The headphone plug in the phone has broken off. Headphone repair with bare hands, no soldering iron! How to repair a broken wire

It is known that breaking a plug at the end of a wire is the most common headphone malfunction.

From frequent bends, strong jerks and other mechanical loads, thin wires break or break. At the same time, as a rule, one ear stops working, or, as in my case, both at once.

Sometimes the common wire breaks, in this case the sound is distorted beyond recognition: the high and middle frequencies disappear almost completely. This is due to the fact that the right and left amplifiers of the phone / player are turned on in antiphase and their output signals almost completely cancel each other out.

It also happens that the stereo effect simply disappears.

Often there is no sound in the ears, but the microphone works as if nothing had happened. However, if the microphone wire breaks, the control buttons on the headset cord stop working together with the microphone.

The most common cause of any described malfunction is in a broken wire in the immediate vicinity of the plug.

Sometimes wire damage is visible to the naked eye, but most often it is hidden under the insulation.

How to fix headphones at home if the wire comes off the plug

Now I will tell you how to fix vacuum earbuds with your own hands if the wire comes off the plug.

I will show the repair process using the example of the Monster Beats by dr Dre headphones, which I got with HTC phone Sensation XE. They served faithfully for almost 4 years, until, in the end, the plug broke.

The plug in these headphones is a regular mini-jack (3.5 mm) with four contacts - right ear, left ear, microphone and general. By the way, interestingly, this headset has buttons so that you can rewind songs back and forth, but there are no special contacts for them on the connector. All buttons use the same mic contact in some miraculous way.

In short, now I will try to repair these headphones at home, and if something goes wrong - and fix it with it! - I'll go buy new ones. Moreover, the choice today is simply huge. And the more so as I am far from being an audiophile and generally any will suit me, as long as they are comfortable.

Initially, the headphones looked like this:

Headphones with a microphone and control buttons, so the plug has 4 contacts, and inside there are 5 wires. The headset connector is, of course, non-separable.

As I said, this repair method is suitable only if the problem is precisely in the connector - one earpiece, right or left ear, microphone does not work, buttons are not pressed, sound disappears if you move the wire at the plug, etc. etc.

So, if you are firmly convinced that the headphone plug really needs to be replaced - let's move on.

How to fix headphones if one ear (or both) is not working

In order for us to get the highest quality and super-creative plug that no one else has, we need:

  1. Two 38-caliber shells. Suitable from a Makarov pistol or the like. For example, I took brass sleeves from trauma (AKBS 9mm P.A.)
  2. Drill with drills (3, 3.5, 7 and 9.5mm)
  3. Hacksaw for metal
  4. Epoxy adhesive
  5. 5 dice syringe
  6. Small vice
  7. Sandpaper
  8. Soldering iron with a sharp tip (solder, flux and aspirin tablet are welcome)
  9. A small board, about 30x30 mm and about 20 mm thick

We will make an L-shaped plug, because it is better than straight line (more reliable and more compact). So let's go.

Step 1

To begin with, we will make a small rig for the convenience of working with the sleeves, so that you can safely clamp them in a vice and at the same time not wrinkle or scratch. We take our piece of wood and drill a hole in it with a 9.5 mm drill, then we cut it with a hacksaw.

It is necessary to get something like this:

Step 2

Now we can process our sleeves without fear of ruining their chic appearance:

Step 3

Since I had spent cartridges, there were dents on the primers from the striker. But we need everything to be beautiful, so we knock out both primers with an awl, hammer and straight hands:

Then we straighten one of them with light blows from the inside with something suitable (I took the shank from a broken drill of a suitable diameter).

For greater beauty, you can grind a little more with sandpaper:

After that we press a beautiful and even capsule into its original place:

If your shells are brand new, not fired, then we knock out only the primer from one of them (you can throw it away right away, it will not be needed). Do not touch the second sleeve yet.

Step 4

Then we clamp the sleeve without a capsule in a vice and drill the bottom from the inside with a 7 mm drill. You need to drill so as to make the bottom of the sleeve as thin as possible. Those. the drill should be close to the primer hole (I've left about 0.5mm of headroom).

Then carefully cut off the bottom to get such a washer:

Step 5

Now we take our cartridge case with a primer and shorten it to 13 mm:

We carefully process the edges with sandpaper to get an even and strictly perpendicular cut to the axis of the sleeve.

As a result, the two halves should fit perfectly into each other:

Step 6

It's time to get busy with the old plug and wires.

To begin with, very carefully, using a sharp knife, we open the old connector to remove all unnecessary and leave only the plug itself with four contacts and soldered wires:

We remember, or better write down, where which wire was soldered. My HTC headphones (with microphone) had the following pinout:

Step 7

We unsolder the old wires from the connector, strip the cable, tin the ends and shrink a piece of heat shrinkage (diameter 2.5 mm, length 21 mm).

