio installation tools, but also a certain experience in the installation and adjustment of radio devices. Before using such a charger, you need to check all its parameters using measuring instruments, and only after that you can connect it to a laptop. The assembly may result in a product similar to the one shown in the photograph.

Industrial AC Inverters

Creativity is a huge pleasure for the designer, but still, an industrial-made car laptop charger will be much more reliable than a DIY device. Also, make a quality inverter alternating current at home is very problematic. Such devices require elements made with a high degree of precision. Therefore, any error in manufacturing can lead to the loss of the gadget's performance.


Among other things, a car charger for a laptop can be manufactured not only at different enterprises, but also in different countries... Usually, in the standard set of a laptop, such an accessory as a car charger is not supplied - the driver buys it additionally. If you pay attention to the price range of car chargers, then the cost of models may differ several times. Of course, there will always be a desire to save money on such an accessory, but it is important to remember that cheap device can damage your laptop. Usually small manufacturers from China produce the cheapest chargers on the computer market.

The process of charging a laptop without using a charger is a rather difficult, but quite doable task. In this article, we will tell you in as much detail as possible about the ways to implement the means of recharging a laptop, if there is no native and, importantly, a serviceable power adapter.

Due to the fact that charging a laptop without a power adapter requires direct intervention in the operation laptop, it is important to make a note regarding the automatic solution of problems with turning on the device without using a battery and a charger. Thus, after carefully studying the instructions, you can not only replenish the battery energy, but also make the laptop work without a built-in power source at all.

Among other things, you should understand some additional aspects related to possible computer malfunctions and directly related to the cause of the need for this kind of charging. Going deeper into the essence of what has been said, before following the recommendations from the instructions, be sure to make sure that the laptop is in good working order.

Be extremely careful when performing any actions that were not originally provided by the manufacturer! In general, even after strict implementation of the recommendations, we cannot guarantee that the device will be charged to the normal level. Moreover, complications may well occur, for example, in the form of a short circuit and burnout of the internal components of the laptop's power supply.

Method 1: Charge the battery without a laptop

This method of charging a laptop is to disconnect the battery itself from the laptop and, by using some tools, replenish the energy supply. In this case, you may still need a laptop power adapter, which, however, it is quite possible to replace it with any other that meets the requirements technical specification.

Please note that within the limits provided by us detailed instructions using this method, we also considered the possibility of replacing the battery with a new component. Based on the topic of this article, these notes may well turn out to be useful, since by replacing the old discharged battery with a charged new one, it is possible to restore the laptop to its full functionality.

Method 2: using a direct connection

By analogy with the first method, this method is extremely radical and is intended for users who, at a minimum, have experience with certain electrical appliances. Despite this, of course, even a beginner can cope with the required tasks, but if you have the slightest doubt, it is better to go directly to the next section of the article.

The laptop can become unusable from improper actions and violations of safety rules.

Moving on to the essence of the direct connection method, it is important to make a reservation on the small number of existing methods... As a result, whichever of the charging options you choose, you face certain requirements, in general, equivalent to buying a new charger.

Having decided on the priorities, you will need to prepare in advance a couple of small wires with soft copper conductors and any sufficiently powerful external power supply, the voltage from which, at least, should be equivalent to a standard adapter. Please note right away that if there is a lack of voltage, the charge will still flow to the battery, but not completely.

The lack of voltage of the used power supply is likely to manifest itself in a significant drop in the performance of the laptop.

To avoid problems, work with the laptop turned off and the power adapter unplugged. It is also advisable to remove the battery until the power transmission channel to the laptop is established.

  • Centre - «+» ;
  • edge - «-» .

The neutral line usually goes through the negative terminal.

  • For reliability, use a plastic tube or wind the positive pole yourself.
  • One way or another, your goal is to fix the wire on the middle segment of the charging socket by any means.
  • With the negative pole, you need to do the same, but in this case the wire should only come into contact with the side metal frame.
  • Additionally, make sure that the contacts do not cross each other, for example, by using a multimeter.
  • Having finished connecting the wiring, you can tackle the power supply depending on its value.

    In addition to what has been described, you can do a little differently.

    When the adapter you have chosen is slightly more powerful than the original one, you should take special care to prevent overheating of the laptop components and the battery itself.

    On this, in fact, you can finish with the method, since after following the recommendations, all that remains is to install the battery and wait for it to be fully loaded.

    Method 3: using USB ports

    As you know, today is enough a large number of capabilities are provided by standard USB ports found on literally any laptop. Among such additional opportunities can rightfully be attributed to charging the battery without using the original charger.

    It should be noted that although special cables can be purchased without any problems at any electronics store, they still have certain requirements for the device being charged. This directly concerns the availability of a modern laptop computer USB port 3.1, capable of transmitting the required impulses.

    You can find out about the presence of such an input by reading the technical specification from the computer, which describes all the available ports. Usually the required socket is named USB 3.1 (Type-C).

    So, how to charge your laptop without USB charging:

    Of course, thanks to this approach to replenishing energy in batteries, you can use all the capabilities of laptops without any visible restrictions.

    Method 4: using an external battery

    This method, unlike others, allows you to charge your laptop not only at home, but also in any other place. What's more, you still don't need a standard laptop charge.

    Please note that the external battery, called the Power Bank, is designed to recharge not only laptops, but also other portable gadgets. Depending on the type of battery you purchased, you can charge multiple devices at once.

    The devices shown in the screenshots within the framework of the article are not recommended - the choice depends only on you.

    Using this approach, especially if you have multiple drives, you can increase the standard laptop battery life to the level of a standard power adapter.

    Method 5: using an auto-inverter

    Many car owners and at the same time laptop users have faced the problem of lack of standard battery power when active use computer on the go. In this case perfect solution Difficulty is a special automotive converter that converts the base voltage of the vehicle.

    It is worth making a reservation here that you can use such a device both with a standard power adapter, and in its absence. However, given that in your case there is most likely no charger at all, an additional USB adapter will be required.

    In addition to the above, it is quite possible to purchase a car power adapter for your laptop and charge your computer with it through the cigarette lighter. However, such power supplies are usually supported by a limited number of laptop models.

    This method, as you can see, is rather additional and is suitable as a solution in isolated cases.

    Method 6: using an electric generator

    In modern realities, many users resort to using gadgets such as solar panels or any other portable generators in order to charge their personal devices. Such an attitude towards such types of recharging is quite justified, since the battery is often replenished quite quickly.

    The main negative feature of such gadgets is their dependence on certain weather phenomena, which makes it somewhat difficult to use at home.

    1. The first thing to do is to purchase the device you need from an electronics store.
    2. In our case, this is a solar battery, due to the maximum compactness.

    3. Do not forget to check with consultants the power of the gadget, touching on the topic of recharging a laptop.
    4. With the device with you, use the appropriate adapter to connect the power generator to the laptop's charging socket.
    5. Usually the required set of adapters is supplied with the gadget.
    6. Once connected, make sure the source works without any problem.
    7. For some amount of time after the start, the energy will gradually transfer to the base battery of the laptop.

    Such generators are able to maintain voltage in themselves, being a kind of Power Bank. That is, for example, you can leave a solar battery in the open air and soon it will be able to power all your devices.

    The storage capacity depends on the generator model.

    This completes the instructions.

    Regardless of the method you choose to charge the battery, you will be able to replenish the battery's energy reserve. And although all methods are quite equivalent, in the absence of the necessary details and knowledge, it will be much more profitable to get a new power adapter.