How to hide mutual friends in contact. We hide friends in VKontakte

The world-famous Vkontakte network has a very wide range of opportunities, and despite this, day by day its leaders are trying to expand the functionality and make communication more convenient.Since Vkontakte communicates enough a large number of people of different ages and genders, having different life principles and preferences, the resource allows you to use this option "how to hide friends."

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Why hide friends

The reasons for removing friends from the view of visitors to a personal page can be completely different. Some do not want to expose their personal space to the public, while for others, using this feature can be just plain fun. In this article, we will look at the possibilities of the above described option.

How to hide friends in VK

If you yourself find it difficult to deal with the "hide friends" option and cannot understand how to hide friends on vk , this section just for you.

First of all, you just need to click on your personal profile photo and go to the settings, which are located in the upper right corner. There you need to find the tab "". Next, all information about who sees information about your page will be displayed. The tab that contains or does not contain previously hidden friends will display this information. If your profile does not have hidden friends, the field will be empty.

Thus, by checking the boxes next to the friends you want to hide, given request will execute. In addition, in the settings hidden friends in vk ”, you can set or remove restrictions so that no one but you can see hidden friends. Despite the fact that the creators of VKontakte devoted a lot of time to leaving user accounts more public, eliminating all kinds of profile privacy, photo albums and other sections of the site. Hidden friends also came into view. Oddly enough, this function can be used only for 30 people.

But you can say thanks to the administrators of the resource for this. Hiding absolutely all friends will certainly be of interest to users who have no more than 30 friends. But rather sociable accounts that have more friends will have to make a more difficult choice of whom to mark as hidden friends on their list.

How to see hidden friends Vkontakte

About how to see hidden friends probably no questions. To do this, you also need to go to the privacy settings and look in the tab who sees my hidden friends, a field with your hidden friends will open there. Can you look at someone's hidden friends page?

Yes! The World Wide Web offers many sites that promise to reveal to you all the secrets about the hidden friends of absolutely any user you want to check, while not all resources are 100% accurate. Therefore, when using the services of such surveillance, do not rely on completely reliable information.

Vkontakte makes it possible to track the page of any user. But the problem is that not everyone wants to do this. Here plays the moment of etiquette, own principles and other moments.

To discover hidden friends user on the sites you need to do the following:

  1. We go to the account of the person whose hidden friends we want to know.
  2. Copy URL address his VKontakte pages (select and press Ctrl+C)
  3. Paste the selected element into the box below (Ctrl+V)
  4. Enter a link to the page or id in the input field and wait for the analysis to be received. It is at this point that the question of whether how to hide friends on vk becomes meaningless.

If the user has not yet been in the database, you need to start spying; for this, the sites have a tab: “Start tracking”. To do this, enter the spam protection code (verification) and start tracking.

Then you need to go to the "Friends" tab and select one of the search options in the "Search for hidden friends" section.

Now it remains only to wait a while, usually up to 5 minutes, and all secret friends will be visible. Now all the questions about how to see hidden friends you will disappear.

The verification will show the current number of users that have been verified and identified friend IDs, after the final verification, the program will give out their names, by clicking on the ID, you will be able to go to the contact page of the friend you wanted to hide. In addition, you can use other types of search for hidden friends: by the likes that were given to the user or by researching his friends.

You can use two methods in turn, for this, after the end of the full scan, it makes sense to update the current page and use a different type of search.

VK 220 service for viewing hidden friends

Among the wide variety of services problem solving ascheck hidden friendsVkontakte, you can select the resource VK - 220.

Now the 220vk service is actively operating. It allows you to view private lists. Other features include viewing any user's friends added to the hidden list. Let's see how it works.

To start the process, you need to go to home page:

Here, a form will immediately appear for entering the user id (See), for which we want to view hidden friends. Then enter the required value in the field, and click the scan button. So you will see a list of hidden friends of the account, the id you entered into the program.

How to find hidden friends

In case you do not want to use programs to view hidden friends, you can use another method. By creating a new page (fake) and filling it with true personal information, you will have the opportunity to invite to your friends the person whose hidden friends you would like to see.

In addition, there is another option for viewing friends hidden from your eyes.

This option, searching for hidden VKontakte friends from another person, is the least effective. At its core, it is based on pure chance. It is quite possible that you will have a case that, absolutely by chance, a page of an acquaintance, a subscriber of a friend who hides his contacts from you, will come across your eyes. This person will be invisible on the page of a secret comrade. Thanks to this article, you learned about how to hide friends on vk and how to reveal hidden friends in other people.