It would be nice to take an aspirin tablet to serve the wires in lacquered insulation, but I didn't have one, so I got by with ordinary rosin. If you work with aspirin, then you should know - the fumes of this muck are terribly poisonous. You have been warned.

Step 8

We drill a hole of a suitable diameter in the wall of the sleeve. In my case, a 3 mm hole turned out to be ideal:

Step 9

We pass the cable through the hole and solder the headphone and microphone wires (in strict accordance with the pinout!):

Step 10

Well, and the last stage: using a syringe, we measure out 0.5 ml of hardener and 5 ml of epoxy resin. Mix the components together in the most thorough way.

Then, to drive out all air bubbles, heat the mixture in a water bath to 80 degrees.

We fill our sleeve with the resulting composition to the brim, put everything in its place and, with the help of ingenuity and improvised devices, fix it all for at least 12 hours (or better for a day):

The last step

When everything hardens, we take the structure into the light of day and get aesthetic pleasure from the work done.

What could be nicer than fixing broken headphones from your phone yourself?

Eh, I would also have headphones in the form of cartridges - in general, it would be a fairy tale :)

If this is too difficult for you and would like something simpler and faster, then we bring to your attention the restoration of the headphone plug using an old ballpoint pen and epoxy resin.

Well, now you know exactly what to do if the headphones in the jack are broken. And if your arms and legs grow from different places, then everything will work out. much better, than me!

All health and good mood! Here I have collected pinout diagrams and instructions on how to solder the plug to headphones of all types I know. Here are instructions on how to repair headphones with your own hands and how to connect wires without an electric soldering iron. It will be interesting.

Let's start by listing the known types of audio plugs.

Standard plugs

According to Wikipedia, there are the following types of jacks:

  • TS / TRS 6.3mm diameter (for microphones, electric guitars, mixing consoles, old professional headphones, etc.)
  • TS / / with a diameter of 3.5 mm (the most common, used for modern microphones, acoustics, flashlights, etc.)
  • TS / TRS / TRRS 2.5mm diameter (for headsets mobile phones, webcams, flashes, etc.)

By the way, this designation is adopted according to the principle: T - Trip (latch), R - Ring (ring), S - Sleeve (sleeve).

How to properly solder a new plug to the headphones, observing the pinout of the wires

To properly solder the headphone or headset plug, you need to know the pinout. It is shown in the table below and taken from the site.

Such pinouts for 2 and 3 pins are also available for speakers and microphones.

Plugs and their pinouts for more specialized devices (video cameras, headsets) by manufacturers (Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic) are shown in the following table.

How the three-pin jack works

A conventional three-pin stereo jack is coaxial in design. Each contact is in a dielectric sleeve (sleeve) and is located inside another sleeve.

The contacts of the plug are separated by plastic sleeves. So this plastic is afraid of overheating, it starts to melt and the contacts will dangle. So if you want to solder the plug for, then it is worth remembering about the overheating of the contacts.

How to repair the headphone plug yourself

To repair the headphone or headset plug with your own hands, you must carefully remove it from the case if it has not fallen out by itself. Usually the plug is filled with rubber. When disassembling, we cut this body along the seam with a sharp knife. The more accurate the cut is, the easier it is to rebuild the case after repair.

Finding out the cause of the headphone malfunction

The malfunction of the collars most often consists in a break in one of the wires in the plug. Less often, there is a break near the speaker contacts or breaking of the wire due to a violation of the integrity of the insulation.

To determine the malfunction, you need to use a multimeter and ring the contacts. From the diagrams above, we already know where the common wire and the left and right audio channels are. If the resistance between the contact of one channel and the common wire is more than 20 - 120 Ohm, then most likely there is an open or broken wire. Remember that the typical winding resistance of modern liners is 32 Ohms.

The breaking of the wire is determined by the jumping readings of the multimeter when the wire is bent.

Better leave 2 - 3 mm bare bare wire to increase structural strength. When will we return the plug body to its place or fill with sealant new building, it is necessary to create as large a contact area as possible between the braid and the outer sleeve of the plug. Thus, during jerks, the load will be transmitted to the most massive part of the plug, and not to the weak contacts of the left and right channels.

After the plug has been soldered, its internal contacts can be filled with hot melt glue, epoxy glue or sealant. After drying, work to the desired shape.

How to solder a wire to the earpiece speaker

When a wire breaks near the earpiece, it is best to re-solder it to the earpiece and update the soldering from the factory. This is how the wires are soldered inside my ancient Aiwa liners.

Pay attention to the knotted knot - it does not allow thin wires to come off when jerking. Before soldering the earphone, be sure to tie the same knot at some distance, slightly more than the distance to the narrow hole.

The question arises - what does it depend on polarity of wiring to the speaker. The answer is simple - the headphones are connected the same way to work in phase. When the polarity of the headphones is reversed, the sound is smeared and quieter than common mode. If you have a broken wire in one for the correct connection, you need to look like wires and soldering in the other headphone.

