What can be measured by a multimeter in the car. How to use a multimeter: Step-by-step instructions

Any homemade master who owns at least basic knowledge in the field of electrical engineering should know how to use a multimeter (tester). Despite the fact that the modern device has a lot of functions, opportunities and measurement limits, it is quite simple. The main thing is to learn how to connect the measuring probes to correctly, understand the meaning of all characters deposited on the front panel and be able to work with various ranges and modes depending on the situation. To understand the details of this issue, we offer to take advantage of the following instructions for the use of testers in practice. As an example, we will consider in this article a digital device with which in comparison with the arrow multimeter will work much easier. If you have not yet purchased the device, be sure to check out our.

What is important to know about the tester device

Before starting any electrical measurements, it is worth dealing with what is the device itself and what is its functions. All information is applied to the front panel. On how to use the multimeter of the selected model, you can find out based on the following generally accepted designations:

  • ON / OFF - the instrument on / off button (it may be missing on separate testers, the turning on the device will be turned on with a rotation of the range switch);
  • DCA (or A-) - permanent current;
  • ADCA - alternating current;
  • ACV (V ~) / DCV (V-) - variable / constant voltage;
  • Ω - resistance.

To read the readings, you need to use a swivel switch that allows you to install various modes Multimeter works, select the measurement range.

One of the important points in mastering the question of how to use a digital multimeter is the correct connection of measuring probes to the appropriate connectors. This will depend on the correctness of the measurements performed. In order not to make a mistake, there are simple rules:

COM - black size on the left, universal connector in the center, a connector for measuring high currents - right

  1. som connector - common, it is used to connect a negative measuring wire of black color;
  2. to connect a red positive probe, one of the sockets for measuring the voltage (V), resistance (ω), current (MA, A) can be taken into account, which is usually current two (for working with low-current chains and with current up to 10/20 A, depending on the tester model).

But it is also necessary to take into account that when performing measurements of voltage or current, the measuring probes are set to change the polarity of the data obtained, which will reflect on the display of the sign "-". Digital values \u200b\u200bwill be correct. These digital devices differ from the analog. In the last arrow, most often goes beyond the range, and in some cases Such work can damage the device.

Instructions, how to use a multimeter for teapots

The main purpose of any tester is the measurement of electrical values. The device connected to the circuit when measuring the current is connected to the chain rupture (sequentially), and in order to use the tester as a voltmeter, it turns on in the diagram in parallel.

Using a digital multimeter to measure voltage

The method of measuring constant voltage is quite simple.

  1. We choose using a rotary switch of the genus the measured value and the measurement limit.
  2. Setting the limit can be performed after the user is determined with what is the approximate value of the voltage being measured. The tip can be marked on nutrition elements or details electrical schemes. The limit should always be larger than the measured value in order to prevent overload of the elements of the device and the failure of the device.
  3. In accordance with the instruction manual, measuring probes must be connected to terminals / conclusions (black to "minus", red to the "plus").
  4. We obtain the constant voltage value on the tester display.

we measure the voltage of the electrical network

Another way to determine the measurement limit is to initially install the plug-in to the maximum limit of measurements. Then, removing the readings to improve the accuracy of the data obtained, you can reduce the limit to the nearest greater value by comparing it with the measured readings. Fundamental differences in how to take data on constant and alternating voltage, no. The difference is only to switch the tester to the desired mode. Next works the above algorithm.

Practical example of using voltage measurement function

One of the most frequent operations under which the voltage must be measured is to check the status of batteries. Moreover, it can be both ordinary finger and car. In any case, the home master will not be superfluous to know how to use the multimeter in such a situation. If we are talking about finger batteries, measurements are performed as follows: The switch is set to the desired DC voltage limit. The resulting value must match the nominal. The deviation of ± 10% of the nominal is considered the norm.

How to measure current

Before using the tester (or multimeter) to measure the current strength, you need to decide whether the device with variable or direct current works. In addition, you need to know the approximate value that will be obtained as a result. This will make it possible to choose the MA or 10/20 A. socket used to work to work even if you do not even imagine about what current get in the end, it is easy to solve the task. It is enough to begin to set the maximum limit, and then, focusing on the data obtained, if necessary, re-measure the value by rearring the measuring probe and the switch to a smaller range.