Each of us has our own secrets. Someone does not want the ex-girlfriend to find your new girlfriend as your friend, and someone does not want to “shine” their boss with friendship with people from a competing company.

Today we will talk about how to hide friends in VK and indicate who exactly can see your hidden friends and who cannot.

Once upon a time, in social network Vkontakte could close the display of the list of your friends completely, which gave people more privacy. But at a certain stage, the guys from Vkontakte decided that the world should be more open and left the opportunity to hide only up to 30 of your friends. In principle, this is more than enough to avoid embarrassing situations.

So, in order to hide friends in VK, you need to go to the privacy settings. To do this, click on your profile picture in the upper right corner of your page and go to "Settings".

Approximately in the middle of the page, find the setting "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions." The default value is "All Friends". Click on this line.

A window will pop up with a list of all your friends in VK. Click on those friends you want to hide from prying eyes. Please note that you can only hide 30 of your friends. Once selected, click Save Changes.

After making changes, the people you have hidden will be listed next to the setting. If you make a mistake, then click again on the line "All but".

In the window that opens, hover over the avatar of the person you want to remove from the list of hidden friends and click the cross. After that click "Save Changes".

Now, you should configure which of the visitors to your page can see your hidden friends.

To do this, click on the "Who can see my hidden friends" setting.

You can set your hidden friends to be seen only by you and no one else. If you hide friends only from a certain circle of people, then you can specify that only friends or, for example, only some friends see your hidden friends.

Please note that so that your hidden friends do not know that you have hidden them from the rest, be sure to select the "hidden friends" item. In this case, hidden friends will see themselves on your list and will not suspect that you have hidden them.

Many users of social networks sooner or later face the question of how to protect their privacy on social networks, for this you need to set the privacy settings correctly and hide everything that they want to hide from prying eyes. Most often these are contacts of other users. For implementation this action you only need to press a couple of buttons. So let's get started.

Opening a page on a social network Enter your username and password and click the login button.

The title page opens. In the right upper corner displayed your name and thumbnail profile picture. Click on the arrow to the right of the thumbnail.

The menu section pops up. Top line list: my page, then go to edit, settings, help and exit.

Select the line "settings", press the left mouse button.

opens common list settings.

A list of settings by category appears in the upper right corner. We need the third line from the top "privacy".

A list appears in the middle of the screen. We are looking for the line in the list: “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on the inscription to the right of the item.

A list of friends opens in a pop-up window. Select from the list, or in the search bar at the top, enter the nickname of the friend you want to hide and click on the checkmark to the right of the name.

In total, you can hide 30 friends from the list, so think carefully about who exactly you want to hide from prying eyes. Click "save changes". The list collapses, the line that used to look like "all friends are visible" now looks like this: the names of hidden friends are spelled out.

The paragraph below suggests choosing those who see hidden friends. By clicking on the line on the right, a list with the proposed options will pop up. In order to hide your friends from absolutely everyone, select the item "Only me".

After performing all these actions, all the people you have chosen will be hidden from prying eyes and visible only to you.

As you know, the social network Vkontakte allows us to see friends on someone else's page. For curious people, this is good feature, and for those who have something, or who to hide - a bad function. In this regard, the developers of the social network came up with the ability to hide some people.

It's all very easy to set up, and in this article we'll figure out exactly how.

How to add people as hidden friends

We go to our page and click on the menu item "My Settings". Go to the "Privacy" tab. In the "My Page" section, we find the line "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions." Click on the link "All friends":

We have a list. On the left side of the list are the people you can see. AT right side we have hidden. To hide some we have to press the plus signs next to them.

To remove a friend from the hidden list, just click on the cross on the right side of the window opposite his name.

After you do everything and make a list of hidden ones, do not forget to click on the "Save changes" button.

If you don’t understand anything, then look at the screenshot, it will put everything in its place:

We give some people access to the list of hidden friends

In the privacy settings, we can hide friends not from all users, we also have the ability to show hidden friends to some selected users.

We find the line "Who sees my hidden friends" and click on the link in front of it, which is called "Only me":

We open a list in which we select the item "Some friends":

A list already familiar to us appears, you already know how to form it. After you select the people who can see your hidden friends, click on the "Save" button.