What to do if the wire breaks inside the earphone

The most annoying thing is when the wire breaks inside the earphone. This means that there was broken wire winding speaker shown in the figure.

The speaker winding is usually glued to the diaphragm and breaks off where the wires are attached to it. Over time, they simply break from micromovements.

It is extremely difficult to restore such a cliff, but it is possible under. When repairing headphones, you need to be extremely careful so as not to break the diaphragm and not damage the geometry of the winding. Particular attention should be paid to micro-dust trapped between the magnet and the winding. Magnetic debris can be removed well with chewing gum or plasticine.

How to solder headphones with a microphone

To properly repair headphones with a microphone, you need to know the connection diagram and the purpose of the jack pins. A typical diagram of a microphone plug and button in a stereo headset is shown in the picture below.

For most manufacturers of simple headsets, the microphone should be soldered as in the picture.

How the four-pin jack works

The picture shows the following designations: M - microphone, G - general contact, R - right channel, L - left channel. Now it is clear that soldering headphones is not an easy task. The wiring diagram of the plug is highly dependent on the brand of the headset.

About the colors of the wires in the headphones

Headphone wire colors are usually standardized. The colors of the wires for standard headphones for 3 types of wires are shown in the photo below.

If you use this method, then pay special attention to the place where the wire adheres to the body of the lighter. A hole can form there from heating. Be careful! For more details on how to make such a mini soldering iron from a lighter, see the video.

It seems that I have quite fully sorted out the topic of how to solder the plug to headphones or a headset. Today we learned how to solder the plug and headphone speakers even without. I am waiting for your questions in the comments and on the forum.

In everyday life modern man headphones are an indispensable attribute that allows you to enjoy listening to your favorite music and audiobooks anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, this gadget does not last forever and is prone to breakage. In such a situation, you have to think about whether it is possible to repair the headphones with your own hands, or whether it is better to buy new ones. It is recommended not to rush to throw away the old ones, since broken ones, in most cases, can be repaired at home. How to fix the headphones yourself, and will be discussed in this article.

Headphones are a fairly simple device, so all faults can be listed literally on the fingers. Frequent reasons why the headphones stopped working are the following:

  • breakage of the plug;
  • defective headphone cord;
  • the volume control is out of order.

If the headphones are broken, the first thing to do is to pay attention to junction of the plug with the cable... Often the cause of the breakdown lies in this very place. Due to frequent bends, cable cores break, so the signal does not pass into one "ear" of the gadget or both at once... Also, the microphone may not work.

It is quite easy to detect a breakdown. It is necessary, with the gadget turned on, to try to bend the cable in the place of the alleged breakdown in different directions. If at the same time a sound appears or a crackle is heard, then this means that one of the wires of the wire is interrupted. What to do if a problematic spot is found on the cable?

To repair your headphones, do the following.

The procedure for replacing the plug is the same for all types of headsets, for example, such as: Beats By Dr, Sennheiser HD 215, Razer Kraken Pro, as well as Steelseries Siberia v2, Audio-technica ATH-ES7 and headphones Defender.

How do I repair my headphones if the headset cord is faulty? You can try to find fracture site internal cable veins, probing and bending all its sections while the gadget is running. If you hear a crack or sound during the test, mark this place with a marker. Further, in the place of the break, the cable is cut and stripped. After that, the ends of thin conductors must be soldered, observing the color, and insulated.

If the break point is not found, then the entire cord will need to be replaced.... In the following example, the repair of vacuum headphones will be shown.

Large gadgets such as Philips headphones or Sven headphones for a computer, differ from plug-in only in the size of the speaker (membranes in small gadgets). Difficulties can arise when trying to get to the speaker in order to solder the wires.

Different manufacturers of headsets have different methods of opening them. These can be latches that are difficult to find or hidden screws hidden under soft “cushions” - ear pads. For example, the question often arises of how to disassemble Sennheiser headphones HD203?

This is done simply.

When repairing Steelseries Siberia headphones, the ear cushions hold glue-based... You can remove them by gently prying with a screwdriver, after which you can find the fasteners. Some models use latches instead of screws, which can break with strong pressure. If they break, you will have to glue the cups of the gadget, after which they will become non-separable.

On Razer Kraken headphones, the ear cushions are not glued and are easy to remove.

After detaching them, the fasteners can be found under the glued paper.

In the Audio-Technica M30 or ES7 headset, they are also worn on the rim of the gadget's cup. Phillips headphones are no exception.

By the way, the Audio-Technica ES7 headphones have hinges for rotating the ear cups. Therefore, if you, while repairing a gadget, disassemble it, then you need to be careful.

The Philips SHD 8600 headset is free from all the drawbacks associated with replacing the plug and cable, since it is a representative wireless devices .

How do I fix my headphones if I have problems with the volume control in the form of loss of sound or crackling? In this case, you can use graphite grease to apply it to the resistive layer to re-establish contact. The headset should then function without issue.