Circuit circuits multimeter

Circuits - one of the main modes, which is often used in the household use of multimeters to determine cliffs or short circuits in the chain. It is enough just to set the desired mode on the tester, turn off the power (including such a low-power, like batteries), discharge the capacitors, set the measuring probes and connect them to the desired points of the electrical circuit.

For the convenience of the user in the absence of cliffs in most models, a buzzer is provided, the signal of which makes it easy to navigate in the results. In addition, the display of the resistance or "0" will be displayed in this case. No sound or display on the "1" screen will mean a breakdown in the circuit under study. You can learn more about the transversion of wires, switches and other devices in more detail.

Measuring resistance

A huge "plus" of the resistance measurement operation itself will be the fact that when measuring it, using a multimeter, spoil the device or part in the repaired hardware is almost impossible. To perform the operation correctly, you need:

  1. install the swivel switch to the Ω sector
  2. disable power, remove batteries, battery,
  3. select the most suitable measurement limit,
  4. connect to the outputs of the measured chain element,
  5. remove the testimony.

The whole procedure is standard enough. The only important difference is that after the measurements on the display, you can see "over", "1" or "ol". This means that overloaded and measurements must be repeated, switched the device for a larger range. Also on the display can be removed "0", which means the need to reduce the limits. For successful use of measuring the resistance of the knowledge of these simple rules It will be quite enough.

Capacity measurement

In radio amateurs and electricians engaged in repair household appliances, often the need for measuring capacitors capacity. No less relevant this question for the owners of machines, which are periodically required when connecting a three-phase motor into a single-phase network to select capacitors to optimize the motor operation. These operations are performed by analogy with measurement of resistance.

An important difference consists not only in the position of the switch, which must be installed in the appropriate mode and range, but also the mandatory preliminary discharge of capacitors. Otherwise, at least incorrect readings will be obtained (when working with elements of low capacity), as a maximum, the device will fail. As a rule, for operation in the measurement mode, manufacturers are provided in the multimeter of individual sockets.

Detailed video instructions

In the first part of the video, you will find general information about how to use a multimeter and learn how to measure constant and alternating voltage.

After reviewing the second part, you will learn how to measure resistance, ring chains, check diodes, use the built-in generator, as well as measure the amount of electric current.

Safety when working with a multimeter

There are several potentially dangerous situations in which the usual carelessness of the user can lead to a breakdown of the device and the failure of the equipment being checked.

  1. If it is necessary to measure the voltage, while the probes are set correctly, and the switch is in any other position except the voltage (on the resistance, current).
  2. If you need to measure the current, the measuring probe is installed in the slot for measuring the low-current circuits, and the switch will be set to the measurement of high current.
  3. When measuring or measuring resistance in the equipment, you need to remove all batteries installed in it, as the work in this mode will display the device.
  4. When operating in the mode of transversals, if there is a charged container (capacitors) in the circuit, it is necessary to discharge them into short. When the circuits with the elements of a large container, the discharge can be performed through the incandescent lamp. Ignoring this rule can lead to the fact that the multimeter is burning.

All listed situations lead not only to material losses, but also increased danger to a person working with a tester. If you use the multimeter incorrect, work with electricity can lead to a random touch to the current-generating parts that are under high voltage, and this is already dangerous for life. In the rest, it is enough to comply with simple rules and laws of electrical engineering to easily master the work with a multimeter in all its modes and successfully carry out the necessary measurements without referring to those skilled in the art.

The multimeter is designed to verify the parameters of electrical networks and electronic components. An inexperienced person to control this device will seem complex. But in fact, it is enough to understand the principle of removal of readings and setting the settings. After that, it will seem that without it can not even change the outlet, and this is true.

What is this device, and what functions can it perform? At the first stage of familiarization with the work of the multimeter, it is necessary to deal with its settings and capabilities. Almost all models of the designation are laminated and are abbreviations or abbreviations from English terms.

Now, knowing the "language" of the device can be processed to the study of its capabilities. The name of the multimeter (or multitester) means a wide range of measurements of various electrical quantities:

  • Permanent and alternating voltage and current.
  • Resistance value.
  • Capacity. This feature is found mostly only in professional devices.

For household needs, you can purchase a standard digital multimeter with an optimal set of functions. As domestic manufacturers Practically do not produce devices of this class - the choice stops on foreign digital multimeters.

The operating panel of the device is divided into two conditional sectors - the LCD display and the settings block. The latter most often is a circular switch with marking around it. It, in turn, is divided according to the measured values \u200b\u200bwith the maximum value of the measurement boundaries.