And all that is left for us is to check the changes made. To do this, go down to the very bottom of the page with privacy settings. We find the line "You can see how other users see your page."

How to hide a friend from your Android phone

To be honest, I did not find the ability to hide friends in the Vkontakte application for Android. I also doubt that this option is available in the mobile version of the site.

However, don't despair. If you have a smartphone with installed browser It doesn't matter if you have an Android phone or an iPhone. We launch some browser on the phone and go to the site You are loading immediately mobile version site and transfers you to

We find at the very bottom a link to the "Full version". Well, about how to hide friends in full version Vkontakte I wrote in the previous paragraphs of this article.

Try to use this trick until the application developers have come up with such a function in their own.

And with that, I end this article and I hope that helped you solve this problem)

On the social network VKontakte, under any circumstances, you, as a user, may need to see the hidden friends of another person. Standard means This site cannot be done, but in this article we will talk about services that allow you to track hidden friends.

Each method from this article does not violate any rules of the social network itself. At the same time, due to constant updates VK site one or another method may at some point stop stable operation.

Note that each named method will work stably only after a certain period of time has passed. Otherwise, the system that analyzes the activity of a personal profile will not get information about possible friends from where.

You can check the performance of the methods both on other people's accounts and on your own. One way or another, you are not required to register or pay for any separate services.

You should not disregard the fact that the analyzed page should be open to unregistered users and, ideally, to search engines. Therefore, we recommend that you study the features of the privacy settings in effect on the VKontakte website.

Method 1: 220VK

The 220VK service mentioned in the title of the method is known to many users, as it offers a fairly large number of tracking services. custom pages VK. Furthermore, this service deserves to be trusted due to the fact that after the global updates of the VKontakte website, it adapted extremely quickly and continue to work stably.

As part of this method, we will touch on all the main nuances regarding the limitations of this service, as well as a similar resource from the subsequent method. This is due to the same type of work algorithm, based on the gradual collection of data about a pre-specified user.

  1. Go to the main page of the 220VK service using the link provided.
  2. With button "Login with VK" you can log in to this site using your VKontakte account as a basis.
  3. Right on the main page, you are provided with a field in which you need to enter the identifier or address of the person's page. Then press the button "Scan".
  4. Through the main menu of the service, go to the section « hidden friends» .
  5. In the text field after the address of the VKontakte site, enter the URL of the page of the person you are interested in and click the button "Look for Hidden Friends".
  6. You can enter either the URL of the page or a unique identifier.

  7. You will greatly simplify the work of the service if you use additional settings by clicking on the gear button.
  8. In the field that appears "The Suspects" enter the address of the page of the user, who may be a hidden friend, and click the button with the plus sign icon.
  9. During the scan, pay attention to such a detail as the surveillance notification of the previously specified user. This is the only indicator of successfully established tracking, from the beginning of which data will be collected and analyzed.
  10. Wait until your personal profile is scanned for hidden friends.
  11. If the page was monitored for a sufficiently long time, or you indicated possible hidden friends, and this was confirmed by the system data, then in a special block "Hidden Friends" wanted people will be displayed.
  12. There may be no results at all if this was the first profile scan.

    As you can see, this service is quite easy to use and does not require any additional data from you forcibly.

    Method 2: VK.CITY4ME

    In the case of this service, you may have problems understanding all the features of the interface, since here, unlike the first method, a more chaotic design is used. Otherwise, there are no special differences from the 200VK website in this case no.

    1. Use the link and go to the main page of the desired service.
    2. Find the text block in the center of the page that opens. "Enter ID or link to the VK page", fill it in appropriately and press the button "View Hidden Friends".
    3. Note that in the field you can enter both the full address of the page, including the domain of the VKontakte website, and the internal address of the account.

    4. Next, you need to go through a simple anti-bot check and use the button "Start following...".
    5. Here you can also find out if surveillance of the specified account was previously installed through the service used.

    6. Now, after you have successfully activated tracking your personal profile, you need to click on the link "Go to Friends (Find Hidden)". In the case of this link, as in some others, it is diluted with the name of the person you are analyzing for hidden buddies.
    7. Find the button at the bottom of the page that opens. « Quick search» located next to the "Finding Hidden Friends", and click on it.
    8. Wait for the profile verification to finish, which can take quite a long time.
    9. Once the scan is complete, you will receive the result. As a result, you will be presented with hidden friends or an inscription about the absence of any.