If after lubrication the headset continues to work poorly, then the regulator must be replaced with a new one.

Thus, in most cases, before you run and buy a new headset, you can do it yourself. This requires a thin tip soldering iron and skills in handling it.

Repairing headphones from the player on your own

An article on how to repair all faulty stereo phones that have accumulated during the operation of the player or players in a couple of hours.

Aesthetes don't have to worry, it's not for them.

This article is for those who value functionality and economy rather than the appearance of the connector ... which no one sees anyway except the user.

In the good old days, to repair headphones (phones), you could buy a separate wire with a plug. When it was not possible to buy such a wire, it was possible to purchase Chinese headphones for $ 0.30 and use the cord from them.

Anticipating that my last headphones were about to start popping, I went to the radio parts market and several stores. The cheapest I found were headphones for about $ 8.

Well, since some of the headphones I use were bought for even less money, I decided to repair all the headphones myself.

It's a shame to throw away good headphones just because their cable was frayed. In addition, new headphones can similarly fail in a few months, or even earlier, if you seriously snag a wire somewhere.

In our city, I managed to find several types of "straight" plugs and only one type of plugs with "angled" cable entry. The very first attempt to use separately purchased plugs immediately revealed a number of their shortcomings.

  1. "Straight" plug.
  2. "Angled" plug.
  3. Original non-separable plug.

The "straight" plug, regardless of the quality of performance, was too easily pulled out of the player in winter, when the cable was under clothing and the player was hanging on a belt. In addition, I was always afraid that such a plug would put too much stress on the plastic socket of the player.

The main disadvantage of the "angled" plug was that it, like the "straight" plug, did not make enough contact with the socket.

Investigation of the causes of poor contact revealed burrs on the edges of the contact cylinders of both types of plugs, as well as an error in the alignment of the surfaces of the contact cylinders. In addition to everything, the diameter of the contact of the "left" channel of the purchased plugs differed from the diameter of the branded ones in the smaller direction by as much as 0.3 mm (10%).

Perhaps the latter circumstance affects most of all the quality of the contact, since a check on other branded sockets (laptop, camera) also revealed poor-quality contact. At the same time, the same plugs behaved quite reliably in stationary Chinese crafts (sound cards, sockets purchased separately on the radio market).

Most of all, I did not like the presence of burrs and misalignment. I didn’t want to scratch the gold-plated contacts of the socket, which is used in the “iPod”, with these coarse plugs. In addition, breaking the connection sometimes leads to the disconnection of the player, as it reacts to the disconnection of the headphones.

So I had to use old plugs. Fortunately, in most cases, the headphone cable gets damaged in the same place, namely near the plug.

Materials required for repairs.

  1. A piece of cambric - 30-40 mm. (I used a piece of tubing from an IV.)
  2. Threads (any).
  3. Silicone sealant. (Probably, if you use a black sealant, it will turn out more beautiful, but assembly will be difficult, since nothing will be visible through it).
  4. An aspirin tablet

First, turn on the player and, bending the wire, make sure that the break occurs exactly next to the plug. Then, with some margin, we cut the cable.

With a sharp knife, cut the plastic on both sides and expose the metal part of the plug.

Cut off the required piece of the tube and make a longitudinal incision. It is not worth oversizing the tube as this will increase the stress on the socket, although it may also extend the life of the cable.

We put the tube on the cable in advance.

We prepare the cable approximately as shown in the picture. This can be done with a sharp knife or a soldering iron, but either way, it takes some skill. If it doesn't work the first time, you can cut another piece of the cable and try again. In the photo, the cables are of different quality.

We twist and tin the cable.

In order to tin the lacquered wires from the cable of the most budget phones, you have to use an aspirin pill. In no case should the varnish be peeled off with a knife, since the cuts in the wire lead to its premature break.

We solder the cable to the plug, observing the correct pinout (pinout).

When phasing headphones, you can simply trace which wires go to which headphones. If there is a round cable from the branch or the cable passes through one earpiece to another, then you can ring the cable with a tester or the player itself.

If the wires are colored, then the right channel is usually marked in red, and the left channel is usually marked with white, but it also happens vice versa. If the conductors are single-core, then the common wire will be conductors not covered with varnish. But, in any case, it is safer to ring the cable before soldering.

It is very convenient for such operations to use a wooden clothespin as a "third hand".

Now take a look at this photo. The assembly process of the connector is shown here, but so far without sealant. The tube must not extend beyond the restrictor ring. (This is because the sealant makes the following images less legible.)

We fill the space between the plug and the tube with sealant.

Then, we fix the edges of the tube with a crocodile clip or any other, for example, a paper clip.

Special care is not required here, but care must be taken that the edge of the tube does not come out onto the contact surfaces of the plug.

After the sealant has set (20-30 minutes), we fix the edges of the tube with a thread. Cut off the excess tube.