Measurements are performed using probes that are installed in special jacks on the instrument.

Before testing, the batteries and efficiency of the instrument are checked. Rotating the switch to any position except "OFF", zeros should be displayed on the indicator. Now you can start measuring the values \u200b\u200bof interest.

First, the upper limit level is set. For example, for a constant voltage, it can be from 200 mV to 1000 V. If at least the order of value is known - the upper limitation nearest to it is set. Otherwise it is recommended to install maximum value And reduce it while the process of measurements on the indicator will not appear figures other than zero. If not to follow this technique, the probability of the failure of the device will appear.


Almost all household appliances and nutrition elements operate from constant voltage. This is the most frequently measured value. The first experience of removing the testimony will be started with it.

Install the probe in accordance with the color markup. If this is not observed, find the "+" or "-" designation. After that, the maximum value of constant voltage force is set. In our case, this is 1000 V. Next contacts of the probe touches the corresponding poles of the tested element. In this case, you can not be afraid of erroneous polarity - the value on the screen will change only your sign.

Having lowering the boundary limit to switching the handle, stop in the case when stable readings appear on the display.

AC voltage is measured by the same principle. The exception is the absence of polarity.


When measuring DC, you should think in advance how the multimeter will be connected to the test chain. This task is considered individually for each case. If there is no experience of compiling such schemes - it is best to first study the theory. Otherwise, the likelihood of a multimeter breakdown is great.

Another important moment - Location of probe in nests. If the desired current parameter is guaranteed less than 200 mA, their location remains standard. But when testimony above 200 mA and up to 10a, one of the probe is installed in a special connector.

Below are the same simple examples Measurement of current for strength of various sizes.


Measurement of the resistance value can be useful not only to verify the parameters of the power grid. This function will be useful when installing electric heating floor or any other heating systems operating on electricity.

The measurement principle is completely similar to the stages of finding the validity of constant voltage. You must translate the toggle switch to the desired sector.

Professional electricians and electronics in addition to these basic reprovation types know many other parameters that directly or indirectly can be found using a multimeter. But for the domestic needs of the information described above, it will be enough, and soon the use of a multimeter will be as familiar as.

Hello everyone! I think many motorists and simply electricians will agree that the presence of a multimeter helps a lot in everyday life. It can come in handy in everyday life and when servicing or repairing a vehicle. Therefore, let's talk a little about how to use a multimeter and do it right.

You can call the device with a tester, multimeter (MTM) or Castle. Although the tester and MTM is not exactly the same. But I propose not to focus on the symbols, but simply talk to the current topic.

With the help of such devices, you can check the voltage parameters, the operation of the electrical equipment, to make the current measurements and resistance. In general, MTM are multifunctional devices, and should be in the car of each driver.

Acquaintance with the device

To begin with, I propose to talk about the Multimeters yourself as electronic devices. Next will be presented detailed instructions For beginners or, as is customary to talk, for dummies.

Let's look at the front panel of the device measurement in the machine and at home. Usually, several values \u200b\u200bare specified on the front part. Namely:

  • OFF. Everything is clear here. The device is in the off state;
  • ACV. Such a designation indicates an alternating voltage;
  • Icon Ω means resistance here;
  • DCA is a constant current;
  • Completes all DCV or constant voltage;
  • 3 connectors with relevant pointers;
  • Directly the dial itself or electronic scoreboard.

As for 3 connectors. The probes are connected through them. The set with the ticks goes complete to MTM, therefore everything should be clear.

There is one note as to how and when connecting certain probes to the test. There is a black wire that always always goes to the nest, which is indicated by the COM symbols.

But with the red situation more complicated. It all depends on exactly which measurements with their digital multimeter you are going to spend. When stress measurements are made in the power grid, resistance or strength of the current with a par value of up to 200 mA, then you only need an VMA output. If the value exceeds 200 mA, then connect the red dipstick to 10 ADC.

I think they figured out. If you do everything on the contrary, you will not be able to use the tester for a long time. The reason for this will be the burned fuse. As in the case of In the car, fusible elements also apply here.

Analog MTM

Most motorists and electricians prefer digital multimeters. it modern devices With wide functionality.