Now we cover everything with sealant again. In an hour or two, our new plug is ready to use. In the event of another break in the cord, the homemade plug is also easy to disassemble and reassemble, just like the original.

For all the unpresentable design, the new plug has a less destructive effect, both on the player's socket, due to the smaller lever formed by the height of the upper part of the plug, and on the adjacent section of the cord, since the tube section has an elastic connection with the metal part of the plug.

Everyone knows the unpleasant situation when after some time one of the headphones starts to sound bad, emit crunchy notes, or even becomes completely silent. Even worse, this situation is equally possible for both expensive models and for cheap. It all depends on the intensity of use of this sound equipment and the tidiness of the owner.

Buying new good "ears" is a cheap business, and it is not always worth running headlong to the store. You just need to not be afraid and try to fix the headphones with your own hands. And we will tell you how to do this in the article.

So, first of all, let's highlight four main possible problems that arise:

  • broken wire near the plug;
  • broken wire near the earphone;
  • clogging of the channel;
  • breakage of the membrane;

One of the most common cases of headphone breakage, especially if the plug is not very secure. There are two types of plugs 2.5 "and 3.5", but both break with equal success.

To fix such a breakdown, you just need to delve a little into theory and practice for 20 minutes. In theory, everything is simple: we will study the device of the plug and the purpose of the wires that are in the cord.

And besides, of course, there are three wires in the headphone cord, which are also responsible for the left, right and common channels.

Tools needed for repair:

  • a soldering iron and his friends (tin and rosin);
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • lighter;
  • vice;
  • shrink cambric.

a) at the first stage, we cut off the plug from the cable slightly above the place where the fracture occurred;

b) using a clerical knife, free the connector from excess plastic (as an option - buy a new connector);

c) we strip the wire by about 2 cm (usually there are three cores in the wire, which correspond to the earphone channels);

d) lottery stage, when you need to guess which wire from which channel. This is usually done simply by trial and error: we connect a pair of wires until a sound appears in one of the speakers (the wires in a pair can be changed). After finding a sounding pair, for example, the right one, the remaining wire will refer to the left channel. To determine which of the two wires in the right pair is common, you just need to alternately bring each of them to the left channel: the one that will sound with the left is common. The main thing is not to forget to include some song in the player.

e) the penultimate stage, at which it is necessary to solder the found cores to the corresponding channels. It is advisable to irradiate the ends of the conductors and channels before soldering. We solder the 3rd core to the common channel, the 1st - to the left, the 2nd - to the right. It will be more convenient to do this if the plug is fixed in a vice. Also, do not overheat the plug to avoid melting the plastic that is inside the plug.

f) the last stage to protect the adhesion and improve the appearance:

We make protection against wire breakage from the plug - we glue the nylon thread to the plug that was in the wire;

We hide the place of soldering and bare wires from prying eyes. To do this, we use a heat-shrinkable cambric: cut the cambric to the required length, put it on the place of the adhesion and gently warm it over the fire. If necessary and for greater protection (ease of use), you can use several cambrics;

We remove the excess length of the cambric with a clerical knife.

Here's what you should get:

In this case, the method of work is absolutely identical. We cut it off just above the break point, disassemble the headphone cup, determine the correspondence of the channels and cable cores, and perform the soldering. Problems can arise only when disassembling small “droplet” headphones, in which the case can be connected not with latches or screws, as in large monitor ones, but simply glued together. In this case, trying to disassemble the case with a knife should be more careful in order to prevent damage.

This type of malfunction can only be found with earplugs. In them, the auditory canal is separated from the membrane by a very thin metal mesh, which eventually becomes clogged with earwax. The way out of the situation is simple - rinse the mesh with alcohol, but disassembling the earphone again cannot be avoided.

If your track list often contains songs with active crackling or an obvious imbalance in the volume of the left and right channels, then most likely the membrane of one of the headphones is damaged. This breakdown can also be corrected by disassembling the earphone and mechanically straightening the membrane. This will not be enough for a long time, but for a while it will return the pleasure from listening to music.

P.S. Well, repaired? If it works, enjoy it. If not, we try to do everything again and enjoy it again.

Headphones come in a variety of designs. However, the most frequent breakdowns in all types of headphones are similar. Most often, damage to one of the cores inside the cord occurs. This usually happens due to chafing or constant bending of the wire in one place. This is due to intensive exploitation.

The cord can also break at the plug. This occurs when there is strong bending stress on the cable at the base of the plug. The wire there may break if pulled sharply.

The wires break not only at the plug, but also in the headphone case. This can happen due to a strong jerk if the wire gets caught on something.

To repair a damaged wire, you will need a soldering iron, solder, flux and heat shrink tubing of a suitable diameter. All of these things can be bought at a very low cost in a store for radio amateurs.

First of all, you need to find the damage. This can be done literally by touch. Plug in your headphones, turn on the music, and begin carefully bending the wire from one end to the other.