But there are obsolete devices on the market. They are called analog or arrogant. To whom it is more convenient. But their characteristics and efficacy are significantly inferior to digital solutions. Use the shooting tester not the best wayBecause the scale is more error.

And in general, it is not particularly convenient to use similar devices. It is better to immediately go to digital good quality devices.

To such, I would take the following models:

  • DT830;
  • DT832;
  • DT838;
  • Resanta DT 181;
  • Resanta DT 182;
  • DT9205A;
  • Ermak;
  • Mastech, etc.

Although I will not hide that some continue to enjoy digital testers. Probably they have long been in Or just an automotive does not want to spend money on the digital apparatus, because it is completely satisfied with its shooter multimeter.

Instructions for use

Now I will tell you about how to use the digital type multimeter with your own hands to make different parameter measurements.

In our material the measurement will be considered:

  • voltage;
  • current strength;
  • resistance;
  • transversals.

So that everything is more clear, we will tell each procedure separately. If you have something to supplement this instruction, be sure to write in the comments.


Measure the voltage is not independently difficult. But the detailed instructions for such a case will definitely not hurt.

The sequence of your action will be like this:

  • Put the switch to the appropriate position;
  • On the network, where there is an alternating voltage, the arrow should be located in the ACV zone;
  • MTM probes go to Som sockets and VΩma;
  • Now exhibit a suitable approximate range;
  • If you doubt, translate into maximum value;
  • When a digit appears on the scoreboard, you can adjust the position;
  • If this is a network with constant voltage, MTM is also applied;
  • But in the second case, the switch is better to put in position 20 V;
  • Properties to the chains should be connected strictly parallel.

You can clearly see that there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Therefore, you can easily measure the voltage, which is now observed in the power grid. Both variable and constant.

Here the main thing is not to concern with bare hands To SHUP, since it will be under current.

Tok Power

To determine the current parameters, the first step is the answer to the question of which current goes on the wiring. It is variable and constant.

  • Depending on the exemplary voltage parameters, the red probe goes to the corresponding socket Ω;
  • First, the probe is better to put there where current value above;
  • If you see a less topic on the scoreboard, you can switch;
  • If necessary, reduce the measurement range;
  • When MTM is used as an ammeter, the connection to the chain occurs sequentially.

And here, as you can see, you can easily cope on your own. The task in measurements of the current strength is made. Therefore, go to the next item.


The easiest and safest measure using MTM is measurable resistance.

Here act as follows:

  • The switch is placed in any position in the zone;
  • The appropriate measurement range is selected;
  • Before operation, the power is turned off in the network.
  • Otherwise, the tester will not show the correct value;
  • If you see the number 1 on the scoreboard, or the values \u200b\u200bof Over and OL, then a higher range should be set;
  • Otherwise the overload will occur;
  • When 0, the tester is translated into a smaller range.

Compliance with these simple rules and sequences in your actions will allow you to quickly and without any particular problems to make all the necessary procedures for measuring resistance.

The good function of the multimeter, which often cuts off when repairing home appliances. I, for example, recently fixed my wife's iron. And the tester was extremely useful in this work.


I did not talk to you about the back of the multimeter. Although there are still several functions. They are mainly designed for radio engineers who are professionally engaged in their work. For tasks at home or when repairing cars, they will not be needed.

With the exception of one mode. It is called the transverse mode. It is intended to search for cliffs in electrocups. To do this, the chain needs to be squeezed. When it is closed, that is, there is no breakdown, then appears sound signal. If there is a break, then no sounds will arise. This means that you have found a problem area.

Multimeter is a fairly well-known device that allows in seconds to perform all the necessary measurements of electrical nature. With it, it is possible to quickly and maximize the strength of current and voltage, resistance. At the same time, it allows you to easily and easily ring the chain for its integrity.

As numerous practice shows, with the help of a multimeter, people who are engaged in radio engineering check diodes and transistors for their performance. If we talk about more expensive modelsThey have much more functions and allow you to measure even the capacitors, temperature, inductance and many other characteristics that can have electrical equipment.

How to use the Multimeter DT-830B, DT-838, DT-832B, the instructions for use for dummies is considered incredibly sought-after, because these devices are used to use most often. They are easy to use and have not very high cost. If you do not have a concept, how to handle the measuring instrument of this type, then on our site you can find a large number of Video, where all the details of the use of the product in practice are shown.

Device and principle of DT digital multimeter

In order to understand how the device is arranged and on what principle it works, for example, we will take the popular DT-838 model. If you yourself understand the principle of work of this model, you should not have any difficulties using other fixtures of this type. The only differences with which different multimeters possess can only be icons that are applied to products. In addition, there may be some additional functions. On the front side of the model selected, there is a special LCD indicator, a switch that allows you to change the modes of operation, as well as connectors with which the probe is connected.

Digital multimeters How to use, video instructions for teapot

Due to the fact that special labels are present on the instruments, it allows you to specify the value you can control. This value allows you to switch and set the upper limit of measurement of readings. Uniform type modes are near and distributed to different groups.

In some more modern multimeter models, it is customary to set the measurement limit at the automatic level. In order to do this, it is enough to choose using the TU controlled switch that you need. If you speak directly about the notation, which are located on the front of the product, the instruction is necessary, because such designations in different models From different manufacturers may differ slightly.

How to use DT-830B multimeter applications, DT-832B, DT-838, instructions for use

To use the appointment instrument, you must initially bargain the probe and then touch the wire, socket, switch, and so on. For this, on the front side of the multimeter, there are special three connectors. If we talk about measuring in colors, then this type of measurement is worth using only when you conduct manipulations in the DC network. If speak about alternating current, In this situation, there is no difference how the probes will be connected.

How to use a multimeter instruction for dummies video

When you carry out voltage measurements, then make sure that you do not touch the probe sites that are bare. Before starting work, it is also very important to check whether the probes are connected to the connectors that are on the front side of the device. It should always be remembered that if you incorrectly use the Multimeters of DT-832, 830, 838 and other models, it can provoke short circuit or more serious problems. Therefore, the instruction should be studied necessarily, regardless of the number of knowledge in this area.

Rules for working with a digital multimeter

Instructions for use, how to use the DT multimeter should be read before starting work, especially if you have a little measurement experience. If, after that, you cannot fully work with the device, then see the video on our website, where in detail it will be described about how it is necessary to correctly and gently apply this device.

How to use the multimeter instruction for dummies video

In order to be measured using a multimeter, the voltage does not need anything special. There are no different types of switching in the chain and so on. The main rule in this situation is that it is necessary to try as accurately as possible to determine the approximate value, as well as the type of voltage you are going to measure. So, insert the appropriate probes into the socket and then slightly tap the socket terminals. When a touch occurs, you need to have time to fix the readings that the device shows.

If you are still a kettle, then learning how to use the DT832B multimeter, DT830, DT838 allows each wishes to measure the continuous current force. It is very important in this situation to correctly establish probes. Otherwise, the fuse begins to work, which then needs an immediate replacement so that no more serious breakdowns and other things happen. It is worth noting that the current for measuring the strength of the current is desirable to work not more than 15 seconds. The limit for measurement must be installed at least with a minimum reserve. After the probes are installed, you will need to disconnect the circuit and connect the device itself - necessarily sequentially.

In order to be able to determine the active resistance of a particular element, you must first turn it off from the chain, then connect the multimeter parallel. If you incorrectly set the maximum value, then in this situation it will not take damage to the digital device. If this happens, you will see several units on the screen and no more.

Video View of the Multimeter DT-830D. Instructions for teapot

In order to be able to call the circuit without any problems, set the switch on the multimeter to the ring mode, and then neatly close the probe. The device must define a sufficiently loud beep, and then display an indication that will be as close as possible to zero. A similar procedure is usually carried out in order to find out whether the Tester is working and whether to use a multimeter. In that situation, when the test chain is a whole, the device will emit a certain beep, and then will show on its screen the resistance value. If the circuit will be observed or other breakdown, then the numbers will be shown on the screen. In some cases, only units may appear and nothing else. Some, more modern models can show in case of non-chain integrity Special abbreviation "O.L".

Be sure to check the operation of the device. In order to do this, you must additionally connect a voltmeter to the outlet in parallel. Then enough to verify the testimony that will show the voltmeter and the multimeter. In order to be able to check how correctly the measurements of the current forces are, it is necessary to remove the readings of the continuous load of the instrument and even additionally an ammeter.

If you see a unit on the screen, it can only mean one thing: the limit was set incorrectly, then you need to re-repeat the entire procedure for checking the operation of the digital tester. Sometimes the battery can light up - this means that for the normal functioning of the device, it will be necessary to replace it immediately.