The location of the damage will manifest itself as crackling, noise or missing sound. Once you've determined the location, cut out the damaged piece of wire. It is not worth saving, cut off with a margin of one or two centimeters in each direction.

Strip the outer insulation so that the strands protrude a few centimeters from the wire. Then remove the insulating layer from the cores, exposing the metal.

Usually, the copper conductors are covered with a special varnish, which must be removed for convenience and improving the quality of the soldering. For this, a flux is used. It is applied to the wire, after which the varnish is cleaned off with a soldering iron tip.

Apply heat shrink tubing to the wires before soldering the ends of the wires. After you solder the wires, slide the heat shrink onto the wire connections. Heat it gently with a soldering iron to make it shrink. This must be done for high-quality insulation of the wires. In this case, using electrical tape is ineffective and inconvenient. The outer insulation can be replaced with either heat shrink tubing or ordinary electrical tape.

If the wire breaks at the very base of the plug, then you will have to cut it. The cut off plug must be opened by cleaning it of plastic with a knife and nippers. When the plug is cleaned, you will need to solder wires to its pins in accordance with the color coding.

If you managed to open the plug case carefully, you can try to assemble it in reverse order... Epoxy glue can come to your aid.

If the case is permanently destroyed, you can use electrical tape or heat shrink. Another option is to simply buy an inexpensive collapsible plug and solder the wires to it.

When the wire at the speaker breaks, disassembly of the headphone housing is required. The housing can be fixed with screws or latches. It is necessary to open the case with latches carefully so as not to damage the fasteners.

Having disassembled the case, you need to find the place of the cliff. The wire should be stripped and soldered to the contact pad. The repair is completed by assembling the case in the reverse order.

Thus, self-repair of headphones is within the power of anyone who is not afraid to pick up a soldering iron.

How often it happens that recently purchased headphones start to "junk". The sound in one of them begins to be supplemented with wheezing, interference, and over time it may disappear altogether. Can the headphones be repaired or should they be taken to service center, maybe it's time to buy new ones? You can try fixing them yourself first.

So, before we tell you how to fix headphones if one of them stops working, here is a list necessary tools and materials for this.

If your headphones require small screws, you will need the correct size screwdriver. In addition, you need a clerical knife and a lighter. You will likely need electrical tape or epoxy adhesive to bond the broken wires together. You can also connect parts with a soldering iron and heat shrink tubes. Also, a multimeter will not hurt to help locate the break.

So how do you fix your headphones if one doesn't work? Most often, breakage occurs due to a break inside the cord or simply poor build quality. To fix these problems, special skills and knowledge are not required. You need to find out the exact location of the problem first.

If the sound in the earphone is accompanied by noise and interference, and over time the sound in it completely disappears, you need to walk along the cord with your fingers, connect the earphones and turn on the sound. Especially carefully feel the folds and the area where the wire enters the earphone. When you stumble upon a problem area, you will hear a distinctive sound.

Depending on where the breakdown is located, your further actions can develop in several scenarios. If there is a breakage inside the earphone, you need to open it. If the earphone has screws, loosen them. Small earbuds are often simply glued on the sides, so that they can be opened with the tip of an ordinary knife.

To locate the break in an open earpiece, walk along the cord while listening to the sound. When you find a spot, cut the wire below it, strip it to wire, and solder to the original junction.

Many headphones are tied inside a knot, so tie them up before soldering the wires. Before assembling the headphones, check the sound again. You can glue them back together using epoxy glue.

If the reason that one ear does not work is a breakage inside the plug, before you repair the headphones, you need to find the breakage point. Likewise, run your fingers along the wire and listen for the sound. When you find a problem area, you will need to get to the inner wire to cut it.

Pre-strip the plug from the rubber, find the junction of the connector and the wire, cut off the inoperative section and re-fasten it with. Restore the cleaned area with epoxy glue. You can additionally wrap the plug on top with threads or put on a thick plastic sheath from another wire.

If you could not find a breakdown by probing and bending wires, use a special device. You can buy it at an electronics store or borrow it from someone you know.

Set up the multimeter as follows: set it to a conductivity test, insert the black probe into the hole marked COM, and the red one into the hole marked Ω, mA or))).

Test the wires with a multimeter: it will squeak in places where there are no breaks. Only you need to apply it to the wires without winding. You need to carefully remove it in two small areas - next to the plug and next to the earphone. If the multimeter beeps near the plug, then the problem is in the earpiece, and vice versa.

Those who like to listen to music have come across a situation where a crackling or hiss is heard in one earpiece and it fails. Your task is to find out where the breakdown is and fix it.

Don't you understand anything about technology? Take the unit to a workshop, but most can cope with the breakdown on their own, and we will tell you how to fix it.

You have been choosing a good brand device for a long time, beautiful design, and one day a crackling with hiss was heard in them? So, somewhere there was a problem, for example, at the plug, and the device needs to be repaired.