How to use a multimeter: instructions for use DT-830B, DT-832, DT-838 for dummies, should be studied before you start applying the device for work. If, after you have read the instructions for use, you have left some questions, you can see on our website video where you can get fast answers.

Select multimeter. Tips beginner video

Digital DT multimeter can only at first glance seem very complex device, in fact, everything is very simple. It is necessary to have minimal knowledge to use it and be as accurate as possible. If you follow all the points of instructions for use, then such a device you will use for many years, and at the same time no failures will occur in its work or troubleshooting.

Modern cars are equipped with various electrical appliances who are often broken and needed.

How to choose a multimeter?

Currently, a wide range of multimeters is represented on the market - from simple interrupter and tachometer meters multifunctional devices with ten different scales or digital scoreboards. The figure shows: a sparktune: exposure meter, voltmeter, ammeter. B Autoranger: Exposure meter, Voltmeter, Ommeter, Ammeter, Tachometer. B testune: Exposure meter, voltmeter, ohmmeter, ammeter, tachometer. D Hawk: Exposure Meter, Tachometer. E Avometer 2003: Voltmeter, ammeter, Ommeter. F CAB-100: Battery tester.

One of the ways to check the state of the electrical circuits is the connection of a simple warning lamp on the site between the channels and grounding. However, this method allows you to install only the fact of supplying current to a specific point of the site.

For a more accurate check, measuring instruments are used that determine the voltage that is supplied to the component of the electrical system, and the resistance of this component or chain as a whole.


In stores selling automotive accessories, you can purchase measuring instruments designed specifically for cars. The most useful devices are the multimeters, which, according to the name, are measured various characteristics Electrosystems.

In cars, a constant current is used, and with the help of a multimeter you can measure its strength, as well as voltage and resistance at the specified point. Some multimeters also remove the engine speed and contact exposure time.

Before each measurement, it is necessary to reset the previous readings, especially if you plan to work with low values \u200b\u200b(for example, resistance).

Do not use to check the components of the enethosphere measuring instruments with movable arrows. Otherwise, you can excessively load and damage them. Use digital measuring instruments.

How to use Multimeter

Check the resistance of the high voltage wire by switching the multimeter to the module mode and removing the testimony at both ends of the wire.

Multimeter can be used to measure the voltage, current and resistance force. Some similar devices also measure contact shutter speed and engine speed. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to connect sensors correctly.

To measure voltage on the battery, connect the sensor between the pins. To measure the resistance of the high voltage wire, connect sensors to both ends of the wire.

Switch the multimeter to the ammeter mode and connect it to the shunt to measure the current strength produced by the generator.

To measure the current force produced by the generator or dynamo, connect the multimeter through the shunt. Measure the coil voltage or other chain element by connecting one sensor with it, and the second - with grounding.


To measure the voltage, you must switch the multimeter to the Voltmeter mode and connect one sensor to the chain, and the second ground.

When using a multimeter, it is necessary to correctly connect its contacts with the components of the system. The connection method depends on the polarity of the car. In a car with a negative ground, you need to connect a contact with the label (-) to the body, and in the car with a positive ground - contact with the label (+). To check polarity, refer to the instruction manual.

Make sure the contacts are densided by the contacts, if necessary, clean them from rust and paint so that the readings are accurate. For stripping, sandpaper is well suited.

Working in the engine compartment, attach the sensor to the grounding clamp on the battery

Checking the battery

Set the multimeter appropriate settings and connect it to the battery terminals. The measurement result must be approximately equal to 11-12V (with low and high level Charge, respectively).

If, according to the multimeter, the voltage is 10V and less, you can assume damage in one of the battery cells. Connect the ground contact to the car body and remove the readings again. They should not differ from the results of the previous dimension. If it is not, check the strength of the attachment of contacts.

Connect one multimeter sensor with grounding, and the second is a starter solenoid. Remove the testimony again. At low values, check the connection between the battery terminal and the starter solenoid.

If, when measuring readings on contacts is too low, before checking the other components of the chain, it is necessary to secure them. Clean problem areas from dirt and rust and re-measure. When the results of all measurements are approximately equal, they can be used for reconciliation when examining other components of the chain.

Check devices

Tachometer check

To check the new tachometer, you must connect the multimeter to the terminal on the back of the device and ground. When the current is submitted, the multimeter will fix the readings. This technique can be used for any instrument.