Some people immediately start looking on the Internet or ask friends where the nearest workshop is? In fact, there is nothing difficult in fixing headphones, and we will consider typical problems, ways to fix them.

Have your headphones broken before? No? Most often, you will find one of the following problems:

  • the wire broke off at the plug itself;
  • no contact with the wire at the earphone;
  • the channel is clogged;
  • the membrane is broken.

These are the main problems you may face. Diagnose the breakdown and start fixing it.

We'll show you in detail how to fix your headphones. Let's start our review with a common problem.

If headphones are inexpensive, then the jack (connector) will not be very secure. Basically, they are produced in 2 types.

You will get 2.5 ″ or 3.5 ″. This is not to say that one is more reliable than the other. Both can break in due time.

To fix the problem, you will need to read the theory and start practicing. It will take about 20 minutes. Consider how the plug works and the purpose of its wires hidden in the cord:

  • one channel is right;
  • the second channel is left;
  • the channel is common.

In the wire, you will find 3 wires, each of which comes from these channels.

Broken wire

The signs of breakage will be as follows.

  1. You will hear rustling in one of the headphones or in both, and then the sound will disappear. This means that there was a break in the wire at the bend. You need to turn on the headphones and feel the entire wire with your hands. At the same time, wiggle it and rotate it. At the breakdown site, you will hear a rustling sound. It is required to mark the place where the cliff is, with a marker or something else. Now unplug the headphones from the device. Take a wire cutter and tear off the broken wires. Strip it so that you can solder the 2 ends. Solder and test the device. Is the sound through the headphones normal? You can wrap this place with duct tape.
  2. When carrying headphones in a bag, etc., it is not uncommon for the plug to break. In Jack, the mobility of parts is large, due to bends, and then kinks, one of the wires can break off.

Fixing the plug

Often a break can be found at the plug, especially if the headphones are inexpensive and the manufacturers have not taken great care to protect them. You will need tools, and if the plug itself is out of order, you will need to buy a suitable one.

It will take the following tools and accessories:

  • tin with rosin and, of course, a soldering iron;
  • special stationery knife;
  • lighter;
  • vice;
  • glue;
  • cambric (heat shrinkable).

We proceed to repair the plug. It is required to disconnect the cable from the cable by cutting off the jack. Do this just above the broken wire.

At the connector, you need to remove the interfering and unnecessary plastic, and some buy a new break or take a whole one from old headphones. Not less than 2 cm, clean the wiring.

Your task is to find out which of them - left, right, general - empirically.

Connect in turn the wiring, and in which speaker you hear the sound, from that and the wire (left or right). The remaining common wire will sound on the left channel.

Solder these wires to your channels. Act like this.

  1. It is required to bare one end of the vein, then the other.
  2. Our jack is fixed in a vice.
  3. It is required to solder each core to a specific channel. Adhesions need to be protected. To do this, the nylon thread, which is in the wire, is attached directly to the plug. This is insurance for a soldered joint.
  4. You will need a heat shrink cambric to hide exposed seamed ends. It is required to cut a piece of the required length, put it on the bare veins and hold this place over the fire, and it will stick.

If you want to make protection more reliable, use 2 cambric here. Cut off the excess with a clerical knife. If you follow the recommendations, you will be able to fix the jack yourself.

If you understand the design of the headphones, then you will be able to fix them. Self-confidence will appear during work. Check what works and what doesn't. Start fixing.

The earphone is broken

You hear that there is a loss of sound in one earphone or a crackling noise with noise appears, which means that you need to inspect the part. Open up and pay attention to the membrane. If it turns out to be wrinkled, then level it, straighten it and it will lie flat.

Specks often accumulate on the membrane. Because of them, you will hear a crackling hiss, and the part will fail.

The mesh used to cover the membrane needs to be rinsed with alcohol.

If the membrane is too wrinkled, it has already failed. There is no point in going to the workshop. It is expensive and it is easier to buy new earbuds than buying a new membrane to replace.

When the wires in the earphone break, they will not work.

So, the earphone needs to be disassembled. Fasteners will be screws or plastic latches. In the "shells" of the headphones, glue is used for the connection. The headphones need to be opened and the wire cut off. Now strip and solder the ends. It will be the same as before the breakdown.

Now check if the sound works in the structure? And 2 halves of the "ear" can be assembled.

At each stage, you did as experienced music lovers advise, but the headphones didn't work? Look for old ones, cut off the plug. Next, you need to solder with a working top.

If you are attached to these headphones and want to fix them yourself, then combine the parts, try to fix them. Couldn't fix anything?

Buy new headphones, take care of them carefully and you will not have to repair or throw away your favorite thing again. Successful fixing and listening to your favorite music.

It's no secret that many computer users treat their devices carelessly, but in vain, because often after such treatment, even the most insignificant devices can break down and thereby significantly complicate life. We will now look at the problem with broken plug stuck in the sound card of the computer, and we will tell you how you can fix this problem without resorting to the services of a master.