Many devices work on a current that passes through the voltage stabilizer. If several instruments immediately display incorrect readings, the stabilizer may be faulty. To check, you must connect the multimeter to the output connector and turn the ignition.

Check stabilizer

In modern cars, some devices receive power from voltage stabilizer. If the stabilizer breaks, the instrument readings are distorted. Before checking each device, it is necessary to check the stabilizer itself by connecting the multimeter to its output connector and grounding.

The multimeter should show approximately 10V, small deviations are due to the action of the rheostat. A strong deviation indicates that the multimeter must be replaced.

Checking the fuel level sensor

Disconnect the wiring from the sensor terminal and plug the multimeter between the non-working terminal and the grounding point. Indications may be different, depending on the position of the float. If the readings cannot be removed, it is necessary to repair or replace the sensor.

In the fuel tank sensor there is a resistor of variable resistance, the serviceability of which can be checked using a multimeter.

Disconnect the wiring from the sensor and connect the multimeter between the non-working terminal and the grounding point. If the sensor is working, the multimeter should show a specific value. To carry out a complete check, it is necessary to read the testimony with a complete, semi-empty and empty tank.

Indications should be a logical sequence with approximately equal intervals. If the values \u200b\u200bare most likely, a short circuit occurred in the sensor, and it gives incorrect readings.

Ignition check

When checking the low voltage circuit, you must close it, closing the interrupter contacts.

If an additional resistor is used in the coil, under its action, the voltage at the input terminal will be below (about 6-8V). To check the ignition voltage, connect the multimeter to the coil and ground. Briefly turn on the starter, and turn it off to bypass the addition resistor. Multimeter should show about 12V. Disconnect the multimeter from the coil.

If the value does not change, the malfunction lies in the low voltage chain or solenoid terminals.

Check out these components by measuring voltage drops on them. Connect the sensor between terminals on the coil and to grounding.

Close the contacts and switch the multimeter to low voltage mode. He must show 0-0.5V. If the reading exceeds 0.5V, the terminals on the coil work incorrectly.

Switch the multimeter to high voltage mode and dispel contact. The input and output readings must match.

Zero voltage may indicate a breakdown of the distributor. In order to make sure that you need to turn off the distributor. If, after disconnecting the distributor, the voltage did not appear, most likely the malfunction lies in the coil itself.

High voltage check

To check the high voltage wiring, you need to switch the multhimeter to the module mode. If the car works with ignition interruptions, one can assume a malfunction of one such wires.

Determine the type of wires. Wires made of carbon alloy have resistance in the range of 10,000-25000 ohms. Copyright wires have low resistance, but are equipped with radio-pump plugs with a resistance of 10,000 ohms.

Disconnect the wires from the spark plugs, remove the camshafts and measure the core resistance at both ends. Make sure the testimony is correct.

To check insulation, measure the resistance of the core and the surrounding plastic. If the wire is in good condition, the readings should be the same.

Checking the charging system

Run the engine, wait until it is warm up to normal temperatures, and then turn it off.

Switch the multimeter to the desired mode (0-20V) and connect it to the battery terminals. Run the engine and remove the readings, and then gradually increase the speed up to 2000 revolutions per minute paying attention to the Multimeter scoreboard.

If the system works correctly, first the voltage will grow as the engine speed increases, and then stop.

The maximum reading is 13.5-14.5V (depending on the car model). If the voltage does not grow, you can assume a malfunction in the charging system.

Battery Charging and Discharge Counter

There are special multimeters that remove readings from the battery at high load (for example, at startup). Such a multimeter is a voltmeter with two teeth connected by a powerful resistor.

When contacting the keys with battery terminals, the multimeter removes the testimony. If the battery is working, the multimeter will show approximately 9V.

For such a check, you can use a regular multimeter. Disconnect the ignition system, leaving the coil. Connect the multimeter to the battery terminals, ask the assistant for a few seconds to turn on the starter and remove the readings at this time. As in the previous case, the reference value is 9B.

Measurement of current strength

Measurement of current force produced by the generator or dynamo, often causes certain difficulties, because This value is too large for most measuring instruments.

This uses an additional element called Shunt. The shunt is a resistor with definite resistance. The multimeter connects to the electrical system through the shunt, determines the pressure drops and calculates the current strength. In some cases, the shunt is supplied complete with a multimeter. If this is not the case, read the car instruction manual to find the desired shunt.