To begin with, I would like to talk about how this problem may appear: firstly, you can just accidentally pull the wire of the speakers or headphones, and pull it so that the plug will simply break. Secondly, carelessly connecting or disconnecting this plug, as a result of which it will also break. And finally, thirdly, there may be various force majeure circumstances, for example, children accidentally broke it or the dog gnawed something or something else, there may be many reasons, but this is not more important for us, if it happened, because we must somehow decide the given problem.

It is worth noting that the problem we are considering is quite non-standard and occurs quite rarely, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. So, now we will look at four ways how you can solve this very strange problem:

Method one - non-standard

One of the simplest ways you can remove the jammed plug from the sound card socket, is to glue it on and just pull it out of there. A little more detail: to begin with, we buy a box of matches, or we find another thin object at home that can crawl into a narrow nest. Then you need to purchase a special glue. Best buy universal superglue, which can glue any surface, including metal and wood. Important: when buying glue, it is worth remembering that it must be a gel, that is, a glue-gel. This glue will not flow inside the sound card slot and therefore will not damage it. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. First, disable system unit from the power supply, as well as from all wires, and place it in a well-lit place. Then take a match and grease its tip with purchased glue. As soon as this is done, immediately insert it into the socket of the sound card, and insert so that the tip of the match touches the center of the broken plug. As soon as you feel that contact has occurred, hold the match in this position for several minutes. A good sign that the glue has worked is the fact that when you release the match, it will stay in the same position. When you are fully convinced that the glue is dry and securely glued the plug with the match, all you have to do is pull the match towards you, which will pull and stuck plug... Unbelievable, but in fact, with the help of such a very simple method, you can solve this problem.

The second method is even simpler.

It would seem that it is much easier than the method that we have already described, but no, there is an even easier solution to this problem. In this method, the only thing we need is hands growing from the right place and small tweezers... After the word tweezers, everyone probably guessed what we were going to do. And oddly enough, but this method is really quite simple. All you need to do is to gently grasp this plug with tweezers and pull it towards you, sooner or later, you will pull it out. Do not despair if the first time nothing works out, the tweezers at the first attempts may slide and it will be difficult to pull out, but be sure that after several attempts you will get the hang of it and easily reach your goal. The only problem that may arise is where to get such a small tweezers? For some, this may indeed be a problem, but if you think about it with your brains, then it will be solved. To begin with, it is worth saying that tweezers can be bought in a specialized store, but if you feel sorry for spending money, then we take the phone and call friends. Surely, some of them still have tweezers, because this is the kind of thing that is necessary in many fields of activity, from pharmacists and chemists to builders.

The third way is extreme

The next method, which we will talk about, can be called only in one word: extreme. It is recommended to use it only if you are really confident in your skills and are not afraid to break your computer, and, of course, if you are an extreme. To solve this problem in this way, you will need an electric drill, a drill and a self-tapping screw. You need to find a drill with a diameter of about 2.5 millimeters and a self-tapping screw of about the same size. With a drill and this little drill, you should make a hole inside the plug, and then screw a self-tapping screw into this hole and after that, again, again, just pull this structure towards you and the problem will be solved. At removing the plug Thus, you need to be extremely careful, because if you work carelessly, you have a great chance of getting damage to the nest itself, and these are more serious problems. In addition, when everything is ready and the plug is removed, do not forget to perform one more action: before connecting the computer to the network, you need to remove the formed metal shavings from the socket. There will not be much of it, but, nevertheless, it is unacceptable for foreign objects to be there. The easiest way to get rid of the shavings will be with a cotton swab - carefully clean the nest, thereby leaving no chance for foreign objects to remain there. You can also use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck up all dust and shavings. If you do everything right and everything works, then you can proudly call yourself a jack of all trades.

The fourth method is the most expensive, but the most effective.

Although this method is the most expensive of all, it is also the most effective and suitable for those who still doubt that they can hold the drill in their hands or not overdo it with glue. For use this method all we need is purchase a new sound card... It's simple, isn't it ?! Now on the market there are a large number of sound cards of various price categories, and which one to choose, depends only on you. If you do not have a good speaker system, but there are ordinary speakers, then you definitely should not chase the high cost, you can buy the most simple sound card, which costs 10-15 dollars. If you want something special, then here you should already look at other, more advanced models. After you have made a purchase, you just have to install the card either into the PCI port, which is located on motherboard, either in USB port... Where to install depends on which sound card you bought. Also, do not forget about the drivers, which should be included, and if there are none, you can download them from this site. After successfully installing the drivers, you can safely start using the new device and, in fact, the old sound card you will simply not need it.

So, we considered four ways to solve a very non-standard and rather rare problem at once, but after reading this article, you now know what to do in a similar situation. In addition, after this article, we can conclude that it is not always necessary to contact computer wizard... Sometimes you can solve some problems on your own, because in addition to saving money, you also get invaluable experience of knowing your computer.